Student Survey Report

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Towards a New Technological University – What Students Think

Research Report on the Views of Students Within Athlone Institute of Technology and Limerick Institute of Technology Report Findings September 2020

Prepared by Dr Pat Bogue, Broadmore Research & Consulting

INDEX OF CONTENTS Page No. Index of Contents


Summary of Key Findings




Survey Findings


Institution and Area of Study


Core Values for New Technological University


Perceptions of Benefits of the New Technological University to Students


Perceptions of Key Aspects of the AIT/LIT Relevant to the Development of the New Technological University


Important Success Factors for New Technological University


Further Comments on the Proposed New Technological University




Appendix 1


Appendix 2



SUMMARY OF KEY FINDINGS The AIT/LIT Consortium project team commissioned a research survey of the views of students within the two Institutes as part of the process of developing an application for Technological University status. The purpose of the survey was to provide an opportunity for students to share their views which could inform the project team in the development of the Technological University application. An online survey questionnaire was shared with students (from 8th June – 6th July). The survey questionnaire contained a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions in order to gain a comprehensive assessment of the views of staff. Data analysis was undertaken using SPPS. The approach taken to analyse the open questions was to determine the themes which emerged for each question. Overall, the level of response and tone of the comments, indicates a high level of positivity among students and support for developing the Technological University. There was a significant response to the survey, a total of 936 students completed the questionnaire. Some 52.8% of respondents were from LIT and 47.1% from AIT.

Core Values The top five core values for the new Technological University selected by students include: supportive; quality; professionalism; equality; and accessibility.

Benefits for Students Better employment opportunities are the most significant benefit for students from the creation of a Technological University (selected from list provided). Students also believe that a better public perception of their award will benefit them. Other important benefits which students identify include: greater choice/range of courses; and a better perception/image for the college.

Perceptions of Key Aspects of AIT/LIT Students were invited to rate a number of aspects in AIT/LIT in terms of: Good – retain as is; Reasonable – needs some improvement; and Poor – needs considerable improvement. Overall there is a relatively high level of satisfaction among students regarding: class sizes; access to lecturers/tutors; practical learning; and friendliness and community feel. Employment placement and international opportunities/study abroad are two aspects where students believe considerable improvements could be made in the future. With regard to facilities/infrastructure, college opening hours, medical and counselling services and wellness opportunities receive the highest ratings from students. Students believe that considerable improvements are also needed in the areas of parking, childcare, student accommodation and student spaces in AIT/LIT. While students also consider that Wi-fi/IT infrastructure need improvement.

Important Success Factors The most significant success factor for the new Technological University which students identify is related to facilities/equipment/technology/campus development. However, this is influenced by the dissatisfaction among some students currently relating to campus facilities including car parking, Wifi/ICT, student accommodation and student spaces. Therefore, students believe that the new Technological University will be successful if the current perceived infrastructural/facilities ii

challenges are addressed. Students are also concerned that any increase in future student numbers could further impact on the use of these facilities. Students believe that a successful Technological University will offer a wider range of courses (new and improved) across all campus locations. Students endorse the current focus within AIT and LIT on practical/hands-on learning by suggesting it could contribute to successful course offerings in the new Technological University. From the perspective of students, there is a belief that one of the critical success factors for the new Technological University is the ongoing student focus and ensuring that students have a good experience and are engaged with as part of the development process for the new Technological University. Students would like to see the current high level of student support provided within AIT and LIT to be maintained and the further development of supports for students as they face challenges directly and indirectly (e.g. accommodation, finance, personal issues etc) related to but impacting on their studies. Maintaining the community feeling and friendly environment on campus is also identified by students as important for the future success of the new Technological University. Maintaining small class sizes is identified by students as also important for the new Technological University as is the maintenance of high standards of teaching and addressing any problems that arise in this area. Students would also like to see the high level of access to staff maintained in the future. Students believe that the new Technological University should strive to ensure that less advantaged students (socially, economically and academically) and those with disabilities continue to have a high level of access to third level education. Students also recognise the importance of good communication at all levels in the future success of the Technological University.

Conclusions Students are very positive about the development of a Technological University and the benefits which it will bring students in the future and would be delighted if they could graduate from it themselves. The values which students identify for the new Technological University indicate the importance they place on providing support to students, ensuring access and equality and delivering courses in a professional high quality way. Students are focused on the end goal of their career prospects and gaining employment with a reputable and respected award. Therefore, the learning experience within the college and its public perception are important to them. The emergence of the new Technological University has the potential to widen the range and choice of courses available to students in the region and opportunities to engage in education. They believe that the education experience could be enhanced by improvements in placement/work experience opportunities in the new Technological University.


It is evident that students recognise the key strengths of the Institute of Technology ethos of providing high quality, practical learning through small class sizes which facilitates a high level of knowledge and access to lecturers/tutors. Students also appreciate the friendliness and community feeling within AIT and LIT despite the fact that they identify some campus facilities/infrastructure which they believe need to be improved. There is dissatisfaction among some students regarding parking, childcare, student accommodation, student spaces and Wi-Fi/ICT infrastructure. Students feel that the challenges in these areas frustrate their attendance in college and impact negatively on their student experience. Therefore, students perceive improvements in these aspects as being critically important in the future success of the Technological University. Students place considerable importance on the provision of support services (including medical and counselling) but also on the support of staff and the opportunity to engage with them and to address both academic and non-academic issues. The transition to a new Technological University should seek to protect these supports and ensure that students continue to benefit from them. These students believe that the Institutes of Technology have made third level education more accessible to those with difficult socio-economic circumstances or a disability and they envisage that the new Technological University should strive to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. The development of a new Technological University is viewed as a very positive development by students, even though many feel that they will have graduated before the new Technological University is established. Students recognise and value the Institute of Technology ethos of providing practical education focused on student needs and want to see this continued in the new entity. While focused on the goal of achieving employment and a career, students are influenced by more short-term issues related to services, supports and infrastructure and it would appear that there is a high level of expectation that these will be improved in the Technological University. While achieving employment is important for students but they also want to enjoy the college experience while studying and college facilities/infrastructure impact on their enjoyment. The student body are very likely to wholehearted engage, buy-in and support the development of the Technological University, if they continue to be informed and updated on the process and the ambitions for the new Technological University.


1. INTRODUCTION The AIT/LIT Consortium project team commissioned a research survey of the views of students within the two Institutes as part of the process of developing an application for Technological University status. The purpose of the survey was to provide an opportunity for students to share their views which could inform the project team in the development of the Technological University application. Dr Pat Bogue, Broadmore Research and Consulting was engaged to manage the survey process and analyse the findings. A survey questionnaire was developed in consultation with the project team (see Appendix 1). An online link to the survey was circulated to students and they were encouraged to complete the survey and issued with a reminder while the survey link was live (from 8th June – 6th July). The Students Unions in AIT and LIT played an important role in the development of the survey questionnaire and the promotion of the survey to students. The number of students across both institutions at the time of the survey was approximately 14,000. The survey questionnaire contained a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions in order to gain an overview of the opinions of students on the development of the Technological University. Data analysis was undertaken using SPPS. The approach taken to analyse the open questions was to determine the themes which emerged for each question. In the presentation of findings for these questions, the main themes are outlined, supported by an overview of the main views expressed and further complemented by a selection of direct quotations from students. Overall, the level of response and tone of the comments, indicates a high level of positivity among students and support for developing the Technological University. The research findings are presented in Section 2. Within Section 2, there are a number of sub-sections which present different elements of the findings. Firstly there are suggestions from students on the core values for the new Technological University (Section 2.2). The findings from a series of qualitative and quantitative questions on the development of the Technological University are presented in Sections 2.3-2.6. Finally conclusions from the research are provided in Section 3.


2. SURVEY FINDINGS Overall, there was a significant response to the survey and a total of 936 students12 responded to the survey across AIT and LIT.

2.1 Institution and Area of Study Some 52.8% of the respondents are from LIT (Moylish – 35.4%; Thurles – 2.6%; LSAD – 12.1%; Clonmel – 2.1%; & Ennis – 0.6%) and 47.1% from AIT. The level of response across the faculties within the two Institutes is presented in Table 1. Table 1 Area of Study within AIT & LIT (n=931) Area of Work Faculty of Applied Science, Engineering & Technology (LIT) Faculty of Business & Humanities (LIT) Limerick School of Art & Design (LSAD) Department of Flexible Learning (LIT)

% 20.8 15.5 14.8 1.5

Faculty of Engineering & Informatics (AIT) Faculty of Science & Health (AIT) Faculty of Business & Hospitality (AIT) Faculty of Continuing, Professional, Online and Distance Learning (AIT)

10.7 23.7 11.5 1.4

Over four out of every five (82.9%) students who responded to the survey are full-time undergraduates while a further 3.3% are part-time undergraduates. Some 9.2% are postgraduate students. The remaining 4.6% include apprenticeship students, flexible learning students and others.


A small number of respondents did not provide a response or comment to individual questions. This number accounts for any apparent discrepancy where the total number of responses does not add to 100%. 2 A sample size of 936 allows one to the 95% confident that the results in the sample are within +/- 3.1% of those in the total student population of 14,000.


2.2 Core Values for New Technological University Students were provided with a list of values in the survey questionnaire which included those in the existing AIT and LIT Strategic Plans and others, from which they were asked to select five core values. The top five core values for the new Technological University selected by students include: supportive (45.1%); quality (40.2%); professionalism (38.2%); equality (34.7%); and accessibility (32.5%) (Figure 1).

Core Values for the New Technological University (n=936) 2



Equity Integrity



14.3 15.1

Accountability Transparency





19.3 20.9





















Supportive 0








% of Students

Note: Figure 1

Respondents could identify a maximum of 5 values from the list provided Most Important Core Values Identified for the New Technological University by Students (n=936) 3




2.3 Perception of Student Benefits of the New Technological University The most significant student benefit from the creation of a new Technological University which survey respondents identify is better employment opportunities (43.2%) (Figure 2) (list of options below were provided in survey questionnaire and students were asked to select up to 3 factors). Some 37.7% believe that better public perception of their award is a benefit, 30.1% anticipate a greater choice/range of courses will be provided in the future and 29.4% believe that there will be a better perception/image for the college.

Perceived Benefits to Students of New Technological University (n=936) 5.4

Enhanced sports opportunities


Easier progression to other courses


More scholarship opportunities More investment in clubs & societies


Greater opportunities for flexible/online learning

15 17.8

Better opportunities for international experience/exchange


Enhanced further education & research opportunities


Better student experience overall


Enhanced industry placement/co-op/experience


Better perception/image for college


Greater choice/range of courses


Better public perception of award


Better employment opportunities 0








% of Students

Note: Figure 2

Respondents could select a maximum of 3 factors from the list provided Main Benefits for Students of the Proposed New Technological University identified by Survey Respondents (n=936) 4




Perceptions of Key Aspects of the AIT/LIT Relevant to the Development of the New Technological University In order to obtain the views of students on a range of aspects relating to teaching and learning in AIT/LIT which are relevant to the development of new Technological University, students were invited to rate a number of aspects in terms of: Good – retain as is; Reasonable – needs some improvement; and Poor – needs considerable improvement. Three-quarters (76%) of students rate current class sizes in AIT/LIT as good and should be retained as they are in the new Technological University, while a further one fifth (19.9%) rate them as reasonable (in need of some improvement) (Figure 3). While 64.5% of students rate the current level of access to lecturers in AIT/LIT as good and 30.5% rate it as reasonable. The rating provided by students for practical learning is similar to that for access to lecturers (62% - good & 32.4% - reasonable). Some 71.3% of students rate the level of friendliness and community feeling in AIT/LIT as good and a further 21.7% rate it is as reasonable. However, 28.6% of students rate the international opportunities/study abroad in AIT/LIT as poor and in need of considerable improvement and 21.7% rate employment placement in AIT/LIT as poor and in need of considerable improvement.


Student Rating of Current Aspests Relating to AIT and LIT (n=936) International opportunities/study abroad


Employment placement



Further education & research opportunities





Teaching & learning supports



Practical learning


Access to lecturers/tutors

5 0.6



Class sizes 20

4.4 1.2


76 0

6.1 0.9








6.2 0.8






Friendliness & community feel

Quality of teaching & learning



3.50.6 100

% of Students Good - retain as is

Figure 3

Reasonable - needs some improvement

Poor - needs considerable improvement

Student Rating of Current Aspects Relating to Teaching and Learning in AIT and LIT (n=936) 6

No Response


In order to obtain the views of students on a range of aspects relating to facilities and infrastructure in AIT/LIT which are relevant to the development of new Technological University, students were invited to rate a number of aspects in terms of: Good – retain as is; Reasonable – needs some improvement; and Poor – needs considerable improvement. Some 65.9% of students rate the current opening hours in AIT/LIT as good while a further 26.7% rate them as reasonable (in need of some improvements) (Figure 4). Some 45.6% of students rate the current medical and counselling services in AIT/LIT as good and 40.5% rate them as reasonable. Similarly, 43.1% of students consider the current wellness opportunities in AIT/LIT as good and 42.6% consider them as reasonable. Some 46.4% of students rate the current Wi-Fi and IT infrastructure in AIT/LIT as reasonable (in need of some improvements) while a further 21.6% view them as poor and in need of considerable improvement. It is evident from the findings that students believe that considerable improvements are also needed in the areas of parking, childcare, student accommodation and students spaces in AIT/LIT.


Student Rating of Current Aspests Relating to AIT and LIT (n=936) Parking


On-campus childcare



Student accommodation



Student spaces






Wifi & IT infrastructure



College buildings & facilities








Medical and counselling services

Opening hours














Wellness opportunities




Clubs/societies & student activities









6.1 1.3


% of Students Good - retain as is

Figure 4

Reasonable - needs some improvement

Poor - needs considerable improvement

Student Rating of Current Aspects Relating to Facilities and Infrastructure in AIT and LIT (n=936) 8

No Response


2.5 Important Success Factors for New Technological University Students were invited to suggest three important success factors for the new Technological University. A wide range of suggestions are made by students with regard to critical success factors for the new Technological University. The main themes identified are presented in Table 2 including: • Facilities/equipment/technology/campus development (69%); • Course offering (32.3%); • Student focus (30.5%); • Teaching/Learning environment (21%); and • Work placement and employment (16%). (Further detail is presented in Appendix 2 – Table 3). Table 2 Main Important Success Factors for the New Technological University Identified by Students (n=606) Main Success Factors Facilities/equipment/technology/campus development 69 Course offering/new/relevant/responsive/meet student needs/career focused 32.3 Student - focus/experience/buy-in/engagement 30.5 Teaching - learning environment - improved/excellence/education focus/small classes 21 Work placement and employment opportunities 16 Quality - courses/staff/delivery/research/teaching/standards 13.2 Affordability and accessibility 10.9 Communication - internal & external/across institutions/management down 10.4 Note: Respondents were asked to provide three success factors

Facilities/Equipment/Technology/Campus Development It is interesting to note that students place the most emphasis in terms of the future success of the new Technological University on the standard of facilities/equipment/technology and campus development. However, it is evident that this feedback is influenced by the fact that students are unhappy with some campus facilities currently including car parking, Wi-Fi/ICT, student accommodation and student spaces. Therefore, some of the aspects identified as success factors for the new Technological University are more related to addressing current infrastructural issues. Students are particularly concerned about the perceived current inadequacy of on-campus car parking which frustrates them in terms of general availability and the cost of parking and the impact it has on their ability to attend and enjoy their college experience. Therefore, for many students, an improvement in the car parking facilities is important to the future success of the new Technological University. Better parking as it is impossible to get parking in the morning resulting in me being late for lectures and getting parking fines Extra parking, maybe a multi-storey…..there are just not enough spaces for all the people that drive Provide free parking for students Similar to the comments relating to car parking, some students are dissatisfied with the current ICT and Wi-Fi facilities on campus and envisage that an improvement in these would be critical to the success of the new Technological University. Some of the comments are specific to individual campuses but there appears to be dissatisfaction to a certain extent across all campus locations.


Access to computers and internet…..need more computers, updated technology…..access to Wi-Fi Technology is quite old compared to UL student facilities Student accommodation (including: the cost; the quality; and overall availability) is another current challenge for students and their expectation is that addressing it will contribute to the future success of the new Technological University. Reasonably priced student accommodation Update and improve student accommodation The availability of spaces for students to congregate, recreate and generally relax is also an issue which students highlight as important for the future success of the Technological University. Some students consider that the current provision of students spaces is inadequate or in the event of an increase in student numbers, will not be sufficient in the future. A lot more seating areas…..student spaces have got very crowded Good facilities for students to interact, relax and socialise with each other…..generally more social space…..more space for students to mingle…..more places for students to study More student spaces which offer comfort and calmness in between classes…..more spaces for students to relax outside of class hours, sometimes 3 hour breaks between classes Students envisage that a successful Technological University will require a high level of student supports, particularly in general and mental health and well-being (including counselling). They suggest that this will require improvements in the provision of some supports and an increased awareness among students of the supports available. Improved mental health services…..greater mental health awareness More awareness of the availability of student counselling

In addition to the specific elements relating to facilities/infrastructure which have been discussed, students believe that in order to be successful, the new Technological University will require improvements in all aspects of campus infrastructure/facilities over the next 5 years. Some students highlight that the current facilities will not be capable of catering for an anticipated increased number of students in the future. Students also highlight the need to improve facilities and to ensure greater access to facilities/services in all campus locations. Better facilities for smaller campuses…..less neglect of smaller campuses Improved campus facilities…..improve every aspect of facilities For some students, the current canteen facilities are a source of dissatisfaction in terms of overall space available for students in canteens across campuses, opening hours, quality of food, service and value for money. They suggest that these facilities need to improve in order for the new Technological University to be perceived as successful.


Canteen food is overpriced and only available for limited times during the day Size of the canteen is disproportionate to the amount of students using it daily

Course Offering The predominant view of students is that a successful Technological University will lead to the provision of wider range of courses (including new and improved) across all campus locations. Exciting and diverse range of courses at all levels Students endorse the focus within AIT and LIT on practical/hands-on learning by suggesting it could contribute to successful course offerings in the new Technological University. More emphasis on practical learning rather than all theory‌..practical real world learning Practical approach to learning that changes to suit needs of students/employers Students also recognise the importance for the Technological University to develop and provide more online/flexible and blended courses. While this may appear to be a contradiction to the previous comment, it highlights that students want both the practical hands-on and the online home study approaches. They envisage the flexibility of studying when it suits the student as being important in the future while still providing a level of connection with the college, the lecturer and other students. More online courses offered as a means of getting qualifications Online modules for remote learning, shaping timetables to encourage independent and virtual learning alongside practical days More flexibility in how courses can be delivered

Student Focus From the perspective of students, there is a belief that one of the critical success factors for the new Technological University is the ongoing student focus and ensuring that they have a good experience and are engaged with as part of the development process for the new Technological University. Students would like to see the current high level of student support provided within AIT and LIT to be maintained and the further development of supports for students as they face challenges directly and indirectly (e.g. accommodation, finance, personal issues) related to but impacting on their studies. Specific reference is also made to supporting mature students. Support for non-academic as well as academic [issues] Better at supporting and accommodating students’ needs Support students in areas where they are struggling Students highlight that an important part of focusing on their needs is for the new Technological University to engage with and listen to them on issues relating to the transition into the new entity but also on all issues relating to their learning and college experience. This includes maintaining the 11

current high level of contact between staff and students which is perceived as helping students to address issues but also a critical element in engaging students in conversation about their studies and other relevant issues impacting on their studies (including health and well-being). Maintaining the community feeling and friendly environment on campus is also identified by students as important for the future success of the new Technological University. Students recognise that there is a good atmosphere and general feeling on campus and view it as important for the student experience that this continues in the transition into the new entity. Friendliness and community spirit I get from classmates and staff

Teaching & Learning Environment When students discuss the teaching and learning environment in the new Technological University, the primary aspect they identify is the maintenance of small class sizes which indicates that they recognise the benefits to them of the smaller classes within AIT and LIT. Maintain smaller class numbers for students to voice opinions and to know lecturers personally Class sizes are good as they are, there is the right amount of one to one with lecturers Access to college staff is recognised by students as important to the teaching and learning environment and an aspect to be protected and enhanced in the transition into the new Technological University. Staff to remain approachable Teaching and learning supports to all students Keep the contact time and access to lecturers as it is now

Work Placement and Employment Opportunities Students believe that both work placement (while undertaking courses) and employment opportunities following the completion of courses to be important factors in the future success of the Technological University. It is to be expected that future employment would be identified by students, however, they also recognise the importance of work placement as part of their studies in order to provide them with practical learning in the workplace and to help to build their skills to make them more employable. A small number of students sought to stress the importance of having practical work experience available in all courses in the new Technological University. Better and improved connections with top employers for placement students and graduates Greater opportunities for work placement in Ireland and abroad Work experience/placement in all courses Connections with established companies for regular guest speakers and work placement opportunities


Quality of Teaching/Delivery/Research Students recognise the importance of maintaining high standards in the delivery of teaching and conducting research in the transition into a new Technological University. Students appear to be quite satisfied with the current standards of teaching, while there are a small number of comments relating to the need to improve quality of teaching. To uphold and improve the quality of the current institution Increased quality of teaching and learning experiences Retaining everything good about both institutions and focusing on improving

Affordability and Accessibility Students highlight the importance of the new Technological University being accessible to the widest possible range of students. In particular, students believe that the new University should strive to ensure that less advantaged students (socially, economically and academically) and those with disabilities continue to have a high level of access to third level courses. They envisage that this should include specific supports (e.g. scholarships) and other mechanisms to encourage access to third level. They also stress that there needs to be good access to courses across all campus locations not just the main locations (based on perception among a small number of students that the smaller campuses are not as accessible). Has equal opportunities for all students‌ all locations within the TU Opportunities for students from poor socio-economic backgrounds The scholarship programme is fantastic, maybe there is room to extend it to make study more accessible to an even broader population Continue to be accessible for all levels of the NQF Affordability is also a key issue for students as they view fees as being a significant barrier to attending college for some and that it is important that the fees do not change when the Technological University is established. Cost of going to college should remain affordable Students also make specific reference to the cost of other aspects of college life such as canteen meals/snacks, use of sports/fitness facilities and parking for instance.


Communication – Internal and External Students also recognise the importance of good communication in the future success of the Technological University. They suggest both communication relating to ongoing college issues and specifically on the transition into a Technological University. They state that it is important that there is clarity in communication and that confusion/mis-information is minimised. Some students would initially like more information on what a Technological University is, how it differs from an Institute of Technology and what difference it will make to them as students. Communication is highlighted at all levels, between: campuses; students; students and staff; students and management; and management/staff/students and industry. Collaborations and communication between different courses and campuses Honest information, inform students of what is actually going on There must be good communication between all parties involved


2.6 Further Comments on the Proposed New Technological University In addition to the feedback already presented in the preceding sections, students also provide comments on a range of other issues. Some of the comments relate to the issues previously addressed in this report, other comments are general statements about the college which they attend while some comments relevant to the development of the Technological University are outlined in this section. Some of the main issues (not previously highlighted in this report) of relevance include: •

Current students would like the opportunity to graduate from the new Technological University (concern that those graduating immediately prior to the establishment of the new TU would be disadvantaged when compared to the students succeeding them who will graduate from the new entity);

There should be a greater focus on the mental health of students and providing support to them to address any issues that they face. While the existing services in AIT and LIT provide worthwhile supports, students feel that these services are stretched and limited in the support which they can provide to individual students;

Students could benefit from the provision of more information on the process of developing the Technological University. While many see benefits to the development, others are uncertain as to what a Technological University is and how it differs from an Institute of Technology;

Efforts need to be undertaken to improve the online engagement between staff and students attending classes/studying remotely. The experience of Covid 19 has forced many students to engage in online classes/tutorials and there is learning for both students and staff in how this works and how it could be improved for the future;

Efforts need to be taken to addressing concerns regarding smaller campuses in advance of developing the Technological University. Some students are concerned that if the focus of development is on the Athlone and Moylish campuses, that it could be to the detriment of the smaller campus locations. Students believe it is important to ensure that there is equality in the delivery of services across all campus locations;

Better access for students with a disability in all aspects of college life – facilities, teaching/learning environment and social engagement (clubs/societies etc.);

Students would like to see greater supports (funding and other) for the running and development of clubs and societies;

Supports for postgraduate students could be further developed to provide them with more space for study and recreation and generally more recognition;

Some students suggest that the new Technological University should implement a system of performance review for the small number of staff who students perceive as being below standard. Students currently perceive that there is no mechanism to address staff who are below standard; and

Potential to foster links with international Universities in the future.


3. Conclusions Key conclusions on the student research findings are presented in this section, it is anticipated that the AIT/LIT Consortium may also draw further conclusions from their review of the findings. Students are very positive about the development of a Technological University and the benefits which it will bring students in the future. There is some regret among students that they themselves may not directly benefit from the establishment of the new Technological University as they are likely to have graduated before it is in place.

Values The values which students identified for the new Technological University indicate the importance they place on providing support to students, ensuring access and equality and delivering courses in a professional high quality way.

Benefits In terms of benefits to them from the development of the Technological University, students are focused on the end goal of their career prospects and gaining employment with a reputable and respected award. Therefore, the learning experience within the college and its public perception are important to them. The emergence of the new Technological University has the potential to widen the range and choice of courses available to students in the region and therefore provide more opportunities to engage in education. The belief among students that there could be enhanced placement/work experience opportunities in the new Technological University reflects the concerns expressed regarding the need to improve the current work placement provision.

Teaching/Delivery to Students Essentially the findings from the student research demonstrate that students recognise the key strengths of the Institute of Technology ethos of providing high quality, practical learning in small classes which facilitates a high level of knowledge and access to lecturers/tutors. This is a powerful endorsement that AIT and LIT are ‘in practice doing what they say they do’ and delivering to students in a way which reflects that ethos. It also demonstrates that students would like to see that focus retained in the new entity and further developed/enhanced. The friendliness and community feeling within AIT and LIT is also appreciated despite the fact that students identify a number of aspects within facilities/infrastructure which they believe need improvements. Work placement and international opportunities are areas which the Technological University could seek to improve in the future.

Facilities/Infrastructure College facilities and infrastructure obviously have a significant impact on the college experience of students during their studies and there is some dissatisfaction among students regarding parking, childcare, student accommodation, student spaces and Wi-Fi/ICT infrastructure. The challenges in these areas appear to frustrate students their attendance in college and impact negatively on their student experience. Improvements in these aspects will be important to demonstrate to students that the new Technological University is different.


It is of note that while some improvements are required in medical & counselling services and wellness opportunities, there is a general perception that there is currently a reasonably good level of delivery in these areas by AIT and LIT.

Future Success Factors There is a contradiction between the benefits identified by students of the new Technological University and the main success factors for the new entity. While employment opportunities are ranked highly in terms of benefits by students, they do not rate as highly in terms of their rating of success factors for the new University. However, this is more likely a reflection on the frustrations of students with regard to current facilities and aspects such as parking, childcare, Wi-fi, student spaces and canteen services (as previously discussed). Students are focused on current issues which impact on their experience of college and therefore they view it as important to the future success of the Technological University that these issues are addressed. However, it is also possibly an indicator of some of the issues that students potentially highlight to their peers and while not directly impacting on the standard of education provided, could serve to create a negative perception of campus facilities. The provision of support services including specific supports such as medical and counselling and having good access to staff and the opportunity to engage with them and to address both academic and non-academic issues are important to the future success of the Technological University from a student perspective. The transition to a new Technological University should seek to protect the standard of these supports for students. It could also be concluded that in the provision of feedback on success factors, students are somehow taking for granted that the provision of high quality teaching and courses would be critical to the success of the Technological University. Students hope that the emergence of a Technological University does not increase the costs of education or place third level education beyond the reach of some students. This is based on the belief that the Institutes of Technology have made third level education more accessible to all and in particular those with difficult socio-economic circumstances or a disability. It is evident that students envisage that the new Technological University should strive to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. It is no surprise that students identify communication as critical to success of the new Technological University. They recognise that the University needs to effectively communicate internally and externally in order to be successful and to also to achieve buy-in into the development of the new Technological University.

Overall Concluding Comment The development of a new Technological University is viewed as a very positive development by students, even though many feel that they will have graduated before the new Technological University is established. Students recognise and value the Institute of Technology ethos of providing practical education focused on student needs and want to see this continued in the new entity. While focused on the goal of achieving employment and a career, students are influenced by more short-term issues related to services, supports and infrastructure and it would appear that there is a high level of expectation that these will be improved in the Technological University. While achieving employment is important for students but they also want to enjoy the college experience while 17

studying and college facilities/infrastructure impact on their enjoyment. The student body are very likely to wholehearted engage, buy-in and support the development of the Technological University, if they continue to be informed and updated on the process and the ambitions for the new Technological University.


Appendix 1 Towards a New Technological University - What Students Think

LIT and AIT have formed a consortium which is working towards forming a new Technological University (TU). A Technological University is one which has a greater emphasis on practical learning and its regional impact than a traditional university.

1. What campus location are your primarily located (if more than one location, please select primary location or where you spend the most time)?

     

Athlone Clonmel Ennis LSAD Moylish Thurles

2. If you are an AIT student, please choose the faculty within which you are studying? (If you are a LIT student, please go to next question)

   

Faculty of Business & Hospitality (AIT) Faculty of Continuing, Professional, Online and Distance Learning (AIT) Faculty of Engineering & Informatics (AIT) Faculty of Science & Health (AIT)

3. If you are an LIT Student, please choose the faculty within which you are studying? (please ignore if you are an AIT student)

   

Faculty of Applied Science, Engineering & Technology (LIT) Faculty of Business & Humanities (LIT) Limerick School of Art & Design (LIT) Department of Flexible Learning (LIT)

4. What best describes the nature of your studies during the 2019/2020 academic year?

      

Undergraduate - full-time Undergraduate - part-time Postgraduate - full-time Postgraduate - part-time Apprenticeship student Flexible learning student Other


5. Please select 3 key benefits to students from the establishment of a new Technological University from the following list. Please select up to (but no more than) 3

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

Greater choice/range of courses

Better perception/image for college

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

Greater opportunities for flexible/online learning

Better public perception of award (Certificate/Diploma/Degree/Masters) Enhanced further education & research opportunities Better employment opportunities Easier progression to other courses Better student experience overall Better opportunities for international experience/exchange

Enhanced industry placement/co-op/experience More scholarship opportunities Enhanced sports opportunities More investment in clubs & societies

6. From your experience of your Institute, please tell us what you think should be retained, improved or changed considerably in the new Technological University? Reasonable - needs Poor - needs some improvement Good - retain as is considerable improvement Class sizes Access to lecturers/tutors Practical learning Quality of teaching & learning Friendliness & community feel Employment placement Further education & research opportunities Teaching & learning supports International opportunities/study abroad

        

        

        

7. From your experience of your Institute, please tell us what you think should be retained, improved or changed considerably in the new Technological University? Reasonable - needs Poor - needs some improvement Good - retain as is considerable


College buildings & facilities Wifi & IT infrastructure Student accommodation Clubs/societies & student activities Student spaces Opening hours Parking On-campus childcare Wellness opportunities Medical and counselling services

         

         

         

8. What do you consider as the three most important factors for the new Technological University to be successful? 1 2

____________________________ ____________________________ 20



9. Please identify 5 core values which should guide the new Technological University from the following list? Select up to (but no more than) 5

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑


❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑


Accessibility Quality Diversity Collegiality Supportive

Respectful Innovative Integrity Professionalism Trustworthy Collaborative Engaged Transparency Accountability Inclusive Partnership Excellence

10. Have you any further comments on the development of the proposed New Technological University (max 50 words)?

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey


Appendix 2 Table 3 Main Important Success Factors for the New Technological University Identified by Students (n=606) Main Success Factors Facilities/equipment/technology/campus development 69 Course offering/new/relevant/responsive/meet student needs/career focused 32.3 Student - focus/experience/buy-in/engagement 30.5 Teaching - learning environment - improved/excellence/education focus/small classes 21 Work placement and employment opportunities 16 Quality - courses/staff/delivery/research/teaching/standards 13.2 Affordability and accessibility 10.9 Communication - internal & external/across institutions/management down 10.4 Staff - quality/competent/motivated/morale/upskilling/qualifications 7.1 Clubs and societies 7.1 Reputation – national/international/ranking/recognition 6.9 Integration/cohesion - meaningful/across campuses/institutes 6.9 Academic progression for students 6.1 Increased diversity and inclusion 5.4 Funding - various streams, adequate to needs, achieve plans/develop 5.1 Collaboration/partnership 5 International - visibility/recruitment/recognition/ranking/engagement 4.8 Marketing/promotion 4.6 Alignment of vision and values/adhere to core beliefs/values/clear 4.5 mission/goals/strategy/plans/direction/common purpose/respect IoT ethos Investment - facilities, people, resources 4.1 Industry engagement/links/collaboration 4 Research - growth/development/success/culture/reputation 3.3 Stakeholder Buy-in/Engagement/Links 3.3 Achieve/deliver on targets/goals/realistic/success 2.8 Transparency/accountability 2.5 Cooperation - (cross department/management/staff) 2.1 Brand/branding/brand identity 1.7 Innovation - creativity/planning/critical thinking 1.7 Adapting to change/flexible/open to change/culture of change 1.5 Student numbers - traditional and new cohort/national and international/ 1.3 undergrad/postgrad/research Identity - profile/USP/image - New TU-not just two IoTs 1


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