Red Coral Gemstone's Importance In Vedic Astrology

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• Red Coral also known as "Praval" or "Moonga" in Hindi is one of the popular and beneficial gemstone in Vedic astrology. It is ruled by the planet Mars also known as Mangal. Mars in known as a god of warfare and commander to the god's army. The appearance of this stone is very beautiful. It is a bloodred colored attractive stone, and a favourite piece to own of many gem lovers. This gemstone is widely worn as a jewelery piece and as an astrological gemstone, as it is loaded with many astrological benefits.


• Planet Mars is a royal warrior with great amount of courage and confidence. It is considered as the planet of energy, anger, ambition, vitality, blood circulation. Red Coral is the gemstone of the ferocious planet Mars. Hence, this gemstone is worn to enhance the energies and power of planet Mars. • Mars is known as a furious and volatile planet which emits red color. Malefic effects of Mars are the cause of an individual's accident, injuries, loss of blood through surgeries or wounds. If the placement of the planet is weak or debilitated in an individual's horoscope it can cause depression, lack of confidence and failures

• The placement of the planet Mars in certain houses is also responsible for Manglik Dosha. Red Coral is suggested to wear as it eliminates the malefic effects of Manglik Dosha in native's life. Positive placement of Mars in an individual's life will make the person successful and give prosperity in whatever work they do. • People who fall under the sun sign Aries and Scorpio can readily wear this furious gemstone to yield the benefic effects of planet Mars. Red Coral is strongly advised to use if Mars is giving negative results in the birth chart. • Gem stones are recommended to an individual after reading their horoscope and learning the placement of planets in their horoscope. So before you adopt this gemstone make sure to get your birth chart read by an experienced astrologer as he will guide you whether it is beneficial for you to wear Red Coral gemstone. •

BENEFITS OF WEARING RED CORAL GEMSTONE. • This gemstone is known as beneficial for several reasons. • The top most being health issues as this gemstone has great healing power. Wearing this stone will get rid of diseases like acidity, indigestion, fever, bloating, boils, piles, low energy, and any skin problems. • Wearing this stone can increase determination, self-confidence, courage, helps in overcoming depression and nervousness of the wearer. • Red coral enhances the will power of the native and the native becomes brave, relations with the younger siblings are improved, the wearer deals with co-operative siblings. • This gemstone protects the wearer from enemies, evil eye, black magic and hexing. • Individuals for whom wearing red coral is most beneficial are, doctors, police, surgeons, electricians, politicians, armed forces

• such as army, scientists, weapon manufacturer, realty business, defense, etc. • A person suffering from anxiety or temper issues, lack of compassion can wear this stone as it is known to help and improve the wearer's condition positively. • Wearing this gemstone can help an individual get rid of the debts and promote financial growth in their life. • The mystical way this stone can warn you or hint you about anything bad coming into your life is by changing its color, for example, if you are about to experience loss in your business or fall sick the color of the stone will get changed magically. • If you fear miscarriage or have suffered from one earlier then wearing this stone after third month of being pregnant is highly recommended. • Individuals with Manglik Dosha should wear this gemstone as it is very beneficial to eradicate the malefic effects of Mars in the wearer's life. Help couples facing troubles in their married life by improving communication and hearty connection between the two. • The gemstone Red Coral represents Mangalya Balam, which means strength of marriage, and long life of the husband. It protects the woman from widowhood and ensures long life of the spouse.

PROCEDURE ON HOW TO WEAR RED CORAL GEMSTONE • The red coral gemstone should be consecrated and then worn in the most influential time according to event astrology. Mars represents the day of the week, Tuesday. • So, it is very important to wear the gemstone on a Tuesday morning of the Shukla Paksha Days (Waxing moon). • Before wearing the stone dip it in Gangaajal, cow milk or water for 10 minutes to get rid of any negative energy and purify the stone with positive energy. • The gemstone should be embedded in gold or silver ring and worn in the index finger or ring finger ensuring it touches the skin so that it charges up the benefits the stone has to offer to its wearer. • It can also be worn as a pendant.

• Men can wear this gemstone in the index finger or ring finger of the right hand and women can wear this stone in the index or ring finger of the left hand. • Finally, chant the Guru mantra, "Om Mangalay Namaha" and wear the gemstone. • The Red Coral Gemstone should be cleaned regularly to keep the powers of the stone constantly coming to its wearer.

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