PAI Directory 2012

Page 1

Public Affairs Ireland


Directory of Government & State Agencies

Information on: • Ministers & Junior Ministers, • Members of the Oireachtas • Opposition Spokespersons • Departments & Agencies under their aegis including notes on changes contained within the public service reform document




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Public Affairs Ireland Directory 2012

Public Affairs Ireland

Published by

PAI Publications Limited 25 Mountjoy Square East Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: 01 8198500 Fax: 01 8944733 Email: Web site: Š Public Affairs Ireland 2012 5th Edition ISBN 978-0-9558597-6-2 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Acknowledgements We are grateful for the assistance of many people in the production of this Directory, including the Press Officers of the Government Departments. We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this Directory is as accurate and up to date as possible at the time of publication; however PAI Publications Limited cannot be held responsible for any errors or omission. Editorial Director: Garrett Fennell Editor: Sarah Kilduff Assistant Editor: Aisling O'Sullivan Researcher: Jennifer Stack Advertising enquiries: Bidina Malone Designer: Aisling O'Sullivan Printing: Walsh Colour Print, Tralee Road, Castleisland, Co. Kerry. Tel: + 353 0 66 714 2179

Public Affairs Ireland

25 Mountjoy Square Courses are run at 25 Mountjoy Square, one of the 42 surviving original buildings of the Mountjoy Square developed by the Gardiner Estate between 1793 and 1818. The building retains original features such as the Portland stone stairs and arched recesses, as well as particularly fine plasterwork. Public Affairs Ireland is continuing the restoration work started by previous owners and is adapting the building to meet the needs of a state-of-the-art training centre. Facilities include six training rooms, breakout rooms, cafeteria, restaurant and a library. Accreditation Public Affairs Ireland courses have been accredited by a number of accreditation bodies including The Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC), the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM).


Public Affairs Ireland courses have been accredited by a number of accreditation bodies including The Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC), the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM).

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PAI Publications, Research and Analysis Research and analysis lie at the heart of every policy initiative in the public service. All policy decisions need to be informed by credible analysis and expert input. We at Public Affairs Ireland are committed to providing objective and innovative expert commentary on policy issues of the day as an aid to policy-makers. A VALUE FOR MONEY RESEARCH PROPOSITION FOR YOUR WHOLE ORGANISATION

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Public Affairs Ireland Directory Foreward Welcome to the fifth edition of the Public Affairs Ireland Directory, which we hope you will find useful and informative. This edition of the Directory reflects the significant changes that have occurred in Irish government and politics over the last 12 months. Since this time last year Ireland has a new President, a new Government and has witnessed major changes in the structures of Government Departments and agencies. In addition there have been major changes to the membership of the Oireachtas and the Committee structure has seen a radical overhaul as part of a programme of Dail Reforms. All of these changes are captured in the 2012 Public Affairs Ireland Directory. The Programme of Public Sector Reform and the adjustments required as a consequence of the EU/ECB/IMF Programme of Financial Support for Ireland will bring further changes in the coming year. In particular the scale and pace of retirements from the public sector which are expected by the end of February 2012 and the amalgamation of agencies announced in the Reform Programme means that a publication such as the Directory will always be recording a dynamic and changing landscape. As a publication that is available in hard copy, but also updated online throughout the year, the Public Affairs Ireland Directory will keep abreast of the changes in the staffing and structure of Departments and agencies. In one compact volume, this Public Affairs Ireland Directory brings together information on the Government and State Services. It provides details of the members of government and junior ministers, members of the Oireachtas and the opposition spokespersons, civil service departments and the agencies under their aegis. It is a practical and accessible guide and is organised by reference to the areas of responsibility of each government department. The Directory is produced with significant commitment from the Public Affairs Ireland research, production and marketing teams. We also remain grateful for the assistance of many officials from government departments, the Oireachtas and state agencies, together with press officers from the main political parties. We also thank our advertisers for their continued support. Given the dynamic nature of public and political life a directory such as this will always be a work in progress as a consequence of changes in personnel, structures and portfolios. This edition of the Directory is up to date as of December 6th 2011. We hope that you will find the Public Affairs Ireland Directory 2012 to be useful and helpful and welcome your feedback on how future editions might be improved. Garrett Fennell Editorial Director Dublin December 6 2011

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Public Affairs Ireland Directory


Chapter 1: Office of the President


Chapter 2: Department of the Taoiseach


Chapter 3: Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht


Chapter 4: Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources


Chapter 5: Department of Education and Skills


Chapter 6: Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation


Chapter 7: Department of Environment, Community and Local Government


Chapter 8: Department of Finance


Chapter 9: Department of Public Expenditure and Reform


Chapter 10: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Chapter 11: Department of Justice and Equality


Chapter 12: Department of Defence


Chapter 13: Department of Social Protection


Chapter 14: Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food


Chapter 15: Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport


Chapter 16: Department of Health


Chapter 17: Department of Children


Chapter 18: Houses of the Oireachtas


Chapter 19: Office of the Attorney General


Chapter 20: The European Union




COURSES We offer certificate level specialised courses in particular professional and vocational disciplines. For a full list of upcoming courses, course dates and fees, please visit our web site or contact us: Tel: 01 819 8500 E-mail:

Certificate in Freedom of Information

Certificate in Data Protection

The course will provide an introduction to the legislation, look at the role of the Information Commissioner and review recent court decisions. It is designed to be a practical and focused course for any public servant involved in the provision of information to the public. This course aims to equip FOI officers with the skills, knowledge and competencies to be able to fulfil their role. The course will take a pragmatic approach and will focus on practical FOI tasks and essential law, rules and guidelines, as opposed to theory. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own experiences and get a valuable insight into issues and an understanding of best practice. This course is accredited by the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM). Delegates will receive an ICM continuing professional development (CPD) certificate on successful completion of the course including a single assignment to be completed after the taught aspect of the course has ended

The course will provide an introduction to the legislation, look at the role of the Data Protection Information Commissioner and review recent court decisions. It is designed to be practical and focused course for any public servant involved in the control of personal data of citizens or the provision of information to the public. The course will take a pragmatic approach and will focus on practical DP tasks and essential law, rules and guidelines, as opposed to theory. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own experiences and get a valuable insight into issues and an understanding of best practice that will maximise their ability to perform in the role. This course is accredited by the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM). Delegates will receive an ICM continuing professional development (CPD) certificate on successful completion of the course including a single assignment to be completed after the taught aspect of the course has ended.

Certificate in Essential Public Financial Management

Certificate in Project Management for Public Sector Administration

This course was devised as a means of providing an excellent way to develop financial planning and control functions among public sector staff and provide them with the opportunity to develop their expertise in this area. This course is accredited by the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) for a CPD award.

Participants develop skills and techniques which give them the ability to take on and lead major projects, as well as transfer their project management knowledge to other team/department members. They learn how to: justify new project developments and investments; apply a range of techniques to plan, estimate and schedule project activities and budgets; apply best practice in the management of projects in the public sector. The programme is accredited by HETAC as a Level 6 Special Purpose Award.

Certificate in Essential Human Resource Management

Certificate in Public Law

The aim of this course is to provide the skills, knowledge and competencies necessary to allow managers and officials dealing with staffing issues to perform HR functions effectively in a time effective and cost efficient training course. The course takes a pragmatic approach and focuses on practical HR management tasks as opposed to theory. Delegate participation and interaction is encouraged by way of group exercises, role plays and presentations. Participants have the opportunity to share their own experiences and get a valuable insight into practical HR management issues that will maximise their ability to perform in the role. Each participant is assessed on the basis of coursework. Upon the successful completion of the course, including all assessment elements, participants will be granted an Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Endorsed Award.

The aim of this course is to provide public servants with the information, knowledge and competencies in the area of public law so that they have the ability to fulfil their roles and securing an accredited qualification following a condensed and focused course. The course will take a practical approach, focusing on the key legal principles, but applying them to everyday situations. Delegate participation and interaction will be encouraged by way of group exercises and discussion. This course is accredited by the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM). Delegates will receive an ICM continuing professional development (CPD) certificate on successful completion of the course including a single assessment after the taught aspect of the course has ended. .

Certificate in Change Management

Certificate in Public Procurement

The course comprises 12 distinct module lessons to be completed over 3 days. It offers a systematic treatment of the critical competencies demanded for best-practice public sector change management delivery, covering every stage involved from planning & preparation through collaboration & negotiation with partnership groups, to managing oneself & others, coping & supporting as necessary, to constant review, revision & measurement of outcomes. The course is designed to provide practical strategies and techniques for mastering and applying each competency in a diversity of situations. This course is endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM). Upon the successful completion of the course, including all three assessment elements, participants will be granted an ILM Endorsed Award.

This course is designed to equip public officials with the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfil a procurement role in the public sector. On completion of the course, participants will be able to conduct and manage a complete tender process. This course is accredited by the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) for a CPD award. This is also available as an e-learning course. The fully accredited online course allows you to gain an ICM qualification at your own pace and from any location

CONFERENCES Public Affairs Ireland holds a number of conferences every year, which deal with particular public affairs issues in a constructive and non-partisan manner. The conferences featured leading speakers and are very well attended by a wide range of delegates. Recent conferences include:

• The Future of English Language Training in Ireland • A National Policy for State Owned Enterprises? • The Croke Park Agreement: What does it mean in practice for public servants? • Challenge and Change and the Irish public service in 2010 • Strategic public procurement: The challenges for the public sector • Regulating Ireland: Reforming regulatory structures for a new economy • Freedom of Information and Data Protection in Ireland in 2009: An update for challenging economic times • The IFSC Dublin: Change and challenge


Our seminars address the need for updates and briefings on new legislation, policy, case studies and best practe in the area of finance, administration, law and management. For a full list of upcoming events, dates and registration fees, please visit our website:, call 01 8198500 or email

The Prevention and Tackling of Fraud and Financial Misconduct

Fixed Term Contracts

Value for Money and Performance Auditing

Legal Professional Privilege

Risk Management Techniques for the Public Sector

Effective Records Management

Business Continuity Planning for Public Sector Bodies

Health and Safety in the Public Sector

An Overview of Lean Six Sigma

Understanding Workplace Conflicts

No Nonsense IT Project Management

Bullying and Harassment

Green Public Procurement

Remote Working

Public Service Reform Plan: Reallocation and Redeployment

Reducing IT Costs

Tina Kinirons specialises in management and leadership development, working as a consultant, trainer and coach. She worked in management, sales and consulting roles for IBM and Microsoft, before retraining as an occupational psychologist. Tina develops and presents training on a range of management topics, including motivation, delegation, communication, change, empowerment, performance management and leadership skills. Her coaching work includes executive coaching, management coaching, career coaching and interview skills coaching. She holds a M.Sc. in Occupational Psychology and is a member of the Psychological Society of Ireland and the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). Máire Kearns and Deirdre Fox are Directors of Blue Sky Training & Consulting, a company which trains and advises multi-national, private and public sector clients in project management and project implementation. They have considerable global know-how with 21 years experience in management and implementation of major strategic projects and in particular have extensive experience in implementing software solutions on a fixed time/fixed price basis. They are co-authors of the highly acclaimed book “The No-Nonsense Project Handbook”

Úna Mc Devitt holds a Masters Degree in Organisational Behaviour and with almost fifteen years experience in Training and Development she has honed her own individual style which never fails to receive excellent delegate feedback from all of her events. Having worked in the public, private and voluntary sectors for many years, Úna has a wide range of experiences to draw upon and as such her training sessions are very practical, hands on, enjoyable and designed to bring about changes in behaviour that enhance performance. Úna develops, designs and delivers training to many of the top public and private sector organisations in Ireland and has been doing so in partnership with Public Affairs Ireland for a number of years. Her training delivery covers a broad spectrum of relevant business topics including management development, organizational, administrative and time management skills, financial programmes, presentation skills, and interpersonal skills seminars. Sarah Marriott is a highly experienced trainer and former journalist who specialises in delivering writing-skills courses for the public and private sectors. Sarah has worked as a feature writer and a sub-editor in The Irish Times and has been involved in training Irish Times editorial staff. She is a former lecturer on the MA in Journalism at Dublin Institute of Technology and author of Common Errors in Written English.

Informal Solutions to Dealing with Underperformance

Absence Management

Lessons from the 7 Habits Model of Effectiveness

Microsoft Excel Stage 1

Motivating and Empowering Staff

Microsoft Project

Managing Performance throughout the Year

Writing for the Web

Delivering Excellent Customer Service

Report Writing

Time Management and Personal Effectiveness

Plain English

Effective Strategies for Reducing Legal Costs

Editing Skills

Public Procurement in a Climate of Reduced Resources

Minute Taking

Discovery and Electronic Discovery

Speed Reading

Industrial Relations Negotiations

National Energy Efficiency Plan

Motivating and Empowering Staff

Industrial Relations Negotiations Practical Writing Skills

Temporary and Agency Staff Patricia Pleass is a professional Training Consultant with over fifteen years industry experience. She worked in the frontline for many years in the Customer Service industry and then went on to develop and deliver training courses for frontline staff. During her career Patricia has delivered training initiatives to both public and private sector organisations including Aer Lingus, AIB, Dell and Bank of Ireland. Patricia has delivered training programmes in areas as diverse as Customer Service, Supervisory Management, Managing People, Proactive calling, Train the Trainer & Interpersonal skills. Martin Tully and David Coffey are the founding partners and directors of The Clearview Group and they jointly run our very popular Certificate in Public Procurement course. Martin has over 20 years experience in the high tech industry in a variety of senior supply chain management positions. He previously worked for Intel Corporation as Head of Global Procurement Operations and European Purchasing Manager. David has extensive experience in strategic and procurement change. His previous roles have included the US Head of Procurement for Takeda Pharmaceuticals, VP of Corporate Planning and Strategic Sourcing with ABN AMRO North America. David also worked as a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Strategic Change Group.

Dr. John O’Dowd is a certified mediator with the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland and provides a range of consulting, training, facilitation and mediation services. John has been working with Public Affairs Ireland for many years and he brings to his work a very practical understanding of industrial relations and organisational change. His main areas of expertise are industrial relations procedures and practices; the LRC and Labour Court; negotiation and joint problem solving skills; effective group working; handling conflict; communications; and organisational change. John has extensive experience working with public sector organisations having been Joint Director of the National Centre for Partnership, based in the Department of the Taoiseach and before that he had a trade union career working for the ASTI and as general secretary of the Civil and Public Service Union. Tom Ferris is a consultant economist specialising in Public Sector Governance, Better Regulation and Transport Economics. He was Senior Economist in the Department of Transport until February 2006. Since then, he has undertaken consultancy projects for the World Bank, the OECD, the High Level Group on Business Regulation, and a number of private sector companies. He is an occasional lecturer in public sector economics at NUIG, UCC, and Public Affairs Ireland and he writes regularly for Public Affairs Ireland Publications. He holds a Masters degree in economics from University College Dublin and a Fellowship from the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.

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Chapter 1 Office of the President of Ireland

Contact Details and General Information Áras an Uachtaráin Phoenix Park Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6171000 LoCall:1890 430 430 Fax: 01 6171001 Email: Website: Private Secretary: Helen Carney Secretary General to the President: Adrian O’Neill Director of Office and Deputy Secretary General to the President: Loughlin Quinn Advisor: Maura Grant Assistant Principals: Brian McAufield; Pauline Doran Communications Officer: Vacant Media Advisor: Wally Young

President Michael D. Higgins The Office of the President of Ireland was established in 1937. The President is the Head of State of the Republic of Ireland, and his formal powers and functions are outlined in Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the Constitution. There have been eight Presidents since 1938; the current President, Michael D Higgins was inaugurated on November 11 2011.

Under Article 12.2.1, the President is elected by the direct vote of the people. Every citizen aged 35 or over is eligible to run for the office, the term of which is 7 years. A President can be elected for a maximum of 2 terms, and a presidential candidate must be nominated either by a minimum of 20 members of the Oireachtas or by at least four administrative counties (including

Core areas of responsibility • • • • • • • •

Summons and dissolves Dáil Éireann Appoints Taoisigh Appoints the members of the judiciary Appoints Attorneys General and Comptrollers and Auditors General Appoints, accepts resignations, and terminates appointments of cabinet members Signs bills into law Vested with the right to pardon Nominally Supreme Commander of the Defence Forces Represents Ireland internationally

Office of the President of Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland county boroughs). In addition, a former or retiring President may become a candidate on his/her own nomination. When only one candidate is nominated for the Presidency, he/she is deemed elected without the need for a ballot. Under Article 12.6, a President may not be a member of the Oireachtas: if a member of either the Dáil or Seanad is elected to the office of President, they shall be deemed to have vacated their seat within the Oireachtas. The presidency is not an office with executive powers, and the majority of the functions are exercised on the advice of the Government pursuant to Article 13.9. The President is the Supreme Commander of the Defence Forces in name only, and is directed by the Executive in appointing the judiciary and in the granting of pardons. The President summons and dissolves Dáil Éireann, appoints each new Attorney General, Comptroller and Auditor General and accepts the resignation or terminates the appointment of members of the Government on the advice of the Taoiseach. In addition, the President appoints the Taoiseach on the nomination of Dáil Éireann and the other members of the Government on the nomination of Taoiseach (following Dáil approval). Under Article 25, the President must sign every Bill passed or deemed to have been passed by the Oireachtas on the 5th, 6th or 7th day after is presented to her, unless they refer it to the Supreme Court under Article 26 (see below). However, there are certain instances in which the President enjoys absolute discretion. For example, they may refuse the Taoiseach’s request for the dissolution of Dáil Éireann, if the latter no longer commands the support of a majority of Dáil Deputies. Article 24 provides that the President may assent to a request from the Taoiseach to have the time for the Seanad to consider a Bill abridged, if there exists a state of “public emergency”. Under Article 26, the President may refer any Bill to the Supreme Court for a judgement as to the constitutionality of the Bill or any part thereof. These discretionary powers are normally exercised following consultation with the Council of State which is composed of the Taoiseach, the Tánaiste, the Chief Justice, the President of the High Court, the Ceann Comhairle, the Cathaoirleach, the Attorney General, 7 appointees of the current President, and every person who has ever held office as President, Taoiseach or Chief Justice.. The President may, in her absolute discretion, decline to follow the advice of the Council.

A President can be dismissed from office where she is found to have become “permanently incapacitated” by the Supreme Court in a sitting of at least 5 judges. In addition, the President may be impeached for “stated mis-behaviour” by either House of the Oireachtas, provided that certain procedural formalities are met. In situations where the President is removed from office, dies whilst in office or is unable or unwilling to perform their functions, a collective vice-presidency known as the Presidential Commission comprising of the Chief Justice, Ceann Comhairle and Cathaoirleach acts in her place. The current President of Ireland is Michael D. Higgins. He was inaugurated on November 11 2011. Born in Co. Limerick, he attended Ballycar National School, Co. Clare; St. Flannan’s College, Ennis; University College Galway (UCG); Indiana University; and Manchester University. During his academic career he worked as a lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Sociology at University College Galway. He then entered public life and was appointed to the 13th Seanad in 1973 by Taoiseach Liam Cosgrave. He was elected to the Dáil in 1981 as a member of the Labour party and was re-elected in 1982 only to lose his seat at the next election in the same year. He returned to the Seanad on the NUI panel in 1983 where he served until 1987. He was then re-elected to the Dáil in the 1987 general election where he remained in office until February 2011. As Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht from 1993 until 1997, President Higgins established the Irish-language broadcaster Teilifís na Gaeilge (now TG4) and reinvigorated the Irish Film industry with the creation of the Irish Film Board. He saw the abolition of the controversial Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act which made it an offence for proscribed organisations, such as Sinn Féin, to speak or be interviewed on Irish radio and television. He also served as President of the Council of Broadcasting Ministers of the European Union during the Irish Presidency of the European Union in 1996. He served as Mayor of Galway on two occasions, 1982-1983 and 1991-1992. He was also a member of the Oireachtas committee on foreign affairs and was spokesperson on foreign affairs for the Labour Party. Aside from his political career, President Higgins is an avid human rights campaigner and was awarded the Seán MacBride Peace Prize from the International Peace Bureau in Helsinki in 1992. He is also a writer and poet and has contributed to many books covering diverse aspects of Irish politics, sociology, history and culture.

Notes Office of the President of Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland


Public Affairs Ireland

Introduction The department also has responsibility for the National Economic and Social Development Office (NESDO).

The Department of the Taoiseach is concerned with the carrying out by the Taoiseach of his functions under the Constitution and under statute. It provides the secretariat to the Government. It is the channel of communication between government departments and the President. The Department supports the Government Chief Whip and Minister of State in carrying out the functions delegated or assigned to them. It also has responsibility for the Government Press Service. Under the Law Reform Commission Act 1975, the Taoiseach has statutory responsibilities relating to the reform of the law of the State; the Law Reform Commission, for certain purposes, comes under the aegis of the department. Under the Statistics Acts 1926 and 1946, the Taoiseach has statutory responsibilities relating to the collection, compilation, abstraction and publication of statistics and the Central Statistics Office comes under the aegis of the department. Under the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924, the Taoiseach has statutory responsibilities for the administration of all public services that are not the responsibility of any other department.

Offices Department of the Taoiseach Government Buildings Upper Merrion Street Dublin 2. Main Telephone Number: 01 6194000 LoCall: 1890 227 227 Fax Number: 01 6194297 Email: Email protocol: firstname.surname@ Website:

Core areas of responsibility • Supports the efficient functioning of Government • Supports Government policy direction and Government co-ordination of major national priorities • Provides administrative support to the Taoiseach and the ministers of State

Department of the Taoiseach

Chapter 2 Department of the Taoiseach

Public Affairs Ireland


Taoiseach: Enda Kenny TD Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for office: Tel: 01 6194020 (Private office); 01 6183613 (Dáil);

01 6194033 (Press) Fax: 01 6764048 (Private office); 01 6763302 (Press) Email: (Private office); (Press) Special Advisor: Mark Kennelly Email: Economic Advisor: Andrew McDowell Email: Private Secretary: Nick Reddy Email: Press Officer: Feargal Purcell Email: Previous ministries: Deputy Kenny was Minister of State at the Department of Education and Labour from 1986 to 1987. He was Minister for Tourism and Trade from 1994 to 1997. Previous committee memberships: Deputy Kenny has served on the joint Oireachtas committees on education and science, health and children, and the Irish language. Previous party positions: Deputy Kenny served as spokesperson on youth affairs and sport from 1977 to 1980; Western development and the Gaeltacht in 1982; the Gaeltacht from 1987 to 1988; regional development in 1994; and arts, heritage, the Gaeltacht and islands from 1997 to 2002. He was Chief Whip from 1992 to 1994 and was elected leader of Fine Gael in June 2002. He also served as chairperson of the Fine Gael economic committee. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Kenny was a member of Mayo County Council from 1975 to 1995. In 1983, he was a member of the Fine Gael delegation on the New Ireland Forum and from 1991 to 1992 he was a member of the British-Irish Inter-Parliamentary Body. Education/Previous occupation: Enda Kenny attended St Patrick’s College of Education in Dublin and University College Galway. Before entering politics, he worked as a primary school teacher. Electoral history: Enda Kenny was elected to the Dáil for the Mayo constituency in the 1975 by-election, which was called due to the death of his father, Henry Kenny TD. Deputy Enda Kenny has been re-elected to Dáil Éireann in every election since.

Ministers of State

Government Chief Whip and Minister of State for Defence: Paul Kehoe TD

Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6194081 (Department); 01 6184473 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6765757 Email: Private Secretary: Gary McDonagh; Alice Kearney Email:; Special Advisor: Mark O’Doherty Email: Previous committee memberships: Deputy Kehoe was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on the Constitution, a member of the Joint Administration Committee, a member of the Dáil Committee on Procedure and Privileges and the Committee on Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. Previous party positions: Deputy Kehoe was Deputy Fine Gael spokesperson on communications, marine and natural resources from 2002 until 2004. He was elected Fine Gael Chief Whip in October 2004. He has also served as Assistant Chief Whip for the party. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Kehoe is a former chairperson of Macra na Feirme and a holder of the prestigious Macra na Feirme National Leadership Award. He was also a Youth Officer for Wexford GAA. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Kehoe attended Kildalton Agricultural College, County Kilkenny. He was a farmer and worked in sales and marketing for a Wexford based company before entering politics. Electoral history: Paul Kehoe was first elected to the Dáil in May 2002 for the Wexford constituency at the age of 29. He was re-elected in both the May 2007 and February 2011 General Elections.

Public Affairs Ireland

Fianna Fáil: Micheál Martin TD

Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6194399 (Department of the Taoiseach); 01 4780822 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade); 01 6183527 (Dáil) Email:; Private Secretary: Tony Kavanagh Email: Special Advisor: Stephen O’Shea Email:

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184350 Constituency: Cork South Central Email:

Sinn Féin: Gerry Adams TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6184442 Constituency: Louth Email: gerry.adams@

Previous committee memberships: Deputy Creighton was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on European scrutiny and on European affairs from 2007 to 2010. She was also a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on justice, defence, equality and women’s rights from 2007 to 2010.. Previous party positions: Deputy Creighton was spokesperson on European affairs. She was also spokesperson on immigration, integration and equality. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Creighton was a member of Dublin City Council from 2004 to 2007. She was also a member of the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Creighton attended Trinity College Dublin where she obtained an LL.B. in 2002. She qualified as an Attorney at Law for the State of New York in 2003. In 2005, she was called to the Irish Bar. Electoral history: Lucinda Creighton was first elected to the 30th Dáil in 2007 for the Dublin SouthEast constituency and was re-elected in 2011 for the same constituency.

Socialist Party: Joe Higgins TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183469 Constituency: Dublin West Email:

Department of the Taoiseach

Opposition Spokespersons

Minister of State for European Affairs: Lucinda Creighton TD

Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

Clerk to the Committee Paul Kelly Telephone: 01 618 3167 Email:

Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement According to its Order of Reference, this Committee shall consider: (i) issues arising from Ireland’s role as a signatory to the Good Friday Agreement,(ii) ongoing developments in the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, and (iii) any proposals relating to the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement and such related matters as shall be referred to it by the Dáil and/or the Seanad from time to time, and to report back to both Houses of the Oireachtas at least once a year. (ii) The Joint Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 83, other than paragraph (2A), (4A), (4B) and (6A) thereof. (iii) The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (or a member of the Government or Minister of State nominated in his or her stead) shall be an ex officio member of the Committee and shall be entitled to vote in proceedings. (iv) Members of the Westminster Parliament elected from constituencies in Northern Ireland may attend meetings of the Joint Committee and of its subCommittees and may take part in proceedings without having a right to vote or to move motions and amendments. (v) The Chairman of the Joint Committee shall be a member of Dáil Éireann.

Chairperson Dominic Hannigan (Labour Party) Tel: 01 6184007 Email: dominic.hannigan@ Deputy Hannigan is currently the sitting TD for Meath East. He was first elected to Seanad Éireann (Industrial and Commercial Panel) in 2007. He was the Labour Party’s Seanad spokesperson on commuter Issues, crime and policing, environment and climate change and community and rural affairs. He was also a member of the Joint Committee on foreign affairs and the Joint Committee on environment, heritage and local government. Elected to Meath County Council for the East Meath area in 2004, he was Chairperson of the Planning and Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee and a board member of Meath Leader. He was educated at University College, Dublin, City University, London and the University of London and is a civil engineer by profession.

Members Deputies:

Joe McHugh

Fine Gael

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin


Joe O’Reilly

Fine Gael

Brendan Smith

Fianna Fáil

Joanna Tuffy


Seán Conlan

Fine Gael

Seán Crowe

Sinn Féin)

Clare Daly

United Left

Regina Doherty

Fine Gael

Alan Farrell

Fine Gael

Frank Feighan

Fine Gael

Martin Ferris

Sinn Féin

Jim D’Arcy

Fine Gael

Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan Dominic Hannigan

Independent Labour

Maurice Cummins

Fine Gael

Martin McAleese


Michael P. Kitt

Fianna Fail

Mary Moran



Public Affairs Ireland

The division liaises closely with the Office of the Attorney General, Chief State Solicitor’s Office, Office of the Director of Public Prosecution and the Law Reform Commission. The structure of the division is:

Secretary General: Martin Fraser Appointed: July 2011 Previous positions: Martin Fraser joined the Department of the Taoiseach in 1999 as a Finance Officer having previously served in the Departments of Social Welfare, Foreign Affairs and Agriculture and Food. Mr. Fraser has been an Assistant Secretary in the Department since 2007, having previously been Director of the Northern Ireland Division. As Assistant Secretary, he has served as Head of Northern Ireland Division, Corporate Affairs Division and Economic & Social Policy Division. Education: He holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from UCD and a Master of Science Degree in economics from Trinity College Dublin.

• Assistant Secretary: Philip Hamell • Principal Officer: Ray Henry • Assistant Principal: Miriam Dollard; Mary Murphy

(ii) Government Secretariat The structure of the division is: • Assistant Secretary: Philip Hamell • Principal Officer: John Kennedy • Assistant Principals: Edel Cooke; Jerry Kelleher

(iii) Economic and Social Policy The structure of the division is:

Second Secretary General: Geraldine Nason Byrne

• Assistant Secretary: Vacant • Principal Officers: Eileen Keogh; John Shaw • Assistant Principals: Denis Breen; Catherine Eddery; Mary Clare O’Sullivan; Michael Sludds (IFSC)

Appointed: July 2011

Previous positions: Geraldine Nason Byrne was appointed Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU in 2008 having previously served as Brussels Counsellor for Institutional Affairs from 2005. She was also Director of Ireland’s National Forum on Europe and worked for the OECD for seven years including as Director for Governance and Public Management. Other previous positions held include service in Ireland’s Representation to the United Nations and the OSCE.

(iv) EU Division The structure of the division is: • Second Secretary General: Geraldine Byrne Nason • Assistant Secretary: John Callinan • Principal Officers/Counsellors: Helen Blake; Simon Hare; Geoffrey Keating; Kyle O’Sullivan • Assistant Principals/First Secretaries: Adrian Farrell; Pádraig Francis; Alan Gibbons; Aedan Hall; Stephen Ryan; Aileen Shanahan

Departmental Divisions (i) Protocol and General Division

(v) Northern Ireland and International

The protocol and general division of the department of the Taoiseach has responsibility for State protocol, including protocol for the Taoiseach and ministers of State. This involves the organisation of State functions, for example, the national day of commemoration. The division is the point of contact between the President and Government departments and liaises with the Office of the President on an ongoing basis.

The structure of the division is: • Assistant Secretary: Vacant • Principal Officer: Richard Holland • Assistant Principals: Elaine Kelly; Máire Flanagan

Other functions of the division include arranging for the enrolment and printing of texts of the Constitution, assisting in the implementation of the Government’s legislative programme and the programme of Oireachtas reform and liaison with the tribunals of enquiry.

Department of the Taoiseach

The Department

Public Affairs Ireland

(vi) Corporate Affairs The Corporate Services Division of the Department provides support to the rest of the department in achieving its strategic objectives. These supports include HR, Finance, ICT, Library, Registry and Archives, Training and Change Management. The structure of the division is: • Assistant Secretary: Vacant • Principal Officer: Paul McGarry • Assistant Principals: Anthony Cummins (Personnel Officer); Doiminic Dé Buitlear (IT Manager); Pauline Kiernan (Finance Officer); Grainne Hynes; Sinead Nic Coitir (Change Management)

(vii) Government Press Secretary The Government Press Secretary and the deputy Government press secretary/head of Government information services (GIS) brief political and other correspondents on Government policy issues. The Government press secretary also advises the Taoiseach on all aspects of media relations and acts as a spokesperson for the Taoiseach and the Government. The press office supports the press secretary and the head of GIS in their role of coordinating the media relations of all Government. The structure of the division is: • Government Press Secretary: Feargal Purcell • Deputy Government press secretaries: Cathy Madden • Government Press Officers: Michael Moran; Tom McLoughlin; Jacky Bryan; Geraldine Butler; Andrew Payne

(viii) Internal Audit Unit This is an independent unit. The structure is: • Principal Officer: Richard Holland

(ix) Programme for Government The structure is: • Assistant Principal Officer: Sharon Finegan

(x) Tánaiste’s Office

Agencies and Associated Bodies Central Statistics Office Skehard Road Cork Tel: 021 4535000 LoCall: 1890 313 414 Fax: 021 4535555 Email: Website: Director General: Gerry O’Hanlon The CSO was established in 1949, and its functions are enshrined in the Statistics Act 1993, which defines them as “the collection, compilation, extraction and dissemination for statistical purposes of information relating to economic, social and general activities and conditions in the State”.

Ireland Newfoundland Partnership Department of the Taoiseach Upper Merrion Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6194163 Email: Website: Chairperson: Vacant Director: Professor Kieran Byrne The Ireland Newfoundland Partnership was created as a result of an agreement between the heads of Government in Ireland and Newfoundland in recognition of the deep historical links between the two lands. Both governments signed a memorandum of understanding in 1996, which was reaffirmed in 1999 and again in July 2004. The memorandum commits the two governments to explore the possibilities of mutually advantageous cooperation in business, education and cultural activities. The Ireland Newfoundland Partnership Board was established in April 2001 to follow through on the commitments of the memorandum, its sister board in Newfoundland is ‘Ireland Business Partnerships’. Activities to date have centred on a number of trade, technology and cultural missions in each direction.

The structure is: • Assistant Principal Officer: Brendan Boylan


Public Affairs Ireland

35-39 Shelbourne Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6377600 Fax: 01 6377601 Email: Website: President: Vacant Director of Research: Raymond Byrne The Law Reform Commission is an independent statutory body corporate established under the Law Reform Commission Act, 1975, to keep the law under review and to make recommendations for its reform. This includes work on consolidation of statutes and statute law revision. For these purposes, ‘the law’ means the whole law of the State, including international law and matters of legal practice and procedure.

National Economic and Social Development Office 16 Parnell Square Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8146300 LoCall: 1890 203 006 Fax: 01 8146301 Email: Website: Chairperson: Martin Fraser The National Economic and Social Development Office (NESDO) was established under the terms of the National Economic and Social Development Act, 2006. The office incorporates the National Economic and Social Council (NESC). It also incorporated the National Economic and Social Forum (NESF) and the National Centre for Partnership and Performance (NCPP) until those organizations were dissolved. Its primary role is to add value to the work of its constituent body through collaborative policy development initiatives. In particular, the Office performs its role by: • Facilitating and promoting complementary research, analysis and discussion programmes by the NESC; • providing administration and support services for the NESC; and • Submitting to Government reports, recommendations or conclusions by the NESC and arranging for their publication.


National Economic and Social Council Email: Website: Chairperson: Martin Fraser Director: Rory O’Donnell Senior Economist: Dr. Larry O’Connell Senior Social Policy Analysts: Helen Johnston; Dr. John Sweeney Established in November 1973, the functions of the council are to analyse and report to the Taoiseach on strategic issues relating to the efficient development of the economy and the achievement of social justice, and to develop a strategic framework for the conduct of relations and negotiation of agreements between the government and the social partners. The council is chaired by the Secretary General of the Department of the Taoiseach and contains representatives of key government departments, trade unions, farmers’ organisations, NGOs, employers and independent experts.

Department of the Taoiseach

Law Reform Commission

Public Affairs Ireland



Public Affairs Ireland

Created in March 2011, the department occupies a policy-making role in the three sectors of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.

Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

The functions of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht encapsulate Built and Natural Heritage, Arts, Film, Music, Cultural Institutions as well as Irish Language, Gaeltacht Schemes and Offshore Islands.


An Roinn Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta

Killarney / ������������ Cill Airne New Road, Killarney, Co. Kerry An Bóthar Nua, Cill Airne, Co. Chiarraí Tel: (064) 662 7300/LoCall: 1890 273000 Dublin / Baile Átha Cliath 23 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 / 23 ��������� Sráid Chill Dara, Baile Átha Cliath 2 Tel: 01 6313800, LoCall: 1890 383000 Fax: 01 6611201 Custom House, Dublin 1 Teach an Chustaim, Baile Átha Cliath 1 Tel: 01 8882000 LoCall: 1890 202021

Core areas of responsibility •

Arts, Culture and Film Policy

Cultural Institutions


The Irish language

An Ghaeltacht 13

Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Chapter 3 Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Introduction Offices

Public Affairs Ireland Ballina / ������������� Béal an Átha Government Buildings, Ballina, Co. Mayo Tithe an Rialtais, Béal an Átha, Co. Mhaigh Eo Tel: (096) 24200 LoCall 1890 202021 Galway / Gallimh Na Forbacha, Co. Galway Na Forbacha, Co. na Gaillimhe Tel: 091 592555 / 503 700 LoCall 1890 201401 Local Gaeltacht offices Oifigí áitiúla Gaeltachta An tEastát Tionscail, Na Doirí Beaga, Co. Donegal / An ������������������������������� tEastát Tionscail, Na Doirí Beaga, Co. Dhún na nGall Tel: 074 9531598 Tithe an Rialtais, Tralee, Co. Kerry / ��������� Tithe an Rialtais, Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí Tel: 066 7121303 Wexford / Loch Garman Newtown Road, Wexford, Co. Wexford / Bóthar an Bhaile Nua, Loch Garman, Co. Loch Garman Tel: 053 9117500 LoCall 1890 202021 National Parks & Wildlife Service / An Tseirbhís Páirceanna Náisiúnta & Fiadhúlra 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 / ������� 7 Plás ���������������� Íle, Baile Átha Cliath 2 Tel: 01 8883242 LoCall 1890 202021 Website: Email Protocol: firstname.surname@ahg.


Public Affairs Ireland

Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Minister of State

Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6313800 (Department); 01 6183352 (Dáil); 064 6627300 (Constituency) Email: Private Secretary: Sarah Doyle Advisor: Séan MacCárthaigh; James Kenny Previous ministries: Jimmy Deenihan was Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry from 1994 to 1997. Previous committee memberships: Deputy Deenihan was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on justice, equality, defence and women’s rights until July 2010. From July 2010, he was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on tourism, culture, sport, community, equality and Gaeltacht affairs. Previous party positions: Deputy Deenihan was Fine Gael spokesperson on youth and sports from 1988 to 1992 and spokesperson on tourism and trade from 1992 to 1994. He was party spokesperson on the Office of Public Works from 1997 to 2000. He was junior spokesperson on environmental information and protection from 2000 to 2001. Deputy Deenihan was appointed advisor to the leader on Northern Ireland policy and party spokesperson on sport in February 2001. He also served as party spokesperson for arts, sport and tourism from 2002 to 2007. From 2007 to 2010 he was spokesperson on defence and was reappointed to the role of party spokesperson for Tourism, Culture and Sport in July 2010. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Deenihan was a member of the Seanad from 1982 to 1987 and was also a member of Kerry County Council from 1985 to 1994. He was re-elected to Kerry Council in 1999. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Deenihan attended Thomond College of Education and is a former PE teacher. Electoral history: Deputy Deenihan was re-elected for the Kerry North constituency in the February 2011 general election and has held a seat in this constituency since 1987.

Minister of State: Dinny McGinley TD Special Responsibility: Gaeltacht Affairs Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s

office: Tel: 01 6313983 (Department); 01 6183452 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6313818 Email: Private Secretary: Dualta O’Broin Tel: 01 6313983 Email: Press Officer: Margaret O’Gorman Tel: 01 6473075 Email:

Other current positions: Deputy McGinley has been a member of the British Irish Parliamentary Body since 1993. Previous committee positions: Deputy McGinley was the chairperson of An Comhchoiste don Ghaeilge (Oireachtas committee on the Irish Language) from 1995 to 1997; a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on social affairs and on small business; vice-chairperson of the joint Oireachtas committee on justice, equality, defence and women’s rights; and a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on arts, sport, tourism, community, rural and Gaeltacht affairs. Previous party positions: Deputy McGinley was spokesman on youth affairs from 1987 to 1988; the Gaeltacht from 1988 to 1991; the Gaeltacht and emigrant welfare from 1991 to 1994; youth affairs in 1994; arts, heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands from 2001 to 2002; defence from 2002 to 2004; community, rural and Gaeltacht affairs from 2004 to 2007; and he was deputy spokesperson on community, rural and Gaeltacht affairs with special responsibly for Gaeltacht affairs in the 30th Dáil. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy McGinley was educated at Coláiste Íosagáin, Ballyvourney, County Cork, St Patrick’s College of Education, Dublin and University College Dublin. He worked as a teacher before entering politics. Electoral history: Deputy McGinley was first elected to the Dáil in 1982 for the Donegal SouthWest constituency and has been elected at every election since.


Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht: Jimmy Deenihan TD

Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons Fianna Fáil: Robert Troy TD (Arts and Heritage) Leinster House Tel: 01 6184059 Constituency: Longford Westmeath Email:

Fianna Fáil: Michael Kitt TD (Housing, Planning and Gaeltacht Affairs) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183473 Constituency: Galway East Email:

Sinn Féin: Sandra McLellan TD (Arts, Heritage, Tourism and Sport) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183122 Constituency: Cork East Email:

Oireachtas Committees Joint Committee on Environment, Transport, Culture and the Gaeltacht This Committee shadows the activities of the Departments of: • Environment, Community and Local Government; • Transport, Tourism and Sports; and

Members Deputies:

Tony McLoughlin

Fine Gael

James Bannon

Fine Gael

Catherine Murphy


Paudie Coffey

Fine Gael

Gerald Nash


Niall Collins

Fianna Fail

Patrick O’Donovan

Fine Gael

Noel Coonan

Fine Gael

Brian Stanley

Sinn Féin

Marcella Corcoran Kennedy Fine Gael

Robert Troy

Fianna Fáil

Clare Daly

United Left

Brian Walsh

Fine Gael

Timmy Dooley

Fianna Fail

Dessie Ellis

Sinn Féin


Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan


Eamonn Coghlan


Terence Flanagan

Fine Gael

Cáit Keane

Fine Gael

Kevin Humphreys


Denis Landy


Seán Kenny


Catherine Noone

Fine Gael

Ciarán Lynch


Labhrás Ó’Murchú

Fianna Fáil

Sandra McLellan

Sinn Féin

Ned O’Sullivan

Fianna Fáil


Public Affairs Ireland

Clerk to the Committee Eugene Ó Cruadhlaoich / Sinead Quinn Email: Telephone: 01 6183575/01 6183102

Chairperson: Ciarán Lynch (Labour) Tel: 01 6183666 Email: Deputy Lynch is the Cork Central West representative since 2007 and was part of the Labour Party’s National election committee for local and European elections in 2009. He was a member of the previous Select and Joint committees on environment, heritage and local government. Previous to this Deputy Lynch was involved in the Cork City and County Council Joint committee for three years. He was educated at University College Cork and Waterford Institute of Technology.

The Department Secretary General: Seosamh Ó hÁghmaill Appointed: January 2010 Private Secretary: Sinéad O’ Hara Contact details for Secretary General’s office: 01 6313809 Previous positions: Seosamh Ó hÁghmaill first began working in the public service in the 1970s. He has previously served as policy advisor at the Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands and as Assistant Secretary of Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs during which time he was responsible for the Irish language and the Gaeltacht, charities regulation, North-South cooperation, the community and voluntary sector, local and community development programmes, offshore islands and a range of corporate functions including financial management, human resources and corporate governance. Education: Mr Ó hÁghmaill������������������������� was educated at Dundalk CBS and at University College Dublin.

Departmental Divisions (i) Corporate Affairs: • Assistant Secretary: John Collins • Principal Officers: Conor Falvey (Finance, Accounts, It and VFM); Mary Hurley (HR, Strategic Planning, Corporate Governance, N/S Co-ordination & Waterways Irl.); Emer O’ Connell (Corporate Communications, Organisation, Procurement, Training & Development; EU Affairs) • Assistant Principals: Joe Healy (Accountant); Kathleen Hannigan; Lorna Conway; Richard McElligott; Eddie Arthurs; Betty Griffin; John McElligott; Trevor Donnelly; Paul Connolly; John Healy; Sinéad Copeland; Siobhan Stack

(ii) Arts, Film, Music, Cultural Institutions • Assistant Secretary: Niall Ó Donnchú • Principal Officers: Chris Flynn (Arts & Cultural Institutions); Kevin Lonergan (Cultural Institutions); Mary Nash (Arts, Film & Music); Eugene Downes (CEO Culture Ireland) • Assistant Principals: Sabina O’Donnel; Declan


Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

• Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. This Committee covers important areas of public policy in the fields of transport, the environment, culture and the Gaeltacht, including: achieving balanced regional development; environmental protection; addressing climate change; managing national and local transport issues; and promoting the development of Gaeltacht areas. The Committee conducts inquiries into areas of current interest within its remit. At the end of an inquiry, the Committee will usually produce a report setting out its findings and making recommendations to the Government.

Public Affairs Ireland

Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Secretary General: Seosamh Ó hÁghmaill

Assistant Secretary: John Collins

Assistant Secretary: Niall Ó Donnchú

Assistant Secretary: Feargal O Coigligh

Director of Irish: Maire Killoran

Director of Translations Tomás Ó Ruairc

Chief Placenames Officer: Dónal Mac Giolla Easpaig

Corporate Affairs

Arts, Film and Music


Gaeilge, Gaeltacht & Islands

Central Translations Unit & Placenames Unit

Central Translations Unit & Placenames

Cultural Institutions


Public Affairs Ireland

(iii). Heritage • Assistant Secretary: Feargal Ó Coigligh • Principal Officers: Terry Allen (National Monuments); Brian Lucas (NPWS – Property Management); Brian K Duffy (Chief Archaeologist); John Fitzgerald (NPWS – Parks & Regions); Martin Colreavy (Built Heritage & Architectural Policy); Ciaran O’ Keeffe (NPWS – Science & Biodiversity); Conor O’ Raghallaigh (NPWS – Legislation & EU Compliance) • Assistant Principals: Dr Andy Bleasdale (Wildlife Inspector Grade I); Eamon Cody; Paul Walsh & Ann Lynch (Senior Archaeologists); Frank Donnelly; Freddie O’ Dwyer & Willy Cumming (Senior Architects); Philip Buckley; Pat Warner & Jim Moore (Divisional Managers); Jervis Good; Julie Fossitt; William Cormacan & Linda Patton (Divisional Ecologists); Catriona Ryan; Patricia Curran; David Smith; Margaret Carroll; Rónán Whelan; Frank O’ Donohoe; Peter Carvill; Liam O’ Reilly; Gerry Leckey; Mark Bohan

(iii) Gaeilge, Gaeltacht & Islands • Director of Irish: Maire Killoran • Principal Officers: Beirti Ó hAinmhire (Gaeltacht & Islands Policy & Programmes); Seamus Mac Ghiolla Chomhaill (Irish Lanaguage Policy, An Foras Teanga, Údarás na Gaeltachta) • Assistant Principals: E. Mac Goill; P Mac Aodha; P Mac Diarmada; S. Ó Conchubhar (Cigire agus Maoirseioí); Bríd Ní Chonghaile; Seán Mac Eoin; Breandán Ó Súilleabhán; O. Ó hIarlfhlaithe; Aodhán Mac Cormaic; Helena O’ Brien; Seán Ó Leidhinn; Diarmuid Ó Mórdha

(v) Central Translations Unit & Placenames • Director of Translations: Tomás Ó Ruairc • Aistritheoir Grád II: Nóilín Ní Iarnáin • Chief Placenames Officer: Dónal Mac Giolla Easpaig

Agencies and Associated Bodies Archbishop Marsh’s Library St. Patrick’s Close Dublin 8 Tel: 01 4543511 Fax: 01 4543511 Email: Website: Keeper of the Library: Dr Jason McElligott Archbishop Marsh’s Library was the first public library in Ireland. It contains over 25,000 books relating to the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, covering medicine, music, law, travel, science, mathematics, navigation, surveying and classical literature.

Arts Council (An Chomhairle Ealaíon) 70 Merrion Square Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6180200 LoCall: 1850 392 492 Fax: 01 6761302 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Pat Moylan Director: Orlaith McBride The Arts Council was established in 1951 as an autonomous body and is the national agency for the promotion and development of the arts in Ireland. It is a voluntary body of 12 members and a chair, appointed by the Minister for a period of five years.

Coimisiún Logainmneacha (The Placenames Commission) Dún Aimhirgin 43-49 Mespil Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6473260 Fax: 01 6473270 Email: Website: Chairperson: Seosamh Ó Braonáin Secretary and Chief Placenames Officer: Dónall Mac Giolla Easpaig. Established in 1946, the Placenames Commission advises on the research of the placenames of Ireland


Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Brennan; Orlaith Gleeson; Breda Moynihan; Christine Sisk; Madeline Boughton; Conor O’ Malley

Public Affairs Ireland and provides authoritative Irish forms of those names for official and public use. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17, the functions of the Placenames Commission will be absorbed into the Department. At the time of publication no firm date was given.

Chester Beatty Library (Leabharlann Chester Beatty) Dublin Castle Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4070750 Fax: 01 4070760 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr. Thomas P. Hardiman Director: Fionnuala Croke The Chester Beatty Library is an art museum and library which houses a collection of manuscripts, miniature paintings, prints, drawings, rare books and decorative arts assembled by Sir Alfred Chester Beatty.

Council of National Cultural Institutions (An Chomhairle um Institiúidí Náisiúnta Cultúrtha) 23 Kildare Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6313838 Email: Website: Chairperson: Peter Murray The Council of National Cultural Institutions is a statutory body established under the Heritage Fund Act, 2001. The purpose of the Council is to facilitate the pooling together of the directors of the National Cultural Institutions in furtherance of the national cultural interest and to make recommendations to the Minister on proposed acquisitions using the Heritage Fund.

Crawford Art Gallery Cork Ltd. (Áiléar Crawford) Emmet Place Cork Tel: 021 4805042 Fax: 021 4805043 Email: Website:

Chairperson: John Bowen Director: Peter Murray Crawford Art Gallery, the city art museum for Cork, is dedicated to informing the public of the role that the visual arts play in contemporary life and culture. In 2006, a new company was established by the Minister to manage the Gallery. Ownership of the building was transferred to the Office of Public Works, and the Gallery designated a National Cultural Institution. Note: Under Budget 2009, and the programme for public service reform, published on November 17 2011, the Crawford Art Gallery will be combined with the Irish Museum of Modern Art and the National Gallery of Ireland, while retaining its separate identity. At the time of publication no firm date was given.

Culture Ireland (Cultúr Éireann) Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Room 315 23 Kildare Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6313905 Fax: 01 6313956 Email: Website: Chief Executive: Eugene Downes Culture Ireland creates and supports opportunities for Irish artists and companies to present and promote their work at strategic international festivals, venues, showcases and markets. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17, the functions of Culture Ireland are to be merged into the Department. At the time of publication, no firm date was given.

Foras Teanga See contact details for the two agencies constituting An Foras Teanga below. An Foras Teanga is a cross-border implementation body set up under the British-Irish agreement of 1999. It is comprised of two separate agencies: Foras na Gaeilge, which has as its objective the promotion of the Irish language on the island of Ireland and the Ulster-Scots Agency, which aims to promote the Ulster-Scotch culture and language generally. (i) Foras na Gaeilge 7 Merrion Square Dublin 2 Tel: 01 639 8400 / 1850 325325 / 0845 3098142 (NI) Fax: 01639 8401


Public Affairs Ireland

Chairperson: Liam Ó Maolmhichíl Director: Pádraig Mac Criostail (ii) The Ulster-Scots Agency 68-72 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7BB Tel: 028-90231113 Fax: 028-90231898 Email: Website: Chairperson: Mr Tom Scot OBE Chief Executive: Ian Crozier

Heritage Council (An Chomhairle Oidhreachta) Áras na hOidhreachta Church Lane Kilkenny Tel: 056 7770777 Fax: 056 7770788 Email: Website: Chairperson: Conor Newman Chief Executive: Michael Starrett The Heritage Council was established under the Heritage Act 1995 to develop policies and priorities for the identification, protection and preservation of Ireland’s national heritage. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17, the functions of the Council are to be merged into the Department. At the time of publication, no firm was given.

Irish Film Board (Bord Scannán na hÉireann) Queensgate 23 Dock Road Galway Tel: 091 561398 Fax: 091 561405 Email: Website: Chairperson: James Morris Chief Executive: James Hickey The Irish Film Board (IFB) is Ireland’s national film agency – it is responsible for supporting and promoting the Irish film industry and the use of Ireland as a location for international film production.

Irish Manuscripts Commission (Coimisiún Lámhscríbhinní na hÉireann) 45 Merrion Square Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6761610 Fax: 01 6623832 Email: Website:

Chairperson: James McGuire Established in 1928, the Irish Manuscripts Commission is committed to promoting public awareness of primary source materials and their importance for the history, heritage and culture of Ireland. Through its publication programme, the Commission brings these sources to the widest possible readership both nationally and internationally. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17 the National Archives and the Irish Manuscripts Commission will be merged into the National Library while they will retain separate identities. At the time of publication no firm date was given for the merger.

Irish Museum of Modern Art (Áras Nua-Ealaíne na hÉireann) Royal Hospital Military Road Kilmainham Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6129900 Fax: 01 6129999 Email: Website: Chairperson: Eoin McGonigal Director: Enrique Juncosa The Irish Museum of Modern Art was established by the Government of Ireland in 1990 as Ireland’s first national institution for the presentation and collection of modern and contemporary art. The museum’s mission is “to foster within society an awareness, understanding and involvement in the visual arts through policies and programmes which are excellent, innovative and inclusive”. Note: Under Budget 2009, the Irish Museum of Modern Art will be combined with the Crawford Art Gallery and the National Gallery of Ireland, while retaining separate identities. At the time of publication no firm date was given.


Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Email: Website:

Public Affairs Ireland

National Archives (An Chartlann Náisiúnta)

National Gallery of Ireland (Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann)

Bishop Street Dublin 8 Ireland Tel: 01 4072300 LoCall: 1890 252 424 Fax: 01 4072333 Email: Website:

Merrion Square West Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6615133 Fax: 01 6615372 Email: Website:

Director: Dr. David V. Craig The National Archives, established on 1 June 1988, took over the functions previously performed by the State Paper Office (1702) and the Public Record Office of Ireland (1867). The mission of the National Archives is to (i) secure the preservation of records relating to Ireland which warrant preservation as archives and to (ii) ensure that appropriate arrangements are made for public access to archives. Note: Under Budget 2009, the National Archives will be merged into the National Library. At the time of publication no firm date was given. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17 the National Archives and the Irish Manuscripts Commission will be merged into the National Library while they will retain separate identities. At the time of publication no firm date was given for the merger.

National Concert Hall (An Ceoláras Náisiúnta) Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4170077 Fax: 01 4170078 Email: Website: Chairperson: Kieran Tobin Chief Executive Officer: Simon Taylor The National Concert Hall was opened in 1981. It is currently committed to a redevelopment plan on Earlsfort Terrace which will see the construction of a new auditorium with seating for up to 2000 patrons alongside the renovation of the current Hall and the building of a smaller 400-seater recital Hall.

Chairperson: Olive Braiden Director: Seán Rainbird The National Gallery of Ireland was established under the National Gallery of Ireland Acts, 1854 to 1963, and houses the national collection of Irish art and European master paintings. The Gallery’s mission is “to display, conserve, manage, interpret and develop the National Collection; to enhance enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts and to enrich the cultural, artistic and intellectual life of present and future generations.” Note: Under Budget 2009, the National Gallery of Ireland will be combined with the Irish Museum of Modern Art and the Crawford Gallery. At the time of publication no firm date was given.

National Library of Ireland (Leabharlann Náisiúnta na hÉireann) Kildare Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6030200 Fax: 01 6612523 Email: Website: Chairperson: David Harvey Director: Fiona Ross The National Library of Ireland was established by the Dublin Science and Art Museum Act 1877, which provided that the bulk of the collections in the possession of the Royal Dublin Society should be vested in the then Department of Science and Art for the benefit of the public and the Society, and for the purposes of the Act. With effect from 3 May 2005, the National Library of Ireland was established as an autonomous National Cultural Institution under the provisions of the National Cultural Institutions Act 1997. Its mission is to collect, preserve and make accessible the documentary and intellectual record of the life of Ireland and to contribute to the provision of access to the larger universe of recorded knowledge. The Genealogical Office, the Office of the Chief Herald in Kildare Street, and the National Photographic Archive in Temple Bar are all part of the National Library. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17 the National


Public Affairs Ireland

National Museum of Ireland (ArdMhúsaem na hÉireann) Collins Barracks Benburb Street Dublin 7 Tel: 01 6777444 LoCall: 1890 687 386 Fax: 01 6777450 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr. John O’Mahony SC Director: Dr. Patrick F. Wallace The National Museum of Ireland today consists of four separate museum buildings, three of which are situated in Dublin and one in Castlebar, Co. Mayo. The National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology and History is situated on Kildare Street, Dublin 2 and was the original home of the Dublin Museum of Science and Art which opened in 1890. The National Museum of Ireland - Decorative Arts and History, located at Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7, opened in 1997 and is the administrative headquarters of the National Museum of Ireland. The National Museum of Ireland - Natural History, Merrion Street, Dublin 2 belonged to the Royal Dublin Society (RDS) and has been open to the public since 1857. The most recent addition to the National Museum is the National Museum of Ireland Country Life, Turlough Park, Castlebar, Co. Mayo which opened in 2001. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17, the issue of shared services and the board structure of the National Museum of Ireland are to be examined by the Department. At the time of publication, no further information was available.

Údarás na Gaeltachta Na Forbacha Co. na Gaillimhe Tel: 091 503100 Fax: 091 503101 Email: Website: Chairperson: Liam Ó Cuinneagáin Chief Executive: Sean O Labhrai (Acting) Established in 1980, Údarás na Gaeltachta has a number of core functions, including economic development and the creation of sustainable jobs. It also focuses on attracting investment to the Gaeltacht regions with community, cultural and languagedevelopment activities, working in partnership with local communities and organisations. In addition to its main headquarters in Galway, it has regional offices in Cork, Donegal, Kerry and Mayo.

Waterways Ireland 2 Sligo Road Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT74 7JYF Tel: 0044 (0) 28 66 323 004 Fax: 0044 (0) 28 66 346 257 Email: Website: Chief Executive: John Martin Waterways Ireland is a cross-border implementation body established under the Belfast Agreement of 1999, with responsibility for the management, maintenance, development and restoration of inland navigable waterways, principally for recreational purposes. The agency’s headquarters are in Enniskillen, with regional offices in Carrick-on-Shannon, Dublin and Scariff.


Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Archives and the Irish Manuscripts Commission will be merged into the National Library while they will retain separate identities. At the time of publication no firm date was given for the merger. The programme also states that the issue of shared services and the board structure of the National Library of Ireland are to be examined by the Department.

Ensuring a sustainable energy future through continued investment Supporting Ireland’s continuing economic development Delivering a value for money service and promoting energy efficiency to all our customers Reducing our Carbon Emissions by 30% by 2012; 50% by 2020 and becoming Net-Zero by 2035

Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 4

Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

Introduction The department’s portfolio includes responsibility for the development and regulation of high quality, world class telecommunication and broadcasting services and regulating, protecting and developing the natural resources of Ireland. Under the energy portfolio, the department has responsibility for maintaining the security of national energy supply through regulation of the oil, gas and electricity sectors and the development of sustainable and renewable energies. The department also has responsibility for ensuring maximum benefit from the exploration, exploitation and development of Irish oil, gas and mineral resources through the petroleum affairs and exploration and mining divisions and the Geological Survey of Ireland. In October 2007, it was decided to transfer the remainder of the marine portfolio including responsibility for sea fisheries licensing, seafood policy and coastal zone management to the Department of Agriculture and Food, which is now the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Responsibility for inland fisheries was retained in the department as part of the natural resources portfolio.

Beggars Bush Haddington Road Dublin 4 (Geological Survey of Ireland, Exploration & Mining Division) Elm House Earls Vale Road Cavan (Finance Unit, Customer Service Unit, FOI Unit and Corporate Services Unit) Leeson Lane, Dublin 2 (Petroleum Affairs Division) Main Telephone Number: 01 6782000 LoCall: 1890 449900 Customer Service Helpdesk: Tel: 01 6782070 LoCall: 1890 449 900 Email: Fax Numbers: 01 6782179 (Adelaide Road) 01 6781782 (Haddington Road) 01 6783057 (Cavan) Emai: Email protocol: Website:

Core areas of responsibility • Broadcasting policy

• Peat

• Broadcasting service development

• Communication infrastructure

• Greener homes domestic grant scheme

• Communication and digital

• Energy efficiency & planning

enterprise legislation

• Oil & coal supply

• Inland fisheries sectors

• Corporate electricity regulation

• Minerals Development Act

• Natural gas

• Indigenous oil and gas resources

• North-South energy co-operation 25

Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, 29-31 Adelaide Road Dublin 2 (Main Office)

Public Affairs Ireland

Minister for Communications, Energy Minister of State and Natural Resources Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources: Pat Rabbitte TD

Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Labour Party Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6789807 (Department); 01 6183772 (Dáil); 01 6782011 (Constituency Office) Fax: 01 6782029 Email: (Department) Private Secretary: Jonathan Harte Special Advisors: Finbarr O’Malley; Simon Nugent Previous ministries: Deputy Rabbitte was Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise with special responsibility for commerce, science and technology and consumer affairs from 1994 to 1997. Previous committee memberships: Deputy Rabbitte most recently sat on the joint Oireachtas committee on justice, equality, defence and women’s rights and was a member of the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission. In 2010, he was appointed to the Dáil public accounts committee. Previous party positions: Deputy Rabbitte was Labour party leader from October 2002 until August 2007. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Rabbitte was a member of Dublin County Council from 1985 to 1995 and he was elected to South Dublin County Council in 1999. Deputy Rabbitte was president of the Union of Students in Ireland from 1972 to 1974 and subsequently joined the Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union (now SIPTU), and became its national secretary in 1980. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Rabbitte was educated at University College Galway (UCG). He was a trade union official before becoming a fulltime public representative. Electoral history: Deputy Rabbitte has represented Dublin South-West continuously since 1989 as a member of the Workers Party, then Democratic Left and now as a Labour Party TD.

Minister of State: Fergus O’Dowd TD Special Responsibility: NewEra project Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for

the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6782024 (Department); 01 6183078; 041 9842275 (Constituency) Fax: 01 6610061 (Department); 041 9870282 (Constituency) Email: minister.o’ Private Secretary: Áine McHugh Other current positions: Deputy O’Dowd is a full Irish member of the Parliamentary Delegation to the British-Irish Inter-Parliamentary Body. Previous committee positions: In the 30th Dáil, Deputy O’Dowd sat on the joint Oireachtas committees on economic regulatory affairs; transport; the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement; and the committee on education and skills. Previous party positions: Deputy O’Dowd was spokesperson on environment, heritage and local Government and on community, rural and Gaeltacht affairs in the 29th Dáil. In the 30th Dáil, he was spokesperson on the transport and marine and on education and skills. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy O’Dowd served on Louth County Council from 1979 to 2003, was a member of Drogheda Corporation from 1974 to 2003 and served three terms as Mayor of Drogheda: from 1977 to 1978, 1981 to 1982 and 1994 to 1995. He was also a member of the 21st Seanad from 1999 to 2002. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy O’Dowd worked as a teacher before entering politics. Electoral history: Deputy O’Dowd was first elected to the 29th Dáil in 2002 for the Louth constituency and was re-elected in May 2007 and again in February 2011.


Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons

Oireachtas Committees

Fianna Fáil: Eamon O Cuív TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6184231 Constituency: Galway West Email:

According to its terms of reference, the Joint Committee may consider the following matters in respect of the relevant Department or Departments and associated public bodies, and report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas: • matters of policy for which the Minister is officially responsible, • public affairs administered by the Department, • policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department, • Government policy in respect of bodies under the aegis of the Department, • policy issues concerning bodies which are partly or wholly funded by the State or which are established or appointed by a member of the Government or the Oireachtas, • the general scheme or draft heads of any Bill published by the Minister, • statutory instruments, including those laid or laid in draft before either House or both Houses and those made under the European Communities Acts 1972

Sinn Féin: Martin Ferris TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6184248 Constituency: Kerry North-West Limerick Email:

Members Deputies:

Michael Moynihan

Fianna Fail

Tom Barry

Fine Gael

Éamon Ó Cuív

Fianna Fáil

Michael Colreavy

Sinn Féin

John O’Mahony

Fine Gael

Pat Deering

Fine Gael

Thomas Pringle


Robert Dowds


Andrew Doyle

Fine Gael


Martin Ferris

Sinn Féin

Michael Comiskey

Fine Gael

Noel Harrington

Fine Gael

Paschal Mooney

Fianna Fáil

Martin Heydon

Fine Gael

Pat O’Neill

Fine Gael

Colm Keaveney


Mary Ann O’Brien


Mattie McGrath


Brian Ó Domhnaill

Fianna Fáil

Michael McNamara


John Whelan



Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

Joint Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Public Affairs Ireland to 2009, strategy statements laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas pursuant to the Public Service Management Act 1997, • annual reports or annual reports and accounts, required by law, and laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas, of the Department or relevant bodies and the overall operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of such bodies, and (such other matters as may be referred to it by the Dáil and/or Seanad from time to time.

Clerk to the Committee Josie Briody Email: Tel: 01 6183717

Chairperson Andrew Doyle (Fine Gael) Tel: 01 6183611 Email: andrew.doyle@ Also a member of the Joint Administration Committee, Deputy Doyle was first elected to Dáil Éireann in 2007 where he was appointed Deputy Spokesperson on Agriculture with special responsibility for food and Horticulture by Enda Kenny TD. He became a member of Wicklow County Council from 1999 when he was elected to represent Wicklow East. He remained a member until 2006 having served as Chairman from 2005 to 2006.

The Department Secretary General: Aidan Dunning Appointed: September 2007 Private Secretary: Margaret Mulhall

Tel: 01 6782032

Contact details for Secretary General’s office:

Previous position: Aidan Dunning was an assistant secretary at Department of Finance during which time he was involved in public expenditure policy in the areas of transport and environment. He also coordinated the drafting at official level of the National Development Plan 2007-2013. He worked in the Department of the Taoiseach in the mid 1990s on European policy and was closely involved in the 1996 Irish presidency. Education/Qualifications: Mr Dunning holds a degree in economics and politics from University of Dublin, Trinity College.

Departmental Divisions (i) Energy Division

This division’s primary function is to provide a strategic overview for the department on cross sectoral energy related issues. The division acts as a contact point for the energy sector at the interface with Government and represents the department at appropriate international fora. Key objectives for this division include the development of a competitive energy supply industry, ensuring security and reliability of energy supply, and the development of energy conservation and end-use efficiency. The structure of the division is: • • • - - • - - • - - • - - •


Deputy Secretary General: Sara White Chief Technical Advisor: Bob Hanna Renewable and Sustainable Energy Principal Officers: Martin Finucane Assistant Principals: Una Dixon; John Rice Energy Planning North-South Principal Officer: Vacant Assistant Principal: Brian McSharry Oil Security and Energy Corporate Governance Principal Officer: Aoife MacEvilly Assistant Principal: Bill Morrissey Electricity and Gas Regulation Principal Officer: Una Nic Giolla Choille Assistant Principals: Bernie Comey; Rebecca Minch; Paul Mulqueen Electricity (Corporate)

Public Affairs Ireland Principal Officer: Vacant Assistant Principal: Carmel Fields Energy Efficiency and Affordability Principal Officer: St John O’Connor Assistant Principal: Eamonn Confrey Energy Attaché: Michael Goodwin (Brussels)

(ii) Corporate Division

Corporate units are concerned with the internal workings of the department and comprise of: • Accounts, which is based in Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan • Appointments/Jobs Human Resources, which is based in Adelaide Road, Dublin 2 • Corporate Services Accommodation and Health and Safety • Purchase to Pay and Travel Desk, which is based in Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan • Finance and Planning, which is based in Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan • Information Systems (IT), which is based in Adelaide Road, Dublin 2 • Internal Audit Unit, which is based in Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan • Co-ordination Unit (EU, North/South, Domestic Policy and Disability), which is based in Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan • Freedom of Information Unit which is based in Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan • Staff Development Unit, which is based in Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan • Strategic Change Unit, which is based in Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan - • - - • - - • - - •

- -

Assistant Secretary: Michael Manley Human Resources Principal Officer: Patricia Cronin Assistant Principal: Ciara Bates Corporate Finance and Planning (incl. Finance Management, Evaluation and Compliance, Accounts) Principal Officer: Brian Carroll Assistant Principals: Anne Ward; Brian Walsh Staff Development/Strategic Change/ Corporate Governance: Principal Officer: Denis Maher Assistant Principal: Caroline Henry; John Donohoe Corporate Services (incl. Accommodation, Health and Safety, Purchase to Pay, Travel Desk, Decentralisation, FOI and Co-ordination, North/South, EU, Disability): Principal Officer: Denis Maher Assistant Principals: Fintan McPhillips; Frank O’Brien

• - • - -

Internal Audit Head of Unit: Ronan Tiernan Information Systems Principal Officer: Patricia Cronin Assistant Principals: Valerie McIlwee

(iii) Communications & Broadcasting Division

This division aims to develop a policy and legislative framework to facilitate the provision of quality broadcasting services in Ireland, and to optimise the opportunities presented by the emerging technologies for the provision of new Irish-based broadcasting services. The division also seeks to ensure that the approach taken to issues arising from the convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting will optimise the contribution of broadcasters, programme makers, other product generators, infrastructure operators and other participants in broadcasting-related activities to the development of the Information Society in Ireland. The division’s core policy objective is “to contribute to sustained macro-economic growth and competitiveness and ensure that Ireland is best placed to avail of the emerging opportunities provided by the information and knowledge society, by promoting investment in state of the art infrastructures, by providing a supportive legislative and regulatory environment and by developing a leading edge research and development reputation in the information, communications and digital technologies.” The structure of the division is: • Assistant Secretaries: Katherine Licken (Communications); Eamonn Molloy (Broadcasting) • Broadcasting Policy - Principal Officer: Éanna Ó Conghaile - Assistant Principals: Neasa Lehane; Jeny O’Hora; Richard Browne - Staff Engineer: Susan Fleming • Communications (Business & Technology): - Director: Roger O’Connor - Telecommunication Adviser/Specialist: Aidan Ryan - Staff Engineer: Rory Hinchy • Communications (Development) - Principal Officer: Dave Hanley - Assistant Principals: Sean Griffin; Finola Rossi; Derek Byrne - Staff Engineer: Caoimhin Smith • Knowledge Society - Principal Officer: Dave Hanley - Assistant Principals: Albert Jordan; Tim O’Sullivan • Communications Policy Division - Principal Officer: Kenneth Spratt


Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

- - • - - •

Public Affairs Ireland - Assistant Principals: Majella O’Dea; Eugene Dillon; Derek Hickey; Brendan Whelan • Communications Attachés: Cathy O’Connor (Washington); Ken Cleary (Singapore); Richard O’Reilly (Brussels)

(iv) Natural Resources Division

This division is comprised of four sub-divisions: Inland Fisheries, Exploration and Mining, Petroleum Affairs and Geological Survey of Ireland. The inland fisheries division is responsible for matters relating to the protection, development, conservation and management of inland fisheries, for legislation and legal matters, for liaising with the North Atlantic

Salmon Conservation Organisation, for the salmon tagging scheme and for corporate governance of inland fisheries Ireland and the Loughs Agency. The exploration and mining division is responsible for the application of the Minerals Development Act to minerals exploration and development, for the encouragement of the early identification and responsible development by private investors of Ireland’s minerals deposits, and for enhancing Ireland’s attractiveness for national and international minerals investment through promotional activities. The petroleum affairs division is charged with maximising the benefits to the State from exploration for and production of indigenous oil and gas resources, while ensuring that activities are conducted safely with due

Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Secretary General: Aidan Dunning

Deputy Secretary General: Sara White

Assistant Secretary: Katherine Licken (Communications); Eamonn Molloy (Broadcasting)

Corporate Division

Energy Division

Assistant Secretary: Michael Manley Natural Resources Division

Renewable and Sustainable Energy

Accounts Appointments/Jobs Human Resources

Co-ordination Unit

Broadcasting Policy

Inland Fisheries

Energy Planning

Appointments/Jobs Human Resources

Freedom of Information Unit

Communications (Business & Technology)

Exploration and Mining

Oil Supply, Oil, Gas and Grid

Corporate Services Accommodation and Health and Safety

Staff Development Unit

Communications (Development)

Petroleum Affairs

Peat Corporate

Purchase to Pay and Travel Desk

Strategic Change Unit

Knowledge Society

Electricity and Gas Regulation

Finance and Planning

Electricity (Corporate) and North/South Energy

Information Systems (IT),

Energy Attaché Energy Efficiency

Internal Audit Unit,

Corporate Finance and Planning (incl. Finance Management, Evaluation and Compliance, Accounts)


Communications Policy Division

Communications Attachés:

Geological Survey of Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland

Agencies and Associated Bodies

regard to their environmental impact. The Geological Survey of Ireland is responsible for the provision of geological advice and information. The structure of the division is:

• - - - - • - - - • - - - - - -

An Post

Assistant Secretary: Michael Manley Inland Fisheries Principal Officer: Frank Sheridan Assistant Principals: Deirdre de Brún; Des Hackett Exploration and Mining Principal Officer: Mairead McCabe Assistant Principals: Brian Breslin; John King Principal Geologist: Dr Eibhlin Doyle Senior Geologists: Wayne Cox; John Pyne Petroleum Affairs Principal Officer: Ciarán Ó hÓbáin Assistant Principals: Jim Whelan; Orla Ryan Petroleum Exploration Specialists: Peter Croker; Noel Murphy Geological Survey of Ireland Director: Vacant Assistant Director: Patrick O’Connor Principal Officer: Raphael Kelly Chief Superintendents: Padraig Connaughton; Archie Donovan Principal Geologists: John Morris; Koen Verbruggen Senior Geologists: Mary Carter; Ronnie Creighton; Sean Cullen; Sarah Gatley; Natalya Hunter-Williams; Monica Lee; Brian McConnell; Ray Scanlon; Gerard Stanley

General Post Office O’Connell Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 7057600 LoCall: 1850 575 859 Fax: 01 8090900 Email: Website: Chairperson: John Fitzgerald Chief Executive: Donal Connell A state-owned company since 1984, An Post provides a wide range of services encompassing postal, communication, retail and money transmission services. Its core functions include the administration of a variety of delivery services including parcel service; deposit accounts courier service and Swiftpost, the running of the National lottery through a subsidiary company, and banking services (through AIB).

Bord Gáis

Gasworks Road Cork Tel: 021 4534000 Fax: 021 4534249 Email: Website: Chairperson: Rose Hynes Chief Executive: John Mullins Bord Gáis Éireann (Bord Gáis) was established under the Gas Act 1976 and is a commercial State body. It is wholly owned by the Government of Ireland and is headquartered in Cork. Bord Gáis has two main businesses: gas transportation and energy supply. Its core functions and responsibilities include gas supply to over 540,000 customers, electricity supply to eligible businesses, appliance servicing and building and operating natural gas networks.


Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

• • - -

Public Affairs Ireland

Bord na Móna plc Main Street Newbridge Co. Kildare Tel: 045 439000 Fax: 045 439001 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Fergus McArdle Managing Director: Gabriel D’Arcy Bord na Móna is an international supplier of products and services based principally on peat. It operates on a decentralised basis through four main subsidiary companies. Its core functions include the supply of peat as a fuel for the generation of electricity, the production of a range of peat-based fuels, coal and oil for residential and industrial heating, the development of pollution abatement products and products for commercial horticulturists and home gardeners, and the provision of environmental consultancy and commercial laboratory services to industry and public authorities.

Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) 2-5 Warrington Place Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6441200 Fax: 01 6760948 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Bob Collins Chief Executive: Michael O’Keefe Established under the Broadcasting Act 2009, its role is to ensure that broadcasting stations serve the needs of the people of Ireland. It comprises a board, and two statutory committees dealing with compliance and contract awards, and incorporates work previously undertaken by the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland and the Broadcasting Complaints Commission. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, ComReg is to be amalgamated with the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.

Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) Block DEF Abbey Court Irish Life Centre Lower Abbey Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8049600 Fax: 01 804 9680 E-mail: Website:

Chairperson: Alex Chisholm Commissioner: Mike Byrne ComReg is the statutory body responsible for the regulation of the electronic communications sector (telecommunications, radio communications and broadcasting transmission) and the postal sector. It is the national regulatory authority for these sectors in accordance with EU law which is subsequently transposed into Irish legislation. ComReg’s activities are geared towards operators and business and residential users of communications services. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, ComReg is to be amalgamated with the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.

Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) The Exchange Belgard Square North Tallaght Dublin 24 Tel: 01 4000800 Fax: 01 4000850 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Dermot Nolan Commissioners: Garrett Blaney The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) is the independent body responsible for regulating and overseeing the liberalisation of Ireland’s energy sector. Its powers are specified in the Electricity Regulation Act, 1999 and the Gas (Interim) (Regulation) Act, 2002. The CER facilitates competition by authorising construction of new generating plants and licensing companies to generate and supply electricity. In the gas sector, the CER grants/refuses consent for the construction of pipelines, licenses suppliers and has regulatory powers in relation to prices charged to certain gas customers.


Public Affairs Ireland

Digital Hub Development Agency

scheduling and dispatching, ensuring system security and operating the electricity market.

Digital Exchange Crane Street The Digital Hub Dublin 8 Tel: 01 4806200 Fax: 01 4806201 Email: Website:

Electricity Supply Board (ESB)

Chairperson: Leonard Donnelly Chief Executive: Philip Flynn Established in July 2003, the Digital Hub Development Agency is an Irish government agency responsible for managing the Digital Hub Project, which is a governmental initiative that focuses on digital content and technology enterprises. The hub’s core functions include the provision of a Dublin-based campus with infrastructure for Irish and international digital media companies, the development of digital media products for the creative, technological, research, educational and community sectors, the National Digital Research Centre, the testing and showcasing of technological innovations, digital industry networking opportunities and the development of a national digital content strategy. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, Digital Hub Development Agency is to be amalgamated with the Enterprise Ireland or the IDA. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.

Chairperson: Lochlainn Quinn Chief Executive: Pat O’Doherty The Electricity Supply Board (ESB) was established in 1927 under the Electricity (Supply) Act. It is a statutory corporation, 95 per cent owned by the Government of Ireland, with the remaining shares held by an employee share option trust. It is made up of four divisions: networks, power generation, supply and ESB international, and has responsibility for generating and transmitting the majority of electricity in the State.

Inland Fisheries Ireland Swords Business Campus Swords Co. Dublin Tel: 01 8842 600 Fax: 01 8360 060 Email: Website:

EirGrid plc

Chairperson: Brendan O’Mahony Chief Executive: Dr Ciaran Byrne

160 Shelbourne Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6771700 Fax: 01 6615375 Email: Website:

Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) was formed on July 1, 2010 following the amalgamation of the Central Fisheries Board and the seven former Regional Fisheries Boards into a single agency. IFI is responsible for the protection, management and conservation of the inland fisheries resource across the country. Ireland has over 70,000 kilometres of rivers and streams and 144,000 hectares of lakes all of which fall under the jurisdiction of IFI. The agency is also responsible for sea angling in Ireland. Apart from Dublin, IFI have offices in Ballina, Ballyshannon, Clonmel, Galway, Limerick, and Macroom.

Chairperson: Bernie Gray Chief Executive: Dermot Byrne EirGrid is a state-owned company which was established following the government’s decision to create an independent organisation to carry out the Transmission System Operator (TSO) function, with the general aim of assisting the liberalisation of Ireland’s electricity industry and the development of a competitive market. Since July 2006, EirGrid has been the independent electricity TSO in Ireland and the market operator in the wholesale electricity trading system. Its board is appointed by the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. EirGrid’s functions include the planning and development of the system, generation


Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

27 Lower Fitzwilliam Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6765831 Fax: 01 6760727 Email: Website:

Public Affairs Ireland

Mining Board

Radio Telefís Éireann (RTÉ)

Chairperson: Michael McGrath S.C. Board Members: Eoin O’Buachalla, Michael Neary The Mining Board is an independent board established under the Minerals Development Act, 1940. Its function is to consider applications for the registration of minerals as excepted minerals under the Minerals Development Act 1979, in addition to determining compensation claims in various cases.

Chairperson of RTÉ Authority: Tom Savage Director General of RTÉ Executive Board: Noel Curran Raidio Teilifís Éireann is Ireland’s public service broadcaster. It is a statutory corporation that was created under the Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960. It provides a broadcasting service to the Irish public by radio and television. RTÉ Radio consists of four primary stations: RTÉ Radio 1, RTÉ 2fm, RTÉ lyric fm and RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, and seven digital stations: RTÉ Radio 1 Xtra, RTÉ Choice, RTÉ Pulse, RTÉ Chill, RTÉ Gold, RTÉ 2XM and RTÉ Junior. RTÉ Television consists of two channels, RTÉ One and RTÉ Two. In addition to providing a broadcasting service, RTÉ also produces the RTÉ Guide, RTÉ.ie, the RTÉ player, RTÉ News Now and Aertel, which is a teletext service. RTÉ Performing Groups encompasses two orchestras: the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra and the RTÉ Concert Orchestra; two choirs: the RTÉ Philharmonic Choir and RTÉ Cór na nÓg; and supports a string quartet: the RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet.

3rd Floor Holbrook House Holles Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6620284 Fax: 01 6620340 Email:

National Oil Reserves Agency (NORA) 7 Clanwilliam Square Grand Canal Quay Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6769390 Fax: 01 6769399 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Aidan Donnelly Chief Executive: Pat Meehan The National Oil Reserves Agency (NORA) was established in 1995 as a subsidiary of the Irish National Petroleum Corporation Limited (INPC). It was established as a State agency under the National Oil Reserves Agency Act, 2007, and is responsible for the holding of national strategic oil stocks at a level determined annually by the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. Oil stocks are held directly by NORA itself or on its behalf by third parties in Ireland and/or in EU Member States with whom Ireland has concluded a Bilateral Oil Stockholding Agreement.

Donnybrook Dublin 4 Tel: 01 2083111 Fax: 01 2083080 Email: Website:


Public Affairs Ireland

Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI)


Dublin Office 80 Harcourt Street Baile Átha Cliath 2 Tel: 01 4763030 Fax: 01 4763031 Email: Website:

Chairman: Brendan Halligan Chief Executive: Prof. J Owen Lewis Formerly the Irish Energy Centre, Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) was set up by the Government in 2002 as Ireland’s national energy agency. Its mission is to play a leading role in transforming Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices. This entails the implementation of significant aspects of the Energy White Paper “Delivering a Sustainable Energy Future for Ireland” and the National Climate Change Strategy (20072012) as provided for in the National Development Plan (2007-2013). SEI also has responsibility for providing policy advice on sustainable energy to the Government, the implementation of Governmentagreed programmes and the stimulation of sustainable energy policies and measures in general.

Cathaoirleach (Chair): Peter Quinn Príomhfheidhmeannach (Director General): Pól Ó Gallchóir Is é TG4 an tseirbhís náisiúnta teilifíse Gaeilge. Is faoi scáth RTÉ a d’fheidhmigh sé 1996-2007. Tá dualgais agus feidhm TG4 (Teilifís na Gaeilge) leagtha síos i Roinn VI den Acht Craolacháin 2001. Bunaíodh TG4 mar eintiteas reachtúil neamhspleách Aibreán 1 2007. Féachann 800,000 duine ar an gcainéal gach lá. Tá scair fhéachana 3% den mhargadh náisiúta teilifíse aige. Infheistíonn TG4 os cionn €20m sa mbliain i gcláracha nua Gaeilge ón earnáil neamhspleách léiriúcháin in Éirinn. Tá foireann 75 duine, ó gach cearn d’Éirinn, fostaithe ag TG4 ina Cheannáras i mBaile na hAbhann i nGaeltacht Chonamara. Naonúr comhaltaí atá ar an mbord agus is sé Peadar Ó Cuinn, iarUachtarán CLG atá mar Chathaoirleach. TG4 (Teilifís na Gaeilge) is the national Irish language television service. The channel was originally established and operated under the statutory umbrella of RTÉ from 1996-2007; its functions and duties are set out in Section VI of the Broadcasting Act 2001. It was established as an independent statutory entity on April 1 2007. 800,000 viewers tune into the channel each day, and it has a share of 3 per cent of the national television market. TG4 invests over €20m annually in original Irish programming from the independent production sector in Ireland and employs a core staff of 75 people from all parts of Ireland at its Connemara headquarters. The new entity has a nine member board and is chaired by Peter Quinn, former GAA President.


Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

Head Office Baile na hAbhann Co. na Gaillimhe Tel: 091 505050 Fax: 091 505021 Email: Website:

Wilton Park House Wilton Place Dublin 2 Glasnevin Dublin 9 Tel: 01 8082100 Fax: 01 8082002 Email: Website:

Public Affairs Ireland

The Loughs Agency

Head Office 22 Victoria Road, Derry BT47 2AB Tel: +44 028 7134 2100 Fax: +44 028 7134 2720 Email: Website: Regional Office: Dundalk Street, Carlingford, Co. Louth Tel: 042 938 3888 Fax: 042 938 3888 Email: Website: Chair: Tarlach O Crosain Chief Executive: Derick Anderson The Loughs Agency is a cross-border body, exercising a statutory remit for conservation, protection and development across the Foyle and Carlingford catchments. Objectives for these river systems and sea areas include development of fisheries and aquaculture, conservation and protection of inland fisheries and sustainable development of marine tourism.

The Public Sector is changing‌ Our dedicated and multi-skilled Public Sector Division can provide a full range of expert and value added services. To find out what Crowleys DFK can do for your organisation contact Vincent Teo on 01 679 0800 or email

16/17 College Green, Dublin 2 5 Lapp’s Quay, Cork

Tel: 01 679 0800 Tel: 021 427 2900

Fax: 01 679 0805 Fax: 021 427 7621


Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 5 Department of Education and Skills Introduction


Cornamaddy Athlone Co Westmeath (Primary/Post-Primary/Special Education, Payroll, Pensions, Further Education)

• enable individuals to achieve their full potential and participate fully as members of society, and • contribute to Ireland’s social, cultural and economic development.

Portlaoise Road Tullamore Co Offaly (Planning and Building, Higher Education, Finance, School Transport, Building Services, Transport.)

The department’s priorities include the promotion of equity and inclusion, quality outcomes and lifelong learning; planning for education that is relevant to personal, social, cultural and economic needs; and enhancement of the capacity of the department for service delivery, policy formulation, research and evaluation.

Main Telephone Number: 01 8896400 / 01 8734700 Fax Number: 018787932 Email: Email protocol: Website:

Core areas of responsibility • Provision of a range of supports (e.g. financial,

Department of Education and Skills

Department of Education and Skills Marlborough St Dublin 1 (Office of the Minister, Ministers of State and Secretary General)

The mission of the Department of Education and Skills is to provide highquality education which will:

• North-South cooperation

staffing and curricular) to primary and second

• Provision of school transport

level schools

• Special needs education

• Further Education & Training Policy and Finance

• Student grants

• Education strategy, planning and review

• Adult literacy/community education programmes

• Quality assurance through regulation and

• Services for Minister and Ministers of State


• Teacher education

• Allocation of financial resources

• Social Inclusion

• Provides for the effective organisation of the

• Language support for recently arrived children

State certificate examinations

with English language needs

• Recruitment and payment of education personnel

• Employee Assistance Service for Teachers

• Educational infrastructure

• Higher Education Policy and Finance


Public Affairs Ireland

Minister for Education and Skills Minister for Education and Skills: Ruairí Quinn TD Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Labour Party Contact details for the

Minister’s office: Tel: 01 8892275 (Department); 01 6183434 (Dáil) 01 889 2350 (Constituency Office) Fax: 01 8896767 (Department) Email:; ruari.quinn@ Private Secretary: Ronnie Ryan Special Advisor: John Walshe Press Advisor: Deirdre Grant Personal Assistant: Ian O’Mara Personal Secretary: Neil Ward Other current positions: Deputy Quinn has been Vice-President and Treasurer of the Party of European Socialists since 1998. Previous Ministries: Deputy Quinn served as Minister of State at the Department of the Environment (with special responsibility for Urban Affairs and Housing) from 1982 to 1983, Minister for Labour from 1984 to 1987, Minister for the Public Service from 1986 to 1987, Minister for Enterprise and Employment from 1993 to 1994 and Minister for Finance from 1994 to 1997. Previous committee memberships: During the 30th Dáil Deputy Quinn served as Vice-Chair of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills and sat on the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement. Previous party positions: Deputy Quinn was deputy leader of the Labour Party from 1990 to 1997 and was Labour Party leader from 1997 to 2002. He was party spokesperson on Enterprise, Trade and Employment from 2002 to 2007. He was appointed Party Spokesperson on Education and Skills in September 2007. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Quinn was a member of Dublin City Council from 1974 to 1977 and of Seanad Éireann from 1976 to 1977 and again from 1981 to 1982. He was a member of the EU Council of Ministers for Social Affairs from 1983 to 1987, leader of the Civic Alliance and Labour Group on Dublin City Council from 1991 to 1993, and a member of ECOFIN: Council of

Finance Ministers in 1996. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Quinn was educated at University College, Dublin and worked as an architect before entering politics. Electoral history: Deputy Quinn first ran unsuccessfully for the Dáil in 1973 but was elected to the 13th Seanad upon nomination by the Taoiseach until 1977. He was elected to the Dáil as a TD for Dublin South-East in 1977. Having lost his seat in the 1981 general election, he again served as a Senator on the Industry and Commerce Panel until regained his Dáil seat in 1982. He has been returned at every general election since.

Ministers of State Minister of State: Ciarán Cannon TD

Special Responsibility: Training and Skills Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Fine Gael Contact Details for the Minister of State’s Office: Tel: 01 8892301/01 8892302 (Department); 01 6183185 (Dáil) 091 880790 (Constituency) Fax: 01 8896495 (Department); 01 8896554 (Constituency) Email:; ciaran. Private Secretary: Anne Griffin Press Officer: Sarah Moroney Personal Secretary: Niamh Lawless Previous party positions: Deputy Cannon was previously a member of the Progressive Democrats and in 1998 he was elected leader of the now defunct party. In March 2009, he became a member of Fine Gael. Electoral History: Deputy Cannon was first elected to the Dáil for the Galway-East constituency in the 2011 general election. He was elected to the Seanad in 2007 upon the nomination of the Taoiseach while he was a member of the Progressive Democrats. Education/Previous occupation: Before entering politics, Deputy Cannon was the Chief Executive Officer of IHCPT, The Irish Pilgrimage Trust, between 2002 and 2006 and was also it's secretary from 2000 to 2002.


Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons

Minister of State: Seán Sherlock TD

Special Responsibility: Research and Innovation Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Labour Party Contact details for the Minister’s office Tel: 01 889 6768 (Department); 022 53523; 01 6184048 (Constituency) Fax: 01 889 6788 (Department); 022 57761 (Constituency) Email:; sean. Private Secretary: Ciara Molloy Press Officer: Sarah Moroney

Fianna Fáil: Brendan Smith TD

Previous committee memberships: Deputy Sherlock was a member of the Oireachtas committee on agriculture, fisheries and food and the Oireachtas committee on economic regulatory affairs in the 30th Dáil. Previous party positions: Deputy Sherlock served as Labour party spokesperson on agriculture and food in the 30th Dáil. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Sherlock was co-opted to Mallow Town Council and Cork County Council in September 2003 and elected to both the following year, becoming Mayor of Mallow in 2004. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Sherlock was educated at College of Commerce, Cork and University College, Galway and earned a BA in Economics and Politics. He is a former Parliamentary Assistant to Labour Party President and MEP Proinsias de Rossa, Electoral history: Seán Sherlock was first elected to the Dáil following the 2007 general election and was subsequently re-elected in 2011.


Sinn Féin: Seán Crowe TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183941 Constituency: Dublin South West Email:

Department of Education and Skills

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183376 Constituency: Cavan Monaghan Email:

Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

At the end of an inquiry, the Committee will usually produce a report setting out its findings and making recommendations to the Government.

Joint Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education This Committee has a broad remit, shadowing three departments and will play a key role in providing a meaningful input into legislation and policy and informing debate on the creation and retention of jobs; promoting and supporting enterprise and innovation; developing sustainable social policies and ensuring Ireland’s education system benefits all of society and is recognised internationally as a top class system. The Committee conducts inquiries into areas of current interest within its remit. Among the key policy priorities for the Committee are: • Reform of commercial rates and the high level of business costs; • Social Welfare reform; • The Structure and management of Irish schools; • Standards of teaching and research in universities and institutes of technology.

Clerk to the Committee Tara Kelly Email: Telephone: 01 6183481

Chairperson Damien English TD (Fine Gael) Tel: 01 6184012 Email: Deputy English currently serves the Meath West constituency which he has represented since he first was elected in 2002. During his time in the 30th Dáil he was Fine Gael spokesperson for small business and labour affairs and served on several committees including the joint committee on enterprise, trade and innovation, the joint committee on economic regulatory affairs, the joint committee on finance and the joint committee on European scrutiny. In the 29th Dáil he was secretary of the Fine Gael Parliamentary

Members Deputies:

Mary Mitchell O’Connor

Fine Gael

Ray Butler

Fine Gael

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin


Áine Collins

Fine Gael

Aengus Ó Snodaigh

Sinn Féin

Joan Collins

United Left

Willie O’Dea

Fianna Fáil

Michael Conaghan


Barry Cowen

Fianna Fail

Brendan Smith

Fianna Fáil

Seán Crowe

Sinn Féin

Peadar Tóibín

Sinn Féin

Damien English

Fine Gael

Tom Fleming



Brendan Griffin,

Fine Gael

Deirdre Clune

Fine Gael

John Halligan


John Kelly


Seán Kyne

Fine Gael

Michael Mullins

Fine Gael

Anthony Lawlor

Fine Gael

Marie Louise O’Donnell


John Lyons


Averil Power

Fianna Fáil

Nicky McFadden

Fine Gael

Feargal Quinn


Brendan Ryan



Public Affairs Ireland

The Department

Party (2002 to 2007), deputy spokesperson for arts, sport and tourism (2002 to 2004), deputy spokesperson for justice and community affairs, with special responsibility for drugs, alcohol & crime prevention (2004 to 2007) and was a member of the British-Irish Inter Parliamentary Body. Deputy English has attained a Diploma in Management Accounting through the Certified Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) following his studies at Dublin Institute of Technology & Dublin Business School.

Secretary General: Brigid McManus Appointed: January 2005

Department of Education and Skills Secretary General Brigid McManus

Internal Audit

Chief Inspector: Dr Harold Hislop

Assistant Secretary: Dermot Mulligan National


The Inspectorate




Redress Unit

Service (NEPS)


Special Education


Assistant Secretary: Michael Keogh

Assistant Secretary: Pat Burke

Director: Alan Wall

Early Years


External Industrial


Policy & Skills

Education Policy




and Research &

Assistant Assistant Secretary: Secretary: Peter Baldwin Ruth Carmody

Assistant Secretary: Martin Hanevy

Higher Education


Human Resources

National Policy & Legal


I (Personnel, Administrative

Qualifications, Pensions


Curriculum &

Higher Education


Equity of Access


Decentralisation) Statistics Further Education

Assistant Secretary: Kevin McCarthy

Social Inclusion Integration Unit

ICT Policy Human Resources II

School Transport

International &



(Personnel, NonAdmin. Staff) Finance


Assistant Secretary: Sean O Foghlu

Planning, Building Schools Division

& Public/Private Partnership

Department of Education and Skills

Private Secretary: Niamh Devine Contact details for Secretary General’s office: Tel: 01 8892280

Public Affairs Ireland Previous positions: From 1978 to 1995, Brigid McManus worked in the Department of Finance in a variety of posts dealing with public expenditure issues and various EU financial issues including the preparation of the 1994-1999 NDP for the EU Structural and Cohesion Funds. From 1995-2000 she worked in the Department of Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht where her responsibilities included the funding and legislative framework for the National Cultural Institutions. She was a special policy adviser to the Minister between 1997 and 2000. Ms McManus was also an assistant secretary at the Department of Finance with responsibility for tax policy issues from 2000 to 2005. Education/ Qualifications: Ms McManus received a B.A. in History and Economics from University College, Dublin. She also has a Diploma in Public Administration from École Nationale d’Administration, Paris.

Departmental Divisions (i) The Inspectorate •

Dublin Department of Education and Skills Inspectorate Secretariat Block 3 Marlborough St Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8896553

Cork Department of Education and Skills 1A South Mall Cork Tel: 021 4906011

Galway Department of Education and Skills Floor 3 Ross House Merchant’s Road Galway Tel: 091 568922

Sligo Department of Education and Skills Kempten Promenade Bridge Street Sligo Tel: 0719143218

Limerick Department of Education and Skills Rosbrien Road Punch’s Cross Limerick Tel: 061 430000/430004

The Inspectorate is responsible for the evaluation of primary and post-primary schools and centres for education in accordance with Section 13 of the Education Act 1998. It also, provides advice to schools, teachers and boards of management, and contributes to the formulation of education policy. • Chief Inspector: Dr Harold Hislop • Regional subdivision - Deputy Chief Inspector: Gary Ó Donnchadha • Policy support subdivision - Deputy Chief Inspector: Vacant • Assistant Chief Inspectors: Doreen McMorris; Deirdre Mathews; Emer Egan; Eamonn Murtagh; Don Mahon; Gary Ó Donnchadha; Pat MacSitric. Suzanne Dillon

(ii) National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) Frederick Court 24-27 North Frederick Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8892700 Fax: 01 8892755 Email:

• Assistant Secretary: Peter Baldwin • Director: Maureen Costello • Assistant Principal: Fergal Nolan The National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) is a service provided by the Department of Education and Skills. NEPS psychologists work with both primary and post-primary schools and they are concerned with learning, behaviour, and social and emotional development. Each psychologist is assigned to a group of schools. “NEPS mission is to support the personal, social and educational development of all children through the application of psychological theory and practice in education, having particular regard for children with special educational needs.” NEPS psychologists are based in a network of 22 offices throughout the country, the location, addresses and phone numbers of which can be found on the department’s website.


Public Affairs Ireland

• • •

(iv) Residential Institutions Redress Unit (RIRU) • • •

• • •

Assistant Secretary: Ruth Carmody Principal Officer: Catherine Hynes Assistant Principal: Theresa Ryan

• • •

Assistant Secretary: Michael Keogh Principal Officer: Ann McDonnell Assistant Principals: Paul McCarthy; Colm Purcell; Paul Soden; Julie Murphy; Peig Garvey

(vii) Human Resources I (Personnel, Administrative Staff, Decentralisation) • • •

Assistant Secretary: Michael Keogh Principal Officer: David Gordon Assistant Principals: Paraic Joyce; Eileen Guiney; Vacancy

(viii) Human Resources II (Personnel, Non-Admin. Staff) • • •

Assistant Secretary: Michael Keogh Principal Officer: David Gordon Assistant Principal: Arthur Kelly

• • •

Assistant Secretary: Pat Burke Principal Officer: Philip Crosby Assistant Principals: Tara Carton; Pat Pykett; Micheál Lenihan

Assistant Secretary: Alan Wall Principal Officer: Eddie Ward Assistant Principals: Karen Murtagh; Rita Sexton

(xiii) Higher Education Policy & Skills and Research & Finance • • •

Assistant Secretary: Kevin McCarthy Principal Officers: Anne Forde; Jerome Kelly Assistant Principals: Laura Casey; Anne-Marie Grenham; Michael Troy; Gráinne Morrissey

(xiv) Higher Education Equity of Access • • •

Assistant Secretary: Kevin McCarthy Principal Officer: Brian Power Assistant Principals: Eilish Bergin; Jackie Hynes

(xv) National Development Plan • • •

(ix) External Industrial Relations • • •

Assistant Secretary: Alan Wall Principal Officer: Margaret Kelly; Phil O’Flaherty Assistant Principals: Anne Murray; Anne O’Mahony

(xii) ICT Policy

(vi) Information Technology • • •

Assistant Secretary: Alan Wall Principal Officer: Alan Wall Assistant Principals: Jill Fannin; Marguerita Boyle; David Walsh

(xi) Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessment Policy

Assistant Secretary: Peter Baldwin Principal Officer: Mary McGarry Assistant Principals: Nuala Hynes; Aongus Ó hAonghusa

(v) Early Years Education Policy • • •

(x) Teacher Education

Assistant Secretary: Dermot Mulligan Principal Officer: Jim Mulkerrins Assistant Principals: Aisling Curley; Terry Reynolds

Assistant Secretary: Peter Baldwin Principal Officer: Brian Duggan Assistant Principals: Mary Kelleher; Peter Kelly

(xvi) Pensions • • •


Assistant Secretary: Pat Burke Principal Officer: Ann Killian Assistant Principal: Shay Lennon; Íde Mulcahy

Department of Education and Skills

(iii) Special Education

Public Affairs Ireland

(xvii) Policy & Legal • • •

(xviii) Statistics • • •

Director: Ruth Carmody Senior Statistician: Tom Healy Statisticians: Gillian Golden; Nicola Tickner

(xix) Corporate Services • • •

(xxiv) Further Education

Director: Ruth Carmody Principal Officer: Caitriona O’Brien Assistant Principals: Ursula Dunne; Breda Connaughton

• • •

(xxv) Integration Unit • •

• • - - • - - • - - • - - • - - •

Director: Michael Keogh Principal Officer: Christine Tiernan Assistant Principals: Siobhán Cullen; Andrew Diggins; Philip Marron; Niall McCabe

Assistant Secretary: Martin Hanevy Principal Officer: Hubert Loftus; Matt Ryan; Brian Brogan; Dalton Tattan Assistant Principals: Alfie Barrett; Josephine O’Connor; Teresa McNeill; Conor McCourt; Peter Raftery; Martin Shiel; Eugene Rafferty

(xxi) Finance • • • •

Assistant Secretary: Michael Keogh Principal Officer: Eamonn Moran Assistant Principals: Bláithín Dowling; Áine Garvin; Alan O’Neill Accountant: Valerie Considine

(xxii) Social Inclusion • • •

Assistant Secretary: Ruth Carmody Principal Officer: John Kelly Assistant Principals: Catriona Hanevy; Chris Kelly; Donagh Kelly; Kay Prendergast

(xxiii) International & North/ South • • •

Director: Alan Wall Principal Officer: Seamus McLoughlin Assistant Principals: Keith Moynes; Micheál Ó Fiannachta; Des O’Loughlin

Assistant Secretary: Ruth Carmody Principal Officer: Breda Naughton

(xxvi) Planning, Building & Public/Private Partnership

(xx) Schools Division • • •

Assistant Secretary: Peter Baldwin Principal Officer: Seamus Hempenstall Assistant Principals: Marian Carr; Justina Corcoran

Assistant Secretary: Sean O Foghlu 3rd Level BU & PBU Finance: Principal Officer: John Rigney Assistant Principals: Peter Healey; Micheál Delaney Forward Planning: Principal Officer: Tony Dalton Assistant Principals: Richard Dolan; Micheál Delaney Construction, Devolved Schemes and Developing Areas Unit: Principal Officer: Mary Craig Assistant Principals: Enda Hughes School Capital Appraisal and Architectural Planning: Principal Officer: Gerome Kelly Assistant Principal: Mary Horan; Tom Plunkett Public/Private Partnership: Principal Officer: Maria Grogan Assistant Principals: Eamonn Cusack; Cyril O’Neill Managers: Jonathan Bliss; Larry McEvoy; Tony Sheppard

(xxvii) School Transport • • •

Assistant Secretary: Pat Burke Principal Officer: Patricia O Connor Assistant Principals: Dominic Sullivan; Niamh McElduff

(xxx) Payroll • • •

Assistant Secretary: Pat Burke Principal Officer: Padraig Maloney Assistant Principals: Bernie Quinn; Catherine Kelly; Carmel Egan

(xxxi) Internal Audit •


Principal Officer: David Salter

Public Affairs Ireland

Agencies and Associated Bodies

Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta 22 Plás Mhic Liam, Baile Átha Cliath 2 Tel: 01 6340831 Fax: 01 6341002 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Dr Vincent Cunnane Registrar: Mr Cecil Keaveney The Institute was established in 1940 under the Institute for Advanced Studies Act. A publicly-funded independent centre for research in basic disciplines, it has three constituent schools: the School of Celtic Studies, the School of Theoretical Physics and the School of Cosmic Physics. The Institute pursues research in specialised areas and trains advanced students in original research methods.

Chairperson: John Carr Chief Executive: Muireann Ní Mhóráin An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta was founded under the provisions of Article 31 of the Education Act of 1998 following a campaign led by Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, Gaelscoileanna & Eagraíocht na Scoileanna Gaeltachta to establish a structure to cater for the educational needs of Gaeltacht schools and of Gaelscoileanna. There are functions also in Article 31 relating to the teaching of Irish in the country’s other schools.

The Education (Former Residents of Certain Institutions for Children) Finance Board Floor 3 Frederick Court 24/27 North Frederick Street Dublin 1 Tel: 1890 742742 Fax: 01 8745709 Email: Website:

Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Floor 2, St. Stephen’s Green House Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 Tel: 01 662 4444 Email:

Chairperson: Richard Langford Secretary Manager: Eithne Doherty The Education Finance Board is a statutory body as a result of the indemnity agreement with the State and the religious congregations. It is responsible for administering an education fund for former residents of certain institutions and their families. The board, appointed by the Minister, is independent in the performance of its functions and consists of a chairperson and eight ordinary members, four of whom are former residents of one or more of the institutions.

Chairperson: Mr. Justice Ryan Higher Executive Officer: Ms. Deirdre Finegan The Commission was established on 23 May, 2000, pursuant to the “Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000”. Its functions inlcude: to hear evidence of abuse from persons who allege they suffered abuse in childhood, in institutions, during the period from 1940 or earlier, to the present day; to conduct an inquiry into abuse of children in institutions during that period and, where satisfied that abuse occurred, to determine the causes, nature, circumstances and extent of such abuse; and to prepare and publish reports on the results of the inquiry and on its recommendations in relation to dealing with the effects of such abuse.


Department of Education and Skills

10 Burlington Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6140100 Fax: 01 6680561 Email: Website:

Public Affairs Ireland

Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC)

Higher Education Authority (HEA)

Ground Floor East Point Plaza East Point Business Park Fairview Dublin 3 Tel: 01 8659500 Fax: 01 8650067 Email: Website:

Brooklawn House Crampton Ave. Shelbourne Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 2317100 LoCall: 1890 200 637 Fax: 01 2317172 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Donal O’Rourke Chief Executive: Dr Padraig Walsh FETAC is responsible for making and promoting quality awards in further education and training, setting national standards, validating the quality of programmes and establishing working partnerships, in addition to making awards which were previously the responsibility of the National Council for Vocational Awards (NCVA), CERT/NTCB, FÁS Teagasc and BIM. Note: Legislation published in July 2011 provides for a new single national agency, Qualifications and Quality Assurance Ireland (QQAI), which will replace FETAC, HETAC, NQAI and IUQB. It is anticipated that QQAI will be established in 2012. FETAC continues its award making, programme validation and monitoring activities as scheduled. However, during 2011/12 further changes to services may arise.

Chairperson: Mr. John Hennessy Chief Executive: Tom Boland The HEA is the statutory body responsible for the funding of universities and designated third-level education institutions. Under the terms of the Higher Education Authority Act 1971 it is responsible for the development of third-level education and for performing an advisory role in relation to all third-level education. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology and the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Science are to be consolidated into one single council under HEA. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger. Higher Education and Training

Grangegorman Development Agency

26-27 Denzille Lane Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6441500 Fax: 01 6314577 Email: Website:

c/o St. Brendan’s Hospital Former Nurses Education Centre Grangegorman Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8676070 Email: Website: Chairperson: John Fitzgerald Chief Executive: Mr Micheal Hand The Grangegorman Development Agency was established in 2006 by the Irish Government to redevelop the former St. Brendan’s Hospital grounds in Dublin city centre as a new campus for the Dublin Institute of Technology and to provide community health facilities on behalf of the Health Services Executive.

Awards Council (HETAC)

Chairperson: Professor W.J. (Seamus) Smith Chief Executive: Padraig Walsh HETAC is the qualifications-awarding body for thirdlevel educational and training institutions outside the university sector. Note: Legislation published in July 2011 provides for a new single national agency, Qualifications and Quality Assurance Ireland (QQAI), which will replace FETAC, HETAC, NQAI and IUQB. It is anticipated that QQAI will be established in 2012. FETAC continues its award making, programme validation and monitoring activities as scheduled. However, during 2011/12 further changes to services may arise.


Public Affairs Ireland

International Education Board of Ireland (IEBI)

Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology

The Plaza East Point Business Park Dublin 3 Ireland Tel: 01 7272359 Fax: 01 5292499 Email: Website: Chief Executive Officer: John Lynch The IEBI was established by the Government in 1992 to promote and co-ordinate the marketing of Ireland as a provider of international education Professor W.J. (Séamus) Smyth services. It has representation from the third-level sector (both public and private), EFL (English as a Foreign Language) schools, government departments and semi-state agencies.

Chairperson: Prof. Jane Grimson Director: Martin Hynes The Embark Initiative is operated by the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET). It is funded by the State under the National Development Plan and provides direct financial support for researchers & research students with the aim of knowledge creation for the long-term benefit of society and the economy. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology and the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Science are to be consolidated into one single council under HEA. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.

Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences First Floor Brooklawn House Crampton Avenue Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6603652 Fax: 01 6603728 Email: Website:


Chairperson: Professor Caroline Fennell Director: Tim Conlon (Acting) The Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences was set up to develop Ireland’s research capacity and skills base – with the support of the National Development Plan the IRCHSS funds research in the humanities, social sciences, business and law with the objective of creating new knowledge and expertise that will ultimately benefit Ireland’s economic, social and cultural development.

189-193 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8731411 Fax: 01 8731316 Email: Website: Chairperson: Eamonn Kinch Executive Director: Jim Mullin Léargas is Ireland’s National Agency for the management of transnational programmes in the areas of youth work, primary and secondary education, vocational education and training, and lifelong learning.

Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology and the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Science are to be consolidated into one single council under HEA. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.


Department of Education and Skills

The Embark Initiative IRCSET Brooklawn House Crampton Avenue Shelbourne Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 2315000 Fax: 01 2315009 Email: Website:

Public Affairs Ireland

National Centre for Guidance in Education

National Council for Special Education

First Floor 42-43 Prussia Street Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8690715 Fax: 01 8823817 Email: Website:

1-2 Mill Street Trim Co Meath Tel: 046 9486400 Fax: 046 9486404 Email: Website:

Director: Jennifer Mckenzie The centre is responsible for supporting and developing guidance practice in all areas of education and to inform departmental policy in this area.

Chairperson: Sydney Blain Chief Executive: Teresa Griffin The NCSE was set up to improve the delivery of education services to persons with special educational needs arising from disabilities, with particular emphasis on children.

National Centre for Technology in Education Dublin City University Glasnevin Dublin 9 Tel: 01 7008200 Fax: 01 7008210 Email: Website: Director: Jerome Morrissey The NCTE manages the implementation of the Government’s ICT in Schools initiative and provides advice to the Department on issues relating to ICT and learning/teaching.

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) 24 Merrion Square Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6617177 Fax: 01 6617180 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr. Tom Collins Chief Executive Officer: Dr Anne Looney The NCCA’s role is to advise the Minister on curriculum and assessment for early childhood education and for primary and post-primary schools. The functions formerly performed by Integrate Ireland Language and Training Ltd have, in part, been taken over by the NCCA.

National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) (The Advisory Council for English Language Schools (ACELS) is now part of NQAI as of January 2010) 5th Floor Jervis House Jervis Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8871500 Fax: 01 8871595 Email: Website: NQAI Chairperson: Paul Haran NQAI Chief Executive Officer: Dr Padraig Walsh ACELS Head: Jim Ferguson ACELS Project Manager: Sue Hackett ACELS Tel: 01 8871500 Fax: 01 8871595 Email: Website: The NQAI was set up in February 2001 under the Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999 to establish and maintain a qualifications framework for the development, recognition and award of qualifications based on knowledge or skill competence to be acquired by learners. It is also responsible for establishing and promoting the maintenance and improvement of the standards of awards of the further education and training sector (other than in the existing universities) and for promoting and facilitating access, transfer and progression throughout the whole span of education and training. The Advisory Council for English Language Schools (ACELS) was established in 1969 under the auspices of the Irish Department of Education & Science to control standards in EFL schools and organisations through an inspection/recognition scheme.


Public Affairs Ireland

The Presidents Award/Gaisce

Royal Irish Academy of Music

Ratra House, Phoenix Park North Road, Pheonix Park Tel: 01 617 1999 Fax: 01 617 1999 Email: Website:

36-38 Westland Row Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6764412 Fax: 01 6622798 Email: Website:

Residential Institutions Redress Board

State Examinations Commission Cornamaddy Athlone Co Westmeath Tel: 090 6442700 Fax: 090 6442744 Email: Website:

Belfield Office Park Beech Hill Road Clonskeagh PO box 9104 Dublin 4 Tel: 01 2680600 LoCall: 1800 200086 Fax: 01 2680025 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Richard Langford Chief Executive: Aidan Farrell A non-departmental body under the aegis of the Department of Education, the SEC is responsible for the development, assessment, accreditation and certification of the Junior Certificate and the Leaving Certificate.

Chairperson: Hon. Mr. Justice Esmond Smith Principal Officer: Michael O’Beirne The Redress Board was set up under the Residential Institutions Redress Act, 2002 to make fair and reasonable awards to those who, as children, were abused while resident in industrial schools, reformatories and other institutions subject to state regulation or inspection.

The Teaching Council Block A Maynooth Business Campus Maynooth Co. Kildare Tel: 01 6517900 Fax: 01 6517901 E-mail: Website:

Royal Irish Academy 19 Dawson Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6762570 Fax: 01 6762346 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Lily Cronin Director: Áine Lawlor The Teaching Council seeks to promote and develop teaching as a profession at primary and post-primary levels. It provides a forum for presenting the views of the profession on all aspects of the teaching career.

President (Council and Executive Committee): Prof. Luke Drury Executive Secretary: Laura Mahoney The Royal Irish Academy is the academy for the sciences and humanities for Ireland, promoting excellence in scholarship, recognising achievements in learning, directing research programmes and producing books and journals on the sciences, archaeology, history, literature, Celtic studies and international affairs.


Department of Education and Skills

Chairperson: Brian Aylward Director: Deborah Kelleher Founded in 1848, the Academy offers a full range of musical studies, as well as speech and drama, from beginner to diploma and graduate to post-graduate level.

Chairperson: Laurence Crowley Chief Executive Officer: Patrick G. Callaghan The President’s Award is a national challenge award open to individuals between 15 and 25 years of age.

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Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 6 Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation Offices

Introduction The Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation was first established in 1924 as the Department of Industry and Commerce. Since then it has existed in many forms, and its current name and combination of responsibilities date from 2011.

Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation Davitt House 65A Adelaide Road Dublin 2 (Employment Rights and Industrial Relations)

The department is central to the growth and development of the national economy by reason of its responsibility for the State’s industrial, enterprise, and employment policies. It also has responsibility for competition policy, consumer policy and company law. In addition, there are a number of significant agencies, which are charged with the implementation and enforcement of government policy in key areas that report to the Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation.

Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation Earlsfort Centre Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 (Commerce, Consumers, and Competition)

The department’s current mission statement is to “work for the Government and the people to equitably grow Ireland’s competitiveness and quality employment.”

Main Telephone Number: 01 6312121 LoCall: 1890 220 222 Fax Numbers: Kildare Street: 01 6312827 Adelaide Road: 01 6313267 Earlsfort Centre: 01 6312599 Email: Email protocol: Website:

Core areas of responsibility • Industrial policy

• Industrial Relations

• Company law

• Science Technology and

• Competition law

Intellectual Property

• Consumer policy

• Enterprise Policy

• Employment policy 51

Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation

Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation Kildare Street Dublin 2 (Office of the Minister, Ministers of State and Secretary General, Corporate Services, Competitiveness and Jobs, Innovation and Investment, EU Affairs and Trade Policy)

Public Affairs Ireland

Minister for Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation: Richard Bruton TD Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for the Minister’s office: Telephone: 01 6312172 (Department); 01 6183103 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6312815 (Department); 01 6184501 (Dáil) (Department); (Dáil) Private Secretary: John Maher Email: Special Advisor: Ciaran Conlon Email: Press Advisor: Conor Quinn Email: Previous ministries: Deputy Bruton was Minister for Enterprise and Employment from 1994 to 1997 and Minister of State at the Department of Industry and Commerce from September from 1986 to March 1987. Previous committee positions: Deputy Bruton has served on the Dáil committee on public expenditure and is a former member of the joint Oireachtas committees on education and science, women’s rights, enterprise and employment, public enterprise and transport, and commercial state bodies. Most recently, Deputy Bruton sat on the joint Oireachtas committee on finance and the public service until October 2010. Previous party positions: Deputy Bruton was the Fine Gael party spokesperson on energy and communications from 1987 to 1989, energy and natural resources from 1989 to 1990, employment from 1992 to 1993, health from 1990 to 1992, enterprise and employment from 1993 to 1994 and education and science from 1997 to 2002. He was also the Fine Gael spokesperson on policy and press director with special responsibility for decentralisation and development of new cities from June 2000 to February 2001; he then became director of policy from February 2001 to June 2002. Most recently, he was deputy leader of Fine Gael and spokesperson on finance from 2002 to 2010 and from 2010 he was Fine Gael spokesperson on enterprise, jobs and economic planning. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Bruton was a member of Seanad Éireann from August 1981 to February 1982. He was also a member of Meath County Council from 1979 to 1982.

He also was a member of Dublin City Council from 1991 to 1994 and then again from 1999 to 2003. Education/Previous occupation: He attended University College, Dublin and Nuffield College, Oxford, where he obtained an M.Phil in Economics. Electoral history: Richard Bruton was re-elected to the Dáil for the Dublin North-Central Constituency in the February 2011 general election and has held a seat in this constituency since 1982.

Ministers of State Minister of State: John Perry TD Special Responsibility: Small business Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6183765 (Department) 01 6183765 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6184610 Email: Private Secretary: Eamon McCormack Press Officer: Sinead Fennell Email: Previous committee positions: Deputy Perry was chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee; vicechairperson of the joint Oireachtas committee on communications and natural resources; member of the audit committee of the Houses of the Oireachtas commission; chairperson of the joint Oireachtas committee on European scrutiny; and a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on economic regulatory affairs. Previous party positions: Deputy Perry was spokesperson on science, technology, small business and enterprise and the border counties from 1997 to 2000; assistant director of organisation and junior spokesperson (with special responsibility for border issues) from June 2000 to February 2001; spokesperson on the marine from 2004 to 2007; and spokesperson on small business in the 30th Dáil. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Perry was a member of Sligo County Council from 1999 to 2004, representing the Sligo–Strandhill electoral area. Electoral history: John Perry was first elected to the Dáil in 1997 for the Sligo-North Leitrim constituency and has retained his seat in each election since.


Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons

Minister of State: Seán Sherlock TD

Special Responsibility: Research and innovation Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Labour Party Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6184049 (Dáil) Email: Private Secretary: Patrick Rochford Press Officer: Róisín McCann Personal Secretary: Davina Hickey

Fianna Fáil: Willie O’Dea TD

Previous committee memberships: Deputy Sherlock was a member of the Oireachtas committee on agriculture, fisheries and food and the joint Oireachtas committee on economic regulatory affairs in the 30th Dáil. Previous party positions: Deputy Sherlock served as spokesperson on agriculture and food in the 30th Dáil. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Sherlock was co-opted to Mallow Town Council and Cork County Council in September 2003 and elected to both the following year. He became Mayor of Mallow in 2004. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Sherlock was educated at College of Commerce, Cork and University College, Galway and earned a BA in Economics and Politics. He worked as an assistant to the former Labour party president and MEP Proinsias de Rossa. Electoral history: Seán Sherlock was first elected to the Dáil following the 2007 general election and subsequently re-elected in the 2011 election.


Fianna Fáil: John McGuinness TD (Small Business Regulatory Framework) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183137 Constituency: Carlow Kilkenny Email:

Sinn Féin: Peadar Tóibín TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183518 Constituency: Meath West Email: peadar.toibin@

Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184259 Constituency: Limerick City Email:

Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

Clerk to the Committee Tara Kelly Email: Telephone: 01 6183481

Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education This Committee has a broad remit, shadowing three departments and will play a key role in providing a meaningful input into legislation and policy and informing debate on the creation and retention of jobs; promoting and supporting enterprise and innovation; developing sustainable social policies and ensuring Ireland’s education system benefits all of society and is recognised internationally as a top class system. The Committee conducts inquiries into areas of current interest within its remit. Among the key policy priorities for the Committee are: • Reform of commercial rates and the high level of business costs; • Social Welfare reform; • The Structure and management of Irish schools; • Standards of teaching and research in universities and institutes of technology. At the end of an inquiry, the Committee will usually produce a report setting out its findings and making recommendations to the Government.

Chairperson Damien English TD (Fine Gael) Tel: 01 6184012 Email: damien.english@ Deputy English currently serves the Meath West constituency which he has represented since he first was elected in 2002. During his time in the 30th Dáil he was Fine Gael spokesperson for small business and labour affairs and served on several committees including the joint committee on enterprise, trade and innovation, the joint committee on economic regulatory affairs, the joint committee on finance and the joint committee on European scrutiny. In the 29th Dáil he was secretary of the Fine Gael Parliamentary Party (2002 to 2007), deputy spokesperson for arts, sport and tourism (2002 to 2004), deputy spokesperson for justice and community affairs, with special responsibility for drugs, alcohol & crime prevention (2004 to 2007) and was a member of the British-Irish Inter Parliamentary Body. Deputy English has attained a Diploma in Management Accounting through the Certified Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) following his studies at Dublin Institute of Technology & Dublin Business School.

Members Deputies:

Mary Mitchell O’Connor

Fine Gael

Ray Butler

Fine Gael

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin


Áine Collins

Fine Gael

Aengus Ó Snodaigh

Sinn Féin

Joan Collins

United Left

Willie O’Dea

Fianna Fáil

Michael Conaghan


Brendan Ryan


Barry Cowen

Fianna Fail

Brendan Smith

Fianna Fáil

Seán Crowe

Sinn Féin

Peadar Tóibín

Sinn Féin

Damien English

Fine Gael

Tom Fleming



Brendan Griffin

Fine Gael

Deirdre Clune

Fine Gael

John Halligan


John Kelly


Seán Kyne

Fine Gael

Michael Mullins

Fine Gael

Anthony Lawlor

Fine Gael

Marie Louise O’Donnell


John Lyons


Averil Power

Fianna Fáil

Nicky McFadden

Fine Gael

Feargal Quinn



Public Affairs Ireland

Secretary General: John Murphy Contact details for Secretary General's Office: 01 6312170 Appointed: November 2011 Previous Positions: Mr Murphy was previously Assistant Secretary for Transport Investment, Public Transport and Finance in the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and has previously held roles in the Departments of Labour, Finance, Environment as well as Revenue. Education: Mr Murphy holds a BA in History and Politics from UCD and a M.Sc. (Econ) in Public Policy Studies from TCD/IPA.

Departmental Divisions (i) Labour Affairs & Corporate Services • • - -

- - • - • - - • - - • - -

Assistant Secretary: Dermot Curran Industrial Relations / EU employment issues Principal Officer: Paul Cullen Assistant Principal: Michael Green; Gary Dixon Employment Rights Section Principal Officer: Fiona Flood Assistant Principals: Frank Doheny; Eamonn Balmer Employment Rights Legislation (Projects) Principal Officer: Thomas Tobin Management Support Unit Principal Officer: Anne Coleman Dunne Assistant Principals: Nina Brennan; Celyna Coughlan Personnel & Business Services Unit Principal Officer: Maureen O’Sullivan Assistant Principals: Dermot Sheridan; Siobhan Fitzpatrick; Peter Buckley Finance Unit Principal Officer: Paraig Hennessy Assistant Principals: Nicola Haran; Catherine Carroll (Accountant Grade 1); Gerard Ryan (Accountant Grade 1)

(ii) Innovation & Investment • Assistant Secretary: Martin Shanagher • Cross-Departmental Science, Technology & Innovation Policy & Discover Science/ Awareness programmes - Principal Officer: Pat Nolan - Assistant Principal: Pauline Mulligan • Taxation Policy - Accountant Grade 1: Paul Kealy • Industry R&D including Enterprise Ireland, Tyndall National Institute and STI Financials: - Principal Officer: Helen Nugent - Assistant Principals: Eadaoin Collins; Michael Davitt • Science Foundation Ireland, PRTLI, EU & International Research policy, inc. EU Structural Funds - Principal Officer: Aidan Hodson - Assistant Principals: Pat Kelly; Fergal Cullen - Assistant Principal: John Ruttledge • Intellectual Property Unit - Principal Officer: Eamonn Laird - Assistant Principal: Imelda Hardiman • Patents Office - Controller of Patents: Eamonn Laird - Assistant Principals: Gerard Barrett; Dermot Doyle; Michael Leydon (Senior Patents Examiner) • Inward Investment & North South - Principal Officer: Vacant - Assistant Principals: Ronnie Breen, Seamus Chamberlain

(iii) EU Affairs & Trade Policy • • - - • - - • - - • - - • - - • - - •


Assistant Secretary: Philip Kelly EU Affairs & Internal Market Principal Officer: Tommy Murray Assistant Principal: Derval Monahan Chemicals Regulation Policy Principal Officer: Francis Rochford Assistant Principal: John Hughes Health & Safety Policy Liaison Principal Officer: Francis Rochford Assistant Principal: Danny Kelly Trade Policy Unit Principal Officer: Gerry Monks Assistant Principal: Anne-Marie Finlay Licensing Section Principal Officer: Gerry Monks Assistant Principal: Siobhan O’Carroll Bi-lateral Trade Promotion Principal Officer: Gerry Monks Assistant Principal: Gerry Wrynn ICT Unit

Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation

The Department

Public Affairs Ireland

The Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation Secretary General John Murphy

Assistant Secretary: Clare Dunne Competiteveness and Jobs

Competiteveness & Climate Change

Enterprise Development Unit

Micro Enterprise Policy Unit

Assistant Secretary: Dermot Curran

Assistant Secretary: Martin Shanagher

Labour Affairs & Corporate Services

Innovation & Investment

Industrial Relations / EU employment issues

Crossdepartmental STI Policy, Governess & Awareness

Employment Rights Section:

Taxation Policy

Employment Rights Legislation (Projects

Industry R&D including Enterprise Ireland, Tyndall National Instiitute & STI Financials

Operational Programmes Managementt Unit

Management Support Unit

SME Policy Unit

Personnel & Business Services Unit

Finance Unit

Science Foundation Ireland, PRTLI, EU & International Research policy & EU structural funds

Intellectual Property Unit

Assistant Secretary: Breda Power Commerce, Consumer & Competition Competition and Consumer Policy

Company Law (EU projects)

Company Law Projects

Company Law Review

Company Law Policy Unit

Better Business Regulation

Co-Operative Legislation/ PIAB

Assistant Secretary: Philip Kelly EU Affairs & Trade Policy EU Affairs & Internal Market

Chemicals Regulation Policy

Health & Safety Policy Liason

Trade Policy Unit

Licensing Section

Bi-Lateral Trade Promotion

ICT unit

Economic Migration Policy & Employment Permits

Patents Unit Internal Audit Inward Investment & North South


- Principal Officer: John Newham - Assistant Principals: Patrick Ryan; Pat McCourt; Richard Barry; Martin Kerrigan • Economic Migration Policy & Employment Permits - Principal Officer: Francis Rochford - Assistant Principals: Brendan Shanahan; Joan Kehoe • Internal Audit - Principal Officer: Fiona Kilcullen - Assistant Principals: Fiona O’Dea; Stephen Boyd (Accountant Grade 1)

(v) Commerce, Consumer and Competition

(iv) Competitiveness & Jobs

• - - • - - • - - • - - • - -

• • - - • - - - • - - • - • -

• • - - • - -

Assistant Secretary: Clare Dunne Competitiveness & Climate Change Principal Officer: William Parnell Assistant Principal: Tom O’Reilly; Grainne O’Carroll; Orla O’Brien Enterprise Development Unit Principal Officer: Vacant Assistant Principal: Margaret Lawlor Assistant Principal:Vacant Micro Enterprise Policy Unit: Principal Officer: Eamonn McHale Assistant Principal: Aine de Bairtiseil Operational Programmes Management Unit Assistant Principal: Tony Daly SME Policy Unit Assistant Principal: Michael Pender; Eileen O’Carroll


Assistant Secretary: Breda Power Competition and Consumer Policy Principal Officer: Kieran Grace Assistant Principal: Bill Coventry; Julia O’Malley; Bill Cox; Cathal O’Gorman Company Law (EU Legislation) Principal Officer: John P Kelly Assistant Principal: Pat A. Houlihan; Sabha Greene; John Moynihan (Acct. Grade 1) Company Law Projects Principal Officer: Vincent Madigan Assistant Principal: Deirdre O’Higgins Company Law Review Principal Officer: John P. Kelly Assistant Principal: Conor Verdon Company Law Policy Unit Principal Officer: Helen Curley Assistant Principal: Claire Gordon Better Business Regulation Unit Principal Officer: Helen Curley Assistant Principal: Don O’Connor Co-operative Legislation/PIAB Assistant Principal: Maire Ni Churic Legal Advisor: Tanya Holly

Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland

Agencies and Associated Bodies Companies Registration Office Parnell House 14 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8045200 (LoCall: 1890 220226) Fax: 01 8045222 Email: Website: Registrar of Companies: Helen Dixon Assistant Registrars: William Reade; Harry Lester; Gerry Doyle Legal Advisor: Nora Rice The Companies Registration Office is associated with the commerce, consumers and competition division of the Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation. It is the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies, and houses the Registrar of Companies, business names and restricted/disqualified persons. The office’s core functions include: • incorporation of companies and registration of business names; • receipt and registration of post incorporation documents; • enforcement of the Companies Acts in relation to the filing obligations of companies; and • making information available to the public. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Office of the Registrar of Friendly Societies will be formally merged with the Companies Registration Office. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.

Competition Authority Parnell House 14 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8045400 LoCall: 1890 220 224 Fax: 01 8045401 Email: Chairperson: Isolde Goggin Members: Ciarán Quigley (Corporate Services Division); Professor Stephen Calkins (Mergers Division); Gerald FitzGerald (Monopolies Division); Patrick Kenny (Cartels Division) Legal Advisors: Noreen Mackey; David McFadden The Competition Authority is a legal body that is responsible for enforcing Irish and European

Competition law. It has the power to step in if there is evidence that businesses are involved in anticompetitive practices, such as price-fixing cartels, or that businesses are abusing their dominant position. The Competition Authority can also block mergers between businesses that would substantially reduce competition and harm consumers. Note: Under plans contained in the Consumer and Competition Bill, which is currently being drafted, the National Consumer Agency and the Competition Authority are to be merged. At the time of publication, the Bill has not been published.

Employment Appeals Tribunal Davitt House 65a Adelaide Road Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6313006 LoCall: 1890 220222 Fax: 01 6313266 Email: Website: Chairperson: Kate T. O’Mahony Principal Officer: Francis Rochford Assistant Principal: Dominic McBride The tribunal is an independent body established under the Redundancy Payment Act, 1967 to deal with and adjudicate on employment disputes under a wide range of legislation. It consists of a chairperson, 21 vice-chairpersons and a panel of 60 members, 30 nominated by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and 30 by employers’ organisations. A secretariat comprising full-time civil servants seconded from the Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovations assists the tribunal in its discharge of administrative duties. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, industrial relation/employee rights institutions including the Labour Court, Labour Relations Commission, Employment Appeals Tribunal, National Employment Rights Authority and the Equality Tribunal will be rationalized into one single agency. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.

Enterprise Ireland Head Office East Point Business Park Dublin 3 Tel: 01 7272000 Fax: 01 7272020 E-mail: Website:


Public Affairs Ireland Chairperson: Hugh Cooney Chief Executive: Frank Ryan Executive Directors: Julie Sinnamon (Global Business Development); Pat Maher (Central, Northern and Eastern Europe); Gerry Murphy (United States); and Feargal Ó Móráin (Innovation, R&D and Commercialisation)

enterprises. It was established in January 1988 under the Labour Services Act 1987, and its functions, as laid down in the Act, include training and re-training, designated apprenticeships, recruitment service and employment schemes, placement and guidance services, assistance to community groups, advice for people returning to Ireland and those seeking employment elsewhere in the EU, consultancy and HR related services on a commercial basis outside the State, the gathering and publication of labour market related information and the provision of information and reports to the Minister.

The core mission of Enterprise Ireland is to accelerate the development of world-class Irish companies to achieve strong positions in global markets, resulting in increased national and regional economic prosperity. Resources are focused on companies characterised by high levels of innovation, commitment and ambition. The agency’s main areas of activity include investing in research and innovation, competing through productivity, starting and scaling up, achieving export sales and driving regional enterprise.

Wilton Park House Wilton Place Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6073000 Fax: 01 6073030 Email: Website:

European Consumer Centre, Ireland (ECC) MACRO Centre 1 Green Street, Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8797620 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Eoin O’Driscoll Chief Executive: Martin D. Shanahan Forfás is the national policy advisory board for enterprise, trade, science, technology, and innovation. Established in 1994, it provides the Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation and other stakeholders with analysis and advice on issues related to the above areas, in addition to providing administrative and research support to a number of independent bodies. The State’s legal powers for industrial promotion and technology development are vested in it, and it is also the body through which certain powers are delegated to IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland. Board members are appointed by the Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation and as provided for in the industrial development legislation, and the current board includes the Secretary General of the Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation, representatives of related State agencies and a panel of economic, business and other specialists. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, scope is to be established to merge Forfás into the Department. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.

Director: Anne Neville Legal Advisor: Juan Bueso Advisors: Caroline Curneen, Anna Heryan, Lynssey Delaney, Susan Dowling Dispute Resolution Advisor: Susan Reilly A member of the European Consumer Centre Network, ECC Ireland provides free and confidential information on consumer rights in the EU and assists consumers in the resolution of cross-border disputes.

FÁS (Foras Áiseanna Saothair) Training and Employment Authority 27-33 Upper Baggot Street Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6070500 Fax: 01 6070600 Email: Website: Chairperson: Michael Dempsey Director General: Paul O’Toole FÁS is the national training and employment authority responsible for promoting a more competitive and inclusive knowledge-based economy by enhancing the skills and capabilities of individuals and


Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation


Public Affairs Ireland

Health and Safety Authority Metropolitan Building James Joyce Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 6147000 (LoCall: 1890 289 389) Fax: 01 6147020 Email: Website: Chairperson: Michael Horgan Chief Executive: Martin O’Halloran The Health and Safety Authority (HAS) is the national body in Ireland with responsibility for securing health and safety at work. It is a state-sponsored body, operating under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and reporting to the Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation. The HSA operates from seven offices nationwide: the Dublin headquarters and other offices in Athlone, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Sligo and Waterford. It is responsible for monitoring compliance with legislation at the workplace and has the power to take enforcement action, up to and including prosecutions. It also provides information and advice to employers and employees on all aspects of workplace health and safety, and promotes education, training and research in the field.

IDA Ireland Wilton Park House Wilton Place Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6034000 Fax: 01 6034040 Email: Website: Chairperson: Liam O’Mahony Chief Executive: Barry O’Leary IDA Ireland (Industrial Development Agency) is responsible for securing new investment from overseas in manufacturing and internationally traded services sectors, and for encouraging existing investors to expand and develop their businesses. It also provides information on key business sectors and locations within Ireland, assists in the setting up of businesses, acts as a link between potential investors and local industry, government, service providers and research institutions, and offers advice on property solutions. In addition to its Dublin headquarters, it also has offices in Athlone, Cavan, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Limerick, Louth, Sligo and Waterford.

InterTradeIreland: Trade and Business Development Body The Old Gasworks Business Park Kilmorey Street Newry Co. Down BT34 2DE Tel: 048 30834100 Fax: 048 30834155 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr. David Dobbin CBE Chief Executive: Liam Nellis InterTradeIreland, the trade and business development body, is one of six cross-border bodies established under the Belfast Agreement, 1999. Its mission is “to enhance the global competitiveness of the all-island economy to the mutual benefit of Ireland and Northern Ireland through measures such as the creation of knowledge-intensive all-island trade and business development networks and the implementation of allisland trade and business development programmes”. InterTradeIreland aims to identify and develop allisland business opportunities, in addition to helping individual businesses access knowledge and share information in order to build alliances and become more profitable and competitive.

Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority (IAASA) Willow House Millennium Park Naas Co.Kildare Tel: 045 983600 Fax: 045 983601 Email: Website: Chairperson: Karen Erwin Chief Executive: Ian Drennan The Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority (IAASA) was established under Part 2 of the Companies (Auditing and Accounting) Act 2003. Its responsibilities include supervising how the prescribed accountancy bodies regulate and monitor their members and promoting adherence to high professional standards within the auditing and accountancy profession. The IAASA is also responsible for monitoring companies’ compliance with the Companies Acts and Article 4 of the IAS regulation, and has an advisory role to the Minister on auditing and accounting matters.


Labour Court

Labour Relations Commission

Tom Johnson House Haddington Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6136666 (LoCall: 1890 220 228) Fax: 01 6136667 Email: Website:

Tom Johnson House Haddington Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6136700 (LoCall 1890 220 227) Fax: 01 6136701 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Kevin Duffy Administration Manager: Eamon Balmer The Labour Court was established under the Industrial Relations Act, 1946 to provide a free, comprehensive service for the resolution of disputes about industrial relations, equality, organisation of working time, national minimum wage, part-time work and fixedterm work matters. A court of last resort, it operates as an industrial relations tribunal, hearing arguments from both parties in a case and then issuing a recommendation, determination, decision or order, depending of the type of case, setting out its opinion on the dispute and the terms on which it should be settled. It is associated with the Employment Rights and Industrial Relations Division of the Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation.

Chairperson: Breege O’Donoghue Chief Executive: Kieran Mulvey The Labour Relations Commission was established under the Industrial Relations Act, 1990, and is responsible for promoting good industrial relations in Ireland. The commission provides a range of industrial relations advisory and mediation services, the principal services being the conciliation service, which assists employers and unions in the resolution of industrial relations disputes, the advisory service, which works with employers and unions to build and maintain good working relations, and the rights commissioner service, which performs a range of roles under the spectrum of employment legislation and assists in disputes involving individuals or small groups of employees. It is associated with the Employment Rights and Industrial Relations Division of the Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, industrial relation/employee rights institutions including the Labour Court, Labour Relations Commission, Employment Appeals Tribunal, National Employment Rights Authority and the Equality Tribunal will be rationalized into one single agency. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.

Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, industrial relation/employee rights institutions including the Labour Court, Labour Relations Commission, Employment Appeals Tribunal, National Employment Rights Authority and the Equality Tribunal will be rationalized into one single agency. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.


Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland

National Consumer Agency 4 Harcourt Road Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4025500 LoCall: 1890 432 432 Fax: 01 4025501 Email: Website: Chairperson: Stephen Costello Chief Executive: Ann Fitzgerald The National Consumer Agency (NCA) is a statutory body, established by the Irish Government in May 2007 in response to the publication of a 2005 report by the Consumer Strategy Group entitled ‘Make Consumers Count’. The agency incorporates the powers and functions previously held by the Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs (ODCA). It aims to defend consumer interests and embed a robust consumer culture in Ireland, and is mandated to defend and promote consumer rights through forceful advocacy, targeted research, consumer information, education, awareness programmes and the systematic enforcement of consumer law. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, tThe National Consumer Agency and the Competition Authority will be merged. According to the Plans plans contained in the Consumer and Competition Bill, which is currently being drafted, the Board of the Consumer Agency will be dismantled. At the time of publication, the Bill has not been published.

National Employment Rights Authority Government Buildings O’Brien Road Carlow Tel: 059 9178800 Fax: 059 9178912 Email: Website: Head of NERA: Kieran Mulvey Deputy Directors: Padraig Dooley Assistant Principals: John Kelly; Brendan Hogan; Fran Power; Bernard Rooney Solicitor: Edel Muldowney The National Employment Rights Authority (NERA) was established under the Social Partnership Agreement “Towards 2016” to achieve a national culture of employment rights compliance. NERA provides information to employees and employers through its information unit, monitors employment conditions through its inspection services and can enforce compliance and seek redress. NERA covers many aspects of employment rights including wages, holidays and public holidays - OWT Act 1997, working hours, redundancy, dismissal, and notice. In addition to its headquarters in Carlow, NERA has regional offices in Cork, Dublin, Shannon and Sligo. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, industrial relation/employee rights institutions including the Labour Court, Labour Relations Commission, Employment Appeals Tribunal, National Employment Rights Authority and the Equality Tribunal will be rationalized into one single agency. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.


National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)

Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement

1 Swift Square Northwood Santry Dublin 9 Tel: 01 8073800 Fax: 01 8073838 Email: Website:

16 Parnell Square Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8585800 LoCall: 1890 315 015 Fax: 01 8585801 Email: Website: Director of Corporate Enforcement: Paul Appleby Principal Officers: Sean Ward; Kevin Prendergast; Conor O’Mahony Assistant Principals: Peter Durnin; Dick O’Rafferty; Denis Hosford; Philomena Flood Concerns about corporate malpractice led to the enactment by the Oireachtas of the Company Law Enforcement Act, 2001 and the establishment of the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) in November 2001. The office is associated with the Commerce, Consumers and Competition Division of the department, and its mission is to improve the compliance environment for corporate activity in the Irish economy by encouraging adherence to the requirements of the Companies Acts and bringing to account those who disregard the law.

Chairperson: Ann Riordan Chief Executive: Maurice Buckley The National Standards Authority of Ireland is the State’s standards body and the Irish member of the European and international standards bodies CEN and ISO. Its main responsibility is to further the social and economic interests of the consumer and industry through the development and promotion of Irish, European and international standards for products and services. This is achieved by developing the national position through consensus and representing Irish interests in the development of European and international standards, and through consultative processes and publishing, marketing and promoting the use of standards. It also provides independent certification of products, processes and services and regulatory control in the area of measures (metrology).

Office of the Registrar of Friendly Societies Parnell House 14 Parnell Square Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8045499 LoCall: 1890 220 225 Fax: 01 8585801 Email: Registrar: Helen Dixon Assistant Principals: William Reid, Brian O’Hare The Registrar of Friendly Societies is appointed under the Friendly Societies (Amendment) Act, 1977. The Registrar is responsible for the registration and general regulation and supervision of industrial and provident societies, trade unions, friendly societies and co-operatives. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Office of the Registrar of Friendly Societies will be formally merged with the Companies Registration Office. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.


Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland

Patents Office

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)

Government Buildings Hebron Road Kilkenny Tel: 056 7720111 (LoCall: 1890 220 223) Fax: 056 7720100 Email: Website:

Wilton Place House Wilton Place Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6073200 Fax: 01 6073201 Email: Website:

Patents Information Centre

Chairperson: Prof. Patrick Frottell Director General: John Travers Chief Operations Officer: Donal Keane Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) was established as a sub-board of Forfás in 2000 to administer Ireland’s Technology Foresight Fund. It was established on a statutory basis under the Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Act, 2003, and provides awards and grants to support scientists and engineers working in biotechnology and information and communications technology developments. Its vision statement is: “Through strategic investments in the people, ideas and partnerships essential to outstanding research in strategic areas, Science Foundation Ireland will help build in Ireland research of globally recognised excellence and nationally significant economic importance”.

Ground Floor The Earlsfort Centre Lower Hatch Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6312603 (LoCall: 1890 220 222) Fax: 01 6312551 Email: Controller: Eamonn Laird Senior Examiner: Michael Lydon Assistant Principals: Gerard Barrett; Dermot Doyle Examiners: Fergal Brady; Dolores Cassidy; Karen Pierce The Patents Office was established under the Industrial and Commercial Property (Protection) Act 1927. It is an independent statutory office under the control of the Controller of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, and is associated with the Science, Technology and Intellectual Property Division of the Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation. Its mission is “to provide an efficient and effective system of industrial property protection that will encourage technological progress and promote enterprise through the implementation by the office of the relevant legislation”.

Personal Injuries Assessment Board PO Box 8 Clonakilty Co. Cork Tel: 1890 829 121 Fax: 1890 829 122 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dorothea Dowling Chief Executive: Patricia Byron The Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB) is a statutory body which provides independent assessment of personal injury compensation for victims of workplace, motor and public liability accidents where no legal issues are disputed. It was established under the Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act 2003.

Shannon Development (Shannon Free Airport Development Company Ltd) Town Centre Shannon Co. Clare Tel: 061 361555 Fax: 061 361903 Email: Website: Chairperson: John Brassil Chief Executive: Dr Vincent Cunnane Set up in 1959, Shannon Development is Ireland’s only dedicated regional economic development company. Its brief is to drive regional economic development in the wider Shannon area, known as the Shannon region. This covers an area of some 10,000 square kilometres spanning counties Clare, Limerick, North Tipperary, South Offaly and North Kerry, which collectively have a population of over 400,000 people. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the future role of Shannon Development is to be reviewed in the context of the Mid West Taskforce Report.


Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation

Public Affairs Ireland



Public Affairs AffairsIreland Ireland

Company Ltd) Notes

Town Centre Shannon Co. Clare Tel: 061 361555 Fax: 061 361903 Email: Website: Chairperson: John Brassil Chief Executive: Vincent Cunnane. Set up in 1959, Shannon Development is Ireland’s only dedicated regional economic development company. Its brief is to drive regional economic development in the wider Shannon area, known as the Shannon region. This covers an area of some 10,000 square kilometres spanning counties Clare, Limerick, North Tipperary, South Offaly and North Kerry, which collectively have a population of over 400,000 people.

The Southern & Eastern (S&E) Regional Assembly Managing the S&E Regional Operational Programme 20072013 & Ireland-Wales Programme 2007-2013 For Information on the Regional Operational Programme contact: Assembly House, O’Connell Street, Waterford Tel: + 353 51 860700 Fax: + 353 51 879887 Email: Website: For Information on the Ireland-Wales Programme contact: Ireland-Wales Programme, Old Port of Waterford Building, 3rd Floor, 2 George’s Street, Waterford Tel: + 353 51 318100, Fax: + 353 51 318129 Email: Website:

Investing in your future

66 54

European Regional Development Fund

Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 7

Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government From 1977 until 2003, this department was entitled the Department of the Environment and Local Government. Its assumption of responsibility for built and natural heritage, nuclear safety and the meteorological service in June 2002 saw the department change its name to reflect this change. Its remit includes several issues which impact on the ordinary daily lives of Irish citizens – the department is responsible for the quality of the environment, housing and other infrastructure, physical and spatial planning and for local government. In 2011, the department was reconfigured with the addition of the community function, transferred from the former Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. The department also transfered responsibility for heritage to the Department of Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs.

The department’s mission is to pursue sustainable development. In pursuing this mission the mandate is to: • achieve a high quality environment with effective environmental protection; address climate change; • achieve ��������������������������������������������� effective conservation of our natural heritage and biodiversity; achieve effective conservation of our built heritage; • protect ���������������������������������������� and improve water resources and the quality of drinking water; • ensure ���������������������������������� that our regions and communities are planned and built to respect sustainable and balanced regional development; • ensure good quality housing in sustainable communities; • monitor, analyse and predict Ireland’s weather and climate; • support and enable democratic and responsive local government.

Core areas of responsibility •

Building standards

Meteorological Service


National Spatial Strategy


Nuclear safety

Fire and emergency planning



Public/private partnership

Local government

Motor tax 67

Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government


Public Affairs Ireland

Offices Custom House Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8882000 (Locall: 1890 202021) (Office of the Minister, Ministers of State and Secretary General, Press and Information Unit, Corporate Services/ Environment/Housing/Local Government/ Planning Divisions, Building Standards and Environmental Assessment, Spatial Policy, Urban and Village Development, Water Quality) Met Éireann Glasnevin Hill Dublin 9 Tel: 01 8064200 Government Offices Ballina Co. Mayo LoCall: 1890202021 (Voluntary Housing, Housing Grants, Water Services (Rural Water Programme), Accounts, Local Government Superannuation) Teeling St Tubbercurry Co. Sligo Tel: 071 9186700 Fax: 071 9186750 Email: Email protocol: Website:

Minister for the Environment Community and Local Government Minister for the Environment Community and Local Government: Phil Hogan TD

Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s office: Tel: 01 8882403 (Department); 01 6183093 (Dáil) Fax: 01 8788640 (Department) Email: Private Secretary: Eddie Kiernan Special Advisor: Claire Langton; Sean McKeown Personal Assistant: Yvonne Hyland Personal Secretary: Diarmuid Healy Previous ministries: Deputy Hogan served as Minister of State at the Department of Finance with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works from 1994 to 1995. Previous committee memberships: Deputy Hogan was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on the environment, heritage and local government and a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on climate change and energy security. Previous party positions: Deputy Hogan served as Fine Gael party spokesperson on the food industry from 1989 to 1991, as spokesperson on consumer affairs from 1999 to 1993, and on regional affairs and European development from 1993 to 1994. From 1995 to 2001, he was chairperson of the Fine Gael parliamentary party. In the 29th Dáil, he became the Fine Gael director of organisation. He went on to serve as spokesperson on enterprise, trade and employment from 2002 to 2007. From 2007, he served as spokesperson on environment heritage and local government and as Fine Gael’s national director of elections. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Hogan was a member of Kilkenny County Council from 1982 to 2003 and was chairperson of the council from 1985 to 1986 and again from 1989 to 1990. He was a member of the South-Eastern Health Board from 1991 to 1999. Deputy Hogan was elected to the Seanad in 1987 on the Industrial and Commerce panel and held the justice and commerce portfolio until 1989. Education/Previous occupation: He attended University College Cork and qualified as a teacher and worked as an auctioneer.


Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons

Electoral History: Deputy Hogan was first elected to the Dáil in 1989 for the Carlow Kilkenny constituency and has been re-elected in every election since. Following an unsuccessful attempt at entering the Dáil in 1987, he was elected to the Seanad on the Industrial and Commerce panel until 1989.

Fianna Fáil: Niall Collins TD

Minister of State

Special Responsibility: NewEra project Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s

Fianna Fáil: Michael Kitt TD (Housing, Planning and Gaeltacht Affairs)

office: Telephone: 01 6782024 (Department); 01 6183078 (Dáil); 041 9842275 (Constituency) Fax: 01 6610061; 041 9870282 (Constituency) Email: minister.o’

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183473 Constituency: Galway East Email:

Other current positions: Deputy O’Dowd is a full Irish member of the Parliamentary Delegation to the British-Irish Inter-Parliamentary Body. Previous committee positions: In the 30th Dáil, Deputy O’Dowd sat on the joint Oireachtas committees on economic regulatory affairs; transport; the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement; and the committee on education and skills. Previous party positions: Deputy O’Dowd was spokesperson on environment, heritage and local Government and on community, rural and Gaeltacht affairs in the 29th Dáil. In the 30th Dáil, he was spokesperson on the transport and marine and on education and skills. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy O’Dowd served on Louth County Council from 1979 to 2003, was a member of Drogheda Corporation from 1974 to 2003 and served three terms as Mayor of Drogheda: from 1977 to 1978, 1981 to 1982 and 1994 to1995. He was also a member of the 21st Seanad from 1997 to 2002. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy O’Dowd worked as a teacher before entering politics. Electoral history: Deputy O’Dowd was first elected to the 29th Dáil in 2002 for the Louth constituency and was re-elected in May 2007 and again in February 2011. He was elected as a Senator in 1997 on the Administrative panel.

Fianna Fáil: Séamus Kirk TD (Horticulture and Rural Affairs) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183362 Constituency: Louth Email:

Sinn Féin: Brian Stanley TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183987 Constituency: Laois Offaly Email:


Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183577 Constituency: Limerick Email:

Minister of State: Fergus O'Dowd TD

Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

the development of Gaeltacht areas. The Committee conducts inquiries into areas of current interest within its remit. At the end of an inquiry, the Committee will usually produce a report setting out its findings and making recommendations to the Government.

Joint Committee on Environment, Transport, Culture and the Gaeltacht This Committee shadows the activities of the Departments of: • Environment, Community and Local Government; • Transport, Tourism and Sport; and • Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.

Clerk to the Committee Eugene Ó Cruadhlaoich/Sinead Quinn Email:, Telephone: 01 6183575 / 3102

This Committee covers important areas of public policy in the fields of transport, the environment, culture and the Gaeltacht, including: achieving balanced regional development; environmental protection; addressing climate change; managing national and local transport issues; and promoting

Members Deputies:

Tony McLoughlin

Fine Gael

James Bannon

Fine Gael

Catherine Murphy


Paudie Coffey

Fine Gael

Gerald Nash


Niall Collins

Fianna Fáil

Patrick O’Donovan

Fine Gael

Noel Coonan

Fine Gael

Brian Stanley

Sinn Féin

Marcella Corcoran Kennedy Fine Gael

Robert Troy

Fianna Fáil

Clare Daly

United Left

Brian Walsh

Fine Gael

Timmy Dooley

Fianna Fáil

Dessie Ellis

Sinn Féin


Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan


Eamonn Coghlan


Terence Flanagan

Fine Gael

Cáit Keane

Fine Gael

Kevin Humphreys


Denis Landy


Seán Kenny


Catherine Noone

Fine Gael

Ciarán Lynch


Labhrás Ó’Murchú

Fianna Fáil

Sandra McLellan

Sinn Féin

Ned O’Sullivan

Fianna Fáil


Chairperson: Ciarán Lynch TD (Labour)

• - - • - - • - - • - - • - - - - - - -

Tel: 01 6183666 Email: ciaran.lynch@ Deputy Lynch is the Cork Central West representative since 2007 and was part of the Labour Party’s National election committee for local and European elections in 2009. He was a member of the previous Select and Joint committees on environment, heritage and local government. Previous to this Deputy Lynch was involved in the Cork City and County Council Joint committee for three years. He was educated at University College Cork and Waterford Institute of Technology.

The Department Secretary General: Geraldine Tallon

01 8882399

Appointed: July 2007 Private Secretary: Mary O’Keeffe Legal Advisor: Eunice Friel Contact details for Secretary General’s office:

Previous Positions: Geraldine Tallon joined the department in 1980 and she worked at various levels in the planning, housing and environment divisions before becoming an assistant secretary in 1997 with responsibility for policy development on environmental, climate change and sustainable development issues. She then became an assistant secretary for the local government division with responsibility for local government and franchise matters from June 2004 to June 2007. Education/Qualifications: She obtained a BA from University College, Dublin.

(ii) Local Government • • - - • - - • - - •

Departmental Divisions (i) Planning and Housing • • - -

Social Housing (Supply) Principal: Eddie Lewis Assistant Principals: Lisa Clifford; Denis McDonald; Elizabeth Munro; Ruth Murray; Breda O’Connor; Gabriel O’Duffy Housing Regulation and Statistics Principal: Cian Ó Lionáin Assistant Principals: Aidan Brennan; Catherine Higgins; Helen McGrath (Statistician); Sheila Power Social Inclusion Unit Principal: Mary Tully Assistant Principals: Theresa Donohue; Claire Gavin; Deirdre Kearney; Barry Lavin Operational and Management/ Improvement of Housing Stock Principal: Jim Ganley Assistant Principals: Teresa Cawley; Deirdre Mahony; Alice McAndrew Architectural/Buildings Standards Principal Advisor: Aidan O’Connor Senior Advisors: Barry Linehan (QS Services); Sarah Neary (Building Standards);Colum Ó Ruanaidh (Social Housing) Assistant Principals: Marion Kiernan; Martin Vaughan Engineering Advisors (Building Standards): Sean Armstrong; Eamon Smyth; John Wickham Quantity Surveyor: Gerry Turley Architectural Advisors: Paul Altman; Patrick Dowling; Columba Farrell; Michael Foley Engineering Inspectors: Ned Doyle; Tom English; Gabriel Moloney; Oliver O’Brien; Patricia Rogers

Assistant Secretary: Michael Layde Housing and Planning (Finance and Development) Principal: Philip Nugent Assistant Principals: Declan Bourke; Marian O’Driscoll; Patrick O’Sullivan; Francis Walsh


Assistant Secretary: Des Dowling Local Government Finance and Motor Tax Principal: Colm Lavery Assistant Principals: Deirdre Fanning; Emma Reeves; Liam Smith Local Government Policy Principal: Donal Enright Assistant Principals: Ciaran Conroy; Marie Gleeson; Tom Sheridan; Seán Ó Súilleabháin Local Government Project Development Principal: Denis Conlon Assistant Principal: Michael Murphy Local Government Personnel and

Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland - - • - -

Services Principal: Barry Quinlan Assistant Principals: Dave Corcoran; Martha Doyle; Neil Maher Superannuation Principal: Barry Quinlan Assistant Principal: Mary Jones

- • - - • - • - - - - • - - • - -

(iii) Water and ICT •

Assistant Secretary: Mark Griffin

• - - - • - - • - - • - - • - - • - - • - - • - - -

ICT Principal: Paul McDonald Assistant Principals: Janet Flynn; Tim O’Sullivan; Aidan Sullivan Technical Officer: David Carroll GIS Unit Principal: Paul McDonald GIS Manager: Rob Ovington Water Services Policy Principal: Ivan Grimes Assistant Principals: David Kelly; Tony Keogh; Deirdre Mason; Nuala McLoughlin Water Services Investment Programme Principal: Maria Graham Assistant Principals: Michael Clohessy; Gerry Flannery; Tim Morris; Ainle Ní Bhriain; Tom Walsh Water Advisors and Inspectors Principal Advisor: Gerry Galvin Senior Advisors: Pat Duggan; Oliver Fogarty; Richard McKeever; Gerry O’Donoghue Water Quality Principal: Damian Allen Assistant Principals: Paul Dunne; James O’Connell; Niamh O’Flaherty Marine Planning/Foreshore Principal: George Bourke Assistant Principals: Emer Connolly; Padraic Dempsey; Bernie Kiely Planning Inspectorate Principal Advisor: Vacant Senior Advisors: Niall Cussen, Aileen Doyle, Gabrielle McKeown Inspector: Bruce McCormack

(v) Environment • Assistant Secretary: John McCarthy • �������������������������������� Environment Policy and Awareness - Principal: Fiona Quinn - ���������������������� Assistant Principals: Kevin Forde; Roger Harrington; Joan Murphy; Lorraine O’Donoghue • ������������������������ Environment Inspectorate - ������������������ Principal Advisor: Vacant - ����������������� Senior Advisors: Nuala Bannon; Brendan O’Neill; Michael Young - ������������ Inspectors: Darren Byrne; Jean Clarke; John O’Neill • ������������ Waste Policy - ����������� Principal: Ronan Mulhall - ��������������������� Assistant Principals: Eoin Corrigan; William Culbert; Pat Fenton • ���������������������������������������� Environment International/Sustainable Development - ����������� Principal: Pat Macken - ���������������������� Assistant Principals: Kevin Greene; Aidan Kinch; Dominic O’Brien; Mairead Ryan (Comhar SDC) • ����������������������������������� Environmental Compliance and Air Quality - ����������� Principal: Dave Walsh

(iv) Financial and Central Services • - - •

Assistant Principal: Colm Keenan Departmental Finance and Accounts/ PPP and NDP Principal: Maurice Coughlan Assistant Principals: John Cawley; Paula O’Reilly; Belinda Treacy Internal Audit Assistant Principal: Gus Murray National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management Fire Advisor: Sean Hogan Senior Assistant Fire Advisor: John Barry Assistant Fire Advisors: Conor Corbett (Engineer); Aidan Dempsey; Pat Fleming; Keith Leonard Assistant Principals: Brian Kenny; Brendan Mahon Franchise Principal: Ríona Ní Fhlanghaile Assistant Principals: Enda Falvey; Barry Ryan; Eamonn Waters Environment Radiation Policy and Departmental Strategy Principal: Una Ní Dhubhghaill Assistant Principals: Nina Murrap; Kevin O’Donoghue

Assistant Secretary: Mary Moylan Principal: Laurence Kelly Assistant Principals: Deirdre Dunworth; Brendan Pocock Accommodation


Public Affairs Ireland

(vi) Local Government Audit Services

- ���������������������� Assistant Principals: Gary McGuin; David Walker • ��������������������������������� Permanent Representation Brussels - ����������� Principal: Paul Lemass - ��������������������� Assistant Principal: Terry Sheridan

- -

Director of Audit: Noel O’Connell Principal Auditors: Conor Cummins, Anthony Doheny, Pat Guiney (VFM Co- ordinator), James Moran, Richard Murphy, Hugh Neville

Secretary General Geraldine Tallon

Assistant Secretary Michael Layde

Housing and Planning Finance and Planning (Finance and Policy) Housing and Planning (Regulation and statistics

Housing Programmes (Regeneration and Remedial Works)

Social Inclusion

Housing Programmes (Supply and Refrom)

Assistant Secretary Des Dowling Local Government

Local Government HR/Local Services

Local Government Finance

Assistant Secretary Mark Griffin Water and ICT

Assistant Assistant Secretary Secretary John McCarthy Mary Moylan Environment

Personnel & Marine Policy/ Accomodation Foreshore

Departmental Finance & Water Quality Accounts Water Services Investmnet Programme

Local Government Project Devlopment

Water Services Policy

Local Government Policy/Motor Tax


Fire Services & Emergency Managment Directorate


Environmental Radiation & Department Stategy

Director Liam Campbell

General Forecasting

Waste Policy

Applications Development

Administration and Training Customer Services Department

Climate Change Environmental Compliance/ Air Quality

Assistant Secretary Kathleen Stack

Assistant Secretary Máire Killoran

Director of Audits Noel O’Connell

Local and Community Devlopment Programme

CES, Local & Community Development

EU Affairs

Local Government Audit Services

Met Éireann

Environment Policy & Awareness

Environment International & Sustainable Development

Assistant Secretary Rita McNulty

Climatology and Observations Instrumental and Environmental Monitoring Head Aviation Services

Architectural/ Building Standards

Operational and Management/ Improvement of Housing Stock


Rural Development (EU and National) Community/ Local Government Alignment, N/S, LG Services Community and Voluntary Supports and Programmes

Training and Development


Inter Departmental Co-Ordination

Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

Public Affairs Ireland

(vii) Met Éireann Met Éireann is the national meteorological service. Its mission is to monitor, analyse and predict Ireland’s weather and climate and to provide meteorological and related information. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Director: Liam Campbell Assistant Director: Eoin Moran Head (General Forecasting Division): Gerald Fleming Deputy Head: Evelyn Cusack Head (Applications Development): Kieran Commins Principal Meteorological Officer: Aidan Kelly Head (Administration and Training Division): Joseph Bourke Principal Meteorological Officer: Séamus Daltún Head (Customer Service Division): Vacant Head (Climatology and Observations Division): Liam Keegan Senior Climatologist: Séamus Walsh Meteorologists: Mary Curley, Conor Daly Principal Meteorological Officer: David Fitzgerald Head (Instrumentation and Environmental Monitoring Division): Vacant Principal Meteorological Officer: Tom Bannon

(viii) Community - Assistant Secretary: Rita McNulty • ����������������������������������� Rural Development (EU and National) - Principal: Finola Moylette - Assistant Principal: Noreen Finnegan • ������������������������������������ Community & Voluntary Supports and Programmes - Principal: Don Sexton - Assistant Principals: Pat Boyle, Sean McLaughlin (Dublin) • ����������������������������������� The Local & Community Development Programme - Principal: Cloghagh McDonnell - Assistant Principals: David Dalton, Karen Flynn (Dublin) • ���������������������������� Community/Local Government Alignment, N/S, LG Services - Principal: Aidan O’Reilly - Assistant Principal: Mary Clarke • �������������������� Inspection Services - Senior Inspector: Paul McGoldrick - Agricultural Inspectors: Tim Daly (Galway), Garry O’Donnell (Cavan)

Agencies and Associated Bodies Border, Midland and Western Regional Assembly The Square Ballaghaderreen, Roscommon Tel: 094 9862970 Fax: 094 9862973 Email: Website: Director: Gerry Finn Chairperson: Cyril Burke The BMW Assembly was one of two Regional Assembly established in 1999 by the Irish Government for the distribution of EU Structural Funds. For the 2007-2013 funding period the BMW region no longer qualifies for Objective 1 funding (having a GDP per capita above 75% of the EU average) and qualifies instead as a phasing-in region for Objective 2 funding (Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective). The assembly comprises 29 members nominated by 14 constituent local authorities.

Bord Pleanála 64 Marlborough St. Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8588100 (LoCall: 1890 275 175) Fax: 01 8722684 Email: Website: Chairperson: Mary Kelly Chief Executive: Padraic Thornton An Bord Pleanála was established in 1977. It is responsible for the determination of appeals under the Planning and Development Acts, 2000 to 2004, the Building Control Act, 1990, the Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts, 1977 and 1990 and the Air Pollution Act, 1987.

Border Regional Authority Corlurgan Business Park, Ballinagh Road, Cavan Tel: 049 4362600 Fax: 049 4326434 Email: Website: Director: Matt Donnelly Chairperson: Andrew Boylan The Border Regional Authority was established in 1994 along with the other eight regional authorities.


Public Affairs Ireland

The Dormant Accounts Board

The aim of the authority is to provide sustainable, balanced regional growth in the border region. This region includes counties Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Louth, Monaghan and Sligo. This comprises an area of 12,156 square km and a population of 470,000.

P.O. Box 10457, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 8882602 (LoCall: 1890 202 021) Email: Website:

Building Regulations Advisory Body

Chairperson: Michael Morley Secretary: Lynda Farrell Established on January 4 2006, the Dormant Accounts Board is responsible for preparing the disbursement plan which provides the framework under which Government decisions are made.

c/o Building Standards and Environmental Assessment Section Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Custom House, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8882551 Fax: 01 8882693 Email:

Custom House Quay, Docklands, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8183300 Fax: 01 8183399 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Jay Stuart Secretary: Adam Egan The Building Regulations Advisory Body was established in 2002 to advise the Minister on all aspects of the National Building Regulations. Note: According to the public service reform programme, published on November 17 2011, the Building Regulations Advisory Body will be absorbed into the Department. At the time of publication, no firm date was given.

Chairperson: Prof. Niamh Brennan Chief Executive: Loretta Lambkin (acting) The Dublin Docklands Development Authority was created by the Dublin Docklands Development Authority Act 1997 to lead a physical, social and economic regeneration project in the east side of Dublin. Their mission is to develop the Dublin Docklands into a world-class city quarter paragon of sustainable inner city regeneration - one in which the whole community enjoys the highest standards of access to education, employment, housing and social amenity and which delivers a major contribution to the social and economic prosperity of Dublin and the whole of Ireland.

An Chomhairle Leabharlanna (The Library Council) 53-54 Upper Mount St., Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6761167 Fax: 01 6766721 Email: Website:

Dublin Regional Authority 1st Floor Mainscourt, 23 Main Street, Swords, Co Dublin Tel: 01 8074482 Fax: 01 8901355 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Mark Dearey Director: Norma McDermott Established by the Public Libraries Act, 1947, An Chomhairle Leabharlanna provides assistance to local authorities and makes recommendations to the Minister for the Environment and Local Government in relation to the improvement of the public library service. Note: According to the public service reform programme, published on November 17 2011, the Arts Council is to be subsumed into an existing body. At the time of publication, no firm date was given.

Chairperson: Paddy Burke Director: Patricia Potter The Dublin Region comprises the administrative areas of Dublin City, South County Dublin, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County and Fingal County. The population of the region was approximately 1,187,000 in 2006, which represents approximately 30 per cent of the State’s population.

Comhar: The Sustainable Development Council Under new arrangements announced by Mr Phil Hogan TD, Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the sustainable development role currently performed by Comhar, the Sustainable Development Council, is to be integrated into the National Economic and Social Council (NESC).


Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

Dublin Docklands Development Authority

Public Affairs Ireland

Environmental Protection Agency

Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency

PO Box 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate, Wexford Tel: 053 9160600 (LoCall 1890 335599) Fax: 053 9160699 Email: Website:

2nd Floor, Cumberland House, Fenian St., Dublin 2 Tel: 01 656 4100 Fax: 01 656 4101 E-mail: Website:

Director General: Laura Burke The EPA is an independent public body established under the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992. It also derives its mandate from the Waste Management Act, 1996, and the Protection of the Environment Act, 2003. Its functions include: enforcement of environmental law; environmental licensing and planning; strategic environmental assessment; education and research development; monitoring, analyzing and reporting on the environment; regulating greenhouse gas emissions; waste management. Note: According to the public service reform programme, published on November 17 2011, the EPA is to be merged with the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland. At the time of publication, no firm date was given.

The Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency was set up in May 2010 by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government. The aim of the Agency is to work with and support local authorities, voluntary housing organisations, and the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, in the delivery of housing, planning and related services. The Agency is taking on some functions previously carried out by the Affordable Homes Partnership and the Centre for Housing Research. The Agency will also be responsible for a range of technical functions, including some of those carried out by the National Building Agency

Heritage Council Áras na hOidhreachta, Church Lane, Kilkenny Tel: 056 7770777 Fax: 056 7770788 Email: Website: Chairperson: Conor Newman Chief Executive: Michael Starrett The Heritage Council was established under the Heritage Act 1995 to develop policies and priorities for the identification, protection and preservation of Ireland’s national heritage.

Housing Finance Agency plc. 46 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 8725722 Fax: 01 8725878 Email: Website: Chairperson: John Bolger Chief Executive: Dr. Ian d’Alton The Housing Finance Agency plc. is promoted by the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government under the terms of the Housing Finance Agency Act, 1981 and incorporated on February 8 1982. The principal objectives of the company are to advance funds to local authorities (which can be used by them for any purpose authorised by the Housing Acts) and to borrow or raise funds for these purposes.

Irish Water Safety Association The Long Walk, Galway Tel: 091 564400 (LoCall: 1890 420 202) Fax: 091-564700 Email: Website: Chairperson: Frank Nolan Chief Executive: John Leech The Irish Water Safety Association was established in November, 1999 by an Order made under the Local Government Services (Corporate Bodies Act), 1971. The Association was re-established as a corporate body under its new title “Irish Water Safety” [IWS] in July 2006. Its responsibilities include water safety promotion in Ireland and the provision of instruction in water safety, rescue, swimming and recovery drills.

Local Government Computer Services Board Phoenix House, Conyngham Road, Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6457000 Fax: 01 6457001 Email: Website: Chairperson: Hubert Kearns Chief Executive Officer: Paul McSweeney Established by the Minister for Local Government in September 1975, the board is responsible for the organisation and provision of a service for the supply of computer facilities to local authorities, and for the co-ordination of compatibility in the usage thereof. It aims to provide and promote education, training, and


Public Affairs Ireland Cathaoirleach: Micheál Carrigy

research and to advise and assist the Minister and local authorities. Note: According to the public service reform programme, published on November 17 2011, the Local Government Computer Services Board is to be merged with the Local Government Management Service Board. At the time of publication, no firm date was given.

The Midland Regional Authority comprises the counties Laois, Longford, Offaly and Westmeath. It coordinates the provision of public services between the various local authorities within its area.

Mid West Regional Authority

Local Government Management Services Board Local Government House 35-39 Ushers Quay, Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6438400 Fax: 01 6438401 Email: Website:

Director: Liam Conneally Cathaoirleach: Edmond Gleeson (Designated Manager) The Mid West Regional Authority coordinates the provision of public services within the administrative areas of Clare County Council, Limerick County Council, Limerick City Council and North Tipperary County Council. Within its remit are contained approximately 10 per cent of the national area and population of the country.

Chairperson: Eddie Sheehy Chief Executive: Paul McSweeney The Local Government Management Services Board was established in 1997 to provide management services and human resource and industrial relations support and advice to local authorities in Ireland. Note: According to the public service reform programme, published on November 17 2011, the Local Government Management Service Board is to be merged with the Local Government Computer Services Board. At the time of publication, no firm date was given.

National Building Agency Ltd ‘Hatherton’, Richmond Avenue South Milltown, Dublin 6 Tel: 01 4979654 Fax: 01 4972540 Email: Website:

Mid East Regional Authority

Chairperson: Richard Howlin Chief Executive: Gordon Richards The National Building Agency was established by the Government as a semi-State body in 1960. It provides services to both public and private sector clients and undertakes specific tasks supporting Government policies in urban renewal, housing, and other construction-related activities, in addition to undertaking projects on an entirely commercial basis. The National Building Agency is in the process of being wound down and some of its services will be provided by the Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency.

County Buildings, Wicklow Town, Wicklow Tel: 0404 66058 Fax: 0404 61670 Email: Website:

Director: John Byrne Cathaoirleach: Micheál Nolan The Mid Eastern Regional Authority comprises counties Meath, Kildare and Wicklow, an area of approximately 6,063 square km. 412,650 people live within this area. Alongside preparing the regional planning guidelines and the economic and social strategies, it coordinates with the authorities in the Dublin Metropolitan Area to ensure the consistent infrastructure development.

National Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee Custom House, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8882121 (LoCall: 1890 202 021) Fax: 01 8882619 Email:

Midland Regional Authority Bridge Centre, Bridge Street, Tullamore, Offaly Tel: 057 9352996 Fax: 057 9352998 Email: Website: Director: Martin Daly


Chairperson: Seamus Ó Cinnéide The NTACC was established in 1999 under the Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998. Its function is to advise the Minister on any general matters concerning the accommodation of Travellers.

Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

Friar Court, Abbey Street, Nenagh, Tipperary Tel: 067 33197 Fax: 067 34401 Email: Website:

Public Affairs Ireland

Pobal Holbrook House, Holles Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 5117000 Fax: 01 5117981 Email: Website: Chairperson: Seamus Boland Chief Executive: Denis Leamy Pobal is a not-for-profit company with charitable status that manages programmes on behalf of the Irish Government and the EU, its aim being the promotion of social inclusion, reconciliation and equality.

Private Residential Tenancies Board 2nd Floor, O’Connell Bridge House D’Olier St., Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6350600 Fax: 01 6350601 Email: Website: Chairperson: Orla Coyne Director: Ann-Marie Caulfield The PRTB was established in September 2004 to resolve landlord and tenant disputes, to operate a national tenancy registration system and to provide information and policy advice on the private rented sector. The PRTB dispute resolution service replaces the courts in the majority of disputes between landlords and tenants. Note: On 1 October 2009, the secretarial and administrative functions of the Rent Tribunal transferred from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government to the Private Residential Tenancies Board.

Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland 3 Clonskeagh Square, 119 Clonskeagh Rd, Dublin 14 Tel: 01 2697766 Fax: 01 2697437 Email: Website: Chairperson: Prof Willie Reville (elect) Chief Executive: Dr. Ann McGarry The Radiological Protection Institute was established under the Radiological Protection Act, 1991. It has regulatory, monitoring and advisory responsibilities in matters pertaining to ionising radiation and is particularly concerned with health hazards associated

with the latter in addition to radioactive contamination in the environment. Note: According to the public service reform programme, published on November 17 2011, the EPA is to be merged with the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland. At the time of publication, no firm date was given.

Southern and Eastern Regional Assembly Assembly House, O’Connell Street, Waterford Tel: 051 860700 Fax: 051 879887 Email: Website:

Director: Stephen Blair Cathaoirleach: Thomas Breathnach The Southern and Eastern Regional Assembly is comprised of 41 councillors nominated by the 5 regional authorities. The members from the regional authorities are the nominees of their own local authorities i.e. county or city councils. It is the larger of the two designated regions comprising 47% of the State’s landmass. The region extends from the south west of the country (Kerry) up to Co Meath and it includes the capital, Dublin.

South-East Regional Authority 1 Gladstone Street, Clonmel, Tipperary Tel: 052 6126200 Email: Website: Director: Thomas Byrne Cathaoirleach: Willie Quinn The South-East Regional Authority covers five counties and six local authority areas: Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford City, Waterford County and Wexford. The regional authority has been to the forefront of identifying, articulating and addressing the deficiencies and development needs of the South-East region.

South-West Regional Authority Innishmore, Ballincollig, Cork Tel: 021 4876877 Fax: 021 4876872 Email: Website: Director: John Forde Cathaoirleach: Noel Harrington The South-West Regional Authority is comprised of members nominated by the Cork and Kerry County Councils and Cork City Council.


Public Affairs Ireland

West Regional Authority

Ireland-Northern Ireland-Scotland programme (applies to the Border Region) Tel: 047 77003 Fax: 047 71258 Email: Managing Authority Director: Adrian McNamee

Woodquay Court, Woodquay, Galway Tel: 091 563842 Fax: 091 561328 Email: Website:

Western Development Commission Dillion House, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon Tel: 094 9861441 Fax: 094 9861443 Email: Website:

North West Europe programme (applies to all Ireland) Tel: 051 860711 Fax: 051 879887 Email: Website: Programme Liaison Officer: Ronan Gingles

Chairperson: Helen Rochford Brennan Chief Executive: Ian Brannigan (acting) The Western Development Commission (WDC) is a statutory body responsible for fostering and promoting economic and social development in the Western region (counties Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo, Mayo, Roscommon, Galway and Clare) by ensuring that government policy is directed at improving the social and economic situation in the region, developing projects in tourism, industry, marine, renewable energy, technology and organic agrifood and operating the €32 million Western Investment Fund (WIF) to provide loans and equity to business and local communities in the West.

INTERREG – EU TERRITORIAL CO-OPERATION Atlantic Area programme (applies to all Ireland) Tel: 049 986 2970 Fax: 049 986 2973 Email: Website: Illc programme (for Southern and Eastern Regions of Ireland) Tel: 051 860700 Fax: 051 879887 Email: Assistant Director: Ivan Grimes

Illc programme (for Border, Midland and Western Region) Tel: 094 986 2970 Fax: 094 986 2973 Email: Assistant Director: David Kelly


Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

Ireland-Wales programme (applies to Dublin, Mid-East and South-East Regions) Tel: 051 309116 Fax: 051 879887 Email: Website: Director: Simon Bailey

Director: Jim McGovern Chairperson: Tom Costello The West Regional Authority comprises 27 elected members from the constituent local authorities: County Council, Mayo County Council, Galway City Council and Roscommon County Council.

Public Affairs Ireland

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Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 8 Department of Finance Introduction The Department of Finance is responsible for the administration of Ireland’s public finances, particularly the collection and expenditure of the country’s national revenues from whatever source arising. It plays a central role in implementing Government policy and in advising and supporting the Government on the economic and financial management of the State. It also plays a key role in advising the implementing Government policy on the banking and financial services sector. The mission of the department is to promote a growing economy which will deliver a high level of sustainable employment, social progress and living standards.

Offices Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2. (Office of the Minister, Secretary General, Press office,) Main Telephone Number: 01 6767571 (LoCall: 1890 661 010)

Email: Email protocol: Website:

The department was reconfigured following the General Election 2011 when responsibility for public expenditure and the public service were transferred to a newly created Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

Core areas of responsibility • Banking and finance • Budget and economic policy • Corporate services


Department of Finance

Fax Number: 01 6789936

Public Affairs Ireland

Minister for Finance Minister of State Minister for Finance: Michael Noonan TD Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s office: Telephone: 01 6045626 (Department); 01 6183125 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6761951 (Department) Email: Special Advisor: Mary Kenny Previous ministries: Deputy Noonan served as Minister for Justice from 1982 to 1986 and held two different ministries between 1986 and 1987: Minister for Industry and Commerce and Minister of Energy. He was also Minister for Health from 1994 to 1997. Previous committee positions: Deputy Noonan served as chairperson of the public accounts committee from October 2004 to September 2007 and was vice-chairperson of the joint Oireachtas committee on the constitutional amendment on children during the 30th Dáil. He was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on foreign affairs during the 30th Dáil until July 2010; he then became a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on finance and the public service in June 2010 until the February 2011 election. Previous party positions: He was spokesperson on education in 1981 and later spokesperson on transport, energy and communications from 1993 to 1994. He was also spokesperson on finance from 1987 until 1993 and from 1997 to 2001. He then became leader of Fine Gael and the opposition from February 2001 until May 2002, and also the spokesperson on Northern Ireland. He was appointed spokesperson on finance in July 2010. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Noonan was a member of Limerick County Council from 1974 to 1981 and from 1991 to 1994. He was also a member of the Mid-Western Health Board from 1991 to 1994. Education/Previous occupation: He attended St. Patrick’s Teacher Training College, Dublin and University College, Dublin. Electoral history: Deputy Noonan has been elected as a TD for the Limerick East constituency in every election since 1981. Following a review of constituencies in 2009, the Limerick East constituency was reconfigured to Limerick City and Deputy Noonan won the 2011 election for that constituency.

Minister of State: Brian Hayes TD Special responsibility Public service reform and OPW Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s

office: Tel: 01 6045644 (Department); 046 942 6408 (OPW); 01 6183567 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6623928; (Department); 046 9438450 (OPW) Email:

Previous party positions: Deputy Hayes was secretary to the Fine Gael group at the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. He was spokesperson on housing, house prices and urban renewal from 1997 to 2000; Northern Ireland from 2000 to 2001; social and community affairs from 2001 to 2002; education and science from 2007 to 2010; and was deputy party spokesperson on finance with special responsibility for public expenditure in the 30th Dáil. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Hayes was a member of Seanad Éireann between 1995 and 1997 during which time he was the spokesperson on the environment. He was again elected to the Seanad in 2002 where he was party leader and spokesperson on defence and Northern Ireland. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Hayes attended St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth and the University of Dublin, Trinity College. He worked as secondary school teacher before entering politics. Electoral history: Deputy Hayes was first elected to the Dáil for the Dublin South West constituency in 1997 having unsuccessfully contested the 1994 byelection for Dublin South-Central. He was elected as a member of Seanad Éireann in 1995 as a Taoiseach’s nominee. While he failed to gain a seat in the 2002 general election, he was again elected to the Seanad in that year on the cultural and educational panel. He contested the 2007 Dáil general election successfully and was re-elected in the 2011 general election.


Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons

Oireachtas Committees

Sinn Féin: Pearse Doherty TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183573 Constituency: Donegal South West Email: pearse.doherty@

This Committee – and the select Committees of Dáil and Seanad Eireann of which it is made – has the power to consider: •Legislation proposed by the Department of Finance and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform during the committee stage •Spending by these Departments •Public affairs administered by the Department •Matters of policy for which each Minister is officially responsible •Policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department •Statutory instruments and EU legislation

Fianna Fáil: Michael McGrath TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183801 Constituency: Email: michael.mcgrath@

Members Deputies:

Timmy Dooley

Fianna Fáil

Richard Boyd-Barret

United Left

Jonathan O’Brien

Sinn Féin

Thomas P. Broughan


Kieran O’Donnell

Fine Gael

Michael Creed

Fine Gael

Arthur Spring


Jim Daly

Fine Gael

Billy Timmins

Fine Gael

Pearse Doherty

Sinn Féin

Liam Twomey

Fine Gael

Stephen Donnelly


Alex White


Sean Fleming

Fianna Fáil

Joe Higgins

United Left


Heather Humphreys

Fine Gael

Sean D Barrett


Kevin Humphreys


Thomas Byrne

Fianna Fáil

Peter Mathews

Fine Gael

Michael D’Arcy

Fine Gael

Mary Lou McDonald

Sinn Féin

Aideen Hayden


Michael McGrath

Fianna Fail

Tom Sheahan

Fine Gael

Olivia Mitchell

Fine Gael

Katherine Zappone



Department of Finance

Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Public Affairs Ireland

Clerk to the Committee Ronan Lenihan Email: Telephone: 01 618 3169

Chairperson Alex White TD (Labour Party) Tel: 01 6183972 Email: alex.white@oireachtas. ie Deputy White is the TD for Dublin South and was elected to Seanad Éireann for the first time in 2007. He was Seanad Group Leader and spokesperson on children, foreign affairs, Northern Ireland, enterprise, trade and employment and equality and immigration. In the 30th Dáil he sat on the committee on members’ interests of Seanad Éireann, the committee of selection of Seanad Éireann, the Seanad Éireann committee on procedure and privileges, the joint committee on the Constitution and the joint committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children. He was a member of South Dublin County Council from 2004 to 2007 (Deputy Mayor 2006 to 2007) and sat on transportation and sports and recreation strategic policy committees. He was Vice-President of the Public Sector region of SIPTU for four years and is currently a member of the ICTU and the Irish Society for Labour Law. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin and King’s Inns, Dublin, Senator White is a barrister by profession and was formerly a producer in RTE.

The Department Secretary General: Kevin Cardiff Appointed: January 2010 Private Secretary: Helen McGrath Contact details for Secretary General’s office: Tel: 01 6045584 Previous positions: Kevin Cardiff joined the Department of the Public Service in 1984 and then the Department of Finance in 1987. He worked on monetary and exchange rate policy in the 1990s and then on pensions policy and organisational issues, such as freedom of information and standards in public office. Most recently, he was the head of the Taxation and Financial Services Division within the

department and he has worked closely with the Minister of Finance in formulating the Government’s response to the financial crisis. Education/Qualifications: Mr Cardiff is a graduate of the University of Washington and University College Dublin.

Departmental Divisions (i) Financial Services and Taxation Division This division deals with policy and legislation on the regulation of the financial services sector and the stability of the financial system, both prudential and consumer aspects, and international co-operation in related areas; the development of EU policy and legislation for the financial services sector, including the transposition of EU directives; international financial services; and relations with the Central Bank and the Financial Services Authority of Ireland. • Second Secretary General: Anne Nolan • Assistant secretaries: Aidan Carrigan, Derick Moran • NAMA: - Principal Officer: Pat Leahy • Financial services consumer issues: - Principal Officer: Joan Daly • Reform of financial regulatory structures: - Principal Officer: Ronan Hession • Capital, corporation, savings and pensions taxation: - Principal Officer: Des O’Leary • International taxation and the IFSC: - Principal Officer: Gary Tobin • Income Tax Policy - Principal Officer: Pat Ring • Indirect taxes: - Principal Officer: Gerry Kenny • EU financial services policy and legislation: - Principal Officer: Pat Casey - Assistant principals: Mary Carrick; Brian Finn; Bríd Kemple; Kieran McNamee; Kevin Nolan; Cathal Sheridan; Graham Swarbrigg; Patrick Brennan; Brian Fee; Frank Maughan; John Moore; Angela Black ; Liam Smith; Donal Murtagh; John Day; Finian Judge; Valerie Robinson; Brendan O’Connor; Ambrose Murray; Seamus Milne; Ray Kavanagh; Kevin Kirwan;Clare McNamara


Public Affairs Ireland

This division deals with overall budgetary policy; economic policy and forecasting; taxation policy; coordination of EU policy; servicing ECOFIN, Eurogroup and their committees; the EU Budget and future EU financing; drawdown of EU Structural and Cohesion Funds; the establishment of the Strategic Framework for the 2007-2013 funding round; North/South cooperation; servicing EU and OECD committees on budgetary and economic co-operation; Ireland’s membership of international financial institutions (IMF, World Bank, EIB and other multilateral development banks); superannuation policy in the public service and co-ordination of pension matters within the department; debt management policy and related statistics; financial management and government accounting policy; co-ordination and implementation of the Management Information Framework; and accounting, payroll, banking and financial services for various departments and offices. • Second Secretary General: Jim O’Brien - Assistant Secretaries: Michael J.McGrath • Economic analysis: - Principal Officer: John McCarthy • Fiscal policy and tax forecasting: - Principal Officer: John Palmer • EU Advisory Unit: - Principal Officer: Nicholas O’Brien • IFI’s: - Principal Officer: Niamh Campbell • External Programme Compliance Unit: - Principal Officer: Fergal O’Brolchain - EU and Internal Unit Principal Officer; Tony Gallagher - Assistant principals: Joe Kirwan; Marie Mackle; Pat McColgan; Caren Mulcahy; Ailish O’Connell; Paul Shannon; Loretta O’Sullivan; Alan Mahon; Eamann Phelan; Patrick Quill; Marianne Nolan; Ronan Hickey; Gerald Angley • Finance Unit and Corporate Services: • Director: Paul Ryan • Accounts and PMGs: • Principal Officer: Jimmy McMeel • Finance Unit: - Principal Officer: Vacant • Human Resources - Principal Officer: Niall O’Ceallaigh - Assistant principals: Mary Moran; Siobhan Errity; Mary Bergin; Dermot Clynes, Paul Fleming, Marie Roone

(iii) Banking Division - - - - - - -

Second Secretary General; John Moran Assistant Secretaries/ Specialists: Nial Ryan; Michael Torpey; Banking Stability Principal Officers; Scott Rankin, Deirdre McGrant, Fred Cooper Business Credit, BOI, Recapitalisation Principal Officer: John Hogan Assistant Principals: Brian Fee, Brendan Fox, John Fitzpatrick, Alan Zambra, Karen Cullen

Office of Public Works Office of Public Works Head Office, Jonathan Swift Street, Trim, Co. Meath. Tel: 046 9426000 (LoCall: 1890 213 414) Fax: 046 9481793 Email: Website: Minister of State at the Department of Finance: Brian Hayes Minister’s Office, Office of Public Works, Trim, Co. Meath. Tel: 046 9426408 Fax: 046 9438450 Email: Chairman of the Commissioners of Public Works: Clare McGrath Commissioners: John McMahon; John Sydenham Director of Architectural Services - State Architect and Principle Architect, OPW: Pat Cooney Director of the National Public Procurement Service: Vincent Campbell Director of Engineering Services: John A. Smyth Director of Corporate Services: Eilís O’Connell The main focal points of OPW activity are flood risk management, procurement services, heritage services and property services, inclusive of architectural, engineering, project management, property maintenance and property management services. It also delivers conference and event management


Department of Finance

(ii) Budget & Economic Division

Public Affairs Ireland at certain prestigious national centres, and art management services.

The structure of the OPW is as follows:

(i) Project Management Services • Principal officers: Brian Allen; Liam Basquille • Assistant principals: Mary Cannon; Gerard Gleeson; Gerard Kennedy; Frank Shalvey • Quantity Surveying Services - Head of Section: Aidan Quinn - Quantity Surveyors: Thomas Dooley; Finbar Murphy (Grade 1); Ronan Clerkin

(ii) Property Management Services • Principal officers: Michael Fennelly; Niamh O’Regan .• Assistant principals: Paul Harrington; Ronan McKeever; Cathleen Morrison; Paul O’Brien; Marian O’Dwyer • Valuation Services - Managing Valuer: Martin Connolly - Valuers: Allen Morgan (Grade I); Eamon Coyle; John Dowds; Mary Nugent (Grade II)

(iii) Property Maintenance Services • Head of Maintenance: Angela Rolfe • Assistant principal: Eileen Leahy • Senior Architects: Michael Cadden; Brian Hamilton; Páraic Mac Lochlainn; Kevin McLoone; Dermot Reid; Peter Rogers; Brendan Cormican • Architects: Anna Hanley; Catherine Fitzgerald; Jane Fitzgerald • Health and safety unit including asbestos Mangement Unit): • Assistant principal: Kenneth Moore • Building Maintenance Services - Acting Director: Denis Carr - Area managers: Brendan Shortt • Furniture branch: - Procurement Manager: Robert Guihen

(iv) National Historic Properties and National Monuments • Assistant principals: Mary Heffernan; Eugene Keane; George Moir • National Botanic Gardens: - Acting Director: Matthew Jebb • Historic Parks: - Chief Parks Superintendent: John McCullen - Parks superintendents: Cormac Foley; Margaret Gormley

(v) Architectural Services • Assistant principal architects: Liam Egan; Michael Haugh; Ciaran O’Connor; Angela Rolfe; Klaus Unger; Finbar Wall • Senior architects -Patrick Boyle; Barbara BroniKenny; Desmond Byrne; John Cahill; Michael Carroll; Edel Collins; Patrick Gannon; Gerard Harvey; Ian Kelly; Caroline Leaden; Frederick McElwee; Ciaran McGahon; Mary McKenna; Elizabeth Morgan; Gerard O’Sullivan; Niall Parsons; Kate Quinn; Terri Sweeney, Roeland Van Elsen; David Wall; Deirdre Wolahan • Architects: Gerard Bourke; Andrew Davis; Gretta Doyle; Maeve Dowling; Andrea Fox; Zee GamietParker; Aoife Hurley; Gosia Kudbya; Stefan Mathews; Joseph Monaghan; Charles Moore; Eithne Moran; Seán Moylan; Aisling Ní Bhriain; Saskia O’Connor; Lennart Sobiecki; Hilary Vandenberghe; Sarah Woods

(vi) Engineering Services • Flood Risk Management • Assistant chief engineers: Mark Adamson; Thomas Bolger; Michael Collins; John Curtin • Principal officer: Paul Molloy • Assistant principals: Michael Caden; Eileen Hughes; Martin O’Gorman • Engineers (Grade I): Seamus Bambury (Mechanical);Jim Casey; Sean Conway; Patrick Donovan; Richard Dooley; Vincent Hussey; Timothy Joyce; John Martin; John G. Murphy; Cian Ó Dónaill • Engineers (Grade II): Paul Costello; Noel Fitzpatrick; Shane Flaherty; Gerry Gallagher; Mark Hayes; Shane Hayes; Jamie Keogh; Rosmarie Lawlor; Peter Lowe; Miriam Mulligan; Cyril McCarthy; Erza McManamon; Joseph McNamara; Clíona Ní Dhónaill; Oliver Nicholson; Mark Noonan; Gavin Poole; John Kelly (Mechanical) • Mechanical and Electrical Services - Assistant Chief Engineer: James O’Sullivan - Engineers Grade 1: David Campbell; Conor Clarke; Thomas Glynn; Declan Holmes; Keith Milsom; Frank Reilly • Central Engineering Workshop: - Engineer (Grade I): Michael Marshall - Engineers Grade II: James Hayde; Aiden McGovern; Johanna O’Sullivan • Civil & Structural Engineering - Assistant Chief Engineer: John Gallagher - Engineers Grade 1: Colm Ryder; Kieran Walsh; Ian Wolfe - Engineers Grade II: Alexander Fennell; Alan French; Nicola Heneghan; Tim McDonnell.


Public Affairs Ireland

The Department of Finance Secretary General: Kevin Cardiff

Second Secretary General: Ann Nolan

Assistant Secretaries: Derrick Moran; Aidan Carrigan

Banking Division

Second Secretary General: John Moran

Banking Stability

NAMA Financial services consumer issues

Business Credit, BOI, Recapitalisation

Budget and Economic Division Second Secretary General: Jim O’Brien Assistant Secretary Michael J. McGrath

Economic analysis

Fiscal policy and tax forecasting

EU advisory unit

Reform of financial regulatory structures


External Programme Compliance Unit

Capital corporation, savings, and pensions taxation

EU and internal Unit

International taxation and the IFSC

Finance Unit & Corporate Services

Income Tax Policy

Accounts and PMGs

Indirect Taxes

Finance Unit

Human Resources

EU financial services policy and legislation


Department of Finance

Financial Services Division

Public Affairs Ireland

(vii) National Public Procurement Service • Director: Vincent Campbell • Deputy Director: Martin Bourke • Assistant principals: Pat Granahan; Yvonne Jackson; Mary O’Halloran; Seamus O’Neill. • Chief Technical Officer: Jim Ryan • Assistant chief technical officers: Aidan Murphy • Technical Adviser: Denis Macken • E-Tenders: - Assistant Principal: Thomas O’Brien • Publications (Mail Order; Election Services; & Iris Oifigúil): - Assistant Principal: Tom Monaghan • Publications (Sales Office): - Sales Manager: Mary McLoughlin

(viii) Corporate Services • - • - • - - • - • - • - • - • - - - • - • - -

Art Management Deputy art adviser: Jacquie Moore Equality Unit: Assistant principal: Edel Hennessey Financial Services Accountant and Director of Financial Services: Mick Long Assistant principal: Bernie O’Brien FOI and Legal Services: FOI Officer: Adrienne O’Driscoll Internal Audit: Assistant Principal: Gerard Bourke Management Accounting Services: Professional accountants: Colm Higgins; Donal Wickham (Grade 1); Séamus O’Flaherty (Grade 2). Management Information Framework (MIF) Unit Assistant Principal: Suzanne Reeves Personnel and Development Services Assistant principals: Declan Forde; Edel Hennessey; David McAuliffe; Margaret TahenyMoore Training Officer: John Fitzgerald Public Relations Officer: Neil Ryan Policy Unit: Assistant Principal: Úna Ní Fhaircheallaigh Organisation and IT Services Principal Officer: Liam Stewart Assistant Principle: Kevin Colman

(ix) Heritage Services • National Monuments - Principal Officer: Leslie Lennox - Assistant Principal: Fionnuala Parnell

- Senior architects: Ana Dolan; Paul McMahon; Aighleann O’Shaughnessy; Grellan Rourke - Architects: Michèle O’Dea; Flora O’Mahony - District Works Managers: Terry Murphy; Eamonn Rafter; Thomas Speers • Visitors Services: - Principal Officer: Leslie Lennox

Office of the Revenue Commissioners Dublin Castle, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 6475000 Fax: 01 6475307 Website: Chairperson: Josephine Feehily Commissioners: Michael O’Grady; Liam Irwin. Established by Government Order in 1923, the Office of the Revenue Commissioners is responsible for the collection and administration of virtually all taxes and duties and the enforcement of import and export controls. Its current mission statement is to serve the community by fairly and efficiently collecting taxes and duties and implementing customs controls. The office is overseen by a Board of Commissioners, which comprises of a chairperson and two commissioners. There are 15 divisions within the Office of the Revenue Commissioners:

(i) Corporate Services Division Tel: 01 6475000 This division is responsible for human resource management strategies; including manpower planning; PMDS; and employee assistance services as well as internal and external communications and financial management. • • - • - • - • -


Assistant Secretary: Paul Dempsey Manpower planning and management Principal Officer: Tony Boland Staff relations and Communications Principal Officer: Sean Cosgrove HR Services and Support Principal Officer: Evelyn Ryan Financial management Principal Officer: Paddy O’Shaughnessy

Public Affairs Ireland Information management: Principal Officer: Finbarr O’Leary Internal audit and value for money Principal Officer: Finbarr O’Leary

- Principal Officer: Finbarr O’Leary • Internal audit and value for money - Principal Officer: Finbarr O’Leary

(iv) Investigations and Prosecutions Division

(ii) Planning Division Tel: 01 6616444

Tel: 01 8277500

This division is responsible for developing operational policy and supporting the operational areas in identifying and disseminating best practice. • Assistant Secretary: Niall Cody • Divisional office - Principal Officer: Liam Gallagher • Customer service policy - Principal Officer: Kevin Mulkerrins • Excise Working Group Principal Officer: Niall Butler • Business taxes – systems/forms - Principal Officer: Eugene Lucey • PAYE; Planning and support services - Principal Officer: Declan Rigney • Risk and information management - Principal Officer: Liam Gallagher • Compliance policy - Principal Officer: Seamas O’Cathasaigh • Sectoral compliance - Principal Officer: Margaret Whelan • Research and analytics - Principal Officer: Liam Gallagher • Planning and evaluation - Principal Officer: Florance Carey • Forecasting and statistics - Principal Officer: Paddy Molloy

This division is responsible for managing and coordinating all of Revenue’s prosecution activity, particularly for serious cases of fraud and evasion. • Assistant Secretary: Breda Ruddle • Divisional Office/ Investigation Support & Liaison - Principal Officer: Denis O’Connell • Customs Criminal Investigation & Bridgend Prosecutions Branch - Principal officer: Tom Talbot • Central Intelligence & Drugs Enforcement Branch - Principal Officer: Michael Colgan • Criminal Investigation Branch Principal Officer: Michael Beagan • Civil Investigations/ Offshore Assets Branch - Principal Officer: Paul Walsh • Special projects and policy development branch - Principal Officer: Denis M. Holligan

(v) Revenue Solicitor’s Division Tel: 01 6475000 This division is responsible for provision of comprehensive legal support services, including the conduct of litigation and appeals and the prosecution of criminal offences. • Revenue Solicitor: Marie-Claire Maney • Deputy Revenue Solicitor: Declan Sherlock • Principal Solicitors higher scale: Etain Croadell; Mairéad Duffy; Mary Kiely. • Principal Solicitor: Evelyn P. Moore

(iii) Information & Communications Technology and Logistics Division This division is responsible for information technology tools and services, telephony and logistics. Assistant Secretary: Paul Dempsey • Manpower planning and management - Principal Officer: Tony Boland • Staff relations and Communications - Principal Officer: Sean Cosgrove • HR Services and Support - Principal Officer: Evelyn Ryan • Financial management - Principal Officer: Paddy O’Shaughnessy • Information management:

(vi) Customs Division Tel: 067 63400 This division is responsible for policy, legislation and international functions for customs, including FEOGA audit. It also includes the Accountant General’s office. • Assistant Secretary: William Funnell • AEP/E-Customs Branch


Department of Finance

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Principal Officer: Paul Kennedy Customs Procedures Branch Principal Officer: John O’Leary Customs legislation consolidation branch Principal Officer: Sean Ó Séaghdha TOR, International, CAP & Support Branch Principal Officer: Owen Ryan Accountant General Principal Officer/Deputy Accountant General: John Clohessy

(vii) Income and Capital Taxes Division Tel: 01 6475000 This division is responsible for policy; legislation and interpretation functions for income tax; capital acquisitions tax; capital gains tax and stamp duty. Associated with the division is the RLS (Revenue Legislation Services) divisional office which coordinates inputs and manages housekeeping matters for the divisions of income and capital taxes, corporate business and international and indirect taxes. • • - • - • - • - • - • -

Assistant Secretary: Eugene Creighton Personal Income Tax 1 Principal Officer: Seán Leake Personal Income Tax 2 Principal Officer: Denis Barry Business Income Tax 1 Principal Officer: Brian McCabe Business Income Tax 2 Principal Officer: Frank Gallagher Capital acquisitions tax and capital gains tax Principal Officer: Joe McGovern Stamp duty and revenue powers Principal Officer: Joe Lynch

(viii) Corporate Business and International Division Tel: 01 6475000 This division is responsible for policy; legislation and interpretation functions for taxes applicable to corporate business and international matters. Associated with the division is the RLS (Revenue Legislation Services) divisional office which coordinates inputs and manages housekeeping matters for the divisions of income and capital taxes, corporate business and international and indirect taxes. Assistant Secretary: Eamonn O’Dea • Corporation Tax 1

- • - • - • - • - • -

Principal Officer: John Fanning Corporation Tax 2 Principal Officer: Tadhg O’Connell International branch 1 Principal Officer: Ann O’Driscoll International branch 2 Principal Officer: Helen O’Grady Incentives and financial services 1 Principal Officer: Jim Byrne Financial services 2 & RLS Divisional Office Principal Officer: Michael Brennan

(ix) Indirect Taxes Division Tel: 01 6475000 This division is responsible for policy, legislation, interpretation and international functions for all indirect taxes. Associated with the division is the RLS (Revenue Legislation Services) divisional office which co-ordinates inputs and manages housekeeping matters for the divisions of income and capital taxes, corporate business and international and indirect taxes. • Assistant Secretary: Gerard Moran • VAT Interpretation - Principal Officer: John Farrell • VAT policy and legislation - Principal Officer: Enda Kelly • VRT - Principal Officer: Kieran Coyle • Excise - Principal Officer: Niall Butler

(x) Collector General’s Division Tel: 061 310310 This division is responsible for collection and lodgment of the major taxes. It also operates pursuit mechanisms for those who fail to comply. • Assistant Secretary/Collector General: Gerard Harrahill • Performance and evaluation planning unit - Assistant Principal: Gerry Cunningham (reports directly to the Collector General) • Customer; Technical and information services - Principal Officer: Denis Harrington; • VAT repayments; HR; Charities and international claims - Principal Officer: Brian Boland • Debt and P35 management - Principal Officer: Eddie Horgan


Public Affairs Ireland

(xii) Border Midlands West Region

Debt & Insolvency management Principal Officer: Tom Murphy Debt, Risk management and training Principal Officer: Declan O’Dalaigh Returns accounting and payment services Principal Officer: Pat O’Shea Debt, IT Planning; TRS Principal Officer: Leonard Burke

Tel: 091 547700 This division is responsible for counties: Cavan, Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Longford, Louth, Mayo, Monaghan, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, and Westmeath. • Assistant Secretary: Joe Howley • Regional Office - Principal Officer: Pádraig Geary; • Special compliance district - Principal Officer: Pádraig Geary; • Cavan/Monaghan district - Principal Officer: Seamus Smith • Donegal district - Principal Officer:John Curran; • Galway county district - Principal Officer: Cormac Gilhooly; • Galway/Roscommon district - Principal Officer: Michael Walsh; • Louth district - Principal Officer: Garvan O’Keeffe • Mayo district - Principal Officer: Aodhán Mac Suibhne • Sligo district - Principal Officer: Vacancy • Westmeath/Offaly district - Principal Officer: Ciaran Toohey

(xi) Large Cases Division Tel: 01 6470710 This division is responsible for customer service; compliance and audit functions relating to the largest businesses and wealthiest individuals in the State. Assistant Secretary: Frank Mullen • Financial services (banking) business unit - Principal Officer: Deirdre Behan • Financial services (insurance) business unit - Principal Officer: Brian Boyle • Financial services (pensions) business unit - Principal Officer: Laurence Murtagh • Construction; Property; Mining - Principal Officer: Paul Monks • Information; Communications and technology business unit - Principal Officer: Jeanette Doonan • Pharmaceutical and general manufacturing business unit - Principal Officer: John McNamara • Drink; Tobacco and multiple business unit - Principal Officer: Brendan Crawford • Food industry business unit - Principal Officer: Margaret Lysaght • High wealth individuals business unit - Principal Officer: Danielle Cunniffe • Crest & E-Audit Strategy & Support - Principal Officer: Allen Finnegan • Customer services unit - Principal Officer: Gerry Kirk • Divisional office - Principal Officer: Bill Fadden • Financial Services (Banking 2) - Principal Officer: Joan French • Property - Principal Officer: Ruth Fennessy • Transport & Energy - Principal Officer: James Griffin • Customs Administration & Audit - Principal Officer: Tom Hempenstall

(xiii) Dublin Region Tel: 01 6330890 This division is responsible for Dublin city and county. • Assistant Secretary: Philip Brennan • Dublin City Centre district - Principal Officer: Dermot Donegan • Dublin North City district - Principal Officer: Lynda Hendley • Dublin South City/Dun Laoghaire/ Rathdown Customer Service district - Principal Officer: Kevin McGarry • Dublin Fingal district - Principal Officer: Kathleen Redmond • Dublin South City/ Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Compliance district - Principal Officer: Charlie Phelan • South County district - Principal Officer: Maura Conneely • Dublin Port district - Principal Officer: Rory O’Connor • Dublin district 1 – 2nd Tier/High Risk - Principal Officer: Tom James


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Dublin district 2 – 2nd Tier/High Risk Principal Officer: Orla Sheridan Dublin district 3 – 2nd Tier/High Risk Principal Officer: Maurice Priestly Dublin Airport district Principal Officer: Tony Fitzpatrick Dublin Investigation district Principal Officer: Kieran O’Grady; Stamping district Principal Officer: Emma Clutterbuck Dublin Regional Office Principal Officer: Gerry Dwyer

• - • - • - • - • - • -

Limerick Principal Officer: Pat Molan Cork North West Principal Officer: Angela McDonald Cork South West Principal Officer: Vacancy Cork East Principal Officer: Gerry Maher Kerry Principal Officer: Anne Looney Training Branch Principal Officer: Eilish Keegan

(xiv) East and South East Region Tel: 051 862700 This division is responsible for counties: Carlow, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Meath, Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford and Wicklow. • Assistant Secretary: Gerard Howard • Kildare district and Capital Acquisitions Tax - Principal Officer: Eamon Healy • Kilkenny district - Principal Officer: Gerry Madden • Meath district - Principal Officer: Paddy Faughnan • Tipperary district - Principal Officer: Thomas Keating • Waterford district - Principal Officer: Sinead McSherry • Wexford district, Special Compliance District and Central Vehicle Office (CVO): - Principal Officer: Maria Meyler • Wicklow district - Principal Officer: Vivienne Dempsey • Large Enterprise Branch - Principal Officer: Tom Herlihy

(xv) South West Region Tel: 021 6027000 This division is responsible for counties: Clare, Cork, Kerry and Limerick. • Assistant Secretary: Anthony Buckley • Regional Office - Principal Officer: Eoin O’Domhnaill • Large Enterprise Branch - Principal Officer: Michael Gladney • Revenue Investigations Branch - Principal Officer: Eoin O’Domhnaill • Special Compliance Branch - Principal Officer: Seamus Lynch • Clare - Principal Officer: Michael Gladney


Public Affairs Ireland

Agencies and Associated Bodies

National Asset Management Agency Treasury Building Grand Canal Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 665000 Fax: 01 6650001 Email: Website:

Central Bank of Ireland PO Box 559 Dame Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 2246000 Fax: 01 6716561 Email: Website: Governor: Patrick Honohan Head of Financial Regulation: Matthew Elderfield Director: Tony Grimes The Central Bank was established in 1943. It was restructured and renamed the Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland (CBFSAI) in 2003. In 2010, the Central Bank Act restructured the CBFSAI and established a fully integrated regulatory institution: the Central Bank of Ireland. Aside from regulation, the Central Bank has responsibilities, within the framework of the European Monetary Union, for monetary policy decisions, economic analysis and maintaining financial stability generally. It is responsible for the regulation of all financial services firms in Ireland. The incumbent Governor Patrick Honohan is a former Professor of International Financial Economic and Development at University of Dublin, Trinity College.

National Development Finance Agency Treasury Building Grand Canal Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6640800 Fax: 01 6640890 Email: Website: Chairperson: John Corrigan Chief Executive: Brian Murphy The National Development Finance Agency (NDFA) was established on January 1 2003. One of its principal functions is to advise State authorities on the optimal financing of priority public investment projects by applying commercial standards in evaluating financial risks and costs. The NDFA’s overriding objective is to maximise value for money for the Exchequer. In July 2005, the role and functions of the National Development Finance Agency (NDFA) were expanded to include a specialised procurement delivery function.

Financial Services Ombudsman 3rd Floor Lincoln House Lincoln Place Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6620899 (LoCall: 1890 882 090) Fax: 01 6620890 Email: Website: Financial Services Ombudsman: William Prasifka Chairperson: Dermott Jewell The Financial Services Ombudsman is a statutory officer who deals independently with complaints from consumers about their individual dealings with all financial services providers that have not been resolved by the providers. The Ombudsman has the power to mediate, adjudicate, resolve and make awards. It is a free service to the complainant; with broader issues of consumer protection being the responsibility of the Financial Regulator.

National Pension Reserve Fund Commission Treasury Building Grand Canal Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6640800 Fax: 01 6766483 Email: Website: Commission Secretary: Elaine Hudson


Department of Finance

Managing Director: Brendan McDonagh Deputy Director: Seán Ó Faoláin The National Asset Management Agency was established as a statutory agency in November 2009. It is charged with managing the assets formerly on the balance sheet of guaranteed commercial institutions in the State.

Public Affairs Ireland The National Pension Reserve Fund Commission was established to determine and implement the strategy of the National Pension Reserve Fund (NPRF) in accordance with statutory investment policy. The NPRF was established in April 2001 to meet the costs of Ireland’s social welfare and public service pensions from 2025 onwards when these costs are projected to increase dramatically due to the ageing of the population. In February 2009, the Minister of Finance announced that the NPRF would finance a €7 billion bank recapitalization programme. The Commission performs its function through the National Treasury Management Agency, which is the ultimate manager of the fund.

National Treasury Management Agency Treasury Building Grand Canal Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6640800 Fax: 01 6640890 Email: Website: Chief Executive: John Corrigan Chairman: David Byrne The NTMA was set up in 1990 by the passage of the National Treasury Management Agency Act. It was established to borrow money for the Exchequer and to manage the national debt on behalf of the Minister for Finance. The agency is under the ‘superintendence’ of the Minister of Finance. Prior to the establishment of the agency the national debt was managed by the Department of Finance with short term borrowing being the responsibility of the Central Bank. The agency’s establishment was a response to the growth of the national debt in the 1980s and the difficulty in servicing that debt. In 2009, the NTMA raised just over €33 billion.

The State Laboratory Backweston Laboratory Campus Young’s Cross Celbridge Co. Kildare Tel: 01 5057000 Fax: 01 5057070 Email: Website: State Chemist: Dermot Hayes The State Laboratory was established in 1924 from an amalgamation of the laboratory of the Revenue Commissioners with the chemistry laboratory of the Department of Agriculture. It provides an analytical

and advisory service to Government departments and offices thereby enabling them to implement and formulate the technical aspects of national and EU legislation.

Valuation Office Irish Life Centre Abbey Street Lower Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8171000 Fax: 01 8171180 Email: Website: Chief Executive and Commissioner of Valuation: Aidan Murray Managing valuers: James Gormley (Rating Appeals); William M. Walsh (Special Projects; Information and Research); Seamus Connolly (Revaluation); Patrick Cooney (Revaluation and Revision); Declan Lavelle (Revaluation); James McAndrew (Revaluation). The Valuation Office is the State property valuation agency. Its core function is to provide accurate and up-to-date valuations of commercial and industrial properties to ratepayers and rating authorities as laid down by statute. The office also provides valuation consultancy services to other Government departments, the Revenue Commissioners and local authorities. Note: According to the programme of public service reform, the Valuation Office & Ordance Survey Ireland are to be merged into the Property Registration Authority.

Valuation Tribunal Ormond House Ormond Quay Upper Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8728177 Fax: 01 8728060 Email: Website: Chairperson: John L. O’Donnell Deputy Chairpersons: Fred Devlin; John Kerr; Maurice Ahern; Niall O’Hanlon The Valuation Tribunal is an independent statutory body that hears and decides • appeals against decisions of the Commissioner of Valuation on the valuation and revaluation of commercial properties for rating purposes under the Valuation Act 2001; and • appeals by owners of derelict sites against the determination by local authorities of the market values of those sites under the Derelict Sites Act 1990.


Public Affairs Ireland

Department of Finance



Outsourcing - a powerful business tool Outsourcing - delivering measurable benefits to our clients Each year, more and more organisations outsource a growing range of activities. Why? Quite simply, outsourcing delivers results. It’s a proven tool in improving business performance and transforming customer services.

Conor O’Brien, Chief Operating Officer Capita Maynooth Business Campus, Maynooth, Co. Kildare Tel (+353) 1 654 8899 Mobile (+353) 86 601 7541 Email: conor.o’

As a flexible, committed outsourcing partner, we consistently bring our clients measurable service improvements. We transform and manage existing services. We create and run completely new service infrastructures. Our extensive outsourcing capabilities and infrastructure enable us to step-up service efficiency, quality and flexibility, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty - and all at an agreed cost.

Orlagh Doherty, Business Development Director Capita Maynooth Business Campus, Maynooth, Co. Kildare Tel (+353) 1 400 5351 Mobile (+353) 86 608 6478 Email:

What we bring our customers: Inspired productive people Streamlined administration processes Effective ICT Innovation Improved customer services

Liam Duggan, Business Development Director Capita Maynooth Business Campus Maynooth, Co. Kildare Ireland Tel: (+353) 1 654 8895 Mobile: (+353) 85 288 2222 Email:

Supported by our extensive capabilities Comprehensive range of expertise and resources Extensive business centre network Flexible, efficient service agreements and delivery models - onshore, nearshore and offshore

Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 9 Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Offices

Introduction The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform was created following the General Election in 2011 and comprises some of the functions that formerly lay with the Department of Finance.

Lansdowne House Lansdowne Road Dublin 4 (Centre for Management and Organisation Development)

The Department has responsibility, within overall budgetary parameters determined by the Department for Finance, for the management of gross voted expenditure, the annual estimates process, general sanctioning powers in relation to expenditure and policy matters relating to the appraisal, review and evaluation of expenditure. In addition, the Department has responsibility for public service management and reform, including industrial relations and public service modernisation, and for delivering the Government’s programme of political reform to achieve permanent changes in governance in Ireland.

2-4 Merrion Row Dublin 2 (Corporate Services Division) 7-9 Merrion Row Dublin 2 (National Development Plan/Community Support Framework, Decentralisation CPU, Civil Service Equality Unit, FOI Central Policy Unit) Unit 2 Central Business Park Clonminch Tullamore Co. Offaly (Civil Service Training Development Centre, Senior Management Development, Offices of the Accountant and Paymaster General [Banking and Clearance]) Frederick Buildings South Frederick Street Dublin 2 (Office of the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Service Occupational Health Department)

Core areas of responsibility • Public Expenditure

Main Telephone Number: 01 6767571 LoCall 1890 661 010 Fax Number: 01 6789936 E-Mail: Email Protocol: Website:

• Personnel and Remuneration • Corporate Services


Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Government Buildings Upper Merrion Street Dublin 2 (Office of the Minister, Minister of State, Secretary General, Press Office, National Development Plan/Community Support Framework Information Office, Public Private Partnership Unit)

Public Affairs Ireland

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Minister for Public Expenditure and reform: Brendan Howlin TD Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Labour Party Contact details for Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6318102 (Department) 01 6183538 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6318021 Email: Private Secretary: Garrett O’Rorke Email: Special Advisor: Ann Byrne; Ronan O’Brien; ronan.o’ Press Advisor: Marie Mulvihill Email: Previous ministries: Deputy Howlin was Minister for Health from 1993 to 1994 and Minister for the Environment from 1994 to 1997. Previous committee memberships: Deputy Howlin was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on the Constitution and the constitutional amendment on children. Previous party positions: Deputy Howlin served as Labour party Chief Whip from 1987 to 1993 and as deputy leader of the Labour Party from 1997 to 2002. He has been Labour spokesperson on justice, finance, health and youth affairs and health and women’s rights and on constitutional matters and law reform, European affairs, and human rights. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Howlin was elected as a Senator in 1982 and served in this role as Labour Party spokesperson on education until 1987. He was Mayor of Wexford from 1986 to 1987. He was also a member of Wexford Borough Council from 1981 to 1993, Wexford County Council from 1985 to 1993 and an Alderman from 1985 to 1993. He was appointed Leas-Cheann Comhairle in June 2007 during the 30th Dáil. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Howlin is a graduate of St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin. Electoral history: Deputy Howlin was first elected to the Dáil in 1987 as a representative for the Wexford constituency and been elected to the Dáil at every election since. He first ran for the Dáil unsuccessfully in 1982 but was subsequently elected Senator upon the nomination of the Taoiseach in 1983.

Minister of State

Minister of State: Brian Hayes TD Special Responsibility: Public service reform and OPW Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for the

Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6476000 (Department) 01 6183567 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6612531 Email: Private Secretary: Suzanne Mitchell Email: Tel: 01 6476132

Previous party positions: Deputy Hayes was previously secretary to the Fine Gael Group at the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. Deputy Hayes was spokesperson on housing, house prices and urban renewal from 1997 to 2000; Northern Ireland from 2000 to 2001; social and community affairs from 2001 to 2002; education and science from 2007 to 2010; and was deputy party spokesperson on finance with special responsibility for public expenditure in the 30th Dáil. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Hayes was a member of Seanad Éireann between 1995 and 1997 during which time he was the spokesperson on the environment. He was again elected to the Seanad in 2002 where he was party leader and spokesperson on defence and Northern Ireland. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Hayes attended St. Patrick’s, Maynooth and University of Dublin, Trinity College. He was a secondary school teacher before entering politics. Electoral history: Deputy Hayes was first elected to the Dáil for the Dublin South West constituency in 1997 having unsuccessfully contested the 1994 by-election for Dublin South-Central. He was elected as a member of Seanad Éireann in 1995 as a Taoiseach’s nominee. He was elected to the Seanad in 2002 on the cultural and educational panel. He was re-elected to the Dáil in the 2007 and 2011 general elections.


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Opposition Spokespersons Fianna Fáil: Michael McGrath TD (Finance) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183801 Constituency: Cork South Central Email:

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Fianna Fáil: Sean Fleming TD (Public Sector Reform) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183472 Constituency: Laois Offaly Email: sean.fleming@

Sinn Féin: Mary Lou McDonald TD (Public Expenditure and Reform) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183230 Constituency: Dublin Central Email:


Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

Chairperson Alex White TD(Labour Party)

Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform This Committee – and the select Committees of Dáil and Seanad Eireann of which it is made – has the power to consider: • Legislation proposed by the Department of Finance and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform • Spending by these Departments • Matters of policy for which each Minister is officially responsible • Public affairs administered by the Department • Policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department • Statutory instruments and EU legislation

Clerk to the Committee Ronan Lenihan

Tel: 01 6183972 Email: Deputy White is the TD for Dublin South and was elected to Seanad Éireann for the first time in 2007. He was Seanad Group leader and spokesperson on children, foreign affairs, Northern Ireland, enterprise, trade & employment and equality & immigration. In the 30th Dáil he sat on the committee on Members’ Interests of Seanad Éireann, the committee of selection of Seanad Éireann, the Seanad Éireann committee on procedure and privileges, the joint committee on the Constitution and the joint committee on the Constitutional Amendment on children. He was a member of South Dublin County Council from 2004 to 2007 (Deputy Mayor 2006 to 2007) and sat on transportation and Sports & Recreation Strategic Policy Committees. He is currently a member of the ICTU and the Irish Society for Labour Law. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin and King’s Inns, Dublin, Senator White is a barrister by profession and was formerly a producer in RTE.

Email: Telephone: 01 618 3169

Members Deputies:

Timmy Dooley

Fianna Fáil

Richard Boyd-Barret

United Left

Jonathan O’Brien

Sinn Féin

Thomas P. Broughan


Kieran O’Donnell

Fine Gael

Michael Creed

Fine Gael

Arthur Spring


Jim Daly

Fine Gael

Billy Timmins

Fine Gael

Pearse Doherty

Sinn Féin

Liam Twomey

Fine Gael

Stephen Donnelly


Alex White


Sean Fleming

Fianna Fail


Joe Higgins

United Left

Sean D Barrett


Heather Humphreys

Fine Gael

Thomas Byrne

Fianna Fáil

Kevin Humphreys


Michael D’Arcy

Fine Gael

Peter Mathews

Fine Gael

Aideen Hayden


Mary Lou McDonald

Sinn Féin

Tom Sheahan

Fine Gael

Michael McGrath

Fianna Fail

Katherine Zappone


Olivia Mitchell

Fine Gael


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The Department

working with Indecon Economic Consultants and London Economics. Education: He has a primary degree in business studies and a masters in economics.

Secretary General: Robert Watt Appointed: April 2011 Private Secretary: Patricia Scanlon Contact Details for Secretary Generals Office: Tel: 01 6318136

Departmental Divisions

Previous Positions: Prior to his appointment as Secretary General Mr. Watt was Assistant Secretary in the Sectoral Policy Division of the Department of Finance and had responsibility for overall expenditure policy including the Comprehensive Spending Review, capital investment policy and managing the annual Estimates process. He has also worked in a range of roles within the Department as well as previously

(i) Expenditure Policy Evaluation & Management • Assistant Secretary: Deirdre Hanlon • Principals: Ronnie Downes; David Denny; Dermot Quigley; John Burke; Marie Mc Laughlin

Secretary General: Robert Watt






Secretary: John

Secretary: David


Deirdre Hanlon

C O’Connell


Michael Errity

Labour Market


& Enterprise

& Industrial



Expenditure Policy Evaluation & Management

Health, Pension Policy and EU/NI




Secretary: Tim

Director: Paul



CMOD & eGovernment

Public Service Reform and Delivery

Assistant Secretary: William Beausang

Government Reform Unit

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

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(ii) Health, Pension Policy and EU/NI

(vi) Public Service Reform and Delivery

• Assistant Secretary: John C O’Connell • Principals: Tom Heffernan; John Reilly; David Owens; Tony Jordan; Gearoid O’Keeffe; Dermot Byrne

• ������������������� Programme Director: Paul Reid • ����������� Principals: David Feeney; Owen Jacob; Evelyn O’Connor

(iii) Labour Market & Enterprise Policy • ��������������������� Assistant Secretary: David Moloney • ������������ Principals: Judith Brady; Ronan Gallagher; John Conlon; Dermot Nolan; Stephanie O’Donnell; Brendan Ellison

(iv) Remuneration & Industrial Relations • ��������������������� Assistant Secretary: Michael Errity • ������������ Principals: Tom Clarke; Mary Austin; Oonagh Buckley; Colin Menton; John Dolan

(v) CMOD & e-Government

(vii) Government Reform Unit • ��������������������� Assistant Secretary: William Beausang • ������������ Principals: Aine Stapleton; Finbarr Kell

(viii) Civil Service Human Resource • ���������� Director: Patricia Coleman • ����������� Principals: Louise Mc Girr; Dermot Keane; Mary Mc Keon; Grainne Mc Guckin; Triona Quill

(ix) The Office of the Chief Medical Officer • Chief Medical Office: Dr Thomas O’Connell

• ��������������������� Assistant Secretary: Tim Duggan • ������������ Principals: Catherine Curley; Jim Leahy


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Agencies and Associated Bodies

Office of the Ombudsman 18 Lower Leeson Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6395600 (LoCall 1890 223 030) Fax: 01 6395674 / 01 6395676 Email: Website:

Commission for Public Service Appointments 18 Lower Leeson Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 8779940 Fax: 01 8779950 Email: Website:

Ombudsman: Emily O’Reilly Director General: Pat Whelan The Office of the Ombudsman was established under the Ombudsman Act 1980. It investigates complaints about the administrative actions of Government departments, the Health Service Executive, local authorities and An Post.

Members of the Commission: Ms. Emily O’Reilly, Ombudsman; Mr. Justice Matthew P. Smith, Chairman, Standards in Public Office Commission; Mr. Seán Barrett, TD, An Ceann Comhairle; Mr Robert Watt, Secretary General, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform; Mr Martin Fraser, Secretary General to the Government.

Chapter House 26-30 Abbey Street Upper Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: 01 8587400 (LoCall 1890 449 999) Fax: 01 8587500 / 01 8587574 Email: Website:

The Commission is an independent statutory body which sets standards for recruitment and selection to the Civil Service and to certain other public service organisations, and monitors compliance with these standards. It also grants licences to certain public service bodies to recruit on their own behalf or with the assistance of private sector

Chairperson: Eddie Sullivan Chief Executive: Bryan Andrews The Public Appointments Service was established under the Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004. It is the centralised provider of recruitment, assessment, and selection services for the Civil Service, and also provides recruitment and consultancy services to local authorities, health boards, the Garda Siochana and other public bodies.

recruitment agencies approved by the Commission.

Office of the Information Commissioner 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6395689 (LoCall 1890 253 238) Fax: 01 6395674 / 01 6395676 Email: Website: Information Commissioner: Emily O’Reilly Director General: Patrick Whelan The Office of the Information Commissioner was established under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1997, as amended in 2003. The Information Commissioner’s main functions are to review decisions made by public bodies in relation to FOI requests, to keep the FOI legislation under review and to foster an attitude of openness among public bodies.


Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Public Appointments Service

Public Affairs Ireland

Standards in Public Office Commission 18 Lower Leeson Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6395666 Fax: 01 6395684 Email: Website: Chairperson: Mr. Justice Matthew P. Smith Commission Secretary: David Waddell The Standards in Public Office Commission is an independent body which was established by the Standards in Public Office Act 2001. It has a supervisory role under: The Ethics in Public Office Act 1995, as amended by the Standards in Public Office Act 2001, (the Ethics Acts) The Electoral Act 1997, as amended, (the Electoral Acts) The Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Amendment) Act 2001, (the Party Leaders’ Allowance Act)



Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 10 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Offices Introduction Iveagh House,

The department is responsible for the conduct of Ireland’s relations with other states and international organisations. It comprises of 12 divisions in its Dublin headquarters as well as a network of embassies, consulates and multilateral missions, which carry out diplomatic relations with 174 countries around the world. The department’s mission statement is to advance Ireland’s interests and values in the European Union and in the wider world, to promote Ireland’s contribution to international peace, security and development, and to protect its citizens abroad and to pursue reconciliation and partnership on the island of Ireland. Following the General Election in 2011, the trade portfolio has been reassigned from the former Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

80 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. (Office of the Minister; Minister of State and Secretary General; Northern Ireland, UK and North America Division; Irish Abroad unit; Political division; Press office; Protocol section; Library; Registry.) Hainault House, 69-71 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. (Consular service; Trade and Promotion Division; Legal division.) 76-78 Harcourt St, Dublin 2. (Corporate services division;; European Union division; Translation section; ICT unit.) Riverstone House, 23-27 Henry Street, Limerick Irish Aid. 13-15 Hatch Street Dublin 2 Irish Aid. Molesworth Building, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. (Passport office; Finance unit.) Main Telephone Number: 01 4780822 (LoCall: 1890 426 700) Fax Number: 01 4781484 Email: Email protocol: Website:

Core areas of responsibility • International political relations with


states and international bodies

• Issuing of passports and

• Bilateral economic relations with

provision of Consular Services

other states

• Protocol – visits of dignitaries

• Administering Irish Aid in

to Ireland and visits abroad by

Developing Countries

the President

• Support to Irish emigrants abroad

• External Trade Promotion

• Negotiation of international

Strategy and Co-ordination


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade originates from the very first meeting of Dáil Éireann on January 21st 1919. Following the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, the department was renamed the Department of External Affairs in 1922. It adopted the name the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1971, which it kept for 30 years. The department became that of Foreign Affairs and Trade in March 2011 following the formation of a coalition government between Fine Gael and the Labour Party.

Public Affairs Ireland

Tánaiste and Ministers of Minister for Foreign State Affairs and Trade Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade: Eamon Gilmore TD Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Labour Party Contact details for Minister’s office: Tel: 01 4082137 (Department); 01 6183566 (Dáil); 01 4082275 (Press) Email: (Department); (Dáil) Private Secretary: Mary Connery Email: Special Advisors: Mark Garrett; Colm O’Reardon; Jean O’Mahoney Previous ministries: From 1994 to 1997, Deputy Gilmore served as Minister of State for the Marine. Previous committee memberships: Deputy Gilmore was a member of joint Oireachtas committee on the environment and local government from 2002 to 2007. He was also a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Previous party positions: From 2002 until 2007, Deputy Gilmore was Labour spokesperson for the environment, housing and local government. He became the leader of the Labour Party in 2007. He has also served as chairperson of Labour’s policy committee and was a member of the national executive committee of the Labour Party. Previous political roles: Deputy Gilmore was president of University College Galway’s students’ union from 1974 to 1975 and later became president of the Union of Students in Ireland from 1976 to 1978. He was elected to Dublin County Council in 1985. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Gilmore attended Garbally College, Ballinasloe and University College, Galway. He worked as full time public representative and trade union organiser with the IGTWU prior to entering politics. Electoral history: Deputy Gilmore was first elected to the Dáil for the Dún Laoghaire constituency in the 1989 general election. He has been re-elected at every election since 1989, initially for the Workers’ Party, subsequently for Democratic Left, and now as a Labour party candidate.

Minister of State: Jan O’Sullivan TD Special responsibility: Trade and development Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Labour Party Contact details for the

Minister’s office: Tel: 01 4780822 (Department); 01 6183670 (Dáil) Email: (Dáil) Private Secretary: Luke Feeney Email:

Previous committee memberships: During the 28th Dáil, from 1998 to 2002, Deputy O’Sullivan was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on justice, equality and women’s rights. She was a member of the all-party committee on the Constitution from 2002 to 2007 and was vice-chairperson of both the joint Oireachtas committee and the Dáil select committee on education and science during these years. She was most recently a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on justice, equality, defence and women’s rights and vice-chairperson of the committee on health and children. Previous party positions: In the 28th Dáil, Deputy O’Sullivan was spokesperson on justice and equality and in the 29th Dáil, she was spokesperson on education and science. In the 30th Dáil, from 2007 to 2011, she was appointed as spokesperson for health. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy O’Sullivan was elected to Limerick City Council in 1985. She served as a member of the Mid-Western Health Board from 1991 to 2003 and was also Mayor of Limerick from 1993 to 1994. She was elected to the 20th Seanad on the Administrative Panel and became leader of the Labour Seanad group and served from 1993 to 1997. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy O’Sullivan is a graduate of University of Dublin, Trinity College and worked as a pre-school teacher prior to entering politics. Electoral history: Deputy O’Sullivan was first elected to the Dáil in 1998 following a by-election in the Limerick East constituency and has subsequently been re-elected in the 2002, 2007 and 2011 general elections.


Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons

Minister of State: Lucinda Creighton TD Special Responsibility: European Affairs Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s office: Tel: 01 4780822 (Foreign Affairs and Trade); 01 6194399 (Department of An the Taoiseach); 01 6183527 (Dáil) Email:; lucinda. Private Secretary: Tony Kavanagh Email: Special Advisor: Stephen O’Shea Email:

Fianna Fáil: Seán Ó Fearghaíl TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183948 Constituency: Kildare South Email:

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184350 Constituency: Cork South Central Email: micheal.martin@

Previous committee memberships: Deputy Creighton was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on European scrutiny and on European affairs from 2007 to 2010. Deputy Creighton was also a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on justice, defence, equality and women’s rights. Previous party positions: Deputy Creighton was spokesperson on European affairs. She was also deputy spokesperson on justice and law reform with special responsibility for immigration, integration and equality. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Creighton was a member of Dublin City Council from 2004 to 2007. She was also a member of the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Creighton attended University of Dublin, Trinity College where she obtained an LL.B. in 2002. She was called to the bar in 2007. She also obtained an MA in International Relations from Dublin City University. Electoral history: Lucinda Creighton was first elected to the 30th Dáil in 2007 for the Dublin SouthEast constituency and was re-elected in 2011 for the same constituency.

Sinn Féin: Pádraig MacLochlainn TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6184061 Constituency: Donegal North East Email: padraig.maclochlainn@


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Fianna Fáil: Micheál Martin TD (Northern Ireland)

Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees (i) Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade This Committee and the Select Committees of Dáil and Seanad Eireann of which it is composed – has the power to consider: (a) matters of policy for which the Minister is officially responsible, (b) public affairs administered by the Department, (c) policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department, (d) Government policy in respect of bodies under the aegis of the Department, (e) policy issues concerning bodies which are partly or wholly funded by the State or which are established or appointed by a member of the Government or the Oireachtas, (f) the general scheme or draft heads of any Bill published by the Minister, (g) statutory instruments, including those laid or laid in draft before either House or both Houses and those made under the European Communities Acts 1972 to 2009, (h) strategy statements laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas pursuant to the Public Service Management Act 1997, (i) annual reports or annual reports and accounts,

required by law, and laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas, of the Department or bodies referred to in paragraph (4)(d) and (e) and the overall operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of such bodies, and (j) such other matters as may be referred to it by the Dáil and/or Seanad from time to time.

Clerk to the Committee Paul Kelly Email: Telephone: 01 618 3167

Chairperson Pat BreenTD (Fine Gael) Tel: 01 6184224 Email: pat.breen@oireachtas. ie Deputy Breen is the representative for the Clare constituency and was first elected to Dáil Éireann in 2002. He retained his seat and became Fine Gael’s Spokesperson on Overseas Aid & Human Rights in the 30th Dáil and served as Chairman of the Dáil’s Sub-Committee on Overseas Aid prior to the General Election. He also served as his Party’s Deputy Spokesperson on Transport and Enterprise, Trade and Employment with special responsibility for small business. He has served on a number of Dáil Committee’s including the European Affairs Committee, the Oireachtas Transport Committee,

Members Deputies:


Pat Breen

Fine Gael

Deirdre Clune

Eric Byrne


Mark Daly

Bernard J. Durkan

Fine Gael

Lorraine Higgins

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn

Sinn Féin

Michael Mullins

Michael McNamara


David Norris


Dara Murphy

Fine Gael

Jim Walsh

Fianna Fáil

Dan Neville

Fine Gael

Seán Ó Fearghaíl Maureen O’Sullivan

Fianna Fáil Independent


Fine Gael Fianna Fáil Labour Fine Gael

Public Affairs Ireland

ii). Joint Committee on European Union Affairs The work of the Joint Committee on European Affairs is primarily informed by the policies and legislative proposals which emanate from the European Union including the Committee’s priorities in relation to EU matters which are of special importance for Ireland. At the beginning of each year the Committee draws up a work programme which sets out the main topics the Committee will address during the coming year. An interim review of the work programme is undertaken after 6 months to ensure that all items listed are still relevant and are being progressed as planned and also to determine whether any further items need to be added to the work programme. Inter-parliamentary co-operation plays an important part in the work of the Committee. The Committee maintains close links and exchanges strategic information with its counterpart committees in the other 26 EU national parliaments and with the European Parliament. These committees meet every six months in the member state holding the rotating EU Presidency under the umbrella of COSAC and can remain in close contact and exchange information, ideas and experiences through the IPEX inter-parliamentary EU information exchange website.

The Committee holds discussions and exchanges views with invited speakers on a wide range of subjects, including for example EU institutional reform, agriculture and trade policy, enlargement and the EU’s relations with its immediate neighbours. It holds a monthly meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Minister of State for European Affairs prior to each meeting of the General Affairs and External Relations Council in Brussels

Clerk to the Committee Siobhán Malone Email: Telephone: 01 6183945

Chairperson Joe Costello TD (Labour) Tel: 01 6183896 Email: joe.costello@ Deputy Costello is the current TD for Dublin Central and has been a member of the Oireachtas since his appointment to Seanad Éireann in 1989. He is a former member of several committees including the Dáil Committee on justice, equality, women’s rights and defence, the Sub-Committee of the Barron Report on the Dublin and Monaghan Bombings of 1974, the Joint Committee on European affairs (between 2006 and 2010), the Joint Committee on EU scrutiny, the Sub-Committee on Irelands future in the European Union (from 2008 to 2009) and the Sub-Committee on the Review of the Role of the Oireachtas in European Affairs in 2010.

Members Deputies:

Mick Wallace


Joe Costello



Paschal Donohoe

Fine Gael

Colm Burke

Fine Gael

Timmy Dooley

Fianna Fáil

Fidelma Healy Eames

Fine Gael

Bernard J. Durkan

Fine Gael

James Heffernan


Colm Keaveney


Terry Leyden

Fianna Fáil

Séan Kyne

Fine Gael

Kathryn Reilly

Sinn Fein

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn

Sinn Fein

Rónán Mullen


Joe O’Reilly

Fine Gael


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

the Privileges and Procedures, the House Services Committee and the Committee on Enterprise and Small Business. Prior to Pat’s election to Dáil Éireann, he was a member of Clare County Council and the Vocational Educational Committee from June 1999 to 2002.

Public Affairs Ireland

The Department Secretary General: David Cooney

Appointed: January 2009 Private Secretary: David Keating Contact details for Secretary General’s office: 01 4082133 Previous positions: David Cooney entered the civil service in 1976 and worked in the Department of Agriculture as an executive officer. He joined the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1979 as a third secretary in the information section. In 1981, he was appointed as a secretary at the Embassy of Ireland to the Holy See. In 1986, he was appointed as Private Secretary to the Secretary-General of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Later, he was involved in European Affairs, as a first secretary in the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the European Union and coordinator of the white paper on Irish foreign policy. He participated in the negotiation of the Good Friday Agreement as head of the political section of the Department of Foreign Affairs. In 1998, he was appointed as a deputy permanent representative of Ireland to the OECD in Paris, France and then as a minister-counsellor in the Embassy of Ireland in France. He twice served as permanent representative to the UN but first as deputy. In between these posts, he was the Assistant Secretary-General at the Department of Foreign Affairs. Prior to taking the Secretary General position, he was the Irish Ambassador in London. Education/Qualifications: Mr Cooney received a BA from the University of Keele, England

Departmental Divisions (i) Northern Ireland, United Kingdom & North America Division

• Director General: Niall Burgess • Counsellors: Kieran Dowling; Conor O’Riordan • First secretaries/Assistant principals: Brian Cahalane; Gerry Kelly; Cyril Brennan; Rory O’Leary; Michael Sanfey; John Boyd;Gerard McCoy; Margaret Stanley • Higher executive officers/Third secretaries: Kevin Coyle; Jane Ann Duffy; Peter Hogan; Joanne King; Frank Power; Orlaith Fitzmaurice; Jennifer Whelan; Jerry O’Donovan; Karen Lynch; Micheál Smith; Ben Poole Irish Abroad and Global Irish Network Unit This unit deals with promoting services that assist

emigrants and administers the financial support that the department directs to groups in the voluntary sector that are engaged in the delivery of services to Irish emigrants. • Counsellor: Joseph Hackett • First Secretary/Assistant Principal: Karl Gardner; Emer Whelan • Third secretaries/Higher executive officers: Celine Byrne; Denise Hanrahan; Albert Rattigan

(ii) Corporate Services Division This division deals with day-to-day management of the department. • Assistant Secretary: Barrie Robinson • Human resources and training • Counsellors: Derek Feely - First secretaries/ Assistant principals: Noeleen Curran; Mary Browne; Helena Nolan; Sean Tipper - Higher executive officers/ Third secretaries: Paula Kiernan; Brendan Watters; Michelle Ryan; Cecily McKenna • Employee Assistance Officer: Úna Meehan • Accommodation - Director of Architectural Services: Mark McSwiney - Senior Architect: Kevin Wolohan - Assistant Principal: Majella O’Connor - Architectural Assistant: Edwina Cleary - Higher executive officers: David Anderson; Donal O’Driscoll • Finance, FOI and co-ordination, EU Presidency Planning, management services, library and archives - Counsellor: Tim Mawe - First secretaries/ Assistant principals: Breandán O Caollai; James Farrell. - Higher executive officers/Third secretaries: Nuala Courtney; John Freir; Maureen McLoughlin; Maureen Sweeney; Ray Walker; Marianne Bolger; Julie O’Brien; Ursula Cordial; Donal O’Connell;Colette Appleby • Librarian: Órla Gillen • Information communications technology unit - Principal officer: Mary O’Donohue (Acting) - Assistant principals: Eddie McGinn; Andrew Harwood - Higher executive officers: Liz Finn; Noel Gallagher; Orla McCarthy; Brian Hanniffy; Gerry Poole; Sean McHugh; David Satelle; Robert Drummond


Public Affairs Ireland

(iii) Development Cooperation Directorate (Irish Aid)

Coleman; Corrina Connelan; Sarah Cooney; Damien Cummins; Richard Daly; Martin Gallagher; Arthur Hendrick; Michael Kennedy; Paula Kenny; Elizabeth Keogh; John Lynam; Anne Maher; Oonagh O’Connor; Robert O’Driscoll; Fiona O’Dwyer; John O’Meara; Mary Ryan; Seamus Ryan; Barbara Wilson

This division is responsible for the administration of the Irish overseas aid programme and for the conduct of Irish development policy and is based in Limerick. • Director General: Brendan Rogers • Deputy Director General: Michael Gaffey • Principals/Counsellors/ Principal development specialists: Barbara Cullinane; Kevin Dowling; John Foyle; Fionnuala Gilsenan; Liam Mac Gabhann; Finbar O’Brien; Vincent O’Neill; Kevin Kelly • First secretaries/ Assistant principals/ Senior development specialists/ Development Specialists/ Accountants/ Information officers: Mary Barrett; Anne Marie Callan; Orlagh Condron; Robert Meade; Emer O’Brien; Alison Milton; John O’Grady; Carol Hannon; Thomas Tichelmann; Gerry Cunningham; Sonja Carmel Madden; Máire Matthews; Ann Murphy; Margaret Ryan; John Gilroy; Kevin Carroll; Seán O’Donncha; Julie Connell; Grainne O’Neill; John Histon; Michael Tiernan; Nuala O’Brien; Ciara O’Brien; David Bruck; Susan Fraser; Áine Doody; Paul Sherlock; Kevin Colgan; Donal Cronin; Paula Nolan; Elisa Cavacece; Bronagh Carr; Lisa Walshe; Frank Flood; Aidan Fitzpatrick; Seán Hoy; Fiona Quinn; Diarmuid McClean; Douglas Hamilton; Pat Bourne; Hilda O’Riain; Fionnuala Quinlan • Higher executive officers/ Education officers/ Third secretaries: Thomas Bellew; Patrick

(iv) EuropeDivision This division coordinates Ireland’s approach within the EU. • Director General: Anne Barrington • Counsellors: Donal Denham; Adrian McDaid • First secretaries: Sarah Mangan ; Julian Clare; John O’Sullivan • Third secretaries: Shane Cahill; Laoise Moore; Katie Morrisroe

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Secretary General: David Cooney








Director of

Chief of









Press and












Colm Ó








Philip Grant



Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Corporate Services Division

Development Cooperation




(Irish Aid)

Consular and Passport Service









& North America Division


Trade and Promotion Division

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

(v) Legal Division This division provides the Department with legal advice and has responsibilities in the negotiation of international agreements. • Legal Adviser: James Kingston • Deputy Legal Adviser: Declan Smyth • Assistant legal advisers: Emer Kilcullen; Denise McQuade; Brídín O’Donoghue; David O’Sullivan; Peter White

Public Affairs Ireland

(vi) Consular and Passport Service

(viii) Trade and Promotion Division

This division is responsible for the administration of consular services and the issuing of passports to Irish citizens. • Consular Service • Counsellor: Peadar Carpenter (Acting) • First secretaries/ Assistant principals: Mary Cusack • Higher executive officers/ Third secretaries: Rose Gaughan; Máire Farrell; Margaret Carton; Maura Toolan • Passport Service • Passport Office Dublin - Counsellor: Joe Nugent - Assistant Principal: Fiona Penollar - Higher executive officers: Paul Evans; Tom Lucas; Theresa McHugh; Monica O’Connor; Rosanna Losty - Assistant Principal: Kevin Walzer - Higher executive officers: Catherine Aylward; Bernie Davis; Angela Larkin; Sheila Monaghan; Brian Mulligan • Passport Office Cork - Assistant Principal: Ray Devine - Higher Executive Officer: Brian Nolan

This division includes the bilateral economic relations section, which deals with Ireland’s bilateral economic and trade relations with countries throughout the world; the cultural section which administers Ireland’s cultural relations programme; and the information section. • Assistant secretary: Colm Ó Floinn • Counsellor: Kay Coll; Aidan O’Hara • Assistant principals: Cormac Gallagher; Aisling O’Carroll • Higher executive officers/Third secretaries: Susan Bardon; Helena Keleher; Louise KellyAsia and Latin America Unit • Counsellor: Cliona Manahan • Assistant principals/ First secretaries: Niall Brady; FX O’Donoghue • Third secretaries: Catherine Bannon; Stephanie O’Brien • Evaluation & Audit Unit • Principals/Counsellors/ Principal development specialists: William Carlos • First secretaries/ Assistant principals/ Senior development specialists/ accountants: Anne Barry; Tom Hennessy; Seamus O’Grady; Donal Murray; Patrick McManus; Áine Hearns; Laura Leonard; Tomas Chambers • Press Section This section is responsible for informing the domestic and international media about developments in Irish foreign policy. • Head of Press and Information: Philip Grant • Third secretaries: Amanda Bane; Clare Brosnan; Olive Nagle • Protocol Service This division is responsible for the organisation and management of visits of State and Government heads to Ireland and of visits abroad by the President, as well as the administration of Ireland’s obligations under the Vienna Convention. • Chief of Protocol: Orla O’Hanrahan • First Secretaries: Nigel Hutson; Myles Geiran; Marion O’Donnell • Higher executive officers/Third secretaries: Cathy Barnicle; Theresa Tuite. • Strategy and Performance Unit This unit reviews the operations and systems of the department in Ireland and at its embassies and offices overseas, and makes recommendations for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the department. • Third Secretary: Colum Hatchell

(vii) Political Division The political division is responsible for international political issues and manages Ireland’s participation in the EU’s common foreign and security policy. • Political Director: David Donoghue • Counsellors: John Biggar; Brian Glynn; Cloin Wrafter • Assistant principals/ First secretaries: Dearbhla Doyle; Michael Hurley; Bob Patterson; Eamonn Robinson; Gerard Keown; Jonathan Conlon; Robin Henry; Patricia Cullen; Alma Ní Choigligh • Third secretaries: Claire Buckley; Nigel Clarke; Siobhan Coyne; Fiona Devlin; Eoghan Duffy; Breda Lee; Anna McGillicuddy; Fiona NiDhonnacha; Aoife Ní Fhearghaill; Mary O’Connor; Caroline Phelan; Feargas De Stok • Middle East Unit • Counsellor: Pat Kelly • Assistant principals/ First secretaries: Stephen Dawson; Grainne Hayes • Third secretary: Elaine Hollowed


Public Affairs Ireland

Irish Embassies and Permanent Missions Abroad

Belgium Ambassador Eamonn Mac Aodha Embassy of Ireland Chaussee d’Etterbeek / Etterbeekse Steenweg 180 (5th Floor) Bruxelles 1040 Brussel Tel: +32-2-282 3400 Fax: +32-2-282 3396 Email:

Argentina (also accredited to Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay) Ambassador James McIntyre Embassy of Ireland Avenida del Libertador 1068 6th Floor C1112ABN Buenos Aires Tel: +54 11 5787 0801 Fax: +54 11 5787 0802 Email: Website:



(also accredited to Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands) Ambassador Noel White Embassy of Ireland 20 Arkana Street Yarralumla ACT 2600 Canberra Tel: +61 2 6273 1673 Fax: +61 2 6273 3741 Email:

Ambassador Frank Sheridan Embaixada da Irlanda / Embassy of Ireland SHIS QL 12 Conjunto: 05 Casa: 09 Lago Sul BrasĂ­lia-DF Brazil CEP: 71630-255 Tel: +55 61 3248 8800 Fax: +55 613248 8816 Email:



Ambassador James Brennan Embassy of Ireland and Permanent Mission of Ireland to the International Organisations in Vienna Rotenturmstrasse 16-18 Fifth Floor 1010 Vienna Tel: +43 1 715 4246 Fax: +43 1 713 6004 Email:

(also accredited to Armenia and Georgia) Ambassador John Rowan Embassy of Ireland Platinum Business Centre 26-28 Bacho Kiro Street Sofia 1000 Tel: + 3592 985 34 25 Fax: + 3592 983 33 02 Email:


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Delegation to Partnership for Peace Ambassador Brian Nason Liaison Office of Ireland V-Building NATO Headquarters 1110 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 707 2693 Fax: +32 2 707 2634

Public Affairs Ireland


Czech Republic

(also accredited to Jamaica) Ambassador Ray Bassett Embassy of Ireland Suite 1105 130 Albert Street Ottawa K1P 5G4 Ontario Tel: +1-613 233 6281 Fax: +1-613 233 5835 Email:

(also accredited to Ukraine) Embassy of Ireland Ambassador Alison Kelly Velvyslanectví Irska Trziste 13 118 00 Prague Tel: +420 257 530 061 Fax: +420 257 531 387 Email: Website:

People’s Republic of China (also accredited to Mongolia) Ambassador Declan Kelleher Embassy of Ireland 3 Ri Tan Dong lu Chaoyang District Beijing 100600 Tel: +86 10 6532 2691/2914 Fax: +86 10 6532 6857 Email: Website:

Council of Europe – Strasbourg Ambassador Peter Gunning Permanent Representative to Council of Europe 11 boulevard du Président Edwards 67000 Strasbourg France Tel: +33 3 88 144 920 Fax: +33 3 88 144 925 Email:

Cyprus Ambassador Pat Scullion Embassy of Ireland 7 Aiantas Street 1082 Nicosia Postal Address: Embassy of Ireland P.O.Box 23848 1686 Nicosia Tel: +357 22 660 049 Fax: +357 22 660 050 Email:

Denmark (also accredited to Iceland) Ambassador Brendan Scannell Embassy of Ireland Ǿstbanegade 21 2100 Copenhagen Tel: +45 35 47 3200 Fax: + 45 35 43 1858 Email:

Egypt (also accredited to Jordan, Lebanon, Sudan and Syria) Ambassador Isolde Moylan Embassy of Ireland 22 Hassan Assem St Zamalek Cairo Postal Address: Embassy of Ireland P.O. Box 2681 Zamalek Cairo Tel: +202 27358264 Fax: +202 27362863 Email:

Estonia Ambassador Peter McIvor Embassy of Ireland Vene 2 10123 Tallinn Estonia Tel: + 372 6811 888 Fax: + 372 6811 889 Email:


Public Affairs Ireland



Ambassador Síle Maguire Embassy of Ireland Kazanches, Guinea Conakry Street Addis Ababa Postal Address P.O Box 9585 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 11 518 0500 Fax: +251 11 552 3032 Email:

(also accredited to Albania and Serbia) Ambassador Charles Sheehan Embassy of Ireland 7 Leoforos Vasileos Konstantinou 106 74 Athens Tel: +30 210 723 2771 Fax: +30 210 729 3383 Email:

Ambassador Noel Fahey Embassy of Ireland to the Holy See Villa Spada Via Giacomo Medici, 1 00153 Rome Tel: + 39 06 581 0777 Fax: + 39 06 589 5709 Note: In November 2011, the Government announced it was to close the Irish Embassy at the Holy See. At the time of publication, no date had been given for closure.

Ambassador Dermot Brangan Erottajankatu 7 A 00130 Helsinki Postal Address: PL 33 00131 Helsinki Postal Address: P.O. Box 33 00131 Helsinki Tel: +358 9682 4240 Fax: +358 9682 4240 Email:

Hungary (also accredited to Montenegro) Ambassador Martin Greene Embassy of Ireland Bank Centre Szabadság tér 1054 Budapest Tel: +36 1 301 4965 Fax: +36 1 302 9599 Email:

France (also accredited to Monaco) Ambassador Paul Kavanagh Embassy of Ireland 12 Avenue Foch 75116 Paris Tel: + 33 1 4417 6700 Fax: + 33 1 4417 6750 Email: Website:

India (also accredited to Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka) Ambassador Feilim McLaughlin Embassy of Ireland 230 Jor Bagh New Delhi 110003 Tel: +91 11 2462 6733 Fax: +91 11 2469 7053 Email: Website:

Germany, Federal Republic of Ambassador Dan Mulhall Embassy of Ireland Jägerstraße 51 D-10117 Berlin Tel: +49 30 220 720 Fax: +49 30 220 72299 Email: Website:


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Holy See


Public Affairs Ireland


Korea, Republic of

(also accredited to Afghanistan and Pakistan) Ambassador Oliver Grogan Embassy of Ireland North Kamranieh Ave. Bonbast Nahid Street, No 8 Tehran 19369 Tel: +98 21 22803835 / +98 21 2229 7918 Fax: +98 21 2283 3730 Email: Note: In November 2011, the Government announced it was to close the Irish Embassy in Iran. At the time of publication, no date had been given for the closure.

(also accredited to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) Ambassador Eamonn McKee Embassy of Ireland 13F. Leema Building, 146-1 Soosong-dong, Chongro-gu Seoul, Korea 110-140 Tel: +82 2774 6455 Fax: +82 2774 6458 Email: Website:

Israel Ambassador Breifne O’Reilly Embassy of Ireland, 3 Daniel Frisch Street The Tower, 17th Floor Tel Aviv 64731 Tel: +972 3 6964166 Fax: +972 3 6964160 Email:

Italy (also accredited to Libya and San Marino; and to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)) Ambassador Pat Hennessy Embassy of Ireland Piazza di Campitelli 3 00186 Rome Tel: +39 06 697 9121 Fax: +39 06 679 2354 Email: Website:

Japan Ambassador Brendan Scannell Embassy of Ireland Ireland House 5F 2-10-7 Kojimachi Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 102-0083 Tel: +81 3 3263 8521 Fax: +81 3 3265 2265 Email: Website:

Latvia Ambassador Aidan Kirwan Alberta iela, 13 Riga LV-1010 Latvia Tel: +371 6703 9370 Fax: +371 6703 9371 Email:

Lesotho Ambassador Gerry Gervin P/Bag A67 Tona-Kholo Road Maseru Lesotho Tel: +266 22 314 068 Fax: +266 22 310 028 Email:

Lithuania Ambassador Philomena Murnaghan Embassy of Ireland Gedimino pr. 1 LT-01103 Vilnius Tel: +370 5 2629460 Fax: + 370 5 2629462 Email:

Luxembourg Ambassador Martin Burke Embassy of Ireland 28 route d’Arlon L-1140 Luxembourg Tel: +352 450 6101 Fax: +352 458 820 Email:


Public Affairs Ireland



Ambassador Liam MacGabhann Embassy of Ireland 3rd Floor Arwa House Capital City Lilongwe Malawi Tel: +265 1 776 405/408 Fax: +265 1 706 401 Email:

(also accredited to Angola and Botswana) Ambassador Ruairí de Burca Embassy of Ireland Avenida Julius Nyerere 3332 Maputo Tel: +258 21 491 440 Fax: +258 21 493 023 Email: Website:


Ambassador Mary Whelan Embassy of Ireland Scheveningseweg 112 2584AE The Hague Netherlands Tel: + 31 70 363 0993 Fax: +31 70 361 7604 Email: Website:

Nigeria, Federal Republic of

Malta Chargé d’Affaires Gerald O’Connor Embassy of Ireland Whitehall Mansions Ta’ Xbiex Seafront Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1026 Tel: 00356 21 334 744 Fax: 00356 21 334 755 Email: Website:

(also accredited to Ghana, Liberia, Senegal and Sierra Leone) Ambassador Patrick Fay Embassy of Ireland 11 Negro Cresent Maitama District Abuja Tel: + 234 9 4620611 Fax: + 234 9 4131805 Email: Website:


Norway Ambassador Angela O’Farrell Embassy of Ireland Haakon VII’s Gate 1 0244 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 2201 7200 Fax: +47 2201 7201 Website:

(also accredited to Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Peru and Venezuela) Ambassador Eamon Hickey Embajada de Irlanda Cda. Boulevard Avila Camacho 76-3 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec C.P. 11000 Mexico, D.F. Tel: +5255 5520 5803 Fax: +5255 5520 5892 Email:


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade


(also accredited to Thailand) Ambassador Eugene Hutchison Embassy of Ireland The Amp Walk 218 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +60 3 2161 2963 Fax: +60 3 2161 3427 Email: Website:

Public Affairs Ireland

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (also accredited to UNESCO) Ambassador Michael Forbes Permanent Delegate to OECD 12 Avenue Foch 75116 Paris France Tel: +33 1 4417 6713 Fax: +33 1 4417 6770 Email:

Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Ambassador Eoin O’Leary Permanent Mission of Ireland to the International Organisations in Vienna Rotenturmstrasse 16-18 5th Floor A-1010 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 715 7698 26 Fax: +43 1 715 5755

Palestinian National Authority Representative Office Irish Representative Dympna Hayes Palestinian National Authority Representative Office Al Watania Towers - 2nd Floor Al Bireh Ramallah Postal Address: PO Box 4174 Al Bireh West Bank PA or PO Box 55292 Jerusalem Israel Tel: +970 2 240 6811 Fax: +970 2 240 6816 Email: Website:

Poland Ambassador Eugene Hutchinson Embassy of Ireland ul. Mysia 5 6th Floor 00-496 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 849 66 33 Fax: +48 22 849 84 31 Email: Website:

Portugal (also accredited to Morocco) Ambassador Declan O’Donovan Avenida da Liberdade No 200, 4th Floor 1250-147 Lisbon Tel: + 351 21 330 8200 Fax: +351 21 397 7363 Email:

Romania (also accredited to Moldova) Ambassador Oliver Grogan 50 - 52 Buzesti St Floor 3 Sector 1 Bucharest 011015 Romania Tel: + 40 21 3102131/141 Fax: + 40 21 311 2285 Email:

Russian Federation (also accredited to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) Ambassador Philip McDonagh Grokholski Pereulok 5 Moscow 129010 Tel: +7 495 937 5911 Fax: +7 495 680 0623 Email:

Permanent Representation of Ireland to the European Union Permanent Representative Rory Montgomery 89/93 Rue Froissart 1040 Brussels Tel: +32 2 230 8580 Fax: +32 2 230 3203 Email:


Public Affairs Ireland

Saudi Arabia


(also accredited to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates) Ambassador Niall Holohan Embassy of Ireland Diplomatic Quarter Riyadh Postal Address: P.O. Box 94349 Riyadh 11693 Tel: + 966-1-488-2300 Fax: + 966-1-488-0927 Email: Website:

(also accredited to Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia) Ambassador Tom Brady Embassy of Ireland Palaca Kapitelj Poljanski nasip 6 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel: +386 1 300 8970 Fax: +386 1 282 1096 Email:

Sierra Leone

(also accredited to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe) Ambassador Brendan McMahon Embassy of Ireland Southern Life Plaza 1059 Schoeman Street (Corner Festival Street) Arcadia 0083 Pretoria Postal Address: P.O. Box 4174 Pretoria 0001 Tel: +27 12 342 5062 Fax: + 27 12 342 4752 Email: Website:

Ambassador Patrick Fay Embassy of Ireland 11 Negro Cresent Maitama District Abuja Tel: + 234 9 4620611 Fax: + 234 9 4131805 Email: Website:

Singapore (also accredited to Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia and the Philippines) Ambassador Joseph Hayes Embassy of Ireland Ireland House 541 Orchard Road Liat Towers 8th Floor Singapore 238881 Tel: +65 6238 7616 Fax: +65 6238 7615 Email: Website:

Spain (also accredited to Andorra and Tunisia) Ambassador His Excellency Justin Harman Embassy of Ireland Ireland House Paseo de la Castellana 46-4ยบ 28046 Madrid Tel: +34 91 436 4093 Fax: +34 91 435 1677 Email:

Slovak Republic


(also accredited to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Ambassador Brian McElduff Carlton Savoy Building Mostova 2 811 02 Bratislava 1 Tel: +421 2 5930 9613 Fax: +421 2 5443 0690 Email:

Ambassador James Carroll Hovslagargatan 5 11148 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 8 5450 4040 Fax: +46 8 660 1353 Email: Website:


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

South Africa

Public Affairs Ireland


United Kingdom

(also accredited to Algeria and Liechtenstein) Ambassador His Excellency Martin Burke Embassy of Ireland Kirchenfeldstrasse 68 CH-3005 Berne Tel: +41-31-352-1442 Fax: +41-31-352-1455 Email:

Ambassador Bobby McDonagh 17 Grosvenor Place London SW1X 7HR Tel: +44 207 235 2171 Fax: +44-20-7589-8450

Tanzania (also accredited to Burundi, Eritrea and Kenya) Ambassador Lorcan Fullam Embassy of Ireland 353 Toure Drive P.O. Box 9612 Dar-es-Salaam Tel: +255 22 2602 355 Fax: +255 22 2602 367 Email:

Turkey (also accredited to Azerbaijan, Iran, Pakistan) Ambassador Kenneth Thompson Embassy of Ireland Ugur Mumcu Caddesi No. 88 MNG Binasi B Blok Kat 3 Gaziosmanpasa Ankara 06700 Tel: +90-312-459 1000 Fax: +90-312-459 1022 Email:

Uganda (also accredited to Rwanda) Ambassador Kevin Kelly 25 Yusuf Lule Road PO Box 7791 Kampala Tel: +256 41 7713 000 Fax: + 256 41 4344 353 Email:

United Arab Emirates Ambassador Ciaran Madden Embassy of Ireland 1 and 2 Khalifa Al Suwaidi Development 19th Street (off 32nd Street) Al Bateen Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: 00 971 (0)2 678 9600 Fax: 00 971 (0)2 679 0060 Website:

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) (also accredited to OECD) Ambassador Michael Forbes, Permanent Delegate to UNESCO 12 Avenue Foch 75116 Paris France Tel: +33 1 4417 6713 Fax: +33 1 4417 6770 Email: dl.ireland(a)

United Nations Geneva Permanent Representative Gerard Corr Rue de Moillebeau 58 Case Postale 339 1209 Geneva 19 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 1950 Fax: +41 22 919 1951 Email:

United Nations New York (also accredited to Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Chad, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, Gambia, Guatemala, GuineaBissau, Guyana, Honduras, Maldives, Mauritius, Nauru, Palau, Panama, San Lucia, Seychelles, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and the Yemen) Permanent Representative Anne Anderson Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza 885 Second Avenue 19th Floor New York N.Y. 10017 Tel: +1 212 421 6934 Fax: +1 212 752 4726 Email: Website:


Public Affairs Ireland

Advisory Committees

United States of America Ambassador Michael Collins Embassy of Ireland 2234 Massachusetts Avenue N.W Washington D.C. 20008-2849 Tel: +1 202 462 3939 Fax: +1 202 232 5993 Email: Website:

Advisory Board for Irish Aid

Vietnam (also accredited to Cambodia and Laos) Ambassador Maeve Collins Vincom City Towers [8F] 191 Ba Trieu Street Hai Ba Trung District Hanoi Vietnam Tel: +84 4 974 3291 Fax: +84 4 974 3295 Email:

Chairperson: Vincent Herlihy Nora Owen The Advisory Board for Irish Aid was established in 2002 to provide general oversight and advice to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade on the strategic direction of the Government’s programme of assistance to developing countries. The board is responsible for advising the minister and senior Irish Aid management on the strategic direction of the programme, protecting programme quality, enhancing the independence of the evaluation and audit arrangements, commissioning research and engaging with stakeholders and supporting Irish Aid’s efforts in public affairs.

West Bank and Gaza Irish Representative Conor O’Riordan Al Watania Towers -2nd Floor Al Bireh, Ramallah Postal Address: P.O. Box 4174, Al Bireh West Bank PA of P.O. Box 55292 Jerusalem, Israel Tel: +970 2 240 6811 Fax: +970 2 240 6816

InterTradeIreland: Trade and Business Development Body The Old Gasworks Business Park Kilmorey Street, Newry, Co. Down BT34 2DE Tel: 048 30834100 Fax: 048 30834155 Email: Website:

Zambia (also accredited to Namibia) Ambassador Tony Cotter 6663 Katima Mulilo Road Olympia Extension P.O. Box 34923 Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: +2601 291 329 Fax: +2601 290 482 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Dr David Dobbin CBE Chief Executive Officer: Liam Nellis InterTradeIreland, a trade and business development body is one of six cross-border bodies established under the Belfast Agreement, 1999. Its mission is “to enhance the global competitiveness of the all-island economy to the mutual benefit of Ireland and Northern Ireland through measures such as the creation of knowledge-intensive all-island trade and business development networks and the implementation of all-island trade and business development programmes”. InterTradeIreland aims to identify and develop all-island business opportunities, in addition to helping individual businesses access knowledge and share information in order to build alliances and become more profitable and competitive.


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Irish Aid Department of Foreign Affairs Riverstone House 23/27 Henry Street Limerick Tel: 01 4082000 Fax: 01 4082880 Email: Website:

G4S has a broad range of customers around the world but our strategic focus is on sectors where safety and security are key. These sectors include: Government

– Securing the delivery of government services and promises at home and abroad. As a trusted partner to governments worldwide, we secure borders, protect embassies, rehabilitate offenders and keep some of the world’s most important buildings safe and secure.

Financial Institutions

– As protector of the banks’ most precious assets we help money make the world go round through efficient cash cycle management and protection of assets and people across the globe.

Ports & Airports

– Ensuring the safety of travellers and the efficiency of the international transportation system. We ensure the safe passage of travellers, crew and cargo and the efficiency of the international transportation system through a full range of aviation and maritime security operations spanning 61 airports and 81 airlines across 48 countries, and at 45 seaports worldwide.

G4S Secure Solutions (Ire) Limited 51 Bracken Road Sandyford Industrial Estate Sandyford Dublin 18 Tel: +353 (01) 217 9100 Fax: +353 (01) 217 9114 Email: Web:

Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 11 Department of Justice and Equality Introduction

Offices 94 St. Stephen’s Green Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6028202 Locall: 1890 221227) Fax: (Office of the Minister, Office of the Secretary General, and Office of the Crime Divisions)

The Department of Justice and Equality is responsible for Ireland’s policing, court and prison systems, as well as for continuing reform of law and developing policy in relation to equal treatment generally. The Department’s current mission statement is: • “To maintain and enhance community security and promote a fairer society through the development of a range of policies and high quality services which underpin:

Bishops Square Redmonds Hill Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4790200 (Office of the Minister of State and Civil Law Reform Division)

• the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms consistent with the common good • the security of the State • an effective and balanced approach to tackling crime.”

Montague Court Floor 2 Montague Street Dublin 2 (International Policy Division, Criminal Law Reform Division, Human Rights Division,

Core areas of responsibility • • • • • • •

Law enforcement Counter-terrorism Treatment of offenders Criminal Law and Civil Law Courts policy Prison policy Aspects of the Northern Ireland Peace Process • Immigration and asylum issues 123

Department of Justice and Equality

51 St. Stephen’s Green Dublin 2 (Internal Audit Division, Corporate Services Division, IT Division, Courts Policy Division, Garda Divisions, Victims of Crime, HR Division, Mutual Assistance and Extradition, Anti Human Trafficking Unit)

Public Affairs Ireland

Prisons and Probation Welfare, COSC (National Office for Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence) 13-14 Burgh Quay Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6167700 (Immigration, Asylum and Citizenship Divisions) Killarney, Co. Kerry Tel: 064 667 0300 (Financial division) Fax Number: 01 6615461 Email: Email protocol: initialoffirstnameinitialofsecondnamelastname@ Website:

Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence: Alan Shatter TD

Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Fine Gael Contact Details for Minister’s Office: Tel: 01 7002041 (Dáil) 01 6028202 (Department) Fax: 01 6028351(Department) Email: Private Secretary: Damien Brennan Special Advisor: Thomas Cooney; Jane Lehane Previous committee memberships: Deputy Shatter was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children from 2007 and of the joint Oireachtas committee on foreign affairs. Previous party positions: Deputy Shatter Was previously the Fine Gael spokesperson on law reform in 1982 and again from 1987 to 1988; spokesperson on the environment from 1989 to 1991; on Labour in 1991; on justice from 1992 to 1993; on equality and law reform from 1993 to 1994; on health and children from 1997 to 2000; on justice, law reform and defence from 2000 to 2002; on children from 2007 to 2010 and on justice and law reform from 2010 to the creation of the new Dáil in March 2011. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Shatter was a member of Dublin County Council from 1991 to 1999. He is also a former President of the Irish Council against Blood Sports. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Shatter attended The High School, Rathgar, Dublin and Trinity College Dublin. He has practiced as a solicitor and is a partner in the firm Gallagher Shatter. Electoral History: Deputy Shatter was first elected to the Dáil in 1981 for the Dublin South Constituency. While he was not elected in the 2002 election, he was re-elected in 2007 and again in 2011.


Public Affairs Ireland

Minister of State

Opposition Spokespersons

Minister of State: Kathleen Lynch TD

Fianna Fáil: Dara Calleary TD (Justice, Equality and Defence)

Special Responsibility: Disability, Older People, Equality & Mental Health Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Labour Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6184034 (Dáil) 01 6354426 (Department) 021 4399930/021 4212463 (Constituency) Fax: 021 4304358 (Constituency) Email:

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183331 Constituency: Mayo Email:

Sinn Féin: Jonathan O’Brien TD (Justice, Equality and Defence)

Previous committee memberships: Deputy Lynch was a member of the committee on enterprise and small business from 2002 to 2006; a member of the committee on justice, equality, defence and women’s rights from 2002 to 2007; and a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on health and children in the 30th Dáil. Previous party positions: She was previously convenor for the party. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Lynch was elected to Cork Corporation in 1985 as a member of the Workers party. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Lynch has always been a full-time public representative. Electoral History: Deputy Lynch was first elected to the Dáil in 1994 following a by-election in the Cork North-Central constituency with the now defunct Democratic Left party. While she failed to gain a seat in the 1997 general election, following a merger between Democratic Left and the Labour party she was re-elected to the Dáil in 2002.

Department of Justice and Equality

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184040 Constituency: Cork North Central Email:


Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

Clerk to the Committee Alan Guidon

Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality This Committee and the select Committees of Dáil and Seanad Eireann of which it is made – has the power to consider: • Matters of policy for which the Minister is officially responsible • Public affairs administered by the Department • Policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department • Government policy in respect of bodies under the aegis of the Department • Policy issues concerning bodies which are partly or wholly funded by the State or which are established or appointed by a member of the Government or the Oireachtas • The general scheme or draft heads of any Bill published by the Minister • Statutory instruments • Strategy statements • Annual reports or accounts • EU draft legislative acts, other EU legislative proposals, non legislative documents published by and EU institution • Such other matters as may be referred to it by the Dáil and/or Seanad from time to time

Email: Telephone: 01 6183899

Chairperson David Stanton TD (Fine Gael) Tel: 01 6183181 Email: david.stanton@ Deputy Stanton has represented Cork East in the Dáil since 1997 having been re-elected in 2002 and 2007. He is currently the Party’s spokesperson for defence. He was party front bench spokesperson on social and family affairs, and equality from 2004 until 2007. Prior to this he acted as deputy spokesperson on education and science, and spokesperson on labour affairs, consumer rights and trade from 1997 to 2002. From 2007 until 2010, he was party Assistant Chief Whip (Dáil Reform) with special responsibility for disability issues. In July 2010, he was appointed party spokesperson on defence. Prior to entering politics he was a teacher in St Colman’s Community College in Cork. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree and two diplomas from University College Cork and a Masters Degree from the National University of Ireland.

Members Deputies:

Billy Timmins

Fine Gael

Dara Calleary

Fianna Fail

Joanna Tuffy


Michael Creed

Fine Gael

Alan Farrell

Fine Gael

Tom Hayes

Fine Gael


Seán Kenny


Ivana Bacik


Finian McGrath


Paul Bradford

Fine Gael

Jonathan O’Brien

Sinn Féin

Martin Conway

Fine Gael

David Stanton

Fine Gael

Rónán Mullen



Public Affairs Ireland


Law Reform

Secretary General: Brian Purcell

• •

Criminal Law and Reform Civil Law Reform

Appointed: July 2011 Private Secretary: Denis Griffin Contact details for Secretary General’s Office: Tel: 01 6028316 Fax: 01 6789100 Previous Positions: Mr Purcell was appointed as director general of the Irish Prison service in July 2004 after two years as Assistant Secretary to the department. He also served as Chair of the Prison Authority Interim Board. Education: Mr. Purcell was educated in O’Connell’s CBS, UCD and Trinity College Dublin.


Departmental Divisions (i)

An Garda Siochana

Garda Division

• • • • • • • •

Anti-Money Laundering compliance Unit Crime 1 Crime 2 (Drugs and Organised Crime) Crime 4 (Firearms and Explosives) Mutual Assistance and Extradition Anti-Human Trafficking Unit International Policy Division White Paper on Crime Unit


Justice Services

• • •

Prison and Probation Policy Courts Policy Casino Gaming Control Section



• • • •

Disability Policy Diversity and Equality Law Gender Equality Traveller Policy

(iv) Immigration and related services • •

Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service Reception and Integration Agency



Crime 3

• • • • • • • • • • •

Business Delivery Corporate Affairs Financial Shared Services Centre Financial Management Unit IT Human Resources Organisation Development Unit Press and Communications FOI Internal Audit Procurement Strategy Group Charities Regulation Unit

For security reasons, the Department of Justice and Equality does not provide a detailed divisional breakdown of responsibilities. However in the context of the divisional structure mentioned above, the personnel breakdown of the Department is as follows: Assistant Secretaries: Robert Browne; Diarmuid Cole; Michael Flahive; Anthony McDermottroe; Stephen Magner; James Martin; Ken O’Leary; Richard Ryan; Noel Waters; Jimmy Martin Principals Higher: Hugh Boyle; Ken Bruton (Head of FSS); Seamus Carroll; Kevin Condon; Alec Dolan; John Hurley; John Kenny; Thomas Maguire; Pauline Moreau; Deaglán Ó Briain; Fergus O’Callaghan; John O’Callaghan; Margaret O’Connor; Martin Power; John Roycroft; Regina Terry; Marion Walsh; Michael Walsh Principals: Eugene Banks; David Brennan; Catherine Byrne; Garrett Byrne; Brendan Callaghan; Francis Cassidy; Seamus Clifford; Terry Dunne; Joyce Duffy; Richard Fallon; David Fennell; John Garry; Linda Grealy; Gerry Hickey; Walter Johnston; Brendan MacNamara; Gerry McDonagh; Oonagh McPhillips; Deirdre Meenan; Andrew Munro; Anne O’Gorman; Doncha O’Sullivan; Sandra Smith Accountant Grade I: Tim Maverley Accountants Grade II: Liz Downey; William Doyle; Peadar Hogan; Brendan Kelly; Robert Murray Assistant Principals Higher: Martina Colville; Kathleen Connolly; Geraldine Coyle; Padraig Devine; Brendan Eiffe; Aileen Harrington; Gerry Hayes; Michael Holohan; Mary Joy; Frank McDermott; Eamonn Mulligan; Caroline Murphy; Una Murphy; Pat Murray; Ella O’Callaghan; Brian


Department of Justice and Equality

The Department

Public Affairs Ireland O’Neill; Matt O’Neill; Deirdre Ni Neill; Michael Quinn; Gerard Roughneen; Eamon Saunders; Catherine Sheridan; George Trimble; Noreen Walsh Assistant Principals: Anne Barry; Noeleen Behan; Dara Breathnach; Mary Burke; Denis Byrne; Una Costello; Niall Cullen; Anne Delaney; Teresa Doolan; Antoinette Doran, Anne Farrell; Yvonne Furey; Martina Glennon; Stephen Hayden; Billy Keane; Neville Kenny; Janet Lacey; Catherine Linehan; Seamus Long; Anne Maher; Frank Maher; Siobhan McCabe; Mary McKenna; Jane McKevitt; Pamela McLoughlin; Therese Molyneaux; Sean Murphy; Bridin Ní Dhonnghaile; Mary O’Callaghan; Con O’Carroll; Breandán Ó Cathasaigh; Charlie O’Connell; Shane O’Connor; Paul O’Farrell; Aileen O’Gorman; Patrick O’Leary; Brendan O’Loughlin; Mary O’Regan; Deidre O’Reilly; Anne Marie Quarry; Ben Ryan; Gerard Shannon; Brendan Sheehy; Dave Spratt; Ursula Stapleton; Dale Sunderland; Martin Switzer; Breda Walsh; Pauline Waters; Grainne Whelan; Dermot Woods; Rachel Woods

Agencies and Associated Bodies An Garda Síochána Headquarters Phoenix Park Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6660000 Website: Commissioner: Martin Callinan Deputy Commissioners: Nacie Rice, Noirín O’Sullivan Chief Administrative Officer: Vacant Assistant Commissioners: Jack Nolan; Kieran Kenny; Fintan Fanning; Derek Byrne; William J Keane; John O’Mahoney; Kevin Ludlow; Michael Feehan; John Twomey Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Donal Collins Director of Finance: Michael Culhane The Garda Síochána is Ireland’s national police force. At the head of the force is the Commissioner, appointed by the government and responsible to the Minister for Justice and Equality.

Courts Service 15-24 Phoenix Street North Smithfield Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8886000 Website:

Chairperson: The Hon. Mrs. Justice Susan Denham, Chief Justice of Ireland Chief Executive: Brendan Ryan The Courts Service was established as an independent corporate organisation on 9th November 1999. Its functions are to manage the courts and provide support services for the judges, to provide information on the courts system to the public and to manage and maintain courts buildings.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal 13 Lower Hatch Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6610604 Fax: 01 6610598 Chairperson: Sinéad Behan BL This body operates a Scheme of Compensation for Personal Injuries Criminally Inflicted. The Scheme provides for ex-gratia compensation in respect of expenses and losses incurred as a result of personal injuries directly attributable to a crime of violence (or sustained while helping or trying to help prevent a crime/save a human life).

Criminal Law Codification Advisory Committee Criminal Law Codification Secretariat UCD School of Law Roebuck Castle University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Department of Justice and Equality (postal address) 3rd Floor Montague Court Montague Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4768610 Email: Website: Chairperson: Prof. Finbarr McAuley Director: Ms Valerie Fallon The Criminal Law Codification Advisory Committee, which was established under the Criminal Justice Act 2006, is the statutory body responsible for overseeing the development of a programme for the codification of the criminal law.


Public Affairs Ireland

Birchgrove House Roscrea Co. Tipperary Tel: 0505 24126 Fax: 0505 22388 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr Angela Kerins The Equality Authority is an independent body set up under the Employment Equality Act 1998. It was established on 18th October 1999. The Equality Authority replaced the Employment Equality Agency, and has a greatly expanded role and functions. The Employment Equality Act, 1998 and the Equal Status Act, 2000 outlaw discrimination in employment, vocational training, advertising, collective agreements, the provision of goods and services and other opportunities to which the public generally have access on nine distinct grounds.

Equality Tribunal 3 Clonmel Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4774100 Fax: 014774141 Email: Website:

The Forensic Science Laboratory forms part of the Department of Justice and Equality. It offers a full scientific service to various agencies, mainly An Garda Síochána. Its mission statement is to “assist in the investigation of crime and to serve the administration of Justice in an effective manner by a highly trained and dedicated staff providing scientific analysis and objective expert evidence to international standards”.

Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission 150 Abbey Street Upper Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8716727 LoCall 1890 600 800 Fax: 01 8147023 Email: Website:

Commissioners: Dermot Gallaher, Carmel Foley, Conor Brady. Director of Administration: Anthony Duggan Director of Investigations: Paul Buschini

Director: Niall McCutcheon To contribute to a fairer society through providing a fair, accessible and impartial forum to remedy unlawful discrimination. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, industrial relation/employee rights institutions including the Labour Court, Labour Relations Commission, Employment Appeals Tribunal, National Employment Rights Authority and the Equality Tribunal will be rationalized into one single agency. At the time of publication, no firm date or definitive details had been given for this merger.

Under the Garda Síochána Act 2005, the Ombudsman Commission is required and empowered to: • Directly and independently investigate complaints against members of the Garda Síochána; • Investigate any matter, even where no complaint has been made, where it appears that a Garda may have committed an offence or behaved in a way that would justify disciplinary proceedings; • Investigate any practice, policy or procedure of the Garda Síochána with a view to reducing the incidence of related complaints. The mission of the Commission is to provide an independent and effective civilian oversight of policing and to deal with the public’s complaints concerning Gardaí fairly and efficiently so that everyone can have confidence in the complaints system.

Forensic Science Laboratory

Garda Síochána Inspectorate

Department of Justice Garda Headquarters Phoenix Park Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6662910 Fax: 01 6662929 Email: Website: Director: Dr. Sheila Willis

87 St. Stephen’s Green Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4086500 Fax: 01 4086599 E-mail: Website: Chief Inspector: Kathleen O’Toole This body aims to ensure that the resources available to the Garda Síochána are used so


Department of Justice and Equality

Equality Board

Public Affairs Ireland

Department of Justice and Equality Secretary General Brian Purcell

Assistant Secretary Michael Flahive

Justice Services


An Garda Siochana

Prisons and Probation Policy


Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Unit

Courts Policy

Diversity and Equality Law

Crime 1, Crime 2, Crime 4

Casino Gaming Control Section

Mutual Assistance and Extradition

Immigration and Related Services

Irish Naturlaisation and Immigration Service

Reception and Integration Agency


Law Refrom

Business Delivery

Irish Naturalisation & Immigration Service

Criminal Law Refrom

Corporate Affairs

Civil Law Refrom

Financial Shared Services Centre

Irish Born Children

Gender Equality

Traveller Policy


Financial Management Unit


Human Resources

Anti-Human Trafficking

Asylum Policy Organisational Development Unit

Personnel Ministerial Decisions Unit

International Policy Division

Irish Naturalisation & Immigration Service

Press & Communications

White Paper on Crime Unit

Press & Communications


Internal Audit

Procurement Strategy Group


Commissioners of Charitable Donations & Bequests for Irel;and

Charities Regulation Unit

Public Affairs Ireland

Human Rights Commission 4th Floor Jervis House Jervis Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8589601 Fax: 01 8589609 Email: Website:

President: Dr Maurice Manning Chief Executive: Éamonn MacAodha The Irish Human Rights Commission (IHRC) was established under statute in 2000, to promote and protect the human rights of everyone in Ireland. The human rights that the IHRC is mandated to promote and protect are the rights, liberties and freedoms guaranteed under the Irish Constitution and under international agreements, treaties and conventions to which Ireland is a party. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Human Rights Commission and the Equality Authority are to be merged to form a new Human Rights and Equality Commission.

Irish Film Classification Office Blackhall Walk Smithfield Dublin 7 Tel: 01 7996100 Email: Website: Director of Film Classification: Ger Connolly (acting) Office Manager: Mary Ita O’Sullivan The IFCO, a statutory body first established in 1923, is responsible for examining and certifying all cinema films and videos/DVDs distributed in Ireland. This makes it illegal to buy, sell or distribute that publication in the Republic of Ireland.

Irish Prison Service IDA Business Park Ballinalee Road Longford Co. Longford Tel: 043 3335100 Fax: 043 3335371 Email: Website:

Director General: Michael Donnellan The Irish Prison Service is responsible for running the Irish prison system. Its current mission statement is: “to provide safe, secure and humane custody for people who are sent to prison. The Service is committed to managing custodial sentences in a way which encourages and supports prisoners in their endeavouring to live law abiding and purposeful lives as valued members of society.”

Irish Youth Justice Service Department of Children and Youth Affairs 4th Floor 43 Mespil Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 4768673 Fax: 01 4768616/4183280 Email: National Director: Michelle Shannon This remit of this body includes the development of a unified youth justice policy, the management of all detention facilities for children under the age of 18 years and management of the implementation of certain aspects of the Children Act 2001 (as amended). Its mission statement asserts; “to create a safer society by working in partnership to reduce youth offending through appropriate interventions and linkages into services.” Note: The Irish Youth Justice Service has moved to the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. For more information see chapter 17.

Legal Aid Board Quay Street Cahirciveen Co. Kerry Tel: 066 9471000 LoCall: 1890 615 200 Fax: 066 9471035 Email: Website: Chairperson: Vacant CEO: Moling Ryan The Legal Aid Board (LAB) was established in 1979 to deliver a range of civil legal services at low cost to people unable to fund such services from their own resources. The Board’s mission statement is “to provide a professional, efficient, cost-effective and accessible legal aid and advice service.”


Department of Justice and Equality

as to achieve and maintain the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness in its operation and administration.

Public Affairs Ireland

Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board 51 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6028221 Fax: 01 6028216 Website: Chairperson: The Honourable Mr Justice Brian McCracken Chief Executive Officer: Greg Heylin The Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board was set up under Section 11 of the Criminal Law (Insanity) Act 2006. The Board is a statutory, independent body whose function is to review the detention of patients at the Central Mental Hospital, currently the only designated centre defined by the Act, who have been referred there arising from a decision by the Courts that they are unfit to stand trial or found to be not guilty of an offence by reason of insanity. The Board is also responsible for reviewing the detention of patients who have been transferred to the Central Mental Hospital from within the prison populace and reviewing the detention of military prisoners suffering from mental disorders.

National Disability Authority 25 Clyde Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6080400 Fax: 01 6609935 Email: Website: Chairperson: Peter McKevitt Director: Siobhรกn Barron The National Disability Authority (NDA) is an independent statutory agency which was founded in 1999 to protect the rights and entitlements of people with disabilities.

National Property Services Regulatory Authority 2nd Floor Abbey Buildings Abbey Road Navan Co. Meath Tel: 046 9033800 LoCall 1890 252 712 Fax: 046 9033888 Email:

Website: Chairperson: Tim Dalton Chief Executive Designate: Tom Lynch This role of this new authority is to promote high standards in the property sector and implement a new regulatory framework for estate agency, auctioneering, property letting and property management services in Ireland. It will be established on a statutory basis in 2008. Note: According to the programme of public service reform published on November 17 2011, the Property Services Reguation Authority. At the time of publication, no firm date was given for this merger.

Office of the Data Protection Commissioner Canal House Station Road Portarlington Co. Laois Tel: 057 8684800 (LoCall 1890 252 231) Fax: 057 868 4757 Email: Website:

Data Protection Commissioner: Billy Hawkes Deputy Data Protection Commissioner: Gary Davis The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner was established under the 1988 Data Protection Act, as amended by The Data Protection Amendment Act 2003. These two Acts set out the general principle that individuals should be in a position to control how data relating to them is used, and the Data Protection Commissioner is responsible for upholding the rights of individuals as set out in the Acts and enforcing the obligations of companies holding data. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner is to be amalgamated with the Office of the Ombudsman. At the time of publication, no firm date was given.

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 14-16 Merrion Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6789222 Fax: 01 6610915 Email: Website:


Public Affairs Ireland

Solicitor’s Division Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 90 North King Street Smithfield Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8588500 Fax: 01 8588555 Director of Public Prosecutions: Claire Loftus Chief Prosecution Solicitor: Eileen Creedon The DPP is responsible for enforcing the criminal law in the courts on behalf of the people of Ireland, for directing and supervising public prosecutions in the courts, and for advising the Garda Síochána in relation to cases.

Office of the Inspector of Prisons 24 Cecil Walk Kenyon Street Nenagh Co. Tipperary Tel: 067 42210 Fax: 067 42219 Email: Head: Judge Michael Reilly The Office of the Inspector of Prisons is a statutory, independent office established under the Prisons Act 2007. The key role assigned to the Inspector is to carry out regular inspections of the 14 prisons and places of detention in the state and to present report(s) on each institution visited and an annual report to the Minister for Justice and Equality.

Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner 79-83 Lower Mount Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6028000 Fax: 01 6028122 Email: Website: Refugee Applications Commissioner: David Costello Under the Refugee Act 1996 (as amended) the Commissioner is required to investigate each asylum application lodged within the state and to make recommendations to the Minister of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. The Commissioner is also responsible for investigating applications by

refugees to allow family members to enter and reside in the state and for reporting to the Minister on such applications. Note: According to the programme of public service reform, the various Refugee Structures are to be rationalised. At the time of publication, no further information was available.

Parole Board 31-35 Bow Street Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8720280 Fax: 01 8720316 Email: Chairperson: John Costello The Parole Board was established on an administrative basis in April 2001. Its principal function is to advise the Minister for Justice and Equality in relation to the administration of longterm prison sentences (sentences of eight years of more). The Board advises the Minister of the prisoner’s progress to date, the degree to which he/she has engaged with the various therapeutic services and how best to proceed with the future administration of the sentence.

Private Security Authority Davis Street Tipperary Town Tel: 062 31588 Fax: 06231731 Email: Website: Chairperson: Ronan King Chief Executive Officer: Geraldine Larkin The PSA is an independent statutory body with responsibility for licensing and regulating the private security industry in Ireland. Its Board consists of representatives of the legal profession, private security employers and employees, An Garda Siochána, and relevant government departments and agencies.

Probation Service Haymarket Smithfield Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8173600 Fax: 01 8722737 Athlumney House IDA Business Park


Department of Justice and Equality

Chief Prosecution Solicitor’s Office:

Public Affairs Ireland Johnstown Navan Co. Meath Tel: 046 9090900 Fax: 046 9090992 Website: Director: Michael Donnellan The Probation and Welfare Service provides a probation work and related service to the courts and a welfare service to the prisons and places of detention. The work involves preparing pre-sanction assessments for the courts, supervising offenders in the community who are referred by the court and offenders released conditionally from custody, and providing a counselling service to offenders and their families.

Property Registration Authority Chancery Street Dublin 7 Tel: 01 6707500 LoCall: 1890 333 001 Fax: 01 8048037 Email: (Enquiries forwarded to the relevant department) Website:


in April 2001. It is responsible for: • coordinating the provision of services to both asylum seekers and refugees • coordinating the implementation of integration policy for all refugees and persons granted leave to remain in the State • responding to crisis situations which result in large numbers of refugees arriving in the country within a short period of time • supporting the repatriation, on an ongoing basis for the Department of Social and Family Affairs, of nationals of the ten new EU Member States who fail the Habitual Residency Condition attaching to Social Assistance Payments. Note: According to the programme of public service reform, the various Refugee structures are to be rationalised. At the time of publication, no further information was available.

Refugee Appeals Tribunal


Chairperson: John T. Coleman Chief Executive: Catherine Treacy The Property Registration Authority is responsible for both the Land Registry (for registered property) and the Registry of Deeds (unregistered property). The PRA was established in November 2006 under the provisions of the Registration of Deeds and Title Act 2006. It’s mission is to promote ad safeguard the legal, societal and economic framework of property ownership in Ireland.” Note: According to the programme of public service reform, the Valuation Office & Ordance Survey Ireland are to be merged into the Property Registration Authority.

Reception & Integration Agency (RIA) PO Box 11487 Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4183200 Fax: 01 4183271 Email: Website:

6-7 Hanover Street East Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4748400 Locall: 1890 201 458 Fax: 01 4748410 Email: Chairperson: John Ryan This body was established in November 2000 as part of Ireland’s obligations under the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees and the Refugee Act 1996. It deals with appeals in respect of recommendations of the Refugee Applications Commissioner on applications for refugee status. Note: According to the programme of public service reform, the various Refugee structures are to be rationalised. At the time of publication, no further information was available.

State Pathology Service c/o Fire Brigade Training Unit Malahide Road Marino Dublin 3 Tel: 01-8534871 Fax: 01 8534874

State Pathologist: Prof. Marie Cassidy The State Pathologist carries out post-mortems at the request of the Garda authorities, attends at scenes of crimes and provides evidence in court and at inquests.

Assistant Secretary: Steve Magner The Reception and Integration Agency was established


Department of Justice and Equality

Notes Public Affairs Ireland


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Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 12 Department of Defence Introduction

Offices Department of Defence Station Road Newbridge Co. Kildare

The Department of Defence was established by the Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924, which assigns to it “the administration and business of the raising, training, organisation, maintenance, equipment, management, discipline, regulation and control according to law of the military defence forces”. As a Department it contains both civil and military elements. The Department is also responsible for the administration of military pensions. It has a wide range of responsibilities in relation to Civil Defence and other matters. The current mission statement of the Department is: “To provide for the military defence of the state, contribute to national and international peace and security and fulfil all other roles assigned by government.”

Core areas of responsibility • Provision policy advice and support to

public authorities, the EU and public

Minister on defence matters • Management of legal, regulatory and

representatives • Strategic responsibility in relation to

litigation and lands policy and related

emergency planning coordination and

matters • Management of the Department’s human

oversight • Financial management and audit

resources and industrial relations

functions in connection with the

• Coordination of the delivery of security,

Secretary General’s role as Accounting

emergency and community services by the Defence Forces • Liaison between the Defence Forces

Officer • Administration of military pensions • Responsibilities in relation to Civil

and other Government Departments,

Defence and the Irish Red Cross Society


Department of Defence

(Office of the Minister and Secretary General, Defence Forces Personnel Policy Branch, Legislation Branch, Executive Branch, International Security and Defence Policy Branch, Office of Emergency Planning, Planning and Organisation Branch, Conciliation & Arbitration Branch, Litigation Branch, Contracts Branch and Property Management Branch, Human Resources Branch, Information Systems Branch [Press Office, Information Office, FOI])

Public Affairs Ireland

Department of Defence Aras an tSáile Renmore Galway (Finance Branch, Internal Audit, Management Accounts, Management Information Framework) Main Telephone Number: 045 492000 (LoCall 1890 251 890) Fax Number: 045 492017 Email: Email Protocol: Website:

Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence: Alan Shatter TD

Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Fine Gael Contact Details for Minister’s Office: Tel: 045 492101 (Department) 01 6183911 (Dáil) Fax: 045 492007 (Department) Email: Private Secretary: Damien Brennan Special Advisor: Thomas Cooney; Jane Lehane Previous committee memberships: Deputy Shatter was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children from 2007 and of the joint Oireachtas committee on foreign affairs. Previous party positions: Deputy Shatter has previously been Fine Gael spokesperson law reform in 1982 and again from 1987 to 1988; spokesperson on the environment from 1989 to 1991; on Labour in 1991; on justice from 1992 to 1993; on equality and law reform from 1993 to 1994; on health and children from 1997 to 2000; on justice, law reform and defence from 2000 to 2002; on children from 2007 to 2010 and on justice and law reform from 2010 to the creation of the new Dáil in March 2011. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Shatter was a member of Dublin County Council from 1991 to 1999. He is also a former president of the Irish Council against Blood Sports. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Shatter attended The High School, Rathgar, Dublin and Trinity College Dublin. He has practiced as a solicitor and is partner in the firm Gallagher Shatter. Electoral History: Deputy Shatter was first elected to the Dáil in 1981 for the Dublin South Constituency. He was re-elected in 2007 and again in 2011.


Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons

Minister of State for Defence: Paul Kehoe TD Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6194081 (Department) 01 6184473 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6765757 Email: Private Secretary: Garry McDonagh Email: Special Advisor: Mark O’Doherty Email:

Fianna Fáil: Dara Calleary TD (Justice, Equality and Defence) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183331 Constituency: Mayo Email:

Previous committee memberships: Deputy Kehoe was a member of the joint administration committee, a member of the Dáil committee on procedure and privileges and a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on the Constitution. Previous party positions: Deputy Kehoe was spokesperson on communications, marine and natural resources from 2002 until 2004. He was elected Fine Gael Chief Whip in October 2004. He has also served as Assistant Chief Whip for the party. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Kehoe is a former chairperson of Macra na Feirme. Education/Previous occupation: He attended Kildalton Agricultural College, County Kilkenny and was a farmer. Electoral History: Paul Kehoe was first elected to the Dáil in May 2002 to the 29th Dáil for the Wexford constituency and was re-elected in both the 2007 and 2011 elections.

Sinn Féin: Jonathan O’Brien TD (Justice, Equality and Defence) Leinster House Tel: 01 6184040 Constituency: Cork North

Department of Defence

Central Email:


Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

Clerk to the Committee Alan Guidon

Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality This Committee and the select Committees of Dáil and Seanad Eireann of which it is made – has the power to consider: • Matters of policy for which the Minister is officially responsible • Public affairs administered by the Department • Policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department • Government policy in respect of bodies under the aegis of the Department • Policy issues concerning bodies which are partly or wholly funded by the State or which are established or appointed by a member of the Governments or the Oireachtas • The general scheme or draft heads of any Bill published by the Minister • Statutory instruments • Strategy statements • Annual reports or accounts • EU draft legislative acts, other EU legislative proposals, non legislative documents published by and EU institution • Such other matters as may be referred to it by the Dáil and/or Seanad from time to time.

Email: Telephone: 01 6183899

Chairperson David Stanton TD (Fine Gael) Tel: 01 6183181 Email: david.stanton@ Deputy Stanton has represented Cork East in the Dáil since 1997 having been re-elected in 2002 and 2007. He is currently the Party’s spokesperson for defence. He was party front bench spokesperson on social and family affairs, and equality from 2004 until 2007. Prior to this he acted as deputy spokesperson on education and science, and spokesperson on labour affairs, consumer rights and trade from 1997 to 2002. From 2007 until 2010, he was party Assistant Chief Whip (Dáil Reform) with special responsibility for disability issues. In July 2010, he was appointed party spokesperson on defence. Prior to entering politics he was a teacher in St Colman’s Community College in Cork. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree and two diplomas from University College Cork and a Masters Degree from the National University of Ireland.

Members Deputies:

Billy Timmins

Fine Gael

Dara Calleary

Fianna Fáil

Joanna Tuffy


Michael Creed

Fine Gael

Alan Farrell

Fine Gael

Tom Hayes

Fine Gael


Seán Kenny


Ivana Bacik


Finian McGrath


Paul Bradford

Fine Gael

Jonathan O’Brien

Sinn Féin

Martin Conway

Fine Gael

David Stanton

Fine Gael

Rónán Mullen



Public Affairs Ireland

The Department Appointed: October 2004 Private Secretary: Eilish Murphy Contact details for Secretary General’s office: Tel: 045 492117 Previous Positions: Michael Howard was previously Assistant Secretary at the Department of Defence from 1995 to 2004; Principal Officer at the Department of Defence from 1993 to 1995; and Assistant Principal at Department of Defence from 1986 to 1993. He also worked in the Analysis Section at the Department of Finance from 1984 until 1986 and was Inspector of Taxes at the Office of the Revenue Commissioners from 1979 until 1984. Education: Mr Howard attended Terenure College, Dublin; University College, Dublin; Trinity College, Dublin.

Departmental Divisions (i) Legislation Branch Tel: 045 492046/492124 This branch is responsible for co-ordinating the Department’s response to legislative proposals (including draft EU directives) sponsored by other Government Departments that may impact on the policy and work of the Department. It is also responsible for modernisation and simplification of Defence Forces Regulations and for processing amendments and participating in the formulation of policy on other proposals for regulatory change. • Director: Brian Spain - Principal Officer: Jason Kearney - Assistant Principal: Derek McConnon

(ii) Defence Forces Personnel Policy Branch Tel: 045 492043/492249 The Branch is responsible for administration and correspondence relating to a range of Defence Forces personnel matters. • Assistant Secretary: Ciaran Murphy - Principal Officer: Ann Price - Assistant Principal: Martin Luby

(iii) Conciliation and Arbitration Branch Tel: 045 492127/492310/492217/492494 This Branch provides the following services: Setting rates of pay and allowances for members of the Defence Forces; Administration of the Conciliation and Arbitration (C&A) Scheme for commissioned officers and other ranks of the Permanent Defence Force; Setting of terms and conditions for Recruitment into and promotion within the Defence Forces; Interactions with Representative Associations for members of the Permanent Defence Force. • Assistant Secretary: Ciaran Murphy - Principal Officer: Fiona Lafferty - Assistant Principals: Yvonne Morris; Mairead Blackall

(iv) Planning and Organisation Branch Tel: 045 492114/492190 This branch is responsible for providing a central strategic planning and organisation function for the Department, mainly by supporting the Management Advisory Committee and the Branches in implementing the Defence and public service modernisation agenda. • Assistant Secretary: Maurice Quinn - Principal Officers: Robert Mooney - Assistant Principals: Stephen Hall; Ciaran Desmond

(v) Corporate Governance and Change Management Section Tel: 01 8042155 / 045 492155 Reporting to Secretary General: • Principal Officer: Gillian Dennehy

(vi) Informations Systems Branch Áras an tSáile, Renmore, Galway; and Station Road, Newbridge, Co Kildare Tel: 091 743723 / 743734/045 / 492159 / 492157 This branch is responsible for developing, supporting and maintaining all Information and Communications Technology (ICT) systems in


Department of Defence

Secretary General: Michael Howard

Public Affairs Ireland use in the Department of Defence Civilian Branch. (Military systems are managed by Defence Forces personnel.) • Assistant Secretary: Maurice Quinn - Principal Officer: Aileen Nolan; - Assistant Principals: Michael Byrne (Newbridge); Colm O’Cinnseala (Galway)

ambulance operations; Ministerial air transport service; Army Equitation School; Ministerial ceremonial events. • Director: Brian Spain - Principal Officer: Cathal Duffy - Assistant Principals: Rose Kearney; Bernie Maguire

(vi) Litigation Branch

(x) International Security and Defence Policy Branch

Tel: 045 492141 Litigation Branch manages the defence of nondelegated personal injury claims made against the Minister of Defence. • Assistant Secretary: Ciaran Murphy - Principal Officer: Brigitta O’Doherty; - Assistant Principal: Paul Connick

(vii) Contracts Branch Tel: 045 492361/492414 The Branch arranges for the procurement of equipment for the Army, Reserve, Air Corps and Naval Service and places contracts for major building and engineering works and services. It also has responsibility for bulk purchases for the Civil Defence Branch and the Management Services Branch in the Department. • Director: Brian Spain - Principal Officer: Jason Kearney - Assistant Principals: John Hanney; Deirdre Creaney

(viii) Property Management Branch Tel: 045 492438/492423/492162 This Branch provides the Minister for Defence with policy advice and support in relation to the management of the Department’s property portfolio, in a manner compatible with the operational and training requirements of the Defence Forces. • Director: Brian Spain - Principal Officer: Brendan Coghlan - Assistant Principals: Michael O’Sullivan; Tadhg O’Doherty

(ix) Executive Branch Tel: 045 492221/492142/492180 The role of the Executive Branch includes policy, planning and performance management inputs in relation to the following: The provision of aid to the civil power; International peacekeeping operations; Fishery protection and surveillance; Air Corps air

Tel: 045 492224/492367/492335 This branch is responsible for: Formulation & Development of Defence Inputs to European Security & Defence Policy (ESDP) including policy on commitments to EU Headline Goal; Management of implementation of Ireland’s Individual Partnership Programme (IPP) for participation in Partnership or Peace (PfP); Working on an ongoing basis with the Department of Foreign Affairs in relation to the above matters. • Assistant Secretary: Ciarán Murphy - Principal Officer: Teresa Sydenham - Assistant Principals: Mary Byrne; Margaret O’Leary; David M. Byrne

(xi) Office of Emergency Planning Tel: 045 492176/492439 Following the events of September 11th 2001, the Government decided on the establishment of an Office of Emergency Planning (OEP) in the Department. This Office is responsible for emergency planning to meet the new threat from international terrorism and from any escalation in international tensions, including coordination of the responses by the various agencies involved. The Office is also responsible for exercising an oversight role in relation to peacetime planning. • Director: Brian Spain - Principal Officer: Fred Bradley - Assistant Principal: Jerry Kelliher

(xii) Department of Defence: Brussels Office Tel: +32 2 2823380 / +32 2 7072635 Fax: +32 2 2304235 Email: The Brussels Branch represents Ireland on Defence


Public Affairs Ireland Policy in the European Union and Partnership for Peace • Assistant Secretary: Ciarán Murphy - Principal Officer: David Lawler - Assistant Principals: Barbara Burke; James Ryan

Relations • - -

Mechanisms. Assistant Secretary: Maurice Quinn Principal Officer: Clare Tiernan Assistant Principals Teresa Hynes; Billy Tuohy; Carol Bourke; Áine Fitzpatrick

(xiv) Finance Branch

(xiii) Human Resources Branch

Tel: 091 743700/ 743816/ 743925

Newbridge Tel: 045 492187/492194 Galway Tel: 091 743704

The Finance Branch is the largest Branch in the Department. Its mission is “to make timely, efficient and correct payment in respect of all pay, allowances, pensions and gratuities and accounts for supplies and services and to ensure proper accounting for

The HR Branch’s responsibilities include the Training and Development Unit, Partnership process supports, Civilian Employees, Services, Registry and Industrial

Department of Defence

Assistant Secretary: Ciaran Murphy

Assistant Secretary: Maurice Quinn

Assistant Secretary: Brian Spain

Legislation Branch

Internal Audit


Defence Forces Personnel Policy

Planning and Organisation Branch

Property Management

Conciliation and Arbitration

ReOrganisation and Changes Management Section

Office of Emergency Planning

Litigation Branch Informations Systems International Security and Defence Policy

Department of Defence: Brussels Branch

Executive Branch

Human Resources

Finance Branch


Department of Defence

Secretary General: Michael Howard

Public Affairs Ireland all expenditure from the Defence and Army Pension Votes”. The Branch also includes the Internal Audit Section, which is based in Renmore and has a presence in four other locations. • Assistant Secretary: Maurice Quinn - Principal Officers: Michael O’Boyle - Assistant Principals: Tom Barrett; Paddy Blackwell; Kevin Dowling, Gerry Groarke; Breffni O’Rourke; Brendan Fogarty; Kevin O’Connell Note: The Strategic Management Committee (SMC) is a joint civil-military committee that deals with major policy issues. The SMC members are the Secretary General (Chairperson), the Chief of Staff, the two Deputy Chiefs of Staff and the two Assistant Secretaries of the Department. The General Officer Commanding the Air Corps and the Flag Officer Commanding the Naval Service attend in respect of matters affecting their services. Current membership of the SMC: Secretary General (Chairperson): Michael Howard Chief of Staff: Lieutenant General; Sean McCann Deputy Chief of Staff: Major General Dave Ashe Deputy Chief of Staff: Major General Ralph James Assistant Secretary: Ciarán Murphy Assistant Secretary: Maurice Quinn

Agencies and Associated Bodies Civil Defence Board Benamore Roscrea Co Tipperary Tel: 0505 25310 Fax: 0505 25344 Email: Website: Chairperson: Brian Spain Director General: Bill Smith Assistant Principals: Roisin Maguire; Seamus Murray; John O’Neill Since the enactment of the Civil Defence Act, 2002, the Civil Defence Board has responsibility for civil defence at national level. The organisation is designed to undertake non–combatant activities and measures to afford defence against or mitigate the effects of an attack on the state or of other hazards associated with war or emergency such as from radioactive fallout, biological or chemical warfare. Note: Following a Government decision in 2011, the Civil Defence Board will be dissolved and responsibility for its functions reverts back to the Department of Defence. The Bill to dissolve the Board is currently being drafted and it is anticipated that it will be published in early 2012.


Public Affairs Ireland

Defence Forces

1st Southern Brigade

Defence Forces Headquarters Office of the Chief of Staff, Deputy Chiefs of Staff, General Enquiries Department of Defence Station Road, Newbridge, Co. Kildare Tel: 045 492000 Website: Email:

Collins Barracks, Cork Tel: 021 4514000

2nd Eastern Brigade Cathal Brugha Barracks, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Tel: 01 8046000

4th Western Brigade Custume Barracks, Athlone, Co Westmeath Tel: 090 6421000

Chief of Staff: Lieutenant General Sean McCann Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations): Major General Ralph James Deputy Chief of Staff (Support): Major General Dave Ashe Press Officer: Commandant Neil Nolan Assistant Press Officer: Captain Pat O’Connor Tel: 045 492502 / 492503 Email:

Defence Forces Training Centre Curragh Camp, Co Kildare Tel: 045 445000

Air Corps Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnel, Co Dublin Tel: 01 403 7839

The Department’s military element consists of Defence Forces Headquarters, which is headed by the Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces. The Chief of Staff is directly responsible to the Minister for the overall management of the Defence Forces. Legislative provision has been made to enable the Chief of Staff to delegate duties to the Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations) and Deputy Chief of Staff (Support). The Chief of Staff is the Minister’s principal military adviser.

Naval Service

The Defence Forces School of Music Cathal Brugha Barracks, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Tel: 01 8046420

The Defence Forces are responsible for: • defending the State against armed aggression; this being a contingency, preparations for its implementation depend on an on-going Government assessment of the security and defence environment; • aiding the civil power (in practice assisting, when requested, the Garda Síochána, who have primary responsibility for the protection of the internal security of the State); • participating in multinational peace support, crisis management and humanitarian relief operations in support of the United Nations and under UN mandate, including UN-authorised regional security missions • providing a fishery protection service in accordance with the State’s obligations arising out of its EU membership • carrying out such other duties as may be assigned to them from time to time, e.g. air ambulance service, Ministerial air transport service, search and rescue, assistance in the event of natural or other disasters, assistance in connection with the maintenance of essential services.

The Equitation School McKee Barracks, Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8046140

Ombudsman for the Defence Forces 13/15 Lower Hatch Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6633222 Fax: 01 663 3223 Email: Website: Ombudsman for the Defence Forces: Paulyn Marrinan Quinn SC. The function of the Ombudsman for the Defence Forces is to mediate in conflicts between members (and former members) of the Defence Forces and other members (or former members) of the Defence Forces or civil servants in the Department of Defence, as provided for in the Ombudsman (Defence Forces) Act, 2004.


Department of Defence

Haulbowline, Cobh, Co Cork Tel: 021 4378777

Public Affairs Ireland



Chapter 13 Department of Social Protection Introduction

Public Affairs Ireland

Offices Áras Mhic Dhiarmada

The first Department of Social Welfare was established in 1947 and it became fully functional in 1952. On July 12 1997 it changed from the Department of Social Welfare to the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs. The department then changed its name in 2002 and became the Department of Social and Family Affairs. In May 2010 there were further changes with the department being renamed the Department of Social Protection. The operation of the Rural Social Scheme and the Redundancy and Insolvency Scheme is now also under the responsibility of the Department of Social Protection. The Community Welfare Service of the HSE transferred to the Department of Social Protection from October 2011. From January 2012 responsibility for the employment and community employment services of FÁS will be transferred to this department.

Store Street, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 7043000 (Office of the Minister, Office of the Secretary General, Press Office, EU/International Policy, Injury Benefit, Medical Care, Illness Benefit, Policy and Planning Unit, Facilities Management Unit, Budget and Finance, Personnel(contact your local Social Welfare Office)) St. Alphonsus Road Dundalk Co. Louth Tel: 042 9392600 (Accounts branch) Oisin House, 212-213 Pearse Street Tel: 01 7043000

The Department of Social Protection has responsibility for the social welfare system. It formulates social protection policies and administers and manages the delivery of a range of income support and activation services.

(Corporate Development Unit, , Scope Section (Insurability of Employment), PRSI Refunds, Central Services Unit, Medical Referees Section, Staff Development Unit) Goldsmith House

The Mission Statement of the Department is to promote active participation in society through the provision of income supports, employment services and other services.

Pearse Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 7043000 (Office of the Deputy Secretary, Business Information Security Unit, Process Improvement Team, Risk Management Support Unit)

Core areas of responsibility •






Old age

Caring 147

Department of Social Protection

Dublin 2

Public Affairs Ireland Gandon House

Social Welfare Services Office

Amiens Street

Ardaravan, Inner Relief Road

Dublin 1

Buncranna, Co. Donegal

Tel: 01 7043000

Tel: 074 9342461

(Respite Care Grant, IS Division,Regional Support Office)

(Client Eligibility Services, Adoptive/Maternity/ Health and Safety Benefit, Homemakers Section, EU/International Records, Central Records Section)

Government Offices Cork Road Waterford Tel: 051 356000 (Self-Employment Section, Special Collection System for non-PAYE employees, Voluntary Contributions Section, PRSI Special Collection) Social Welfare Services Office St. Oliver Plunkett Road Letterkenny Co. Donegal

Government Buildings Teeling Street, Tubbercurry Co. Sligo Tel: 071 9302020 (Tús, Rural Social Scheme, Community Services Programme.) Shannon Lodge Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim Tel: 071 9672500

(Child Benefit, Treatment Benefit)

(Client Identity Services, Decisions Advisory Office, Freedom of Information, Activation, Maintenance Recovery Unit, Central Control Section)

Social Welfare Services Office

Main Telephone Number: 01 7043000

Government Buildings


Ballinalee Road Longford

Email protocol: firstname.surname@welfare. ie

Tel: 043 40000


Tel: 1890 404 00/ Locall: 1890 690 690

(Invalidity Pension, Disability Allowance, Disablement Benefit, Carer’s Allowance/ Benefit, Bereavement Grant, Family Income Supplement (FIS)) Social Welfare Services Office College Road, Sligo Tel: 1890 500 000 or 071 9169800 Tel: 1890 662 244 (Information Services) (Blind Pension, Free Travel, Household Benefits Package, Information Services, Internal Audit, One-Parent Family Payment, Guardian’s Payments, State Pensions, Supplementary Welfare Allowance, Widow’s/ Widower’s Pensions, Widowed Parent Grant, Staff Development Unit, Domiciliary Care Allowance)


Public Affairs Ireland

Minister for Social Protection

Opposition Spokespersons

Minister for Social Protection: Joan Burton TD

Fianna Fáil: Barry Cowen TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183662 Constituency: Laois Offaly Email:

Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Labour Party Contact Details for Minister’s Office: Tel: 01 7043890 (Department) 01 6184006 (Dáil) 01 7043630 (Constituency) Fax: 01 7043869 (Department) Email: Private Secretary: Jacinta Crawford Email: Special Advisor: Edward Brophy Email Media Advisor: Kathleen Barrington Email:

Sinn Féin: Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6184084 Constituency: Dublin South Central Email: aengus.osnodaigh@

Department of Social Protection

Other current positions: Joan Burton is deputy party leader of the Labour Party. She is also an Irish member of the British-Irish Inter Parliamentary Body. Previous ministries: Deputy Burton was Minister of State for Social Welfare from 1992 to 1995. In the 1992-97 Government she was Minister for Development Cooperation and Overseas Aid. She also served as Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 1997. Previous committee memberships: Deputy Burton was a member of the finance and public service committee in the 30th Dáil. Previous party positions: Deputy Burton was the party spokesperson on finance in the 30th Dáil. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Burton was elected to Fingal County Council in the 1999 local elections. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Burton worked as a chartered accountant prior to entering politics and trained with Price Waterhouse in Dublin. She also worked as a senior lecturer in the Dublin Institute of Technology. Electoral History: Deputy Burton was first elected to the 27th Dáil following the 1992 general election for the Dublin West constituency. She was re-elected in the elections of 2002, 2007 and 2011.


Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

universities and institutes of technology. At the end of an inquiry, the Committee will usually produce a report setting out its findings and making recommendations to the Government.

Joint Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education

Clerk to the Committee Tara Kelly

This Committee has a broad remit, shadowing three departments and will play a key role in providing a meaningful input into legislation and policy and informing debate on the creation and retention of jobs; promoting and supporting enterprise and innovation; developing sustainable social policies and ensuring Ireland’s education system benefits all of society and is recognised internationally as a top class system. The Committee conducts inquiries into areas of current interest within its remit. Among the key policy priorities for the Committee are: • Reform of commercial rates and the high level of business costs • Social Welfare reform • The Structure and management of Irish schools • Standards of teaching and research in

Email: Telephone: 01 6183481

Chairperson Damien English TD (Fine Gael) Tel: 01 6184012 Email: damien.english@ Deputy English currently serves the Meath West constituency which he has represented since he first was elected in 2002. During his time in the 30th Dáil he was Fine Gael spokesperson for small business and labour affairs and served on several committees including the joint committee on enterprise, trade and innovation, the joint committee on economic

Members Deputies:

Mary Mitchell O’Connor

Fine Gael

Ray Butler

Fine Gael

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin


Áine Collins

Fine Gael

Aengus Ó Snodaigh

Sinn Féin

Joan Collins

United Left

Willie O’Dea

Fianna Fáil

Michael Conaghan


Brendan Ryan


Barry Cowen

Fianna Fail

Brendan Smith

Fianna Fáil

Seán Crowe

Sinn Féin

Peadar Tóibín

Sinn Féin

Damien English

Fine Gael

Tom Fleming



Brendan Griffin

Fine Gael

Deirdre Clune

Fine Gael

John Halligan


John Kelly


Seán Kyne

Fine Gael

Michael Mullins

Fine Gael

Anthony Lawlor

Fine Gael

Marie Louise O’Donnell


John Lyons


Averil Power

Fianna Fáil

Nicky McFadden

Fine Gael

Feargal Quinn



Public Affairs Ireland regulatory affairs, the joint committee on finance and the joint committee on European scrutiny. In the 29th Dáil he was secretary of the Fine Gael Parliamentary Party (2002 to 2007), deputy spokesperson for arts, sport and tourism (2002 to 2004), deputy spokesperson for justice and community affairs, with special responsibility for drugs, alcohol & crime prevention (2004 to 2007) and was a member of the British-Irish Inter Parliamentary Body. Deputy English has attained a Diploma in Management Accounting through the Certified Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) following his studies at Dublin Institute of Technology & Dublin Business School.

• -

Deputy Secretary: Anne Vaughan Appointed: February 2011 Private Secretary: Grainne Heslin Contact details for the Deputy Secretary’s office: 01 6732357

Secretary General: Niamh O’Donoghue

• • - • - • - • - • -

Appointed: July 2010 Private Secretary: Sarah Niland Contact details for Secretary General’s office: 01 7043896 Previous positions: Niamh O’Donoghue joined the Department of Agriculture as an Executive Officer in 1979. In 1986, she moved to the Department of Health and from there to the Office of the Civil Service and Local Appointments Commissioners in 1995. Ms O’Donoghue joined the Office of the Revenue Commissioners as an Assistant Secretary in 2001, before being appointed Director General of the Department of Social and Family Affairs in December 2007. Education/ Qualifications: BA, MA, MSc (Mgt) from the Institute Public Administration; University of Keele and Trinity College Dublin. The Department is divided into two major sections, the Aireacht (Ministry) and Social Welfare Services. The Aireacht is responsible for the overall management of the department and for policy advice and formulation, while the Social Welfare Services is responsible for the day-to-day administration and management of social welfare schemes and services.

Social Welfare Services:

Internal Audit: Professional Accountant: Seamus Quinn Medical Reviews & Assessments: Chief Medical Advisor: Dr. Clement Leech Acting Deputy Chief Medical Advisor: Dr. Joe Cunningham


Assistant Secretary: Brian O’ Raghallaigh Estimates, Admin Budgets, Budget, Financial Management, Annual Output Statement, Means Test Policy, Accountability Policy Principal Officer: Denis Moynihan Vote & Social Insurance Fund, Salaries & Payments, Financial System, Treasury, Reconciliation of Payments, Payment Services Principal Officer: Siobhan Lawlor Legislation, Risk Management, Business Continuity Planning, Official Languages Act, Business Plans, Partnership Support, Disability Sectoral Plan: Press Office, Planning Secretariat Principal Officer: Helen McDonald Statistics, Business Intelligence: Principal Officer: Paul Morrin Facilities Management Unit, Archives, Health and Safety, Business Information Security Principal Officer: Tim Quirke

(ii) Pensions Policy & Administration, Information, Human Resources, Customer Service, Citizens Information Board, MABS • • -

Assistant Secretary: Orlaigh Quinn State Pension (Contributory) Widows/ Widowers Pension Guardians Pension, Information, Customer Services, MABS, Citizens Information Board Principal Officer: Fiona Ward

Department of Social Protection

(i) Budgets & Finance, Accounts, Corporate Management Services, Facilities Management, Business Intelligence, Legislation

The Department

• - • - -

Appeals Office Director & Chief Appeals Officer: Geraldine Gleeson

Public Affairs Ireland Department of Social Protection Internal Audit Seamus Quinn

Secretary General Niamh O’Donoghue Deputy Secretary Anne Vaughan

Dr Clem Leech Chief Medical Adviser

Deputy CMA

Geraldine Brian Orlaigh Quinn Gleeson O’Raghallaigh Assistant Chief Appeals Assistant Secretary Officer Secretary

Deputy CAO

Estimates, Admin Budgets, Budget, Financial Management, Annual Output Statement, Means Test Policy, Accountability Policy Vote & Social Insurance Fund, Salaries & Payments, Financial System, Treasury, Reconciliation of Payments, Payment Services Legislation, Risk Management, Business Continuity Planning, Official Languages Act, Business Plans, Partnership Support, Disability Sectoral Plan: Press Office, Planning Secretariat Statistics, Business Intelligence: Facilities Management Unit, Archives, Health and Safety, Business Information Security:

Pensions Policy & Administration, Information, Human Resources, Customer Service, Citizens Information Board, MABS State Pension (Contributory) Widows/ Widowers Pension Guardians Pension: Information, Customer Services, MABS, Citizens Information Board

Kathleen Stack Assistant Secretary

Helen Faughnan Assistant Secretary

Western Region

Operations Policy (RSO)

Border Region:

Dublin South Region (+ Kildare & Wicklow)

SIU at National Level:

Dublin North Region (and Meath)

Midlands Region:

South East Region

Child Benefit, Maternity Schemes, Treatment

State Pension (noncontributory), One Parent Families, Household Benefits, Free Travel

Child Income Support Policy, Social Inclusion Division

Human Resource Strategy and Resources

Maintenance Recovery, Central Overpayments & Debt Management, Fraud Control, Central Prosecutions:

Pension, Widows, Carers Policy, Household Benefits/ Free Travel Policy, Expenditure Reviews/ VFM, Policy Committee:

John McKeon Assistant Secretary

Short-Term Illness Medical Review & Assessment Administration: Carers Schemes, Family Income Supplement, Long-Term Illness:

Disability Policy, Disability Activation Projectt

South Region Transformation Project Community Welfare Supplementary Service Welfare Support Team` Allowance (Policy & Operations) Transformation Project – FAS

Transformation Project – Industrial Relations

Alice O’Flynn Assistant Secretary

Niall Barry Assistant Secretary

Working Age Policy/ ESS, Activation:

IS Operational Services

Lone Parents Policy, Profiling, Cases Management, Civil Partnership:

Client Systems

EU Coordinator, International Relations, North-South Co-operation:

Working Age ICT Systems

Rural Social Scheme and Community Support Programme:

Architecture and Platform Support

• PRSI, Scope, Redundancy and Insolvency FAS Liaison

General Register Office

Client Identity Services Standard Authentication Framework Environment, DAO/FOI

ICT Project Planning, DRIM

Transformation Project Community Welfare Service Support Team`

Human Resource Staff Development


Public Affairs Ireland State Pension (non-contributory), One Parent Families, Household Benefits, Free Travel: Principal Officer: Miriam Finnegan Pension, Widows, Carers Policy, Household Benefits/ Free Travel Policy, Expenditure Reviews/ VFM, Policy Committee: Principal Officer: Patricia Murphy Human Resource Strategy and Resources Principal Officer: Celine Moore Human Resource Staff Development Principal Officer: Cathy Barron

(iii) Working Age Policy, Employment Support Activation, Lone Parent Policy, Cases Management, EU International, Community Schemes, FÁS Liaison, PRSI, Scope, Redundancy and Insolvency. • • - • - • - • - • - • -

Assistant Secretary: Alice O’Flynn Working Age Policy, ESS, Activation Principal Officer: Dave Dillon Lone Parents Policy, Profiling, Cases Management, Civil Partnership Principal Officer: Marie O’Neill EU Co-ordinator, International Relations, North-South Co-operation Principal Officer: Anne McManus Rural Social Scheme and Community Support Programme Principal Officer: TJ Fleming PRSI, Scope, Redundancy and Insolvency Principal Officer: Mary Kennedy FAS Liaison Principal Officer: Padraig O’Conaill

(iv) All Regions, Child Benefit, Treatment Benefit, Domiciliary Care Allowance, Maternity Schemes, Child Income Support Policy, Fraud Control • • - • -

• - • - • - • - • -

Murphy SIU at National Level Principal Officer: Phil Cox Midlands Region: Principal Officers: Phil Cox & Finbar Murphy Child Benefit, Maternity Schemes, Treatment Benefit, Domiciliary Care Allowance Principal Officer: Tony Kieran Child Income Support Policy, Social Inclusion Division Principal Officer: John Bohan Maintenance Recovery, Central Overpayments & Debt Management, Fraud Control, Central Prosecutions Principal Officer: Deirdre Shanley

(v) Information Systems, General Register Office, Client Eligibility Services, EESI Project, Client Identity Services, DAO/FOI, Business Modernisation (SDM, DRIM) • • - • • - • - • - • - • - • -

Assistant Secretary: Kathleen Stack Western Region Principal Officers: Barry Kennedy & John Shannon Border Region Principal Officers: Don Watts & Finbar


Assistant Secretary: Niall Barry IS Operational Services: Principal Officer: Liam Walsh Client Systems Principal Officer: Kevin Coady Working Age ICT Systems Principal Officer: Victor Galvin Architecture and Platform Support: Principal Officer: Sean Fay General Register Office Principal Officer: Kieran Feely Client Identity Services Standard Authentication Framework Environment, DAO/FOI Principal Officer: Richard Shine ICT Project Planning, DRIM Principal Officer: Daragh O’Connor Business Architect, Service Delivery Modernisation Principal Officer: Teresa Leonard

Department of Social Protection

• - • - • - • -

Public Affairs Ireland

(vi) Illness Scheme Operations, Carers and FIS Operations, Disability Policy, Organisation Transformation Project • • - • - • - • - • - • -

Assistant Secretary: John McKeon Short-Term Illness Medical Review & Assessment Administration Principal Officer: Brendan Friel Carers Schemes, Family Income Supplement, Long-Term Illness Principal Officer: Catherine Kellaghan Disability Policy, Disability Activation Project Principal Officer: Joan McMahon Transformation Project Community Welfare Service Support Team ` Principal Officer: Lucy Fallon Byrne Transformation Project – FAS Principal Officer: Liam Treacy Transformation Project – Industrial Relations Principal Officer: Anne Tynan

(vii) Assistant Secretary: Helen Faughnan • - • - • - • - • - • -

Operations Policy (RSO) Principal Officers: Bernard Tonge; Rita Tighe Dublin South Region (+ Kildare & Wicklow) Principal Officers: Mary O’Sullivan and Paula Kelly Dublin North Region (and Meath) Principal Officers: Paul Carroll; James Sadlier South East Region Principal Officers: Philip O’Donohue; Greg Crowley South Region Principal Officers: Neil Kelly; Greg Crowley Supplementary Welfare Allowance (Policy & Operations) Principal Officer: Kieran O’Dwyer


Public Affairs Ireland

Agencies and Associated Bodies

Social Welfare Appeals Office D’Olier House D’Olier Street Dublin 2 Tel: 1890 747 434 Fax: 01 6718391 Email: Website:

Citizens Information Board Ground Floor George’s Quay House 43 Townsend Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6059000 LoCall: 1890 777 121 Fax: 01 6059099 Email: / Website:

Director and Chief Appeals Officer: Geraldine Gleeson Deputy Chief Appeals Officer: Dan Kavanagh The Social Welfare Appeals Office is an agency which operates independently of the department and is responsible for dealing with appeals against decisions of the Deciding Officer regarding entitlements to social welfare.

Chairperson: Slyda Langford Chief Executive: Tony McQuinn Citizens Information Board is the statutory body responsible for supporting the provision of information, advice and advocacy on social and civil services to the public. Note: Under Budget 2009, the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) will be assigned to the Citizens Information Board (CIB).

Pensions Ombudsman

Ombudsman: Paul Kenny Director: John O’Toole The Pensions Ombudsman investigates complaints of financial loss due to maladministration and disputes of fact or law in relation to occupational pension schemes and Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs). A statutory officer, he is completely independent in the performance of these functions and acts as an impartial adjudicator.

Pensions Board Verschoyle House 28/30 Lower Mount Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6131900 LoCall: 1890 656 565 Fax: 01 6318602 Email: Website:

Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17, the Pensions Ombudsman will be merged with the Financial Services Ombudsman. At the time of publication, no firm date was given for this merger.,

Chairperson: Jane Williams Chief Executive: Brendan Kennedy Established by the Pensions Act, 1990, the Pensions Board is responsible for the regulation of occupational pension schemes and Personal Retirement Savings Accounts in Ireland, in addition to advising the Minister for Social Protection on pension matters generally. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17, the regulatory functions of the Pensions Board are to be integrated with the Financial Regulator. At the time of publication, no firm date was given.]


Department of Social Protection

36 Upper Mount Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6471650 Fax: 01 6769577 Email: Website:

Public Affairs Ireland



Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 14 Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food Introduction The Department of Agriculture, Food and the

legislation, as well as for monitoring animal and

Marine was established on March 9 2011.

plant welfare. It will also continue to monitor the

It retains all of the former functions of the

direction of state bodies engaged in research,

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and

training, advice, market development/promotion

Food and has additional responsibility for sea

and industrial development.

fisheries, aquaculture, marine research, marine engineering, pier and harbour development (for all piers and harbours other than those commercial and island harbours which are under the responsibility of the Department of Transport and the Department of Environment,

The department’s current mission statement is “to lead the development of a competitive sustainable and consumer focused agrifood sector and a vibrant rural economy and society.”

Community, and Local Government respectively) The department retains its former functions of providing advisory services for the formulation of Governmental policies pertaining to the agriculture and food sectors, as well as making representations on behalf of the sectors at EU and global levels. The department has responsibility for the regulation of the agricultural and food industries through national and EU

Core areas of responsibility • Agriculture policy

• State bodies in support of

• Schemes in support of sectoral

agriculture and food


• Sectoral support services

• Food safety

• Sea fisheries and aquaculture

• Industrial regulation

• Marine research and engineering

• Animal, plant health and welfare

• Forestry 157

Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food

and aquaculture.

Public Affairs Ireland

Offices Office of the Minister, Ministers of State and Secretary General Agriculture House Kildare Street Dublin 2 Cavan Office Government Buildings Farnham Street Co.Cavan Kildare Offices Backweston Campus Administration Building Young’s Cross Celbridge Co. Kildare Naas Regional Office Popular House Naas Co. Kildare Wexford Office Johnstown Castle Estate Co. Wexford Cork Office (Fisheries Only) Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Clogheen Clonakilty Co. Cork Main Telephone Number: 01 6072000 LoCall: 1890 200 510 Email: Email Protocol: firstname.surname@ Website:

Minister for Agriculture, Marine and Food Minister for Agriculture, Marine and Food: Simon Coveney TD Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6072000 (Department); 01 6763925 (Department); 01 6183753 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6611013 Email:; Private Secretary: Kevin Joe Galligan Special Advisors:, Áine Kilroy; Caitriona Fitzpatrick Press Advisor: Martina Kearney Previous committee positions: Deputy Coveney was a member of the committees on family, social and community affairs, education and science, communications and marine and natural resources as well as the strategic management committee. More recently, he was a member of the joint Oireachtas committees on communications, energy and natural resources and climate change and energy security during the 30th Dáil until July and October 2010 respectively. Previous party positions: He was Fine Gael parliamentary party secretary, Fine Gael spokesperson on communications, energy and natural resources and spokesperson on drugs and youth issues. He was also assistant Chief Whip, secretary of Fine Gael and spokesperson for communications, marine and natural resources. Previous political roles: Deputy Conveney was a member of Cork County Council from 1999 to 2003. He was elected to the European Parliament in 2004 for Fine Gael as a member of the EPP-ED group. He was co-ordinator for Human Rights within this group and was a member of European Parliament committees on foreign affairs, the internal market and consumer protection and fisheries, in addition to being a member of delegations with the United States and Iran. He was a member of the Southern Health Board and Cork County Council and he is a former chairperson of the Joint City and Country Committee and member of the Coastal Management Committee. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Coveney attended University College Cork and Gurteen Agricultural College, County Tipperary. He also holds a B.Sc. in Agriculture and Land Management from Royal Agriculture College, Gloucestershire Electoral history: Deputy Coveney was first elected to the Dáil in a by-election for Cork South Central in 1998 following the death of his father Hugh Coveney. He was re-elected in 2002, 2007 and 2011.


Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons

Minister of State Minister of State: Shane McEntee TD

Fianna Fáil: Michael Moynihan TD (Agriculture and Food)

Special Responsibility: Forestry, Horticulture the Organic Sector and the Greyhound Industry Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6184447 (Dáil); 041 9882727(Constituency) Fax: 041 9882477(Constituency) Email:;

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183595 Constituency: Cork North West Email: michael.moynihan@

Fianna Fáil: John Browne TD (Marine and Fisheries)

Previous party positions: Deputy McEntee was deputy spokesperson on agriculture, fisheries and food with special responsibility for food and fisheries and also deputy spokesperson on transport with special responsibility for road safety. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy McEntee worked as a farmer and agricultural sales representative prior to taking his seat in the Dáil. Electoral History: Deputy McEntee was first elected to the Dáil in 2005 for the Meath-East constituency following a by-election in that constituency. He was subsequently re-elected in 2007 and again in February 2011.

Fianna Fáil: Séamus Kirk TD (Horticulture and Rural Affairs) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183362 Constituency: Louth Email:

Sinn Féin: Michael Colreavy TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183745 Constituency: Sligo-North Leitrim Email:


Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183094 Constituency: Wexford Email:

Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees Joint Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture According to its terms of reference, the Joint Committee may consider the following matters in respect of the relevant Department or Departments and associated public bodies, and report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas: • matters of policy for which the Minister is officially responsible, • public affairs administered by the Department, • policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department, • Government policy in respect of bodies under the aegis of the Department, • policy issues concerning bodies which are partly or wholly funded by the State or which are established or appointed by a member of the Government or the Oireachtas, • the general scheme or draft heads of any Bill published by the Minister, • statutory instruments, including those laid or laid in draft before either House or both Houses and those made under the European Communities Acts 1972 to 2009, • strategy statements laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas pursuant to the Public Service Management Act 1997,

• annual reports or annual reports and accounts, required by law, and laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas, of the Department or relevant bodies and the overall operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of such bodies, and (such other matters as may be referred to it by the Dáil and/or Seanad from time to time.

Clerk to the Committee Josie Briody Email: Tel: 01 6183717

Chairperson Andrew Doyle TD (Fine Gael) Tel: 01 6183611 Email: andrew.doyle@ Mr Doyle became a member of Wicklow County Council in 1999 when he was elected to represent Wicklow East. He remained a member until 2006 having served as Chairman from 2005 to 2006. Also a member of the Joint Administration Committee, Deputy Doyle was first elected to Dáil Éireann in 2007 where he was appointed Deputy Spokesperson on Agriculture with special responsibility for food and Horticulture by Enda Kenny TD.

Members Deputies:

Michael Moynihan

Fianna Fáil

Tom Barry

Fine Gael

Éamon Ó Cuív

Fianna Fail

Michael Colreavy

Sinn Féin

John O’Mahony

Fine Gael

Pat Deering

Fine Gael

Thomas Pringle


Robert Dowds



Andrew Doyle

Fine Gael

Michael Comiskey

Fine Gael

Martin Ferris

Sinn Féin

Paschal Mooney

Fianna Fáil

Noel Harrington

Fine Gael

Pat O’Neill

Fine Gael

Martin Heydon

Fine Gael

Mary Ann O’Brien


Colm Keaveney


Brian Ó Domhnaill

Fianna Fáil

Mattie McGrath


John Whelan


Michael McNamara



The Department

- • - - • - • - • - • - • - • - - • - - • - -

Secretary General: Tom Moran Appointed: January 2005 Private Secretary: Siobhan Dowling Contact details for Secretary General’s office: 01 6072184 Previous positions: Tom Moran joined the Department of Agriculture and Food in 1980 as an administrative officer and served in a variety of posts in that department. He served in the Irish Embassy in Paris as the Agriculture Attaché to France and to OECD 1989-1992 (seconded to Department of Foreign Affairs for this period). He was the Principal Officer of the Milk Policy Division from 1992 to 1997 (Responsible for EU market management and supports, trade and milk quotas and public health measures in the milk sector) and Assistant Secretary General from 1997 to 2004. He had responsibility for policy in the Livestock Products Area including dairy sector, beef, sheepmeat, pigmeat and poultry. Education: St Josephs CBS, Fairview; University College, Dublin; Institute of Public Administration, Dublin. Qualifications: MA. HDipEd.

Departmental Divisions (i) Disadvantaged Areas and Suckler Cow Scheme, Direct Payment Integrated Controls, Single Payment Scheme, Forest Service, On Farm Investments, Subsidies and Storage, Export Refunds, Beef Controls • • - - • -

Agricultural Inspectors: Tony Corcoran; Mairead Fanning; Michael Moloney; John O’Rourke; Fergus O’Sullivan; Con N O’Brien, John Sheehan; Michael Sharkey. Forest Service Administration Principal Officer: Bridgeena Nolan Assistant Principals: Dympna Furlong; Noel Heffernan; Gerry Cassidy; Michael McNamara Forest Service Inspectorate Senior Inspector: Seamus Dunne Forest Inventory and Environment Divisional Inspectors: Tom McDonald (Grade1); Pat Farrington (Grade 2); John J. Redmond; Mark Twomey; Emmet Byrnes; Orla Fahy; Vacancy (Grade 3). Forest Protection and Forest Reproduction Material Divisional Inspectors: Gerard Cahalane (Grade 1); Cormac O’Flynn; Cathal Ryan; Dermot O’Leary (Grade 3) Forest Schemes Divisional Inspectors: Fergus Moore; Noel Foley (Grade 1) Forest Sector Development Senior Inspector: Dr. Eugene Hendrick On Farm Investments, Subsidies and Storage Principal Officer: Gordon Conroy Assistant Principals: Dermot McCarthy; Mary McMahon Export Refunds Principal Officer: Gordon Conroy Assistant Principal: Karl Coggins Beef Controls Senior Superintending Veterinary Inspector: Vacant Veterinary Inspector: Michael O’Shea

(ii) Animal Health and Welfare, ERAD (Administration), District Veterinary Operations, National Beef Assurance Scheme, Personnel, Accommodation/ Procurement, ISO, Health and Safety, Management Services, Corporate Affairs/FOI, State Bodies, Food Safety, North/South Co-operation

Assistant Secretary: Kevin Smyth Single Payment Unit/Single Payment Entitlement Unit/Area Aid/Disadvantaged Area Scheme/Special Beef Premium and E-Government Services Principal Officers: Paud Evans; Andy McGarrigle; Assistant Principals: Noel Dinneny; Mary Lawlor; Pat O’Hara; Larry Cashman; Carmel Delahunt; Bernie Brennan; Ursula McMahon Integrated Controls Senior Inspector: Al Grogan

• • - - • - -


Assistant Secretary: Philip Carroll Animal Health and Welfare Principal Officer: Stephen Fitzpatrick Assistant Principal: Morina Carr; Noel Holleran Animal Health and Welfare Principal Officer: Dermot Murphy Assistant Principals: Mary Butler; Bríd

Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland • - - • - - • - - • - - • - - - • - -

Farrell; Kathleen O’Connor; Tom Ryan ERAD (Bovine TB and Brucellosis)/ Veterinary Medicines Principal Officer: Richard Healy Assistant Principals: Roseanne Green; Bridget Hickey; Philip Kirwan; Paul Vickers National Beef Assurance Scheme Principal Officer: Martin Farrell Assistant Principals: Ursula Forde; Ann Keating; Pat Keena Personnel, Training and Development Principal Officer: Bert O’Reilly Assistant Principals: Norma Behan; Patrick Clarkin; Nora Lynch; Michael Mackessy; Fintan O’Brien; Kay Ryan; Maria Talbot Accommodation; Archives; Utilities and Supplies; ISO Projects Management; Health and Safety Principal Officer: Danny Carroll Assistant Principals: Gay Curley; Sean Heneghan; Denis Mehigan; Damian Ward Management Services Principal Officer: Breffini Carpenter Assistant Principals: Sean Bell; Eamon Mansfield; Pauline Mulvey; Angela Robinson; Mark Winkelmann Agricultural Inspectors: David Buckley; Tim Drea Corporate Affairs/FOI (incorporating press office, Irish Language Unit, Customer Service Unit Co-ordination, Enquiry Unit and Library), State Bodies, Food Safety North/South Co-operation; Animal Product Import; Equine Measures Principal Officer: Paul Dillon Assistant Principals: Mary Curley; Ray Wiliamson; Mel McDonagh; John Byrne; Karl Kelly

(iv) EU and International Affairs; Economics and Planning; Rural Development; Climate Change and Bioenergy • • - - • - - • - - • - - -

Assistant Secretary: Aidan O’Driscoll EU/Trade Principal Officer: Bríd Cannon Assistant Principals: Gráinne Mulligan; Jackie O’Reilly Economics and Planning: Chief Economist: Ann Derwin Assistant Principals: Lynn Broderick; Colm Hayes; Sinead McPhilips; Colm O’Cribin Rural Development: Principal Officer: Patricia Cannon Assistant Principal: Liam Walsh Climate Change and Bioenergy: Principal Officer: Paul McKiernan Assistant Principals: Miriam Cadwell; Eddie Forde Agriculture Inspector: Liam Kinsella

(v) Accounts, Finance, Internal Audit, Agricultural Structures, Agricultural Environment and Structures, Legal/ Land Services, Agriculture Appeals Office

• • - - • - (iii) Meat and Milk Policy, Milk - and Meat Hygiene and Animal By-Products , Food Industry • - Development - • Assistant Secretary: Martin Heraghty - • Meat and Milk Policy: - Principal Officer: Brendan Gleeson - Assistant Principals: Mary McCarthy; Tom • Corkery; John Downey; Brendan O’Connor - • Meat Hygiene and Animal By-Products: - - Principal Officer: Tom Loftus - Assistant Principals: Aidan Dillon; • Mairead Broderick • Food Industry Development: - - Principal Officer: Marian Byrne - - Assistant Principals: Maeve Lynch; Sharon Murphy •


Assistant Secretary: Anthony Burke Accounts: Principal Officer: Geraldine Mullen Assistant Principals: Joe Grimes; Noel McHugh; Colm McKiernan; Charles O’Reilly Internal Audit Unit: Director of Internal Audit: Tom Medlycott Assistant Principals: Declan Galvin; Paula Lynch; Mick Quirke Finance: Principal Officer: Heber McMahon Accountant: Patricia Heeney Assistant Principals: Jim Caddle; Marie Hoban; Mícheál Ó Raghallaigh; Peter Stanley Agricultural Structures: Principal Officer: Gordon Conroy Assistant Principals: Joan Furlong; Patricia Kelly Agricultural Environmental and Structures: Senior Inspector: Liam Fahey Agriculture Inspectors: Liam Brady; James Caffrey; John Flannery; Oliver Molloy; Jack Nolan; Eddie O’Doherty Legal Services (incorporating Lands;

Public Affairs Ireland Collection and Records sections) Head of Legal Services Division and Principal Officer: Oliver Randall Plunkett Solicitors: Jimmy Winston; Graham Lennox Barristers: John Kinsella BL; Conor O’Mahony BL Assistant Principals: Ann Kieran; Fran McKeon; Seamus O’Brien; Jane Dempsey, Claire Kennedy Agriculture Licences Appeals Board Senior Inspector: John M Murphy Agricultural Inspectors: Nicola Hobson; Pat Kelly; Rosita Neilan Assistant Principal: Jim Byrne; Sean O’Donnacha; Lynda O’Regan

(vi) Information and Communication Technology • • - - • - - • - - • - - • - -

Assistant Secretary: Michael Bunyan Animal Health and Traceability Systems Principal Officer: Vacant Assistant Principals: Michael Farrell; Alan King; Darren Murray; Gerry Meleady IT Infrastructure and Operations Principal Officer: Robert Butler Assistant Principals: Suzanne McGarry; Tony McGarry; Declan O’Riordan; Joe Birthistle Customer Administration, Financials and Fisheries Principal Officer: Joe Hanly Assistant Principals: Ben Duffy; Eamonn Minogue; Aidan O’Brien; Sean Murphy Direct Payments Scheme Principal Officer: Seán Keevey Assistant Principals: John Deasy; Gregory Hall; Anthony F Hamilton; Niamh Toomey; John Ryan; Sean Connolly; Tom Forristal IT Financials; Forestry Systems Principal Officer: Vacancy Assistant Principals: Sean Murphy; John Ryan

(vii) Fisheries • • - - • - -

Assistant Secretary: Dr. Cecil Beamish Seafood Policy & Development Principal Officer: Josephine Kelly Assistant Principals: Deirdre Kelleher; Kevin Moriarty; Conor O’Suilleabhain Sea Fisheries Administration and Harbour Staff (excluding Industrial) Principal Officer: Paschal Hayes Assistant Principals: Kevin Hodnett; Máirín Ní Dhuinn

• - - • - - - -

Aquaculture and Foreshore Management Principal Officer: John Quinlan Assistant Principals: Kieran Burns; Pat Corcoran; Dave O’Donoghue; Batt Whelton Engineering Chief Engineer: Dr Gerard Farrell Assistant Chief Engineers: John McHale Engineers (Grade 1) BJ Campbell; James Casey; Gerard Egan; Cormac O’Donoghue; Anthony O’Sullivan; PJ Shaw; Allen Williams; Engineers (Grade 2) Raphael Crowley; Edwina Forde; Noel Ó Murchú; Paul O’Sullivan

(viii) Research, Food and Codex Co-ordination Division, Specialist Farm Services Environment and Evaluation Division, Crop Policy, Production and Safety Division (Feeding stuffs, Fertiliser, Grain, Seed Certification) Crop Variety Testing, Horticulture and Plant Health, Pesticides Residues and Registration) • • • - - - • - - - • - - • - - • -


Chief Inspector: David Beehan Deputy Chief Inspector: Dermot Ryan Research, Food and Codex Coordination Division Senior Inspector: Richard Howell Agricultural Inspectors: Pamela Byrne; Dale Crammon; Clodagh Byrne Assistant Principal: Carol Howard Nitrates; Biodiversity and Engineering; Senior Inspector Agricultural Inspectors; Bill Callanan Agricultural Inspectors: Robert Leonard; Oliver McEvoy; Thomas Quinlivan; Patricia Torpey Assistant Principal: Tony Reid Crop Policy, Production and Safety Principal Officer: Kevin Cassidy Assistant Principals: Aidan Duane (Agriculture House); Roisin O’Connell; Paul Vickers Feedingstuffs, Fertiliser, Grain and Poultry Senior Inspector: Liam Hyde Agricultural Inspectors: John Canny; Colm O’Bric; Gerry Lohan Crops Evaluation and Certification Senior Inspector: Donal Coleman

Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food

- - - - • - - -

Public Affairs Ireland

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Secretary General Tom Moran

Assistant Secretary: Kevin Smyth

Assistant Secretary: Martin Heraghty

Single Payment Unit/Single Meat and Milk Payment Policy Entitlement Unit/Area Aid/ Disadvantaged Area Scheme/ Special Beef Meat Hygiene Premium and and Animal ByE-Government Productss Services

Assistant Secretary: Aidan O’Driscoll


Economics and Planning

Assistant Secretary: Philip Carroll

Animal Health and Welfare ERAD (Bovine TB and Brucellosis)/ Veterinary Medicines National Beef Assurance Scheme

Integrated Controls Forest Service Administration Forest Service Inspectorate Forest Inventory and Environment Forest Protection and Forest Reproduction Material Forest Schemes

Food Industry Development

Rural Development

Food Safety -North/South Co-operation

Climate Change and Bioenergy

Personnel, Training and Development Accommodation; Archives; Utilities

Assistant Secretary: Michael Bunyan


Information and Communication Technology

Finance Animal Health and Traceability Systems

Internal Audit Unit

Customer Administration, Financials and Fisheries

Agricultural Structures

ISO Projects Health and Safety

Meat Policy - Meat Hygiene and Animal By-Products

Management Services Corporate Affairs/FOI (incorporating Press Office, Irish Language Unit Co-ordination, Enquiry Unit and

Agricultural Environmental and Structures

Legal Services (incorporating Lands; Collection and Records sections)

Direct Payments Scheme

Library), State Bodies,

Export Refunds Beef Controls

- • - - • - -

Assistant Secretary: David Beehan

Seafood Policy & Development

Research, Food Laboratory and Codex Services Co-ordination Administrative Division Unit

Sea Fisheries Administration and Harbour Staff (excluding Industrial)

Aquaculture and Foreshore Management

Food Safety North/ South Co-operation; Animal Product Import;

Agriculture Licences Appeals Board

Equine Measures

Agricultural Inspectors: Gerry Doherty; Daniel Murphy; Seán Gaule; Barry O’Reilly; John Claffery Plant Health and Horticulture: Senior Inspector: Gabriel Roe Agricultural Inspectors: Matthew Clarke; Noreen Cunningham; Barry Delany; Edward Massey; Sheila Nolan Pesticides Registration and Controls: Senior Inspector: Dermot Sheridan Agricultural Inspectors: John Acton; Thomasina Barron; Anne-Marie Dillon; John Harrison; Patricia Hickey; Gordon Rennick; David McGilloway; Tom


IT Financials; Forestry Systems

• - - -


Director of Chief Laboratory Veterinary Services: Officer: Vacant Dan O’Sullivan

Assistant Secretary: Dr. Cecil Beamish

and Supplies; Management;

Unit, Customer Service

Forest Sector Development

Assistant Secretary: Anthony Burke

Nitrates, Biodiversity and Engineering

Veterinary and Public Health Residue Laboratory

Crop Policy, Production and Safety

Bacteriology and Parasitology Laboratory Division

Feedingstuffs, Fertiliser, Grain and Poultry

Virology Laboratory Division

Crops Evaluation and Certification Plant Health and Horticulture Pesticides Registration and Controls Livestock Breeding, Production and Safety

 Dairy Science Laboratory Division Pesticide, Plant Health & Seed Testing Laboratory Division Pathology Laboratory Division Regional Veterinary Laboratories Division

O’Flaherty; Aidan Moody Livestock Breeding, Production and Safety: Senior Inspector: Gerry Greally Agricultural Inspectors: Jim Garvey; James Choiseul; John Joe Byrne Assistant Principals: Emer McGeough; Fintan Deere

Public Affairs Ireland

• • • •

Chief Veterinary Officer: Vacancy Deputy Chief Veterinary Officers: Martin Blake; Michael Sheridan; Martin O’Sullivan Senior Superintending Veterinary Officers: Paula Barry-Walsh; Patrick Brangan; Patrick Flanagan; Margaret Good; John Griffin; William McAteer; David Nolan; Garrett O’Hagan Superintending Veterinary Officers: Cecil Alexander; Patrick Connolly; Marc Cronin; Robert Doyle; Anthony Duignan; Alma Flack; Brian Flaherty; Sally Gaynor; Andrew Guthrie; David Lynch; Peter Maher; John Melville; Peter Mullowney; Joe O’Flaherty; James O’Keefe; Niall Ó Nualláin; Michael Sheahan; Hazel Sheridan; Eddie Teehan; Kilian Unger

(x) Director of Laboratory Services: Dan O’Sullivan -� - - • -� • -� • -� • -� • -� • - • -� •

Head of Veterinary Laboratories: Donal Sammin Head of Agricultural Laboratories: Vacancy Laboratory Services Administrative Unit: Head of Unit: Paul Lynch Veterinary and Public Health Residue Laboratory: Head of Division : Vacancy Bacteriology and Parasitology Laboratory Division : Head of Division: John Egan Virology Laboratory Division: Head of Division: Pat Lenihan Dairy Science Laboratory Division: Head of Division: Nicholas Finnerty. Pesticide, Plant Health & Seed Testing Laboratory Division: Head of Division: Michael Hickey Pathology Laboratory Division: Head of Division: Paul Collery. Regional Veterinary Laboratories Division: Head of Division: Michael Casey.


Agencies and Associated Bodies Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board Kilminchy Court Portlaoise Co. LaoisTel: 057 8667857 Email: Website: Chairperson: Mark O’Connell Secretary: Anne Marie Mahon The Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board was established on 17 June 1998 under Section 22 of the Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1997. As provided for under Section 23 of the Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1997, the Board consists of a Chairperson and six other members who are engaged on a part-time basis. Its function is to provide an independent authority for the determination of appeals against decisions of the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources on aquaculture licence applications.

Bord Bia Clanwilliam Court Lower Mount Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6685155 Fax: 01 6687521 Email: Website: Chairperson: Michael Carey Chief Executive: Aidan Cotter Bord Bia (the Irish Food Board) was established in 1994 by legislation bringing together the former Coras Beostoic agus Feola and the food promotion activities of the Irish Trade Board. It acts as a link between the Irish food production industry and international customers, both existing and potential, and aims to develop export markets for the Irish food and drink sector. It provides suppliers with details of exporters, production, quality standards, health regulations and controls as well as details of new developments in the industry.

Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food

(ix) Inspectorate Service (Veterinary)

Public Affairs Ireland

Bord Iascaigh Mhara


P.O. Box 12 Crofton Road Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin Tel: 01 2144100 Fax: 01 2841123 Email: Website:

The Irish Forestry Board Newtonmountkennedy Co. Wicklow Tel: 01 2011111 Fax: 01 2011199 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Rose McHugh Chief Executive: Jason Whooley Bord Iascaigh Mhara is the Irish State agency with responsibility for developing the Irish Sea Fishing and Aquaculture industries. It was established under the Sea Fisheries Act 1952 and provides a wide range of financial, technical, educational, business, innovation and trade development services for fishermen, processors, fish-farmers, retailers and exporters. Note: Under Budget 2009, the marketing and promotion functions of Bord Iascaigh Mhara have been transferred to An Bord Bia. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published in November 17 2011, Bord Iascaigh Mhara is to be abolished and its function merged into the Department. At the time of publication no firm date had been given.

COFORD Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Arena Road Kildare Street Sandyford Dublin 2 Dublin 18 Tel: 01 2130725; 01 6072487 Fax: 01 6764037 Email: Website: Chairperson: Michael Lynn Coford (formerly the National Council for Forest Research & Development) was established in 1993 and is a non-statutory agency under the aegis of the Department. It is responsible for funding and coordinating research and development projects with the aim of developing the forestry industry through technical innovation and good silvicultural practice. Note: Under Budget 2009, COFORD will be subsumed into the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Chairperson: Brendan McKenna Chief Executive: David Gunning Coillte is a private limited company operating in forestry and related activities on a commercial basis. Established under the Forestry Act 1988, it is coowned by the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Agriculture. Its functions include operating efficient silvicultural practices on a commercial basis, resource management, establishing woodland industries and cooperating with other parties in enhancing the profitable operation of the company.

Horse Sport Ireland Registrations Unit Beech House Millenium Park Osberstown, Naas Co. Kildare Tel: 045 850800 Fax: 045 850850 Email: Website: Chairperson: Joe Walsh Chief Executive: Damian McDonald Horse Sport Ireland was established by then Minister for Art, Sport and Tourism, John O’Donoghue, in order to ensure the promotion and development of an internationally competitive Irish sport horse industry. The agency was established following the acceptance of proposals contained in a report prepared by Mr. Michael Dowling, which recommended new governance structures for horse sport in Ireland. Joe Walsh T.D., Chairman of the Irish Horse Board, was designated the Chairman of the new agency.


Irish National Stud Company Ltd

National Milk Agency

Tully Kildare Co. Kildare Tel: 045 521251 Fax: 045 522129 Email: Website:

IPC House 35-39 Shelbourne Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6603396 Fax: 01 660 3389 E-mail: Website:

Chairperson: Lady O’Reilly Chief Executive: John Osborne The National Irish Stud Company provides facilities, promotion, education and accommodation services to the Irish Bloodstock industry with a view to fostering quality bloodlines. The company also provides support for the tourism industry in Ireland through the provision of visiting facilities and the maintenance of the Japanese Gardens.

Chairperson: Denis Murphy Chief Executive: Muiris Ó Céidigh The National Milk Agency was established by the Oireachtas to regulate the supply of milk for liquid consumption throughout the state in accordance with the provisions of the Milk (Regulation of Supply) Act, 1994. The agency has power of inspection over any premises whereupon which milk is produced, sold, kept or stored for sale, as well as any vehicles used for the conveyance of milk. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published in November 17 2011, the National Milk Agency is to be abolished or its functions are to be merged with Bord Bia. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given.

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Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland

Sea Fisheries Protection Authority Park Road Clogheen Clonakilty Co. Cork Tel: 023 8859300 Fax: 023 8859720 Email: Website: Executive Chairperson: Peter Whelan Board Members: Andrew Kinneen, Michael O’Mahony Senior Managers: Seamus Gallagher, Donal O’Callaghan, Conor O’Shea The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) was established under the Sea-Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Act 2006. It is the authority for the enforcement of Sea-Fisheries Protection and Seafood Safety Legislation on Ireland and throughout Irish territorial waters.

Veterinary Council 53 Lansdowne Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6684402 Fax: 01 6604373 Email: Website: President: Currently Ms Lindy Vaughn. She will be in office until 31st December 2011. A new President will be appointed at first council meeting on 1st January 2012. Registrar: Valerie Beatty The Veterinary Council of Ireland was established under the Veterinary Practice Act 2005. Its principal function is to regulate and manage the practice of veterinary medicine and veterinary nursing in the State in the public interest.

Teagasc Oak Park Carlow Tel: 059 9170200 Fax: 059 9182097 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr. Noel Cawley Director: Prof. Gerry Boyle Teagasc, the agriculture and food development authority, was established in September 1988 under the Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act, 1988. It is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities. The board of Teagasc is appointed by the Minister and has representatives from the farming organisations, the food industry, the universities, the department and Teagasc staff.


Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 15 Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport Introduction • Deliver on the national roads programme as part of the National Development Plan and to implement the Governments roads safety strategy. • Provide a well functioning, integrated public transport system and ensure improved public transport provision by delivering new public transport infrastructure and facilities. • Ensure that aviation practices and procedures comply with best international standards. Promote the development of a vibrant, competitive and progressively regulated aviation sector. Provide adequate airport infrastructure and competitive airport services. • Establish, promote, regulate and enforce maritime safety and security standards. Provide emergency response services and safeguard the maritime environment. The department is also responsible for ports and shipping policy.

• In the sport sector, the department focuses on the formulation, development and evaluation of policy which is implemented primarily by the Irish Sports Council; overseeing major sporting projects such as the development of a sports campus at Abbotstown and the administration of the Sports Capital and the Local Authority Swimming Pool Programmes. • In the tourism sector, the department aims to facilitate the continued development of an economic and environmentally sustainable and spatially balanced tourism industry. The department seeks to achieve this through formulating, monitoring and reviewing a range of supporting policies and programmes, particularly within the framework of the National Development Plan and North/ South Co-operation. The department is also responsible for overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the strategy for Irish Tourism development as set out in the report of the Tourism Policy Review Group published in September 2003.

Core areas of responsibility • National roads programme

• Regulation of aviation practice

• Road safety

and procedures

• Vehicle standards regulation

• Aviation infrastructure

• Road transport operator licensing

• Airport services

• Driver licensing and testing

• Irish Coast Guard

• Provision of new public transport

• Maritime Safety Directorate

• Infrastructure and facilities

• Sports Policy

• Public transport standards regulation

• Sports Capital Projects • Tourism Policy and Development


Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

The mandate of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, which was established following the General Election in 2011 is to:

Public Affairs Ireland


44 Kildare Street Dublin 2 (Office of the Minister and Secretary General, Headquarters, all divisions unless otherwise stated)

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport: Leo Varadkar TD

25 Clare Street Dublin 2 (All Corporate Services divisions) Clonfert House Bridge Street Loughrea Co. Galway (Road Transport Operator Licence Division) Shannon Town Centre Shannon Co. Clare (Vehicle Registration Unit) Leeson Lane Dublin 2 (Irish Coast Guard, Maritime Safety Marine Survey Office, Internal Audit, Road Safety Division, Air Accident Investigation Unit, Public Transport Division, Maritime Transport Division, National Sustainable Transport Office A and B) Main Telephone Number: 01 6707444 LoCall: 1890 443 311 Fax: 01 6709633 Email: Email protocol: Website:

Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6041062 (Department) 01 618 3819 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6041183 (Department) Email: ie Private Secretary: Chris Smith, Email: Press Advisor: Nick Miller Email: Special Advisor: Brian Murphy Email: Policy Advisor: John Carroll Email: Previous party positions: Leo Varadkar was spokesperson on enterprise, trade and employment from 2007 until 2010 and most recently he was spokesperson on communications and energy. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Varadkar was co-opted to Fingal County Council in 2003. He was elected to the council at the 2004 local elections to represent the Castleknock local electoral area. He is a former vice-president of the Youth of the European People’s Party and is an alumnus of the Washington Ireland Program. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Varadkar studied medicine in Trinity College where he earned a BA, BAO, BCh and MB in 2003. Prior to entering politics he worked in several hospitals before opting for a career in General Practice. Electoral History: Deputy Varadkar was first elected to the Dáil following the 2007 general election for the Dublin West constituency.


Public Affairs Ireland Gaeltacht affairs in the 30th Dáil until he became spokesperson on social protection in July 2010. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Ring was a member of the Westport Urban District Council from 1979 to 2003 of which he was chairperson from 1982 to 1983 and 1988 to 1989. He was also a member of Mayo County Council from 1991 to 2003. Education/Previous Occupation: His former occupation was that of an auctioneer. Electoral history: Deputy Ring was first elected to the Dáil in a by-election in 1994 for the Mayo-West constituency. Following a change in constituency boundaries, Deputy Ring has been returned in every election since the 1994 election for the Mayo constituency.

Minister of State: Alan Kelly TD Special Responsibility: Public and commuter transport Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Labour Contact Details for Ministers Office: Tel: 01 6041114 (Department) 01 618 3229 (Dáil) (067 34190 (Constituency) Email: Previous party positions: Deputy Kelly was Labour party spokesperson on tourism and Seanad spokesperson on finance and local government. Previous political roles: Deputy Kelly was a member of the internal market & consumer protection, agriculture & rural development and petitions committees of the European Parliament; and the US–EU Inter-parliamentary delegation. Electoral History: Deputy Kelly was elected to the Dáil for Tipperary North/Offaly South in the February 2011 general election. He was elected as an MEP for the South constituency at the 2009 European Parliament election. In 2007 he was elected to the 23rd Seanad (Agricultural panel).

Opposition Spokespersons

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183514 Constituency: Clare Email: timmy.dooley@

Minister of State: Michael Ring TD Special Responsibility: Tourism and sport Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6041034 (Department) 01 6183738 (Dáil) 098 25734 (Constituency) Fax: 01 6041672 (Department) 098 27644 (Constituency) Email: Previous committee positions: Between 1994 and 1997, Deputy Ring was a member of the following Oireachtas committees: the joint services committee; joint Oireachtas committee on women’s rights; and the select Oireachtas committee on enterprise and economic strategy. Between 2002 and 2007, he was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on health and children and during the 30th Dáil until July 2010, a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on arts, sport, tourism, community, equality and Gaeltacht affairs. He then became a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on social protection until the end of the 30th Dáil. Previous party positions: Deputy Ring was spokesperson for agriculture from 1997 to 2000, for health from 2000 to 2002,social and family affairs from 2002-2004 and for community, rural and

Sinn Féin: Dessie Ellis TD (Transport and Housing) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183006 Constituency: Dublin North

West Email:

Sinn Féin: Sandra McLellan TD (Arts, Heritage, Tourism and Sport) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183122 Constituency: Cork East Email:


Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Fianna Fáil: Timmy Dooley TD

Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

the development of Gaeltacht areas. The Committee conducts inquiries into areas of current interest within its remit. At the end of an inquiry, the Committee will usually produce a report setting out its findings and making recommendations to the Government.

Joint Committee on Environment, Transport, Culture and the Gaeltacht This Committee shadows the activities of the Departments of: • Environment, Community and Local Government; • Transport, Tourism and Sports; and • Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.

Clerk to the Committee Eugene Ó Cruadhlaoich/Sinead Quinn Email:, Telephone: 01 618 3575 / 3102

This Committee covers important areas of public policy in the fields of transport, the environment, culture and the Gaeltacht, including: achieving balanced regional development; environmental protection; addressing climate change; managing national and local transport issues; and promoting

Members Deputies:

Tony McLoughlin

Fine Gael

James Bannon

Fine Gael

Catherine Murphy


Paudie Coffey

Fine Gael

Gerald Nash


Niall Collins

Fianna Fail

Patrick O’Donovan

Noel Coonan

Fine Gael

Brian Stanley

Sinn Féin

Marcella Corcoran Kennedy Fine Gael

Robert Troy

Fianna Fáil

Clare Daly

United Left

Brian Walsh

Fine Gael

Timmy Dooley

Fianna Fail

Dessie Ellis

Sinn Féin


Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan


Eamonn Coghlan


Terence Flanagan

Fine Gael

Cáit Keane

Fine Gael

Kevin Humphreys


Denis Landy


Seán Kenny


Catherine Noone

Fine Gael

Ciarán Lynch


Labhrás Ó’Murchú

Fianna Fáil

Sandra McLellan

Sinn Féin

Ned O’Sullivan

Fianna Fáil


Public Affairs Ireland

Tel: 01 6183666 Email: ciaran.lynch@ Deputy Lynch is the Cork Central West representative since 2007 and was part of the Labour Party’s National election committee for local and European elections in 2009. He was a member of the previous Select and Joint committees on environment, heritage and local government. Previous to this Deputy Lynch was involved in the Cork City and County Council Joint committee for three years. He was educated at University College Cork and Waterford Institute of Technology.

The Department Secretary General: Tom O’Mahony Appointed: June 2009 Private Secretary: Kay Killian Contact details for Secretary General’s office: Tel: 01 6041348

Previous positions: Tom O’Mahony was appointed Secretary General of the Department of Transport in June 2009. The Department was renamed the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport in April 2011 to reflect its expanded functions. Mr O’Mahony’s previous post was Assistant Secretary of the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government. His responsibilities as head of the environment division included climate change policy and sustainable development. He has also worked in the Departments of Health, Finance and Agriculture. Education/ Qualifications: He holds Master’s Degrees in Economics (UCD) and Public Sector Analysis (TCD).

Departmental Divisions (i) Land Transport Sector and Investment, Aviation Sector, Sustainable Travel, Internal Audit The structure of the division is • Assistant Secretary: John Fearon • Public Transport Division - Principal Officer: Liam Daly • Transport Investment Division: - Principal Officer: Doreen Keaney - Principal Advisor: Dominic Mullaney • Airports Division - Principal Officer: Mary Dunning • Aviation Services and Security Division - Principal Officer: Ethna Brogan - Assistant Principals: James Lavelle, Austin Cunningham, Seamus Ryan, Derek Rafferty • National Sustainable Travel Office Area A - Senior Advisor: Laura Behan • National Sustainable Travel Office Area B - Senior Advisor: John McCarthy • Internal Audit - Assistant Principal: Ciaran Whelan

(ii) Maritime Sector, National Driver File, Freight and Logistics Policy Maritime is split into two sections: the Maritime Safety Directorate (which is made up of the Maritime Safety and Marine Environment Division, the Marine Survey Office and the Mercantile Marine Office) and the Irish Coast Guard. The National Driver and Vehicle File is based in Shannon. The Freight and Logistics Policy Division is located in Dublin and in Loughrea. The structure of the division is • Assistant Secretary: Maurice Mullen • Maritime Safety Policy Division - Principal Officer: Martin Diskin - Assistant Principals: Ann Cody; Eilis O’Connor; Edwina O’Leary; Kieron McCann • Marine Survey Office (incl. Marine Radio Affairs Unit) - Chief Surveyor: Brian Hogan - Deputy Chief Surveyor: James Snelgrove • Irish Coast Guard - Director: Chris Reynolds - Deputy Directors: Gerard Smullen, Eugene Clonan • Maritime Transport Division - Principal Officer: Mary Lally • Freight and Logistic Policy Division - Principal Officer: Eilish Kennedy


Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Chairperson: Ciarán Lynch TD (Labour)

Public Affairs Ireland • Driver and Vehicle Computer Division - Principal Officer: Gerry O’Malley


(iii) Transport Investment, Road Safety, Corporate Services and Agency Restructuring, The structure of the division is • Assistant Secretary: Dermot McCarthy • Air Accident Investigation Unit - Chief Aeronautical Officer: Jurgen Whyte • Agency Restructuring - Assistant Principal: Liam Keogh • Road Safety and Motor Insurance - Principal Officer: Maurice Treacy • Permanent Representation Brussels - Principal Officer: Michael Harper • Information Services Division - Principal Officer: Marv Nic Lochlainn • Finance Division - Principal Officer: Fintan Towey • Legal Services Division: Secretary General - Legal Advisor: Michael Dreelan

(v) Sport 1 The Sports Capital Programme is responsible for administration of subhead C1, C2 and C5; administration of sports capital programme, Lansdowne Road Stadium, administration of local authority swimming pools programme. • Assistant Secretary: Donagh Morgan • Principal Officer: Sylvester Carruth • Assistant Principals: Conor Falvey; Michael Moore (Sports Capital); John M. O’Donoghue (LASPP)

(vi) Sports 2 Sports 2 has responsibility for Irish sports council legislation; Irish Institute of Sport; Coaching Ireland; International Relations – EU, Council of Europe, WADA. National Sports Facilities Strategy; Audit of Local Sports Facilities; London 2012; Morton Stadium; Volunteers Awards Scheme; North/South Issues; Code of Practice for Safety at Sports Grounds; Liaison with Irish Sports Council; administration of subheads C3 and C6; Preparation of Speeches, Briefs and PQs. • Assistant Secretary: Donagh Morgan • Principal Officer: Tim Scully • Assistant Principals: Orlaith Gleeson (Irish Sports Co. etc); Carol O’Reilly (NSFS etc); Betty

Griffin (Sports Council) • Human Resources Division: - Principal Officer: Jean Kelly

(vii) Tourism Development, Policy and Governance Coordination Division, Internal Audit The Tourism Development Policy Unit has responsibility for reviewing and facilitating the delivery mechanisms for State support for tourism as well as facilitating and reviewing the use of public funds for Human Resource (HR), enterprise and product development in the tourism sector. • Assistant Secretary: Paul Bates • Principal Officer: John Kelly • Assistant Principals: Donal Hannigan; Bernard O’Shea

(viii) Tourism Marketing Policy and Impact Assessment The main functions of the Tourism Marketing Unit are to develop, monitor and review the overall policy framework for tourism marketing and to coordinate departmental policy input in relation to the EU, North-South and East-West Co-operation. The highlevel objective of the Impact Assessment Unit is to contribute to the formulation, implementation and review of Government policy as it impacts on tourism to ensure that sustainable and competitive tourism optimises the economic and social benefits to the State. Specifically, the unit is involved in tourism marketing and promotion policy; North-South and British-Irish coordination; EU coordination; and impact assessment. • Assistant Secretary: Paul Bates • Principal Officer: Ray O’Leary • Assistant Principals: Gerri O’Sullivan; Noel Sheahan • Policy and Governance Coordination Division - Assistant Secretary: Paul Bates • Policy and Governance Coordination Division - Principal Officer: Eddie Burke


Public Affairs Ireland

The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Legal Services Division

Secretary General: Tom O’Mahony

Assistant Secretary: Maurice Mullen

Assistant Secretary: Dermot McCarthy

Assistant Secretary: John Fearon

Assistant Secretary: Donagh Morgan

Assistant Secretary: Donagh Morgan

Assistant Secretary: Paul Bates

Maritime Safety Policy Division

Air Accident Investigation Unit

Public Transport Division

Sport 1

Sports 2

Tourism Marketing Policy and Impact Assessment

Marine Survey Office (incl. Marine Radio Affairs Unit)

Agency Restructuring

Transport Investment Division

Irish Coast Guard

Road Safety and Motor Insurance

Airports Division

Maritime Transport Division

Freight and Logistic Policy Division

Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division

Permanent Representation Brussels Information Services Division

Finance Division

Aviation Services and Security Division

National Sustainable Travel Office Area A

National Sustainable Travel Office Area B


Human Resources Division

Tourism Development, Policy and Governance Coordination Division, Internal Audit Policy and Governance Coordination Division

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Internal Audit

Public Affairs Ireland

Agencies and Associated Bodies Commission for Aviation Regulation 3rd Floor Alexandra House Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6611700 Fax: 01 6611269 Email: Website: Commissioner: Cathal Guiomard The Commission for Aviation Regulation was established on February 27 2001 under the Aviation Regulation Act, 2001.The principal function of the Commission for Aviation Regulation is to regulate airport charges and air traffic control charges at Irish airports, which have an annual throughput of in excess of one million passengers. The Commission also has responsibility for slot allocation at Dublin Airport, licensing of air carriers under EU regulations, regulation of the ground-handling market and licensing of travel agents and tour operators. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published on November 17 2011, the Commission for Aviation Regulation is to be amalgamated with the Irish Aviation Authority. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.

Córas Iompair Éireann Heuston Station Dublin 8 Tel: 01 7032008 Fax: 01 7032276 Website: Chairperson: Ms Vivienne Jupp Chief Executive (Iarnród Éireann): Dick Fearn Chief Executive (Bus Éireann): Martin Nolan Chief Executive (Bus Átha Cliath): Paddy Doherty Managing Director (Bus Átha Cliath): Paddy Doherty Córas Iompair Éireann is the main authority for the provision of public transport within the State. The three companies operating with CIÉ are Iarnród Éireann, Bus Éireann and Bus Átha Cliath.

Dublin Airport Authority Head Office Dublin Airport Co. Dublin Tel: 01 8141111 Email: Chief Executive: Declan Collier DAA’s principal activities include the operation and management of Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports and global airport retailing through our subsidiary Aer Rianta International (ARI). The company is State-owned, headquartered at Dublin Airport, and employs 3,000 people. Group turnover in 2010 was €558 million. Cork Airport Tel: 021 4313131 Director: Pat Keohane Shannon Airport Tel: 061 712000 Director: Mary Considine

Fáilte Ireland (the National Tourism Development Authority) 88/95 Amiens Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8847700 LoCall: 1890 525 525 Fax: 01 8556821 E-mail: Website: (Corporate); (Consumer) Chairperson: Redmond O’ Donoghue Chief Executive: Shaun Quinn Fáilte Ireland (the National Tourism Development Authority) was established under the National Tourism Development Authority Act 2003 to guide and promote tourism as a leading indigenous component of the Irish economy. It provides strategic and practical support to develop and sustain Ireland as a high-quality and competitive tourist destination, its mission being “To increase the contribution of tourism to the economy by facilitating the development of a competitive and profitable tourism industry.” Fáilte Ireland works in partnership with Tourism Ireland (who promote Ireland as a holiday destination to overseas markets) and the Northern Ireland Tourist Board (responsible for tourism development and marketing in Northern Ireland.


Public Affairs Ireland

Irish Aviation Authority

Marine Casualty Investigation Board

The Times Building 11-12 D’Olier Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6718655 Fax: 01 6792934 Email: Website:

Leeson Lane Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6783485 Fax: 01 6783493 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Anne Nolan Chief Executive: Eamonn Brennan The IAA was established under the Irish Aviation Authority Act, 1993. It is responsible for the provision of air traffic management services in Irish-controlled airspace and for the safety regulation of the Irish civil aviation industry. The safety regulatory functions include; certifying and registering aircraft airworthiness; licensing personnel and organisations involved in aircraft maintenance; licensing pilots, air traffic controllers and aerodromes and approving and monitoring air carrier operating standards. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Irish Aviation Authority is to be amalgamated with the Commission for Aviation Regulation. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.

Chairperson: John G. O’Donnell The Marine Casualty Investigation Board (MCIB) was established on June 5 2002 under Section 7(1) of the Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Casualties) Act, 2000. Its function is to investigate marine casualties that take place in Irish waters or involve Irish registered vessels; the main purpose of those investigations being to establish the cause(s) of a marine casualty with a view to making recommendations to the Minister for Transport for the avoidance of similar marine casualties. Note: Under Budget 2009, the board will be amalgamated with the Air Accident Investigation Unit (Department of Transport) and the Railway Accident Investigation Unit (Railway Safety Commission)

Irish Sports Council

Department of Forensic Medicine UCD Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4781723 Fax: 01 4781103 Email:

Top Floor Block A Westend Office Park Blanchardstown Dublin 15 Tel: 01 8608800 Fax: 01 8608880 Email: Website:

National Roads Authority St. Martin’s House Waterloo Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6602511 Fax: 01 6680009 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Kieran Mulvey Chief Executive: John Treacy The Irish Sports Council’s mandate comes from the Irish Sports Council Act, 1999. This gives the Council’s six key functions as encouraging the promotion, development and co-ordination of competitive sport; developing strategies for increasing participation in recreational sport and co-ordinating their implementation by all Irish bodies involved in promoting recreational sport and providing recreational sport facilities; facilitating good standards of conduct and fair play in both competitive and recreational sport, combating doping in sport; initiating and encouraging research concerning competitive or recreational sport; facilitating research and disseminating information concerning competitive or recreational sport. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, legislation, to be published in 2012, will enable the merger of the Irish Sports Council with the National Sports Campus Development Authority in 2013.

Chairperson: Peter Malone Chief Executive: Fred Barry The National Roads Authority was formally established as an independent statutory body under the Roads Act, 1993. The Authority’s primary function is ‘to secure the provision of a safe and efficient network of national roads’ and it has overall responsibility for planning and supervision of construction and maintenance works on Irish roads. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the National Roads Authority is to be amalgamated with the Railway Procurement Agency. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.


Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Medical Bureau of Road Safety

Public Affairs Ireland

National Sports Campus Development Authority I.I.S. Building National Sports Campus Abbotstown Dublin 15 Tel: 01 8097300 Fax: 01 8097336 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dan Flinter Chief Executive: Barry O’Brien The National Sports Campus Development Authority (NSCDA) was established on a statutory basis to succeed in function and responsibility Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Company Ltd. (CSID). The Authority will continue the role of overseeing the planning and development of the National Sports Campus at Abbotstown, and also has responsibility for the operation of the National Aquatic Centre, which is the first element of the Campus. NSCDA has also refurbished buildings on the Campus to accommodate the headquarters of the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) and the Irish Institute of Sport (IIS). Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, legislation, to be published in 2012, will enable the merger of the National Sports Campus Development Authority with the Irish Sports Council in 2013.

National Transport Authority Dún Scéine Harcourt Lane Dublin 2 Tel: 01 879 8300 Fax: 01 879 8333 Email: Website: Chairperson: John Fitzgerald Chief Executive: Gerry Murphy The National Transport Authority (NTA) is a State body set up under statute in 2009. The role and functions of the NTA are set out in two Acts of the Oireachtas: the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008 and the Public Transport Regulation Act 2009. The NTA has a national role for licensing bus routes, as well as a wider role for the greater Dublin area, which includes promoting an integrated public transport network. The NTA took over the role of the Dublin Transportation Office which was abolished in 2009. Note: The functions of the Commission for taxi Regulation have been also been transferred to the NTA since 2009.

Railway Procurement Agency Parkgate Business Centre Parkgate Street Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6463400 Fax: 01 6463401 Email: Website: Chairperson: Tom Mulcahy Chief Executive Officer: Frank Allen The Railway Procurement Agency was established as an independent statutory body under the Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act, 2001. It is responsible for providing and/or securing the provision of such light railway and metro infrastructure as may be determined from time to time by the Minister for Transport. It is also responsible for monitoring and publishing regular reports on the safety of the infrastructure. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Railway Procurement Agency is to be amalgamated with the National Roads Authority. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.

Railway Safety Commission Trident House Blackrock County Dublin Tel: 01 2068110 Email: Website: Commissioner for Railway Safety: Gerald Beesley Established under the Railway Safety Act 2005, the Commission has responsibility for matters of railway and cableway safety on passenger-carrying systems and freight-carrying systems where they interface with public roads. Its principal functions are to foster and encourage railway safety, to enforce the Railway Safety Act 2005 and any other legislation relating to railway safety and to investigate and report on railway incidents. Note: Under Budget 2009, the Railway Accident Investigation Unit (Railway Safety Commission) will be amalgamated with the Air Accident Investigation Unit (Department of Transport) and the Marine Casualty Investigation Board. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Railway Safety Comission is to be amalgamated with the Road Safety Authority and the Maritime Safety Directorate as part of establishing a single transport safety body. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.


Public Affairs Ireland

Road Safety Authority

The following also fall under the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport:

Moy Valley Business Park Primrose Hill Ballina Co. Mayo LoCall: 1890 406040 Email: Website:

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Chairperson: Gay Byrne Chief Executive Officer: Noel Brett The Road Safety Authority was formally established on September 1 2006. Its principal functions include road safety promotion, accident and road safety research, vehicle standards, driver testing and licensing, registration of driver instructors, road haulage enforcement functions, driver vocational training and compulsory basic training for motorcyclists. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published on November 17 2011, the Road Safety Authority is to be amalgamated with the Railway Safety Comission and the Maritime Safety Directorate as part of establishing a single transport safety body. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.

Arklow Harbour Baltimore and Skibbereen Harbour Bantry Bay Harbour Drogheda Port Company Dublin Port Company Dún Laoghaire Harbour Company Galway Harbour Company Kinsale Harbour New Ross Port Company Port of Waterford Company Shannon Foynes Port Company Wicklow Port Company

Tourism Ireland Ltd Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Republic of Ireland Office 5th Floor Bishop’s Square Redmond’s Hill Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4763400 Fax: 01 4763666 Email: Website: Northern Ireland Office 2 Beresford Road Coleraine Northern Ireland BT52 1GE Tel: +44 2870 359200 Fax: +44 2870 326932 Email: Website: Chairperson: Ann Riordan Chief Executive: Niall Gibbons Established under the framework of the Good Friday Agreement 1998, Tourism Ireland works with the two tourist boards on the island (Fáilte Ireland and the Northern Ireland Tourist Board) who are responsible for product and enterprise development and marketing to tourism consumers within the island of Ireland. The company is responsible for all-Ireland destination marketing and the delivery of regional and promotion activity on behalf of Bord Fáilte, the Northern Irish Tourist Board and the overseas office network.


Public Affairs Ireland



Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 16 Department of Health Introduction


The Department of Health was created in 1947, with Dr. James Ryan becoming the first Minister. From 1997 to 2011, the Department was titled Health and Children. However, following the General Election in 2011, responsibility for children was transferred to a new Department of Children and Youth Affairs

Department of Health Hawkins House Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6354000 LoCall: 1890 200 311 Fax: 01 6354001 Email: Email protocol: Website:

The department’s statement is:



“to improve the health and well-being of people in Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery, and high performance.”

Core areas of responsibility •

Health policy formulation

Providing direction to national health priorities

Monitoring and evaluation of performance

Providing regulatory framework for health services

Providing effective stewardship over health resources

Planning to improve governance of health system

Fulfilling obligations in relation to international organisations


Department of Health

The Department of Health’s statutory role is to support the Minister in the formulation and evaluation of policies for the health services. It also has a role in the strategic planning of health services. This is carried out in conjunction with the Health Service Executive, voluntary service providers, Government departments and other interested parties.

Public Affairs Ireland

Minister for Health

Ministers of State

Minister for Health: Dr James Reilly TD Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Fine Gael Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6354362 (Department);

01 6183749 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6714508 (Department) Email: minister’; Private Secretary: Stephen Doran Email: Special Advisor: Sean Faughnan Email: Press Advisor: Mark Costigan Email:

Other current positions: Deputy Reilly is deputy leader of Fine Gael. He is also an Irish member of the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly. Previous committee positions: Deputy Reilly was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on health and children during the 30th Dáil. Previous party positions: He became spokesperson on health in 2007 and then also deputy leader of Fine Gael in July 2010. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Reilly served on the former Eastern Health Board and was chairperson of its community care committee and psychiatric hospitals and mental health committee. He also served on the Eastern Regional Health Authority and the Northern Area Health Board. He is an Irish member of the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly. Education/Previous Occupation: Deputy Reilly was educated at the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, received a MMedSc from University College, Dublin and worked as a general medical practitioner. He was also President of the Irish Medical Organisation prior to his election. Electoral history: Deputy Reilly was first elected to the Dáil in 2007 for the Dublin North constituency and was re-elected in 2011.

Minister of State: Kathleen Lynch TD Special Responsibility: Disability, equality, mental health and older people Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Labour Party Contact details for the Minister’s office: Tel: 01 6354426 (Department); 01 6184034 (Dáil); 021 4399930 (Constituency) Fax: 021 4304358(Constituency) Email:; Private Secretary: Adrian McLaughlin Email: Previous committee memberships: Deputy Lynch was a member of the committee on enterprise and small business from 2002 to 2006; a member of the committee on justice, equality, defence and women’s rights from 2002 to 2007; and a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on health and children in the 30th Dáil. Previous party positions: She was previously convener for the labour party. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Lynch was elected to Cork Corporation in 1985 as a member of the Workers Party. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Lynch has always been a full-time public representative. Electoral history: Deputy Lynch was first elected to the Dáil in 1994 following a by-election in the Cork North-Central constituency with the Democratic Left party and remained a member until 1997. She was re-elected to the Dáil in 2002. .


Public Affairs Ireland

Opposition Spokespersons

Minister of State: Róisín Shortall TD Special Responsibility: Primary care Appointed: March 2011 Political party: Labour Party Contact details for the

Fianna Fáil: Billy Kelleher TD

Minister’s Office: Tel: 01 6354769 (Department) 01 6183593 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6354765 (Department) Email: Private Secretary: Michael Corban Email: Press Secretary: Paul Cassidy Email: Adviser: David Cooper Tel: 01 6354764 Email: Special advisor: Maev-Ann Wren

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183219 Constituency: Cork North Central Email: billy.kelleher@

Sinn Féin: Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD (Health and Children) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183005 Constituency: Cavan Monaghan Email: caoimhghín.ocaolain@

Department of Health

Previous committee memberships: Deputy Shortall was a member of the committee on transport in the 29th Dáil and a member of the public accounts committee and the joint Oireachtas committee on social and family affairs in the 30th Dáil. Previous party positions: Deputy Shortall was formerly spokesperson on education and children from 1997 to 2002; spokesperson on transport from 2003 to 2007; and spokesperson on social and family affairs from 2007 until 2011. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Shortall was elected to Dublin City Council in 1991, and remained a member until 2003. She served as chairperson of the Eastern Health Board from 1996 until 1998. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Shortall was educated at University College, Dublin and St. Mary’s College of Education, Marino and she worked as a teacher for the deaf before becoming involved in politics in 1991. Electoral history: Deputy Shortall was first elected to the Dáil in 1992, and retained her seat in every election since as a representative for the Dublin North-West constituency.


Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

Clerk to the Committee Patricia Doran Email: Telephone: 01 6183147

Chairperson Jerry Buttimer TD (Fine Gael)

Joint Committee on Health and Children This Committee – and the select Committees of Dáil and Seanad Eireann of which it is made – has the power to consider: • Legislation proposed by the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs during the Committee stage; • Spending by these Departments; • Matters of policy for which each Minister is officially responsible; • Public affairs administered by the Department; • Policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department; and • Statutory instruments and EU legislation.

Tel: 01 6183380 Email: jerry.buttimer@ Deputy Buttimer was elected to the Seanad in 2007 during which time he was the spokepseron on community, rural and Gaeltacht affairs. He was first elected to the Dáil in 2011. Deputy Buttimer was previously a secondary school teacher and Director of Adult Education at Ballincollig Community School.

Members Deputies: Jerry Buttimer

Fine Gael

Charlie McConalogue

Fianna Fail

Catherine Byrne

Fine Gael

Mattie McGrath


Michael Colreavy

Sinn Féin

Denis Naughten

Fine Gael

Ciara Conway


Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin

Sinn Féin

Regina Doherty

Fine Gael


Robert Dowds


Colm Burke

Fine Gael

Peter Fitzpatrick

Fine Gael

John Crown


Seamus Healy

United Left

David Cullinane

Sinn Féin

Derek Keating

Fine Gael

John Gilroy


Billy Kelleher

Fianna Fail

Imelda Henry

Fine Gael

Eamonn Maloney


Marc Mac Sharry

Fianna Fáil

Jillian Van Turnhout



Public Affairs Ireland

Secretary General: Michael Scanlan Appointed: April 2005 Private Secretary: Rachael O’Donoghue Contact details for Secretary General’s office: Tel: 01 6354361 Previous positions: Michael Scanlan joined the civil service as an executive officer in 1973. He spent most of his career in the former Department of the Public Service and in the Department of Finance. He was an assistant secretary from 2000 to 2005 with responsibility for overall public expenditure policy, expenditure aspects of the Sustaining Progress social partnership agreement and the Government’s decentralisation programme. Previously, he was secretary to the “Gleeson” and “Buckley” review bodies on public sector remuneration. Education: Templeogue College, Dublin.

(ii) Special Delivery Unit - Chief Operating Officer: Tony O’Brien - Principal Officer: Simonetta Ryan - Assistant Principal: Kieran Smith

(iii) Office for Disability, Mental Health Established in January 2008, this office is responsible for the development of national policy surrounding mental health issues and the provision of services to people with disabilities. It will focus on supporting implementation of the health sectoral plan under the Disability Act and driving implementation of the recommendations in A Vision for Change and Reach Out. The office will also monitor and evaluate the implementation of the multi annual investment programme (€900m from 2006 to 2009) for people with a disability. The structure of the office is: • • - -

Departmental Divisions

• - -

(i) Acute Hospitals, Cancer Services and Associated Services Division

• - -

The core functions of this division are to monitor, evaluate and report on delivery of acute hospital services by HSE/NHO nationally, including issues in relation to accident and emergency, contaminated blood products, and cancer strategy. The structure of the division is • Assistant Secretary: Dr. Fergal Lynch • Acute Hospitals - Principal Officer: Charles Hardy - Assistant Principals: Gregory Canning; Caroline Kelly; Ross Hattaway • Cancer and Blood Policy - Principal Officer: Mary Jackson - Assistant Principals: Patsy Carr; Maeve O’Brien • Private Health Insurance - Principal Officer: Dermot Ryan - Assistant Principals: Grainne Duffy; Eddie O’Reilly; Roisin Cahillane

Director: Bairbre NicAongusa Disability Principal Officer: Colm Desmond Assistant Principals: Brian Dowling; Harry Harris;; Gabrielle Jacob; Ann McGrane; Gerry Steadman Mental Health Principal Officer: Luke Mulligan Assistant Principals: Sandra Walsh; Joan Regan; Gerry Steadman Disability Appeals Office Disability Appeals Officer: Teresa Dykes Assistant Principal: Eileen Duffy

(iv) Finance, Performance Evaluation, Information, EU/ International, Research and Resource Allocation, External/ Internal ICT The structure of this division is • Assistant Secretary: Vacancy • Finance 1 - Principal Officers: David Smith - Assistant Principals: Fiona Prendergast; Helen Minogue; Tony O’Reilly - Professional Accountant: Eunan Watters • External/Internal ICT - Principal Officer: Kevin Conlon - Assistant Principal: John Wright • Information - Senior Statistician: Hugh Magee - Assistant Principal: Aidan Clancy - Statistician: Alan Cahill; Kevin Keady


Department of Health

The Department

Public Affairs Ireland • Capital, EU/International & Research Policy - Principal Officer: Audrey Hagarty - Assistant Principals: Christina MacCarthy; Pamela Carter; Lousie Kenny • Performance Evaluation - Principal Officer: Tracey Conroy - Assistant Principal: Tony Flynn; Robert Deegan • Resource Allocation - Principal Officer: Laura McGarrigle - Assistant Principal: Robert Murphy; Emer Brady

(v) National Human Resources and Workforce Planning This division is responsible for national health strategy, as well as planning with regard to pay and conditions for nurses, doctors, and dentists. The structure of the division is • Assistant Secretary: Frances Spillane • Professional Regulation Unit - Principal Officer: Deirdre Walsh - Assistant Principals: Paul Flanagan; Geraldine Kelly; Catherine McManus • Workforce Planning, Agency Governance and Clinical Indemnity Unit - Principal Officer: Chris Fitzgerald - Assistant Principals: Kara Prole; Kieran Duffy; Brendan Murphy; Pat Clifford • National HR Unit - Principal Officer: Fergal Goodman - Assistant Principals: Sorcha Murray; Eilish Timoney; Paddy Barrett; Keith Comiskey

(vi) Parliamentary, Corporate Affairs and Corporate Legislation Unit As well as Parliamentary Affairs – including legislation, Parliamentary Questions, and Committees – this division also has responsibility for the corporate management of the Department, including HR, ICT and communications. The structure of the division is: • Assistant Secretary: Bernard Carey • Corporate Development - Principal Officer: Barry Murphy (Personnel Officer) - Assistant Principal: Sean McCormack • Human Resources - Principal Officer: Barry Murphy (Personnel Officer) - Assistant Principals: John Dolan; Michael Smith; Eileen Duffy • Business Support and Development - Principal Officer: Barry Murphy - Assistant Principal: Mary O’Reilly

• Corporate Legislation Unit - Principal Officer: Bernadette Ryan - Assistant Principals: Peter Lennon; Lara Hynes; Margaret McDonnell • Legal Unit - Legal Advisors: Angela O’Floinn; Kathy Skelly; Wesley Farrell - Internal Audit: Jane Craig • Parliamentary Affairs, Communications & FOI Units - Principal Officer: Larry O’Reilly - Assistant Principals: Derek McCormack; Paul Howard; Roisin Heuston

(vii) Primary Care, Demand-Led Schemes, Food Safety, Medicines and Controlled Drugs, Eligibility • • - - - • - - • - - • - - - • - - • - -


Assistant Secretary: Paul Barron Food Safety, Medicines, Medical Devices Principal Officer: John Keegan Assistant Principals: David Maguire; Gerry McMahon Chief Environmental Officer: Siobhan McEvoy Primary Care Principal Officer: Teresa Cody Assistant Principals: Chris Kane; Bernadette McDonnell; Tommy Wilson Eligibility Unit Principal Officer: Matthew Collins Assistant Principals: Patrick Creedon; Tom Monks Medicines, Pharmacy Regulation and Controlled Drugs Unit Chief Pharmacist: Marita Kinsella Pharmacist: Noreen Quinn Assistant Principals: Mary Dowling; Eddie Quigley; Siobhan Kennan Drugs Programmes Unit Principal Officer: Susan Scally Assistant Principals: Marie Mc Bride; Marie Dempsey Drugs Policy Unit Principal Officer: Michael Conroy Assistant Principals: Dairearca Ní Neill; Brendan Ryan

Public Affairs Ireland

The Department of Health Secretary General Michael Scanlan

Director: Bairbre NicAongusa

Assistant Secretary: Vacant

Acute Hospitals, Cancer Services and Associated Services Division

Office for Disability and Mental Health

Acute Hospitals


Finance, Performance Evaluation, Information, EU/ International and Resource Allocation, External/ Internal ICT

Cancer and Blood Policy

Mental Health


External/ Internal ICT Private Health Insurance

Disability Appeals Office Information

Capital, EU/ International & Research Policy

Assistant Secretary: Frances Spillane National Human Resources and Workforce Planning

Professional Regulation Unit

Workforce Planning, Agency Governance and Clinical Indemnity Unit

Assistant Secretary: Bernard Carey

Assistant Secretary: Paul Barron

Resource Allocation

Director: Noel Usher

Chief operating officer

Parliamentary, Primary Care, Corporate Demand-Led Affairs and Schemes, Corporate Food Safety, Legislation Medicines Unit and Controlled Drugs, Tobacco Control, Corporate Eligibility Development:

Human Resources

Business Support and Development

National HR Unit

Office of the Office for Special chief medical Older People Delivery Unit officer, including health protection and promotion policy, patient safety and Services for quality, social Older People inclusion and bioethics & Tobacco control Food Safety, Long Stay Medicines, Charges Unit Medical Devices & Tobacco Patient Safety Control & Quality Strategy Unit Development Unit

Primary Care Corporate Legislation Unit Eligibility Unit Legal Unit

Performance Evaluation

Chief Medical Officer: Dr Tony Holohan

Parliamentary Affairs, Communications & FOI Units

Medicines, Pharmacy Regulation and Controlled Drugs Unit

Health Promotion & tobacco control Unit

Health Protection Unit

Social Inclusion

Bioethics Unit


Disability Litigation

Department of Health

Assistant Secretary: Dr. Fergal Lynch

Public Affairs Ireland

(viii) Office of the Chief Medical Officer, including Health Protection and Promotion Policy, Patient Safety and Quality, Social Inclusion and Bioethics and Tobacco Control • Chief Medical Officer: Dr Tony Holohan • Deputy Chief Medical Officers: Dr Colette Bonner; Dr Eibhlín Connolly; Dr John Devlin; Dr Jennifer Martin • Patient Safety & Quality Unit - Deputy CMO: Dr Eibhlín Connolly - Assistant Principals: Susan Reilly; Eithne Barron; Robbie Breen • Health Promotion Unit & Tobacco Control Unit - Deputy CMO: Dr John Devlin - Assistant Principals: Sandra Barnes; Liam Mc Cormack; Dilly O’Brien; - Nutrition Policy Advisor: Ursula O’Dwyer • Health Protection Unit - Principal Officer: Dora Hennessy - Assistant Principal: Nuala O’Reilly • Social Inclusion - Principal Officer: Geraldine Luddy - Assistant Principals: Tim McCarthy; Alessandra Fantini • Bioethics Unit - Chief Bioethics Officer: Dr Siobhan O’Sullivan - Bioethics Officers: Emily deGrae, Paul Ivory - Chief Nursing Officer: Sheila O’Malley

(ix) Office for Older People • • - - • - - • - - • -

Director: Noel Usher Services for Older People Principal Officer: Geraldine Fitzpatrick Assistant Principals: Michael Murchan; Angela Noonan; Patricia Lee Long Stay Charges Unit Principal Officer: Chris Costello Assistant Principals: Alison Keogh; Ciarán O’ Maoileoin Strategy Development Unit Principal Officer: Marie Kennedy Assistant Principal: Ronan Toomey Disability Litigation Assistant Principal: Ciarán O Maoileoin

Agencies and Associated Bodies An Bord Altranais 18/20 Carysfort Avenue Blackrock Co. Dublin Tel: 01 6398500 Fax: 01 6358595 Email: Website: President: Ann Carrigy Chief Executive: Dr Maura Pidgeon The main functions of the Board are to maintain the register of nurses in Ireland and to give guidance to the nursing profession generally on all matters relating to ethical conduct and behaviour. The Board is also obliged to carry out such functions as may be assigned to it from time to time by the Minister for Health and Children in relation to any directive or regulation affecting the practice of nursing and the persons engaged in such practice. The Board promotes high standards of professional education, training and practice and professional conduct among nurses and midwives.

Bord na Radharcmhastóirí (The Opticians Board) 18 Fitzwilliam Square Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6767416 Fax: 01 6621051 Email: Website: President: Mairéad Shields Registrar: M. O’Donnell Established under the Opticians Acts, 1956 and 2003, the board is the regulatory body for optometrists and dispensing opticians. It is an offence for anyone other than a registered optometrist (or registered medical practitioner) to prescribe spectacles. Registered dispensing opticians may dispense spectacles prescribed by registered optometrists (or registered medical practitioners). The board’s functions include approval of the education and training of optometrists and dispensing opticians, registration of optometrists and dispensing opticians and control of optics. Note: According to the programme for public service reform, published in November 17 2011, The Opticians Board is to be abolished and its function merged into the Health and Social Care Professionals Council. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given.


Public Affairs Ireland

Comhairle na Nimheanna (The Poisons Council)

schemes for the establishment of classes of auxiliary dental workers, duties assigned to it pursuant to EU Dental Directives, advising the dental profession and the public on all matters relating to dental ethics and professional behaviour, and advising the Minister on all matters relating to the functions of the Council under the Act.

c/o The Department of Health Hawkins House Hawkins Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6354390 Fax: 01 6353119

Dental Health Foundation 1st Floor Corrigan House Fenian Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6629123 Fax: 01 6618721 Email: Website: #

Chairperson: Not appointed at time of publication Secretary: Not appointed at time of publication Established under the Poisons Act 1961, members are appointed under the Act as Amended by the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1977. The functions of the Council are to advise the Minister and the Minister for Agriculture and Food in relation to any Regulation made under the Poisons Act, and on any other matter in relation to poisons, their manufacture, storage, transport, distribution, sale or use.

Chairperson: Dr. Brendan Pigott Executive Director: Deirdre Sadlier The foundation works with the Department of Health to provide a focus for oral health within the wider context of health promotion in Ireland. It also provides a complimentary role to public health bodies on a national basis.

Consultative Council on Hepatitis C 2nd Floor HSE Offices Mill Lane Palmerstown Dublin 20 Tel: 6201750 Website:

McCarthy Centre 30-31 Pearse Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6488600 Fax: 01 6488700 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Dr. Elizabeth Kenny The Consultative Council was established by the Minister for Health on the November 26 1996 by statutory instrument. Its function is to advise the Minister on all matters relating to Hepatitis C.

Chairperson: Dan McGing General Manager: Sheila Heffernan Formerly known as the National Drug Advisory and Treatment Service, the DTCB was established in 1969 and is involved in providing treatment for people involved in drug abuse. It also contributes to policy development in drug and addiction management. Note: The Drug Treatment Centre Board is currently being subsumed into the HSE.

Dental Council 57 Merrion Square Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6762069 Fax: 01 6762076 Email: Website: President: Dr Eamon Croke Chief Officer and Registrar: David O’Flynn The Dental Council was established under the provisions of the Dentists Act 1985, its general concern being to promote high standards of professional education and professional conduct among dentists. The Council is responsible for the Register of Dentists and the Register of Dental Specialists, education and training in the State’s dental schools, inquiries into fitness to practice,


Department of Health

Drug Treatment Centre Board

Public Affairs Ireland

Food Safety Authority of Ireland

Health Insurance Authority

Abbey Court Lower Abbey Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8171300 LoCall: 1890 336 677 Fax: 01 8171301 Email: Website:

Canal House Canal Road Dublin 6 Tel: 01 4060080 LoCall: 1850 929 166) Fax: 01 4060081 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Eamonn Ryan Chief Executive Officer: Prof. Alan Reilly The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) was established under the Food Safety Authority of Ireland Act 1998. It falls under the aegis of the Minister for Health. It is responsible for ensuring that food produced, distributed or marketed in the State meets the highest standards of food safety and hygiene and complies with legal requirements or with recognised codes of good practice.

Chairperson: J. Joyce Chief Executive: Liam Sloyan Established on February 1 2002, the HIA is responsible for the regulation of the business of private health insurance in Ireland following the enactment of the European Union “Third Non-Life Insurance Directive”. The Authority also provides information to consumers regarding their rights and health insurance plans and benefits. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published in November 17 2011, the future of the Health Insurance Authority is to be considered in the context of the proposed move to a system of Universal Health Care.

Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) Unit 1301 City Gate, Mahon, Cork Tel: 021 2409300 Fax: 021 2409600 Email: Website: Chairperson: Pat McGrath Chief Executive: Dr. Tracey Cooper The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) is an independent authority which was set up to help drive continuous improvement in Ireland’s health and social care services. It was established on a statutory basis in May 2007, following the signing into law of the Health Act 2007. The Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) and the Irish Health Services Accreditation Board (IHSAB) have been integrated into the new authority - the former SSI has expanded powers in the Office of the Chief Inspectorate for Social Services while the former IHSAB continues its work of accreditation as part of HIQA’s Healthcare Quality function. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published in November 17 2011, a Patient Safety Authority should be created and incorporate the HIQA with a licensing role. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for the creation of this new authority.

Health Research Board 73 Lower Baggot St, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 2345000 Fax: 01 6612335 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr. Reg Shaw Chief Executive Officer: Enda Connolly The Health Research Board was established in 1986 under the Health (Corporate Bodies) Act 1961 through the amalgamation of several pre-existing bodies. Its mission is to improve health through research and information.


Public Affairs Ireland

Irish Blood Transfusion Service

Irish Medicines Board

National Blood Centre James’s Street Dublin 8 Tel: 01 4322800 Donor Infoline: 1850 731137 Fax: 01 4322930 Email: Website:

Kevin O’Malley House Earlsfort Centre Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6764971 Fax: 01 6767836 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Katherine Bulbulia Chief Executive: Andy Kelly The principal function of the IBTS is to organise and administer a blood transfusion service. This function entails the processing or supply of blood derivatives or other blood products, in addition to blood group and other tests in relation to specimens of blood received by the board. It is also responsible for making blood and blood products available, and for organising and encouraging research and the training and teaching of persons in matters relating to blood transfusion and preparation of blood products.

Chairperson: Michael D. Hayes Chief Executive: Pat O’Mahony The IMB is responsible for the regulation of human and veterinary medicines available in Ireland.

Medical Council

Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health

President: Prof. Kieran Murphy Chief Executive: Caroline Spillane The Medical Council is responsible for protecting the interests of the public when dealing with registered medical practitioners. The Council was established by the Medical Practitioners Act 1978 and commenced operation in April 1979. Among its key functions are: • assuring the quality of undergraduate education of doctors; • assuring the quality of postgraduate training of specialists; • registration of doctors • disciplinary procedures • guidance on professional standards / ethical conduct

1st Floor Corrigan House Fenian Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6629123 Fax: 01 6618721 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr. Seamus O’Hickey Director of Secretariat: Deirdre Sadlier The Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health was established in April 2004 under the then Minister for Health and Children, Micheál Martin. The body’s terms of reference are the following: • to oversee the implementation of the recommendations of the Forum on Fluoridation • to advise the Minister and evaluate ongoing research, including new emerging issues, on all aspects of fluoride, its delivery methods as an established health technology and as required • to report to the Minister on matters of concern

Mental Health Commission St Martin’s House Waterloo Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6362400 Fax: 01 6362440 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr Edmond O’Dea Chief Executive Officer: Patricia Gilheaney The Mental Health Commission is an independent statutory body established under the Mental


Department of Health

Kingram House Kingram Place Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4983100 Fax: 01 4983102 Email: Website:

Public Affairs Ireland Health Act 2001. It is responsible for promoting high standards in the delivery of mental health services, and for ensuring that the interests of those involuntarily admitted to approved centres are protected. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published in November 17 2011, the Mental Health Commission is to be amalgamated with the Patient Safety Authority. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.

National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NCAD) Hawkins House Hawkins Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6354283 Fax: 01 6473150 Email: Website: Chairperson: Dr. Des Corrigan Director: Joan O’FlynnSenior Researcher: Dr Justine Horgan The NACD advises the government in relation to the prevalence, prevention, treatment and consequences of problem drug use in Ireland. Its core functions include research (commissioned, grant-aided, internal), communications, working with the Drug Misuse Research Division of the Health Research Board and assisting with the establishment of a National Documentation Centre.

National Cancer Registry Board Building 6800 Cork Airport Business Park Kinsale Road Cork Tel: 021 4318014 Fax: 021 4318016 Email: Website: Chairperson: Tony O’Brien Director: Dr. Harry Comber The National Cancer Registry Board was established by the Minister for Health in 1991 by statutory instrument. Its functions were laid down in its establishment order: • to identify, collect, classify, record, store and analyse information relating to the incidence and prevalence of cancer and related tumours in Ireland • to collect, classify, record and store information in relation to each newly

• • •

diagnosed individual cancer patient and in relation to each tumour which occurs to promote and facilitate the use of the data thus collected in approved research and in the planning and management of services to publish an annual report based on the activities of the registry to furnish advice, information and assistance in relation to any aspect of such service to the Minister.

Note: In 2009, it was indicated that the National Cancer Registry Board will be subsumed into the HSE Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published in November 17 2011, the National Cancer Registry Board is to be abolished and its function merged into the Department. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given.

National Treatment Purchase Fund Ashford House Tara Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6337763 LoCall: 1890 720 820 Fax: 01 6427102 Email: Website: Chairperson: John Horan Chief Executive: Pat O’Byrne The NPTF was established in April 2002 as part of the strategy to reduce long-term waiting lists. It facilitates the treatment in private hospitals of patients who have been on public waiting lists for longer than three months. Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published in November 17 2011, a new Hospital Care Purchase Agency will be amalgamated with the National Treatment Purchase Fund as part of the transition to a universal health insurance model. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for the merger.


Public Affairs Ireland

Office of Tobacco Control

Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council

Oak House Millennium Park Naas Co. Kildare Tel: 045 988204 LoCall: 1890 333 100) Email: Website:

Abbey Moat House Abbey St Naas Co Kildare Tel: 045 882042 Fax: 045 882089 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Norma Cronin Chief Executive: Marie Kileen (Acting CEO) The Office of Tobacco Control was set up in response to the 2000 report of the Tobacco Free Policy Review Group. Its principal function is to advise the Minister for Health and Children and assist him/her in the implementation of Government policies and objectives on the control and regulation of tobacco products. Note: Under Budget 2009, the Office of Tobacco Control will be amalgamated with the Food Safety Association of Ireland and the Irish Medicines Board under the aegis of a new agency, the Public Health and Medicines Safety Authority; this is due to take place until January 2011.

Chairperson: Tom Mooney Director: Dr. Geoff King The Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council is an independent statutory agency charged with responsibility for standards, education and training in the field of pre-hospital emergency care in Ireland. Note: Under Budget 2009, the Council will be subsumed into the Health and Social Care Professionals Council, though an exact date has not been announced.

Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland 18 Shrewsbury Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Tel: 01 2184000 Fax: 01 2837678 Email: Website:

Postgraduate Medical and Dental Board Note: The functions of the Postgraduate Medical and Dental Board were subsumed into the Health Service Executive and the Medical Council on January 1st 2009. Correspondence regarding postgraduate medical and dental training should be addressed to:

President: Paul Fahey Registrar (CEO): Dr. Ambrose McLoughlin The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI) is the statutory body for pharmacists and pharmacies in Ireland. It is charged with, and is accountable for, the effective regulation of pharmacy services in Ireland, including responsibility for supervising compliance with the Act. It works for the public interest to protect the health and safety of the public by regulating the pharmacy profession and pharmacies.

Assumpta Linnane, Alison Drew or Noemi Palacios, HSE METR Unit Dr Steevens’ Hospital Dublin 8 Tel: 635 2606 Fax: 01 635 2052


Department of Health

Note: According to the programme for public sector reform, published in November 17 2011, the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council is to be amalgamated with the Health and Social Care Professionals Council. At the time of publication, no firm date had been given for this merger.

Public Affairs Ireland

Safefood The Food Safety Promotion Board 7 Eastgate Avenue Eastgate Little Island Co.Cork Tel: 021 2304100 (Helpline: 1850 404 567) Fax: 021 2304111 Email: Website: Chairperson: John Dardis Chief Executive: Martin Higgins Safefood, the food safety promotion board, is an implementation body established under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement on December 2 1999. Its principal functions include the promotion of food safety, communication of food alerts and research into food safety.

Voluntary Health Insurance Board VHI House Lower Abbey Street Dublin 1 Postal Address: IDA Business Park Purcellsinch Dublin Road Kilkenny Tel: 1890 444 444 Email: Website: Chairperson: Bernard Collins Acting Chief Executive: Declan Moran The Voluntary Health Insurance Board was created under the Voluntary Health Insurance Act 1957 by the Minister for Health, Tom O’Higgins. The largest provider of voluntary private health insurance in the republic, it trades under the brand name VHI Healthcare, and is regulated by the Health Insurance Authority.

Health Service Executive Health Service Executive (HSE) Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte (FSS) Dr Steevens’ Hospital Dublin 8 Tel: 01 635 2000 Oak House Millennium Park Naas Co Kildare Tel: 045 880400 Website: The Health Service Executive is responsible for delivering the country’s health and social care needs, and provides health and personal social services in hospitals, health facilities and communities across the country.

HSE Regions Services are organised through four regions as follows: HSE West (Limerick, Tipperary North, Clare, Galway, Mayo, Sligo, Roscommon, Leitrim, Donegal) HSE South (Kerry, Cork, Waterford, Wexford, Carlow, Kilkenny, Tipperary South) HSE Dublin North East (Dublin North, Louth, Meath, Cavan, Monaghan) HSE Dublin Mid Leinster (Dublin South, Wicklow, Kildare, Laois, Offaly, Longford, Westmeath).

Chief Executive’s Office Chief Executive: Cathal Magee Dr Steevens’ Hospital Dublin 8 Tel: 01 635 2000 Email: (Personal Assistant to CEO)


Public Affairs Ireland

Integrated Services Directorate

Clinical Strategy and Programmes

Sir Patrick Duns Grand Canal Street Lower Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4004160. National Director (Reconfiguration): Brian Gilroy Email: National Director (Performance and Financial Management): Laverne McGuinness Dr Steevens’ Hospital Dublin 8 Tel: 01 635 2337 Email:

Dr. Steevens’ Hospital Dublin 8 Tel: 01 635 2000 Email: National Director of Clinical Strategy and Programmes: Dr Barry White Clinical Strategy and Programmes Directorate: Tony O’Brien Clinical Strategy and Programmes has been established to improve and standardise patient care throughout the organisation by bringing together clinical disciplines and enabling them to share innovative solutions to deliver greater benefits to every user of HSE services.

Regional Directors of Operations The range of health and personal social services provided by the HSE and its funded agencies are managed within four regions (Dublin Mid Leinster, Dublin North East, South and West). The four Regional Directors of Operations also manage the funding of services provided on behalf of the HSE through a large number of non-statutory agencies. Each region is subdivided into a number of HSE Areas. Each HSE Area Manager oversees the provision of health and personal social services in their Area at sub-regional level.

Human Resources Dr Steevens’ Hospital Dublin 8. Email: National Director: Sean McGrath

HSE Corporate Finance Millennium Park Naas Co Kildare Tel: 045 882563 Email: or National Director: Liam Woods

Regional Directors: HSE Dublin Mid Leinster: Gerry O’Dwyer Tel: 045 882597 Email: HSE Dublin North East: Stephen Mulvany Tel: 01 890 8759 Email: HSE South: Pat Healy Tel: 021 492 8500 Email: HSE West: John Hennessy Tel: 091 775404 Email:

Communications Directorate Dr Steevens’ Hospital Dublin 8 Tel: 01 635 2417 Email: National Director of Communications: Paul Connors Head of National Press and Media Relations: Kirsten Connolly The Communications Directorate is responsible for developing and managing the HSE’s internal and public communications initiatives and provides consultancy advice and support to staff across the organisation.

Quality and Patient Safety Directorate Dr Steevens’ Hospital Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6352038 Email: National Director: Dr Philip Crowley Quality and Patient Safety Directorate was established to ensure high quality safe services are designed and delivered to patients and clients. The directorate is committed to a multi-agency approach being taken under the auspices of the Patient Safety First initiative to ensure high-quality care is available to all patients and clients.


Department of Health


Public Affairs Ireland

Parliamentary Affairs Division (PAD Parkgate Street Business Centre Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6352501 Email: Head of Parliamentary Affairs Division: Ray Mitchell Tel: 01 6352500 Email: Oversees the efficient management of Parliamentary Questions (PQs) and representations from Oireachtas members. PQ responses from the HSE are posted on the HSE website,

Commercial and Support Services Directorate The Commercial and Support Services Directorate incorporates the functions of Estates, ICT, Procurement.,Commercial and Legal Services.

Estates Sir Patrick Duns Grand Canal Street Lower Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4004160 Email: Head of Estates: Brian Gilroy Estates Management manages the organisation’s €10 billion capital infrastructure and the annual capital plan.

Information and Communications Tecnnology 3rd Floor - Block D Parkgate Business Campus Parkgate Street Dublin8 Tel: 01 635 2743 National Director: Gerard Hurl Email: Acting Head: Fran Thompson Email: ICT provides essential support for all administrative and support services and, increasingly, patient care delivery. It embraces all voice, video and data communications technologies and provides one central management point for all purchases of hardware, software, telecommunications, ICT development and advisory services.

Procurement Sir Patrick Duns Grand Canal Street Lower Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4004160 Email: Head of Procurement: Brian Gilroy The overall objective of the Procurement Directorate is to ensure effective support for patient care and the achievement of value for money through best practice procurement.

Legal Services HSE 63-64 Adelaide Road Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6626966 E-mail: Head of Legal Services: Eunice O’Raw The Office of Legal Services was established in March 2010 pursuant to the HSE’s commitment to transform the delivery and management of legal services to the HSE. The focus of this Office is to safeguard the needs and interests of all those who use the services of the HSE, those who work with the HSE, and those who work for the HSE.

Internal Audit 63-64 Adelaide Road Dublin 2 Tel: 01 775 2246 Email: National Director: Michael Flynn Responsible for ensuring that a comprehensive programme of audit work is carried out annually throughout the HSE.

Corporate Planning and Corporate Performance Tel: 01 6352889 Email: National Director: Jane Carolan


Public Affairs Ireland

The National Cancer Control Programme

National Haemophilia Council Room 1, Dr. Steeven’s Hospital, Dublin 8 Tel: 01 6352134 Fax: 01 6200032 Email: Website:

Kings Inn House, 20 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8287100 Email: Director: Dr Susan O'Reilly Email: The National Cancer Control Programme aims to build world class cancer services for Ireland.

Chairperson: Prof. John Bonnar The establishment of a National Haemophilia Council was approved by Government following the recommendations of the Lindsay Tribunal in 2001. The regulations placing the council on a statutory footing were signed by the Minister for Health and Children on July 22 2004. (S.I. No. 451 of 2004.) It advises and makes recommendations to the Minister for Health on all aspects of haemophilia, on its own initiative or at the Minister’s request.

The HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme 4th Floor 89/94 Capel Street, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8146292 Fax: 01 8146282 Email: Website:

Department of Health

Acting Director: Dr Stephanie O’Keeffe The HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme (formerly the Crisis Pregnancy Agency) is tasked with developing and implementing a national strategy to address the issue of Crisis Pregnancy in Ireland. A reduction in the number of crisis pregnancies by the provision of education, advice and contraceptive services. A reduction in the number of women with crisis pregnancies who opt for abortion by offering services and supports which make other options practical and more attractive. The provision of counselling services, medical services and such other health services in order to provide support, after crisis pregnancy, as may be deemed appropriate by the Agency.


Public Affairs Ireland



Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 17 Department of Children and Youth Affairs Introduction


The Department of Children and Youth Affairs was created in 2011. The statutory role of the department is to support the Minister in the formulation and evaluation of policies for children’s services. It focuses on harmonising policy issues that affect children in areas such as early childhood care and education, youth justice, child welfare and protection, children and young people’s participation, research on children and young people, youth work and cross cutting initiatives for children. It also has a role in the strategic planning of health services. This is carried out in conjunction with the Health Service Executive, voluntary service providers, Government departments and other interested parties.

Head Office Department of Children and Youth Affairs 43-49 Mespil Road, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6473000 Fax: 01 6473101 E-mail: Email protocol: firstname_surname@ Website:

Department of Children and Youth Affairs Secretary



Participation &

Jim Breslin


Child Welfare & Protection Policy Unit 1

Child Welfare and Protection Policy Unit 2

Child Welfare and Protection Policy 3

Children’s Legislation Unit

Irish Youth Justice



Support 2

Youth Affairs Unit



Early Childhood

Justice Service

Directorate 2

Education Policy


Children’s Research

Support 1

Irish Youth


Child Care

Early Childhood

Directorate 1

Education Policy

Business Support

Children & Young People’s Strategy


Irish Youth Justice Service Detention & Welfare

Irish Youth Justice Corporate & Policy

Department of Children and Youth Affairs

Childcare Directorate Department of Children and Youth Affairs Hawkins House Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6354000 Fax: 01 6354045 E-mail:

Public Affairs Ireland

Minister for Children Minister for Children: Frances Fitzgerald TD Appointed: March 2011 Political Party: Fine Gael Contact details for the Minister’s Office: Telephone: 01 6473000 (Department) 01 6473057(Private Office) 01 6183771 (Dáil) Fax: 01 6473101 Email: Private Secretary: Evan Hackett Advisors: Marion Mannion; William Lavelle (parttime); Jennifer Carroll MacNeill (part-time)

London School of Economics. She was a social worker and family therapist before entering politics. Electoral history: Deputy Fitzgerald was most recently elected to the Dáil for the Dublin Mid West constituency in February 2011. She was previously elected to the Dáil for the Dublin South East constituency in both 1992 and 1997 She was elected to the 23rd Seanad on the Labour Panel in 2007.

Opposition Spokespersons Fianna Fáil: Charlie McConalogue TD Leinster House Tel: 01 6183199 Constituency: Donegal North East Email: charlie.mcconalogue@

Previous committee positions: Deputy Fitzgerald has served on various Dáil and Seanad committees including Justice, Health, the Committee on the Constitution, the National and Economic Social Forum, the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation, Social Affairs and Health. Deputy Fitzgerald was also a member of the Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children and coauthored several Oireachtas Committee reports. Deputy Fitzgerald recently co-founded the first ever Cross Party Group on Mental Health and worked closely with Amnesty International to help break down the stigmas associated with mental health issues. Deputy Fitzgerald was also a member of the committee on selection of Seanad Éireann, the committee on members’ interests in Seanad Éireann and the Seanad Éireann Committee on Procedure and Privileges. Previous party positions: Deputy Fitzgerald was spokesperson in Seanad Éireann on equality, opportunity and family affairs from 2001 to 2002 and on social, community and family affairs from 1999 to 2001. She was Fine Gael leader in the Seanad and spokesperson on health and children in October 2007. Previous political roles: Deputy Fitzgerald has served as vice-president of the Irish Council of the European Movement, as chairperson of the National Women’s Council, as a member of the Women’s Political Association and the Health Promotion Council and as a member of Dublin City Council, the Employment Equality Agency, Dublin Institute of Adult Education, Women’s Environmental Network and the Second Commission on the Status of Women. Deputy Fitzgerald was also Vice President of the European Women’s Lobby and Vice Chair of Europa Donna, the european breast cancer campaign. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Fitzgerald was educated at University College, Dublin and

Sinn Féin: Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD (Health and Children) Leinster House Tel: 01 6183005 Constituency: CavanMonaghan Email: caoimhghín.ocaolain@


Public Affairs Ireland

Oireachtas Committees

Chairperson Jerry Buttimer (Fine Gael) Tel: 01 6183380 Email: jerry.buttimer@

Joint Committee on Health and Children This Committee – and the select Committees of Dáil and Seanad Eireann of which it is made – has the power to consider:

Deputy Buttimer was first elected to the Séanad Eireann in 2007 and was Fine Gael spokesperson on Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs in the 23rd Seanad. He was elected as a TD for the Cork South Central constituency in the 2011 general election. Deputy Buttimer is a secondary school teacher by profession and holds a Higher Diploma in Education from University College Cork.

• Legislation proposed by the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs during the Committee stage; • Spending by these Departments; • Matters of policy for which each Minister is officially responsible; • Public affairs administered by the Department; • Policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department; and • Statutory instruments and EU legislation.

Clerk to the Committee Patricia Doran

Members Deputies:

Charlie McConalogue

Fianna Fail

Jerry Buttimer

Fine Gael

Mattie McGrath


Catherine Byrne

Fine Gael

Denis Naughten

Fine Gael

Michael Colreavy

Sinn Féin

Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin

Sinn Féin

Ciara Conway



Regina Doherty

Fine Gael

Colm Burke

Fine Gael

Robert Dowds


John Crown


Peter Fitzpatrick

Fine Gael

David Cullinane

Sinn Féin

Seamus Healy

United Left

John Gilroy


Derek Keating

Fine Gael

Imelda Henry

Fine Gael

Billy Kelleher

Fianna Fail

Marc Mac Sharry

Fianna Fáil

Eamonn Maloney


Jillian Van Turnhout



Department of Children and Youth Affairs

Email: Telephone: 01 6183147

Public Affairs Ireland

The Department

Children’s Research: Head of Research: Sinéad Hanafin

Appointed: June 2011 Details for Secretary General’s Office Tel: 01 6473047

Children’s Participation & Communications: Head of Participation: Anne O’Donnell Youth Policy Adviser: Olive McGovern

Children & Young People’s Strategy: Principal Officer: Catherine Hazlett Assistant Principals: Marie Dullea; Albert O’Donoghue

Early Childhood Education Policy: Principal Officer: Catherine Hynes Assistant Principal: Teresa Ryan Early Years Specialist: Marese Duignan

Youth Affairs Unit: Principal Officer: Mary McLoughlin Youth Work Assessor: Conor Rowley

Irish Youth Justice Service - Corporate & Policy: Principal Officer: John Lohan Assistant Principals: Pauline Waters; Mary Rogerson Accountant: Jason McLoughlin

Irish Youth Justice Service - Detention & Welfare: Principal Officer: Dan Kelleher Child Welfare Adviser: Tony O’Donovan Assistant Principals: Dolores Kavanage; Siobhán Young; Freida Delaney

Irish Youth Justice Service - Community Programmes: Principal Officer: Ruairi Gogan Assistant Principal: Joe Gavin Head of Young Offender Programmes: Sean Redmond

Corporate Support 1: Principal Officer: Moira O’Mara Assistant Principals: Gerard Hughes; Ger Banville

Corporate Support 2: Principal Officer: Moira O’Mara Assistant Principal: Peter Hanrahan

Previous Positions: Prior to his appointment as Secretary General, Jim Breslin served as Assistant Secretary at the Department of Health and Children from 2008 with responsibility for Finance, Performance Evaluation, Resource Allocation, Research, Information and International Affairs. Other previous positions include National Director at Health Service Executive, Director of Planning & Commissioning at Eastern Regional Health Authority (2000-2004) and Assistant Principle at the Department of Health and Children (1993-2000). He holds master’s degrees in public administration from TCD and Harvard University.

Departmental Divisions • - -

Child Welfare and Protection Policy Unit 1: Principal Officer: Marie Kennedy Assistant Principal: AnneMarie Kilkenny

• - -

Child Welfare and Protection Policy Unit 2: Principal Officer: Denis O’Sullivan Assistant Principals: Paul Fay, Alan Savage

• -

Child Welfare and Protection Policy Unit 3: Social Work Adviser: Michelle Clarke - Assistant Principal: Noreen Leahy

• - -

Children’s Legislation Unit: Principal Officer: Dolores Moran Assistant Principals: Tadgh Delaney; Moira Griffin

Business Support: Principal Officer: Michael O’Corcora Assistant Principals: Paul Memery; Peter Meany

Childcare Directorate 1: Principal Officer: Mary McLoughlin Assistant Principal: Darragh Doherty

Childcare Directorate 2: Principal Officer: Mary McLoughlin Assistant Principal: Mary Hogan


Public Affairs Ireland

Agencies and Associated Bodies

National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB) 16/22 Green Street Dublin 7 Tel: 01 8738623 (Education Helpline: 1890 363 666) Fax: 01 8738799 Email: Website:

Adoption Authority of Ireland (AAI) Shelbourne House Shelbourne Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6671438 Fax: 01 6671438 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Cathal Flynn Chief Executive Officer: Clare Ryan The National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB) was established in 2002 with the statutory function of ensuring that every child either attends a school or otherwise receives an education. The board has a key role in following up on children who do not attend school regularly and in situations where there are concerns about a child’s educational welfare.

Chief Executive Officer: Vacant The Adoption Authority of Ireland is responsible for registering and supervising the Registered Adoption Societies and for maintaining the Adoption Societies Register. The Adoption Board is also responsible for granting declarations of eligibility and suitability to prospective adopters in advance of their adopting abroad and for maintaining the Register of Foreign Adoptions in which details of inter-country adoptions are entered.

Millennium House 52/56 Great Strand St Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8656800 (FreePhone: 1800 202 040 or LoCall 1890 654 654) Fax: 01 8747333 Email: Website:

Family Support Agency (FSA) 4th Floor, St Stephen’s Green House Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6114100 Fax: 01 6760824 Email: Website: Chief Executive Officer: Pat Bennett The Family Support Agency was set up to provide support to families. The main support services are provided in the following ways: • Funding 107 Family Resource Centres around Ireland • Supporting organisations providing Marriage, Relationship, Child and Bereavement Counselling Services • A Family Mediation Service for couples going through a separation or divorce • Research relevant to families • Providing information important to families, particularly in relation to parenting • Advising the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs on family related matters


Ombudsman for Children: Emily Logan Director: Colm Keenan The Ombudsman for Children’s Office (OCO) was established under the Ombudsman for Children Act, 2002. The role of the Ombudsman for Children is to promote and safeguard the rights and welfare of children and young people up to eighteen years of age. The Ombudsman for Children is independent of Government and other civil society actors and is accountable to the Oireachtas.

Department of Children and Youth Affairs

Ombudsman for Children’s Office

Public Affairs Ireland

The Irish Youth Justice Service Department of Children and Youth Affairs 4th Floor 43 Mespil Road Dublin 4 Tel: 01 6473000 Fax: 01 6473101 Email: The Irish Youth Justice Service (IYJS) is an executive office of the Department of Justice and Equality. It is responsible for driving reform and bringing strategic direction to the development and delivery of services nationwide for young people aged under 18 years who find themselves in conflict with the law. The IYJS also funds organisations and projects (including Garda and Probation projects) providing these services, and is responsible for the management and development of children detention facilities .

Our focus is clear... to achieve the best results for our clients by providing commercially driven legal solutions.


Riverside Two, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2 Tel +353 (1) 418 0600 Fax +353 (1) 418 0699 email


Chapter 18 Houses of the Oireachtas Introduction

Dáil Éireann The Dáil is made up of 166 members called Teachtaí Dála (TDs) or Deputies who are directly elected under the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. Under Article 16.2.2 of the Constitution, there must be at least one TD for every 30,000 people and at most one TD for every 20,000 of the population. The Republic of Ireland is divided into 43 electoral areas known as constituencies, each of which returns a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 TDs; under Article 16.2.4 the constituencies must be revised by the Oireachtas at least once every 12 years. Voting is by secret ballot, and every citizen of Ireland or of the United Kingdom who is resident in Ireland, has reached the age of eighteen, is registered to vote and is not disqualified by law from doing so has a constitutional right to vote in Dáil elections under Article 16.1.2. Elections to the Dáil must take place at least once every 5 years, although the House may be dissolved at any time at the Taoiseach’s request, subject to the discretion of the President in cases where the Taoiseach has lost the support of a majority in the Dáil. General Elections must take place within 30 days following the dissolution of the outgoing Dáil. The chairperson of Dáil Éireann is known as the Ceann Comhairle. They are elected by the Dáil from among their number at the first session following a General Election. In order to protect the neutrality of the chair, Article 16.6 of the Constitution provides that, following the dissolution of the Dáil, the Ceann Comhairle shall be deemed to have been automatically re-elected to the lower House by their constituency at the ensuing General Election. The Ceann Comhairle is the sole judge of order in the Dáil Eireann, and although they do not vote on matters raised in the Dáil they have and must exercise a casting vote in the event of a tie. In addition, their functions include calling on members to speak, putting such questions to the Dáil as are required, supervising votes and declaring the results and maintaining order in the House generally. The Ceann Comhairle can in cases of great disorder suspend or adjourn the House. The current Ceann Comhairle is Sean Barrett and the current Leas Cheann Comhairle (deputy chairperson) is Michael Kitt.

Offices Houses of the Oireachtas Leinster House Kildare Street Dublin 2 Ireland Telephone: 01 6183000 Email: Website:

Seanad Éireann Seanad Éireann is the upper House of the Oireachtas. It has 60 members in total, 43 of whom are elected from 5 vocational panels of nominees (Administrative, Agricultural, Cultural and Educational, Industrial and Commercial, Labour) by incoming TDs, outgoing senators and all present local councillors (both county and borough). A further 11 members are appointed by the Taoiseach, with the remaining 6 being elected by the University of Dublin and the National University of Ireland (3 each). A General Election to Seanad Éireann must be held within 90 days of the dissolution of Dáil Éireann and voting is by secret postal ballot under the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. The chairperson of Seanad Éireann is known as the Cathaoirleach, who is elected by the Senate at its first meeting following a General Election. Their functions are similar to those of the Ceann Comhairle, and, as is the case in Dáil Éireann, the Cathaoirleach exercises a casting vote in the event of an equality of votes. Membership to the Dáil and the Seanad is regulated by Articles 16.1 and 18.2 of the Constitution. Every citizen who has reached the age of 21 years is eligible for membership, with certain exceptions (the President of Ireland, the Comptroller and Auditor General, judges, civil servants, local authority members, board members of State-sponsored bodies and fully-paid members of both the police and defence forces). Finally, under Article 15.14 no person may be member of both Houses of the Oireachtas simultaneously. If a person who enjoys membership of one House becomes a member of the other, they are automatically deemed to have vacated their first seat.


Houses of the Oireachtas

The Oireachtas is Ireland’s national parliament. It was established under Article 15 of the 1937 Constitution and has the sole and exclusive power of making laws for the State. It is comprised of the President and two houses: a House of Representatives (the lower House) called Dáil Éireann and a Senate (the upper House) called Seanad Éireann.

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland

Ceann Comhairle: Sean Barrett TD Appointed: March 2011 Contact details: Tel: 01 6183343 Fax: 01 6184100 Email: ceann.comhairle@ Website: Previous ministries: Deputy Barrett was Minister of State at the Departments of the Taoiseach and Defence from 1982 to 1986. Between 1986 and 1987, he was Minister of State at the Department of Education and Leader of the House with responsibility for Dáil reform. He served as Minister for Defence and Minister for the Marine from 1995 until 1997. Previous committee memberships: Deputy Barrett was a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on Finance and the Public Service and of the Dáil committee on procedure and privileges. Deputy Barrett served as chairperson of the joint Oireachtas committee on climate change and energy security. He was most recently a member of the joint Oireachtas committee on European Affairs and a member of the Dáil committee on Procedure and privileges in the 30th Dáil. Previous party positions: Deputy Barrett was spokesperson for Justice from 1987 to 1989, for Industry and Commerce from 1989 to 1991, for Defence and the Marine from 1993 to 1994 and

again in 1995 to 1997. He was spokesperson on the Environment in 1994. He was Fine Gael Chief Whip from 1997 to 2002 and was most recently spokesperson on Foreign Affairs in the 30th Dáil. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Barrett served as a member of Dublin City Council from 1974 to 1982, and was Chairperson of the council from 1981 to 1982. He was also the president of the EU Council of Ministers during Ireland’s presidency from June to December 1996. Education/Previous occupation: He was educated at Rathmines College of Commerce, Dublin. Electoral history: After coming out of retirement, Deputy Barrett was elected to the Dáil in the February 2011 general election. He was first elected in 1981 and returned at every subsequent election until he retired in 2002.



Public Affairs Ireland

Ceann Comhairle Core areas of responsibility • Presiding over business and proceedings of Dáil Éireann • Calling on deputies to speak • Putting such questions to the House as are required • Supervising divisions and declaring results • Maintaining general order in the House • Accepting motions for closure of a debate • Preparation of Order Papers • Discretionary power to shorten the formal notice required for motions and amendments • Ensuring fair representation of all parties (including independent members) in the Dáil • Exercising a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes • Formal opening of each day’s sitting • Representation of Dáil Éireann at international meetings of parliamentarians (Inter Parliamentary Union), Conferences of Speakers of Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament and is the • Official host to visiting parliamentary delegations • Member of Presidential Commission and Council of State • Chairperson of the Committee of Procedure and Privileges • Chairperson of the Commission for Public Service Appointments and of Comhairle na Míre Gaile. • Member of the Appeal Board, which is established to decide on any doubt, dispute or question that may arise in connection with the Register of Political Parties, and of the Appeal Board which is established to hear and decide appeals from decisions of the Seanad Returning Officer under the Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Act, 1947.


Houses of the Oireachtas

official host to visiting parliamentary delegations.

Public Affairs Ireland

Leas-Cheann Comhairle Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Michael Kitt Appointed: April 2011 Tel: 01 7002191 Fax: 01 6184111 Email: Website: Previous ministries: Deputy Kitt was Minister of State at the Department of An Taoiseach from 1991 to 1992. He also served as Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs from 2007 to 2008 and Minister of State at the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government from 2008 to 2009. Previous committee memberships: Deputy Kitt was a member joint Oireachtas committees on Foreign Affairs; Agriculture, Food and the Marine; and Education and Science. Previous party positions: Deputy Kitt was spokesperson on Emigration and the Developing World from 1995 to 1997. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Deputy Kitt was a Senator from 1977 to 1981. He was a Member of Galway County Council from 1975 to 1991 and served as Chairman from 1985 to 1986. He also served as Vice-Chairman of Galway-Mayo Regional Development Board from 1985 to 1986.

Electoral history: Deputy Kitt was first elected to the Dáil for the Galway North East constituency in the 1975 by-election caused by the death of his father Michael F. Kitt. He lost the seat (then Galway East) in 1977 but was re-elected in 1981 and at each subsequent election until 2002 when he lost the Dáil election. During this year, he also failed in an attempt to secure a Seanad seat through the Administrative Panel. However, he secured a Seanad seat through his appointment by the Taoiseach. He ran successfully in the 2007 Dáil election for the Galway East constituency and was re-elected in 2011. Education/Previous occupation: Deputy Kitt was previously a teacher prior to entering politics.

Core areas of responsibility

• Deputies in the absence of Ceann Comhairle in ensuring that standing orders are complied with, presiding over debates and maintaining order in the House • In the official absence of the Ceann Comhairle acting as Chairperson of the Dáil Committee on Procedure and Privileges and the executive of the Inter-Parliamentary Union • In the official absence of the Ceann Comhairle acting as a member of the Presidential Commission, the Presidents (Speakers) of Parliament of the E.U. and the Appeal Boards (see Ceann Comhairle profile above) 208

Public Affairs Ireland

Cathaoirleach Cathaoirleach: Paddy Burke Appointed: May 2011 Tel: 01 6183570 Email: cathaoirleach@ Website: www.cathaoirleach. Previous Seanad and other political roles: Senator Burke has been a member of the Seanad (Agriculture Panel) since 1993 and was elected Leas Cathaoirleach in 2002 and re-elected in 2007. He was a member of the Mayo County Council from 1979 until 2003. He was previously Fine Gael Seanad Spokesperson on Defence and Emigrant Affairs. He is a member of Mayo-Galway Development Organisation and, since 1991 has been a member of LAMA. Education: He was educated at Rockwell Agriculture College, Co. Tipperary and Franciscan Brothers Agriculture College, Mount Bellew, Co Galway.

• Performs those functions in Seanad Éireann as are generally performed by the Ceann Comhairle in Dáil Éireann (see above) • Co-hosting (with the Ceann Comhairle) visits of foreign parliamentary delegations to Ireland • Representation of Seanad Éireann at international meetings of parliamentarians, Conferences of Speakers of Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament • Member of Presidential Commission and the Council of State • Member of the Appeal Board which is established to decide on any doubt, dispute or question which may arise in connection with the Register of Political Parties, and of the Appeal Board which is established to hear and decide appeals from decisions of the Seanad Returning Officer under the Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Act, 1947. 209

Houses of the Oireachtas

Core areas of responsibility

Public Affairs Ireland

Leas Cathaoirleach LeasCathaoirleach: Denis O'Donovan Appointed: June 2011 Tel: 01 6183079 Email: Leas-Cathaoirleach@ Previous Seanad and other political roles: Denis O’Donovan was first appointed to the Seanad in 1989 as a Taoiseach’s nominee. He was elected to the Seanad in 1993, 1997 and in 2007. He was also a member of Dáil Éireann between 20022007, where he was chairman of the Oireachteas Constitution Committee. Education: He graduated from University College Cork in Law (Hons) in 1975.

Core areas of responsibility

• Performs the functions and exercises the powers normally reserved for the Cathaoirleach in his/her official absence

Houses of the Oireachtas Commission The Houses of the Oireachtas Commission was established under the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission Act 2003, and came into existence on January 1 2004. The Act provided for a handover of the authority and responsibility for provision of services to the Houses of the Oireachtas and their Committees from the ultimate authority of the Minister for Finance to the Commission, which is comprised of 11 members.

Membership: • • • • •

Ceann Comhairle (ex officio) (chair) Cathaoirleach (ex officio) (Vice-Chair) Clerk of the Dáil (ex officio) Nominee appointed by Minister for Finance There will also be 6 members appointed by the House of the Oireachtas

Officers: • • • •

Clerk of the Dáil Clerk Assistant of the Dáil Clerk of the Seanad Clerk Assistant of the Seanad

Directors: • • • •

Director of House Services Director of Corporate and Members’ Services Director of Library and Research Director of Committees, Information and Communications

Core areas of responsibility • Provide for the running of the Houses of the Oireachtas and administration and management of the Office of the Houses of the Oireachtas • Oversee ongoing expenditure • Pay all salaries and expenses and keep and publish accounts • Exercise staff functions (via the Secretary General) • Produce strategic plans, annual reports, estimates and information • Exercise certain functions of the Minister for Finance regarding secretarial assistance for parliamentary parties • Exercise certain legal functions (including participation in proceedings where necessary and arranging for legal advice) 210

Public Affairs Ireland

Standing Committees

(ii) Joint Administration Committee

Under the Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2007, the committee on Members’ Interests in Dáil Éireann is charged with producing guidelines each year as to what members of the Dáil must declare in their interests. The committee also has an investigatory role in the event of a complaint being made against a TD by another member of the Oireachtas or by a member of the public.

Clerk to the Committee Anne-Marie Fahy Email: Telephone: 01 6183045

Chairperson Tom Hayes TD (Fine Gael)

Clerk to the Committee: John Hamilton Email: Telephone: 01 6183850

Chairperson: Thomas Pringle TD (Independent) Tel: 01 6183038 Email: thomas.pringle@ Deputy Pringle is an independent TD and was elected to the Dáil for the Donegal South West constituency in the 2011 general election, He was previously a member of Donegal County Council having been elected as an independent councillor in 1999 and then as a Sinn Féin candidate in 2004. He left Sinn Féin in 2007 and retained his seat as an independent in 2009.

Members Deputies: John Browne

Fianna Fáil

Olivia Mitchell

Fine Gael

Thomas Pringle


David Stanton

Fine Gael

Jack Wall


Tel: 01 6183168 Email:

Deputy Hayes was elected as Chairperson of the Fine Gael Parliamentary Party in 2002 and served until 2010. He was the sole opposition TD in Tipperary South in the 30th Dáil and he also sat on the committee for the Constitution, the Committee for procedures and privileges and the Oireachtas Commission. He also served as the Fine Gael Deputy spokesperson on the environment, with special responsibility for heritage and rural affairs in the 29th Dáil. He was first elected to Dáil Éireann in 2001 to represent Tipperary South. In 1997 he became a member of Seanad Éireann and acted as Fine Gael Seanad spokesperson on agriculture.

Members Deputies: John Browne

Fianna Fáil

Jerry Buttimer

Fine Gael

Eric Byrne


Áine Collins

Fine Gael

Andrew Doyle

Fine Gael

Dessie Ellis

Sinn Féin

Tom Fleming


Tom Hayes

Fine Gael


Houses of the Oireachtas

(i) Select Committee on Members’ Interests of Dáil Éireann

The Joint Administration Committee represents the views of members on the provision of services for and by the Houses generally and makes recommendations thereon to the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission.

Public Affairs Ireland

Chairperson Sean Barrett TD (Fine Gael)

Heather Humphreys

Fine Gael

Paul Kehoe

Fine Gael

Seamus Kirk

Fianna Fail

John Lyons


Anne Phelan


John Paul Phelan

Fine Gael

Brian Stanley

Sinn Féin

(See profile as Ceann Comhairle above)

Jack Wall


(iv) Dáil Éireann Committee of Public Accounts

Tel: 01 2845333 Fax: 01 6184100 Email:


The Public Accounts Committee is responsible for examining and reporting on spending by Government Departments. Its chairperson is traditionally drawn from the opposition parties, although this practice has no basis in statute. A significant portion of its work consists of examining reports on expenditure and efficiency by the Comptroller and Auditor General.

Terry Brennan Paul Coghlan Marie Moloney Diarmuid Wilson

Clerk to the Committee: Ted McEnery

(iii) Dáil Éireann Committee on Procedure and Privileges

Email: Telephone: 01 6183867

The Dáil Éireann Committee on Procedure and Privileges considers matters of procedure generally and recommends any additions or amendments to the Standing Orders. The Committee may also consider and report to the House as to Members’ privileges.

Clerk to the Committee: Martin Groves Email: Telephone: 01 6183740

Members Deputies: Joe Carey Martin Heydon Paul Kehoe John Lyons Nicky McFadden Catherine Murphy Seán Ó Fearghaíl Aengus Ó Snodaigh

Fine Gael Fine Gael Fine Gael Labour Fine Gael Independent Fianna Fáil Sinn Féin

Emmet Stagg


Chairperson John McGuiness TD (Fianna Fáil) Tel: 01 6183137 Email:

Members Deputies: Paul J. Connaughton John Deasy Paschal Donohoe Anne Ferris Simon Harris Michael McCarthy Mary Lou McDonald Michael McGrath Sean Fleming Eoghan Murphy Derek Nolan Kieran O’Donnell Shane Ross


Fine Gael Fine Gael Fine Gael Labour Fine Gael Labour Sinn Féin Fianna Fail Fianna Fáil Fine Gael Labour Fine Gael Independent

Public Affairs Ireland


Deputy McGuiness has represented the CarlowKilkenny constituency since he was first elected to Dáil Éireann in 1997. He is also currently serving as opposition spokesperson on the small business regulatory framework. He served as Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment with special responsibility for Trade and Commerce from June 2007 until April 2009. He was vice-chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee in the 29th Dáil and a member of the Joint Oireachtas committees for European Affairs, enterprise and small business, justice and women’s rights in the 28th Dáil.

Deputies: Dara Calleary Joan Collins Michael Conaghan

Fianna Fáil United Left Alliance Labour

Alan Farrell

Fine Gael

Charles Flanagan

Fine ��������� Gael

Michael Healy-Rae


Peter Mathews��������������� Fine Gael

(v) Joint Committee on Investigations, Oversight and Petitions

Michael McCarthy

The Joint Committee on Investigations, Oversight and Petitions considers the design of a petitions system for the Houses of the Oireachtas and also the role and remit of the Joint Committee having regard to the Programme for Government. The Committee may report back to the House with recommendations including revised Orders of Reference.

Derek Nolan

Charlie McConalogue Michelle Mulherin

Labour ����������� Fianna Fáil Fine ��������� Gael Labour

Aengus Ó Snodaigh

Sinn Féin

John Paul Phelan

Fine Gael

Peadar Tóibín

��������� Sinn Féin

Mick Wallace



Clerk to the Committee: Anne-Marie Fahy

Trevor Ó Clochartaigh Jimmy Harte

Email: Phone: 01 6183045

Tony Mulcahy Darragh O’Brien

Chairperson Peader Tóibín TD (Sinn Féin)

Houses of the Oireachtas

Susan O Keeffe

Tel: 01 6183518 Email: Peadar Tóibín is the Sinn Féin TD for Meath West and was elected to the Dáil in February 2011. He was coopted onto the Navan Town council in November 2007, and held that seat at the 2009 local elections. He has a degree in Economics and Politics from UCD and a Postgraduate qualification in Enterprise from the Michael Smurfit School of Business, UCD.


Public Affairs Ireland

Members of the 31st Dáil ADAMS, Gerry


Party: Sinn Féin

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Louth

Constituency: Clare

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184442

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184224





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Independent

Constituency: Longford-Westmeath

Labour Constituency: Dublin North East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184226

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183557





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Dún Laoghaire

Constituency: Wexford

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183343

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183094




BRUTON, Richard

Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Cork East

Constituency: Dublin North Central

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183328

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183103





Party: United Left Alliance

Party: Labour

Constituency: Dún Laoghaire

Constituency: Dublin West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183449

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184006

Email: richard.boydbarrett@oireachtas. ie




CANNON, Ciaran

Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Meath West

Constituency: Galway East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183378

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183185





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Cork South Central

Constituency: Clare

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183380

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183337



BYRNE, Catherine

COFFEY, Paudie

Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dublin South Central

Constituency: Waterford

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183083

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183902





Party: Labour

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dublin South Central

Constituency: Cork North West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183223

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183873





Party: Fianna Fテ。il

Party: United Left Alliance

Constituency: Mayo

Constituency: Dublin South Central

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183331

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183215




Houses of the Oireachtas

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland



Party: Fianna Fáil

Party: Labour

Constituency: Limerick

Constituency: Waterford

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183577

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184011





Party: Sinn Féin

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Sligo-North Leitrim

Constituency: Tipperary North

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183745

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183842





Party: Labour

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dublin South Central

Constituency: Laois Offaly

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184033

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184075


Email: Marcella.corcorankennedy@

CONLAN, Seán Party: Fine Gael


Constituency: Cavan Monaghan

Party: Labour

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183154

Constituency: Dublin Central


Leinster House Tel: 01 6183896 Email:

CONNAUGHTON, Paul J Party: Fine Gael


Constituency: Galway East

Party: Fine Gael

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183032

Constituency: Cork South Central


Leinster House Tel: 01 6183753 Email:


COWEN, Barry


Party: Fianna Fáil

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Laois-Offaly

Constituency: Cork South West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183662

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183886



CREED, Michael


Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Cork North West

Constituency: Waterford

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183525

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183596





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dublin South East

Constituency: Kerry North-W Limerick

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183527

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183352





Party: Sinn Féin

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dublin South West

Constituency: Carlow Kilkenny

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183941

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184235



DALY, Clare


Party: United Left Alliance

Party: Sinn Féin

Constituency: Dublin North

Constituency: Donegal South West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183390

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183573




Houses of the Oireachtas

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland


DOYLE, Andrew

Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Meath East

Constituency: Wicklow

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183960

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183611




DURKAN, Bernard

Party: Independent

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Wicklow

Constituency: Kildare North

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184293

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183732



DONOHUE, Paschal

ELLIS, Dessie

Party: Fine Gael

Party: Sinn Féin

Constituency: Dublin Central

Constituency: Dublin North West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183907

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183006





Party: Fianna Fáil Constituency: Clare Leinster House Tel: 01 6183514

Party: Fine Gael Constituency: Meath West Leinster House Tel: 01 6184012



DOWDS, Robert


Party: Labour Constituency: Dublin-Mid West Leinster House Tel: 01 6183446 Email:

Party: Fine Gael Constituency: Dublin North Leinster House Tel: 01 6184008 Email:




Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Roscommon South Leitrim

Constituency: Laois Offaly

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184289

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183625




FLANAGAN, Luke ‘Ming’

Party: Labour

Party: Independent

Constituency: Wicklow

Constituency: Roscommon-S Leitrim

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183539

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183058



FERRIS, Martin


Party: Sinn Féin

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Kerry North-West Limerick

Constituency: Dublin North East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184248

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183634





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Dublin Mid-West

Constituency: Laois Offaly

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183771

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183472





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Independent

Constituency: Louth

Constituency: Kerry South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183563

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183354




Houses of the Oireachtas

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland



Party: Labour

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dún Laoghaire

Constituency: Cork South West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183566

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183956





Party: Independent

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Galway West

Constituency: Wicklow

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184270

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183805



GRIFFIN, Brendan

HAYES, Brian

Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Kerry South

Constituency: Dublin South West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184480

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183567





Party: Independent

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Waterford

Constituency: Tipperary South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183498

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183168




HEALY, Séamus

Party: Labour

Party: Independent

Constituency: Meath East

Constituency: Tipperary South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184007

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183859




HEALY RAE, Michael


Party: Independent

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Kerry South

Constituency: Cavan Monaghan

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184319

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183408



HEYDON, Martin


Party: Fine Gael

Party: Labour

Constituency: Kildare South

Constituency: Dublin South East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183017

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183224





Party: United Left Alliance

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dublin West

Constituency: Dublin Mid West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183469

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184014





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Labour

Constituency: Carlow Kilkenny

Constituency: Galway East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183093

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183821



HOWLIN, Brendan


Party: Labour

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Wexford

Constituency: Wexford

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183538

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184473




Houses of the Oireachtas

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland


KITT, Michael

Party: Fianna Fáil

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Cork North Central

Constituency: Galway East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183219

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183473




KYNE, Seán

Party: Labour

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Tipperary North

Constituency: Galway West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183229

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184426




LAWLOR, Anthony

Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Mayo

Constituency: Kildare North

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183613

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183007




LOWRY, Michael

Party: Labour

Party: Independent

Constituency: Dublin North East

Constituency: Tipperary North

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183744

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183504



KIRK, Seamus

LYNCH, Ciarán

Party: Fianna Fáil

Party: Labour

Constituency: Louth

Constituency: Cork South Central

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183362

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183666




Public Affairs Ireland

LYNCH, Kathleen


Party: Labour

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Cork North Central

Constituency: Dublin South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184034

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184443




McCARTHY, Michael

Party: Labour

Party: Labour

Constituency: Dublin North West

Constituency: Cork South West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183280

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183844



MacLOCHLAIN, Pádraig


Party: Sinn Féin

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Donegal North East

Constituency: Donegal North East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184061

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183199

Email: padraig.maclochlainn@oireachtas. ie


McDONALD, Mary Lou Party: Sinn Féin

Party: Labour

Constituency: Dublin Central

Constituency: Dublin South West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183230

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183588



MARTIN, Micheál

McENTEE, Shane Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Meath East

Constituency: Cork South Central

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184447

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184350




Houses of the Oireachtas


Public Affairs Ireland



Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Longford Westmeath

Constituency: Carlow Kilkenny


Leinster House Tel: 01 6183137

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183938




Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Donegal South West

Constituency: Donegal North-East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183452

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184242



McGRATH, Finian

McLELLAN, Sandra

Party: Independent

Party: Sinn Féin

Constituency: Dublin North Central

Constituency: Cork East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183942

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183122



McGRATH, Mattie


Party: Independent

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Tipperary South

Constituency: Sligo/North Leitrim

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184062

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183537



McGRATH, Michael

McNAMARA, Michael

Party: Fianna Fáil

Party: Labour

Constituency: Cork South-Central

Constituency: Clare

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183801

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183879




Public Affairs Ireland



Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dún Laoghaire

Constituency: Cork North Central

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183302

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183862

Email: mary.mitchelloconnor@oireachtas. ie



MURPHY, Eoghan Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dublin South East

Constituency: Dublin South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183324

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183088




NASH, Gerald Party: Labour

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Louth

Constituency: Cork North West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183576

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183595



NAUGHTEN, Denis Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Roscommon-S Leitrim

Constituency: Mayo

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183545

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183065



MURPHY, Catherine

NEVILLE, Dan Party: Fine Gael

Party: Independent

Constituency: Limerick

Constituency: Kildare North

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183356

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183099




Houses of the Oireachtas

MULHERIN, Michelle

Public Affairs Ireland

NOLAN, Derek


Party: Labour

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Galway West

Constituency: Kildare South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183827

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183948



NOONAN, Michael


Party: Fine Gael

Party: Labour

Constituency: Limerick City

Constituency: Dublin North Central

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183125

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183209



NULTY, Patrick


Party: Labour

Party: Sinn Féin

Constituency: Dublin West

Constituency: Dublin South Central

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183133

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184084



Ó CAOLÁIN, Caoimhghín

O’BRIEN, Jonathan

Party: Sinn Féin

Party: Sinn Féin

Constituency: Cavan-Monaghan

Constituency: Cork North Central

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183005

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184040

Email: caoimhghí


Ó CUÍV, Éamon

O’DEA, Willie

Party: Fianna Fáil

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Galway West

Constituency: Limerick City

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184231

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184259






Party: Fine Gael

Party: Labour

Constituency: Limerick City

Constituency: Limerick City

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183808

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183670



O’DONOVAN, Patrick


Party: Fine Gael

Party: Independent

Constituency: Limerick

Constituency: Dublin Central

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183610

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183488



O’DOWD, Fergus


Party: Fine Gael

Party: Labour

Constituency: Louth

Constituency: Longford Westmeath

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183078

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183734





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Mayo

Constituency: Sligo/North Leitrim

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183706

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183765





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Labour

Constituency: Cavan-Monaghan

Constituency: Carlow Kilkenny

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183721

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183216




Houses of the Oireachtas

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland

PHELAN, John Paul

RING, Michael

Party: Fine Gael

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Carlow-Kilkenny

Constituency: Mayo

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184202

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183738




ROSS, Shane

Party: Independent

Party: Independent

Constituency: Donegal South West

Constituency: Dublin South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183038

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183014



QUINN, Ruairí

RYAN, Brendan

Party: Labour

Party: Labour

Constituency: Dublin South East

Constituency: Dublin North

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183434

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183421





Party: Labour

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dublin South West

Constituency: Dublin South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183772

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183911





Party: Fine Gael

Party: Labour

Constituency: Dublin North

Constituency: Cork East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183749

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184049






Party: Labour

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Dublin North-West

Constituency: Cork East

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183593

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183181



SMITH, Brendan


Party: Fianna Fáil

Party: Fine Gael

Constituency: Cavan Monaghan

Constituency: Wicklow

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183376

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183384



SPRING, Arthur

TÓIBÍN, Peadar

Party: Labour

Party: Sinn Féin

Constituency: Kerry North-W Limerick

Constituency: Meath West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183471

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183518



STAGG, Emmet

TROY, Robert

Party: Labour

Party: Fianna Fáil

Constituency: Kildare North

Constituency: Longford Westmeath

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183013

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183059




TUFFY, Joanna

Party: Sinn Féin

Party: Labour

Constituency: Laois-Offaly

Constituency: Dublin Mid West

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183987

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183822




Houses of the Oireachtas

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland



Party: Fine Gael

Party: Labour

Constituency: Wexford

Constituency: Dublin South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184299

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183972




Members of the 24th Seanad

Party: Fine Gael Constituency: Dublin West Leinster House Tel: 01 6183819 Email:

BACIK, Ivana Panel: Trinity College

WALL, Jack Party: Labour Constituency: Kildare South

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183055 Email:

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183571



Panel: Trinity College Leinster House Tel: 01 6183264

WALLACE, Mick Party: Independent


Constituency: Wexford


Leinster House Tel: 01 6183287

Panel: Agricultural


Leinster House Tel: 01 6183760 Email:

WALSH, Brian Party: Fine Gael


Constituency: Galway West

Panel: Labour

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184236

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183872






Panel: Industrial and Commercial

Panel: Agricultural

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183115

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183453



BURKE, Paddy

CONWAY, Martin

Panel: Agricultural

Panel: Administrative

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183574

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183035



BYRNE, Thomas


Panel: Cultural and Educational

Panel: National University of Ireland

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183310

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183260



CLUNE, Deirdre


Panel: Cultural and Educational

Panel: Labour

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183365

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183176




CUMMINS, Maurice

Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Panel: Labour

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183027

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184206




DALY, Mark

Panel: Industrial and Commercial

Panel: Administrative

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183762



Leinster House Tel: 01 6183830


Houses of the Oireachtas

Public Affairs Ireland

Public Affairs Ireland



Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Panel: Agricultural

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183059

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183057



DARCY, Michael

HENRY, Imelda

Panel: Administrative

Panel: Industrial and Commercial

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183542

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183123




HIGGINS, Lorraine

Panel: Cultural and Educational

Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183089

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183186



HARTE, Jimmy

KEANE, Cรกit

Panel: Industrial and Commercial

Panel: Labour

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183615

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183179





Panel: Labour

Panel: Administrative

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183742

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183049



HAYDEN, Aideen

LANDY, Denis

Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Panel: Administrative

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183178

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183351




Public Affairs Ireland



Panel: Labour

Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183853

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183522




Panel: Labour

Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183205

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183261




Panel: National University of Ireland

Panel: Industrial and Commercial

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183660

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184221




Panel: Cultural and Educational

Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183095

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183277



NOONE, Catherine


Leinster House Tel: 01 6183127

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183210




MOONEY, Paschal

Panel: Trinity College

Panel: Agricultural

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183104

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183483




Houses of the Oireachtas

Panel: Industrial and Commercial

Panel: Labour

Public Affairs Ireland

O’BRIEN, Darragh


Panel: Labour

Panel: Agricultural

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183802

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183870



O’BRIEN, Mary Ann

O’MURCHU, Labhras

Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Panel: Cultural and Educational

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183329

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184018





Panel: Agricultural

Panel: Agricultural

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184069

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183082





Panel: Agricultural

Panel: Labour

Leinster House Tel: 01 6184057

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183730



O’DONNELL, Marie-Louise

POWER, Averil

Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Panel: Industrial and Commercial

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183635

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183156



O’DONOVAN, Denis Panel: Agricultural Leinster House Tel: 01 6183079 Email:

QUINN, FeArgal Panel: National University of Ireland Leinster House Tel: 01 6183222 Email:


Public Affairs Ireland

REILLY, Kathryn

WILSON, Diarmuid

Panel: Industrial and Commercial

Panel: Administrative

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183171

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183561




Zappone, Katherine

Panel: Administrative

Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183812

Leinster House Tel: 01 6183583



VAN TURNHOUT, Jillian Panel: Nominated by the Taoiseach Leinster House Tel: 01 6183375 Email:

WALSH, Jim Panel: Agricultural Leinster House Tel: 01 6183763 Email:

WHELAN, John Houses of the Oireachtas

Panel: Labour Leinster House Tel: 01 6183244 Email:

WHITE, Mary Panel: Industrial and Commercial Leinster House Tel: 01 6183820 Email:


Public Affairs Ireland



Chapter 19 Office of the Attorney General

Public Affairs Ireland

Office of the Attorney General Government Buildings Upper Merrion Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6314000 Fax: 01 6761806 Email: Website: Attorney General: Maire Whelan SC Director General: Liam O’Daly Deputy Director General: Chris O’Toole Chief Parliamentary Counsel: Deirbhle Murphy Chief State Solicitor’s Office: Osmond House Little Ship Street Dublin 8 Tel: 01 4176100 Fax: 01 4176299 Email: Website: Chief State Solicitor: David J. O’Hagan Assistant Chief State Solicitors: Brian Byrne; Paul Fleming; Eleanor McPhillips; Owen Wilson Head of Administration: Michael Fallon

Maire Whelan SC

Core areas of responsibility • • • • •

Legal advisor to the Government Provides legal representation of the Government and ministers Provides legal advice to each Government department Asserts or protects public rights Has certain prosecution functions (e.g. under Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1978) • Decides on the endorsement of warrants under the Extradition Acts • Leader of the bar • Legislative drafting, advises the Government Legislation Committee and client departments (though the Parliamentary Counsel) • Provides litigation, conveyancing and other transactional services (through the Chief State Solicitor’s Office) 237

The Office of the Attorney General

Office of the Attorney General

“The Mission of the Office of the Attorney General is to provide the highest standard of professional legal services to Government, departments and offices”

Public Affairs Ireland The Attorney General is the chief legal advisor to the Government. They areHe or she is appointed by the President of Ireland on the nomination of the Taoiseach. The Office of the Attorney General is made up of three different offices: the Attorney General’s Office (containing the Advisory Counsel to the Attorney General), the Office of Parliamentary Counsel to the Government and the Chief State Solicitor’s Office. The Attorney General cannot be a member of the Government; however, they may be a member of the Oireachtas, although in practice this is usually not the case. History Prior to 1922, the principal law officers in Ireland were the Attorney General for Ireland and the Solicitor General for Ireland. Section 6 of the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 provided that the powers and functions of these two offices, in addition to the powers and functions of the Chief State Solicitor, local State solicitors, the Law Adviser to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and the Parliamentary Draftsman were to be vested in the Attorney General of Saorstát Éireann. The Constitutional Office of the Attorney General was established by Article 30.1 of the 1937 Constitution of Ireland, which provides that: “There shall be an Attorney General who shall be the adviser of the Government in matters of law and legal opinion, and shall exercise and perform all such powers, functions and duties as are conferred or imposed on him by this Constitution or by law.” There have been 30 Attorneys General of the Office since 1922, some of whom have served more than one term in office. The current Attorney General, Maire Whelan SC, was appointed in March 2011.

the transfer of responsibility for the majority of such prosecutions to the newly-created office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, although the Attorney General continues to retain certain prosecution functions. In cases before the Courts where the constitutionality of legislation is challenged by virtue of Article 26 of the Constitution or otherwise the Attorney General is always the defendant Advisory Counsels The Attorney General’s Office contains the Advisory Counsels to the Attorney General, who assist the Attorney General in performing their powers, functions and duties through the direction of litigation and the provision of advice to both the Attorney General and the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel to the Government. The latter is responsible for the drafting of legislation and for providing advice to the Government Legislation Committee and client departments, and also has responsibility in the area of statute law revision and consolidation. The Chief State Solicitor’s Office contains the solicitors who represent the Attorney General and the State in litigation, and also provides certain nonlitigation-based services including advisory and conveyancing services. The current Attorney General, Maire Whelan SC, was appointed by President Mary McAleese on March 9 2011. She was educated at University College Galway (B.A., LL.B) and received a Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) from King’s College, London. She also holds a diploma in international relations. She was called to the Bar of Ireland in 1985 and was appointed Senior Counsel in 2005. She was also chairperson of the Free Legal Advice Centres (Flac), finance secretary of the Labour Party; and a member of the Property Registration Authority.

Functions The Attorney General advises the Government on all legal and constitutional issues which arise prior to or at cabinet meetings. They are also responsible for providing legal advice to each Government department and to certain public bodies. In addition, Section 6 of the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 charges the Attorney General with responsibility for “the assertion or protection of public rights”. In carrying out this role the Attorney General may take a case seeking to have the law (particularly the Constitution) enforced. Prior to the Prosecution of Offences Act 1974, the prosecution of all nonsummary offences was also the responsibility of the Attorney General. However, the Act saw


Public Affairs Ireland

Chapter 20 The European Union Introduction

The European organisation was called the European Economic Community (EEC) between 1957 and 1967 and the European Community (EC) between 1967 and 1993. Ireland joined the EEC in 1973 in addition to Great Britain and Denmark. The EU has three areas of responsibility, referred to as its three pillars. They are the political organisation of the European Union, formerly the European Community, the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters. The EU contains five institutions: the Council of the European Union, European Commission, European Parliament, European Court of Justice and the European Court of Auditors.

European Institutions The Council The Council is the main decision-making body of the European Union The ministers of the Member States meet within the Council of the European Union. Depending on the issue on the agenda, each country will be represented by the minister responsible for that subject for example, foreign affairs, finance, social affairs, transport, agriculture, etc. The Presidency of the Council is held for two and a half years with the possibility of re-election once. Election is by qualified majority voting. The former Prime Minister of Belgium Herman Van Rompuy is the current President of the Council. General Affairs At its sessions on General Affairs, the Council deals with dossiers that affect more than one of the Union’s policies, such as negotiations on EU enlargement, preparation of the Union’s multiannual budgetary perspective or institutional and administrative issues. It co-ordinates preparation for and follow-up to meetings of the European Council. It also exercises a role in co-ordinating work on different policy areas carried out by the Council’s other configurations, and handles any dossier entrusted to it by the European Council. Foreign Affairs (Foraff) The Foreign Affairs Council is composed of the EU Member State Ministers responsible for Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development. The Foreign


The European Union

The European Union (EU) is the political and economic union of 27 European member states. It was established by the Treaty of Maastricht, 1993. Its origin lies in post-war Franco-German cooperation, which was the brainchild of Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, amongst others. It grew from the European Coal and Steel Community which was established between France, West Germany, the Benelux countries and Italy in 1951. A political organisation then developed on the foundations of economic co-operation.

Public Affairs Ireland

Core areas of responsibility • To promote and protect democracy and universal rights in Europe and around the world. • To strengthen Europe’s economy and to promote solidarity around Europe by working in partnership with national, regional and local government. • To make it easy for Europe’s citizens to live and work throughout the Union. • To promote equality and tolerance of diversity in Europe. • To promote and facilitate co-operation between Europeans, at individual, local, regional and national level, and in both the public and private sectors. • To protect Europe’s environment and combat climate change. • To help Europe benefit economically and socially from globalisation. • To ensure that Europe’s voice is heard in the world. • To listen to its citizens, be accountable to them and work for them in a transparent and decentralised way. • To maintain the economic and political union that is the European Union • A common foreign and security policy • Police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters • Legislation passed on to the member states through directives, regulations and decisions • Providing a recourse to European courts for justice relating to the EU or an individual member state


Public Affairs Ireland Competitiveness (internal market, industry, research and space) The creation of the Competitiveness Council in June 2002, through the merging of three previous configurations (Internal Market, Industry and Research) was a response to the perceived need for a more coherent and better co-ordinated handling of these matters related to the European Union’s competitiveness. Depending on the items on the agenda, this Council is composed of European affairs ministers, industry ministers, research ministers, etc. it meets about five or six times a year.

Affairs Council meets formally once a month and deals with matters including foreign policy and trade, security issues, defence and development policy. The formation of the Foreign Affairs Council was established by the Treaty of Lisbon. Until 1 December 2009, the Council formed part of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, which was chaired by the rotating Presidency of the EU. With the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the function of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy was significantly modified and extended. Under the Treaty, the High Representative chairs the meetings of the Foreign Affairs Council, except when it is dealing with commercial policy issues, in which case, the rotating Presidency takes over the chair. The Foreign Affairs Council is chaired by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton.

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Since June 2002 these three policies have been placed under the sole responsibility of a single Council configuration, which meets approximately every two months. The composition of the Council varies according to the items on the agenda, for example, transport, telecommunications or energy.

Economic and Financial Affairs (Ecofin) The Economic and Financial Affairs Council is, together with the Agriculture Council and the General Affairs Council, one of the oldest configurations of the Council. It is commonly known as the Ecofin Council, or simply “Ecofin” and is composed of the Economics and Finance Ministers of the Member States, as well as Budget Ministers when budgetary issues are discussed. It meets once a month. It meets once a month.

Agriculture and Fisheries The Agriculture and Fisheries Council is, together with the General Affairs and External Relations Council and the Ecofin Council, one of the Council’s oldest configurations. It brings together once a month the ministers for agriculture and fisheries and the European commissioners responsible for agriculture and rural development, fisheries and maritime affairs, as well as consumer health and protection. Environment The Environment Council is composed of environment ministers who meet about four times a year. It decides by qualified majority in co-decision with the European Parliament.

Cooperation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) The Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council brings together Justice ministers and Interior ministers about once every two months to discuss the development and implementation of cooperation and common policies in this sector. Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO) The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) is composed of employment, social protection, consumer protection, health and equal opportunities ministers, who meet around four times a year.


The European Union

Education, Youth, Culture and Sport The Education, Youth and Culture (EYC) Council brings together education, culture, youth and communication Ministers around three or four times a year. It usually adopts its decisions by a qualified majority (apart from on cultural affairs, where it acts unanimously) and in codecision with the European Parliament.

Public Affairs Ireland Directorates General


High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Director General

Catherine Ashton (United Kingdom) Eneko Landaburu


Joaquín Almunia (Spain)

Alexander Italianer

Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Viviane Reding (Luxembourg)

Francoise le Bail


Siim Kallas (Estonia)

Matthias Ruete

Digital Agenda

Neelie Kroes (Netherlands)

Robert Madelin

Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration Maros Sefcovic (Slovakia)

Robert-Jan Smits

Industry and Entrepreneurship

Antonio Tajani (Italy)

Heinz Zourek

Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud

Algirdas Semeta (Lithuania)

Walter Deffaa

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Maria Damanaki (Greece)

Fokion Fotiadis

Home Affairs

Cecilia Malmstrom

Jonathan Faull

Economic and Monetary Affairs

Olli Rehn (Finland)

Marco Buti


Gunther Oettinger (Germany)

Matthias Ruete

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

László Andor (Hungary)

Koos Richelle

Internal Market and Services

Michel Barnier (France)

Jonathan Faull

Regional Policy

Johannes Hahn (Austria)

Dirk Ahner

Research, Innovation and Science

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn (Ireland) Robert-Jan Smits

Climate Action

Connie Hedegaard (Denmark)

Jos Delbeke

Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy

Stefan Fule (Czech Republic)

Michael Leigh

Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Ciolos (Romania)

Jose Manuel Silva Rodriguez

International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Reponse

Kristalina Georgieva

Peter Zangl


Karel de Gucht (Belgium)

Jean Luc Demarty


Janez Potocnik (Slovenia)

Karl Falkenberg

Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth Androulla Vassiliou (Cyprus)

Jan Truszczyński

Health and Consumer Policy

John Dalli (Malta)

Paola Testori Coggi


Janusz Lewandowski (Poland)

Hervé Jouanjean

Development and Cooperation - Europeaid Andris Piebalgs


Fokion Fotiadis

Public Affairs Ireland

European Commission

European Parliament

1049 Brussels, Belgium Main Telephone Number: (0032) 2 299 1111 Services in Luxembourg: (00352) 43011 Website: The European Commission acts as the EU’s executive body, with responsibility for initiating legislation and running the EU organisation. It currently has 27 members, each representing a Member State. Ireland’s current commissioner is Máire GeogheganQuinn and she holds the research, innovation and science portfolio.

Brussels: Rue Wiertz, B-1047, Belgium Main Telephone Number: +32 2 284 2111 Fax: +32 2 284 6974

Appointed: November 2004 Spokesperson: Leonor Ribeiro da Silva Spokesperson’s email: leonor. Previous positions: Portugese President 2002 – 2004. Political Party: Social Democratic Party Education/Qualifications: Bachelor of Law degree, University of Lisbon; Masters in Political Science, University of Geneva; Diploma in European Studies. Previous occupations: He was a teaching assistant at the faculty of law at Lisbon University and at the department of political science at the University of Geneva He was also a visiting professor at the department of government and school of foreign service at Georgetown University and head of the international relations department of Lusíada University, Lisbon.

Luxembourg: Plateau du Kirchberg, L-2929 Luxembourg Main Telephone Number: +352 43001 Fax: +352 4300 24842 Website: Ireland: EU House 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 Main Telephone Number: 01 605 7900 Fax: 01 605 7999 Website:

President: Jerzy Buzek (Poland) Appointed: July 2009 Previous positions: Prime Minister of Poland 1997-2001 Political party: European People’s Party Education/Qualifications: Master’s in technical sciences (1963); doctorate in technical sciences, (1969); postdoctoral qualification (dr. hab.) in technical sciences (1979): Silesian University of Technology Previous occupation: Jerzy Buzek was professor of Silesian University of Technology and scientific director of PAN - Institute of Chemical Engineering. He has been a member of the Civic Platform party since 2009.He was the head of the works committee and chairperson of the 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th national congresses of Solidarność independent and selfgoverning trade union. He was also chairperson of the Policy Council for Gliwice in the 1990 elections and a member of the Sejm from 1997 to 2001.


The European Union

President: José Manuel Barroso (Portugal)

Strasbourg: Alleé du Printemps, BP 1024 , F-67070 Strasbourg Cedex, France Main Telephone Number: +33 3 881 74001 Fax: +33 3 882 56501

Public Affairs Ireland

Irish MEPs Contact Details Marian Harkin North West Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 10G253 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel: +32 02 28 45797 Fax: +32 02 28 49797 Email: Jim Higgins North West Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 13E102 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel: +32 02 28 45843 Fax: +32 02 28 49843 Email: Pat ‘The Cope’ Gallagher North West Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 10G305 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel: +32 02 28 45591 Fax : +32 02 28 49591 Email: Proinsias De Rossa Dublin Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 11G210 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel : +32 02 28 45681 Fax : +32 02 28 49681 Email:

Paul Murphy Dublin Parlement européen ASP 07F258 60, rue Wiertz 1047 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 02 284 5836 Fax: +32 02 284 9836 Email: Gay Mitchell Dublin Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 07F258 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel : +32 02 28 45228 Fax : +32 02 28 49228 Email: Phil Prendergast South Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 11G209 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel : +32 02 28 45537 Fax: +32 02 28 49537 Brian Crowley South Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 04F365 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel: +32 02 28 45751 Fax : +32 02 28 49751 Email: Seán Kelly South Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 08F353 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel: +32 02 28 45206 Fax : +32 02 28 49206 Email:


Public Affairs Ireland Liam Aylward East Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 10G309 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel: +32 02 28 45782 Fax: +32 02 28 49782 Email:

Council of the European Union General Secretariat Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 Brussels, Belgium Main Telephone Number: +32 2 281 6111 Fax Number: +32 2 281 6934 Email: Website: The Council of the European Union is the highest body of the European Union, comprising a representative of each Member State (either the head of State or head of government) and the President of the European Commission. The presidency of the Council rotates every six months, with a representative of a Member State always holding the office. It exercises control over the common foreign and security policy.

Nessa Childers East Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 11G217 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel: +32 02 28 45535 Fax: +32 02 28 49535 Email:

European Court of First Instance and EC

The Court of First Instance is made up of at least one judge from each of the 27 member states. The judges are appointed by agreement of the Member State governments for a renewable mandate of six years. They appoint a president, for a period of three years, from amongst themselves. They also appoint a registrar for a mandate of six years. The Court of Justice is composed of 27 judges and eight advocates general. The judges and advocates general are appointed by common accord by the governments of the member states for a renewable term of six years. They are chosen from among lawyers whose independence is beyond doubt and who possess the qualifications required for appointment, in their respective countries, to the highest judicial offices, or who are of recognised competence.

Mairead McGuinness East Parlement européen Bât. Altiero Spinelli 08F265 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Tel. : +32 02 28 45214 Fax : +32 02 28 49214 Email:

The Court carries out audits through which it assesses the collection and spending of EU funds. It examines whether financial operations have been properly recorded and disclosed, legally and regularly executed and managed so as to ensure economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The Court promotes accountability and transparency by assisting the European Parliament and Council in overseeing the implementation of the EU budget, particularly during the discharge procedure, and brings added value to EU financial management through its reports and opinions, playing a proactive role within the construction of the Union and helping to bring it closer to European citizens.


The European Union

European Court of Auditors

Public Affairs Ireland

Ireland’s permanent representation in Brussels 89/93 Rue Froissart 1040 Brussels Belgium Main Telephone Number: +32 2 230 8580 Fax: +32 2 230 3203 Permanent Representative: Rory Montgomery Appointed: April 16 2009 Previous positions: Rory Montgomery joined the department of foreign affairs in 1983 and had a secondment to the European Commission in 1988 and 1989. He was the Irish representative at the European Convention in 2002 and the political director in the department of foreign affairs from 2004 to 2005. He was an assistant secretary in the department of foreign affairs from 2005 to 2009 Education/ Qualifications: BA (Gold Medalist & Foundation Scholar) and MBA: University of Dublin, Trinity College. Personal assistant: Claire O’Connell Tel: + 32 2 282 3216 Deputy Permanent Representative: Tom Hanney Appointed: September 2011 Personal assistant: Mary Wemyss Tel: + 32 2 282 3222 Political and Security Representative: Keith McBean Appointed: August 2009 Military Rep: Thomas Behan Appointed: March 2009 Counsellor: Aingeal O’Donoghue Counsellor: Keith McBean First Secretary: David Bruck First Secretary: Nigel Hutson First Secretary: Padraig Francis First Secretary: Julian Clare First Secretary: Joana Betson First Secretary: Michael Sanfey First Secretary: Tim Harrington Press Officer: Deirdre Farrell Third Secretary: Ciara O’Floinn Third Secretary: Barry Tumelty

Cooperation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs Judicial cooperation in criminal matters, terrorism and police cooperation: Geraldine Moore. Tel: + 32 2 282 3346 Judicial Cooperation in Criminal matters, Terrorism and Police Cooperation: Dan Kelleher (First Secretary) Tel: +32 2 282 3486 Asylum, Migration and Frontiers: Padraig Devine (First Secretary) Tel: +32 2 282 3340 Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters and Equality: Nicola Murphy (First Secretary) Tel: +32 2 282 3269 Economic and Financial Affairs Financial Consellor: Fred Cooper Tel: +32 22823 254 Budget Attaché: Emma Cunningham Tel: +32 22823253 Fiscal Attaché: Clare McNamara Tel: +3222823 277 Financial Services Attaché: Mary Lawless Tel: +32 22823 371 Administrative and Secretarial Support: Onide Nutter Tel: +32 22823223

Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs

Employment policy and labour law issues: Maurice Kennedy Tel: +32 22823 229 Social protection issues: Dymphna Boyle Tel: +32 22823212 Equal opportunities issues: Padraig Devine Tel: +32 22823269 Health issues: Eugene Lennon Tel: +32 22823272


Internal Market, Consumer Affairs, and IPR Attaché: Paul Brennan Tel: +32 22823246 Industry & Competitiveness Attaché: Pauline Mulligan Tel: +32 22823242 Research & Company Law Attaché: Robert McLean Tel: +32 22823238


Public Affairs Ireland

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy

European Commission Representation in Ireland

Energy Attaché: Michael Goodwin Tel: +32 22823231 Communications Attaché: Des Hackett Tel: +32 22823234

European Union House, 18 Dawson House, Dublin 2 Tel: (01) 634 1111 Fax: (01) 634 1112 Email: Website:

Transport Counsellor: Michael Harper Tel: +32 22823230 Transport Attaché: Monica Wallace Tel: + 32 22823455

Head of Representation: Barbara Nolan Head of Press: Ruth Deasy Head of Information: Tim Hayes

Agriculture and Fisheries Counsellor: Jarlath Coleman Tel: +32 22823393 Agricultural Attaché: Brian Kilgallen Tel: +32 22823258 Agricultural Attaché: JP Mulherin Tel: +32 22823241 Fisheries Attaché: Martin Crowley Tel: +32 22823374 General Affairs: Elaine Croke Tel: + 32 22823256 Secretariat: Liam Forristal Tel: +32 22823274 Secretariat: Anne Magee Tel: +32 22823232

Europe Direct Information Centres There are seven information centres located throughout Ireland (i) Waterford City: Waterford City Council Central LibraryLady Lane, Waterford Tel: 051 849975 Fax: 051 850031 Email: Website: Manager: Jane Cantwell

Paul Lemass Tel: + 32 22823264 Terry Sheridan Tel: +32 22823337 Maureen McGrattan Tel: +32 22823267 Onide Nutter Tel: +32 22823223

(iii) Thurles, Co Tipperary The Source, Cathedral Street, Thurles, Co Tipperary Tel: 050 429720 Fax: 050 421344 E-mail: Website: Manager: Ann Marie Brophy

Education, Youth and Culture

Culture, Sport and Tourism Attaché: Caoimhín Ó Ciaruáin Tel: +32 2282 3334 Education Attaché: Joanne Tobin Tel: +32 22823302

Revenue Customs Section

(iv) Blanchardstown Dublin Blanchardstown Library & Offices Blanchardstown Centre, Dublin 15. Tel: 01 8905576 Fax: 01 890 5786 Email: Website: / Manager: Enid Bebbington

Customs Attaché, Norman O’Grady Tel: +32 22823 321 Customs: Declan O’Hora Tel: +32 2823282 Maureen McGrattan Tel: +32 2823267 Onide Nutter Tel: +32 2823223


The European Union

(ii) Letterkenny Central Library, Oliver Plunkett Road Letterkenny, Co Donegal Tel: 074 9124950 Fax: 074 9124950 Email: Website: Manager: Ciara Cunnane


Public Affairs Ireland (v) Carraroe & Ballinasloe Library Ballinasloe Library Fairgreen, Ballinasloe, Co Galway Tel: 090 964 3464 Fax: 091 565039 Email: Website: Manager: Mary Dillon Carraroe Branch Library An Scailp Chultúrtha, An Cheathrún Rua, Co na Gaillimhe Tel: 091 595733 Fax: 091 565039 Email: Website: Manager: Peigi Vaughan (vi) Dundalk Co Louth Roden Place, Dundalk, Co Louth Tel: 042 9353190 Fax: 042 9337635 Email: Manager: Sheila Tierney (vii) Killarney Rock Road, Killarney. Tel: 064 6632655 Fax: 064 6632967 Email: Website:

European Documentation Centres NUI Dublin Official Publications Department Main Library, Belfield, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 716 7521 Trinity College Library, Official Publications Library College Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 8961655 NUI Cork College Road Cork Tel: 021 490 2363

Tel: 091 524411 Fax: 091 522394 University of Limerick The Library, Plassey House Tel: 061 202185 Fax: 061 330271 University College Dublin Official Publications James Joyce Library Belfield Dublin 4 Tel: 01 7167521

European Commission Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) Grange, Co Meath Tel: 046 906 1700 Fax: 046 906 1879 Director: Michael Scannall

EU Structural Funds Information Structural Funds Information Office 15 Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 639 6280 Fax: 01 639 6281 Email: Website:

European Court of First Instance Luxembourg 2925 Tel: +352 43031 Fax: +352 4303 2100 Website:

European Court of Justice Luxembourg L-2925 Tel: +352 43031 Fax: +352 4303 2600 Website:

European Court of Auditors 12 Rue Alcide De Gaspari, L-1615 Luxembourg Tel: +352 43981 Fax: +352 439342 Email: Website:

NUI Galway The Library, Galway


Public Affairs Ireland

Associated Bodies/ Agencies

Eurojust Maanweg 174, 2516 AB The Hague, Netherlands Tel: (0031) 70 412 5000 Fax: (0031) 70 412 5005 Email: Website:

European Central Bank (ECB) Kaiserstrasse 29, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main Germany Tel: 0049 69 13440 Fax: 0049 69 1344 6000 Email: Website: President: Jean-Claude Trichet

President of the College: Aled Williams Administrative Director: Mr Hans Jahreiss

European Agency for Reconstruction Egnatia 4, 54626 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: (0030) 2310 505100 Fax: (0030) 2310 505172 Email: Website:

CEPOL – European Police College CEPOL House, Bramshill, Hook Hampshire RG27 0JW, UK Tel: 0044 1256 602668 Fax: 0044 1256 602296 Email: Website: Director: Ferenc Bánfi

Director: Adriano Martin (Acting)

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Gran Via 33 E-48009 Bilbao, Spain Email: Website: Director: Dr Jukka Takala

Community Fisheries Control Agency Rue de la Loi 56 B-1049 Brussels, Belgium Tel: (0032) 2 299 1111 Email: Website:

European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Postfach 10 12 53 Koln, Germany Tel: 0049 221 8999 0000 Fax: 0049 221 8999 0999 Email: Website:

Chairperson: Marcelo Vasconcelos Executive Director: Harm Koster

Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)

Executive Director: Patrick Goudou

BP 10121, 49101 Angers Cedex 02, France Tel: (0033) 2 4125 6400 Fax: (0033) 2 4125 6410 Email: Website:

PO Box 22427, GR-55102 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: 0030 2310 490111 Fax: 0030 2310 490102 Email: Website: Director: Mr Christian F. Lettmayr (Acting)

Education, Audiovisual and Cultural Executive Agency Avenue du Bourget 1, Bour B-1140 Brussels, Belgium Tel: (0032) 2 295 0017 Fax: (0032) 2 292 1325 Email: eacea-info@ec.europa Website:


The European Union

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Public Affairs Ireland

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Tomtebodavagen 11A Karolinska Campus, Solna Sweden Tel: 0046 8 5860 1000 Fax: 0046 8 5860 1001 Email: Website: Director: Dr Marc Sprenger

European Chemicals Agency [ECHA] Annankatu 18, 00121 Helsinki Finland Tel: (00358) 9 686180 Email: Website: Executive Director: Geert Dancet

European Data Protection Supervisor Rue Montoyer 63 Brussels, Belgium Tel: 0032 2 283 1900 Fax: 0032 2 283 1950 Email: Website: Supervisor: Peter Hustinx

European Defence Agency (EDA) Rue de Drapiers 17-23 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel: 0032 2 504 2800/21/22 Fax: 0032 2 504 2815 Website: Steering Board Chairman: Catherine Ashton Chief Executive: Claude-France Arnould

European Environment Agency Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark Tel: 0045 3336 7100 Fax: 0045 3336 7199 Website: Executive Director: Jacqueline McGlade

European Food Safety Authority Largo N. Palli 5/A, I-43100 Parma, Italy Tel: 0039 5 2103 6111 Fax: 0039 5 2103 6110 Email: Website: Executive Director: Catherine Geslain-LanĂŠelle

European Investment Bank 100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2950 Luxembourg Tel: 00352 43791 Fax: 00352 437704 Email: Website: President: Philippe Maystadt

European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Wyattville Road, Dublin 18 Tel: 01 204 3100 Fax: 01 282 6456/282 4209 Email: Website: Director: Jorma Karppinen

European GNSS Supervisory Authority Rue de la Loi 56 B-1049 Brussels, Belgium Email: Website: Executive Director: Pedro Pedreira

European Investment Fund 43 Avenue J-F Kennedy L-2968 Luxembourg Tel: 00352 426 6881 Fax: 00352 4266 88200 Website: Chairperson: Philippe Maystadt Chief Executive: Francis Carpenter


Public Affairs Ireland

European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)

European Railway Agency 160 Boulevard Henri Harpignies Valenciennes 59300 France Tel: 0033 3270 96500 Fax: 0033 3270 966695 Email: Website: Chairman: Michael Harting Executive Director: Marcel Versylpe

Avenida Dom Joao II, Lote, 1998-001 Lisboa, Portugal Tel: 00351 21 120 9200 Fax: 00351 21 120 9210 Email: Website: Chairperson: Brian Wadsworth Executive Director: Willem de Ruiter

European Training Foundation (ETF) Villa Gualino, Viale Settimio Severo 65 I-10133 Torino, Italy Tel: 0039 11 630 2222 Fax: 0039 11 630 2200 Email: Website:

The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) 7 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf London E14 4HB, UK Tel: 0044 207 418 8400 Fax: 0044 207 418 8416 Email: Website:

Director: Madlen Serban

Chairman: Pat O’Mahony Executive Director: Andreas Pott (Acting)

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

Schwarzenbergplatz 11 1040 Vienna Tel: 0043 1580 3060 Fax: 0043 1580 30699 Email: Website: Chairperson: Ms Ilze Brands Kehris Interim Director and Head of Administration: Morten Kjaerum

Rua da Cruz de Sta Apolónia 23-25 P-1149-045 Lisbon, Portugal Tel: 00351 21 811 3000 Fax: 00351 21 813 1711 Chairman: Marcel Reimen Director: Wolfgang Gotz

European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)

European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)

43 Avenue du Président Wilson 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France Tel: 0033 1 5689 1930 Fax: 0033 1 5689 1931 Email: Website: Director: Álvaro de Vasconcelos

Science and Technology Park of Crete (ITE), Vassilika Vouton 70013, Heraklion, Greece Tel: 0030 28 1039 1280 Fax: 0030 28 1039 1410 Website:

Contact Details: Raamweg 47, 2596 HN The Hague, Netherlands Tel: 0031 70 302 5000 Fax: 0031 70 345 5896 Email: Website: Director: Rob Wainwright

Executive Director: Prof. Udo Helmbrecht


The European Union


Public Affairs Ireland

Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) Covent Garden Builiding,Place Rogier 16, Belgium Fax: 0032 2 292 1892 Irish contact: Matthew Kennedy, Sustainable Energy Ireland

Executive Agency for the Public Health Programme (PHEA)

Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union 1 Rue du Fort Thungen L-1499 Luxembourg Tel: 00352 421 7111 Fax: 00352 421 71120 Email: Website: Director: GailĂŠ DagilienĂŠ

Contact Details: 12, rue Guillaume Kroll L-1882 Luxembourg Tel: 00352 4301 32015 Fax: 00352 4301 30359 Email: Website: Director: Luc Briol

Frontex (European Agency for the Management of Operational Co-operation at the External Borders of the Members States of the European Union) Rondo ONZ 1 00-124 Warsaw, Poland Tel: 0048 22 544 9500 Fax: 0048 22 544 9501 Email: Website: Chairperson: Mr Robert Strondl Executive Director: Ilkka Laitinen

Office for the Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) 4 Avenida de Europa 03008 Alicante, Spain Tel: 0034 96 513 9100 Fax: 0034 96 513 1344 Email: Website: Chairperson of the Administrative Board: Martti Enajarvi



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