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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
Aknowledgements: The art program would like to thank every one that made this exhibtion possible: Faculty: Visiting Assitant Professor Shady Noshokaty Assitant Professor Aissa H. Deebi Visiting Professor Gamal Lamie Production Team: Nadine Nour El Din: Editor and proof reading Nahla & Sandra : Promotion and publication design Xenia Nikolskaya : Photography Said El Geziary: Exhibtion handling and installation
The Art Program / Department of Performing and Visual Arts The American University in Cairo P.O. Box 74, New Cairo 11835, Egypt www.aucegypt.edu Parallel / 2
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DINA TARGAM Outburst Installation
The Installation represents a rather distinctive understanding of Egypt’s dreadful status prior to the revolution. While there has been an incredible range of inspirational and almost poetic analyses, discussions and explanations by many intellectuals regarding this revolution, the fact of the matter was and still is that Egyptians live in a state of war. Life was indeed very tough over the last three decades, but the real mess and difficulty comes as a result of the build-up of oppression which has erupted into an unveiled and an almost impossible to control society of 80 million dignity seekers. This piece aims to bring awareness to the truth which we try so hard to cast a blind eye to. The truth that filth,
which resulted from a corrupt disgusting regime, has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. A broken pipe will, without a doubt, slow down the flow of every day life, but it is only by truthfully revealing how bad the situation is, can we work together and repair the course and start reviving the very essence of life. However, an unexpected unification took place between rich and poor, old and young, Christian and Muslim, which finally terminated this unjust autocracy. After three decades of oppression and autocratic rule by Mubarak, the only leader young Egyptians have known, the country begins a new day - a democratic transformation.
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NOHA ELFAROUK Masculinity Paintings
The nature of communication and relationships is what interests me the most. I started from the very beginning with the question, ‘what is the relationship between man and materials?’ That led me to “men” in specific, then to masculinity. These paintings are the result of extensive research about the representation of masculinity in our culture; an attempt to depict the male brain in the form of imagery. After ruling body building out of the representation, the topic suddenly opened up subtle and more powerful ways to explore, such as certain objects that men tend to attach themselves to, the way in which they feel comfortable and manly, and of course the
way that they act around the opposite sex. I went around asking as many men as I could what object made them feel most in tact with their masculinity, as well as taking note of catch phrases and bumper stickers on cars and buses (most of which could be considered harassment to women). But that is the best way I found to represent men in our culture: they speak more, act more and generally express much more than they think through their interactions with women. My paintings are the result of a collection of harassment phrases and incidents; different scenes that seek to represent this impression.
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HANNA SABET Transparency Paintings
The concept of my project is transparency; giving the audience the opportunity to see beneath the seen. The purpose is to reveal the importance of the object from the inside, its functionality, rather than only having the idea of its surface.
composition of something. Following this, I chose to create paintings of personal objects; machines and or equipments similar to the x-ray forms. Using paint on wood, in addition to an airbrush technique that will create an effect as hazy as the x-rays.
I am personally influenced by x-rays, seeing that they function as a photographic or digital image of the internal Parallel / 14
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NADINE NOUR EL DIN The Fear Conceptual Newspaper
Media is everywhere: in the streets, in your home, in your hand, in your head. A vehicle for transmitting messages to mass audiences. That is why it is so dangerous. Its danger lies in its ability to circulate “facts” in a matter of seconds - unverified. No one is held accountable for the effects that this circulation has on the masses who consume this media. Media propagates fear and instills a sense of alarm within you.
What I’m trying to say is that this media propagated fear to the masses has the same effect as my very own personal fears. I can relate the most horrific experiences I’ve been through and the way they’ve made me feel to the way that media can manipulate large bodies of people and make them feel as terrified.
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RANA ABDELNABI Killing Time Animation
The significance of this piece is to convey the message that Planet Earth, in its unanswered call for consolation from the human race, is breaking into chaos due to its place as a bigger force than man. All the havoc in the video
represents some forms of chaos; man made or natural. The running people represent the survivors, whereas the dead are the people who surrendered to their fate and lost hope. In the end, I convey my view that it is too late to undo the chaos and suffering taking place.
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MARIAM ABO EL MAGD Google Digital Banner
With Egypt’s historical development came forth the development of women socially and politically. The Egyptian woman’s image, role and status drastically changed as Egypt entered into its different historical phases. However, two stereotypical images have been trapped in the minds of the west- the Pharaonic woman, and the Middle Eastern belly dancer. This is rooted in the Orientalist ideas adopted by the West towards the Arab world, as well as general ignorance that has created a cross-cultural divide. A lack of accurate historical
knowledge and an inaccuracy of information has led to the failure in understanding that Egypt’s history did not come to end after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Additionally, long years of colonial suppression have marginalized many influential women such as Nabaweya Moussa, Hoda Sha’arawy, Malak Hefny Nassif, and Safeya Zaghloul. These women took part in Egypt’s struggle for independence, women’s rights and have indeed at some point participated in the formation of Egypt’s history. I attempt to break through existing stereotypes and bring forth the Egyptian woman.
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FARAH HAMMAD Hope Installation
My work juxtaposes images from reality with images from fantasy stories. I use photography in portraying tragic life situations in contrast with happy fairytale cartoon characters. How a person’s life could change in an instant from a stable and satisfactory life to a tragic and miserable one. The cartoons will remind people to believe and have hope that everything will turn out fine, have a happy ending and the letters will illustrate the growth of hope in each and everyone of us. From collective experience I learnt that a person’s life could all of a sudden transform from a very stable and satisfactory life to a tragic and miserable one, however the only people who overcome those types of situations and manage to stand up again - sometimes much stronger than before are people with HOPE. I want to inspire people to gain HOPE and show real life examples of how HOPE causes change. Moreover I will show
the contrast between both the real life and cartoon pictures in the sense of how they look and feel. My main objective is to show people that in spite of the way we feel, whether sad, scared, disappointed or any other feeling of that sort, there is always a spark of hope in each and every single one of us. Furthermore, to illustrate what I have previously mentioned and further emphasized on my standpoint, I will display several anonymous letters of people’s hopes about their different situations. People will not only have the chance to read the hopes displayed, but are also welcome to place their own hopes inside which will be read by a stranger that might get inspired. This will express the growth of hope we all have within us, as the letters gradually increase. People should remember that we all inspire each other and a small action could change someone else’s life.
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SANDY MOHAMED The Crucible Digital Print
“You were born into slavery, into a prison you cannot see or smell; a prison of the mind. Unfortunately, no one can tell you what the matrix is; you have to see it for yourself” Michael Hall. Our beliefs have always imprisoned us and restricted us from living our goals and dreams. We believe and create chains that limit our abilities.
We do not believe that our potential can let us be more than what we are. The reality that we live is a mixed creation of our emotional and mental construction, our meanings, as well as our interaction with everyday’s events. However, we are the makers of our own meanings.
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SARAH IBRAHIM Passing by Video
Memory and time and worlds conjured up by the moving image. Color, texture and the senses. Dislocated sound. Surfaces and objects framed experience encounters with one another; what comes next, what precedes. A process of constructing that recreates. Objects that were
once a part of a story told, manifest into stories of others. All for the attempt to capture time as we experience it, and not standing outside of it where it becomes restricted and confined in a space. Where is a narrative?
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A Tale of Two Kitties and Other Stories Animation
I want to create stories that draw from life and have the breadth to captivate people of all ages. Thinking about how a child and adult may view or respond to the film encourages me to make connections that becomes a voice for out human capacity. Age is not a limit or a boundary, it becomes another source of inspiration. The film is a voice for something living, breathing, and visually exciting that many people can share. It is a
medium with an unlimited and vast potential and it is a telescope and microscope of the human soul. I’m reinventing story-telling in the medium of animation. As a model for composing stories. I’m focused on character animation: the most important thing is the emotional development of each character. All my films revolve around an exploration of the dynamics between two characters.
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NADA E BARAKA Self Modification
Paintings and Animation
This piece is about the definition of modification and how it changes one’s personality. It has to do with changing one’s outer appearance to gain approval from the opposite sex.
The material used is painting on canvas, in addition to animation portraying how one person’s outer appearance can affect society as a whole, and its relation to man.
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SHERIFA ROUSHDY The Monoform Installation
Realizing that the uniform of a dictator is an important element that gives him supremacy, I decided to experiment with its construct. I asked myself, what it was exactly about these uniforms that gave them such importance and a demand for admiration and obedience? With the very decorative and ornamental designs that I have been developing for some time, I experimented with reconstructing the aesthetics of dictatorship, specifically the uniform, using the basic materials of paper and ink to replace the expensive fabrics and medals used to empower and glamorize the outfits. Speeches performed by notorious dictators such as Stalin, Hitler and Gaddafi became a big part of my research to ob-
serve the performances taking place by the “actors” in “costumes”. Behind the podium, the role is completed as the speech is performed in full uniform. The roars of the crowd magnify their confidence and give their roles meaning and purpose. Each dictator is epitomized by his choice of costume, but despite their differences, the aesthetics of dictatorship have many obvious similarities that seem to have turned into the canon of dicatorly dress. Manipulating the material into something as delicate as paper and wearing it allowed me to be very conscious of the material embracing my body, commanding my movements and my attitude.
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Conversations Painting and Video Installation
My artwork experiments with the human mind. My ideas evolved to exploring it in interactive artworks with other artists.
I invite people in my life to join me for a conversation. They are not directed in any way. They get to choose whatever they want to do.
My artwork is a field of experimentation through which I combine video art with mixed media. I pair myself with different artists and we start by taking turns to add something to a blank canvas with charcoal, and we start having a conversation on the canvas.
I chose a friend, a father and a child I met only twice. Whether they are shy or outgoing, whether they are artists or have never held a brush in their lives, art is a medium that has no boundaries.
The artwork is the process rather than just the final piece; it is a projection of the processes inside our heads that is unknown to others around us.
Humanity is all about the effect that we have on each other. It is all about conversations in one way or another that make us move forward and create.
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FARAH BADRAWY (Saqata) Neon Installation
The Egyptian is perhaps the most light-hearted citizen of the world. Throughout the revolution, Egyptians were expressing heir happiness as well as expressing the harsh conditions of life that they were experiencing throughout the thirty years that spanned Mubarak’s dictatorship and
during the revolution. This is an attempt to depict the lighthearted and yet completely serious colloquial discourse of the Egyptian throughout the revolution. This seeks to exemplify the spirit and gist of the revolution- in a nutshell. The quintessence of the Egyptian revolt.
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Train like a man - especially if you’re a woman. Paintings
The basis of inspiration for my artwork is simple: my lifestyle and a statement I want to make. That statement is not about bodybuilding- but it is both personal and political. The women I present are depicted “muscular” for a reason: muscle to many equals strength and for that reason in particular it is onlysomehow a male-oriented practice to train for strength gains, specifically in the Middle East (let me assure you I’m the only girl in the weight room with a loaded barbell on her back or holding 20-kilo dumbbells). Not to mention, a strong body all begins with disciplined mental strength and to me, what you think, you become. So my work is not merely about what you see, it addresses the fact that women, too, are capable of being strong yet are blinded by the misconceptions and myths of strength training that relate to females. Apparently they are only ever
favored as the skinny “cardio bunnies” that in order to achieve the perceived ideal beauty for women, they skip a few meals to starve some fat off or in some countries add a couple extra meals to get those “curves”, and hey, they’re fertile! Exactly what mother nature set them up for! Fitness has become who I am, has given me true value to being alive and helping others. I wake up every morning to continually push myself past my abilities and past my weaknesses, and I could not be more grateful for being capable. My point here is: you have legs and a heart- then you can run. You have your four limbs, we were intended to carry heavy things as primitives. So forget what others say, train with purpose and intent and not only will you gain a better body, but you will gain a stronger, more secure sense of self.
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FARAH HEGAZY The Games People Play Installation
For a long time now, I have taken a great interest in traveling, observing, and comparing different cultures to one another, particularly social norms and behaviors in Egypt as of late, with a profound focus on the impacts of globalization and westernization. Living in Egypt most of my life, and being an active member of the Egyptian society, I can’t help but notice how society and how our social lives have changed drastically over the past couple of years. The social life I am referring to is the excessive partying, drinking, materiality and sexual activity. This lifestyle always existed in the Egyptian society, however, it was never as mainstream as it is nowadays, and was never as socially acceptable as it is now.
A person’s existence is divided into two levels; sort of like a game if you may; hence the project’s title- The Games People Play. There’s one’s life, and there’s what happens after one dies – the afterlife. Life directly impacts and influences the afterlife. It seems as though our social atmosphere has shifted all our focus to life and getting the most we can out of it with no consideration to how our actions impact our afterlife. However, the equation is not that simple; obstacles and temptations get in the way and help shift our focus elsewhere. Through The Games People Play, I hope to portray the shift in our societal behaviors, and help people gain awareness about certain elements in our society nowadays.
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MANAR ABDELMABOUD The Digital Generation Digital print/ Book
During the revolution, the transfer of people’s life from the Internet, which was a space that gave them some freedom, to the streets triggered their creativity. It shows how that every body is creative but this creativity is locked inside or maybe we are not aware of, because of the oppression on us or because of our busyness with life’s struggles. But once we break free out
of it, our creativity explodes we start to see the world in a whole new way. That was apparent, in one way, when people started holding and updating their signs in the street, in a similar fashion to that when updating everyday their statuses on FB or Twitter to say something about them or about how they feel or what they want. It’s FREEDOM! I was there….I witnessed everything!
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MARY GHABRIEL The Awesomeness That is I Installation / performance
Fashion design is something that I describe as a challenge for someone like me. This project started off strictly as a modern casual wear fashion line that I created inspired by mythology and heritage combined and transferred to modern day casual attires. Later on, the ideas took on a life of their own, and finally turned into an installation,
performance, mixed medium piece. The pieces represent two opposites, how they can or cannot work together, and how we as humans see ourselves through these elements. Inspired by Ancient Egyptian mythology, experimenting with fashion, using alternative materials, toying with the idea of life and death, I give you‌ something to think about‌
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NOOR IBRAHIM The Power of Thoughts Installation
If ever there was a need to believe in the power of our thoughts, this is it. The human brain produces numerous thoughts and emotions that we take for granted because we dismiss them as “just thoughts�. My artwork is about taking some of those thoughts and seeing how far they can truly affect my life and art through water. Through an experiment done in Japan it was believed that thoughts can
alter the molecules of water, and through a thorough documentation of three and a half weeks I began to assess the power of some of these thoughts on water and their effect on me and my art. This installation is the result of three and a half weeks of self experimentation, where I used the mediums of video, voice recordings, drawings, painting, and daily journals to document the daily effects of these thoughts on my life.
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MARWAN ELGAMAL If a Mind Could Wear a Tie Paintings
The series explores the contrast between the biology of the human body and its functions; organic and involuntary, the outside world, and the mind as it attempts to cope with its given environment and human figure. The mind then chooses to alleviate the symptoms of the lack of autonomy it finds itself in. I discuss two choices; it can take solace in culture and find success in it, or it can detach from the ugly and concern itself only with the beautiful. To take solace in culture,
the person will aspire to gain positions and objects, such as surrounding themselves with admirers and owning homes, plants and aquariums. To concern oneself only with beauty, the person will search for all that is physically pleasing and notions of noble thoughts and might even go watch a play. The series does not pursue these solutions, it depicts their shortcomings, the backlashes that occur, the victims of culture, and the looming ‘unbeauty’ that surfaces time and again.
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NADA AL BALUSHI Messages Digital print
I have always been interested in the concept of dreams and how they have an effect on how we think through our daily lives. In my opinion, dreams are a way of communication between you and a larger power, whether it is God or the Universe’s energy to give out messages, warnings and meanings that relate to your life and your future. If you allow your mind to believe that there is a greater power that is controlling such images, abstractions and symbols in your dreams, then you will allow your mind to work in a different way that accepts such a belief, and therefore, these dreams would have a larger meaning or a message to your life’s answers. Dreams sometimes connect things that have no relation to one another to create a specific meaning that is hid-
den. You can dream of an abstract combination of things, people and forms, however, your brain is already aware of what these things are. During a dream, the brain does not create a new form, thing or creature, they are all things that you see in real life that are just combined in a different way. You can dream of a creature that is half-bird and halfairplane, but your brain understands what each one is. The reason why I think we do not dream of anything that is completely new is because dreams try to send out messages and therefore they want to talk to us in a language that we can understand. When the messages don’t get through, this is when looking and searching for the meaning comes in. In my art work, I decided to focus on one dream that eventually becomes real.
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On the fragmentation & alienation of Peace Installation
PEACE….What does the word peace mean? What does it symbolize? When we hear this word, what do we feel? Or do we feel anything at all in the first place? Is it peace or piece?! In our modern times, Peace has become a word with no profound meaning what so ever. We know it but know not how to define it. We can read it but know not how to apply it. It has become an empty contour of something that was once there; something its features are unknown though had been known for others long before us. We stand oblivious when we encounter it; it looks familiar, it sounds
familiar but we can’t seem to get it in. Ever since Peace started to diminish, some distinctive, yet separate, people around the world have fought against its extinction. They might have not accomplished all what they hoped for, but each contributed to preserve what was left of it. Most of us today don’t know anything about them! We may have heard some of their quotes but have no clue who said what, when, where, or even why. Many others know almost nothing at all!
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ZEINAB ADEL Spiritual revolution Painting
Based on my experience towards the Egyptian 25 January revolution, I decided to convey the spirit and the consequences of the revolution through dealing with body expressions and random spontaneous movements, evoking the disturbed climatic mood and the vigorousness of action. Thus, I focused mainly on the emotional experience through dynamic movements played by the figures and the background, in an attempt to convey a sense of emotional communication through the overall atmosphere. The project is basically three 3 separate pieces, each por-
traying a different stage, the first piece displays the unfixable and rigid movement of the figures or the people before the revolution as being controlled by the ruling force. Also, the first piece focuses on the power of sound, showing how people get rid of everything and just angrily screamed out of pain hoping to fulfil their dream of freedom. The second piece shows the disturbed action of the revolution itself. Finally, the third piece is about the expected future or the consequences of the revolution conveyed in a dream-like manner.
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YASMEEN AL MAKKAWI Ending the Silence of the Lambs Video
Artists play a role in bringing people’s attention to the problems in our world today. I am an artist and visual activist who believes that the answer to every question in the field of art is “yes”. My current work expresses my disappointment at the deterioration of most higher educational institutes in Egypt and the resulting passivity of many students. I used the medium of video to create my work. Through my
shooting hobby and filming on a farm, I used superimposed footage of sheep, university students, a farm and library setting, and shooting at targets. I incorporated these aspects together to call attention to the situation and express my dissatisfaction at the downfall of institutes and submissiveness of students. My video gives a reality check to its viewers.
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WANTED: MEN. REAL, MEN. Video Installation
“The state of being absentminded; inattentiveness: absence of mind.” The most enlightening and transcendental Art is the Art that comes from personal and life experience. An artist has to dig deep into his soul to get his inspiration and energy to get the essence of an Artwork. For that reason, I spent a lot of time digging in my life experience and bringing out the weak points and transforming them to Art works that keep developing over the time. This project should be about the “absence of presence” of the male figure, father, in a family; being physically around, but being absent-minded. Does that mean you’re here? Or does your mind take you
to another place; it changes you to a state in which the person around you feels that transition and feels the “absence” of the “presence”. The idea is to show the viewer the difference between being there physically and mentally, or just being there physically which gives the same effect of not being there at all. The video questions the Father’s manhood, as the title states. It is composed of a sequence of pictures showing a child with a father and in the next picture the father disappears. The project is supposed to evoke a feeling in the viewer that first makes him realize the importance of a father and then makes him really think about how he is or will be.
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SOHA ELSIRGANY No Apologies Animation
“In the Free Speech Cage, you are absolutely free to express what you need, wish, or desire, just as long as it is not outside the square. My work, titled ‘No Apologies’ is about the evolution of a personal revolution; an attempt at exploring, reclaiming the space, and owning it. Making the best of the cage box given, by reinterpreting it and, ultimately, redefining the space in the square.
I work with collage, which often incorporates some of my photography. I find collage to be the most democratic art medium of all; the materials are common, recycled or found, and available to everyone. When individual unrelated parts are juxtaposed, the creation is a new whole, with endless space to create new meanings. It is in that space that I started my personal revolution.”
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The Absence of Subject in a World without Time Site Specific Installation
This project attempts to stimulate thought and discourse on the concept of time. It is a portrayal of a world/space without time. In this space, time would not exist. The installation is an attack on logic, order, and verisimilitude of the world we live in now where everything is dependent on time. For example, without a sense of time one wouldn’t be able to feel regret. Therefore, not acknowledging time as an entity would affect events. It discontinues Einstein’s theory of relativity and how
“spacetime” is considered one entity by separating them. It is based on the concept that reality is not reflected by time, nor does it depend on it. Therefore, with a world void of time, certain aspects would fail to exist like “regret” and some would simply exist in the absence of time. The project portrays these subjects that would be greatly affected if we remove time. A juxtaposition of text and lighting is placed to attack time in the space and show the viewer the aspects of that alternate world.
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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
Importance of Space in the Operation of Mental Power
A relationship requires some sort of connection between two ends. For long, there have been facts about the existence of a strong relationship between space and architecture – a widely approved concept. There are numerous studies, statistics, and facts verifying and proving this hypothesis. However, facts are statements which are not necessary held to be true and are often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Through “Importance of Space in the Operation of Mental Power”, I attempt to verify and question my own theory, particularly keeping in mind that space does not necessarily refer to any architectural form or element, nor
an actual physical area with certain boundaries. The space that I am referring to here is the human body. For a while now, mental powers and abilities, and how the brain functions have been capturing by interest. Keeping that in mind, I established a connection between two systems which vary greatly - the human nervous system and an architectural reading of the Egyptian revolution. “Importance of Space in the Operation of Mental Power” is a mixed media documentation of my thought process, aiming to question my theory mentioned above, and cast shadow on such a connection using different analytical approaches and abstractions.
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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
NADA BARAKA / GEHAN SADEK The Light of Freedom Stained glass mosaic
Our work is about the 25th of January Egyptian revolution. It gives you a flash back to what happened during the revolution in Tahrir Square including all of the aspects that were pictured during the revolution. This includes human body expression and movement, elements that symbolized the anger of people, and how protesters were full of potential and had great spirit and motivation to change the regime. We wanted to do a glass mosaic art piece because we were interested in conveying all these messages by using glass due to its quality of purity and transparency that were at the same time characterized and found in this peaceful revolution. We chose not to depict any details for the people’s faces and to depict them as mere silhouettes because we didn’t want to identify anyone, instead showing that this silhouette of a man raising the flag symbolizes hundreds of other people and not only him. Our concept is the relation between light and color. Any source of light when passing through a glass prism produces the colors that constitute the light. In this revolution there was hope and light that people could see clear and that is why we wanted to
color the silhouettes in order to show that there was light, symbolizing hope and freedom. Also, the colors that we have used,the black, red, and white each symbolizes a quality that existed among the Egyptian people. For example the black is a color that absorbs all such frequencies of light so “absorption” is our philosophy; a quality and a characteristic found in the Egyptian people because they used to absorb all the humiliation, injustice and inequality of the regime in the past. Additionally, red is the first fundamental color, the sensation of red being produced by the longest and slowest of the visible light-rays. This color always typifies the active use of power which was obvious and clear in Egyptian people; they used the power of speech and voiced their opinions, the power of cooperation, collaboration, being active, and the power of courage. White is a symbol of faith and hope which can also be seen through the light because it is white, so the white color here relates to the light in that it gives hope. Our project is mainly about light and its relation to colors, that constitute light, in relation to the Egyptian revolution.
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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
Back to My Egyptian Traditions
Renovating our Egyptian traditions of inte rior design. The entire project is a small display of how one can design a room in his house using traditional furniture in a very fancy way. I am Nada Amer, an Egyptian artist who uses mixed media to create pieces of art furniture that can be used to design parts of a house. I am really influenced by our Egyptian traditions and I try to renovate them to our interior design trends. I use parts of our traditional ready-mades and redesign them by painting over them and by attaching accessories over them. I usually design them with Egyptian patterns, and the accessories I use consist of pieces of traditional earrings and necklaces, pieces of glass, pieces of cloth, small pieces cut from a rug, and small traditional drums.
tians still do so), and a traditional drinking vase(olla), etc. In addition to painting over those ready-mades, I create oil and acrylic canvas paintings using the same colors I used on the furniture to hang them on the walls and create a contrast. We have totally forgotten about our Egyptian traditions and we all look for modern styles; however, this Egyptian style is beautiful and can be redesigned in very creative ways to decorate a stunning home. Thus, I want to create a new trend for interior design and that is to design rooms, restaurants, hotels, entire homes, etc, using traditional art, patterns, ready-mades, colors, and accessories. Therefore, my aim is to reintroduce our Egyptian traditional ways of designing, sitting, as well as eating and drinking.
I use traditional ready-mades such as a palette which Egyptians used to eat on (some EgypParallel / 68
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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
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Said El Geziary: Exhibtion handling and installation
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470 Senior Project Exhibtion
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