A Queen's Guide: For Beginners
From Idea To Start Up
Tips and tools to help jump start your business strategy. By Aja Waters
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The table of contents in a book will help you to find the names of the chapters of the book and the page number where each chapter begins. Each chapter of the book will have a name and has a chapter number.
Hello There! This e-workbook is created for aspiring and current entrepreneurs. Whether you are looking to start or enhance a new project or idea, this download will help with structuring your idea(s) and getting started . I personally know how hard it can be to execute an idea/project, so I want to guide and simplify the process for you!
After completing this workbook, you will have the tools to achieve the following: 1. Confidence to face any fears and excuses that's in your way getting started.
2. Clarity on what exactly you want to accomplish and execute your plan. 3. A jump start on your idea/project.
Just a Friendly Reminder, You are welcome to download and print this document for personal use. You may not resell, reproduce, alter, or use this file or any content from this file for commercial purposes.
Copyright 2017 by Aja Waters. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means. This includes electronic, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Ac, without the prior written permission of the author. Requests to the author and publisher for permission should be addressed to the following email:
Your Simplified Idea Lets Get Started! Do you have a business idea that you've been sleeping on for too long? Perhaps you started a business plan and never acted on it, or maybe you have a concept that needs to be flushed out. Fortunately, I am here to help you get pass the procrastination, fear, or whatever mental road block that seems to be holding you back. Before you get started on brainstorming your business idea, I want to give you insight on what an ideal business plan consists of.
One of the many reasons why most people fail to execute their ideas comes from lack of direction. Many individuals simply do not know where to begin, and therefore do not get started. However, I believe that you have what it takes to get started. I want to get rid of some of the smoky mirrors by providing you with simple visualizations of what the beginning stages of a business looks like . Additionally, I challenge you to go beyond this eworkbook and do further research for yourself beyond the graphics below.
The Business Idea Formula
[(i)dea + (i)mplementation ]= Start Up Sales Strategy 9% Branding 9%
*Now of course, there are more elements to this formula, but this is the most simple, and direct aspect
Marketing 9%
of staring your business plan (in my opinion at least).
*This pie graph represents the
Implemtation 27%
elements that contributes to creating your ideal business plan.
Mindset 32%
Idea 14%
Your Idea
Creating a Business Idea
Coming up with a business idea can be exciting! Sometimes the idea can be rooted from a hobby, interest, or skill you've discovered about yourself. Perhaps you were even inspired by something which yielded your entrepreneurial spirit. All of that is great, however, its important to turn your idea or concept into an actual statement that will position you into action.
Things to Consider Before Brainstorming: What emotions does your idea bring out ?
Is there a need for your idea?
Ex: Will people benefit from
Ex: Inspiration, Happiness,
your idea.
satisfaction, etc.
Is your business idea attractive?
Is your idea : easy to use?
Ex: Appealing and attractive to
Ex: accessible, affordable to
the senses?
client, resourceful.
On the next page take the time to write out and brainstorm your business idea.
Your Idea
"Ideas are the wings. What's yours?"Â
Brainstorm Your Ideas Below:
-Roc Nation
Whats your idea/ project?
Who is your ideal client?
What is your inspiration behind your idea/project?
What other elements or strategies could enhance your idea?
additional notes
Plan First
Once you've simplified your idea for your business, its now time to turn that idea into a plan. Before starting anything great, you have to plan for it . Planning focuses on the thought process, strategy, and reasoning behind your project. Have you taken the time out to create elements that will take your idea to the next level? Below, take a few minutes to review, check, and analyze what your biz has (Y) or lacks (N) from the following:
Bomb Business Plan
Branding Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Sales Strategy
Legal Documentation
Website/Site Intergrations
Social Media Presence
Product/Content Catalog
If your idea for your business is lacking any of the elements above, what do you need to do to make sure your business has these tools?
Have you gathered the proper information to budget or fund your idea? If so what are the costs?
What research is needed in order to enhance your business?
What problem/concerns will your idea solve?
Additional Notes: 6
-Abraham Lincoln
"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, i'd spend six hours sharpening my ax"
Preparation is key. Entertainers, Sports Teams, Speakers, and many successful people have mastered the art of being prepared. Think about it: when your'e watching a cooking show, and see the chef cooking within 30 minutes of time, when normally the dish would take 5 hours to make, it is because that chef prepped ahead of time. Although planning and preparing are interchangeable, preparation focuses more on placement.
Ask yourself,
Does your small biz have the necessary tools in place to have an successful launch? If so, how?
What area(s) of your idea will require the most time to work on?
What area(s) of your idea will require the least time to work on?
Do you have a clear understanding of what it is you would like to achieve? If so, what is it?
Business Idea Statement: Â Use the previous pages to create your business idea statement. Be sure to summarize your plan and preparation notes to do this activity accurately. Also keep it simple and cover all aspects of your idea.
Fear Is Not An
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"What you are afraid to do is a clear indication of the next thing you need to do"
Fear is one of those natural emotions that we all have , which sometimes can be a huge hindrance to anything we wish to accomplish. Although we can't control when fear appears, we can, however, manage it. In this case, fear is not an option, because everything you want is on the opposite side. The question is, are you willing to surpass your fears to find out?
Lets walk through this together. Below, jot down a few reasons why you may be afraid of getting started.
Fear Is Not An
The exercise on the previous page gave you the opportunity to dish out of the possible fears that may be in the way of executing your idea /project.
Below, is a visual representation of how the mind thinks in fear vs how the mind thinks in faith. Take a moment to open your perspective and to shift your mind to operate in faith. Choosing and exercising faith is what will over power and kill the illusion of fear. After viewing the chart below,revisit your notes above, and write down your fearless statement below.
Faith Says:
Fear Says: I'm not sure I can. What if I fail?
I am certain I can.
What if I succeed?
I don't think I am
I know that I am
qualified to do that.
qualified to do that.
I want you to now write a fearless statement that declares fear is no longer an option or excuse of getting started. Use your notes from the previous page and thoughts from the chart to write your fearless statement below:
Execute or
"Implementation beats conversation."
Taking action is and will be the biggest and most valuable aspect of your project. Your willingness to execute should be bigger than your excuse not to. Being able to execute your idea will be the only way to see it come into fruition. Below are questions to get you ready to take your project/plan to the next phase. Review and thoroughly answer the following questions:
What could possibly happen if I execute my plan/project for business?
What could possibly happen if I DO NOT execute my plan/project for business?
ExecuteExplain? or
My  top 5 priorities for this idea/project are:
Goal Setting
Completion Date
Date Finished
What'sNext? -Quavo, Migos
"...Wrap It Up Then"
Ok Lets Summarize It Up!
So, we've covered the basics of what your next idea/project should consist of. From flushing out your ideas, to scratching the surface of whats holding you back from executing, you should have a blueprint that now needs to go through the next phase of your start up. In the chapter, "Plan First" you either answered, "yes" (Y), or "no" (N) to areas in your start up that has or lacks specific elements. Refer back to those responses to answer the following:
Name of start up:________________________________ Type of start up:_________________________________ Number of members, partners, employees: ______________ Names of members, partners, employees:_______________ Business plan completed? __________________________
Top 3 goals for idea/project next month (use top 5 goals on previous page and narrow down to 3): 1.____________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________
1. What parts in your business do you need assistance with? Please check the following: o Branding o Marketing o Social Media Content o Networking o Game Plan o Resources o Website/ Media o Accountability Do you feel that this workbook was helpful? (Y/N)
Would having a coach walk you through each step of your start up be beneficial to you? (Y/N)
Whats Next? "Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to results."
Yay! You did it! you've made it pass the final steps of completing the workbook! So now that you've got basics down pack, and you've made inventory of tools needed to jump start your new idea/project, its time for the next phase- getting started.
Getting Started Shouldn't Be a Lonely Process, Lets Work Together. Behind every Athlete, Singer, or Entertainer, was a coach assisting them every step of the way. My goal is to help with the start up process and guide you with your project, business, or idea. If you feel that this workbook was enough to get you up and going, then that's great! However, if you need a more in depth, one on one, and personal attention with your idea, lets set up a discovery session!
Why Hiring a Coach Can Help Increase Your Success: So typically, there are several reasons why a coach could be beneficial for you and your project, but I want to narrow it down to three:
1. Accountability/ Support: Behind any successful business or idea, is a coach cheering them on. Often times we talk our self out of pursuing or executing our ideas due to fear or not properly managing our emotions. You need an accountability partner who can help you see past the fear phase to help bring-forth progress.
2. Provides Clarity: Deciding what business to build can be confusing which in most cases blocks people from starting. One of the most valuable aspects of coaching is providing clarity to take you down the right path.
3. Helps With Dissecting and Organizing Your Ideas/ Project: As a coach, I want to draw out all the ideas that are within you, and put them into action. Sometimes all you need is someone who can help you structure your thoughts and bring it to life.
What's Next? Something Special For You Below:
As we come to a close, I want to again congratulate you for taking the initiative to get started. I am extremely proud of you and I know that whatever you are pursuing will be great! As I mentioned before, starting a new project, idea, or business can be super overwhelming or intimidating but it all takes time. I want you to look at your plan like a plate of food: when you are eating a meal, do you shove the entire plate down your throat, or do you take one bite at a time? Exactly! Tackle on your start up one bite at a time. Eventually, your plate will be empty and you will be full and satisfied. Makes sense? Perfect!
Ultimately, I created this e-workbook because I want to see you win. Since you've decided to take a leap of faith and invest in yourself, I want to give you a special discount of 25% on any course/package of your choice! All you simply have to do is :
1. Visit 2. Enter Coupon Code : Mine25 at Check Out 3. Get the goods!
Easy right? Of course it was! Cant wait to see your progress! "Lets create your success story together."
Love Aja xoxo
Monthly Tracker Month of:
Important Dates/Notes:
Top Priorities For The Month:
Don't forget to email:________________ Follow up with:_____________________ Finish working on:___________________ This project still needs:_______________
Goals For The Week: S
Wins For This Month:
Areas of Improvement This Month: