How to make bread chocolate custard at your home? Are you looking for mouthwatering and delicious bread chocolate custard at your home? If you are nodding your head in agreement, then you are at the right place. We recommend using cocoa powder from Ajanta Food Products to get desired taste and texture. Also, we also recommend using high quality of khoya to get desired taste and texture. We will discuss the recipe of chocolate custard at you home. This recipe is ideal of any occasion and is loved by anyone, especially children. Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes Total time: 20 minutes
Cocoa powder from Ajanta Food Products Custard powder from Ajanta Food Products Bread Sugar Milk from Amul Khoya
Directions: First of all, you should collect all the ingredients at one place before preparing this delicious and mouthwatering custard recipe. In a medium bowl, you should add half litre of full cream milk from Amul. You should boil the milk at low to medium heat. Add four tablespoon of custard powder from Ajanta Food Products into the milk mixture. Custard powder from Ajanta Food Products ensures that this recipe is creamy and delicious. You should add 4 tablespoons of sugar into this mixture. Mix continuously to make a lump-free mixture. Boil it for at least for 5-10 minutes. Once the custard is prepared, you should remove it from the heat. Transfer it to separate bowl. You should cool it at room temperature. You should keep it aside. In a separate bowl, you should take khoya in a small bowl. Whisk it to remove any lumps. Now add cocoa powder from Ajanta Food Product into the khoya. Add finely powdered sugar into the cocoa powder from Ajanta Food Products and khoya. Mix it well. Now you should take small amount of the khoya mixture and make a roll. Keep it aside. You should take bread and cut all the edges. You should take a roti roller and roll the bread into a thin sheet. You should stuff the khoya mixture (roll) into the folded bread. You should carefully roll the bread and khoya mixture carefully.
Repeat the same procedure to make 6-10 bread roll (filled with delicious khoya mixture). Place 4 bread roll filled with khoya into a small plate. Add the prepared custard mixture into the 4 bread roll filled with khoya. Garnish it with dry fruits. Spread khoya into the bread roll and custard mixture. Serve and enjoy!