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Psychological Manipulation

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Psychological Manipulation Psychological Manipulation and Induced Psychological Illness As indicated on the home page, psychological harassment and psychological manipulation "mind control" can induce psychological and physical disorders. When an individual is targeted, the level of harassment usually begins slowly and increases with time. Anytime someone interacts with you they can influence your thoughts and also manipulate your thoughts. Usually, people "tune out" the conversations around them. If you are in a crowded room and someone calls out your name they will probably attract your attention and the same goes for other specific words or sounds. Individual's can recall or form images. The expression “I get the visual”. When someone talks about or describes a scene you may form an image even if you have never seen what the other person is talking about or describing. An individual can come in close proximity to another individual and ask a question, If the individual hears the question, whether he is the target of the question or not, his mind can respond with an answer. The answer response can be in different forms such as an image or sound. For example, if the question is what does the person look like? The individual may form an image of the person in his mind. If the IP of 28. question is what is the person’s name? The individual’s mind may respond with the sound of the person’s­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

name. If someone says leave and slams a desk drawer or hits an object. This is a form of indirect intimidation, an indirect threat of violence. If these actions are repeated it can become a form of conditioning. The next time a person slams a desk drawer or hits an object the person may associate this as a threat. Classical conditioning can be used to associate different threats to different things. (Fear Conditioning) Bookmarks (sections): Conditioning your mind Negatively or Positively Dark Sarcasm and Negativity Condition Your Mind Happy: Act Happy Constant­State­of­Interrogation: Indirect Communication and Psychological Disorders Constant­State­of­Interrogation: Unfinished Ambiguities – Frustration and Negative Conditioning Conditioning Sounds: Hitting Sounds and Fear Conditioning Conditioning Words: The Identification Word or The Trigger Word Social Queues: Rejection Hurts and can Lower Your Self­Esteem Social Queues: Smiling and Acceptance The Opposite of Rejection Degrading Themes and Indirect Threats: Verbal Maneuvering to Hide Direct Threats Degrading Themes: Inducing Degrading Images and Intrusive Thoughts Degrading Themes: The Pedophilia Weapon Degrading Themes: Attack Pattern to Put the Victim on the Psychological Defensive Psychological Constructions: Constructions, Barriers, and Restrictions False Pretenses: Deception to Prevent Exposure, Torture and False Confession Pretense Subtle Attacks: Hidden, Doubtful, Uncertain, and Psychological Defenses Verbal Dialogue to Shut Down the Brain Anger Makes You Powerful or Stronger? The Funny Quick Brain Ambiguities: Self Doubt and Uncertainty (A State­of­Limbo) Ambiguities: Inducing Self­Doubt and Attacks to Self­Confidence Metaphorical Speech: Hidden Threats and View on Reality Manipulation Interpretation and View on Reality Manipulation: The Workplace, The Media, Propaganda, Brainwashing Fear­of­Fear: Attacks to the Honor Fear­of­Humiliation Responsibility and Vulnerability Ideation: To Manipulate Victims Beneficial Intentions: To Deceive Victims Beneficial Intentions: The Failure Strategy Beneficial Intentions: The Never Ending Test My Space, Your Space, Not Behind Me Staring Drills: To Provoke and Manipulate The Domination Game: Who Dominates Psychological Warfare or Manipulation: In Covert Type Investigations Psychological Warfare: Three Top Priorities or Objectives Psychological Warfare: Credibility Psychological Warfare: Who can Contradict the Qualified Professionals Psychological Warfare: Bullies and Criminals Psychological Warfare: Powerful Organizations and Secrets Psychological Warfare Pattern: Homelessness Attack Pattern: Brainwashing or Deceiving and Conditioning the Fight­or­Flight Response to Mean Fear IP of 28. Attack Pattern: Public Places and the Cash Register­manipulation.htm 2/28


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Attack Pattern: Public Places and the Cash Register Behavior: Anti­Social Behavior Change A Criminal Harassment Network Routine Example (HSS Hypersonic Sound) Criminal Harassment Network Routines, Strategies, and Smear Campaigns The Rundown, Setups and Deception (video) Disclosure, Psychological Harassment Office Tactics (video) An Example of the Pedophilia Weapon (video) Criminal Strategy Examples, Motive Incarceration, No Trial, Personal Hygiene and Degrading Themes, Repression Through Cancer (Powerful Radar Assaults) Criminal Harassment and Threats (Focused Ultrasound) Racial Profiling, Discrimination Conditioning your mind Negatively or Positively (Ivan Pavlov)

Have you ever noticed that when someone is very negative and always complaining they may start to influence you and you may start to see only the negative events or negative side of things as they do? The way you think can be conditioned and a person can also be psychologically manipulated to have a negative thinking pattern, to always see the negative side of things or expect the worse, or to see the negatives out of a situation or event reflexively instead of being open minded or thinking of the positives first. A tactic often used is to constantly interpret or expose the victim to negativity. In some cases it's used to induce or can lead to depression. (linked to self­esteem or self­worth) The opposite is also true. You can condition your mind to think positively or expect positive outcomes. It’s not easy at first and does require effort but eventually it can change and become almost automatic, reflexive, where you will be thinking positively instead of negatively. You may have heard these expressions "look on the bright side, put a positive spin on it or spin it positively". Try this exercise: Think of all the positives that you can imagine out of a situation or event and try to think of the possible positive outcomes first. Dark Sarcasm and Negativity Obvious corruption and the intentional cause of hardship can lead to dark sarcasm and negativity, which is linked to depression and suicide, it can also be linked to a pattern and steps that lead to homelessness. ­ Mobbing and mobbing in modern society are linked to the intentional cause of hardship and obvious corruption. ­ Obvious corruption and the intentional cause of hardship can lead to dark sarcasm and negativity. ­ Dark sarcasm and negativity are linked to depression and suicide. The intentional cause of hardship and obvious corruption leading to anger, frustration, negativity, and dark sarcasm, which can lead to depression and suicide. ­ Links to a pattern or steps to pushing a person to homelessness and the unintentional or possible intention of pushing a person to suicide. IP of 28.

Condition Your Mind Happy: Act Happy­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

Condition Your Mind Happy: Act Happy

Act the way you want to feel and soon you will feel the way you act.

This is common in self­confidence building therapies or courses where you are asked to act the part of or like a confident person. You soon develop that skill or behavior which results in the person having more confidence. There is increasing evidence that acting enraged, obsessed, malevolent, or depressed maybe bad for you. Actor Leonard DiCaprio developed obsessive­compulsive disorder while playing Howard Hughes in the block buster The Aviator. This often happens to actors who get "caught up" in the role they play or keep many of the same character traits of the role they played. Heath Ledger who played the Joker in the Batman movie died and was allegedly clinically depressed. If you act having an enraged or angry conversation with someone, you will usually find that your emotions do get engaged even though you are simply acting the part. When you are acting happy, you are thinking happy thoughts that go with the acting role you are playing, so it's like conditioning your mind to be happy. Constant­State­of­Interrogation: Indirect Communication and Psychological Disorders (Ivan Pavlov) The group can begin by saying the individual's name, specific words, different sounds, and use other distracting actions to attract the individual's attention. The targeted individual realizes that the group is using some form of harassment and begins to listen to the group around him. Using indirect communication the group can insult the target, attack the individual's dignity, integrity, or self­esteem, threaten the victim, ask questions, and continue to use specific words and sounds to attract the targeted individual’s attention. The indirect communication is also a form of conditioning and can lead to psychological disorders in which the victim feels that he is in a constant­state­of­interrogation. For example, the individual may go to a different environment and hear sounds, words, and questions. Because of the indirect communication and conditioning, the individual may feel that he is still in a state of interrogation and believe that individuals are trying to interact with him. Normally, people would usually simply “tune out” the sounds and conversations of other people. This tactic is also used to induce paranoia. Constant­State­of­Interrogation: Unfinished Ambiguities – Frustration and Negative Conditioning The constant­state­of­interrogation can also be used or combined with unfinished ambiguities. The constant­state­of­interrogation tactic involves constant distractions and indirect questions, and this can be combined with unfinished ambiguities. For example “his work is…” ? “he thinks he’s...” ? “he thinks his…” ?. This leaves the victim guessing or wondering “what?” and it can induce frustration or uncertainty. It can also be used to negatively condition a person as to always assume the worse or negativity from ambiguities, negative conditioning. Conditioned Sounds: Hitting Sounds and Fear Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov) IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

Hitting sounds can affect the nervous system and can also cause or increase the fight­or­flight phenomenon. One tactic is to hit things or drop things randomly, the smoke screen, and then to start hitting things when threats are made towards you or indirectly. This can be an attempt to increase the reaction that you have about the threat and to condition the affect you experience from it, such as feeling threatened or fear, with hitting sounds. Hitting sounds are linked to physical violence, so if it's used in combination with hitting sounds the fight­ or­flight response can be greater. Conditioned Words: The Identification Word or Trigger Word (Ivan Pavlov) A tactic that is sometimes used on a victim is that the group doing the psychological harassment will start using a word, different actions can also be used, that is not commonly used to identify themselves and to identify themselves as being part of this group. Because the word is now associated to a group that is psychologically attacking the victim it can become threatening in the sense that the victim identifies an enemy, can expect a form of attack or threat, or simply identifies and associates the word to the group and the repetitive attacks and their result. The word is conditioned to a threat, the group and a possible coming attack. Now that the victim has been conditioned to associate a threat, the group and the attacks, to an uncommon word, a more common word is used that is conditioned and associated in the same way to the same threat, an enemy or a possible coming attack. The word itself can also be associated to a threat, an indirect threat of physical violence for example, or a degrading theme that is not recognized by the general public which can increases the victims threat response. This can destabilize the victim further by confusing them and inducing more paranoia where the victim is wondering "who is who" "friend or foe" and can leave them responding more to more possible threats. The conditioned word can become what some have termed a "trigger" word where the victim explodes in rage or to the threat, and physically attacks an innocent and unaware person, making them a victim of physical violence and making them both victims of this tactic, strategy, and phenomenon. Social Queues: Rejection Hurts and can Lower Your Self­Esteem Rejection hurts, registered as pain by the brain as mentioned on the home page, and rejection can be used in attempts to harm and also to lower a person's self­esteem or self­worth. A person's self­esteem can be lowered or increased by conditioning the person to look only for certain social queues, disregard certain social queues, or by changing the meaning of certain social queues. Smiling and laughter, social queues, are very important and also have very positive effects on the brain. A tactic often used is to try to condition, associate, negativity to the act of smiling and laughter. Social queues like smiling indicates acceptance towards the person. A person can be conditioned to associate negativity such as a threat or rejection to a smile. If an individual is repetitively threatened or attacked by individuals that use a devilish or fake smile, that is then gradually reduced to a common smile while still engaging in this behavior, and combined with other tactics to induce paranoia such as who­is­who or friend­or­foe, the result can be that the person will associate other peoples smiles to IP of 28.

negativity because they are reminded or conditioned by the previous behavior or because they are­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

negativity because they are reminded or conditioned by the previous behavior or because they are confused or uncertain as to its intention. A person can be conditioned to associate negativity such as threats or sarcasm and ridicule using the same tactics as described above to laughter. The desired emotion that victims are usually manipulated towards or led to is anger because of its negative health effects, instead of laughter. Laughter is associated to joy and acceptance and is also a great stress and threat reducer. Social Queues: Smiling and Acceptance The Opposite of Rejection The simple act of smiling releases endorphins in the brain and both laughter and smiling are contagious. When you smile at someone they usually reciprocate with a smile and this is associated to acceptance and making a connection with someone, it's the opposite of rejection. Smiling also enhances people's view of you and gets you noticed. Some studies show that people who are depressed have weaker smiling muscles and advocate smiling therapy in which the person practices making the smiling facial expression with eyes wide open and reaps the same benefits as a normal smile. Try this exercise and see what results you get: Make the smiling expression with eyes wide open for a few seconds and then rub or massage your face and head for several seconds. Do not do this in front of a mirror if you will view yourself negatively and look for flaws. If you do it in front of a mirror while smiling and rubbing or massaging your face, think positive and loving thoughts. It's a quick relaxing endorphins fix and see how it affects your current thoughts and mood. Degrading Themes and Indirect Threats: Verbal Maneuvering to Hide Direct Threats Sometimes a lot of verbal maneuvering and planning is used to hide or reduce the visibility and obviousness of a direct threat. For example if a group makes subtle hints or insinuations about you being a homosexual for example, even though they probably know you are not, and then one of them says something like all homosexuals should be killed, it’s an indirect threat to you because of the maneuverings or it's less visible or obvious but it is still a direct threat or threat aimed at you. As indicated on the home page, degrading themes are often used to prevent victims from coming forward and this is often the way they are used in combination with a threat or threats. The victim may have some reservations about claiming that he felt personally threatened by a threat that is made towards homosexuals. Other degrading themes, ethnics, and religions can also be used. Degrading Themes: Inducing Degrading Images and Intrusive Thoughts Degrading themes can be not only disturbing to a person, but also threatening. They are used to attack a persons dignity, self­image, self­esteem, induce stress, and often used in combination with negative conditioning. IP of 28.

A group can try to make a targeted individual form degrading and perverse images by using­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

A group can try to make a targeted individual form degrading and perverse images by using combinations of words, descriptions, sounds, and actions. When degrading themes are used on individuals, the targeted individual can suffer from a psychological disorder that some psychologists have termed "intrusive thoughts". Also, as stated on the first page, insinuations, even though they are false, can have different affects on an individual. Insinuations of being a pedophile, a homosexual, a criminal, a liar, etc. Is a form of attack on a person's self­image, dignity and integrity, self­esteem, and can induce stress. One reaction that the victim can have when targeted is to have the feeling of "feeling guilty of something". Pedophilia is at the top of the list in hated things in our society and being labeled a pedophile has serious consequences, it would therefore explain why it is so often claimed to be used. When degrading themes or different insinuations are used it can also be a form of "catch 22" if a person's claims of being psychologically harassed or targeted are dismissed and they are told that it is all in their heads. Why do you have thoughts of being a pedophile, a homosexual, why do you feel threatened by it, etc. Given the fact that psychiatry is often used to discredit the victims of psychological harassment or psychological warfare the psychological construction of a "catch 22" may work on some of the victims. Another way degrading themes are used is to try to embarrass the victim or to repetitively humiliate the victim, because of the visible signs, such as blushing, or because of the degrading theme involved. Degrading themes are often used to try to prevent people from coming forward and psychiatry is often used as a threat in the sense of building false profiles. Degrading Themes Degrading Themes: The Pedophilia Weapon Pedophilia is one of the most hated things in our society and because of this it can be used as a weapon. Being falsely accused or labeled of being a pedophile has very serious consequences for the victims of this phenomenon or use of pedophilia as a weapon. Even when the accusations or label are disproved at a later time the label or smear can stick. Although the accusations are false the desired effects on the victim are usually high levels of stress, anxiety, and fear which is a part of the pedophilia weapon. Stress, anxiety, and fear being another form of weapon with serious effects on the body. Degrading Themes: Attack Pattern to Put the Victim on the Psychological Defensive Degrading themes can be used to put a person or victim on the defensive or psychological defensive. Some example of using degrading themes is to make insinuations that the victim is a criminal or a pedophile. An example of an attack pattern used in psychological harassment or psychological warfare is: • Making insinuations that the victim is a criminal or pedophile to put the victim on the defensive. • Followed by threats to induce the fight­or­flight response or to induce fear. Psychological Constructions: Constructions, Barriers, Restrictions, and Catch 22's IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

Psychological Constructions are when a condition is built into the persons psychology. • One example is the term "catch 22" and the use of degrading themes or pedophilia to prevent victims from coming forward or to prevent exposure. There is no "catch 22" , it's a psychological construction or belief that's been built into the victim to restrict or prevent the victims from exposing the perpetrators of a crime. • Another example is fear­of­fear. The importance of fear is "built up", a psychological construction, where previously there was no importance in fear. After the "build up" process of inducing a high importance on fear, a normal emotion in people, if the victim experiences fear, his ego or psychology can be devastated to bring them "crashing down". False Pretenses: Deception to Prevent Exposure, Torture and False Confession Pretense The psychological manipulation of, the pretense or deception of, wanting a false confession; the threat of wanting false or pretense of wanting false confessions, to prevent exposure. In other words, wanting or using the deception of wanting a false confession has the opposite or reverse effect, the victims ceases all communication or cooperation. You would believe or think that torture is used to obtain the truth, but it's actually used in many cases to do the opposite. In some cases the confessions involve the psychological construction of “catch 22’s” or degrading themes and psychiatry or law enforcement. Subtle Attacks: Hidden, Doubtful, Uncertain, and Psychological Defenses Subtle attacks are usually used to destabilize a person and to get through or bypass the person's psychological defenses. They can leave the victim unsure or uncertain on how to react or wondering if the subtle attack was intentional. The use of something personal, sensitive, or private information is usually used to destabilize the victim and to make the person feel vulnerable and insecure. Degrading themes are also used in subtle attacks. Verbal Dialogue to Shut Down the Brain When you are scared, angry, insecure, or uncertain your brain does not function as well. When opponents engage in verbal dialogue they will sometimes try to intimidate, provoke, or make each other uncertain. • One example is to try to throw your opponent on the defensive or psychological defensive. (linked to intimidation or manipulation) • Another example is to use an ambiguity to make the person uncertain. • Another example is to use subtle attacks to try to provoke anger, intimidate, fear, and uncertainty. IP of 28.

Anger: Anger Makes You Powerful or Stronger?­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

Anger: Anger Makes You Powerful or Stronger?

When psychological warfare is waged on someone, attempts are made to provoke reactions that are harmful to the victim such as anger. Anger is the preferred reaction of choice because of the negative effects it has on the victims health and body such as increased adrenaline, cortisol levels, and blood pressure; and the victim can be psychologically manipulated or conditioned to react with anger or deceived into believing that this makes them more powerful or stronger. Laughter is a great stress reliever and very health. It can also diffuse threats or tense situations. The Funny Quick Brain

When people are calm, relaxed, or in a humorous mode their brains are usually faster and functions better. Ambiguities: Self­Doubt and Uncertainty (A State­of­Limbo) Humans do not like ambiguities and uncertainty, we like to have certainty and security, and ambiguities are often used to induce insecurity or uncertainty. Sometimes ambiguities are used to confuse the victim and to leave them wondering what it is that they are suppose to do or be doing, or what is the intended meaning. This can affect the victim by placing them in doubt or used to induce self­doubt and uncertainty, reducing decision making abilities, and can also have the state­of­limbo affect. The ambiguities can also be manipulated as to hinting at a certain meaning and then modified to hint or indicate another meaning, and so on, to keep the victim confused or guessing as to what the true meaning of the ambiguities are. This can induce confusion, frustration, and self­doubt. Ambiguities can also be used for emotional manipulation such as inducing regret for example. One way this is done is by hinting at a certain meaning of what the ambiguities mean, combined with very subtle hints at another and different meaning. After a period of time the meanings can be reversed or what was the subtle meaning can be clarified or made more obvious to the victim to induce regret, self doubt, and also attack or reduce the victim’s self­esteem and self­confidence. Classical conditioning can also be used with ambiguities. For example the victim can be constantly bombarded with negativity or is lead to the conclusion that past ambiguities also had a negative meaning. Because of the conditioning the person will deduce or assume what is implied follows the same trend or pattern of negativity or theme. Conditioning your mind Negatively or Positively Song lyrics often use ambiguities so that the listener can apply the lyrics to their own life or view on reality. Ambiguities can also be used to influence a person's view on reality or in combination with efforts to change a person's view on reality. Ambiguities: Inducing Self­Doubt and Attacks to Self­Confidence

A tactic that is often used to attack a person's self­confidence and to induce self­doubt is to ask a question using an ambiguity, when the person answers with a deduction or guess, a negative wrong or no is IP of 28.

indicated and a more accurate re­question is provided with the correct answer. This is done repetitively to9/28­manipulation.htm


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indicated and a more accurate re­question is provided with the correct answer. This is done repetitively to induce self­doubt and attack a person's self­confidence by having them believe that their conclusions or deductions are always false. Metaphorical Speech: Hidden Threats and View on Reality Manipulation Sometimes people will use metaphors and metaphorical speech to try to hide different threats or use words that are not obvious in their association to a threatening nature and try to reduce the risk of exposure or criminal evidence. The meaning of different words can also be changed as with sarcasm. For example if two people that hate each other are using the words "I love you", the intention and meaning of the words used do not have the same meaning or intention as the definition of the words. Metaphorical speech can also be used to change or manipulate the view on reality of a victim. For example metaphorical speech can be used to describe a certain view on reality or belief that is not the actual reality in an attempt to manipulate the person. Ideation in Suicide Factors The words "profile", "psychoanalyzed", we are going to "fill you up" in the sense of creating a bad or false psychological profile and using psychiatry as a threat. The victim is psychologically harassed and also bombarded with degrading themes, such as pedophilia for example and combined with attempts to make the victims believe that they will be labeled a pedophile, sexually confused, or a violent, angry, and dangerous person. The truth and reality is that this tactic is used by the perpetrators in an attempt to protect themselves, discredit the victim, and prevent the victim form coming forward and exposing them. Another example is referring to the victim as an animal such as a dog. The attempts made by the victim to expose the perpetrators are then metaphorically described as trying to "bite", like a dog, or "eat" the perpetrators. Using metaphors that are orally oriented are then re­directed towards or used with degrading themes in attempts to prevent victims from continuing the behavior of trying to expose perpetrators. This example of the victim being metaphorically described as a dog can also imply or insinuate that the person is less than human and can be controlled by a master or as a slave. A better use of metaphors to describe the situation is that by trying to expose the perpetrators, the victim is using the light (exposure and visibility) and the perpetrators trying to use the darkness (deception and concealment). When your enemy uses the darkness and tries to hide in the darkness, you have to use the light. Interpretation and View on Reality Manipulation: The Workplace, The Media, Propaganda, Brainwashing Event or Action ­> Interpretation of Event ­> Reinforcement of Interpretation An event or reality ­> interpretation of this event or reality ­> reinforcement of interpretation and view on reality In the workplace, employees who are psychologically harassed or psychologically tortured are often described as having the wrong interpretation of events, or having a "perception problem", a "bad attitude", and the wrong view of reality. They are then asked to consult a medical professional, a psychiatrist, and are then usually subsequently discredited and classified as having a psychological problem or mental illness. IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

You may have seen this in the media where something will happen, the media will interpret it in a way that is false according to other media groups or to your understanding of events and evidence, and will then proceed to try to reinforce their view and interpretation on reality or events and evidence. Conflicting countries or organizations will often use what is called propaganda and their media to interpret their view on reality and events. For example the media in the US, Russia, Europe, China, and Asia may all have different interpretations of events and views on reality that they wish to induce in their audience. Controlling a victim's source of information and interpreting reality and events for the victim is also part of brainwashing technologies. An example of brainwashing and psychological attacks is Fear of Fear and Attacks to the Honor. A victim will be lead to believe that the fight­or­flight response is fear, they are then threatened which results in the fight­or­flight response, which is interpreted as fear, you were scared (showing fear to your enemy), and the victim's honor is then attacked. Degrading Themes Interpretations and evidence are not the same. For example if the interpretation of events is that Julius Caesar throw himself on the knifes of the Senators several times, that would contradict the evidence, so ignorance, intelligence, and the ability to interpret the events and evidence correctly and deduce the right view on reality is key and a factor. Fear­of­Fear: Attacks to the Honor Some people may feel that the feeling or emotion of fear attacks their honor. Fear is usually used to attack a person's honor, ego, and self­confidence.. A tactic that is sometimes used, is to lead the victim to believe that to feel threatened, and the resulting fight­or­flight response, is fear. Therefore the more threatened they feel equals more fear. This tactic deceives the victim and attacks them in two ways. The first is to threaten them, causing the fight­or­flight response, and the second is to simply feel threatened attacks their honor, which results in a chain reaction of an increasing threat. This response results in social withdrawal where the victim tries to avoid threatening situations or public areas. The way this is usually used is to make the victim believe that to feel threatened, and the fight­or­flight response, is fear. The visible signs of the body having the fight­of­light response, like adrenaline, are therefore signs of fear that show the individuals or the enemy threatening them that they are scared. This belief is used to attack the victim's honor and the victim can be repetitively humiliated this way. Movies or Audio that projects fear or the emotion of fear can also affect an individual. In the circle of warriors, to experience fear and still destroy your enemies makes you even braver and increases your honor. Fear­of­Humiliation Fear­of­humiliation is linked or similar to fear­of­fear but different. • Fear­of­fear is about fearing fear itself because to feel fear results in an attack to the person's honor, which can result in humiliation. • Fear­of­humiliation is fearing humiliation or being humiliated. IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

In both cases the person or victim can become aversive to situations or the possibility of being fearful or humiliated, usually through repetitive psychological attacks in public places. The result is that the victim can become aversive to public places, which can result in isolation. Responsibility and Vulnerability A stressful situation and tactic that is sometimes used to induce stress in a person is to give a person full responsibility for a department, for example, but the control to make changes or take action is given to someone else. This can have the effect of making the person insecure or feel vulnerable because they have no control over what they are fully responsible or accountable for, and it also places them at the "mercy" of someone else that can harm their career. Ideation: To Manipulate Victims People can be led to believe things that are false in order to manipulate them and even to try to drive them to suicide or to harm others. For example a person can be led to believe that they are about to be fired or constantly on the verge of being fired to induce stress, paranoia, and insecurity. Another example is to lead the person to believe that they will be sued or going bankrupt, will be falsely accused resulting in prison time, will never be employed again, or lose their spouse. Used with degrading themes the victim can be led to believe that they will be labeled a pedophile or used as a prostitute. That the perpetrators control the world and that the victim must obey. Beneficial Intentions: To Deceive Victims Some victims may not understand why someone would do this to them or how some people can do this to others, what the motives are for doing this to them, and therefore can be deceived into believing the phenomenon is of beneficial intentions. The phenomenon of psychological harassment or warfare can also leave the victims in doubt or confused as to what is going on or what is the intention or purpose of these psychological manipulations, psychological attacks, and events in question are for. Are the intentions in some way benevolent for training purposes or self improvement. It can also leave the victim unaware that a psychological war is being waged on them and the doubt, confusion, and deception can result in preventing the victims from taking action or fighting back. • It's a test. • It's training. • It's to make you stronger or tougher. • It's an initiation or rite of passage. Beneficial Intentions: The Failure Strategy When a group with psychological warfare expertise targets a victim and tries to create situations, street theatre, scenarios, or events with the intention of embarrassing, humiliating, threaten, anger, induce fear, or other harmful effects they need a strategy to deal with the failure or failures if the events in question do not produce the desired outcome or result. IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

A failure of a group who tries to intentionally attack or humiliate a victim builds confidence in the victim for overcoming this challenge or properly dealing with the event in question, so there is a need to have a strategy or tactic to eliminate or reduce the confidence building phenomenon that results as much as possible. One of the ways this is done is by trying to make the victim believe the false view on reality or interpretation that it was a test, a training situation, and that there was or may have been some kind of benevolent intention in this kind of actions or scenario. Beneficial Intentions: The Never Ending Test

One example for this strategy or tactic is to interpret the events as a test, the result is that the victim feels he is on a never ending test since these situations, events, and attacks are usually repetitive in this kind of on going psychological harassment or psychological war. Many of these tactics can also be considered to be psychological torture or used for psychological torture. My Space, Your Space, Not Behind Me A tactic that is sometimes used to make a victim feel vulnerable or more threatened, is to be threatened in some way and have the perpetrator stand directly behind them and out of view. Instinctively you would not want someone that is hostile towards you to stand directly behind you and out of view whether you feel threatened by the threats that were made or not. You may have also noticed that when a person is hostile towards you and acts aggressively by thrashing or hitting objects it can trigger more of the fight­or­flight response from you. A similar tactic to the first, is for a person that is hostile towards you to motion an object towards you, towards your face, or to be in or come into "your space". Staring Drills: To Provoke and Manipulate Staring drills are used to intimidate, provoke, make a person aggressive, and to destabilize victims. It's linked to manipulation, credibility, and justification. One technique is to simply stare at the victim and another is to whisper "you're scared" and engage in staring contests. The Domination Game: Who Dominates Some people may worry or have stress about who they believe they can dominate or dominate and who they may or may not dominate. The word or metaphors "alpha male", as in wolf a pack, is also often used to describe a leader or someone in a leadership position. People in the workplace or in a relationship may continually try to dominate each other causing conflicts and tensions. Domination can also be used as or in a psychological construction where a lot of importance is placed on who you dominate and this can result in a lot of stress and difficulties for people who think in terms of domination or have the "domination thing" in their head. To remove this psychological construction or view on reality, you can simply view domination as 'you do not dominate anyone and no one dominates you'. In the workplace, positions should be clearly defined as having authority or a leadership role. Employees need to fulfill their obligations as employees and when IP of 28.

people are in a relation, the relationship is supposed to be based on teamwork and usually does not­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

people are in a relation, the relationship is supposed to be based on teamwork and usually does not involve one partner having authority over the other. Psychological Warfare or Manipulation: In Covert Type Investigations Individuals can use words, actions, and sounds that will make a target recall memories associated to a specific event. Observers can note different reactions from the target such as fear, surprise, embarrassment (red face), anger, and different emotions. From these reactions the observers can obtain clues to the level of involvement or knowledge that the target may have about a certain event. A simple example of this is if the targeted individual was involved in an event that has a specific location. The group can say the name of the location, like a street name. If the target does not associate this to anything or any memories, he will disregard the comments of strangers and have no reaction. If, however, the target does associate it to something, he may, or may not, have different reactions. This scenario maybe repeated several times with different association pointers to get a better view or result. Like taking many measurements and obtaining some kind of average or again, a better view. This psychological manipulation scenario can also be used to stress, or panic, a target. And a possible motive would be to have them use some kind of telecommunication device, that the target believes to be secure, and to possibly push the target to communicate to a partner, that may also be involved in the event, where he would discuss the strange phenomenon that he believes is happening to him or discuss the events in question. It’s a fact that in the US, Canada, and the UK there are secret organizations that listen to all telecommunications in these countries and that they also share information among themselves. Many people also believe that these organizations share information with other organization indirectly or through indirect channels. There are many possible psychological manipulation type scenarios that can involve the use of sensitive information or dark secrets. You may have seen a movie where the “bad guy” says something like “get me some dirt on this guy”. The information would be used to intimidate the target or induce fear, stress, and paranoia. This type of scenario can easily fall into the classification of black mail where the target is in a catch 22 situation. The target would have to reveal the sensitive information or dark secrets to law enforcement in order to obtain some kind of help or assistance. His claims could also simply be dismissed as paranoia or delusions. And even if his claims would happen to be believed, there simply would be no proof or evidence. Psychological warfare or using psychiatry in strong arm tactics is not a new phenomenon and it usually involves discrediting the target or having them declared psychologically ill. These tactics and technologies are usually used by powerful organizations. An example of this can be seen in the movie blue sky, set in the 1950’s, where the army uses psychiatry to hospitalize and medicate the target. Psychological Warfare: Three Top Priorities or Objectives • Discredit or destroy the victims credibility. • Conceal psychological warfare knowledge. • Eliminate the victim's means of subsistence or resources. Psychological Warfare: Some Identified Weapons

• Psychiatry to attack the psychological integrity and credibility of victims. IP of 28. • The weapon of degrading themes or pedophilia to use as a threat or to prevent exposure.­manipulation.htm



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• The weapon of degrading themes or pedophilia to use as a threat or to prevent exposure. • The weapon of high levels of stress and sleep deprivation. • The weapon of homelessness or eliminating a persons means of subsistence and financial resources. When psychiatry attacks the victim's psychological integrity and credibility it makes the victim more vulnerable to the phenomenon or crime of criminal harassment or psychological warfare and it also conceals the related knowledge. High levels of sleep deprivation can lead to macromineral deficiencies and acid­base disorders that can result in serious illnesses and even death. High levels of sleep deprivation can also be used to overwhelm the victims body and lead to cancer. Psychological Warfare: Credibility Psychological warfare is an invisible technology that deals with the mind and destroying the victim’s credibility in order to prevent exposure is a top priority. Destroying the victim’s credibility also results in feelings or the belief of hopelessness. Advanced technology and psychological manipulation are also used to make the victim’s claims more unbelievable or to make dismissing these claims easier or more justified. When a group or an organization engages in psychological harassment or warfare they usually use tactics or operate in a way to discredit the victim or have the victim discredited by the medical community, notably psychiatry. Campaigns of disinformation or false information and information restrictions or isolation are usually used as well. Psychological Warfare: Who can Contradict the Qualified Professionals If psychiatry and psychologist claim that psychological warfare does not exist, who is qualified to contradict them or to say differently. Over the years and decades qualified medical professionals, notably psychiatrists, and psychologist have been telling victims that psychological harassment and psychological warfare do not exist, and the victims were subsequently labeled as mentally ill. The phenomenon and its effects on victims was not documented given the fact that it was said not to exist and actually said to be a medical or mental disorder. The phenomenon of psychological harassment and psychological warfare was explained or interpreted in terms of the victim being ill and delusional instead of being a victim of this phenomenon. With the power of the internet and websites such as this one, the denial of the existence of this phenomenon is probably quickly changing given the fact that it creates a problem or dilemma for the medical community or medical professionals that would continue this practice. Psychological Warfare: Bullies and Criminals As powerful as some bullies and criminals may be, just like the common or regular bully and criminal they fear the light and exposure. Psychological Warfare: Powerful Organizations and Secrets

When powerful organizations are willing to kill you and other people to preserve its secrets and prevent exposure, you need to share that secret with the whole world. IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



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It reduces the value of targeting you or the value of your death. • Many organizations, including psychiatry, claim that psychological warfare does not exist and some powerful organizations are willing to kill in order to preserve this knowledge and to prevent exposure. • This knowledge has been used to drive people to homelessness, suicide, and to cause death through high levels of stress and sleep deprivation. It's called crimes against humanity and society which is another very good reason to want to prevent exposure. Psychological Warfare Pattern: Homelessness Psychological Warfare ­> Psychiatry and Credibility ­> Homelessness Victims are subjected to psychological warfare ­> discredited by psychiatry ­> lose their means of subsistence and become homeless. Victims may also be coerced into prostitution, crime, or organized crime for survival. Attack Pattern: Brainwashing or Deceiving and Conditioning the Fight­or­Flight Response to Mean Fear Action ­> Interpretation ­> Re­enforce Interpretation : attack or threat ­> interpretation of event or reaction ­> re­enforce interpretation • attack: a psychological attack or threat to get the fight­or­flight response. • interpret reaction: the fight­or­flight response or adrenaline is interpreted as being fear "you're scared". • re­enforce interpretation: "you were scared" or "you got scared". Participants try to deceive or brainwash the victim into believing that to feel threatened, adrenaline, or the fight­or­flight response means fear. Fear is used to attack the victim's honor and the victim's honor is threatened if he shows fear or if his enemy sees fear. In other words, attempts are made to deceive or brainwash the victim into believing that the fight­or­ flight response is fear because it can be easily induced through threats and interpreted as fear, to attack the victims honor and repetitive humiliation, and to use the fear­of­fear tactic. Fear and the fight­or­flight response are two different things: • fear is an emotion. • the fight­or­flight response is a response to a threat. Attack Pattern: Public Places and the Cash Register • A network of participants harasses and threatens the victim while the victim is doing his shopping. • A degrading theme is used to put the victim on the defensive. This is part of psychological warfare and also done to induce the fight­or­flight response, adrenaline. IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



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• The line up at the cash register is a location where participants try to stand behind victims while they use threats or used threats in the shopping area, or use subtle threats related to degrading themes, to increase the fight­or­flight. • Fear­of­fear and fear­of­humiliation are used or built up with comments such as "he's scared" to induce more stress and anxiety. • Once at the cash register the victim is in a "under a microscope" situation where the reactions and behavior are interpreted as fear. • Subtle attacks related to degrading themes are used to cause embarrassment or blushing to destabilize or put the victim on the defensive. • Because of threats, fight­or­flight response, and adrenaline the victim's behavior or reactions are interpreted as fear to attack the victims honor and in attempts to humiliate the victim. • Things that are focused on to interpret fear are the victim's behavior, reactions, gestures, their voices, and their signatures. • It's a network that wages psychological warfare and uses threats to induce the fight­or­flight syndrome or cortisol and adrenaline. • The fight­or­flight response, stress, cortisol, and adrenaline (potassium) deplete the body of macrominerals which leads to different disorders such as macromineral deficiencies and acid­base disorders. Behavior: Anti­Social Behavior Change A change in behavior towards being anti­social or withdrawal is a classic sign of psychological harassment or criminal psychological harassment. A Criminal Harassment Network Routine Example (HSS Hypersonic Sound) A routine example is that I would go to a grocery store when highly sleep deprived through sound technology (HSS), criminal harassment participants would mix in with other shoppers and use different forms of threats and provocation to induce stress and adrenaline, try to stand directly behind me at the cash register, and interpret the adrenaline and voice fluctuations as fear, which is linked to fear and honor, and attempts at repetitive humiliation. Criminal Harassment Network Routines, Strategies, and Smear Campaigns criminal harassment network routines, strategies, and smear campaigns that involves psychological manipulation, technology, and uttering threats. Workplace Psychological Harassment and Criminal Harassment Network Strategy (Abuse Strategy)* A workplace psychological harassment strategy, abuse, any retaliation is used to justify termination so the employee is on the defensive when faced with abuse. The same strategy of abuse is used by their criminal harassment network, the "secret police" or mob and police, criminal harassment through technology, focused ultrasound and energy assault weapons, different types of radar assaults from neighboring homes, public places, weaponization of space, over months aimed at inflicting long term serious illness and deadly cancer. The targeted citizen is on the defensive again, any claims of assaults results in incarceration through police psychiatric intervention, any retaliation or violence is used to incarcerate the targeted citizen, any gun violence is used to advocate gun control, a defenseless population to subjugation through organized crime and tyranny. IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



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Criminal Harassment Network Strategy (Marie­France Hirigoyen, Abuse Strategy) According to Marie­France Hirigoyen psychiatrist the intent of many emotional abusers is to systematically "destabilize" and confuse their victims (with irrational, threatening behavior that preys on the victim's fears and self­doubts), to isolate and control them and ultimately to destroy their identity, and often emotional abuse builds over a long period of time until it becomes so unbearable that victims lash out in frustration and anger aka hitting back, only to appear unstable and aggressive themselves, which could be linked to or the cause of rage shooting and rampages. Often, emotional abuse builds over a long period of time until it becomes so unbearable that victims lash out in frustration and anger, only to appear unstable and aggressive themselves. ­­ This, according to Hirigoyen, is the intent of many abusers: to systematically "destabilize" and confuse their victims (with irrational, threatening behavior that preys on the victim's fears and self­doubts), to isolate and control them and ultimately to destroy their identity. ­­ psychiatrist Marie­France Hirigoyen, author of Le harcèlement moral Criminal Harassment Network Strategy (Damage, Provocation, Rampage) Pushing people to violence consist of abuse or inflicting a damage, financial loss, homelessness, smear campaign and criminal record, serious illness and cancer, fear linked to honor and repetitive humiliation, and using provocation to push people to aggressiveness, looking deranged or enraged, or violence. Any resulting violence is used to repress the targeted citizen and any rage shooting is used to advocating gun control, a defenseless population, which makes citizen more vulnerable to abuse, hidden abuse, or subjugation through organized crime. A Criminal Harassment Network Routine (Repetitive Humiliation) A routine example is that I would go to a grocery store when highly sleep deprived through sound technology (HSS Hypersonic Sound), criminal harassment participants would mix in with other shoppers and use different forms of threats and provocation to induce stress and adrenaline, try to stand directly behind me at the cash register, and interpret the adrenaline and voice fluctuations as fear "you're scared", which is linked to fear and honor, and attempts at repetitive humiliation. A Criminal Harassment Network Routine (Psychiatric Intervention) Criminal Allegations of uttering threats are combined with powerful radar assaults and assessment orders for non­criminal responsibility before trial. The threat of intervention is linked to behavior that can be used to justify psychiatric intervention that leads to incarceration during the long and delayed criminal proceedings. The behavior linked to taking protective measures against the powerful radar assaults through attenuation materials and a person's personal and household hygiene that begins to suffers due to attempts to avoid these. The criminal harassment network routine of threats to induce adrenaline and cortisol, trying to standing directly behind the victim at the cash register, and interpret the voice fluctuations as fear is changed to threats of psychiatric intervention that leads to incarceration, participants trying to smell the victim, saying "he smells bad", and criminal harassment participants theater or pretense that they are undercover psychiatrist who wants to intervene and incarcerate the victim of criminal harassment. Criminal Harassment Network Smear Campaign Strategy ("Run Away or Get Cancer")* After allegations of uttering threats and an assessment order for non­criminal responsibility before trial IP of 28. the targeted citizen is assaulted with powerful radar with criminal harassment participants saying "run­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

away or get cancer". When the targeted citizen runs away they are recaptured and incarcerated for the assessment order, during long and delayed criminal proceedings, isolated, vulnerable to participating defense lawyers and financial exhaustion or depletion strategies "non­criminal responsibility before trial saves money and the same as being innocent". Criminal Harassment Network Smear Campaign Strategy (Uttering Threats) One psychological manipulation that criminal harassment participants try to do is to try to lead the targeted citizen to believe that if they act aggressive the participants will be fearful, which is combined with the criminal harassment networks routine of attempting to induce fear and interpret voice fluctuations as fear, and linked to manipulating the targeted citizen into reacting to this through aggressiveness and their own attempts to induce fear in return. It is a psychological manipulation and attempt at conditioning towards an aggressive response or retaliation from threats, which is supposed to eventually lead to more aggressive behavior and uttering threats, and the crime of uttering threats is linked to the smear campaign strategy. Criminal Harassment Network Smear Campaign Strategy (Uttering Threats, Neighbors) Following the allegations of uttering threats that are combined with powerful radar assaults from neighboring homes, provocation is used through sound technology along with the assaults, a cancer causing weapon, and attempts at manipulation the targeted citizen to threaten, retaliate, or utter threats towards neighbors, which can be linked to police surveillance of a "dangerous individual", another charger of uttering threats, and incarceration without release during the proceedings. Criminal Harassment Network Smear Campaign Strategy (Uttering Threats, Online Activity, Lash Out in Anger, Cyberbullying) This strategy is similar to the "Uttering Threats, Neighbors" strategy but also includes the threat of civil lawsuits and the new cyberbullying law. After wrong doing citizens want to denounce perpetrators of wrong doing, if they are isolated they will do so online. The strategy is the same as the previous, powerful radar assaults that are combined with provocation through sound technology, which leads to anger, which can lead to lashing out or uttering threats online and defaming those involved, the police and crown prosecutors. For this new online routine to work the freedom of expression needed to be weakened and a new cyberbullying law was needed to give victims the tools to obtain the IP address for a civil lawsuits, or to use these for threats to prevent online denunciation and exposure by the perpetrators, the criminal harassment network organized crime participants. (Marie­France Hirigoyen psychiatrist) Criminal Harassment Network Smear Campaign Strategy (Uttering Threats, Addressing Constitutional Questions) The powerful radar assaults prevent civil lawsuits that follow false allegations or a failed smear campaign to recover the financial loss in the costly criminal proceedings, addressing constitutional questions that involve uttering threats and the freedom of expression, and circumventing the right to a trial through non­ criminal responsibility before trial. Repression of Workplace Psychological Harassment Knowledge Linked to Criminal Harassment Networks? ­ (Repression, Knowledge, Human Right Defenders) One strategy of workplace psychological harassment is to engage in this behavior and emotional abuse in attempts to destabilize an employee so that they lash­out in anger only to look deranged and aggressive, IP of 28. through violence, uttering threats, sabotage, etc., to get rid of them. The strategy of criminal harassment­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

networks are very similar but instead of an employer being the "workplace police" and getting rid of the employee the city police are the ones who file criminal allegations towards the victim of criminal harassment. These criminal harassment networks use criminal harassment and psychological manipulation in attempts to use the criminal allegation charge of of uttering threats for any targeted citizen that lashes out in this way or is manipulated towards this behavior, similar to the workplace psychological harassment strategy. This strategy may be one of the explanations for why workplace psychological harassment knowledge and human right defenders who document these issues are targeted, repressed, inflicted with cancer, etc.,. Any resulting violence is used to repress the targeted citizen and any rage shooting is used to advocate gun control. (see Rage Shooting Factors) Criminal Harassment Network Strategy (Eliminate Functionality) Criminal harassment networks are linked to the city Police, city Court House, "secret police", and regimes. These try to eliminate the means of subsistence of targeted citizens pre­criminal allegations or during criminal proceedings to reduce the targeted citizens ability to defend themselves and their (functionality). They are using sound technology from neighboring homes, LRAD systems and HSS Hypersonic Sound, to highly sleep deprive targeted citizens, incapacitate them, and eliminate their (functionality), and powerful radar assaults from neighboring homes linked to deadly cancers that targeted citizens try to avoid, which reduces or eliminates their (functionality). Notes: They eliminate a citizens ability to function during criminal proceedings, which can be linked to intentionally delaying and extending the proceedings as long as possible in attempts to win convictions. The powerful radar assaults are linked to other strategies already mentioned "run away or get cancer" to incarcerate a person during the proceedings, police and psychiatric intervention for the resulting behavior linked to radar assaults, to circumvent the right to a trial and make an unlawful seizure of private computers legal through non­criminal responsibility before trial, and to inflict deadly cancers on a long term, which makes targeted citizens vulnerable to coercion similar to homelessness and are hidden homicides. All of these facts are linked to regimes but another link is advocating a defenseless population that makes the population more vulnerable to abuse, helps conceal abuse, repressing human rights defenders that document mobbing, bullying, cyberbullying, and hidden homicides through cancer that are linked to claims of a "low homicide rate". The Rundown, Setups and Deception (video) A video clip that illustrates a setup and deception, a psychological manipulation.­883414

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Disclosure, Psychological Harassment Office Tactics (video) A movie scene that illustrates different office psychological harassment tactics. a) In the movie scene the targeted employee, the victim of psychological harassment, is given the wrong time for the meeting. The result: ­ he is late and looks unprofessional in front of his piers. ­ he is not prepared for the meeting, "ambushed", cannot answer questions, and looks incompetent. ­ he is given the lowest chair, sitting below the others who look slightly down on him. ­ other links, degradation and humiliation.­763718

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An Example of the Pedophilia Weapon (video) A movie scene of a threat and the pedophilia weapon.­707776

Criminal Strategy Examples, Motive Incarceration, No Trial, Personal Hygiene and Degrading Themes, Repression Through Cancer (Powerful Radar Assaults) IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

Criminal allegations are combined with radar assaults along with insinuations the accused is dangerous. THE FIRST STRATEGY ­­ MENTAL ILLNESS, DISCRIMINATION, ASSESSMENT ORDERS, THE RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL The first strategy uses assessment orders before trial, disability and mental illness, and participating psychiatrists to circumvent the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The strategy is linked to smear campaigns and using assessment orders for non­criminal responsibility of committing a crime due to mental illness before trial when the accused has not committed a crime. It uses ignorance or the claim that being not guilty of committing a crime due to mental illness is the same as simply being not guilty. The accused does not go to trial or get a trial. THE TWELFTH STRATEGY ­­ POWERFUL RADAR ASSAULTS Similar to the use of homelessness to repress and circumvent the rights and freedoms of targeted citizens, powerful radar assaults are used to repress targeted citizens through homelessness, different linked strategies such as smear campaigns, and serious illness, cancer. DISABILITY, INTERVENTION AND VULNERABILITY, Example 8 a) (Personal Hygiene, Motive Incarceration and Degrading Themes) a) Following a demand that the accused remain incarcerated for psychological evaluation that fails and a conditional release with a demand for an assessment order for non­criminal responsibility that succeeds, the accused is assaulted by powerful radar leading to strange behavior, deteriorating personal hygiene as they try to avoid these and attempts to shield themselves from these through the use of dense materials, the police try to intervene, which leads to incarceration during the proceedings and the "unlawful" assessment order before trial. Disability, Intervention and Vulnerability Scenario Illustration Example, Motive Incarceration (8 a)) After being released under conditions and an "unlawful" assessment order for non­criminal responsibility before trial, I was assaulted by powerful radar. The Police tried to intervene several times claiming the behavior linked to shielding and attenuation attempts, "microwaves?", was not normal, which would result in my incarceration at the prison psychiatric institute. ­­ I was later found "guilty" without a trial through "non­criminal responsibility", which sanctioned the false allegations, searching my home without a warrant, seizing personal computers and information without a warrant, communication interception and surveillance, .. Repression Through Smear Campaigns and Serious Illness, Cancer 1. radar assaults 2. criminal allegations (participants and uttering threats) 3. insinuations that accused is dangerous 4. "plead non­criminal responsible before trial, it is the same as not guilty" "you have to turn" "you have to run" run away or get cancer, threats of intervention, incarceration, assessment orders,, cancer, homelessness. 5. preventing lawsuits IP of 28. Criminal Harassment and Threats (Focused Ultrasound)­manipulation.htm



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A video about Focused Ultrasound that can "hit the brain", cause brain lesions, strokes, and heart attacks.­747227

Focused Ultrasound for use in the medical field as shown in the video may be in use as a domestic weapon according to some reports to "hit the brain", causing damage and brain lesions to inflict strokes and heart attacks, a weapon that leaves very little evidence similar to another weapon in use, powerful radar assaults, which are linked to leukemia and other deadly cancers like lung cancer. The 2005 Award Winning sound technology HSS Hypersonic Sound that creates sound at great distances and in specific targeted locations may be linked given the same type of technology involved, focused ultrasound. Criminal harassment and threats, the mob wanting to remove your brain or "hit your brain" to prevent exposure or linked to repression through serious illness, strokes and heart attacks, similar to how powerful radar assaults are linked to repression through serious illness, cancer. Racial Profiling, Discrimination Racial profiling is linked to strategy, manipulation, interpretations, false pretenses, and discrimination has serious effects on a person's psychological and physical health. THE THIRTEENTH STRATEGY, RACIAL PROFILING ­­ There has been a lot of talk about racial profiling but it has been rejected by most judicial system courts because of its link to discrimination. ­­ Similar to a strategy to create false profiles by the mob to help in future prosecutions that was previously mentioned, racial profiles and other types of profiles can be fabricated and created simply to justify different actions linked to abuse or circumventing the rights and freedoms of citizens. ­­ Imagine a racial profile that claims a specific ethnic is more likely to be involved in drug trafficking and a racial profile is IP of 28.­manipulation.htm



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used to justify a search without a warrant, circumventing the need for a warrant for a lawful search and seizure. Criminal Allegations, Threats of Intervention, Criminal Harassment Network Strategy "Intervention and incarceration[2], the criminal harassment network that the defendant has been documenting for several years used the threat of intervention extensively during this period of time. The threat of intervention is linked to behavior, protection measures against the powerful radar assaults, and personal hygiene that begins to suffers due to attempts to avoid these. ­­ (So the public criminal harassment routine of threats to induce adrenaline and cortisol, trying to standing directly behind the victim at the cash register, and interpret the voice fluctuations as fear is changed to threats of intervention, participants trying to smell the victim, saying "he smells bad", .. and every criminal harassment participant is an undercover psychiatrist who wants to intervene and incarcerate the victim of criminal harassment.)" THE TWELFTH STRATEGY ­­ POWERFUL RADAR ASSAULTS Thermal imaging (FLIR thermal imaging device, Privacy , R. v. Tessling, 2004 SCC) and radioactive isotopes are used to circumvent the privacy of a home, in a similar way radiation technology or powerful radar assaults linked to deadly cancers, death, on a longer term than other deadly weapons are used to assault a citizen with a weapon in their own home to circumvent the right to security, the right to liberty linked to psychiatric intervention leading to incarceration, and on a long term the right to life. The twelfth strategy is linked to the first strategy, the use of non­criminal responsibility to circumvent the right to a fair trial, and the seventh strategy, the use of intervention leading to incarceration to circumvent the right to liberty. MEDICAL NEWS ARTICLES, PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS The Damaging Effects Of Discrimination ­ Medical News Today (article link) Researchers found that adolescents from Latin American and Asian backgrounds experienced more discrimination than their peers from European backgrounds and that the discrimination came not only from other adolescents but from adults as well. The level of discrimination also impacted these teens' grade­point averages and their health and was associated with depression, distress and lower levels of self­esteem. Discrimination Often Leads To Declining Physical Health For Obese Individuals ­ Medical News Today (article link) The discrimination that obese people feel, whether it is poor service at a restaurant or being treated differently in the workplace, may have a direct impact on their physical health, according to new research from Purdue University. "Obesity is a physiological issue, but when people have negative interactions in their social world ­ including a sense of being discriminated against ­ it can make matters worse and contribute to a person's declining physical health," "It seems that many people are internalizing the prejudice and stigma they feel, and it contributes to stress, which ultimately affects their health." IP of 28. Social Stressors Like Racism And Discrimination Can Impact Healthy Functioning ­ Medical News­manipulation.htm



Psychological Manipulation

Today (article link) Just as the constant pressure soldiers face on the battlefield can follow them home in the form of debilitating stress, African Americans who face chronic exposure to racial discrimination may have an increased likelihood of suffering a race­based battle fatigue, according to Penn State researchers. Anti­Gay Rhetoric Causes Psychological Harm and Suicides ­ CNN iReport (video) A video that first shows Anti­Gay Rhetoric linked to hate and rejection followed by a video that shows IT GETS BETTER participants discuss how they felt and suicide.­636548 (see also COERCIVE MIND CONTROL TACTICS, DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE PREVENTION, STRESS AND STRESS MANAGEMENT) Alphas, Influence of the Mind Illustration, Suicide Factor­907894 A video that illustrates psychological manipulation or a homicide through suicide method used in Canada by the regimes criminal harassment network. They use misery, hardship, depression, hate and rejection, .. , combined with repetitive suggestions to kill yourself, hang yourself, through participants and focused ultrasound technology. Repealed in Canada in 1999.

YouTube Channel See the Bullying and Workplace Psychological Harassment playlists for more videos. CNN IREPORT Psychological Harassment and Psychological Manipulation­361102 IP of 28. Site Content­manipulation.htm



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Gang Stalking

PREDATORY GANGSTALKING "Predatory Gangstalking is a criminal phenomenon referring to a group of loosely affiliated people who, in an organized and systematic manner, relentlessly invade all areas of an individual's life on a continuing basis, as part of their lifestyle. While each individual gangstalker does his or her small part, what defines Predatory Gangstalking is the collective intent to do harm." R.B.Ross c 2005 Tactics of Predatory Gangstalking include highly coordinated surveillance (hidden cameras, conversation bugging in private aswell as public), harassment, and psychological, psychosocial, financial, and sometimes physical assaults on an individual by a large group of people who are often strangers to the targeted individual. A Predatory Gangstalking group is a well­run organization comprised of members who are unidentified as gangstalkers to the outside world. Until a group of gangstalkers turn their face towards someone selected to be one of their targets, members of society do not realize there is such an invisible group. The practitioners of predatory gangstalking are people who, for the most part, go about their business of daily life appearing like everyone else, except for their activities involved with Predatory Gangstalking. Predatory gangstalking activities take priority over everything else in the lives of Predatory Gangstalkers. Predatory gangstalking is actually a lifestyle for those who participate in it. Predatory Gangstalking is also called "terror stalking", "gangstalking", "flash mobbing", "cause stalking," "hate stalking," "multi­stalking, "happy slapping," "workplace bullying, and "covert war." . "Flash mobbing" is an event occurring when a targeted individual is spotted in society. Their photo and location is immediately and simultaneously sent out by cell phone text messages and Internet email to all gangstalkers within a certain radius. All gangstalkers then suddenly descend upon the target as a mob. . "Cause stalking" refers to gangstalking by single­issue radicals. They stalk a targeted person related to that specific agenda. "Cause stalking" has been reported to have been carried out by radical Christians who believe in "dominion theology." Dominion Theology is a religious interpretation of the Bible which these groups believe requires them to "take dominion over the earth" which they believe is the precursor to the return of Jesus to earth. "Cause stalkers" in general believe that they are bringing about social change through gangstalking activities. "Cause stalking" can be carried out by White Supremacist as a form of "Hate Stalking (Scientology groups are another eg.)." This type of predatory gangstalking is primarily for the purpose of intimidation and often is a precursor to or an adjunct to violence. . "Happy slapping" refers to group harassment of one youth by other youths carried live over cell phones equipped to handle video to peers youths. The young gangstalkers slap around the targeted youth while laughing at him or her while several other youths broadcast the incident live to as many peers as possible. . "Ritual Gangstalking" is reportedly performed by cults and secret organizations such as Satanists, secret orders of free masons, some voodoo /obeah practitioners and Scientologists as a means of control or for punishment. "Ritual abuse" is incorporated into "ritual gangstalking" patterns in this case. N.B. Obeah is considered one of the darkest forms of black magic known. Blood sacrifice is always used and the intent is to harm, even to death, another person. of 8.




. "Workplace bullying" involves gangstalking activities tailored to the workplace which are carried out by a group of employees against another individual employee. * "Cybergangstalking" is a situation where an individual is identified to be a target through Internet participation and their personal identity is determined. Cybergangstalkers pierce the electronic veil and are able to enter into the real life of a person, creating all forms of harassment, theft, psychological operations including slander and libel, and able to commit crimes against the targeted individual. * "Vigilante Stalking, Terror Stalking" is the same as Predatory Stalking. For the purpose of this informational writing, all activities will be referred to as "predatory gangstalking" because the tactics and characteristics of the gangstalking are the same. And often a targeted person will become the victim of more than one type of gangstalking. "Predatory Gangstalking" is a criminal phenomenon referring to a group of loosely affiliated people who, in an organized and systematic manner, relentlessly invade an individual's life on a continuous basis, to an extreme degree, as part of their lifestyle. While each individual gangstalker does his or her small part, what defines Predatory Gangstalking is the collective intent to do harm." R.B. Ross Predatory Gangstalking is reported by historians to have been originally developed by social scientists and psychologists in communist and fascist's countries as a means of control of individuals within those societies. The tactics and techniques of Predatory Gangstalking were developed through animal and then human experimentation. The methodology of Predatory Gangstalking is precise and well­orchestrated. It is reported that the technical mechanics for Predatory Gangstalking werefirst sold on the Black Market by the ruling party leaders of East Germany when the USSR political systems crumbled. These protocols were subsequently exported to other countries and implemented there against unsuspecting citizens. Predatory Gangstalking has been reportedly against citizens worldwide. Thus far, it has continued unchecked. One of the reasons for the unchallenged proliferation of this form of organized crime is that it characteristically takes place in such a way that it is invisible to the untrained eye. It is understandably, therefore, considered to be the ‘perfect crime’, as it remains unchallenged and extremely difficult to prove. The countries with the greatest number of reports are the US, Canada, Germany, and England. In the US, the states with the greatest number of reported predatory gangstalkings are California, Texas, and New York. The predominant proportion of individuals targeted by gangstalkers are non­Caucasians. It is difficult to find other predominant similar characteristics in targets. The reasons that an individual is selected for targeting are unknown. It can only be speculated to include reasons such as easy accessibility to the target, random selection for training for new Predatory Gangstalkers, minority group member relative to hate­based groups, making an example of someone, revenge, retaliation, and social control. Who are the practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking? They include career criminals, participants in the drug trade, extreme ideologists such as radical Christians, members of hate groups such as White Supremacists, members of motorcycle and street gangs, and homeless people. They are also often people with a background in the military, including disabled Vets. Higher levels in the Predatory Gangstalking organizations include people in military and law enforcement or with same experience, secret service/defence employees, government officials, Banking firms, and so on. It has been reported that top of 8.




level government security and intelligence agencies use gangstalking tactics in covert operations. What is most baffling about Predatory Gangstalking is that many of the practitioners of this social pathology appear to be regular mainstream people with no prior criminal record, predominantly in the socio­ economic middle class. It is presumed they participate for the money or rewards they receive in the form of barter or for a social­conscience feelgood factor. The world of Predatory Gangstalking increases as new recruits are initiated into the Predatory Gangstalking process. Therefore, a target may see collusion and participation from neighbors and co­ workers who were once on good terms with the target. The circle of predatory gangstalkers widens with time. However, most of the time, the gangstalkers are complete strangers to the target. In most of the encounters the target has with gangstalkers, the target does not recognize the perpetrators but the gangstalkers readily recognize the target. Further, these predatory strangers possess detailed knowledge about the targeted individual. Most often, Predatory Gangstalking is being engaged in by parties unknown, for reasons unknown, to the target. People have died after a lifetime of protracted Predatory Gangstalking without having any explanations as to who was doing this or why this happened to them. Sometimes, the leaders in these large affiliated groups of gangstalkers have specialized military expertise in the areas of military intelligence, military electronics and equipment, and in military strategic and tactical training. Those without formal military training have often engaged in paramilitary activities or have technical skills commonly found in successful career criminals. Others who join a Predatory Gangstalking group without such a background are given on­the­job training, in addition to other gangstalking skills. It can be said with certainty that there are specific protocols and tactics and most gangstalkers appear to be proficient in a similar set of skills. Predatory Gangstalkers each have their own individual skill that they contribute towards their common goal in the group. One person in a group knows how to pick locks; another knows how to hack into computers, while someone else provides the GPS and electronic equipment. Many Predatory Gangstalking members know how to tamper with a vehicle. Some predatory gangstalkers are practiced "look outs" while others are group leaders. Predatory gangstalking groups have their rank and file as in any other organization. Orders come from the top, just as in any other organization. However, it is unknown whether the top of the organizations are local, regional, national, or international. Predatory Gangstalkers use state­of­the­art technology coupled with law­enforcement­ style surveillance tactics. Typically, the individual gangstalkers are strangers to the target. ("Happy slapping" and "workplace bullying" are the most common exceptions) Participants in predatory gangstalking are well­ trained. The tactics and techniques they use are similar all around the world in the numerous countries where this has been reported. Each group of predatory gangstalkers is a covert army unto themselves. They have incorporated specialized techniques originally used by spies during the cold war. They carry out their field work with military style precision. Then, they go about their daily lives, just like any other member of society, in most cases. Their gangstalking skills are highly sophisticated, and their commitment to Predatory Gangstalking exceeds zealousness. It appears to both an observer and a target that nothing required of them in terms of time or availability is too much trouble for them. As stated previously, but worth repeating, predatory gangstalking activities take priority in the lives of those who practice Predatory Gangstalking. Predatory Gangstalkers are a functioning subculture of society that move invisibly through society as such. This is by design, making it even more dangerous to society. The goals of Predatory Gangstalking of an individual are numerous. Predatory of 8.




Gangstalking is intended to deprive someone of their freedoms and rights. It destroys a person's privacy and control of their own environments. It is intended to create distress, disrupt all relationships, deplete person's resources, destroy one's physical and mental health, and inflict great overall long term suffering. They interfere with a target's sleep thereby producing chronic sleep deprivation, as a strategic tactic. They employ a variety of interactions with the targeted individual which are likely to produce accidents and various forms of illness. One of the main weapons they use for their own protection and to enable their success in gangstalking is to manipulate the target's life in such a way as to cause them to lose their credibility with others. This is usually the first objective reached. After that, gangstalking the target involves only minor risk. Notably, people who become involved generally stop caring about the abuse by either turning a blind eye or actively joining in. While others, though concerned for the target, become too frightened to speak out or come to believe the propoganda that the target is mentally ill and needs ‘this‘ help. Predatory Gangstalking also involves provoking "accidents" and consequences of harm to the target. Predatory Gangstalkers will surrounding a target's moving vehicle and attempting to force them off of the road when they are stressed and exhausted. Worse, these tactics will be employed after tampering with a targeted individual's vehicle. Predatory Gangstalking is very serious business. Predatory Gangstalking is, at the least, psychological violence, and at most, it is a protracted sadistic sociopathic domination and calculated destruction of an innocent human being for reasons of pleasure, power, and social control by a group predatory stranger. It is rightfully assumed that money is involved in Predatory Gangstalking because of the amount of resources required to execute such extensive efforts. The gangstalkers develop capabilities directly proportionate to the amount money that funds them. In following the money trail speculatively, one looks to the possibility that drug money is involved. Some people reason that the government may be involved because of the amount of resources that are available to the practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking. Other individual situations seem to indicate that corporations, insurance companies, and even wealthy individuals with revenge motives fund a Predatory Gangstalking. In addition to cash payment for participation in Predatory Gangstalking, other forms of barter are used. These include drugs, *, alcohol, reciprocal favors, release from debts, jobs, contracts,"deals" for legal problems, and other forms of compensation. Some gangstalkers are given free housing in exchange for performing Predatory Gangstalking activities against a nearby target. However, it is clear from observing Predatory Gangstalkers in action that many engage in it for pleasure. One high ranking leader in Predatory Gangstalking stated that it was like an addiction. He described how the build up and culmination of a gangstalking assault was intoxicating, but that there was a let­down feeling afterwards that compelled him to do it again, and the cycle continued. It is also true that some people participate in Predatory Gangstalking because they are deceived into participating. Friends, neighbors and associates of a selected target are given false information and finally come to believe the targeted individual has committed a heinous crime for which they deserve what is portrayed them to be rehabilitative social intervention. Sometimes people reluctantly participate in indirect ways, such as making their homes available at times for part of the operation, for fear of consequences if they did not. Others involved in Predatory Gangstalking, including the homeless, do so for money or drugs. Disabled Vets are known to participate in Predatory Gangstalking activities for alleged government or defense contractor's projects. Predatory Gangstalkers have successfully elicited the participation of neighbors by appealing to their sense of service to the community or government, often representing themselves as affiliates of 8.




of the government or law enforcement. Lastly, those who are in the underworld or secret organizations practice Predatory Gangstalking as part of their membership duties. The craft and practice of Predatory Gangstalking appears to be standardized around the world. Many similarities parallel incidents reported by targets internationally. It appears that there is a standard protocol involving a series of tactics, progressive phases, and nature of assaults. It appears that an individual has been selected to become a target and the groundwork has been established for their assaults long before the individual can be aware that something criminal is occurring in their lives and to their person. Predatory Gangstalkers achieve this strategically. By the time the targeted individual becomes aware that something very threatening and disturbing is happening to them, they have already been thoroughly investigated by their enemies, stigmatized, discredited, and compromised. All wells have been already poisoned, so to speak, and all avenues of help and escape have been blocked. Predatory Gangstalkers first establish "information dominance" over a targeted individual. This achievement alone enables them to attain excessive power over the targeted individual. It is believed that this is accomplished by means of eavesdropping devices in the target's environment, global positioning technology (GPS) secreted on their vehicles, obtaining illegal access to all of a targeted individual's personal records such banks accounts, emails, medical records, and credit card purchases. They are often able to achieve 100% surveillance of a targeted individual and almost 100% access to a targeted individual's entire lifetime of available information from any computer, paper, photographic, or personal source. They use all of the information obtained to ambush and sabotage a targeted individual. Predatory Gangstalkers ultimately become capable of entering a target's house, place of employment, and vehicle at­will and often. All forms of communications in the targeted individual's life is interfered with by the gangstalkers. They will intercept email, tamper with voicemail, and obstruct the delivery of postal mail. The net result is that all communication in a targeted individual's life will become unreliable and incomplete, both incoming and outgoing. The Predatory Gangstalkers are then capable of greater insidious manipulation and control. Predatory Gangstalkers constantly update information about a target. Updates are promptly shared with all of the participants in that predatory gangstalking group. They take frequent photographs of the targeted individual, and maintain photos of the target's house, vehicle, place of employment, family, friends, and even the target's pets. They promptly disseminate this information through email and cell phones to other gangstalkers. This is the means by which a targeted individual is continually recognized by Predatory Gangstalkers everywhere they go. The Predatory Gangstalkers sadistically prefer to maintain a file of photos taken at points in time when the victimization reaches peaks, such as when a target is reaping consequences brought about by the gangstalkers, such as upon a targeted individual's firing, eviction, or when the person emotionally breaks down, or when they appear disheveled from insomnia or is fearful. Psychological profiling is yet another tactic performed on a targeted individual for the purpose of finding weaknesses. They exploit all information obtained, including fears, triggers, value­conflicts, skeletons in the closet, areas of shame, addictions, vices, and all things they hold dear. They often successfully "interview" a target under various guises. They use the information obtained to maximize the Predatory Gangstalkers' ability to destroy the targeted individual. Practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking have their own coded language, both verbal and visual. Each targeted individual is referred to by an assigned code word. Hand signals are an important tool of their universal protocol. Some hand signals resemble the mannerisms used in baseball and other sports. Other signals are those found in law enforcement and the military. They use hand of 8.




signals to identify the area of a target's body designated to be the target of a pending physical attack. This is often the eyes and the heart. They also use hand signals to coordinate the unauthorized entry into a target's home or vehicle. They also use hand signals during roving vehicle caravans and while on foot, for the purpose of coordinating attacks and pointing out the location of a target. Vehicle alarm panic buttons and horns are other commonly used tools of communication and coordination. In residential areas, outside lights have an established set of messages. They also use "dead drops" like spies have done historically to secretly pass along information to one another. Public bathrooms are commonly utilized as locations for the transfer of information and equipment. Mobile pick­up and delivery systems are in place for this purpose as well. They have a set of questions and responses to confirm the identity of a predatory gangstalker to another which are also coded. In the USA they refer to money by the last names of the president whose face is on the bill. Someone may say "I have references. (translation: money). I know 5 of the Franklin's." Their coded language is universal to them. Predatory Gangstalkers will begin an intense and extensive discrediting campaign against a selected target well before the target could even suspect he or she has an enemy. This critical tactic sets the stage for neighbors and associates to become alienated from the target. One of the Predatory Gangstalkers' goals is to eliminate all forms of support and assistance for the target. Towards this objective, the police are given anonymous "concerned citizen" tips designed to lead the police to believe the target is mentally unstable or a problem in the community in advance of any actual direct gangstalking of the targeted individual. This sets the stage for having the targeted individual prejudged so they will be disbelieved and dismissed when the gangstalking begins and they seek help. The discrediting campaign includes accusing the target of being an "undesirable" for any number of reasons, including fabricated reports of having committed crimes that are the most repulsive to members of society. Practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking even go so far as to represent themselves as undercover law enforcement or government agents. It has been reported that they will even show false documents for substantiation, but they will never leave them behind. Financial devastation is another goal of Predatory Gangstalking. Towards this goal, they make attempts to destroy one's gainful employment, pose as offering services to intervene in the problem to further take your money, and will steal funds and personal property on an on­going basis. Repeated unauthorized entries into a target's residence, vehicles, computer, and workplace are hallmark tactics of this crime and is nearly impossible to stop. Predatory Gangstalkers can pick locks, bypass security alarms, and enter any location posing as utility crews, law enforcement, or delivery men. Practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking will apply for and obtain legitimate jobs in a target's home or business in order to have access to the target and their life, relationships, and assets just to do harm. Predatory Gangstalking employs a tactic of syncronicity. This tactic involves the precise timing of interactions with the targeted individual. For example, the target can go out to get the morning newspaper and encounter gangstalking activities that suddenly appear and which are precisely synchronized. Throughout the targeted individual's day, these synchronized encounters repeatedly occur. Activities such as leaving one's driveway, taking out the trash, going to a store, or even walking the dog, are activities which result in an encounter with one or more Predatory Gangstalkers. Even when a target strategically does not follow any set routine, these synchronized occurrences continue. This makes the gangstalkers appear to be all­ knowing and almost omnipresent in the mind of a new targeted individual. This is intimidating, demoralizing, and even terrorizing to targets. It is often unavoidable. of 8.




In the case of primary targeted individuals of gangstalking (the rare individuals who are the priority target of global gangstalking) the primary objective is to induce as much fear as possible and over time as the numbers of individuals that become involved or are made aware of a target, the abuse can increase substantially, so that there is no aspect of the targets life that is private or sacred. Rarely, if ever, does a targeted individual engage in an activity of daily living without the unwanted participation of Predatory Gangstalkers. The timing and coordination of these activities are remarkably precise. The targeted individual becomes aware that all of their activities include the presence of Predatory Gangstalkers. These gangstalkers demand to be noticed by their target, and if they are not, they will take an action to be noticed. This could include honking their horn strategically, making a comment, creating a scenario to get the attention of the targeted individual. Once noticed, they will return to non­contact, knowing that by that point, the targeted individual will henceforth anxiously watch for them. Most times, however, these practitioners of gangstalking maintain the appearance of "business as usual." They rarely make direct contact, with some exception. However, these strangers often boldly smirk and openly laugh at the targeted individual at some close point in the encounter. This is the universal exception to the "no direct contact" protocol. Other times, when verbal or physical contact is made, these encounters are conducted in such a way as to appear to have been "happenstance." Since most of the practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking rotate in and out of the life of a target, the same patterns of gangstalking will occur, but it will involve different people all the time. Therefore, many different stranger and many different vehicles will walk, drive, or bike past the target and interact in some manner, at various times and locations. All of the predatory gangstalkers will be strangers to the targeted individual and they will continue to make their presence, but not their purpose, known. This is one element of Predatory Gangstalking that is disbelieved by others. These "others" include law enforcement, the medical profession, and family. Those who are unaware of activities of subcultures such as criminals, secret organizations, clubs, extremist groups, radical political groups, hate groups, organized crime groups, and other antisocial groups, the scope of attack by Predatory Gangstalkers is unfathomable. Never the less, the extent of this massive assault on one individual is as extensive as described here and even more so. Let it be said that we really do live in amazing times. The world itself has seen much change and turmoil even in the last century, and with the increase of technology, the desire in those who choose to live out of balance with life and try to live in dominance and control of the masses have opted for this horrendous path of ‘stolen power’. This may sound quite vague, and it is, only because the other face of ganstalking or rather the precise reason for its use deals with a more incredible phenomena than hasn't been touched up yet. In the first instance, we mustn't be so naïve as to assume that our governments and all those that have been granted the power and authority to run our world are acting from a selfless perspective. They simply are not. The secrets of the universe, God and true power have always been the Holy Grail of man, and the desperate desire to achieve and own them by some. To this effect the studies and research that has been conducted since time immemorial have been immense, with the one of the holiest of holiest being the understanding of the human mind, soul and will and how these can be controlled and used far more readily than man has been able to achieve so far. And it is for these reasons that extensive and more covert experimentation has been undertaken on people targeted for this work. These people are the targetted individuals of gangstalking. Our minds are complex structures, our memories (long and short term), our thought processes, our fears and so on. If it is true that we do indeed manifest what we think as countless experts have us believe and that spiritually we are indeed one soul fragmented but unequivocally connected in a unified field, then it stands to reason that if one or a few souls and minds can be controlled then this will lead to the of 8.




occupation of ALL. This of course sounds like insane rantings but assuredly this is the reality humanity faces today. There is a dark agenda to control all minds by controlling the energetic fields of existence, our physical bodies, dna, etheric fields, mental and emotional fields and so on. Next, imagine for a moment if a ‘Lucifer’ were also created from one of the targeted individuals, more than just the social pariah they started as, what if society is lead to believe that they are actually a satanic entity or individual. In doing so, a common enemy is created with which to blame all eventual chaos upon. This is another portion of the agenda. It is in the end the stuff of nightmares and what has been called dark prophecy or conspiracy theory is actually ancient agenda in it’s final stages of being played out. On a personal level, participating in any form of gangstalking is not only insane but utterly immoral, and spiritually and ciminally corrupt. If you care, choose never to participate, inform the target (carefully/secretly), make a united stand with friends and neighbours not participate and log all the evidence you can ­ takedown all information you can. Be smart, technology and the capability of those that have orchestrated these world terrors are immense. But most of all remember that the 'fear matrix' within the collective consciousness of humanity is an overall target. If people are afraid they can be controlled. Stand firm in a belief of your divinity and eternal being (whether you believe in a God or not) you are still part Omnipotent Grace experiencing on earth. Peace be with us all. of 8.




Gang Stalking

PREDATORY GANGSTALKING "Predatory Gangstalking is a criminal phenomenon referring to a group of loosely affiliated people who, in an organized and systematic manner, relentlessly invade all areas of an individual's life on a continuing basis, as part of their lifestyle. While each individual gangstalker does his or her small part, what defines Predatory Gangstalking is the collective intent to do harm." R.B.Ross c 2005 Tactics of Predatory Gangstalking include highly coordinated surveillance (hidden cameras, conversation bugging in private aswell as public), harassment, and psychological, psychosocial, financial, and sometimes physical assaults on an individual by a large group of people who are often strangers to the targeted individual. A Predatory Gangstalking group is a well­run organization comprised of members who are unidentified as gangstalkers to the outside world. Until a group of gangstalkers turn their face towards someone selected to be one of their targets, members of society do not realize there is such an invisible group. The practitioners of predatory gangstalking are people who, for the most part, go about their business of daily life appearing like everyone else, except for their activities involved with Predatory Gangstalking. Predatory gangstalking activities take priority over everything else in the lives of Predatory Gangstalkers. Predatory gangstalking is actually a lifestyle for those who participate in it. Predatory Gangstalking is also called "terror stalking", "gangstalking", "flash mobbing", "cause stalking," "hate stalking," "multi­stalking, "happy slapping," "workplace bullying, and "covert war." . "Flash mobbing" is an event occurring when a targeted individual is spotted in society. Their photo and location is immediately and simultaneously sent out by cell phone text messages and Internet email to all gangstalkers within a certain radius. All gangstalkers then suddenly descend upon the target as a mob. . "Cause stalking" refers to gangstalking by single­issue radicals. They stalk a targeted person related to that specific agenda. "Cause stalking" has been reported to have been carried out by radical Christians who believe in "dominion theology." Dominion Theology is a religious interpretation of the Bible which these groups believe requires them to "take dominion over the earth" which they believe is the precursor to the return of Jesus to earth. "Cause stalkers" in general believe that they are bringing about social change through gangstalking activities. "Cause stalking" can be carried out by White Supremacist as a form of "Hate Stalking (Scientology groups are another eg.)." This type of predatory gangstalking is primarily for the purpose of intimidation and often is a precursor to or an adjunct to violence. . "Happy slapping" refers to group harassment of one youth by other youths carried live over cell phones equipped to handle video to peers youths. The young gangstalkers slap around the targeted youth while laughing at him or her while several other youths broadcast the incident live to as many peers as possible. . "Ritual Gangstalking" is reportedly performed by cults and secret organizations such as Satanists, secret orders of free masons, some voodoo /obeah practitioners and Scientologists as a means of control or for punishment. "Ritual abuse" is incorporated into "ritual gangstalking" patterns in this case. N.B. Obeah is considered one of the darkest forms of black magic known. Blood sacrifice is always used and the intent is to harm, even to death, another person.




. "Workplace bullying" involves gangstalking activities tailored to the workplace which are carried out by a group of employees against another individual employee. * "Cybergangstalking" is a situation where an individual is identified to be a target through Internet participation and their personal identity is determined. Cybergangstalkers pierce the electronic veil and are able to enter into the real life of a person, creating all forms of harassment, theft, psychological operations including slander and libel, and able to commit crimes against the targeted individual. * "Vigilante Stalking, Terror Stalking" is the same as Predatory Stalking. For the purpose of this informational writing, all activities will be referred to as "predatory gangstalking" because the tactics and characteristics of the gangstalking are the same. And often a targeted person will become the victim of more than one type of gangstalking. "Predatory Gangstalking" is a criminal phenomenon referring to a group of loosely affiliated people who, in an organized and systematic manner, relentlessly invade an individual's life on a continuous basis, to an extreme degree, as part of their lifestyle. While each individual gangstalker does his or her small part, what defines Predatory Gangstalking is the collective intent to do harm." R.B. Ross Predatory Gangstalking is reported by historians to have been originally developed by social scientists and psychologists in communist and fascist's countries as a means of control of individuals within those societies. The tactics and techniques of Predatory Gangstalking were developed through animal and then human experimentation. The methodology of Predatory Gangstalking is precise and well­orchestrated. It is reported that the technical mechanics for Predatory Gangstalking werefirst sold on the Black Market by the ruling party leaders of East Germany when the USSR political systems crumbled. These protocols were subsequently exported to other countries and implemented there against unsuspecting citizens. Predatory Gangstalking has been reportedly against citizens worldwide. Thus far, it has continued unchecked. One of the reasons for the unchallenged proliferation of this form of organized crime is that it characteristically takes place in such a way that it is invisible to the untrained eye. It is understandably, therefore, considered to be the ‘perfect crime’, as it remains unchallenged and extremely difficult to prove. The countries with the greatest number of reports are the US, Canada, Germany, and England. In the US, the states with the greatest number of reported predatory gangstalkings are California, Texas, and New York. The predominant proportion of individuals targeted by gangstalkers are non­Caucasians. It is difficult to find other predominant similar characteristics in targets. The reasons that an individual is selected for targeting are unknown. It can only be speculated to include reasons such as easy accessibility to the target, random selection for training for new Predatory Gangstalkers, minority group member relative to hate­based groups, making an example of someone, revenge, retaliation, and social control. Who are the practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking? They include career criminals, participants in the drug trade, extreme ideologists such as radical Christians, members of hate groups such as White Supremacists, members of motorcycle and street gangs, and homeless people. They are also often people with a background in the military, including disabled Vets. Higher levels in the Predatory Gangstalking organizations include people in military and law enforcement or with same experience, secret service/defence employees, government officials, Banking firms, and so on. It has been reported that top




level government security and intelligence agencies use gangstalking tactics in covert operations. What is most baffling about Predatory Gangstalking is that many of the practitioners of this social pathology appear to be regular mainstream people with no prior criminal record, predominantly in the socio­ economic middle class. It is presumed they participate for the money or rewards they receive in the form of barter or for a social­conscience feelgood factor. The world of Predatory Gangstalking increases as new recruits are initiated into the Predatory Gangstalking process. Therefore, a target may see collusion and participation from neighbors and co­ workers who were once on good terms with the target. The circle of predatory gangstalkers widens with time. However, most of the time, the gangstalkers are complete strangers to the target. In most of the encounters the target has with gangstalkers, the target does not recognize the perpetrators but the gangstalkers readily recognize the target. Further, these predatory strangers possess detailed knowledge about the targeted individual. Most often, Predatory Gangstalking is being engaged in by parties unknown, for reasons unknown, to the target. People have died after a lifetime of protracted Predatory Gangstalking without having any explanations as to who was doing this or why this happened to them. Sometimes, the leaders in these large affiliated groups of gangstalkers have specialized military expertise in the areas of military intelligence, military electronics and equipment, and in military strategic and tactical training. Those without formal military training have often engaged in paramilitary activities or have technical skills commonly found in successful career criminals. Others who join a Predatory Gangstalking group without such a background are given on­the­job training, in addition to other gangstalking skills. It can be said with certainty that there are specific protocols and tactics and most gangstalkers appear to be proficient in a similar set of skills. Predatory Gangstalkers each have their own individual skill that they contribute towards their common goal in the group. One person in a group knows how to pick locks; another knows how to hack into computers, while someone else provides the GPS and electronic equipment. Many Predatory Gangstalking members know how to tamper with a vehicle. Some predatory gangstalkers are practiced "look outs" while others are group leaders. Predatory gangstalking groups have their rank and file as in any other organization. Orders come from the top, just as in any other organization. However, it is unknown whether the top of the organizations are local, regional, national, or international. Predatory Gangstalkers use state­of­the­art technology coupled with law­enforcement­ style surveillance tactics. Typically, the individual gangstalkers are strangers to the target. ("Happy slapping" and "workplace bullying" are the most common exceptions) Participants in predatory gangstalking are well­ trained. The tactics and techniques they use are similar all around the world in the numerous countries where this has been reported. Each group of predatory gangstalkers is a covert army unto themselves. They have incorporated specialized techniques originally used by spies during the cold war. They carry out their field work with military style precision. Then, they go about their daily lives, just like any other member of society, in most cases. Their gangstalking skills are highly sophisticated, and their commitment to Predatory Gangstalking exceeds zealousness. It appears to both an observer and a target that nothing required of them in terms of time or availability is too much trouble for them. As stated previously, but worth repeating, predatory gangstalking activities take priority in the lives of those who practice Predatory Gangstalking. Predatory Gangstalkers are a functioning subculture of society that move invisibly through society as such. This is by design, making it even more dangerous to society. The goals of Predatory Gangstalking of an individual are numerous. Predatory




Gangstalking is intended to deprive someone of their freedoms and rights. It destroys a person's privacy and control of their own environments. It is intended to create distress, disrupt all relationships, deplete person's resources, destroy one's physical and mental health, and inflict great overall long term suffering. They interfere with a target's sleep thereby producing chronic sleep deprivation, as a strategic tactic. They employ a variety of interactions with the targeted individual which are likely to produce accidents and various forms of illness. One of the main weapons they use for their own protection and to enable their success in gangstalking is to manipulate the target's life in such a way as to cause them to lose their credibility with others. This is usually the first objective reached. After that, gangstalking the target involves only minor risk. Notably, people who become involved generally stop caring about the abuse by either turning a blind eye or actively joining in. While others, though concerned for the target, become too frightened to speak out or come to believe the propoganda that the target is mentally ill and needs ‘this‘ help. Predatory Gangstalking also involves provoking "accidents" and consequences of harm to the target. Predatory Gangstalkers will surrounding a target's moving vehicle and attempting to force them off of the road when they are stressed and exhausted. Worse, these tactics will be employed after tampering with a targeted individual's vehicle. Predatory Gangstalking is very serious business. Predatory Gangstalking is, at the least, psychological violence, and at most, it is a protracted sadistic sociopathic domination and calculated destruction of an innocent human being for reasons of pleasure, power, and social control by a group predatory stranger. It is rightfully assumed that money is involved in Predatory Gangstalking because of the amount of resources required to execute such extensive efforts. The gangstalkers develop capabilities directly proportionate to the amount money that funds them. In following the money trail speculatively, one looks to the possibility that drug money is involved. Some people reason that the government may be involved because of the amount of resources that are available to the practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking. Other individual situations seem to indicate that corporations, insurance companies, and even wealthy individuals with revenge motives fund a Predatory Gangstalking. In addition to cash payment for participation in Predatory Gangstalking, other forms of barter are used. These include drugs, *, alcohol, reciprocal favors, release from debts, jobs, contracts,"deals" for legal problems, and other forms of compensation. Some gangstalkers are given free housing in exchange for performing Predatory Gangstalking activities against a nearby target. However, it is clear from observing Predatory Gangstalkers in action that many engage in it for pleasure. One high ranking leader in Predatory Gangstalking stated that it was like an addiction. He described how the build up and culmination of a gangstalking assault was intoxicating, but that there was a let­down feeling afterwards that compelled him to do it again, and the cycle continued. It is also true that some people participate in Predatory Gangstalking because they are deceived into participating. Friends, neighbors and associates of a selected target are given false information and finally come to believe the targeted individual has committed a heinous crime for which they deserve what is portrayed them to be rehabilitative social intervention. Sometimes people reluctantly participate in indirect ways, such as making their homes available at times for part of the operation, for fear of consequences if they did not. Others involved in Predatory Gangstalking, including the homeless, do so for money or drugs. Disabled Vets are known to participate in Predatory Gangstalking activities for alleged government or defense contractor's projects. Predatory Gangstalkers have successfully elicited the participation of neighbors by appealing to their sense of service to the community or government, often representing themselves as affiliates




of the government or law enforcement. Lastly, those who are in the underworld or secret organizations practice Predatory Gangstalking as part of their membership duties. The craft and practice of Predatory Gangstalking appears to be standardized around the world. Many similarities parallel incidents reported by targets internationally. It appears that there is a standard protocol involving a series of tactics, progressive phases, and nature of assaults. It appears that an individual has been selected to become a target and the groundwork has been established for their assaults long before the individual can be aware that something criminal is occurring in their lives and to their person. Predatory Gangstalkers achieve this strategically. By the time the targeted individual becomes aware that something very threatening and disturbing is happening to them, they have already been thoroughly investigated by their enemies, stigmatized, discredited, and compromised. All wells have been already poisoned, so to speak, and all avenues of help and escape have been blocked. Predatory Gangstalkers first establish "information dominance" over a targeted individual. This achievement alone enables them to attain excessive power over the targeted individual. It is believed that this is accomplished by means of eavesdropping devices in the target's environment, global positioning technology (GPS) secreted on their vehicles, obtaining illegal access to all of a targeted individual's personal records such banks accounts, emails, medical records, and credit card purchases. They are often able to achieve 100% surveillance of a targeted individual and almost 100% access to a targeted individual's entire lifetime of available information from any computer, paper, photographic, or personal source. They use all of the information obtained to ambush and sabotage a targeted individual. Predatory Gangstalkers ultimately become capable of entering a target's house, place of employment, and vehicle at­will and often. All forms of communications in the targeted individual's life is interfered with by the gangstalkers. They will intercept email, tamper with voicemail, and obstruct the delivery of postal mail. The net result is that all communication in a targeted individual's life will become unreliable and incomplete, both incoming and outgoing. The Predatory Gangstalkers are then capable of greater insidious manipulation and control. Predatory Gangstalkers constantly update information about a target. Updates are promptly shared with all of the participants in that predatory gangstalking group. They take frequent photographs of the targeted individual, and maintain photos of the target's house, vehicle, place of employment, family, friends, and even the target's pets. They promptly disseminate this information through email and cell phones to other gangstalkers. This is the means by which a targeted individual is continually recognized by Predatory Gangstalkers everywhere they go. The Predatory Gangstalkers sadistically prefer to maintain a file of photos taken at points in time when the victimization reaches peaks, such as when a target is reaping consequences brought about by the gangstalkers, such as upon a targeted individual's firing, eviction, or when the person emotionally breaks down, or when they appear disheveled from insomnia or is fearful. Psychological profiling is yet another tactic performed on a targeted individual for the purpose of finding weaknesses. They exploit all information obtained, including fears, triggers, value­conflicts, skeletons in the closet, areas of shame, addictions, vices, and all things they hold dear. They often successfully "interview" a target under various guises. They use the information obtained to maximize the Predatory Gangstalkers' ability to destroy the targeted individual. Practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking have their own coded language, both verbal and visual. Each targeted individual is referred to by an assigned code word. Hand signals are an important tool of their universal protocol. Some hand signals resemble the mannerisms used in baseball and other sports. Other signals are those found in law enforcement and the military. They use hand




signals to identify the area of a target's body designated to be the target of a pending physical attack. This is often the eyes and the heart. They also use hand signals to coordinate the unauthorized entry into a target's home or vehicle. They also use hand signals during roving vehicle caravans and while on foot, for the purpose of coordinating attacks and pointing out the location of a target. Vehicle alarm panic buttons and horns are other commonly used tools of communication and coordination. In residential areas, outside lights have an established set of messages. They also use "dead drops" like spies have done historically to secretly pass along information to one another. Public bathrooms are commonly utilized as locations for the transfer of information and equipment. Mobile pick­up and delivery systems are in place for this purpose as well. They have a set of questions and responses to confirm the identity of a predatory gangstalker to another which are also coded. In the USA they refer to money by the last names of the president whose face is on the bill. Someone may say "I have references. (translation: money). I know 5 of the Franklin's." Their coded language is universal to them. Predatory Gangstalkers will begin an intense and extensive discrediting campaign against a selected target well before the target could even suspect he or she has an enemy. This critical tactic sets the stage for neighbors and associates to become alienated from the target. One of the Predatory Gangstalkers' goals is to eliminate all forms of support and assistance for the target. Towards this objective, the police are given anonymous "concerned citizen" tips designed to lead the police to believe the target is mentally unstable or a problem in the community in advance of any actual direct gangstalking of the targeted individual. This sets the stage for having the targeted individual prejudged so they will be disbelieved and dismissed when the gangstalking begins and they seek help. The discrediting campaign includes accusing the target of being an "undesirable" for any number of reasons, including fabricated reports of having committed crimes that are the most repulsive to members of society. Practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking even go so far as to represent themselves as undercover law enforcement or government agents. It has been reported that they will even show false documents for substantiation, but they will never leave them behind. Financial devastation is another goal of Predatory Gangstalking. Towards this goal, they make attempts to destroy one's gainful employment, pose as offering services to intervene in the problem to further take your money, and will steal funds and personal property on an on­going basis. Repeated unauthorized entries into a target's residence, vehicles, computer, and workplace are hallmark tactics of this crime and is nearly impossible to stop. Predatory Gangstalkers can pick locks, bypass security alarms, and enter any location posing as utility crews, law enforcement, or delivery men. Practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking will apply for and obtain legitimate jobs in a target's home or business in order to have access to the target and their life, relationships, and assets just to do harm. Predatory Gangstalking employs a tactic of syncronicity. This tactic involves the precise timing of interactions with the targeted individual. For example, the target can go out to get the morning newspaper and encounter gangstalking activities that suddenly appear and which are precisely synchronized. Throughout the targeted individual's day, these synchronized encounters repeatedly occur. Activities such as leaving one's driveway, taking out the trash, going to a store, or even walking the dog, are activities which result in an encounter with one or more Predatory Gangstalkers. Even when a target strategically does not follow any set routine, these synchronized occurrences continue. This makes the gangstalkers appear to be all­ knowing and almost omnipresent in the mind of a new targeted individual. This is intimidating, demoralizing, and even terrorizing to targets. It is often unavoidable.




In the case of primary targeted individuals of gangstalking (the rare individuals who are the priority target of global gangstalking) the primary objective is to induce as much fear as possible and over time as the numbers of individuals that become involved or are made aware of a target, the abuse can increase substantially, so that there is no aspect of the targets life that is private or sacred. Rarely, if ever, does a targeted individual engage in an activity of daily living without the unwanted participation of Predatory Gangstalkers. The timing and coordination of these activities are remarkably precise. The targeted individual becomes aware that all of their activities include the presence of Predatory Gangstalkers. These gangstalkers demand to be noticed by their target, and if they are not, they will take an action to be noticed. This could include honking their horn strategically, making a comment, creating a scenario to get the attention of the targeted individual. Once noticed, they will return to non­contact, knowing that by that point, the targeted individual will henceforth anxiously watch for them. Most times, however, these practitioners of gangstalking maintain the appearance of "business as usual." They rarely make direct contact, with some exception. However, these strangers often boldly smirk and openly laugh at the targeted individual at some close point in the encounter. This is the universal exception to the "no direct contact" protocol. Other times, when verbal or physical contact is made, these encounters are conducted in such a way as to appear to have been "happenstance." Since most of the practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking rotate in and out of the life of a target, the same patterns of gangstalking will occur, but it will involve different people all the time. Therefore, many different stranger and many different vehicles will walk, drive, or bike past the target and interact in some manner, at various times and locations. All of the predatory gangstalkers will be strangers to the targeted individual and they will continue to make their presence, but not their purpose, known. This is one element of Predatory Gangstalking that is disbelieved by others. These "others" include law enforcement, the medical profession, and family. Those who are unaware of activities of subcultures such as criminals, secret organizations, clubs, extremist groups, radical political groups, hate groups, organized crime groups, and other antisocial groups, the scope of attack by Predatory Gangstalkers is unfathomable. Never the less, the extent of this massive assault on one individual is as extensive as described here and even more so. Let it be said that we really do live in amazing times. The world itself has seen much change and turmoil even in the last century, and with the increase of technology, the desire in those who choose to live out of balance with life and try to live in dominance and control of the masses have opted for this horrendous path of ‘stolen power’. This may sound quite vague, and it is, only because the other face of ganstalking or rather the precise reason for its use deals with a more incredible phenomena than hasn't been touched up yet. In the first instance, we mustn't be so naïve as to assume that our governments and all those that have been granted the power and authority to run our world are acting from a selfless perspective. They simply are not. The secrets of the universe, God and true power have always been the Holy Grail of man, and the desperate desire to achieve and own them by some. To this effect the studies and research that has been conducted since time immemorial have been immense, with the one of the holiest of holiest being the understanding of the human mind, soul and will and how these can be controlled and used far more readily than man has been able to achieve so far. And it is for these reasons that extensive and more covert experimentation has been undertaken on people targeted for this work. These people are the targetted individuals of gangstalking. Our minds are complex structures, our memories (long and short term), our thought processes, our fears and so on. If it is true that we do indeed manifest what we think as countless experts have us believe and that spiritually we are indeed one soul fragmented but unequivocally connected in a unified field, then it stands to reason that if one or a few souls and minds can be controlled then this will lead to the




occupation of ALL. This of course sounds like insane rantings but assuredly this is the reality humanity faces today. There is a dark agenda to control all minds by controlling the energetic fields of existence, our physical bodies, dna, etheric fields, mental and emotional fields and so on. Next, imagine for a moment if a ‘Lucifer’ were also created from one of the targeted individuals, more than just the social pariah they started as, what if society is lead to believe that they are actually a satanic entity or individual. In doing so, a common enemy is created with which to blame all eventual chaos upon. This is another portion of the agenda. It is in the end the stuff of nightmares and what has been called dark prophecy or conspiracy theory is actually ancient agenda in it’s final stages of being played out. On a personal level, participating in any form of gangstalking is not only insane but utterly immoral, and spiritually and ciminally corrupt. If you care, choose never to participate, inform the target (carefully/secretly), make a united stand with friends and neighbours not participate and log all the evidence you can ­ takedown all information you can. Be smart, technology and the capability of those that have orchestrated these world terrors are immense. But most of all remember that the 'fear matrix' within the collective consciousness of humanity is an overall target. If people are afraid they can be controlled. Stand firm in a belief of your divinity and eternal being (whether you believe in a God or not) you are still part Omnipotent Grace experiencing on earth. Peace be with us all.



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Here are the results from a few Geolocation providers. Accuracy of geolocation data may vary from a provider to provider. Test drive yourself, and decide on the provider that you like. Do you have a problem with IP location lookup? Report a problem. AdChoices

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a domain name. We've found an IP address from the domain name you've entered. Your



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Not Available



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Not Available





BSE Software GmbH

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Geolocation data from EurekAPI (Product: API, real-time) Domain Name











BSE Software GmbH

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Geolocation data from DB-IP (Product: Full, 2016-5-2) Domain Name











SolNet Switzerland

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Not Available

Not Available







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Why do you need geolocation? Pairing of IP address to a geographical location is called geolocation. There are times when you need to identify where your web visitors are coming from. You might have an ecommerce website, and would like to know where your potential customers are, pre-populate country code on forms, display different language and reduce credit card fraud based on geographic location. Or, you might want to fight against illegal spammers and hackers, and would like to locate source of a problem. Although it would be nice to be able to find precise location of a visitor, it is almost impossible to find exact location of a host given its IP address. However, there are tools available to help identify approximate location of the host. ARIN Whois database provides a mechanism for finding contact and registration information for IP resources registered with ARIN. You may also use 3rd party websites such as Geobytes or Dnsstuff to lookup the IP address. The whois lookup will reveal name of the ISP who owns that IP address, and the country where it is originated from. If you're lucky, you might also find the city of orgin. You may also use products developed by 3rd party companies like Ip2location. Our sister website, also provides a geographic information of your IP address. You may also use reverse DNS to find out the hostname of the IP address, which might give you some clues. Many ISPs, Corporations and Academic institutions use location as a qualified hostname, although this is not always true. A couple of things to note here: (1) Reverse DNS translation does not always work. It depends on the correct configuration of the ISP's DNS server. (2) The US domain names such as .com, .net and .org does not always imply that the host is located in the United States. You may use 'traceroute' command to find clues to the location of the IP address. The names of the routers through which packets flow from your host to the destination host might hint at the geographical path of the final location.

IP-based Geolocation FAQ 1. What is IP-based Geolocation? IP-based Geolocation is mapping of an IP address or MAC address to the real-world geographic location of an Internet connected to a computing device or mobile device. Geolocation involves in mapping IP address to the country, region (city), latitude/longitude, ISP and domain name among other useful things.

2. Where can I get a IP-based Geolocation database? There are a number

of commercially available geolocation databases, and their pricing and accuracy may



IP Location Finder ­ Geolocation

There are a number of commercially available geolocation databases, and their pricing and accuracy may vary. Ip2location, MaxMind, Tamo Soft and IPligence offer a fee based databases that can be easily integrated into an web application. Most geolocation database vendors offers APIs and example codes (in ASP, PHP, .NET and Java programming languages) that can be used to retrieve geolocation data from the database. We use Ip2Location database to offer a free geolocation data on our website. There are also freely available geolocation databases. Vendors offering commercial geolocation database also offer a Lite or Community edition that provides IP-to-Country mappings. and (Directi) offer free IP-to-Country database that can be also integrated into your web application. There are companies also offering free web services that can be used to show geolocation of an IP address on your website.

3. How accurate is IP-based Geolocation? Accuracy of geolocation database varies depending on which database you use. For IP-to-country database, some vendors claim to offer 98% to 99% accuracy although typical Ip2Country database accuracy is more like 95%. For IP-to-Region (or City), accracy range anywhere from 50% to 75% if neighboring cities are treated as correct. Considering that there is no official source of IP-to-Region information, 50+% accuracy is pretty good.

4. How does IP-based geolocation work? ARIN Whois database provides a mechanism for finding contact and registration information for IP resources registered with ARIN. The IP whois information is available for free, and determining the country from this database is relatively easy. When an organization requires a block of IP addresses, a request is submitted and allocated IP addresses are assigned to a requested ISP. SEARCH OUR WEBSITE Search


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