Pursuing passions Born in Barcelona in 1990, since before starting school I already had a great passion: to travel. Because of the love of my father and my grandfather for football, I started watching videos and guides about the history of this sport. Then awoken curiosity about why there are two Germanys, what means URSS or where is Honduras, Cameroon or New Zealand. This interest in history countries turned me into a crazy for the flags. In the World Cup USA ‘94 I was already able to draw all the flags of the world and placed the 24 countries on the map. It was the when I realised that meeting this places in person was next step. In the course of time I realized that this desire was not so easy to fulfill. Back in school with 8 years, I read the stories of Sherlock Holmes and I found out that I could travel through writing. In that moment I had found my other passion: telling. Journalism was my vocation. Since then, I have not stopped living stories to tell. And above all, I have not ceased to pursue that child’s dream. Of these trips and my effort to transmit what was happening wherever, I have got a great social responsibility and commitment with my profession and with the world. I still think that to find your passion and to fulfill it is the best way of life. Barcelona, october 2013
The most important is not the goal,
is the way.
PRESENTATION Journalist by vocation since my
childhood, I started working in local media already in my first year in university. After stepping in the radio I worked for several business’ communication cabinets, where I played responsability roles in marketing, design and contents’ management. But my passion was writing and so I ended up in a weekly paper, where I could develope my skills thanks to a strict daily routine, but where I also got the true spirit of journalism. By 2012 I felt prepared to continue with my studies in Brazil, where I would also meet a different culture. The stay let me get involved in University Extension Programs and
investigation groups on Community Communication. In such environment I assumed an important role as coach on audiovisual production process for new students and as consultant on cooperation initiatives. Finding troubles to handle a Portuguese full of technical terms I saw myself thrown into tasks related with photography. It was then when I developed my interest and abilities in Photojournalism. Brazil changed me as a professional, but most importantly as a person. Back in Barcelona I joined the photography section of the Spanish newspaper EL PAÍS as an apprentice. The non-stop rythm there mo-
tivated me to actively participate in the every day issues going on, letting me to learn from great professionals. With such predisposition I managed to publish dozens of photographies of my own and, consequently, to consolidate my journalist trajectory. Nowadays I am working in Barcelona Televisió covering the sports section while improving my knowledge on video, as a perfect technical handling of a recording camera was the only aspect of Journalism that I hadn’t covered yet. All in all, I can now consider myself a versatile, complete journalist with a wide work product of my last experiences.
More than
and 20 articles
50 photos in
FIGHT CLUB In the periphery of Barcelona, young persons enthusiastics about the fight gather together once per week to challenge in combat among them. Javi, whose dream is to be the Spanish boxing champion, opens the doors of his industrial unit of scrap to organize these combats. Known as ‘El Chatarras’ [The Scraps] because of the familiar business that he inherited, Javi would fight to any moment and he understands that everybody would do the same. Because of that, he opened a gym where during the week he trains the youngest -’los cachorros’ [the puppies]- in order that they begin in the fight. All of them live through with passion this practice, which they take very seriously and use it to occupy a time that they would spend in the street without anything to do.
Serie of 10 photos published in the special Sunday edition and in a photogallery of the 6th October 2013. Great social discuss about the extreme problems and difficulties of the government to give any solution.
Bosnia without horizon 16 years have happened from the end of the war of Bosnia and the country still neither has been reconstructed nor has given indications of recovery. Serbian etnias (orthodox) and Croatian (catholics) they obtain protection of his respective neighboring countries whereas the Moslem majority (bosniakos), treated as minority, lives to the margin of the rights. Without passport to emigrate, with the silence of the European Union and the international disinterest in the region, Bosnia is doomed to the oblivion. The rotary governments between the diverse etnias only accentuate the hatred between the population and it divides the Bosnian identity.
Location: Sarajevo, Srebrenica, Mostar, Ravno (Bosnia) / Guca (Serbia) / Dubrovnick (Croatia) Date: 4-20 August 2011 Equipment: CANON 400D, lens Canon 15x70mm
The favela’s silence In Brazil more than 30 million Brazilians live in precarious housings. Approximately 6’6 million families do not even have where to live and a third of the households are not connected to the sanitary sewer network. Given the considerable difficulties of the Brazilian population to accede to a worthy housing, the Government launched in 2009 “My House, My Life”, a program that set a goal of building 2 million houses for 2014. The incentive program to the poorest families has been accompanied by restoration plans of the most precarious neighborhoods. In Rio de Janeiro, where more than 500.000 persons reside in agglomerates suburban clusters- known as favelas -urban development actions have been undertaken to clean up the image of the city before the sports world appointments. The Brazilian Government and the rest of countries faced the challenge of guaranteeing to all the persons a ceiling where to live. This is the only hope that the inhabitants of the favelas guard to go day after day with a smile.
Location: Complexo do Alemão, Morro da Babilônia and Morro Dona Marta, RIO DE JANEIRO (Brazil) Date: 16-23 July 2012 Equipment: Canon 400D, Tamron lens 18x200mm
Calunga, still in the edge Descendants of former black slaves who fled to the mountains of the center - west of Brazil, the calunga spent two centuries hidden and isolated from the society, in selfsufficient communities. Contact with Indian and rural white people of catholic influence, created a hybrid culture that manifests itself in the supply and a strong syncretism. His situation was of extreme marginality, with difficulties to have drinkable water and electricity. The location of the houses, really far away between them, and the lack of a consolidated identity they prevent the struggle for the basic rights.In the last years, almost heroic individual actions, as Donates Procopi’s work (indicated to the Nobel prize of the Peace in 2004), made themselves known and achieve small successes. “Quilombo”, term that in the Portuguese of Brazil refers to social groups living on the edge of the society. The calunga quilombolas are considered, whose survival in the rural way, and the system’s pressure around them, still represents today the biggest challenge of this community.
Location: Cavalcante, GOIÁS (Brazil) Date: 12-18 April 2012 Equipment: Canon 400D, Tamron lens 18x200mm
A home in the mud In Goiânia’s periphery about seventy families created a settlement, called Pedro Nascimento, after being defrauded by the land owner. This one sold the same plot to several persons in a field that does not possess the basic facilities, as drinkable water or electricity. The inhabitants built houses with wood and canvas and were organized as neighborhood community. Despite the progress made, disputes between neighbors while distributing supplies and the police threat create constant
Location: Goiânia, GOIÁS (Brazil)
tension. The absence of hygiene and
Date: 17 July 2012
the spread of diseases are the major
Equipment: Canon 400D, Tamron lens 18x200mm
concerns of the community.
Brazil claimed The apparent growth of Brazil, as world great emergent , does not translate into global well-being of the population. The Brazilianss have a high load of taxes that does not correspond with the quality of the public services. The high political corruption and the enrichment of a small elite generates big inequalities. The Brazilian people , which still are in a process of identity construction, claims their rights in spontaneous mobilizations and a strong police violence. The disjointed organization of the social movements impedes to reach his aims, nevertheless, the feeling of dissatisfaction is latent, with an increase of the social conscience and critique of an increasingly formed youth.
Location: Cavalcante, GOIĂ S (Brazil) Date: Fabruary - June 2012 Equipment: Canon 400D, Tamron lens 18x200mm
Audiovisual anthropologic
University extension
Location: São Marcos, MATO GROSSO DO SUL (Brazil) Date: 14 - 30 August 2012 Equipment: Canon 400D, Tamron lens 18x200mm
Project Xavante’s ritual
encircling the animal. This can last se-
Ritual of Xavante Indian tribe, held
away from home. The ritual ends with
every seven years. For about four mon-
a three-day festival which celebrates
ths each village teens prepare to move
the dance of the Sun, the Moon and
into adulthood. In the first stage, they
establish marriages with young wo-
hit their arms against the river, twice a
men from the village. The rite includes
day. Later on they get their ears pier-
strengthening physical and spiritual,
ced with a panther’s bone and put a
in a second part where the old sages
wooden cylinder on it as a symbol of
taught to interpret dreams to future
ethnic distinctiveness. In the second
adults. The essay includes images Co-
stage they do races where members
rrida do Noni and Wanoridobe (second
of different clans get challenged, at
stage) and were taken by indigenous
dawn and dusk. finally they all come
Sangradouro under the project ‘Digital
out to hunt panthers and other animals
Aldeia’, to train indigenous people in
to “feed the village”, usually with fire,
the new technologies.
veral weeks, time that teenagers spend
Unsustainable RIO+20 The ostentatious luxury of the international summit Rio+20, organized by the UNO and which brought together all the world leaders, rather contradicted the defense objectives for the environment who claimed to be the reason for the meeting. Discussions, lectures and pavilions of every country served as scene to establish institutional networking. However, the final result was an agenda of proposals to improve the quality of the planet, without any type of binding value or firm commitment for his fulfillment.
Poor’s Summit
In parallel to the Rio+20, official ceremony organized by the Location: RIO DE JANEIRO (Brazil) Date: 15 - 22 July 2012 Equipment: Canon 400D, Tamron 18x200mm
United Nations, many social movements round the world celebrated the ‘Cúpula dos Povos’ [Nation’s Summit]. The meeting adressed members of collective problems such as social exclusion, environment, human rights (housing, land, resources) and the persecution of indigenous people. The event brought together hundreds of activists for one week, many of which stayed at the Sambódromo, facilities provided by the Government that were not fulfilling the minium conditions of health and safety.
Ethnicity and Power in Bolivia Bolivia has been a strategic place in Latin America and has served as a retaining wall between the major powers in the region. In a past was ruled by several families of important landowners, descendants of settlers who controlled from La Paz across the country. With the arrival of Evo Morales, the power has shifted to the “colla” indigenous native, who want to take revenge with his particular “Camba” white descendants. Evo’s government, with the intention of winning electoral weight, has forced the exodus of Collas from the highlands of La Paz to the plane or Eastern crescent, with Santa Cruz as capital. In this city you can see the difficult coexistence between the two ethnic groups, which has led to social tension. The Bolivian population, low-income and training, remains steeped in populism and near-subsistence economy.
Location: Puerto Suรกrez, Santa Cruz, Trinidad, Cochabamba, La Paz, Copacabana, (BOLIVIA) Date: 2 November - 1 december 2012 Equipment: Canon 400D, Tamron 18x200mm
South America with a K-1000 At the station of Arequipa (Peru) during the route around South America our digital Canon was stolen. Luckily, we had bought a PENTAX K-1000 and decided to continue to take pictures with the analog camera. Our efforts to portray the people and customs of that continent were higher than the regret for the lost material. The lack of money to buy the rolls and forced us to decrease the volume of images. However, the emotion of the approach, the shot and the result was enormous. In the end, we kept the excitment for photograpy and picked up a satisfactory record of the Andean peoples of Peru, Chilean fishermen, markets, Argentina and Buenos Aires. We just lost Pinchollo’s photos, a small village of the Colca Canyon, which we keep a special affection.
Location: Candarave, Tacna (PERĂš) / Antofagasta, Arica, (CHILE) / Salta, BBAA (ARGENTINA) Date: December 2012 - January 2013 Equipment: PENTAX K-1000, 18x55 lens
BCN Struggle Barcelona has historically been a place of high social and working tension. Known as ‘red city’ by the strong presence of anarchism, social movements remain a prominent role in public life. With the Spanish economic crisis, several sectors such as Health and Education have mobilized to fight the cutbacks, taxes by the austerity plans of the European Union. The protests aim to defend a welfare state increasingly weakened and protect the interests of the lower classes. The increasing inequalities and the emergence of pockets of poverty, is creating an alarm with an overwhelming response in the streets. Cases of corruption and government roughshod accentuate social unrest.
Location: BARCELONA (Catalonia) Date: February - May 2013 Equipment: Canon 400D, Canon 18x55mm lens
The right of housing It is estimated that the number of people affected by the preferential ones amounts to 300.000 people - and a value that ranges 8.000 million Euros-, most elderly people who were not informed of the terms of the contract that they were signing. Investors belong to different banks -most of Bankia, Caixa Nova Galicia, Cataluna Banc or Caixa Laietana- and to recover their savings will have to change securities into shares, with a discount of between 10 and 70 per cent. The deception of banks has sparked anger among those affected people that despite his age, do not go to the streets to protest for what they consider a steal. The unethical practices of banks and the irresponsible management of the money received by the rescue of the financial system have created a climate belligerent against any expression of economic power. Under the slogan “Yes we can!’’, The victims still hope to win power.
Europe by train
Location: PARIS (France), BRUXELLES (Belgium), BERLIN (Germany), AUSCHWITZ, KRAKOW (Poland) Date: 1 - 12 December 2011 Equipment: Canon 400D, Tamron 18x200 lens
Gypsy RUMBA Style The Catalan rumba is a genre that comes from Catalan gypsy community in Barcelona since the mid-’50s, taking rhythms derived from the rumba flamenco-influenced Cuban music and rock & roll. Born in the Catalan gypsies communities in the Gracia neighborhood, at Cera del Raval street and Hostafrancs.
The gipsy community in these neighborhoods has a historical settlement and are Catalanspeaking at all. The international success of the greatest exponent of Catalan rumba, Peret, contrasts the difficulties of the rumba, especially younger ones, to gain a foothold in the music scene. ‘Los Cuatro de la Cera’ or ‘Sabor de Gràcia’, as their names suggest, try to keep the roots of the style and stay away from the more commercial Nuevo Flamenco. However, the lack of projection reduces the rumba circle “pure” and heads towards to its demise.
South America Backpacks Travel around Brazil, Bolivia, Peru Chile and Argentina, between october 2012 and january 2013. Treatment of social problems and cultural themes. Images were recorded with a Fujifilm photo-camera, edited with Windows Media Player and upload to the Internet right away, with imited resources to obtain better results.
Fauna i Flora Publication made for the subject of Graphic Art, at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Earliest graphic design practices with InDesign. Preparation of the project, development of the style and application of the knowledge learnt during the semester.
Dona Procopi, calunga leader Interview with the calunga’s leader, Dona Procipi (nominated for the Nobel Prize on 2004) and her son. Calunga was a community of ancient slaves that still live on isolated mountains of Middle-Centre of Brazil. Dona Procopi started a struggle to defense the rights of the calunga and get basic supplies as water or electricity. In spite of being illiterate, this woman was the icon of all marginal groups on the country.
Music show announce
Quilombo Alternative and independent magazine developed in a collective project with students of Journalism from the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Variety of themes. Satirical treatment and colorful layout. Experimental ownstyle that mixes drawingartistic layout and attractive appearance. Two editions printed, with 1,000 copies each.
Promotion of the classical music show ‘Himnes a la nit’, by Sira Hernández and Óscar Intente on Sala Maldà. Video uploaded on Youtube for promotion of the event.
Devaneios TV emissions Sample of the work on Barcelona Televisió. Recording and edition of videos for later emissions. Diary task of self-production news.
Project magazine about cinema in Goiânia. As a part of the program to promote culture in Goiás, the publication only became online edition unfinished due to lack of funds. Sophisticated and light layout, easy to read and pleasant to the sight. Using of own created elements and organisation of the pages (layout).
About me
Universidade Federal de Goi谩s (Brazil)
Course on Photojournalism
Formation 2008 - 2013
Graduated in Journalism by
2012 - 2013
Universitat Aut贸noma de Barcelona (Spain)
Reporter Academy (Balkans)
Intensive course of one month on Photography on the region of Balkans (Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia). Training exercises in real situations. High difficult practices. Redaction of a blog.
Software Photoshop
One year of University studies stage in Brazil. 2012
First Certificate (University of Cambridge). 2006
B2 Title (Official Language School). 2010
4th of Social Communication by
august 2011
Technical 5 years
Intensive Course of Initiation. 2013
Skills Illustrator
Medium 2 years
Adaptation to any situation. Sociable, easiness of comunication and charm. Dinamic and active attitude in projects.
InDesign Premiere
Technical 5 years
High 3 years
AfterEffecs AVID
Medium 2 years
Medium 2 years
Wide experience in leadership and team work. Disposed to assume new responsabilites and to deal with greater issues. Rigorous with the profession. Work under pressure with great results.
Professional Experience june - october
Redactor / Cameraman
february - june
february 2012 january 2013
december 2010 december 2011
Barcelona Televisió
Audiovisual Coordinator in
Universidade Federal de Goiás
Redactor in
Al dia
october 2010 -
Social Media Manager
january 2011
september 2008 -
Manager of Communication
june 2010
september 2008 -
june 2010
Manufacturas Metalúrgicas RSL
Cerdanyola Football Club
Radio Cerdanyola
Video taping of sport events. Recording and editing of the former for later emissions. Own production in ENG sets. Development of technical skills with a recording camera and the program AVID.
News redactor in the Society section. Specialization in Photography. Information management of agencies and other institutions. Constant contact with current events. Consolidation of my job as redactor and in depth knowledge of the profession.
Organisation of Community Extension Programs. Founder of Quilombo magazine. Production of mini documentaries. Undertaking of anthropological projects in indigenous villages (Aldeia Digital). Press adviser of cooperation projects in peripheric districts. Member of ‘Jornalismo e Diferença’ (UFG) as international investigator in Community Communication.
New’s’ wording and Photography. Layout. Competences as reporter: search of topics, investigation and interviews. Management of sources and documentation. In depth knowledge of the routines, demands and timing of a Draft.
Coordination of marketing pojects with Portugal and France. Commercial relations with foreign business. Collaboration in the edition of ‘Todo Loros’. Development of a corporative social-media strategy.
Redaction of sports chronicles and institutional reports. Photography. Management of contents, webpage, sources and mailing lists. Graphic material design. Development of a Comunication and Marketing plan. Duties as Public Relations and trader.
Live locution of basketball matches. Producer and presenter of my own program about local sports. Improvisation and oral skills recquired.
Collaborations & Blog Correspondant
Weekly collaboration with the national newspaper ARA in the Opinion section. International Blog ‘Brasil en colores’. Freedom of wording and style. Own topics.
Web Member My own space on the website for my job as a photographer in the area of Brazil. The portfolio ‘Calunga’ was the entrance to the recognized magazine.
Teacher Assistant
Solidary Project
Calunga, ainda um quilombo
June 2012
September 2013
Exhibition about the photograpies taken on the stage on the house of a calunga family. Calunga, in the edge of society shows the day-today of this community.
Portraits of children around the world, showing the different social conflicts on each region. Exchange of photos for food.
Photojounralistic collective developing tasks on the plant. First enter as practicant on Balkans and now recent incorporation as tecaher assistant in the different courses. The next one in the Sahel (Sahara), a conflict region on the planet. Organisation of the travel and anual plans.
Membership Accepted in the Social Network of Iberoamerican Photojournalists because of my job on South America.
Correspondant in Spain ‘A nova democracia’ is an alternative/protest monthly journal that treats social themes of all the world and speccially of Brazil. Collaboration with one article about the 11M movement in Spain, material published.
Winner of the 5th Contest
Solidary Photography Ajuntament Girona, December 2012
Honoris Prize on the 1st ‘Urban Photography’ CONTESTED CITIES,
April 2013
International investigator and teacher ‘Magnifica Mundi’ is a group of students and teachers of the Journsalist Degree on the Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil), that develop audiovisual projects of cooperation with social movements. They elaborate plans of formation for the poorest population, inside the area of Community Communication.
www.aitorsaez.com aitorsaezreporter@gmail.com