Five Tips to Reduce the Risk of Developing Cancer - Apollo Hospitals Delhi

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Five Tips to Reduce the Risk of Developing Cancer Cancer is perhaps the most dreaded disease of all. Although certain types of cancers are curable, many people succumb to this deadly disease worldwide. With more than 100 different types of cancers known to man, this fatal disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Though the exact cause of this disease is not known, there are many risk factors that put you at a high risk of developing cancer. Leading hospitals such as Apollo Hospitals offer various tests and professional advice to patients who suspect to have cancer.

Here are a few tips that will prove very effective in preventing this deadly disease:1. Avoid tobacco: - If you are consuming tobacco in any form, be it cigarettes or chewable tobacco, quit immediately. Tobacco is known to increase the risk of cancer by almost 60%. By quitting smoking you can add up to 10 years to your life. 2. Undertake cancer screenings: - Be sure to continue annual screening tests such as Pap smear tests and mammogram if you are a woman, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test if you are a man. Early detection of cancer, is the best way to cure the disease. All the best hospitals in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and leading metropolitan cities offer comprehensive tests for cancer detection.

3. Maintain a healthy weight: - Obesity or being overweight is one of the main contributing factors for many diseases and cancer is not an exception. Many types of cancers such as ovarian and pancreatic cancers have been linked to excess weight. By losing extra weight you can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. 4. Be more physically active: - Physical activity reduces the risk of many health problems, even cancer to a great extent. Make sure you get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. Exercise will not only lower the risk of cancer, but will also improve your mood and make you active. 5. Eat more of greens and vegetables: - Vegetables are a rich source of anti- oxidants, which help the body to recover from the harm caused due to eating junk food, smoking and drinking and other such unhealthy habits.

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