4 minute read
Deep-Sea Port
Georgia is located on the shortest connecting road of Europe and Asia. The amount of handled cargo in Georgian ports has been significantly increased in last years.
Consequently, the Georgian ports are overloaded; in addition, the depth of the existing ports is not enough to get PANAMAX or VLC types of ships. As a result, there is a necessity of a new deep sea port (Anaklia Port 18-20m natural draft) that will have a strategic location and a potential to resist increasing cargo flows from Europe to Asia and from North to South.
Advantages of this project are strategic location, capacity to receive large vessels, high capacity, opportunities for advanced logistical services and possibilities for creating industrial clusters.
The Government of Georgia intends to select an investor to develop the Anaklia Port on a build, operate and transfer (BOT) basis pursuant to an agreement to be entered into with the selected Investor.The envisaged term of the BOT arrangement is forty-nine (49) years from the commencement of operation of Phase One of the Anaklia Port.
The port will be constructed in phases:
• The first three phases of construction supposes that within 12 years from commencement of theconstruction, annual turnover in the port will reach at least 40 million tons (on 3rd year at least 7 million tons, on the 7th year at least 20 million tons and on the 12th year at least 40 million tons).
• The 4th phase and each of the next phases shall commence only after the cargo turnover of the port will have reached 90% of capacity existed by that time.
The port will be able to receive a vessel loaded with 6,500 containers.
The Government of Georgia will provide to the Investor with up to one thousand (1,000) hectares of land for the Project and necessary hinterland connections (rail, road, utilities.
The Government of Georgia shall consider the possibility of establishing a free industrial zone (“FIZ”) for the Anaklia Port, further details of which are to be finalized prior to execution of the Investment Agreement.
Containerization & Logistical Centers
Georgia provides significant investment opportunities in the manufacturing sector, which already contributes up to 12% to gross domestic product of the country and, since 2007, has attracted more than $ 1.2 billion in investments.
This is an opportunity for export oriented manufacturing sectors, for which access to the European market would be attractive. Therefore, together with international and local experts, the Government of Georgia is undertaking a deep analysis of competitive sectors in order to find ways of stimulating investment inflows, attracting new technology and knowhow and creating high value-added production in the country.
Georgia is uniquely positioned to capitalize on increasing trade flows between Europe, the Caspian Region, Central Asia and China in the foreseeable future. The country offers the shortest route between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Georgia’s transport system is a key link in the historic “Silk Road.”
Foreseeing the above mentioned, there is a significant opportunity of development of warehouses, containerization and logistical centers. The total volume of warehouse space in Georgia amounts to around 1.8 million sqm, of which around 1.2 million sqm is owner- occupied and the remainder is leasable. The largest share of total leasable space is located in Tbilisi - 61%, with 23% -in Batumi 10%-in Poti and 6%- in Rustavi. From the 627,000 sqm of leasable warehouse supply, 89% is dry storage and 11% cold storage.
The total capacity of cold storage amounts to 243,700 tons. A significant proportion of total leasable warehouse floorspace is classified as Class B (59%) and Class C (39%). Only 2% of total leasable warehouse supply in Georgia can be classified as A class space.
The broad categories with the highest occupied space are food and beverage, representing 42% of occupied space in listed warehouses and building materialsoccupying 14% of stock. Distribution companies take up to 13% of space. The average rent for dry storage A class warehouses in Georgia stands at around USD 11 per sqm net of VAT; the same figure for B class warehouses varies between USD 2.3- 4.7 per sqm and for C class warehouses USD 0.5-2.4 per sqm. The average rent for cold storage facilities in Georgia usually varies between USD 14-17 per ton net of VAT, depending on location and warehouse quality.
Source: investingeorgia.org
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