Ruby Gemstone's Importance In Vedic Astrology


Ruby Gemstone's Importance In Vedic Astrology

Ruby Gemstone Ruby Gemstone or “Manikya� stone as known in Hindi, has been a much treasured gemstone in Hinduism. It is a red coloured sparkling stone which can beat colorless diamonds. It's the most mystical and revered gemstone amongst the nine gemstones that are listed and associated with an astrological planet. Ruby is the gemstone of the planet Sun according to Vedic Astrology. Sun being the ruler of the zodiac, King of all planets, is a nurturer and a vital energy provider for all the living beings on this earth

Associated Planet Sun In Astrology, Who Can Wear It? Ruby Gemstone is ruled by the sun. Sun is called as “Ravi� in Vedic Astrology. It is proved as essential for the people born in July or who fall under the sun sign Leo. After a detailed reading of an individual's birth chart, gemstones are suggested. The planetary placement readings are very crucial and so are the effects on the concerned person's life. Ideally, if the sun's placement is positioned positively in an individual's horoscope, then, wearing a ruby stone will bestow enormous results in their life. Poor placement of negative and malefic planet like Shani, Rahu and Ketu in an individual's horoscope posited with the planet Sun are mainly suggested to wear Ruby Gemstone to elevate the power of the planet sun in their horoscope and garner great results in their life. However, if the sun is placed negatively in an individual's natal chart, refrain from adopting the stone as it will summon distress and trouble in the wearers' life.

Benefits Of Wearing Ruby Gemstone. 

There are numerous benefits of wearing this mystical gemstone, few of which are as followed.

By wearing a ruby gemstone, a person with lack of confidence, confusion, and lack of vision can attain required focus, intellect, clarity of being steady on the path they've chosen.

According to Vedic astrology in earlier times ruby was worn by royalty and kings as a mark of power and authority. And today, a suitable individual wearing ruby can achieve regal status, financial boost and favors from authority and government.

A high quality, purely original ruby gemstone is known to bring learning of selfawareness, and pursuing the higher soul purpose of life of the wearer.

Wearing this stone can make an individual safe from their enemies and can get rid of their professional problems. It also makes the wearer Independent.

Individuals who struggle to make themselves heard or are prone to depression can achieve a boost in their speaking and communication skills by wearing this gemstone.

Procedure On How To Wear Ruby Gemstone 

To attain maximum advantage of this powerful gemstone a native should wear an original ruby embedded either in silver or gold. One can wear it as a finger ring or a pendant.

Before wearing the stone, dip it in the mixture of honey, milk, curd, sugar and Gangaajal, this is the foremost step to be followed because it gets rid of all the negativity, purifies and activates the gemstone with positivity.

Shukla Paksha (Bright lunar fortnight or waxing moon) is the most appropriate day to wear the Ruby gemstone. Sunday morning between five am to seven am is the best and preferable time of Shukla Paksha days.

Before wearing the stone, burn incense sticks and pray to god sun to shower you with his abundant blessings.

Lastly, chant the Sun Mantra “Om Suryaya Namaha” and wear the gemstone.

To continue to accumulate the benefits of this immensely powerful gemstone, clean it regularly.

Finally, before adopting the ruby gemstone make sure to get a professional reading of your birth chart by consulting an established astrologer who will guide you if you can wear the stone or no according to the suitability and placement of the sun in your natal chart.

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