Arturo Escandón: Un año entero en Facebook (2009)

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Arturo Escandon Imitation and development (y quizá por qué la inteligencia artificial a la japonesa ha avanzado más que en occidente)

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PhD Student at University of Bath, UK, living and working in Kyoto, Japan


Ethno-semiotics: Imitation and development …according to Vygotsky, imitation is the process through which socioculturally constructed forms of mediation are internalized… One of the earliest social scientist to propose imitation as a uniquely human form of development was James Mark Baldwin (1895/1915). ... 30 minutes ago Comment Like Share

Birthday: 02 September 1965

Arturo Escandon Hegel on a billboard


ECOLE CRIOLLO Patisserie &...

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3 hours ago Comment Like Share Othon Escandon Prado

冬も暖房でノミが元気になりま す!ペットくすりはフロントライ ン正規メーカー商品取り扱い 店です。

Mili Fischer María Vives Brunetti

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フランス人パティシエ、サント ス・アントワーヌの菓子学校& 洋菓子店。シェフは世界コン クールで最優秀味覚賞を受賞 するなど数々のコンクールで も優勝経験のある実力派。最 新作のケーキやお得な最新 情報などをゲットしてスイーツ 通に! Become a Fan


Miguelán gel Díaz Monges

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David Coll Blanco

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Ooh My Goooood

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Arturo commented on Carmen Ibarlucea's photo.

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See all Holding your breath Updated last Tuesday Nowhere's Landscape Updated about a month ago

Carmen Ibarlucea Hola Arturo, ya imaginaba que estaría por estos lados. Imagino que ustedes están bien. Reparte cariños por allá. Nosotros bien, seguimos en Extremadura, mi padre y su esposa en Asturias... contento pese al frío ;-D

Foreign languages are not barrier any more to make new friends. :) Like More Ads

Today at 05:28 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Recuerdos a todos. He visto las fotos. Voy a España en abril. Quedemos. Besos. 2 hours ago Delete

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Arturo likes Carolina Navarro's photo. Arturo commented on Carolina Navarro's photo. Arturo likes Carolina Navarro's photo. Lies on the Cam 7

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0:26 Added about 7 months ago

Arturo and Carmen Ibarlucea are now friends. Comment Like Arturo likes Josefina Delgado's status.

レティシア ビセンテ In this photo: Arturo Escandon Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 2010 Lies on the Cam 6

24th December 2009

0:19 Added about 7 months ago

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Yesterday at 02:07 View album

Arturo Escandon Un traductor de miedo Applications

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2009/12/28 22:32

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Ethno-semiotics: Imitation and development 28 December 12:54

Romeo y Julieta (Dire Straits) Romeo, enamorado, canta su serenata por las callesdejando a todos muertos con su canción de amor,llega a un poste de luz, y sale de la sombray dice algo así como: “Vos y yo, nena, ¿qué onda?”.Julie...more

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28 December 09:58

The Clinic » Ediciones Anteriores 22 December 23:35

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Fri at 16:48 Comment Like Share it Carolina Navarro and 10 others like this. View all 6 comments

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El Mesías de Haendel

Ezequiel Zaidenwerg Gracias, Martín. Feliz navidad para vos. Abrazo. Fri at 02:02

23 December 10:24 | 4 comments

Taller de ELE, Osaka, 16 de enero

Carolina Navarro Increìble, me encantò !! Fri at 19:59

01 December 23:27

La aristocracia japonesa despierta del sueño de corrupción del Partido Liberal Democrático 02 September 16:52 | 3 comments

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Arturo likes Manuel Gianoni's photo. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's status Arturo likes Cristina Parra Jerez's status.

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Ignacio Aristimuño In this photo: Arturo Escandon fiesta latina de Navidad en Kioto

Thurs at 22:55 RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Claudia Burgueño's status Arturo likes Zoltan Karpathy's status. Arturo likes Roberto Castillo Sandoval's activity. Arturo commented on his own note El Mesías de Haendel.

Arturo Escandon El Mesías de Haendel El Mesías de Haendel Y suena la obertura con sus violines afinados como Una nata de avispas que cargan contra el intruso En el estruendo de la sala de conciertos de madera ...

23 December at 10:24 Comment Like Share Gisele Fernandez, Juanki Gumucio Castellón and 2 others like this. View all 4 comments Tina Ottman nah, Irish geezer. Liked ghosts and spiritualism and occult and Swedenborg. Nothing to do with naked Lord Byron. No gayish skinnydipping in the Cam. Thurs at 17:22 Delete Juanki Gumucio Castellón Forms in strangest phantasy, harmonies in pink and white, fuzzy scenes of decomposing flesh, never expected to read such a piece of coxcomb cockney impudence. However, Yeats rules Thurs at 20:03 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Auschwitz, de Zurita The Clinic » Ediciones Anteriores

22 December at 23:35 Comment Like Share


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2009/12/28 22:32

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Gisele Fernandez likes this. Cristina Parra Jerez se merecia esa tu reaccion el poema ... 2 hours ago Delete Arturo Escandon Es que se escuchan tantas cosas en la radio y que venga de pronto alguien a recitar un poema como ese es para volverse estatua de sal. 28 minutes ago Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Iba hoy en coche camino al trabajo escuchando un podcast cuando de pronto aparece Zurita en el programa de radio. Le piden que lea un poema de su último libro. Entonces leyó "Autschwitz", me hizo subir al cielo como ceniza expulsada por las chimeneas del campo y casi me hace chocar. No puedo dar con el poema que leyó. ... See More Santa Muerte Cartonera: NUEVO LIBRO: ZURITA/ AUSCHWITZ Eloísa Cartonera (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Sarita Cartonera (Lima, Perú), Animita Cartonera (Santiago, Chile), La Cartonera (Cuernavaca, México), Yiyi Yambo (Asunción, Paraguay), Felicita Cartonera (Asunción, ... 22 December at 22:34 Comment Like Share Beatriz Castillo Villaseca and Carolina Navarro like this. Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

Holding your breath 5 new photos 22 December at 21:34 Comment Like Share Frank Christiny, Cristina Parra Jerez, Aurelio Asiain and 2 others like this. View all 10 comments Aurelio Asiain Eso. Akashi. Chapeau. La que yo tomé tiene menos gracia. 15 April at 01:26 Delete Cristina Parra Jerez Dusk dawn function? say what? eso es algo que tu camara tiene? y si la mia lo tuviera, donde estaria? 15 April at 05:00 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Carolina Navarro are now friends. Comment Like

Danya Ramírez Gómez In this photo: Arturo Escandon Wall Photos To remember what this day is suppose to be about. Merry Christmas to all of you!!! And a great 2010!!! Chilean kisses!!

21 December at 21:16 View album

Arturo Escandon This page is great. Alternatives to Chomky's Universal Grammar? Michael Tomasello The Department of Developmental and Comparitive Psychology, led by Michael Tomasello. 18 December at 23:08 Comment Like Share


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2009/12/28 22:32

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レティシア ビセンテ likes this. View all 8 comments Arturo Escandon Tiene buena pinta. Tengo cuatro de Tomasello--como para pasar estas dulces Navidades--, pero el tema es tan interesante que se puede complementar. Cita en un momento a Wittgenstein diciendo que la aparición de la palabra es la consecuencia del gesto. 23 December at 12:11 Delete Cristina Parra Jerez Y no cita a Corballis ahi? Mike es lo mas interesante que ha salido de NZ ademas de ser simpatiquisimo: su teoria es que el lenguaje verbal humano es continuo no con las vocalizaciones de los primates, sino que con sus gestos 23 December at 12:58 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Yeguas Negras are now friends. Comment Like Arturo likes Mili Fischer's album nieve de verdad. Arturo likes Maria Sabelli's link.

Maria Sabelli Maria sent you a Castello Duino through Made in Trieste! Do you like this Gift? Comment below! Gift: Castello Duino 18 December at 21:47 via Made in Trieste Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Accept the Gift RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Ceci Godoy Neira's status Arturo and Pilar Almenar Hernández are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Gisele Fernandez's link. Arturo likes Gisele Fernandez's link.

Othon Escandon Prado Othon sent you a baby elephant through farmville free stuff! Do you like this Gift? Comment below! Gift: baby elephant

17 December at 16:17 via Gift Creator Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Accept the Gift RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link. Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link. Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link.

Ines Torrisi de Matsushima Ines sent you a "Thank You" Egg through Faux Egg Field! Do you like this Gift? Comment below! Gift: "Thank You" Egg

16 December at 23:00 via Faux Egg Field Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Accept the Gift RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link. Arturo commented on John Müller's status Arturo and José María Tápiz Fernández are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link. Arturo commented on Ceci Godoy Neira's status 4 more similar stories Arturo likes Maria Sabelli's link. Arturo likes Roberto Castillo Sandoval's status.

Danya Ramírez Gómez Vi una de las conferencias de las que me hablaste...era en encantó!! me muero de ganas de leer algo de él!!! :) 14 December at 21:58 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall


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2009/12/28 22:32

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Arturo Escandon Que bueno que te haya gustado. Te voy a enviar el link de su libro. 14 December at 23:53 Delete Danya Ramírez Gómez este es el link del mercurio espero que te disguste...jajajaj 15 December at 20:44 Delete Arturo Escandon Es despreciable. Es inconcebible que alguien en el s. XXI diga que un pueblo ha sido "protagonista de su dominación". ¡Qué rabia me da este pelotudo! 16 December at 04:15 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Disfrutando del aire marino de Kobe. 14 December at 16:01 Comment Like Beatriz Castillo Villaseca, レティシア ビセンテ, Paola Iratchet and 2 others like this. Tina Ottman Please bottle some & bring it back to the polluted valley of Kioto... 14 December at 16:42 Delete Paola Iratchet ah..... me encanta Kobe y su aire marino... nif! que nostalgia... 14 December at 20:12 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo likes Ezequiel Zaidenwerg's post.

Danya Ramírez Gómez In this photo: Arturo Escandon Wall Photos To remember what this day is suppose to be about. Merry Christmas to all of you!!! And a great 2010!!! Chilean kisses!!

21 December at 21:16 View album

Arturo Escandon This page is great. Alternatives to Chomky's Universal Grammar? Michael Tomasello The Department of Developmental and Comparitive Psychology, led by Michael Tomasello. 18 December at 23:08 Comment Like Share レティシア ビセンテ likes this. View all 8 comments Arturo Escandon Tiene buena pinta. Tengo cuatro de Tomasello--como para pasar estas dulces Navidades--, pero el tema es tan interesante que se puede complementar. Cita en un momento a Wittgenstein diciendo que la aparición de la palabra es la consecuencia del gesto. 23 December at 12:11 Delete Cristina Parra Jerez Y no cita a Corballis ahi? Mike es lo mas interesante que ha salido de NZ ademas de ser simpatiquisimo: su teoria es que el lenguaje verbal humano es continuo no con las vocalizaciones de los primates, sino que con sus gestos 23 December at 12:58 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Yeguas Negras are now friends. Comment Like Arturo likes Mili Fischer's album nieve de verdad. Arturo likes Maria Sabelli's link.

Maria Sabelli Maria sent you a Castello Duino through Made in Trieste! Do you like this Gift? Comment below! Gift: Castello Duino


18 December at 21:47 via Made in Trieste Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Accept the Gift Chat (Offline)

2009/12/28 22:32

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Arturo commented on Ceci Godoy Neira's status Arturo and Pilar Almenar Hernández are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Gisele Fernandez's link. Arturo likes Gisele Fernandez's link.

Othon Escandon Prado Othon sent you a baby elephant through farmville free stuff! Do you like this Gift? Comment below! Gift: baby elephant

17 December at 16:17 via Gift Creator Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Accept the Gift RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link. Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link. Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link.

Ines Torrisi de Matsushima Ines sent you a "Thank You" Egg through Faux Egg Field! Do you like this Gift? Comment below! Gift: "Thank You" Egg

16 December at 23:00 via Faux Egg Field Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Accept the Gift RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link. Arturo commented on John Müller's status Arturo and José María Tápiz Fernández are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link. Arturo commented on Ceci Godoy Neira's status 4 more similar stories Arturo likes Maria Sabelli's link. Arturo likes Roberto Castillo Sandoval's status.

Danya Ramírez Gómez Vi una de las conferencias de las que me hablaste...era en encantó!! me muero de ganas de leer algo de él!!! :) 14 December at 21:58 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Que bueno que te haya gustado. Te voy a enviar el link de su libro. 14 December at 23:53 Delete Danya Ramírez Gómez este es el link del mercurio espero que te disguste...jajajaj 15 December at 20:44 Delete Arturo Escandon Es despreciable. Es inconcebible que alguien en el s. XXI diga que un pueblo ha sido "protagonista de su dominación". ¡Qué rabia me da este pelotudo! 16 December at 04:15 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Disfrutando del aire marino de Kobe. 14 December at 16:01 Comment Like Beatriz Castillo Villaseca, レティシア ビセンテ, Paola Iratchet and 2 others like this. Tina Ottman Please bottle some & bring it back to the polluted valley of Kioto... 14 December at 16:42 Delete Paola Iratchet ah..... me encanta Kobe y su aire marino... nif! que nostalgia... 14 December at 20:12 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo likes Ezequiel Zaidenwerg's post.


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2009/12/28 22:32

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Arturo likes Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos's note La rana de Demachiyanagi. Arturo and Eduardo Soto Donoso are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Libia Brenda's status Arturo commented on John Müller's link. Arturo likes Cristina Parra Jerez's status. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's status Arturo likes Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos's note Sanzen-in en Ohara. Arturo likes Gisele Fernandez's photo. Arturo likes Claudia Burgueño's album Mis hijas.

Arturo Escandon ¿Ridículos? ¿La policía japonesa no tiene nada mejor que hacer? Porra, peluca y tacón | El Periódico de Catalunya | Mundo Porra, peluca y tacón

09 December at 08:42

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Carolina De La Peña, Monserrat Loyde, Tina Ottman and 2 others like this. View all 13 comments Monserrat Loyde Absolutamente ridícula la medida.Ya no me quedan dudas, vivimos en Disney. 10 December at 12:38 Delete Danya Ramírez Gómez jajjajaja...o detrás del espejo :s 14 December at 21:59 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon En la parte derecha de este díptico de Jean Fouquet (c. 1456) aparece la amante de Carlos VII de Francia, Agnès Sorel cual virgen María. E. Chevalier, tesorero real, que encargara el cuadro a Fouquet, escaló posiciones gracias a esta dama que era considerada en la corte como la más bella del mundo. Se cree que ella inf... See More

07 December at 08:56

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Claudia Burgueño, Gisele Fernandez and Revolucionar-te Red Psicoanalítica like this. View all 14 comments Arturo Escandon Todo el cuadro es absolutamente fascinante. La parte izquierda del díptico también es muy misteriosa. Aparecen Chevalier con cara de gabacho, palmas juntas, rezando y San Esteban, que lleva en las manos un libro y encima de éste una piedra (fue apedreado hasta morir mártir). El niño Jesús apunta a San Esteban, señal de que ha escuchado su plegaria. 10 December at 21:47 Delete Arturo Escandon Perdón, el niño apunta con el dedo a Chevalier. 10 December at 22:08 Delete Write a comment...

Elly San Elly sent you a Piscola through Copetes!!! Do you like this Gift? Comment below! Gift: Piscola

05 December at 16:10 via Copetes!! Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Accept the Gift


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Arturo likes Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos's note El templo de Saimyo-ji. Arturo commented on Gonzalo Bacigalupe's note A letter to the White House. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's link.

Arturo Escandon Action and meaning Ethno-semiotics: Action and meaning Let us imagine three groups of children. The first group of children, infants, are playing with their food: some of it goes in their mouths, but much of it does not. If one child makes a random gesture, for example throwing his or her hands in the air, no other child will notice. ... 03 December at 12:05

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Yordanka Valkanova, Zoltan Karpathy, Tina Ottman and 2 others like this. View all 8 comments Juanki Gumucio Castellón Entonces hay que decirle al Sr.Vygotsky que sin la dialectica entre lo cognitivo y lo social no cabe desarrollo alguno. Para mi el pensamiento es la interiorizacion del movimiento, en que ese movimiento se va sociabilizando en una interioridad innata y plasmada entre otras cosas por una estructura gramatical profunda. Y parece que estoy diciendo lo... See More 07 December at 18:18 Delete Arturo Escandon Estoy de acuerdo. Muy buena cita a Rilke. 08 December at 00:43 Delete Write a comment...

Cynthia L. Del Castillo hola, como estas? 03 December at 09:34 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Muy bien, pero con frío. Acaba de llegar el invierno a Kioto. ¿Y tú? 03 December at 22:46 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo likes Roberto Castillo Sandoval's link. Arturo likes Tina Ottman's link. Arturo likes レティシア ビセンテ's link.

Arturo Escandon Taller de ELE, Osaka, 16 de enero Estimados amigos: Invitamos tanto a los socios de CANELA como a sus amigos a un taller de metodologia que estara a cargo de Arturo Escandon y Claudio Vasquez. ... 01 December at 23:27 Comment Like Share RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo likes Ignacio Aristimuño's album ATENAS, Grecia. Arturo commented on Ignacio Aristimuño's photo. Arturo likes Ignacio Aristimuño's photo. Arturo commented on Ignacio Aristimuño's photo. Arturo likes Claudio Brotfeld's photo.

Arturo Escandon

Yuibutsu 4 new photos 01 December at 20:10 Comment Like Share Cristina Parra Jerez, Claudio Brotfeld and 2 others like this. Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Applications

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Nowhere's Landscape 8 new photos 01 December at 20:06

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Cristina Parra Jerez, Revolucionar-te Red Psicoanalítica, Antigone Sarakinioti and 2 others like this. Write a comment...


Arturo likes Gisele Fernandez's photo. Arturo commented on Anna Popova's status Arturo likes Nick Russell's photo. Arturo and Othon Escandon Prado are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Roberto Negron's link.

Arturo Escandon Because the transmitter is so focused on what he expects from acquirers (textual production in the target language) and disregards what is forbidden or undesirable (the muttering of a word in the acquirer's native tongue), he or she seems to not pay attention to the actual inter-mental build-up taking place in collaborative activies. (Hidden build-up in SLA) 26 November at 10:13

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Aurelio Asiain, Danya Ramírez Gómez and Tina Ottman like this. View all 6 comments Arturo Escandon Mi explicaci... See More 27 November at 17:40 Delete Arturo Escandon En una intervención (experimento) que hicimos, realizamos un tipo de actividad en que los estudiantes estaban prácticamente obligados a explicarse uno a otro esta regla o la otra, porque, entre otras cosas, era muy difícil inferir el resultado deseado. Lo hicieron en japonés, de manera casi furtiva. Intercambiaban hipótesis. Este tipo de actividad incrementó el aprendizaje de manera astronómica. Internalizaron muy bien la regla (era sobre la concordancia adjectivo-nombre). 27 November at 17:51 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on レティシア ビセンテ's link. Arturo is now following Cuaderno Abierto, de Alberto Ruy Sánchez on NetworkedBlogs Comment Like Follow Blog Arturo commented on Tina Ottman's link. Arturo commented on Tina Ottman's link. 2 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon Un artículo de largo aliento. Nexos - Un futuro para México México debe romper con su pasado y mirar al futuro, nos dicen Jorge G. Castañeda y Héctor Aguilar Camín en este ensayo penetrante y provocativo sobre el momento de irresolución que vive el país. ... 23 November at 23:22

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Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo likes レティシア ビセンテ's link. Arturo likes Cesar Enrique Díaz Cid's link. Arturo and Revolucionar-te Red Psicoanalítica are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's note Nana nuestra. Arturo likes Roberto Castillo Sandoval's note Nana nuestra. Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's note Nana nuestra. Arturo commented on John Müller's photo. Arturo commented on John Müller's photo. Applications

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Arturo likes John Müller's link.

Arturo Escandon Se parece tanto a un colega de trabajo que no pude resistir la tentación de hacerle una foto. Encounters

20 November at 19:23 Comment Like Share レティシア ビセンテ, Gisele Fernandez and Tina Ottman like this. Gisele Fernandez Esos ojillos... 21 November at 10:55 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon JAL, pieza de caza Sky Team quiere arrebatar Japan Airlines a Oneworld con una oferta de 700 millones presentada por De Sky Team quiere arrebatar Japan Airlines a Oneworld con una oferta de 700 millones presentada por Delta Air Lines 19 November at 20:54

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Arturo Escandon Los hombres y mujeres en uniforme también lloran. 19 November at 09:08

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View all 4 comments Ruy Lobato Buena memoria, pero me refiero a "Los ricos tambien lloran" con una muy joven Veronica Castro de protagonista, algo mas reciente que las que mencionas 20 November at 04:03 Delete Arturo Escandon Claro, "Los ricos también lloran". 22 November at 10:37 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Ahora resulta que un soldado o un militar es un hombre o mujer en uniforme. Se elimina el vir romano y se reemplaza por el homo. "I have to say that I am extraordinarily proud and grateful for the men and women in uniform from the United States who help us to honour our obligations to the alliance and our treaties." Barack Obama during his visit to Japan 19 November at 09:08

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Arturo likes Rodrigo Guaiquil's link. Arturo likes Tatiana Zugazagoitia's album Unas pocas más de Japón. Arturo commented on Rodrigo Pinto's link. Arturo likes Rodrigo Pinto's link.


Arturo and Cynthia L. Del Castillo are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Andrea Seidel are now friends. Comment Like Arturo likes Frank Christiny's album Douglas Hofstadter.

Arturo Escandon Los sonidos acuáticos de "Glacier" Ryuichi Sakamoto, belleza microscópica | El Periódico de Catalunya | Cultura Ryuichi Sakamoto, belleza microscópica

18 November at 23:23

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Arturo Escandon No comment. Record student suicides in 2008 A record 972 students, from elementary school age through university level, took their lives in 200 Applications

18 November at 16:41

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View all 5 comments Arturo Escandon How many students out there read the Asahi Shimbun? 19 November at 08:02 Delete Tina Ottman no idea... how many papers/other media carried this kind of article? (presume the contention is that students don't read newspapers). Does a climate of suicide create more suicides ? 19 November at 09:53 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos's link. Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's photo. 2 more similar stories Arturo likes Pablo Lobato's photo. Arturo likes Gisele Fernandez's link. Arturo commented on Monserrat Loyde's link. Arturo likes Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos's link. Arturo likes Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's note Yet another assault on academic freedom in New Zealand. Arturo and Carlos Lara are now friends. Comment Like Arturo likes Alberto Ruy Sánchez's photo. Arturo likes Aurelio Asiain's link.

Claudia Burgueño In this note: Arturo Escandon Los úteros claman su vuelta a lo profundo LOBAS Alguna vez las mujeres nos importamos... 16 November at 13:54 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Tatiana Zugazagoitia's photo. Arturo commented on Selva Hernández's photo. Arturo likes Monserrat Loyde's album Arte Huichol en Kioto. Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's link.

Juanki Gumucio Castellón De acuerdo, hace poco fui a ver Los Pescadores de Perlas, de Bizet. Uno entiende harto poco lo que está pasando en el escenario pero la música y las canciones están muy bien. 15 November at 13:46 Comment Unlike See Wall-to-Wall You like this. Write a comment...


Arturo likes Ruy Lobato's photo. Arturo likes Monserrat Loyde's photo. Arturo commented on Monserrat Loyde's photo.

Arturo Escandon ¿Japón y EEUU de igual a igual? Obama se compromete a estudiar cambios para la base de Okinawa | El Periódico de Catalunya | Mundo Obama se compromete a estudiar cambios para la base de Okinawa 14 November at 15:06

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Tina Ottman likes this. Tina Ottman yappari. Thought you would be assigned to this! 14 November at 17:32 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Casi como si lo hubiera escrito Borges. Una tribu que no tiene numerales, no cuenta, no tiene historia, solo vive en el presente inmediato Applications

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Brazil's Pirahã Tribe: Living without Numbers or Time - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International The Pirahã people have no history, no descriptive words and no subordinate clauses. That makes their language one of the strangest in the world -- and also one of the most hotly debated by linguists. 14 November at 15:01

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Roberto Castillo Sandoval, Edith León, Aurelio Asiain and 3 others like this. View all 35 comments Write a comment...

Monserrat Loyde In this photo: Arturo Escandon Arte Huichol en Kioto. Expo: Arte Huichol de "Artes de México" y el Museo Franz Mayer. Curada por Gaby Olmos con el apoyo de Andrea Ruy Sánchez. 31 de Octubre 2009-7 de febrero 2010 14 November at 11:29 View album

Patricia Boero In this photo: Arturo Escandon Fotos de muro Para ver el video de IAN BURKARD hacé click en:

13 November at 01:48 View album

Arturo Escandon Pobres y vírgenes La crisis impide a un segmento de la juventud japonesa acceder al matrimonio o salir con mujeres | E La crisis impide a un segmento de la juventud japonesa acceder al matrimonio o salir con mujeres 13 November at 00:51

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Ines Torrisi de Matsushima, レティシア ビセンテ and Tina Ottman like this. View all 6 comments Tina Ottman mg 4 los vinculos, useful for today's classes... 13 November at 08:49 Delete Gisele Fernandez La mosca escorpión. 13 November at 16:51 Delete Write a comment...

Rodrigo Pinto In this note: Arturo Escandon Horror a las viejas, por Leonardo Sanhueza Reproduzco, con permiso del autor, esta columna magistral, que hay que tener a mano cada vez que la vieja ataca de nuevo... 12 November at 11:43 View note

Instituto De Estudios Críticos Los esperamos próximo viernes y sábado, al laboratorio impartido por Annette Candanedo sobre "Movilización de recursos". ¿Cómo podemos utilizar nuestros recursos para poder impulsar el fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil? Movilización de recursos Location: Casa Refugio Citlaltépetl Time: Friday, 13 November 2009 16:00

12 November at 02:15 Comment Like Share See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Rodrigo Pinto's note Horror a las viejas, por Leonardo Sanhueza. Arturo commented on Rodrigo Pinto's note Horror a las viejas, por Leonardo Sanhueza. Arturo likes Tatiana Zugazagoitia's photo. Applications

Arturo commented on Tatiana Zugazagoitia's photo.

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Arturo commented on Alberto Ruy Sánchez's status 8 more similar stories Arturo likes Monserrat Loyde's link.

Arturo Escandon Ah, qué agradable es escuchar música y no entender ni jota lo que están cantando. 08 November at 21:28

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Juanki Gumucio Castellón, Tina Ottman and 2 others like this. View all 12 comments Claudia Burgueño No importa, siempre terminaremos dando sentido a todo. Nos deleita la explicación y nos aterra la incertidumbre. Eso es todo...monos que temen caer de los árboles. 10 November at 14:17 Delete Arturo Escandon Buena definición. Por eso es que los monos no hablan. 10 November at 20:54 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon El diplomático como espía. 'Berlín, tiempo cercado', por Juan Villoro | El Periódico de Catalunya | Mundo 'Berlín, tiempo cercado', por Juan Villoro 08 November at 16:35

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Arturo commented on レティシア ビセンテ's link. Arturo likes Tina Ottman's link on his own Wall. Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's note Gonzalo Vial y la Viña Domínguez. Arturo and Tatiana Zugazagoitia are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Zoltan Karpathy's status Arturo commented on レティシア ビセンテ's link. Arturo commented on レティシア ビセンテ's link.

Arturo Escandon La prohibición del incesto es menos una regla que prohíbe casarse con la madre, la hermana o la hija, que una que obliga a dar la madre, la hermana o la hija a otro. Es la regla del don por excelencia. CLS Les Structures élémentaires de la parenté 06 November at 21:47

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View all 15 comments Juanki Gumucio Castellón No digo que la antrop. sea un genero literario, solo que sus teorias (asi como las de ciencias afines) son de carácter más bien efímero. Ahora, uno puede identificarse o no con el estructuralismo de L-S pero su legado es del todo monumental. Le debemos el que elevó la discusión a otro plano, tanto en parentesco como en mitologia. Uno se sintió raro al enterarse de su muerte. 11 November at 19:48 Delete Arturo Escandon Decía Bajtin algo así: El psicoanálisis salva al hombre burgués al sacarlo de la historia, al explicarlo a él mismo no como una entidad social sino como un organismo biológico abstracto. 15 November at 10:00 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Basta frecuentemente una frase corta para derribar un poder. CLS FAHC 06 November at 21:44

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Arturo Escandon La autoridad es el equilibrio de la libertad y del poder. CLS FAHC 06 November at 21:43


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Arturo Escandon El pensamiento mítico no es pre-científico; más bien anticipa sobre el estado futuro de una ciencia cuyo movimiento pasado y orientación actual progresan siempre en el mismo sentido. CLS Le Cru et le Cuit 06 November at 21:42

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Zoltan Karpathy likes this. Juanki Gumucio Castellón Yo aqui prefiero a Aristofanes y sus boys: el pensamiento mítico produce literatura fantástica. Como tal es muy valioso, hasta indispensable, pero respecto a la ciencia no anticipa nada. 11 November at 06:24 Delete Arturo Escandon Estoy contigo. Y Aristófanes lo dice de forma menos rebuscada. 11 November at 10:17 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon EL lenguaje es una razón humana que tiene sus razones, y que el hombre no conoce. CLS La pensée sauvage 06 November at 21:39

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Tina Ottman naruhodo ne 07 November at 12:23 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon El bárbaro es ante todo el hombre que cree en la barbarie. CLS Race et histoire 06 November at 21:37

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Arturo Escandon En cuanto está terminado, el libro se convierte en un curpo extraño, un ser muerto incapaz de fijar mi atención, menos aún mi interés. CLS Les structures éleméntaires de la parenté 06 November at 21:36

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Tina Ottman In this photo: Arturo Escandon Encounters

06 November at 14:54 View album

Arturo Escandon En China ya hay dos millones de copias ilegales del iPhone funcionando. Eso si que es dinamismo económico. 06 November at 14:09

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Tina Ottman likes this. Tina Ottman poor Stevie... 06 November at 16:46 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Lloran en español, alemán, japonés. Los bebés lloran en su idioma materno | El Periódico de Catalunya | Ciencia Los bebés lloran en su idioma materno 06 November at 14:06


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View all 4 comments Mili Fischer interesting, da para poema en que un personaje que dijera, por ejemplo, "el llanto es mi idioma desde recién nacido" pero me tinca que no se sostiene como evidencia científica... 07 November at 00:48 Delete Arturo Escandon Mi lengua materna es el llanto. Y mi lengua paterna, el... 08 November at 21:24 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Encounters

06 November at 01:46 Comment Like Share Aurelio Asiain and Cristina Parra Jerez like this. View all 5 comments Arturo Escandon Hablo con el ejecutivo de cuenta del banco. Me dice que para variar estoy sobregirado. 06 November at 19:03 Delete Tina Ottman you know what will happen to your nose if you ... 07 November at 00:20 Delete Write a comment...

Tina Ottman Boris Johnson saves woman from street attack | UK news | Green filmmaker Franny Armstrong pays tribute to 'my knight on a shining bicycle' 05 November at 01:44 Comment Unlike Share See Wall-to-Wall You like this. Write a comment...

Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos Oye Arturo me parece que en Kioto se realiza un festival de luciérnagas o hay un lugar cerca de un río donde aparecen miles. En todo caso, me parece que Aurelio sabe; habría que preguntarle. Podríamos ir el próximo año, siempre y cuando como dice el protagonista de El secreto de tus ojos, ¨no estemos cansados de ser feliz¨... 04 November at 09:32 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Es cierto. Este año anduvimos persiguiéndolas con Shin, pero sin buen éxito. En el paseo del Filósofo suelen verse. También río arriba, en el Katsura. Pero no hemos tenido suerte. En verano habrá que pedirle a Aurelio que nos dé pistas. 04 November at 12:51 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on his own photo album. Arturo commented on Maca Jordán Delafuente's status Arturo likes Aurelio Asiain's photo.

Arturo Escandon Claude Lévi-Strauss is dead. He was the most Buddhist of all social scientists, always looking for the middle path between the individual and the social structure. 04 November at 08:42


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Danya Ramírez Gómez ojalá que desde el mas allá nos eche una mano para encontrar ese camino nosotros, no? 04 November at 09:11 Delete Tina Ottman I did not realize he was still ALIVE!!! 04 November at 13:06 Delete Write a comment...


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Arturo Escandon japonicos Arte Huichol en el Museo Kampo de Kioto by: Arturo Escandon Photos: 5

03 November at 21:50

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Arturo Escandon japonicos KAMPO MUSEUM Traditional craftworks that have reproductions of Master Kampo's original scripts, books written by Kampo, model examples of Kampo's handwriting, as well as videos are on sale in the shop Museum Exhibition Catalogs and DVDs 03 November at 21:49

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Tina Ottman likes this. Tina Ottman have to find that article I wrote on the museum for you... 03 November at 23:13 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Inaugurada muestra de arte huichol (los huicholes son una etnia localizada en el este de México) en el Museo Kampo de Kioto. Del 31 de octubre al 7 de febrero. Información en el vínculo. KAMPO MUSEUM Traditional craftworks that have reproductions of Master Kampo's original scripts, books written by Kampo, model examples of Kampo's handwriting, as well as videos are on sale in the shop Museum Exhibition Catalogs and DVDs 03 November at 21:36

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You, Juanki Gumucio Castellón, Tina Ottman and レティシア ビセン テ like this. Arturo Escandon Vínculo "Artes de México" 03 November at 21:49 Delete Tina Ottman cannot seem to load esto vinculo... 03 November at 23:48 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

Arte Huichol en el Museo Kampo de Kioto 5 new photos 03 November at 21:32

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Arturo Escandon Horror vacui

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03 November at 21:17

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Aurelio Asiain, Tina Ottman and Monserrat Loyde like this. View all 5 comments Arturo Escandon Así es. El cansancio se encarga de patear el horror vacui. 04 November at 11:18 Delete Tina Ottman ok, how did you discover this particular phobia? Bernstenians??? 05 November at 01:43 Delete Write a comment...


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Tina Ottman Sitting here with Miyuki admiring the English church photo.... Freaky! 02 November at 15:14 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Patricia Boero In this video: Arturo Escandon La Tumba de las Luciérnagas (Live Action 2005) / 1 1era. parte de la versión Live Action del animé "La Tumba de las Luciérnagas" de Isao Takahata. Hoshi Ishida como "Seita" Mao Sasaki como "Setsuko" Más información en: Length: 6:33 02 November at 14:06 View video

Patricia Boero In this video: Arturo Escandon La Tumba de las Luciérnagas (Live Action, 2005) / 2 2da. parte de la versión Live Action del animé "La Tumba de las Luciérnagas" de Isao Takahata. Length: 7:01 02 November at 14:04 View video

Arturo Escandon Simulacrum

02 November at 10:52 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman likes this. Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's status Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's status 2 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon Walking down Osaka's South End feeling I don't belong here as I used to. Farewell 30 October at 18:53

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View all 4 comments Danya Ramírez Gómez Hola, Arturo!! estas yendo a GaiDai?? 31 October at 08:41 Delete Arturo Escandon Todos los lunes. La semana pasada pregunté por ti pero me dijeron que estabas en México, comiendo aguacates. 31 October at 17:38 Delete Write a comment...


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4 more similar stories Arturo likes Fernando Prats's photo. Arturo likes Fernando Prats's note Metaphilharmoniker @ 'Shaped lights, waved shadows' digital gallery curated by f-zimba. Arturo commented on Maria Sabelli's link. Arturo likes Maria Sabelli's link.

Fernando Prats In this note: Arturo Escandon Metaphilharmoniker @ 'Shaped lights, waved shadows' digital gallery curated by f-zimba 'Metaphilharmoniker', de fernando prats, es una de las imágenes seleccionadas para esta galería digital. ... 28 October at 21:03 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Manuel Gianoni's photo. Arturo commented on Manuel Gianoni's photo. Arturo likes Manuel Gianoni's photo. Arturo commented on Juanki Gumucio Castellón's status


Arturo joined the group Declaración Pública ante ante torturas contra niños mapuche. Comment Like Arturo commented on Ele De Lauk's status Arturo and Maria Sabelli are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Ele De Lauk's status Arturo commented on Josefina Delgado's status 6 more similar stories Arturo likes Roberto Negron's album Barbacoa en Otokoyama, Osaka.

Arturo Escandon Is Japan becoming the Argentina of Asia? Argentina used to be a rich country, now its poverty rates have reached the sky. This is the first time Japan publishes its relative poverty rates: Japanese are poorer. A new Argentina in the making? Japan Govt's Poverty Data Signals Policy Shift - BusinessWeek It’s hard to imagine that there would be much hand-wringing in Japan over poverty figures. After all, this is the market where many of the world’s top luxury brands were making a killing before the Great Recession hit. Most Japanese... 23 October at 18:48

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Ines Torrisi de Matsushima, レティシア ビセンテ and Paola Iratchet like this. Gisele Fernandez ¿Qué hacía de Japón un país rico? Fuera lo que fuera se termina-terminó. Las diferencias socioeconómicas se agudizan, aumenta el paro, la pobreza crece... Solo es una anécdota comparado con otras realidades que hemos vivido. Sigue siendo Japón, por ahora. 24 October at 00:34 Delete Tina Ottman about effing time 24 October at 19:49 Delete Arturo Escandon Como en la Argentina, creo que el problema es principalmente político. 25 October at 22:07 Delete Write a comment...


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Arturo Escandon Brasil: Lula dice que en su país Cristo pactaría con Judas si quisiera gobernar 23 October at 10:26


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Monserrat Loyde no podría ser de otro modo. 23 October at 10:31 Delete Danya Ramírez Gómez Yo creo que Judas tiene muchos seguidores, asi que de más que sí, no? 23 October at 13:58 Delete Arturo Escandon Seguro. Judas supera a don Jechu. 23 October at 17:11 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Monserrat Loyde's status Arturo commented on Alberto Ruy Sánchez's link. 2 more similar stories Arturo likes Josefina Delgado's album Frankfurt. Arturo likes Monica Ching's photo. Arturo and Fernando Prats are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's photo. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's photo. Arturo likes Cristina Parra Jerez's album Barnen The kids Los nenes.

Arturo Escandon El Díscolo... Si la dupla Navia-MEO es la cota máxima de la intelectualidad chilena, mejor no imaginarse cual es la cota media o la baja. Pobre país. Entrega su visión de "Lo mejor de este libro son las conversaciones, el ping-poneo ágil, rápido, al callo e informado, entre dos tipos sumamente inteligentes", dijo el historiador respecto a los temas abordados por el analista político y el candidato presidencial independiente. ... 17 October at 04:05

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Cristina Parra Jerez Nunca he sido del culto a Allende, pero esto hasta a mi me revuelve un poquito la guata: "Los políticos, de la talla de Allende o de Marco Enríquez, desbordan el juego táctico encasillador" ... Que onda con Alfredo J-H? 17 October at 05:00 Delete Cesar Enrique Díaz Cid Yo fui al lanzamiento del último libro de Moulian en la Biblioteca Nacional hace unos meses. En el panel de presentadores estaba Alfredo J-H. Aparte de decir lugares comunes y querer pasar por chistoso (bromas de mal gusto que algunos de sus fans celebraban) no aportó nada. Nunca he entendido por qué le dan tanta tribuna a este profesor. Sus libros son imprecisos y colmados de prejuicios. Esa es la onda con AJ-H Cristinita!!!! 17 October at 05:37 Delete Arturo Escandon ¡¿Cierto que AJ-H est... See More 17 October at 18:02 Delete Write a comment...


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Arturo commented on レティシア ビセンテ's link. Arturo commented on レティシア ビセンテ's link. 3 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon I strongly recommend reading this article. In First Lady’s Roots, a Complex Path From Slavery A newly discovered story has fleshed out Michelle Obama’s family tree. 15 October at 06:57


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Ines Torrisi de Matsushima, Mihoko Ogawa and 2 others like this. Tina Ottman sent this one to Lisa, maybe useful for her IC courses. 15 October at 15:39 Delete Cristina Parra Jerez Si habia todavia hijos de esclavos, la esclavitud era entonces memoria viva todavia en los 50 - eso no lo tenia claro ... 15 October at 17:50 Delete Tina Ottman hmmmm 15 October at 23:57 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon E-dance is presenting Dhammapada at the Atelier (Kyoto, close to Kitaoji bus terminal) on October 10, 11 and 12 twice a day from 14.00 and 18.30. Map available e-dance出発1周年 出発1周年 ★2作品連続公演 | e-dance

10 October at 00:39

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Tina Ottman thanks for map, could not figure out where it was just from other link! hope I find it tonight! 10 October at 17:09 Delete Tina Ottman crap, i just came back after having FAILED miserably 10 October at 20:19 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon This must be a joke. The guy has not delivered anything yet. BBC NEWS | Europe | Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Committee said he won it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples". 09 October at 23:29

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View all 15 comments Tina Ottman and Kissinger was noted in ls.php?id=15487 19 October at 01:33 Delete Tina Ottman that's a really nasty article though ... "Barack Obama is a political product of Chicago Ashkenazim who trace directly to Jewish organized crime of the 1920s. This prize may embolden a trans-generational criminal syndicate for whom peace is an obstacle to the perpetual warfare required to advance Colonial Zionist goals." You can feel the visceral antisemitism (oh we are not allowed to say when we notice it dripping from every syllable, in case we get accused of being evil Zionists) 19 October at 02:00 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon De pulgares gastados y ojos llorosos. La capital mundial del videojuego | El Periódico de Catalunya | Mundo La capital mundial del videojuego

03 October at 15:33

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Tina Ottman and レティシア ビセンテ like this. Cristina Parra Jerez OTRO MUNDO ... =) 03 October at 15:48 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Roberto Negron are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Instituto De Estudios Críticos are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on his own photo. 4 more similar stories Applications

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Arturo Escandon Best days

29 September at 00:55

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Nick Russell and Ines Pascal Ureta like this. View all 13 comments Tina Ottman Not the Manga Museum? that's in an old school (Karasuma, I am sure you know it) and looks roughly similar. Where is the Arts Centre? 30 September at 22:30 Delete Arturo Escandon Similar but better, in my opinion. The place is secret. Nice coffee shop and cozzy but small art books library. 01 October at 01:40 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Be careful before taking off. Nowhere's Landscape

29 September at 00:52

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Ivett Montalván likes this. Tina Ottman positively electrifying 29 September at 01:39 Delete Nick Russell likes your shots of the little waves breaking at the foot of Nowhere's Sand Dune. Have you seen the film Dead Man by Jim Jarmusch (my favorite flick)? The main character's name is "Nobody". He is a Native American who returns home after an imperialist rendition to England and is shunned by his own people who do not like/believe his stories. He is ... See More 29 September at 08:37 Delete Arturo Escandon Thanks for the comment Nick. I have not seen the film. It sounds good. The question you pose rings a bell. Because I have felt so many times like fish out of the water in my own country I stopped imagining how it would be to go back, so I look at the future in other lands rather than in my own. And whilst the Japanese experience is real, I feel ... See More 29 September at 23:26 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon David Coll fotografía "Norwegian Wood", página 2 y última. Edición del miércoles, 05 noviembre 2008, página 17 - Hemeroteca Previsualiza el ejemplar de La Vanguardia - Hemeroteca - 29 September at 00:43

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Arturo Escandon David Coll footografía la novela de Murakami Edición del miércoles, 05 noviembre 2008, página 16 - Hemeroteca Previsualiza el ejemplar de La Vanguardia - Hemeroteca - 29 September at 00:41

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Arturo Escandon Chikan, Akan ("Está mal ser manoseador" en el dialecto de Kansai ) o Kentucky Fried Chicken La policía de Tokio inicia una operación para detener a los pervertidos que meten mano a las mujeres La policía de Tokio inicia una operación para detener a los pervertidos que meten mano a las mujeres en los trenes 28 September at 23:46


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View all 9 comments Monserrat Loyde entierras el alfiler en "defensa personal" al que te manosea. tsss... También se usa la tachuela. 30 September at 22:08 Delete Arturo Escandon ¡Qué risa!O sea que hay que salir con esos prendedores que llevaba mi abuela, el alfiler del cameo, el alfiler del sombrero o una estaca contra vampiros. Pinochet siempre que vestía de civil llevaba un alfiler muy cursi rematado en perla para sujetar la corbata. Quizás lo manoseaban. 01 October at 01:38 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon aurelio Descubiertas 163 nuevas especies, incluida una rana con colmillos | El Periódico de Catalunya | Cien Descubiertas 163 nuevas especies, incluida una rana con colmillos 25 September at 22:17

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Tina Ottman likes this. View all 9 comments Tina Ottman PS ever seen capybaras? from your part of the world ....they had a few of them at a wildlife rare breeds centre in Cambridge, I used to visit them regularly ... world's biggest rodent, looks nothing like a rodent ... more like a wombat... even cuter than the Papuan New Guinea giant rat... 27 September at 01:22 Delete Tina Ottman looks like they have capybaras in Kobe zoo but I am guessing it is the usual kind of miserable Japanese zoo... 27 September at 01:24 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Descubiertas 163 nuevas especies, incluida una rana con colmillos | El Periódico de Catalunya | Cien Descubiertas 163 nuevas especies, incluida una rana con colmillos 25 September at 22:17

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Tina Ottman Mais non...! 20 September at 19:16 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Tina Ottman er, was there a link with that??? 21 September at 01:29 Delete Arturo Escandon No link. The add was in one of the editions of The Times. 27 September at 00:43 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon We may have funny accents but we speak your language --Airfrance's ad targeting the British public. 20 September at 01:57

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Patricia Ce In this note: Arturo Escandon Poema con la tonada última - Julia de Burgos ¿Que adónde voy con esas caras tristes y un borbotón de venas heridas en mi frente? Voy a despedir rosas al mar, a deshacerme en olas más altas que los pájaros, a qu... 19 September at 23:16 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

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Paola Iratchet Querido Arturo, Felices fiestas Patrias!!!! espero que tengas un tiempo para celebrarlas como en aquellos años. No hay nada como un 18 con amigos en Japón jaja!!!! Abrazos a la distancia. 19 September at 00:53 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall View all 5 comments Paola Iratchet jajajaja, entonces lo dejarás todo por la música! algo asi como, cacho, cueca y empanadas de pino! a morir!!!!.. 29 September at 00:45 Delete Arturo Escandon Así es. Todo muy picante, eso sí. 29 September at 00:48 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Vamos a ver hasta dónde llega Hatoyama. Japón inicia una nueva era con el Gobierno de centroizquierda | El Periódico de Catalunya | Mundo Japón inicia una nueva era con el Gobierno de centroizquierda

18 September at 02:16

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Tina Ottman likes this. Tina Ottman busy being periodista again i see 18 September at 02:33 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Andy Blunden's link. Arturo commented on Andy Blunden's link. Arturo likes Andy Blunden's link. Arturo and Fausto Larraguível Lepe are now friends. Comment Like

Arturo Escandon La sonrisa de la Gioconda es demasiado ambigua. Japón adopta el uso de una máquina que mide la calidad de las sonrisas a los empleados en contacto c Japón adopta el uso de una máquina que mide la calidad de las sonrisas a los empleados en contacto con el público 12 September at 16:29

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Carolina De La Peña likes this. View all 8 comments Carolina De La Peña Eso es vivir civilizadamente. Me gusta. 29 September at 01:50 Delete Gisele Fernandez Pienso que este tipo es aquel (entrañable) comentarista de "Saber Morir". Solo así se explica la retórica. 30 September at 20:10 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Victor Hugo Ma Villatoro are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Gisele Fernandez's photo album. Arturo and Cuadernos de CineyLetras are now friends. Comment Like

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon On his way to the pond EL SAPO Charles Simic Versión de A. A.* Durante un tiempo mis amigos ... 10 September at 16:11 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Fábula del estanque RANAS Ryûnosuke Akutagawa Traducción: Aurelio Asiain Hago la siesta junto a un viejo estanque en el que abundan las ranas. El estanque está todo rodeado de cañas y espadañas. Frente a las cañas y espadañas hay una fila de altos sauces, grácilmente agitados por el viento. Más allá, un... 09 September at 20:58 View note Applications

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Arturo Escandon Solo para oscuros e impenitentes otaku. Se trata de un reloj de bellezas (bijin tokei) en que cada minuto del día es señalado por una modelo "kawaiiiii". ¿Cuál es la que les gusta más? A mí me sedujo la de las 22:19. bijin-tokei(美人時計) (美人時計)official website - English (美人時計) bijin-tokei official website 08 September at 23:21

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Tina Ottman ok, that is really creepy and yucky 29 September at 00:08 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo likes Gisele Fernandez's link. Arturo and Mayuna Shimata are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Gisele Fernandez's note EL ORIGEN DEL MUNDO, según Hesiodo. (Contado por Montanelli).

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon 芥川龍之介の「蛙」 06 September at 21:19 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon X Files Frogs Length: 0:50

05 September at 18:38 View video

Arturo Escandon Mejor editado en Le Mostrateur. La aristocracia japonesa despierta del sueño de corrupción del PLD Yukio Hatoyama piensa en voz alta que Japón debe independizarse de los EEUU. Recordemos que los EEUU tienen más de 90 instalaciones militares en suelo japonés y ... 04 September at 16:10

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Aurelio Asiain, Roberto Castillo Sandoval, Danya Ramírez Gómez and 2 others like this. Aurelio Asiain Está muy bien. 05 September at 01:40 Delete Monica Ching Excelente artículo. 06 September at 00:51 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Habría que fundar un club new age de seguidores de la primera dama. Esta mujer es impresionante. Miyuki Hatoyama, la locuaz y poco convencional esposa del primer ministro japonés, dice haber tenido Miyuki Hatoyama, la locuaz y poco convencional esposa del primer ministro japonés, dice haber tenido contacto con extraterrestres 04 September at 11:05

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Tina Ottman, レティシア ビセンテ and Ines Torrisi de Matsushima like this. View all 6 comments Tina Ottman very funny. Ian Gibson's wife was also a Takarazuka review dancer ... 6 degrees of separation??? 04 September at 20:11 Delete Tina Ottman wonder is she is an alien abductee too? must ask the Gib 05 September at 20:38 Delete Write a comment...

Claudia Burgueño Me pillò en el avión tu cumple. Feliz, feliz, feliz que estés. Una copa a tu salud. Desde Paris un abrazo gigante. 04 September at 07:04 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall


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Arturo Escandon Gracias, Claudia. ¿Vas a ver a Txema? Si quieres te paso sus coordenadas por email. 04 September at 11:00 Delete Write a comment...


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Arturo Escandon "...los versos no son, como la gente cree, sentimientos (...), son experiencias". Rainer Maria Rilke, Sämtliche Werke, Werkausgabe, t. 11, Frankfort del Meno, Insel Verlag, 1976, p. 724 04 September at 00:33

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Arturo Escandon Japanese universities look more like investment banks Crisis puts universities on steep learning curve The financial turmoil that originated in the United States last fall jolted educational instituti 03 September at 12:26

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View all 4 comments Arturo Escandon 08 September at 18:52 Delete Tina Ottman OMG - just read that one 10 September at 14:59 Delete Write a comment...

Ivett Montalván ¡Cumple años feliz! Un abrazo. ✌(^‿^) 03 September at 12:04 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Muchas gracias, Ivett. 03 September at 15:03 Delete Write a comment...

Paola Iratchet Feliz cumple querido Arturo!!!!! que este dia sea la excusa exacta para que te regaloneen, te cuiden y te mimen... Un fuerte abrazo desde estas tierras lejanas, de tus amigos de siempre. Besos y abrazsos. 03 September at 07:30 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Muchas gracias, Paola. 03 September at 15:03 Delete Write a comment...

Roberto Castillo Sandoval My sentiments, exactly. Y feliz cumpleaños, Arturo! 03 September at 02:28 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Un fuerte abrazo, Lord Castle. 03 September at 02:49 Delete Write a comment... Applications

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Cesar Enrique Díaz Cid Feliz Cumpleaños!!!! Un abrazo desde Santiago 03 September at 02:17 Comment Like View all 6 comments Cesar Enrique Díaz Cid el cartoné Tocornal era más huachaca porque dejaba los dientes azulitos!!!! 04 September at 04:27 Delete Arturo Escandon Qué risa, el "cartoné". 04 September at 11:02 Delete Write a comment...

Vanessa Glade Hola Arturo, MUUUCHAS felicidades, que tengas un lindo cumpleaños junto a los tuyos. Un abrazo vgb 03 September at 01:18 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Muchas gracias, Vane. Espero ver más fotos. 03 September at 02:30 Delete Write a comment...

Ceci Godoy Neira Feliz Cumpleaños Primo, que tengas un día hermoso junto a tu familia. Un abrazo inmenso y mucho amor para tu vida. Ceci 03 September at 00:08 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Gracias primi. También te deseo lo mejor para ti. 03 September at 02:29 Delete Write a comment...

Ingrid Barrios Cartró Querido Arturo que tengas un muy feliz cumpleaños Con mucho cariño Ingrid Ingrid Barrios Cartró sent a Cumpleaños to you using Zorrito Querido Arturo que tengas un muy feliz cumpleaños Con mucho cariño Ingrid Send one back or add it to your profile! 02 September at 22:18 via EL ZORRITO PYONG Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Gracias, Ingrid. Un beso para ti y que llegue pronto la primavera. 03 September at 02:28 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Monserrat Loyde's link. Arturo commented on Monserrat Loyde's link. 2 more similar stories

Mihoko Ogawa お誕生日おめでとうございます! u don't have any class in the Autumn semester in Kyoto.univ? 02 September at 21:05 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall View all 4 comments Arturo Escandon I will go there Thursdays from time to time. 04 September at 19:19 Delete Tina Ottman please do ... the Thursday analytical sessions are sacred 05 September at 07:15 Delete Write a comment...

Yordanka Valkanova Happy Birthday, Arturo!! Hope you have a wonderful day!


02 September at 18:18 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Chat (Offline)

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Arturo Escandon Thank you Yordanka. Enjoy the last days of "summer". 02 September at 21:14 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Monserrat Loyde's link. Arturo commented on his own note La aristocracia japonesa despierta del sueño de corrupción del Partido Liberal Democrático. Arturo commented on his own photo.

Arturo Escandon La aristocracia japonesa despierta del sueño de corrupción del Partido Liberal Democrático La aristocracia japonesa comienza a replantearse no sólo el rumbo de la nación sino su identidad, tras el reinado del Partido Liberal Democrático (PLD) que, durante casi seis décadas, trajo primero una bonanza material sin precedentes después de la derrota de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, pero que ... 02 September at 16:52

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Ines Torrisi de Matsushima, Tina Ottman and レティシア ビセンテ like this. Monserrat Loyde aquí hay más sobre la sangre azul del nuevo Primer Ministro. es/Japan/KH29Dh01.html 02 September at 18:51 Delete Arturo Escandon Es un vínculo excelente. Gracias, Monse. 02 September at 19:36 Delete Tina Ottman grando articulo, Arturo, just read it now, muy interesante, y gracias a Monserrat por el vínculo de Asia Times Online ... as my Embassy 'son' says, not to expect too much except cuts in bureaucracy... 02 September at 21:28 Delete Write a comment...

レティシア ビセンテ Muchas felicidades! 02 September at 16:14 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Muchas gracias, Leti. Un beso para ti. 02 September at 17:00 Delete Write a comment...

Tina Ottman feliz dia de Plaxo, flaco... 02 September at 09:11 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Muchas gracias. 02 September at 17:01 Delete Tina Ottman hey,was I the first???? oh no, I see someone got there before me. Rats. 04 September at 20:13 Delete Write a comment...

Danya Ramírez Gómez El tiempo pasa...y bueno, ya sabes como sigue la cancion...muchas felicidades!! Ojala sea un dia precioso y te lleguen muchos regalos muy caros que puedas revender despues!!! jajajajajjajaa Un abrazo grande!! 02 September at 04:22 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Sí, de hecho estoy instalado ya con un puesto top-manta (cunetero estrella en chileno) en el puente de Sanjo a ver si vendo el reloj Tag Heur y el traje Georgio Armani que me regalaron. 02 September at 17:02 Delete Write a comment...


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Arturo is now following zaidenwerg on NetworkedBlogs Comment Like Follow Blog Arturo wrote on XI Encuentro de Poetas Quinta Costa & Quinta Cordillera's Wall. Arturo commented on Monserrat Loyde's link. Arturo likes Ingrid Barrios Cartró's link. Arturo likes María Brandán's photo. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's status


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Arturo Escandon

Nowhere's Landscape 30 August at 03:43

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Cristina Parra Jerez, Revolucionar-te Red Psicoanalítica, Antigone Sarakinioti and 2 others like this. Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Best days

30 August at 03:40

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Arturo Escandon Kawase y su abuela-madre, Uno.

Kawase-san 4 new photos 30 August at 03:36

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Masashi Yano likes this. View all 4 comments Danya Ramírez Gómez quien es esta señora? 04 November at 07:47 Delete Arturo Escandon Con un amigo, hicimos un documental sobre ella y sus películas. 06 November at 02:23 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Bernardo Astigueta are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Pablo Lores Kanto's link. Arturo likes Pablo Lores Kanto's link. Arturo likes Frank Christiny's link. 3 more similar stories


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Arturo Escandon Bien, Mellado. Deconstructor impenitente de discursos. En un momento del programa sentí que los presentadores del programa y Justo flotaban en el aire, porque Justo quitó el suelo. La entrevista está en la última media hora. Zero » Blog Archive » Podcast Desde Zero, 21 de agosto: Justo Pastor Mellado Radio Zero, 97.7 en Santiago, 102.1 en Valparaíso y Viña del Mar, 91.7 en Concepción y Talcahuano 28 August at 11:11

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Arturo Escandon El auge y decadencia del proyecto de la bienaltrienal de Santiago (en el marco de la celebración del Bicentenario del Estado chilensis, 2010), intervenido politiqueramente, casi como expropiado (en un golpe de nacionalización privatizadora), es un nudo gordiano en el que queda radiografiada la relación de todas las fu... See More 28 August at 11:06

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Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Fabre, bien sur LI GRANOUIO Jean–Henri Fabre (1823–1915) De vèspre, quand en plen la luno dono Dins la palun e si canèu, Quand... 25 August at 13:19 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and María Brandán are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Guillermo García are now friends. Comment Like Arturo joined the group Alfonso Calderon Squadritto - In memoriam. Comment Like Arturo and Jorge Pujado Torres are now friends. Comment Like

Arturo Escandon Perhaps is another English gimmick to attract new 'punters', ehh tourists. Cambridge 'punt wars' erupt between rival operators | Business | The Guardian City shocked as two boats found sawn in half in escalating battle for business on river Cam 22 August at 17:48

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Tina Ottman blimey ...! 22 August at 18:43 Delete Write a comment...


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Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's note TRADUZCANSESTAOOH!!! Arturo and Timothy Gutierrez are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on his own photo.

Arturo Escandon 15 Japanese police officers involved in giving one speed ticket to the Times' correspondent. You wanted an end to bureaucracy in the land of the rising sun? Another interesting datum is the one about the longevity of Japanese corporations. Basically everything changes to stay in the same fashion. The six numbers you need to know Japan | Leo Lewis - Times Online Japan loves counting things. The precise length of the noodles in rival brands of instant ramen; the average skirt lengths of high-school girls from the north or south; the number of words for “obsessive” — Japan doesn’t wonder, it tallies. 19 August at 20:47


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Monserrat Loyde, Tina Ottman and レティシア ビセンテ like this. View all 4 comments Danya Ramírez Gómez guaaaaaaaacala!!! jajajajajja 20 August at 02:00 Delete Arturo Escandon La anciana camarera dueña del decrépito restaurante de la esquina: Tome, mijita, aquí tiene su toallita húmeda. Límpiese bien que se nos viene una epidemia de gripe. 20 August at 23:23 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

Matsumoto city street views 23 new photos 19 August at 01:35 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman loved these ... reminded me of Izu a bit, only much cleaner 19 August at 06:39 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

Tsumago 13 new photos 17 August at 15:49 Comment Like Share レティシア ビセンテ likes this. View all 5 comments Tina Ottman aha, you are near Si's mountain hideaway in Nagano!!! enjoy. 18 August at 17:11 Delete Arturo Escandon Wow. I uploaded the photos while in Matsumoto city. I had no access to my wireless provider in Tsumago, where I took the photos, presumably because is a place quite high in the mountains and the Wilcomm network did not work. Congrats, Simon, for having a place in such a beautiful area. 19 August at 00:36 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Carrera entre Tales de Mileto y Franz Kafka LA RANA Y EL CARACOL Historia de los Países Bajos Una rana apostó con un caracol sobre cuál llegaría primero a la ciudad. Segura de la victoria, al empezar la carrera la rana sentenció: —Nunca llegarás, arrastrándote de ese modo. Deberías saltar como yo si quieres ganar. —Y pegó un bri... 15 August at 12:42 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's note La marea roja. Arturo commented on his own photo album. 2 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon Controversial. Aggressors become victims, victims become aggressors.


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Movie Review - Yasukuni - Entwined at a Japanese Shrine, the Nobility and Horrific Brutality of War Li Ying’s “Yasukuni” begins with a visit to the workshop of Naoji Kariya, a 90-year-old swordsmith with a handsome, finely etched face and powerful, graceful hands. Mr. Li, a Chinese-born filmmaker who has lived in Japan for much of the past 20 years, intersperses visits with Mr. ... 12 August at 16:06

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Masashi Yano likes this. View all 5 comments Arturo Escandon Thanks for the information. At times all the chauvinism is pathetic and makes me laugh, at times is frightening. I can perceive the swordsmith was framed by the director but perhaps the swordsmith wanted to get some form of redemption. The whole thing is overrated, yet it does not fall into oblivion and still produces mix feelings. Fascinating how ... See More 15 August at 20:09 Delete Tina Ottman thanks for You Tube tip, Aurelio, will check it out when I find a better internet connection! (on the road in the Middle East right now) 15 August at 21:59 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo likes Aurelio Asiain's note Variación T'ang. Arturo likes Cristina Parra Jerez's link. Arturo commented on Ele De Lauk's link.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Sapo romántico en exceso EL SAPO Victor Hugo Versión de A. A. ¿Que sabemos, al fin, del fondo de las cosas? I... 09 August at 12:01 View note

Arturo Escandon Women do not count in Japan ‘We don’t count the women’ — gender inequality in Japanese companies - Times Online The new chief executive of one of Japan’s larger companies sat up late into the night recently puzzling over the accounts. He simply could not work out why there seemed to be so many more people working in the office than appeared on the books. 08 August at 21:42

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Tina Ottman DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09 August at 04:28 Delete Tina Ottman or should that be, DOH!??? 09 August at 04:29 Delete Tina Ottman anyway thanks for posting that, will share it with GALE folks .. did not have time to read online newspapers at all this w/e, I am conference weary... 09 August at 04:30 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon HONDAMENTE LAS RANAS RANAS ÚLTIMAS Mokichi Saitô (1882–1953) Junto a mi madre moribunda tendido con 08 August at 11:49 View note

Rodrigo Guaiquil Siempre he tenido la duda: ¿Los japoneses van a restaurantes franceses o italianos y comen con cuchillo y tenedor? 08 August at 08:26 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall


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Arturo Escandon Así es. Pero no hay tanto aparataje de cubertería. A lo sumo hay una medida de cuchillo y otra de tenedor. Una cuchara para la sopa. Creo que si les pones cuatro cuchillos (ensalada, pescado, carne, postre) y cuatro tenedores (lo mismo), más la cuchara sopera, etc., se van de espaldas. Sólo un japonés que ha estado fuera o se mueva en hoteles carísimos en Japón puede tener esa experiencia. 08 August at 10:09 Delete Rodrigo Guaiquil ahhh. Muchas gracias por el dato... Excelente. Recuerdo que hace años llevaba gringos a comer en Chile y apenas sabían usar el tenedor y el cuchillo. 10 August at 23:46 Delete Arturo Escandon Ja, ja, ja. Añádase la sorpresa al constatar que son de metal y no de plástico. 11 August at 00:59 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Variación T'ang VARIACIÓN DE UNOS VERSOS encontrados en no sé qué página del Viaje al Oeste A. A. Un templo abandonado al 07 August at 10:11 View note

Arturo Escandon Japan goes Socialist? Desperate Japanese PM declares today: " I will break from excessive market fundamentalism. I will reform what needs to be reformed and safeguard the daily lives of the Japanese people". Japanese politicians are going mad... 07 August at 00:58

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レティシア ビセンテ likes this. View all 6 comments Danya Ramírez Gómez and got the letters, go figure what he understood :s 07 August at 14:18 Delete Arturo Escandon He only got the ox-demons and snake-gods! 07 August at 15:02 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on his own note Japan goes Socialist? Arturo commented on his own note Japan goes Socialist? 2 more similar stories Arturo likes Manuel Gianoni's photo. Arturo likes レティシア ビセンテ's link. Arturo commented on Frank Christiny's status

Arturo Escandon Fu Sinian, one of the leaders of the May Fourth Movement (a movement that started in 1919 and sought to put an end to imperial China by means of culture reforms), called Chinese characters the "writing of ox-demons and snake-gods". Lu Xun, a renowed Chinese author in the 20th century, stated that, "if Chinese character... See More 06 August at 21:55

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Danya Ramírez Gómez jjajajajjajaajjaj 06 August at 22:01 Delete Tina Ottman he got that wrong then 08 August at 07:52 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Ando Shinjiro are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Daniel Serrano Romo are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on his own photo. 5 more similar stories Arturo likes Carolina De La Peña's link. Applications

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Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon 蛙の死 — 萩原朔太郎 Muerte de una rana Sakutarô Hagiwara Mataron una rana. Unos niños en corro alzan las manos, t... 04 August at 15:02 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Rana en Horacio que luego copiaron La Fontaine y otros A IMAGEN DE LA RANA QUE QUISO INFLARSE COMO EL BUEY… Horacio, Sátiras, III, 305–326 Versión de Javier de Burgos (Granada, 1778 – Madrid, 1848) (Horacio:) —Fuerza es rendirse a la verdad: con... 04 August at 14:22 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's photo. 3 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon

Infancia de Shin 13 new photos 04 August at 11:57

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Arturo commented on Paola Iratchet's photo. Arturo commented on Paola Iratchet's photo. Arturo likes Paola Iratchet's photo. Arturo likes Paola Iratchet's photo. Arturo commented on Paola Iratchet's photo.

Arturo Escandon Gran regalo. Biblioteca Ayacucho: Ayacucho Digital Ahora millones de personas en cualquier parte del mundo pueden acceder gratuitamente a los clásicos de la producción intelectual latinoamericana a través de la Biblioteca Ayacucho Digital. Este novedoso 04 August at 10:11

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Ivett Montalván and Danya Ramírez Gómez like this. Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos Oye Arturo creo que el link te lo mande hace tiempo, a lo mejor andabas por Londres. 05 August at 00:37 Delete Tina Ottman wow 05 August at 06:36 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's status Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's link. 2 more similar stories


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Arturo and Nick Russell are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's status Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note DE AGUA Y LUNA, EN LA GARGANTA: María Luisa Bombal. Arturo and Valeria Fiszelew are now friends. Comment Like Arturo is now following Noticias secretas on NetworkedBlogs Comment Like Follow Blog Arturo is now following Ethno-Semiotics on NetworkedBlogs Comment Like Follow Blog Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note DE AGUA Y LUNA, EN LA GARGANTA: María Luisa Bombal. Arturo commented on his own photo.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon DE AGUA Y LUNA, EN LA GARGANTA: María Luisa Bombal Un fragmento de LA AMORTAJADA María Luisa Bombal (1910–1938) Han franqueado los límites del bosque. Ahora la llevan a campo traviesa. Más allá del rastrojal se extiende el terreno lagunoso. Una pesada neblina flota casi al ras del suelo, se apelotona entre los juncos. El andar d... 02 August at 08:31 View note

Arturo Escandon Nowhere's Landscape

02 August at 00:57

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Aurelio Asiain, Elly San and 2 others like this. Aurelio Asiain 天の川 04 August at 16:53 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Summer Seminar with Dr Kyoko Murakami SOCIAL ORGANISATION OF REMEMBERING AND RECONCILIATION: A CASE OF FORMER BRITISH PRISONERS OF WAR August 10, 2009 (Monday), 15:00-18:00 Ritsumeikan University, Zonshinkan (building), Room 705 Language: the lecture part will be held in Japanese but the discussion will be bilingual,... 01 August at 14:07

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Tina Ottman sounds wonderful, really really fascinating, very peace studies too .... waaaa! I am so so so sorry to miss it! Pf can you video it, Arturo ....??? Hope it goes really well, pls convey apologies for absence to Kyoko... love to Miyuki ... hope curry university allows me to access this paper (unless there is a direct link from Kyoko's Bath page ...?) 02 August at 10:22 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon OCASIONES DE ILUMINACIÓN OCASIONES DE ILUMINACIÓN El upāsaka Ch’ang Chiu-ch’en (張九成) ponderaba en el excusado un koan cuando oyó el croar de una rana y despertó: 春天月夜一聲蛙 撞破乾坤共 一家 Noche de luna en p... 01 August at 07:47 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on his own status. Arturo commented on his own status. 2 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon Frank Christiny at the Osaka Municipal Science Museum


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01 August at 03:34 Comment Like Share Mihoko Ogawa and Tina Ottman like this. Frank Christiny I wish! 01 August at 14:55 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on his own photo.

Arturo Escandon

Nowhere's Landscape 4 new photos 01 August at 03:18

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Cristina Parra Jerez, Revolucionar-te Red Psicoanalítica, Antigone Sarakinioti and 2 others like this. Write a comment...

Patricia Boero In this note: Arturo Escandon 30 de julio 09 - Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (Buenos Aires) Fotos de fotos y carteles 01 August at 01:50 View note

Patricia Boero In this note: Arturo Escandon Trasluz Rana tratada con la técnica de diafanización (Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Buenos Aires) 31 July at 22:53 View note

Arturo Escandon Best days

31 July at 21:46

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Tina Ottman and Vanessa Glade like this. Vanessa Glade Shin, qué grande estás, ¿cuándo nos vas a venir a ver? 01 August at 01:01 Delete Tina Ottman Shin's new friend looks a bit pale... 01 August at 05:00 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Patricia Boero's note 30 de julio 09 - Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (Buenos Aires). Arturo commented on Patricia Boero's note Trasluz. Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's status

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De EL MISTERIO DE QUANAXHUATA de Josep Carner Fragmento del MISTERIO DE QUANAXHUATA de Josep Carner Decía Josep Pla que Josep Carner (1895–1970) era el mejor escritor catalán en lengua española pero, aparte de una breve otra de teatro y de algunas decenas de artículos, su única obra original en español es el Misterio de Quanaxhuata (El Ben... 31 July at 16:35 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon FROGS KNOW THINGS WE DON'T Length: 3:22

30 July at 11:08 View video RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's video. Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's status

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon RANAS BAJO EL HIELO Length: 2:17

30 July at 10:42 View video RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's link. Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's status Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's link.

Arturo Escandon This is the weirdest piece of news I've read lately. Civil service jobs in the UK will be outsourced to India. It is just too much. Union fury as civil service outsources jobs to India - Times Online More than 100 jobs at the British Council are to be outsourced to India as part of a massive cost-cutting drive to save the taxpayer money, The Times has learnt.

29 July at 23:26

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View all 9 comments Arturo Escandon Do not stop until outsourcing the outsourcing companies. 31 July at 02:31 Delete Tina Ottman don't think this one will fly. Or will not last long. 31 July at 07:15 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon PARA LA TEORÍA DE LA ALEGRÍA • Para la teoría de la alegría. —Cantaban al anochecer unas ranas. ¿Por qué cantan la rana y el pájaro? ¿Por qué habla el hombre? Si me dais a saber por qué canta la rana yo os sabría explicar por qué filosofa el hombre en general: el problema biológico del juego. ¿Por qué lo s... 29 July at 17:22 View note

Arturo Escandon El país se iba a desarrollar Muy interesante la oposición que hay en Chile al supuesto levantamiento del secreto bancario si se aplicaran las recomendaciones de la OCDE. ¿Qué van a hacer? ¿Enterrar los doblones en el jardín? Qué miedo hay a que aparezca el mismo titular de cuenta bancaria en Chile y en otro país. http... 28 July at 22:24


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レティシア ビセンテ likes this. View all 5 comments Cesar Enrique Díaz Cid sí se desarrolló, pero se quedó "huailoncito" nomás!! : ) 29 July at 09:59 Delete Arturo Escandon Ja, ja, ja. O sea que Chile es un objeto o sujeto sexual sin control. Se desarrolló pero quedó hualoncito. Un post púber con mente de pre púber. 29 July at 11:02 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on his own note El país se iba a desarrollar. Arturo commented on his own note El país se iba a desarrollar. Arturo likes Frank Christiny's link.

Tina Ottman This time last week MOSHIWAKIGOZAIMASEN!!! 26 July at 13:19 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall


Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo likes Roberto Castillo Sandoval's link. Arturo and Thomas Amundrud are now friends. Comment Like

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon RANA de Kusano según Girri QUEROQUÉ LA RANA Shimpei Kusano Traducción del inglés de Alberto Girri Au... 25 July at 11:27 View note

Arturo Escandon Nowhere's Landscape

25 July at 01:17

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Paola Iratchet, Gisele Fernandez and Tina Ottman like this. Tina Ottman Kiyamachi? 25 July at 03:01 Delete Ivett Montalván Kirei... ay! 25 July at 17:23 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo likes Patricia Boero's note Para una versión del "I King." Arturo and Pablo Lores Kanto are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's photo. Arturo commented on Patricia Boero's photo.

Aurelio Asiain In this photo: Arturo Escandon Wall photos December 11, 2007, Osaka

23 July at 20:08

Aurelio Asiain December 11, 2007, Osaka


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23 July at 20:07 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Un hombre a una nariz pegado. 23 July at 21:22 Delete Patricia Ce guapísimo! 31 July at 08:37 Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Del Bestiario de Dulce María Loynaz HYLA ARBOREA (Rana Común) Dulce María Loynaz Ella sabe el secreto del estanque y lo dice en la noche. Es verde y fría co... 23 July at 19:02 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Nos cuenta Arturo: © Arturo Escandón "La pobre había desovado hacía muy poco y estaba agotada, casi no respiraba, ni se animaba a engullirse a la mosca de la hoja. Primera vez que veo la espuma y los huevos. © Arturo Escandón La t... 23 July at 01:40 View note

Arturo Escandon

Animal Planet 23 July at 01:29 Comment Like Share Gisele Fernandez, レティシア ビセンテ, Antigone Sarakinioti and 2 others like this. Tina Ottman where did you see the ovulating toad? 23 July at 03:26 Delete Tina Ottman anyway, awesome wonderful photo, you can sell it to Image Bank....! 23 July at 16:17 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon EL SAPO Y LA PELOTA DORADA de Robert Graves EL SAPO Y LA PELOTA DORADA Robert Graves Versión de Ezequiel Zaidenwerg Se le cayó en el pozo su pelota dorada y... 22 July at 11:13 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon LA CABEZA DEL POETA de Miltos Sajturis LA CABEZA DEL POETA Miltos Sajturis (1919–2005) Versión de Horacio Castillo Co... 22 July at 11:02 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon CROÍDOS TRIUNFADORES de Miguel de Unamuno CROÍDOS TRIUNFADORES Miguel de Unamuno Mi barco de papel eché en el charco de las ranas; el agua le caló, mi... 22 July at 10:52 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Gisele Fernandez's photo album. Arturo commented on Patricia Soto Arranz's photo album.



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Arturo and John C Maraldo are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Francisco Herranz's photo. Arturo and Ezequiel Zaidenwerg are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Francisco Herranz are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note 蛙の俳句 Haikus de ranas. Arturo commented on Patricia Soto Arranz's photo album.

Arturo Escandon Se lee de un tirón. zaidenwerg: Hamlet, 3, I Ser o no ser, papá, la cosa es ésa:¿qué te conviene más a vos, bancartepiola las biabas del destino puto,o hacerte el guapo si las papas quemany defender lo tuyo? Morir: apoliyar;nomás, y terminar, apoliyando,con el dolor de huevos y la mufaque nos viene en los genes: la verdad,qué bueno que estaría... 21 July at 14:56

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Ivett Montalván, Tina Ottman and Aurelio Asiain like this. Tina Ottman interesting... 21 July at 19:40 Delete Tina Ottman did you see http://zaidenwerg.blogspot .com/2005/09/soy-vertical-sylvia-plath.html ? I do not remember which collection the original is in - anyway they are all with you right now, you can compare (I found the English text at /poem/vertical/ ... it looks like a beautiful tradducion though (he seems to have caught her voice). 21 July at 22:17 Delete Ivett Montalván So argentine, so good. 25 July at 17:31 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note 蛙の俳句 Haikus de ranas. Arturo and Taeko Suzuki are now friends. Comment Like Arturo became a fan of Japanzine Magazine. Comment Like Arturo likes Tina Ottman's photo. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note 蛙の俳句 Haikus de ranas.

Arturo Escandon La poesía nunca está de más. Los mejores poemas chilenos de los últimos diez años 20 July at 10:11

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レティシア ビセンテ likes this. Tina Ottman gracias por ese artículo muy agradable, el roy Arturo 20 July at 11:25 Delete Write a comment...

Patricia Ce Patricia Ce sent a olor a jazmin to you using regalos para el alma Send one back or add it to your profile!

20 July at 03:29 via regalos para el alma Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Aurelio Asiain Los mejores poemas chilenos de los últimos diez años

19 July at 23:56 Comment Like Share See Wall-to-Wall


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Arturo Escandon Creo que el mejor es el último, "El arte de la elegía", de Rafael Rubio. El de Verónica Jiménez, mejor publicarlo en Cosmopolitan. Hahn tiene mejores. Deberás entender a fin de cuentas que el poema no es más que un ejercicio: no va a hacer que se levanten los muertos... See More 20 July at 09:45 Delete Aurelio Asiain Cierto: Hahn tiene mejores. De acuerdo en lo demás. 20 July at 10:10 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon 蛙の俳句 Haikus de ranas 手をついて歌申しあぐる蛙かな Sôkan * * * 西行のよ...

宗鑑 Manos al piso, la rana humildemente da su poema.

19 July at 10:49 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon CORO DE LAS RANAS, Aristófanes RANAS, vv. 209-220 Aristófanes Versión de Ezequiel Zaidenwerg Ranas: ¡... 18 July at 09:35 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon PASTORAL de William Carlos Williams PASTORAL William Carlos Williams Versión: A. A. Si digo que he escuchado voces ... 18 July at 08:41 View note

Gisele Fernandez In this photo: Arturo Escandon Gente que me gusta

17 July at 17:57 View album

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon RANITAS ASESINADAS EN LA AUTOPISTA de James Wright RANITAS ASESINADAS EN LA AUTOPISTA James Wright Traducción, A. A. Con todo, ... 16 July at 12:29 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on his own note No hay dolor, aquí no hay sufrimiento. Arturo commented on Gisele Fernandez's photo. 6 more similar stories Arturo and Gisele Fernandez are now friends. Comment Like Arturo likes Rodrigo Pinto's link.

Arturo Escandon As we have progressed, we have established the fact that the fundamental categories of thought, and consequently of science, are of religious origin. Emile Durkheim, "The elementary forms of religious life" 10 July at 19:07

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Josefina Delgado and Ivett Montalván like this. View all 33 comments Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Encounters

09 July at 01:20 Comment Like Share RECENT ACTIVITY


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Arturo commented on Frank Christiny's link. Arturo commented on レティシア ビセンテ's link. Arturo commented on his own link.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon UN TUMULTE INTRATAIBLEMENT FRAIS L'IRRUPTION DES MOTS André Frenaud Traducción: A. A. J... 08 July at 17:43 View note

Arturo Escandon Ethno-semiotics: Cristianismo y esquizofrenia; budismo y maestría ética 08 July at 01:21

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Alejandro Malo and Roberto Castillo Sandoval like this. View all 4 comments Tina Ottman enhorabuena, Arturo 08 July at 21:17 Delete Arturo Escandon Muchas gracias. El texto parte como una reflexión sobre varias cuestiones planteadas por ustedes mismos en las páginas de Facebook. 09 July at 00:04 Delete Write a comment...

Rodrigo Saldes avisame po 06 July at 08:52 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Te mantendré informado. 06 July at 17:48 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon ALREDEDORES DE LAS RANAS BATRACOMIOMAQUIA de Homero Origen de unas ranas en Ovidio Las ranas en las fábulas de Esopo ... 05 July at 08:10 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Monica Herrera's photo. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note The Two Frogs: a Japanese Tale. Arturo and Byard James are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Danya Ramírez Gómez are now friends. Comment Like

Masashi Yano In this note: Arturo Escandon El monte Omine: el monte que atrae y rechaza la gente. Hace unas semanas, fui a subir al monte Omine (1719m) en la Nara (100 kilómetros deKioto) , que hace una parte de Patrimonio de la Humanidad "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range".... 03 July at 01:15 View note

Rodrigo Saldes don arturo tenme informado para tu viaje a londres creo q dijimos para el 20 de julio para q yo fuera a londres no estoy seguro avisame asi yo voy seguro listo 03 July at 00:22 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Arturo Escandon The apple cart by Bernard Shaw, Theatre Royal, Peter Hall's company. Bath, July 1, 2009 Impressive play. On the stage, Janie Dee (Orinthia) and Charles Edwards (Magnus, King of England).


The apple cart 5 new photos

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02 July at 18:01

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Elly San, Masashi Yano and レティシア ビセンテ like this. View all 4 comments Vanessa Glade Que linda la escenografía. Cómo han estado? La Matilde va a tener una prima en diciembre! Saludos a tu familia. 15 July at 03:35 Delete Arturo Escandon Que bueno. Muy buenas noticias. Y feliz cumpleaños. 15 July at 11:39 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon What a hot summer in England. 02 July at 08:16

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Tina Ottman 'phew what a scorcher' eh! keep cool somehow... 02 July at 15:29 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon If the ancient Romans had not the wide conception of humanity we have today it is not the result of an error due to the narrowness of their understanding, but simply that such ideas were incompatible with the nature of the Roman world... the changes produ 01 July at 19:02

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Tina Ottman likes this. View all 13 comments Tina Ottman oops yes, I stand corrected ... and not only psychology but also language teaching has action research no doubt many pedaogical fields have action research... when I wrote the above I was thinking specifically of IR / political sciences etc 02 July at 19:17 Delete Tina Ottman PS Cristina, am reading a fun book right now, Conversations on Consciousness, Susan Blackmore - made me think of you. I wish I hadn't dropped the g-damn book in the bath though, it took days to dry out... 02 July at 19:31 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon LA RANA de Paul Muldoon THE FROG Paul Muldoon Comes to mind as another small upheaval amongst the rubble.... 01 July at 10:02 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon 久里洋二 Yoji Kuri -人間動物園 人間動物園 Zoológico humano 人間動物園 (Zoológico humano, 1962; 35mm, 3 mins) ganó el Premio Especial del Jurado en el Festival Internacional de Annecy en 1963. Dirección: Yoji Kuri; Poema de Shuntarô Tanikawa; Música de Toru takemitsu Length: 2:13 30 June at 13:36 View video RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Simon Cole are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Monserrat Loyde's photo. Arturo commented on his own note No hay dolor, aquí no hay sufrimiento. 2 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon No hay dolor, aquí no hay sufrimiento No hay dolor, aquí no hay sufrimiento Salgo de la abadía A las cinco el carillón tocará unas vespertinas apoteósicas Más de mil campanadas que reverberan por los campos de Somerset Que c... 28 June at 17:15 Comment Like Share


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Aurelio Asiain likes this. View all 11 comments Patricia Boero Arturo, no queda sino agradecer el poema. Inmenso, itinerante. 17 July at 19:51 Delete Arturo Escandon Las gracias a ti por detenerte a leerlo. Un beso. 17 July at 21:54 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain On perception: Checkershadow Illusion

28 June at 13:38 Comment Unlike Share See Wall-to-Wall You and Frank Christiny like this. Arturo Escandon “No vemos el espacio del mundo, sino que experimentamos nuestro campo visual” (Humberto Maturana/Francisco Varela). 28 June at 15:08 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon I am with a Chinese student talking about the weather. 25 June at 11:07

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Tina Ottman hi Rebecca. Glad to know he is on-topic. 25 June at 11:31 Delete Aurelio Asiain in Chinese? 28 June at 13:08 Delete Arturo Escandon Ha, ha, ha. Mandarin. 28 June at 19:30 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo likes Aurelio Asiain's link on his own Wall. Arturo and Mihoko Ogawa are now friends. Comment Like

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Las ranas ejemplares de Quignard En las lindes de los bosques, a orillas de los lagos, se puede contemplar a las ranas de zarzal que, con la boca abierta, croan de la misma manera que los hombres hablan. Los mamíferos humanos macho son objeto de una mutación sexuada sonora. ... 23 June at 00:24 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon The Two Frogs: a Japanese Tale Once upon a time in the country of Japan there lived two frogs, one of whom made his home in a ditch near the town of Osaka, on the sea coast, while the other dwelt in a clear little stream which ran through the city of Kioto... 21 June at 14:18 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Atsuko Nakamachi are now friends. Comment Like Arturo likes Monserrat Loyde's note Palíndromo a la rana. Arturo and Sally McLaren are now friends. Comment Like

Arturo Escandon It looks like a bureaucratic nightmare. No cards but registry nonetheless. The ruling and opposition camps have revised a contentious set of immigration bills in a way that increases government scrutiny of both legal and illegal foreign residents while extending additional conveniences, according to a draft obtained Thursday by The Japan Times. 20 June at 01:49


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Tina Ottman still cards according to the article, but we have to go to the bloody immigration office instead of our friendly neighbourhood ward offices ... "The draft also says a new form of identification called a "zairyu" (residence) card will replace the current alien registration cards, and the personal information and code numbers on them will be given to "the justice minister." The bills also have a provision to prevent the ministry from using that data improperly, a decision that was made to ward off criticism that "the minister" could abuse the zairyu card number to violate foreigners' privacy. But no penalty for such abuse was listed.... See More 20 June at 03:37 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo is now following Doce Palabras on NetworkedBlogs Comment Like Follow Blog Arturo is now following CHANGOMÁN on NetworkedBlogs Comment Like Follow Blog Arturo commented on his own photo album.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Iba de negro bajo la nevada Walking in black under the snowfall © Aurelio Asiain....

18 June at 17:38 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon 二頭女 (Mujer de dos cabezas) Terayama Shūji (寺山 修司 – 1935-1983) Length: 15:45

18 June at 08:23 View video

Arturo Escandon I wish I could write like Cynthia Gorney. She made me see in 3-D episodes taken from a few Nadal's matches. Magazine Preview - Can Rafael Nadal Survive His Own Grueling Style of Tennis? - Can Rafael Nadal survive his own intense, gritty, grueling style of tennis?

18 June at 01:55

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Tina Ottman check out the magazine supplement of the Saturday Times - the man from Majorca is on the cover, he is the main feature. Sent it to you. 18 June at 03:10 Delete Tina Ottman (But it is an ordinary interview with a sweet guy.) 18 June at 03:18 Delete Tina Ottman /Nadal/puedo/jugar/Wimbledon/elpepudep/ 20090619elpepudep_5/Tes Nadal : "No puedo jugar Wimbledon" El español no participará en el torneo por sus problemas en la rodilla; si Roger Federer gana, Nadal perderá el número uno del mundo ..... oh no!!! I am going into mourning!!! 20 June at 12:19 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon It's raining tadpoles in Japan In Japan, it's raining tadpoles | World news | Downpours that deposit dead creatures from Hiroshima to Iwate bewilder meteorologists 18 June at 01:36


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レティシア ビセンテ likes this. View all 8 comments Aurelio Asiain No es la primera vez: 20 June at 09:42 Delete Tina Ottman very biblical, like some kind of plague ...! 20 June at 12:05 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's video. Arturo and Claudia Burgueño are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Alejandro Szita are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on his own photo album. Arturo commented on his own photo album.

Arturo Escandon Agency and sustainability in developmental interventions, June 14, 2009

Activity Theory and Intervention 20 new photos 15 June at 02:39

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Tina Ottman likes this. Tina Ottman listening to the distinctive Finnish tones of Yrjo now on your MP3 ... 15 June at 03:42 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon El desastre en Oaxaca Dirección: Sergei Eisenstein. Guión: Grigori Aleksandrov; Sergei Eisenstein. Año: 1931. Length: 11:37

14 June at 10:42 View video

Arturo Escandon The demo took place yesterday June 13, 2009 and it was organised by Zaitokukai, an organisation that seeks to put an end to foreign nationals' human rights. Quite shocking to see people marching down Kawaramachi chanting "Let us disenfranchise foreign nationals". Their main concern is to disenfranchise Korean special r... See More

Demonstration against foreign nationals on Kyoto streets 17 new photos 14 June at 02:49

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View all 15 comments Tina Ottman no tan divertido. el BNP acaba de conseguir elegido al Parlamento Europeo porque los Británicos son demasiado perezosos votar. A excepción de los fascistas. 20 June at 12:11 Delete Tina Ottman /8088381.stm 20 June at 12:15 Delete Write a comment...


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Arturo Escandon Note that within this new model of second language acquisition, when we talk about “old voices”, voices that evoke the learner’s native cultural and institutional settings, or their native speech genres, we are not referring to the learner’s nativ 12 June at 19:19

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Tina Ottman can you pour new wine into old voices ? 12 June at 23:37 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon The Katsuragi Kodô The Ancient Katsuragi road runs some 13 kilometers along the foot of Kogo and Katsuragi Mountains in the west of Nara prefecture, the area ruled by the Katsuragi clan in the ancien times. I did it last Saturday, June 12, with fellow bloggers Jake http://ojisanjake.blogs... Length: 6:59 See More 12 June at 13:35 View video RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on his own photo album. Arturo and Shiori Omori are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Hyang-Soon Chung are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on his own note In the land of Wa, more sticks than carrots. Arturo and Ines Torrisi de Matsushima are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on his own note In the land of Wa, more sticks than carrots. Arturo and Liliana Enei are now friends. Comment Like

Arturo Escandon In the land of Wa, more sticks than carrots A law dating from 1926 is used to stop a group of 'radical' students in a Japanese college. If they are radical, go check the Mexican UNAM or Universidad Metropolitana, in Chile, to learn what true radicalism is... 10 June at 20:29

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View all 7 comments Arturo Escandon De Santiago. 11 June at 16:31 Delete レティシア ビセンテ Arturo, vaya noticia!! 13 June at 12:36 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Pedagogy is the art of making men ethical. It looks upon man as natural, and points out the way in which he is to be born again. His first nature must be converted into a second spiritual nature, in such a manner that the spiritual becomes in him a habit. 10 June at 11:15

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Selva Hernández and レティシア ビセンテ like this. View all 9 comments Arturo Escandon The key thing is that collective awareness, collective consciousness cannot be natural. 11 June at 11:36 Delete Tina Ottman certainly not if collective ... no... 12 June at 02:14 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon DOS NOTAS SOBRE ALEJANDRO ROSSI Sabía que Alejandro Rossi estaba muy enfermo y la noticia de su muerte no me sorprendió pero tampoco me dispuso a escribir el obituario que me pidieron algunos amigos. ... 09 June at 19:12 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Anna Popova are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note There is a life apart from politics. Arturo commented on his own photo album. Applications

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Arturo Escandon Concert Solid’airs Rasim Biyikli, composer. Megumi Murakami and Shiho Ono. Roman Rhodes. by: Arturo Escandon Photos: 12

07 June at 02:04

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Arturo Escandon Rasim Biyikli, composer. Megumi Murakami and Shiho Ono. Roman Rhodes.

Concert Solid’airs 12 new photos 07 June at 01:59 Comment Like Share View all 14 comments Keith Adams It will, it will! i have to enter it. I am jsut trying to learn how. Itunes used to ask: do you want to enter --but it doesn't now. I will figure it and let you know when I do. Actually ARTURO! you're much more computer savy than me, do you know how to add things to gracenote now that Itunes doesn't ask? 09 June at 21:03 Delete Tina Ottman well in the meantime I add the track titles and album name/artist through Get Info... 10 June at 02:27 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note There is a life apart from politics. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note There is a life apart from politics. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note There is a life apart from politics.

Arturo Escandon

Just people 4 new photos 06 June at 02:44 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman mas pf!! 06 June at 12:01 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Nowhere's Landscape

05 June at 17:20

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Cristina Parra Jerez likes this. Tina Ottman c'est quoi, ca? 06 June at 01:46 Delete Arturo Escandon That is the top of Tsutenkaku Tower. 01 August at 03:20 Delete Tina Ottman I think I am supposed to know where that is, but don't.... Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe? 01 August at 04:55 Delete Write a comment... Applications

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Arturo wrote on Cristina Parra Jerez's Wall. Arturo wrote on Cristina Parra Jerez's Wall. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note There is a life apart from politics.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon There is a life apart from politics There is a life apart from politics. It is this life that the youth as virile poet lives, in a kind of radiant and productive atmosphere. It is the life of that atmosphere. There the philosopher is an alien... 04 June at 21:25 View note

Ele De Lauk In this note: Arturo Escandon TÍA EVA Nunca fue ni más linda ni más joven , ni más fea ni más vieja : Tía Eva era atemporal , estéticamente indefinida,pero aún así , personal y diferente .Siempre quise ser su sobrina . Mis pa... 03 June at 11:10 View note

Tina Ottman A good day for mercurial Chileans everywhere: "Murray, the third seed, could not sustain the excellent form he had been showing at this year's Roland Garros as the mercurial Chilean [Fernando Gonzalez] powered to a 6-3 3-6 6-0 6-4 victory on Philippe Chatrier court...." /frenchopenm.html RTÉ Sport: Murray bows out at Roland Garros Andy Murray's run at the French Open came to an end today as he was beaten in four sets by 12th seed Fernando Gonzalez in the quarter-finals. 03 June at 04:18 Comment Like Share See Wall-to-Wall View all 5 comments Tina Ottman ok, did not know, thought you were being funny! only familiar with grass, clay and concrete... anyway hope Gonzalez prevails today (I think) against Soderling and ultimately Federer ... will be watching him on Wow Wow... 04 June at 16:08 Delete Tina Ottman alas poor Fernando - went out in an epic 5-setter to a Swedish tennis machine... 06 June at 01:29 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Aurelio Asiain: Cómo cambia la luna en el espejo Se acaba de celebrar en Japón el XXI congreso de la asociación CANELA. Aurelio dio una magnífica ponencia sobre la imagen de la luna en la poesía (china, japonesa e incluso hispanoamericana). La grabación está incompleta pero se puede escuchar relativamente bien. Es u... 02 June at 00:20 Comment Like Share Ivett Montalván, Selva Hernández, María Vives Brunetti and 3 others like this. View all 8 comments Gustavo Humberto Lizarraga Maqueo GRACIAS. NIKHILA 04 June at 06:49 Delete Gustavo Humberto Lizarraga Maqueo Es apasionante la imagen de la luna reflejada en el agua; no sé porque pero la asocio con la idea de Narciso enamorado de su propia imagen reflejada en el agua, creo que Owen tiene un poema sobre ello, en el que al final Narciso muere ahogado en el agua. En algún otro lado también leí o escuche de un personaje que intentaba beberse a un enemigo reflejado, creo que en alguno de los mitos narrados por Campbell en alguno de sus video-conferencias. Son apasionantes las asociaciones que haces.... See More 04 June at 07:25 Delete Write a comment...

Patricia Ce In this note: Arturo Escandon Applications

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Espantapájaros (1932) Oliverio Girondo 14 Mi abuela —que no era tuerta— me decía: «Las mujeres cuestan demasiado trabajo o no valen la pena. ¡Puebla tu sueño con las que te gusten y serán tuyas mientras descansas! »No te ... 01 June at 03:53 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo likes Matías Letelier Eltit's link. Arturo commented on his own note Aurelio Asiain: Cómo cambia la luna en el espejo. Arturo and Carol Ann Macdonald are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Selva Hernández's photo.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Tanto tiempo después escucho un eco © Aurelio Asiain. Hemos ido muchas veces al Gran Santuario de Inari, y alguna vez quisimos recorrer hasta el fin la senda sagrada, sólo para descubrir que es interminable. ... 29 May at 11:12 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon Yoji Kuri - 切手の幻想 Fantasía de estampillas (1961) (16mm5分)カラ-制作 Length: 6:46

27 May at 01:11 View video RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo likes Aurelio Asiain's album Sombrillas en el Kitano Tenmangu. Arturo likes Mili Fischer's note E. Lihn, A partir de Manhattan, 1979.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Unos pocos poemas de Gensei La mayor parte de la obra de Gensei (1623-1688), monje de la escuela Nichiren, está escrita en chino y, como la de muchos letrados de la era Tokugawa, marcada por el neoconfucianismo, que en él se muestra no con el rostro severo a que estamos acostumbrados sino con la sonrisa feliz de la ironía si... 26 May at 15:44 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo joined the group Wolfram | Alpha. Comment Like Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo commented on his own photo album. 2 more similar stories Arturo and Gerardo Bleier are now friends. Comment Like

Arturo Escandon Kawase-san, un documental de Cristián Leighton El documental, que se estrenó en marzo-abril pasado en el Festival de Cine Independiente de Buenos Aires, me ha llegado por fin y lo vamos a ver pronto con un grupo de amigos, antes de las vacaciones de verano (que prometen no llegar nunca con tanta cancelación de clases debido a la gripe p... 23 May at 00:46

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Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos Hola Arturo Dónde y cuándo lo vamos a ver. Me inscribo si hay cupo. Cuídate de la fiebre con una pilsen con limón. mil 26 May at 01:52 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Kawase y su abuela-madre, Uno.


Kawase-san 13 new photos

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23 May at 00:32

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Masashi Yano likes this. View all 4 comments Danya Ramírez Gómez quien es esta señora? 04 November at 07:47 Delete Arturo Escandon Con un amigo, hicimos un documental sobre ella y sus películas. 06 November at 02:23 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Monica Ching are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo commented on his own photo. 3 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon ....if we look at the mystical sense it means the departure of the sanctified spirit from the servitude of this corruption to the freedom of eternal glory." (Eco, Semiotics and philosophy of language, p. 149) 21 May at 15:25

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Ruy Lobato likes this. View all 10 comments Ruy Lobato C'mon guys! These are good books. Serious travelogues, very informative while laugh aloud funny. The man can really write. 22 May at 13:36 Delete Tina Ottman better than Bruce Chatwin and Colin Thubron and Jonathan Raban ... ? sounds more fun at any rate ... 22 May at 19:55 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon As Dante explained in the Epistula XIII, given a verse such as in exitu Israel de Aegypto, "if we look at the leter it means the exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt at the time of Moses; if we look to the allegory it means our redemption through Chris 21 May at 15:23

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Tina Ottman guess i know where that leaves the likes of me. Always was graceless... 22 May at 01:11 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

City of Bath 9 new photos 21 May at 00:19 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman gracias for lovely photos of the most beautiful city in the UK 21 May at 00:44 Delete Tina Ottman (not that there is much competition) 22 May at 01:01 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

London 7 new photos Applications

21 May at 00:18 Comment Like Share

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Aurelio Asiain likes this. View all 9 comments Tina Ottman Art, check out the links I sent you re. Talmudic and Kabbalistic exegesis and hermeneutics ... Christians making the New Testament look good was prefigured by rabbis making the Old Testament look good ... ja ja 25 May at 16:26 Delete Tina Ottman anyway points to a compulsive human tendency or need ... (likewise desire for faith ... whether it be paganism/Wicca/Shinto or monotheism) 25 May at 16:34 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on Andy Denis's link. Arturo sent Goodness good karma to Wendy Hidalgo Comment Like

Arturo Escandon

Cambridge 20 May at 08:15 Comment Like Share レティシア ビセンテ, Rodrigo Pinto, Antigone Sarakinioti and 5 others like this. Cristina Parra Jerez mas! mas! 18 May at 13:41 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon Yoji Kuri – 「部屋」「部屋」 La habitación (1967) [HQ] Sitio oficial: Length: 4:58

19 May at 10:57 View video RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo wrote on Rodrigo Pinto's Wall. Arturo commented on his own photo. 3 more similar stories Arturo likes Rodrigo Saldes's video egipto jardines.

Tina Ottman gracias 4 Cambridge vids, Arturo - must have been a pain in the ass to upload those separate segments ... but it brought back a lot of fun memories 18 May at 22:17 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Arturo Escandon Todo sobre el festival de Cannes Un blogger chileno analiza Cannes en Analízame. 18 May at 21:02 Comment Like Share

Arturo Escandon Compulsive liar gondolier does Cambridge. Lies on the Cam 7 Length: 0:26

18 May at 20:19 Comment Like Share


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Yordanka Valkanova and Tina Ottman like this. Tina Ottman /life_and_style/related_features/great_british _summer/article6539409.ece June 20, 2009 Cambridge “punt wars” leave tourists at the mercy of aggressive touts ... 21 June at 02:23 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Compulsive liar gondolier does Cambridge. Lies on the Cam 6 Length: 0:19

18 May at 20:18 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman oops there I am too 18 May at 21:03 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Compulsive liar gondolier does the Cambridge tour Lies on the Cam 5 Length: 0:42

18 May at 20:16 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman likes this. Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Compulsive liar gondolier does the river Cam. Lies on the Cam 4 Length: 0:35

18 May at 20:15 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman likes this. Tina Ottman more Wren library 18 May at 21:01 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Compulsive liar gondolier does the river Cam. Lies on the Cam 3 Length: 0:41

18 May at 20:14 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman likes this. Tina Ottman ah, there it is - the Wren Library 18 May at 21:00 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Compulsive liar gondolier does the river Cam. Lies on the Cam 2 Length: 0:54

18 May at 20:12 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman likes this. Applications

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Arturo Escandon Compulsive liar gondolier. Lies on the Cam 1 Length: 0:43

18 May at 20:10 Comment Like Share Tina Ottman likes this. Ruy Lobato Very nice sights, and oh so very English, despite the lies. Thanks for posting this. Ruy 19 May at 13:19 Delete Arturo Escandon indeed oh, oh. 19 May at 13:40 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon Georges Schwizgebel — L'année du daim (1995) [HQ] EL CIERVO Un hombre capturó un cervatillo, durante una cacería. Con el propósito de domesticarlo, lo llevó a su casa. En el portón, moviendo la cola y ladrando, salieron a recibirlo sus perros. El cazador, con el cervatillo en brazos, ordenó a los criados que contuvies... Length: 5:10 See More 18 May at 10:34 View video

Arturo Escandon

Cambridge 6 new photos 18 May at 01:48 Comment Like Share レティシア ビセンテ, Rodrigo Pinto, Antigone Sarakinioti and 5 others like this. Cristina Parra Jerez mas! mas! 18 May at 13:41 Delete Write a comment...

Tina Ottman felicitationes el senor popularity, on passing the century mark for FB amigos! 18 May at 00:58 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo and Wendy Hidalgo are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Patricia Ce are now friends. Comment Like Arturo posted a link to Keith Adams's Wall.

Keith Adams Hey Arturo, yeah Vietnam was wonderful. That's just a small fraction of the photos, will put up more eventually. How are things going? Long time no hear. 16 May at 18:13 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon Keep on writing the thesis and trying to keep some resemblance of sanity. Went to beautiful Nara the other day, saw the statue of old Ganji Wajo at the Nara National Museum. Clean air, slow pace. I like Naramachi quarters. The guys there have a radio station and broadcast live! You should drop by and hand them a CD. Ring me when you come this side of the river. 16 May at 22:41 Delete Write a comment...


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Arturo commented on Ele De Lauk's note El aplauso de una sola mano. Arturo commented on Keith Adams's photo album. Arturo commented on Keith Adams's photo.

Carolina De La Peña In this note: Arturo Escandon PRECAMPAÑA Hace poco se integró un pequeño grupo con el propósito de lanzar como candidato a diputado a un personaje ficticio. Nosotros, Víctor y Carolina, nos encargamos de trasladar a dibujo las ocurrencias colectivas, e intercambiamos ideas a través del dibujo. Así nos fuimos acercando al personaje. Desp... 16 May at 07:39 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon Georges Schwizgebel – La jeune fille et les nuages (2000) [HQ] Length: 4:28

14 May at 23:33 View video

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Puente por el que cruzan los paréntesis Para llegar desde aquí a la estación de Hirakata hay que cruzar un afluente del Yodo: el Amanogawa. Entre los puentes que lo cruzan, el más cercano a la desembocadura es el Kasasagibashi. E... 14 May at 09:13 View note

Pablo Lobato Arturo!! Que gusto. Como estas? Vives en Chile? Desgraciadamente no he tocado la guitarra por mucho tiempo, pero lo tengo planeado. Tu? Que pasa? Pablo 14 May at 07:58 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's video. Arturo likes Frank Christiny's link. Arturo and Pablo Lobato are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Miguelángel Díaz Monges's note Quisiera saber menos de lo que ella escucha. Arturo joined the group WORLDWIDE GENEALOGICAL TREE. Comment Like


Arturo and Elizabeth Strausz are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Ruy Lobato are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on レティシア ビセンテ's link.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Este árbol ya estuvo por aquí Á R B O L Muy pronto seré un árbol. El dedo medio me hormiguea, hay brotes en mis yemas. Me... 10 May at 08:54 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's photo. Arturo likes Aurelio Asiain's photo. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's photo. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's photo. Arturo commented on レティシア ビセンテ's link. Arturo is now following Artemis, donde el arte se contempla bajo otra luna on NetworkedBlogs Comment Like Follow Blog

Miguelángel Díaz Monges In this note: Arturo Escandon Quisiera saber menos de lo que ella escucha (Esto ha sido tomado de mi blog. Suscríbete en Blog Networks: "Miguelángel Díaz Monges") QUISIERA SABER MENOS DE LO QUE ELLA ESCUCHA* Miguelángel Díaz Monges "No ... 08 May at 08:35 View note Applications

Maki Kaji ありがと。元気?

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07 May at 13:41 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Arturo Escandon ええ、びくり!元気ですよ。いつも英国へ行 きますか?私は6月に行きます。よろしく。 07 May at 22:27 Delete Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Primera aparición de Hirakata este es el margen del yodo, © Aurelio Asiaini. Aquí está un mapa. El Emperador Keitai (継体天皇) ascendió al trono en el Palacio de Kuzuha (樟葉宮) en 507. En el Nihonshoki... 07 May at 07:56 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Maki Kaji are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on his own photo album. Arturo commented on his own photo album.

Arturo Escandon

Jomon-style House 7 new photos 05 May at 22:44 Comment Like Share レティシア ビセンテ likes this. View all 9 comments Tina Ottman anyway wow ... caveman! No idea what or how or even where my ancestors lived, no-one stayed in one place long enough ... kicked out of everywhere (cue Woody Allen joke ...) 06 May at 01:55 Delete Tina Ottman /centro/cudillero/indice.html has some picturesque huts too, I see 06 May at 03:14 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Eugenio Claudio Espinoza Concha are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Rodrigo Pinto's note Contra la religión secular del cambio climático. Arturo commented on his own photo album. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's video.

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon Merci!- Christine Rabette A Bodhisattva saving people on a Belgian tram. Director: Christine Rabette Genre: Short Awards: 2003 Golden Wave for best Short Film (Court-Métrage) Length: 7:39

02 May at 15:00 View video

Arturo Escandon Nowhere's Landscape

30 April at 22:34


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レティシア ビセンテ likes this. Tina Ottman it's the wicked woodcutter's padi fields! 30 April at 22:44 Delete Ingrid Barrios Cartró Esta foto me encanta , es inspiradora para un cuadro abstracto........ 30 April at 23:14 Delete Rodrigo Pinto Buenísima, Arturo. 01 May at 04:46 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Yuki Nikaido are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo commented on his own photo.

Arturo Escandon Japanese Virgin Mary

29 April at 23:33 Comment Like Share RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on his own photo.

Arturo Escandon

Japanese Virgin Mary 6 new photos 29 April at 19:20 Comment Like Share

Arturo Escandon

Kuramadera 16 new photos 29 April at 19:09 Comment Like Share Cristina Parra Jerez and Aurelio Asiain like this. Tina Ottman enjoyed these ... so long since I was there ... looks like you picked a great day for it 30 April at 22:22 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

Jomon-style House 8 new photos 29 April at 18:49 Comment Like Share Applications

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レティシア ビセンテ likes this. View all 9 comments Tina Ottman anyway wow ... caveman! No idea what or how or even where my ancestors lived, no-one stayed in one place long enough ... kicked out of everywhere (cue Woody Allen joke ...) 06 May at 01:55 Delete Tina Ottman /centro/cudillero/indice.html has some picturesque huts too, I see 06 May at 03:14 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon I want you to close the door Can you close the door? Are you able by any chance to close the door? Would you close the door? Won't you close the door? Would you mind closing the door? You ought to close the door Did you forget the door? How about a little 26 April at 14:22

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Beatriz Castillo Villaseca likes this. View all 6 comments Cristina Parra Jerez weeeeeena 26 April at 19:38 Delete Tina Ottman PS Levinson missed out, were you born in a barn (like little baby Jesus)? 27 April at 22:52 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on Monserrat Loyde's link. 3 more similar stories Arturo likes Manuel Gianoni's photo. Arturo likes Victor Weinstock's link. Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on his own photo.

Arturo Escandon Kitano Odori is an annual spring-time dance festival. It takes place in Kamishichiken, the oldest geiko (geisha) quarters in Kioto. It combines Kabuki-theatre and geiko dancing techniques. Japanese folk musicians play a vast array of old Japanese musical instruments and singers sing old tunes.

Kitano Odori 5 new photos 24 April at 17:05 Comment Like Share Cristina Parra Jerez, レティシア ビセンテ and Andy Denis like this. View all 4 comments Arturo Escandon S... See More 25 April at 15:12 Delete Arturo Escandon Sobre el compositor. %83%E6%A2%85%E5%90%89_(%E5%9B%9B%E 4%B8%96)#.E4.BA.BA.E7.89.A9.E3.81.A8.E3.81.9D.E3.81. AE.E5.91.A8.E8.BE.BA 25 April at 15:13 Delete Write a comment...


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Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's photo. 3 more similar stories Arturo likes Zoltan Karpathy's link.

Arturo Escandon Nowhere's Landscape

23 April at 23:49

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Paola Iratchet likes this. Tina Ottman the eyes of night! 24 April at 02:46 Delete Ingrid Barrios Cartró Hola Arturo, un saludo especial.......muy buenas tus fotos, distintas a las de aca Besos 25 April at 12:36 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Visualizing "Japan" Visualizing "Japan" Investigation of Epistemology and Methodology based on Dialogues with Filmmakers... 23 April at 23:39 Comment Like Share View all 8 comments Masashi Yano Es interesante. Lo apunto. 24 April at 21:00 Delete Tina Ottman happy swimming, caveman 16 May at 00:55 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

Nowhere's Landscape 23 April at 21:36

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Cristina Parra Jerez, Revolucionar-te Red Psicoanalítica, Antigone Sarakinioti and 2 others like this. Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo commented on Ele De Lauk's link. Arturo likes Ele De Lauk's link. Arturo commented on Alejandro Malo's note Estas fronteras vivas que nos unen.

Arturo Escandon Only polyglossia fully frees consciousness from the tyranny of its own language and its own myth of language. Parodictravestying forms flourish under these conditions, and only in this milieu are they capable of being elevated to completely new ideologic 21 April at 00:00


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Alejandro Malo and Roberto Castillo Sandoval like this. View all 13 comments Zoltan Karpathy Recomiendo a mi amigo Manuel Jofré, aqui en FB, para meterse a fondo en el tema de Bakhtin (o Bajtin), es un erudito. Díganle que de parte mía. 22 April at 21:55 Delete Arturo Escandon Muy bien, pero dime cuál de todos los Manueles Jofrés. Hay como treinta. 23 April at 20:50 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Alejandro Malo's note Estas fronteras vivas que nos unen. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's photo.


Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's photo. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's photo. 8 more similar stories

Alejandro Malo In this note: Arturo Escandon Estas fronteras vivas que nos unen Sería fácil recurrir, como hacen muchos, al concepto de “tradición de la ruptura” según lo expone Octavio Paz, o pervertir las lecciones de Duchamp sobre lo conceptual, para extender el universo de nuestras tradiciones y reclamar por herencia casi cualquier territorio que nos apetezca permiti... 19 April at 04:33 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Andrés J. Muñoz Correa's photo. Arturo commented on Andrés J. Muñoz Correa's photo. 3 more similar stories Arturo likes Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos's link. Arturo likes Beatriz Castillo Villaseca's album the last and the first. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo likes Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's link. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's link. 2 more similar stories Arturo and Edith León are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Alejandro Malo are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's link. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's link. 3 more similar stories


Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's link. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Dispongo el saloncito marroquí. 3 more similar stories Arturo likes Ivett Montalván's link. Arturo likes Aurelio Asiain's note Ya no sabemos lo que recordamos.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Ya no sabemos lo que recordamos What the ritual reenacts is forgotten, © Aurelio Asiain. ¿Qué significa el gesto? A... 15 April at 21:42 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Dispongo el saloncito marroquí. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Dispongo el saloncito marroquí. 2 more similar stories


Arturo Escandon Shigeyama Sensaku, a National Living Treasure, on stage, Osaka, September 6, 1998. The photographs were shot using a Chat (Offline) first-generation digital camera.

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True and Fake Emotions 16 new photos 15 April at 01:09 Comment Like Share レティシア ビセンテ and Tina Ottman like this. View all 8 comments Aurelio Asiain Esa gestualidad facial exagerada sirve de contrapunto a la solemnidad hierática del nô, donde los actores levan máscaras. Si ponen el cursor sobre la primera foto y le dan un clic tras otro a toda velocidad tienen no "cine de dedo", pero sí "cine de tecla". 16 April at 11:00 Delete Patricia Boero La expresividad gestual de este actor quita el aire. En este link encontré cuatro fotografías más a alta resolución de Shigeyama Sensaku. Pulsar el tercer link debajo de su imagen. 18 April at 16:20 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Alberto Ruy Sánchez's photo. Arturo commented on his own photo album. 3 more similar stories Arturo likes Carolina De La Peña's photo. Arturo likes Carolina De La Peña's photo. Arturo commented on Carolina De La Peña's photo. Arturo commented on his own photo. 2 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon

mukashi 14 April at 00:00 Comment Like Share

Arturo Escandon

Holding your breath 5 new photos 13 April at 23:41 Comment Like Share Frank Christiny, Cristina Parra Jerez, Aurelio Asiain and 2 others like this. View all 10 comments Aurelio Asiain Eso. Akashi. Chapeau. La que yo tomé tiene menos gracia. 15 April at 01:26 Delete Cristina Parra Jerez Dusk dawn function? say what? eso es algo que tu camara tiene? y si la mia lo tuviera, donde estaria? 15 April at 05:00 Delete Write a comment...


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Nowhere's Landscape

13 April at 23:38

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Paola Iratchet, Aurelio Asiain and Tina Ottman like this. Tina Ottman definitely one for Scully and Mulder. .. 14 April at 03:32 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and María Vives Brunetti are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Carolina De La Peña are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Victor Weinstock are now friends. Comment Like

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Dispongo el saloncito marroquí Owners have always the best view © Aurelio Asiain Abro este espacio para quien quiera seguir la conversación sobre o a propósito o a partir de los colores que suscitó mi nota "Animal mitológico el color", que ya acumuló cien comentarios (cifra a partir de la cual los primeros empiezan a borra... 13 April at 20:24 View note

Tina Ottman y la luna estaba en un cielo tan frío que tuvo que desgarrarse su monte de Venus y ahogar en sangre y ceniza los cementarios antiguos. 13 April at 16:57 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall Tina Ottman guess the poet 13 April at 16:58 Delete Arturo Escandon Lorca 14 April at 01:23 Delete Tina Ottman ok that wasn't difficult enough, have to up the challenge next time 14 April at 03:12 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Animal mitológico el color. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Animal mitológico el color. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Animal mitológico el color.

Beatriz Castillo Villaseca In these photos: Arturo Escandon

the last and the first my last days in Japan with my girls and my first weeks in Chile so many changes in just a few days... 13 April at 09:03 View album RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Animal mitológico el color. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Animal mitológico el color. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Animal mitológico el color.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Animal mitológico el color Name all the colors you see, @ Aurelio Asiain. ¿Cuál, entre las tonalidades de los más de ciento veinte tipos de musgo que tapizan el jardín del Saiho-ji, corresponde a la que se llama precisamente koke iro (苔色), color de musgo? ¿No en... 12 April at 14:00 View note Applications

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Arturo Escandon El lenguaje fija las ideas-sensaciones y las produce Esto me parece tan acertado y sorprendentemente armonizado con lo que dijo L. S. Vygotsky en tantos libros, pero en especial en su obra 'Pensamiento y palabra'... 11 April at 12:18 Comment Like Share Aurelio Asiain likes this. Aurelio Asiain Claro, claro. 11 April at 22:15 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon pensando en la palabra luna 11 April at 10:54

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View all 4 comments Aurelio Asiain A WORD WITH JOSÉ RODRÍGUEZ FEO As one of the secretaries of the moon, The queen of ignorance, you have deplored How she presides over imbeciles. The night... See More 14 April at 08:16 Delete Aurelio Asiain The cry of an embryo? The spirit tires, It has, long since, grown tired, of such ideas. It say there is an absolute grotesque. There is a nature that is grotesque within The boulevards of the generals. Why should... See More 14 April at 08:16 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Small concert of Japanese folk and traditional music at Hirano Shrine. April 10, 2009

Hirano Shrine's sounds 11 new photos 10 April at 23:59 Comment Like Share Cristina Parra Jerez, Aurelio Asiain and レティシア ビセンテ like this. Tina Ottman exquisite fotos. wish you had told me it was on.... 11 April at 19:20 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Masashi Yano's note Una matanza masiva en Tokio. Arturo and Masashi Yano are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on his own note Las geishas de Kioto, atacadas por los turistas. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. 3 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon In the nineteenth century, Gladstone suggested that Greeks were unable to distinguish blue from yellow. Goetz and many others assumed that Latin speakers did not distinguish blue from green. I have found also somewhere that Egyptians used blue in their pa 08 April at 22:12

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Arturo Escandon Lunar mood Nowhere's Landscape


08 April at 22:06

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Ivett Montalván and Rodrigo Pinto like this. View all 7 comments Arturo Escandon no tripod. 14 April at 20:38 Delete Tina Ottman a steady hand then! 14 April at 22:26 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Las geishas de Kioto, atacadas por los turistas Creo que se les pasó la mano con el artículo, sobre todo porque pintan al turista extranjero como cazador de safari, cuando los mismos japoneses, que superan en número a los extranjeros, están esperando a que la geisha salga de la casa de té para acribillarla a disparos de cámara. htt... 08 April at 16:11 Comment Like Share レティシア ビセンテ likes this. Monserrat Loyde Bastante exagerado, sobre todo si piensa uno en los megalentes que suelen cargar. Y en cierta forma sí son como Mickey Mouse ¿no? 08 April at 23:38 Delete Arturo Escandon Ja, ja, ja. Pues sí, son como el ratón Miguelito. Me imagino que se podrán hacer el pelo como orejas de ratón. 09 April at 12:53 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo and Manuel Gianoni are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Aquí es donde comienza el río Yodo. Arturo commented on his own photo.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Aquí es donde comienza el río Yodo This is where the Yodo begins These souls as white as Heaven ...

07 April at 00:29 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo commented on his own photo.

Arturo Escandon Best days

06 April at 00:11

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View all 5 comments Vanessa Glade Oye Arturo, una sonrisita pls!! Cuando vienes? Saludos a todos. 07 April at 07:18 Delete Arturo Escandon Lo que pasa es que es un anuncio de gorras, desde la gorra de militar verde oliva hasta la gorra de equitación. No nos dejaban sonreir. 08 April at 22:27 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

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06 April at 00:06

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Cristina Parra Jerez, Revolucionar-te Red Psicoanalítica, Antigone Sarakinioti and 2 others like this. Write a comment...

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon De un día gastado en hacer versos Seven Sages in the Bamboo Wood ¿Cómo desperdiciar un día tan hermoso? A... 04 April at 23:37 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on his own photo. Arturo and Selva Hernández are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on his own note Danzas de maiko en Kamishichiken. Arturo commented on his own note Danzas de maiko en Kamishichiken. 3 more similar stories Arturo and Alberto Ruy Sánchez are now friends. Comment Like

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Una carta me llega de los míos Solo tres meses largos, sin ninguna noticia, y los vientos propicios traen ahora una carta. “Alguien se robó el árbol de la Puerta Occidente. Ha... 03 April at 09:58 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Una noche de lluvia en el exilio UNA NOCHE DE LLUVIA La noche, en primavera, no dura muchas horas... 03 April at 01:00 View note

Arturo Escandon Today's quote is from Vygotsky's Language and thought: 'In the sphere of emotions, where sensation and affect reign, neither understanding nor real communication is possible, but only affective contagion.' 02 April at 20:18

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レティシア ビセンテ, Mili Fischer and Ivett Montalván like this. View all 22 comments Arturo Escandon Vaya, Vaya. Mejor leer a Wittgenstein, lo cual no recomiendo: 'If a lion could talk, we could not understand him.' 06 April at 09:59 Delete Tina Ottman we will never know.... there is no real Dr Dolittle 06 April at 14:01 Delete Write a comment...

Miguelángel Díaz Monges In this note: Arturo Escandon Polvo Eres (Tributo a Octavio Paz mediante un viejo texto) (Esto ha sido tomado de mi blog. Suscríbete en Blog Networks: "Miguelángel Díaz Monges") En junio de 1989 empecé a publicar bajo la batuta del gran Huberto Batis. El camino a "Sábado" era largo y había que empezar por las páginas culturales del unomásuno. Esto f... 01 April at 07:58 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's note My ten books in 15 mins. Thanks Waddie for the inspiration. Arturo commented on Miguelángel Díaz Monges's note La Debida Fuerza. Arturo and Patricia Boero are now friends. Comment Like

Miguelángel Díaz Monges In this note: Arturo Escandon La Debida Fuerza (Esto ha sido tomado de mi blog. Suscríbete en Blog Networks: "Miguelángel Díaz Monges") LA DEBIDA FUERZA Miguelángel Díaz Monges Se ejercitan de más o de menos. El asunto es que uno debe cargar su propio peso. Músculo inflado o laxo debilita. En el... 30 March at 10:22 View note

Aurelio Asiain Applications

In this note: Arturo Escandon

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El pez que decidimos japonés Fish for a japanese painting, © Jorge Hernández Tinajero. Entre las pocas referencias a Japón que hay en el portentoso Borges de Adolfo Bioy Casares está la de la página 1253: Comen en casa Borges, Di Giovanni y Ema Risso Platero. […]... 28 March at 18:32 View note

Tina Ottman What is today's Bakhtinian thought? 28 March at 17:42 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall


Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note De colores de flores van vestidos. Arturo commented on his own photo. 3 more similar stories

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon De colores de flores van vestidos La primavera © Monserrat Loyde Un poema de Fujiwara no Teika: もろびと の花色衣たちかさねみやこぞ知るき春来たりとは morohito no hanairogoromo tachikasane miyako zo shir...

27 March at 15:46 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Virgilio Piñera: LA CARNE Una nota de Teodoro Petkoff, que resume con malicia literaria un artículo de Jorge G. Castañeda sobre los acontecimientos recientes en Cuba, me trajo a la memoria este relato grotesco de Virgilio Piñera. Suele ponerse en relación con el cuento de Juan Rodolfo Wilcock que transcribí hace poco. SU... 27 March at 11:56 View note

Arturo Escandon mukashi

27 March at 00:30 Comment Like Share Aurelio Asiain ¿Y la levitación la aprendiste en el soto zen o tocando jazz con Gillespie? 27 March at 23:45 Delete Arturo Escandon Más con Gillespie que nada. 28 March at 11:52 Delete Tina Ottman neat party trick 28 March at 16:39 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo joined the group Artemis: donde el arte se contempla bajo otra luna. Comment Like

Tina Ottman Gracias por the Bakhtinian thought of the day... 26 March at 00:02 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Arturo Escandon ...thus the psyche, like the utterance, is a 'borderline' phenomenon, located between the organism and the outside world (Simon Dentith on Voloshinov) 25 March at 17:45

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Arturo Escandon Abrirán las puertas del palacio imperial de Kioto Con motivo del 50 aniversario de bodas de los emperadores, la Casa Imperial abrirá las puertas del palacio imperial por un espacio de una semana, del 23 al 29 de abril. La buena noticia es que no habrá que hacer reservaciones, que es el caso en condiciones normales. ... 25 March at 11:39 Comment Like Share


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レティシア ビセンテ likes this. View all 5 comments Arturo Escandon Eso es lo que he oído: que no hay mucho que ver. Y seguro que uno no se puede acostar en el futón imperial. 26 March at 11:22 Delete Tina Ottman Princess Diana did though. What a dingy place to stay... 26 March at 14:16 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on his own note Lo que nos dice el manga. Arturo commented on his own note Abrirán las puertas del palacio imperial de Kioto. 5 more similar stories

Arturo Escandon Lo que nos dice el manga Aquí está el análisis: Y uno de los textos que escribí hace más de 10 años. Apoc... 23 March at 15:23 Comment Like Share View all 9 comments Monserrat Loyde Arturo, muy ilustrativa tu nota, yo no s... See More 25 March at 19:02 Delete Arturo Escandon Te iba a escribir boca arriba, por la foto de tu perfil, pero las letras igual salen boca abajo. Todo se puede deber a la paranoia isleña, aunque vi mucho más relajados a los neozelandeses (no así a los ingleses, que podrían caer más fácilmente en la red de las teorías conspirativas). Abrazo. 26 March at 17:58 Delete Write a comment...

Roberto Castillo Sandoval In this note: Arturo Escandon My ten books in 15 mins. Thanks Waddie for the inspiration. These are the instructions. "This can be a quick one. Don't take too long to think about it! 10 books you've read that will always stick with you. First 10 you can recall in no more than 15 minutes. Tag many friends, including me." 1. The Good Earth was my first "real" novel... 23 March at 13:12 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this photo: Arturo Escandon Fototeca Ninnaji

22 March at 14:18

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon The Black Hole “The Black Hole” by Olly Williams and Phil Sampson / UK / 2008 Our crew was minimal but lots of friends helped out. Directors: Phil & Olly Actor: Napolean Ryan Exec Producers: Nicola Doring & Claire Neate James Producer: Ben Sullivan PA: Amanda Jones DP: Will Bex Focus ... Length: 2:49 See More 18 March at 12:37 View video

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Lo primero que supe de Vietnam Lo primero que supe de Vietnam fue tal vez que allá había una guerra, de la que seguramente vi imágenes en el periódico y la televisión que ya se me han desvanecido, o que he visto después muchas veces sin saber desde cuándo las conozco. Pero ... 17 March at 15:53 View note Applications

Aurelio Asiain

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In this note: Arturo Escandon El poeta a la orilla de sí mismo Small Frog at the Old Capital, © Aurelio Asiain. En un librito precioso de 1996: One Hundred Frogs, Hiroaki Sato reunió cien traducciones al inglés del haiku de Bashô: 古池や蛙飛び込む水の音 furuike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto. Debe de haber ya más (y ... 17 March at 14:22 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this video: Arturo Escandon Pol Pot's Birthday Talmage Cooley, 2004 Directed by: Talmage Cooley Written by: Talmage Cooley, Anthony Sperduti Starring: Murphy Tan, Keone Young Producer: Talmage Cooley Screenwriter: Talmage Cooley, Anthony Sperduti Editor: Akiko Iwakawa-Grieve Cinematographer: Todd Somodevilla Sound... Length: 10:16 See More 14 March at 18:35 View video RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Brenda Méndez are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Alejandra Robles Gúzman are now friends. Comment Like 2 more similar stories

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon No devotion greater than being shore no devotion greater than being shore, © Aurelio Asiain....

09 March at 14:47 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Poema recobrado en una urgencia Lo que se ve aquí —con los márgenes recortados para hacerla más legible— es la página 7 del número 11 de la revista Paréntesis, correspondiente a junio y julio de 2001. Había ol... 05 March at 23:07 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Patricia Soto Arranz's photo. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's link. Arturo and Raul Poblete Cisa are now friends. Comment Like

Ele De Lauk In this note: Arturo Escandon MURIÓ TÍA JUANA Éramos pocos . La única hija , mi prima , dió parte sólo a la familia del fallecimiento de su mamá . Nos reunimos en el hall central del cementerio , y cu... 25 February at 12:04 View note

Mark De Boer Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 20 February at 23:41 Comment Like


Arturo commented on Rodrigo Pinto's photo.

Beatriz Castillo Villaseca como es eso que hacia mucho tiempo que no te reias tanto con una foto!!! estas insinunado que me veo graciosa?? bueno la verdad es que yo tambien me rei mucho...pero me frio 19 February at 20:31 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo wrote on Beatriz Castillo Villaseca's Wall. Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note 15 lecturas. Arturo commented on Ele De Lauk's note LIBROS QUE ME MARCARON.

Ele De Lauk In this note: Arturo Escandon LIBROS QUE ME MARCARON Hace varios días que estoy por escribir una lista de los 15 libros que más me han marcado a lo largo de los años . 1... 17 February at 05:38 View note Applications

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Arturo and Ceci Godoy Neira are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Roberto Sfeir Castro are now friends. Comment Like 3 more similar stories

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon 15 lecturas "Siguiendo la tradición de las 25 cosas al azar, y las 25 "netas" del Bernal", hace diez días Miguel Cane propuso "una variación del juego: 15 libros (25 es mucho). No tienen que ser tus favoritos, ni siquiera tienen que gustarte tanto. P... 14 February at 07:47 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon JULIO EN FEBRERO Y TODA LA VIDA Edilberto Aldan: NUNCA HE LEÍDO RAYUELA Libia Brenda: CARTA A UN LECTOR CORTAZARIANO Miguel Cane: JULIO EN FEBRERO ... 13 February at 12:53 View note

Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos In this note: Arturo Escandon <big>Hay que releer a Cortázar</big > Se cumplen 25 años de su muerte. A mis amigos les dejo un enlace a la BBC en español. Es una noticia de los inéditos que serán publicados. /misc/newsid_7885000/7885399.stm 13 February at 11:40 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon LA VOZ DE JULIO CORTÁZAR Pues eso: LA VOZ DE JULIO CORTÁZAR 13 February at 10:21 View note

Miguelángel Díaz Monges In this note: Arturo Escandon Salvo Cortázar Salvo Cortázar Miguelángel Díaz Monges (12 de febrero de 2009) (Esto ha sido tomado de mi blog. Suscríbete en Blog Networks: "Miguelángel Díaz Monges") Leí ... 13 February at 05:33 View note

Arturo Escandon In this photo: Arturo Escandon 4ºB 1982 CSPN

12 February at 13:02 View Photos

Miguelángel Díaz Monges In this note: Arturo Escandon One Word (Noñeses de este menda) Type only ONE word answers It's harder than you think!! Here is what you are supposed to do...and please don't spoil the fun...copy and paste into your own note, type in your answers and tag a bunch of people - including me. (Nadie me invitó así que etiqueto al tun tun. ... 11 February at 19:16 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Ifukube: From the Ainu to Godzilla Akira IFUKUBE ARCHIVO SONORO completo Pistas: Sinfonia Tapkaara (1954 rev. 1979) [25:57]... 10 February at 23:00 View note

Arturo Escandon

El Mazu 10 February at 22:26


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Arturo Escandon Recuerdo que fueron interminables horas de viaje en coche desde Valencia hasta que llegamos a Saignon. Una mujer corsa, muy cerca de la Place de l'Horloge, nos indicó el camino. Allí estaba la casa de Cortázar. No pasó mucho tiempo hasta que dimos Chat (Offline) con una argentina en Saignon, Délia Rufino, amiga del escritor.

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Cortázar 10 February at 22:22 Comment Like Share Elly San, Libia Brenda, Miguelángel Díaz Monges and 2 others like this. Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos Grande Arturo, no me digas que también fuiste cortazariano. Y a Filisberto ¿Dónde lo dejaste? Muy buena experiencia, nunca lo contaste, será para una conversa con Jordi, antes de que se eche a volar. mil 10 February at 22:49 Delete Grace Balcs Me encantan... 15 February at 05:26 Delete Write a comment...

Gustavo Humberto Lizarraga Maqueo Gracias por agregarme, un abrazo. NIKHILA 09 February at 01:08 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Gustavo Humberto Lizarraga Maqueo Gracias por agregarme, un abrazo. NIKHILA 09 February at 01:08 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Aimelin Hernandez Fuentes are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Rodrigo Guaiquil are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Gustavo Humberto Lizarraga Maqueo are now friends. Comment Like

Arturo Escandon

Best days 08 February at 23:06

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Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Dos poemas de Kenneth Rexroth Un comentario de Víctor Weinstock, que citó ayer el hermoso poema en el que los cormoranes pescadores son imagen del amor, me llevó a releer a Rexroth. Los dos poemas que traduje evocan obras célebres de la literatura japonesa. El... 08 February at 14:49 View note

Tina Ottman In this photo: Arturo Escandon Wine Party at Colori Caffe

08 February at 13:36

Miguelángel Díaz Monges In this note: Arturo Escandon "La Soledad del Corredor de Fondo" de José Luis Muñoz, "Firma Invitada" "La Soledad del Corredor de Fondo" de José Luis Muñoz, "Firma Invitada" (Esto ha sido tomado de mi blog. ... 07 February at 17:50 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Elly San are now friends. Comment Like Applications

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Autorretrarto con Charcos y Lagunas. Arturo and Jorge Hernández Tinajero are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Rosa Amelia González Baeza are now friends. Comment Like 2 more similar stories Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's photo.

Arturo Escandon was working on the stats' software, now ready to hit log off 03 February at 01:06

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Ingrid Barrios Cartró Estadísticas para que y de que? 03 February at 10:59 Delete Arturo Escandon Bueno, son parte de la investigación que hago acerca de cómo la trayectoria educativa afecta la forma en que los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras entienden las instrucciones de los profesores. 07 February at 01:10 Delete Elly San ANIGO QUE GUSTO ENCONTRARTE HACE CUANTOS AÑOS ESTAN EN JAPON? YO ESTOY HACE 8 EN CHILE HACE2 AÑOS Y MEDIO EN IQUIQUE. TU HIJO ESTA HERMOSO QUE EDAD TIENE? MUCHOS CARIÑOS 09 February at 10:52 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon LA ERA DE LA ORACION, dialogo con Naomi Kawase y otros LA ERA DE LA ORACION "La era de la oracion" es un encuentro preparatorio del Festival Internacional de Cine de Nara... 02 February at 23:15 Comment Like Share Paola Iratchet que ganas de estar por alla extraña de verdad! 03 February at 03:12 Delete Monserrat Loyde Arturo, gracias por la información. 04 February at 13:53 Delete Write a comment...


Arturo commented on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's photo. Arturo and Ricardo Bernal are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Monserrat Loyde are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Daniel Pacheco Massardo are now friends. Comment Like

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon 25 Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you... 01 February at 13:46 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo commented on Miguelángel Díaz Monges's note Bostezos de Salomón. Arturo wrote on Paola Iratchet's Wall. Arturo joined the group Club de Amigos de la Literatura Japonesa. Comment Like Arturo and Nicolas Di Biase are now friends. Comment Like

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Un cuento de Lafcadio Hearn Muchas páginas de internet reproducen una versión española de este cuento de Lafcadio Hearn (a.k.a. K... 31 January at 14:07 View note

Paola Iratchet Querido amigo, que tal? como esta la familia por alla? 31 January at 08:03 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo wrote on Claudio Andrés Escandón's Wall. Applications

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Arturo joined the Miguelángel Díaz Monges blog network Comment Like Join Blog Network Arturo joined the group 4ºB 1982 CSPN. Comment Like Arturo and Maca Jordán Delafuente are now friends. Comment Like

Jordi Juste Artículo sobre Bolaño en la p.10 del Herald T. 30 January at 08:36 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall


Arturo and Matías Letelier Eltit are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Jordi Juste's photo. Arturo and Cesar Enrique Díaz Cid are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on John Müller's link.

Aurelio Asiain Pongámonos serios. The Beatles (Xochimilcas) The Beatles Video, Xochimilcas, Audio she loves you 29 January at 12:46 Comment Like Share See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Fernando Labarca are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Angela Greco are now friends. Comment Like 3 more similar stories Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Una versión contemporánea del Noh.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Una versión contemporánea del Noh Casi todo lo que sigue está copiado de esta página. El enlace al archivo sonoro está en las letras azules del título. JO KONDO: HAGOROMO TRACK LISTING 1.... 28 January at 16:55 View note

Arturo Escandon is sleeping again but not dead yet. 28 January at 13:35

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Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note IKKYU. Arturo and Ivett Montalván are now friends. Comment Like Arturo just added Patricia Soto Arranz's birthday on their Calendar. Comment Like Arturo and Patricio Vidal are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Josefina Delgado are now friends. Comment Like 3 more similar stories

Elisabeth Wolftochter In this note: Arturo Escandon Hija profana de la ciencia (a mi misma) Soy hija de la ciencia... Profana... de arquitectura mental propia... única... luminosamente oscura perversamente insana en mi cordura... ... 28 January at 01:29 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon IKKYU Para Lu... 27 January at 23:11 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Una luz como un aire nevado white and snowy scents, ©

27 January at 23:10 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Ingrid Barrios Cartró are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Octavio Paz: notas sobre el teatro Noh. Applications

Arturo and Elisabeth Wolftochter are now friends. Comment Like Chat (Offline)

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Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note Octavio Paz: notas sobre el teatro Noh. Arturo just added Vanessa Glade's birthday on their Calendar. Comment Like

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon The Kyoto Nohgaku Kai - Noh Music Japanese Noh Music The Kyoto Nohgaku Kai 26 January at 21:07 View note

Rodrigo Saldes arturo hablaremos cuando pasas por aqui,la ola paso si con un frio grrrrr como a fines de sept voy pal pueblo nos vimos chaus 25 January at 22:17 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Jordi Juste In this photo: Arturo Escandon Sayounara, Jordi Dos amigos en el frontis de Kyoto Gaidai.

25 January at 20:18 View Photos

Jordi Juste In this photo: Arturo Escandon Sayounara, Jordi Palmeros

25 January at 20:17 View Photos RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo joined the group TEATRO NOH AND THEATRE ANTHROPOLOGY ON THEATRO.TV. Comment Like Arturo and Juan Pablo Muñoz Correa are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note 辻子紀子 Tujiko Noriko (Noriko Tsujiko) : Shojo Toshi. Arturo commented on Jordi Juste's photo.

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon 辻子紀子 Tujiko Noriko (Noriko Tsujiko) : From Tokyo To Naiagara Tujiko Noriko - From Tokyo To Naiagara Label: Tomlab Catalog#: tom 28F... 25 January at 11:53 View note

Aurelio Asiain Tujiko Noriko - Dead Earth A ver... 25 January at 10:49 Comment Like Share See Wall-to-Wall

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon 辻子紀子 Tujiko Noriko (Noriko Tsujiko) : To Heitai Tujiko Noriko - Keshou To Heitai Label: Niton Records Catalog#: 2TCD-001... 25 January at 10:02 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon Tujiko Noriko ハードにさせて Make Me Hard Tujiko Noriko ハードにさせて Make Me Hard Label: Mego Catalog#: MEGO 062 Format: CD Pa... 25 January at 09:59 View note

Aurelio Asiain In this note: Arturo Escandon 辻子紀子 Tujiko Noriko (Noriko Tsujiko) : Shojo Toshi Tujiko Noriko - Shojo Toshi Label: Mego Catalog#: MEGO 047 Format: CD... 25 January at 08:43 View note RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo wrote on Rodrigo Saldes's Wall. Applications

Arturo commented on Aurelio Asiain's note 辻子紀子 Tujiko Noriko (Noriko Chat (Offline)

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Tsujiko) : Shojo Toshi. Arturo joined the group Keep Royal Mail a PUBLIC SERVICE ...and not for PRIVATE PROFIT! Comment Like Arturo and レティシア ビセンテ are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Daniel QUintero Garcia are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Rodrigo Pinto's note Antonio Gil es un maestro. Arturo commented on Cristina Parra Jerez's photo. 3 more similar stories Arturo and Carlos Enrique Glade Bas are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Rodrigo Saldes are now friends. Comment Like

Arturo Escandon is sleeping. 22 January at 00:53

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Juanki Gumucio Castellón Todos los dias se aprende algo, yo conocía el presente etnográfico pero no el presente onírico. 22 January at 05:19 Delete Arturo Escandon Ja, ja, ja. Welcome to the desert of the real. 23 January at 00:47 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Jordi recita un poema de García Lorca; Arturo a la guitarra. Destrucción total. Esta grabación se hizo cuando Jordi recién llegó a Osaka.

Jordijustelive 22 January at 00:19

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Arturo Escandon It's the first time after 43 presidents that the US presidency is held by an outsider, well, by a 10th cousin of GW Bush H.D.S. Greenway: All in the family - International Herald Tribune H.D.S. Greenway: All in the family 21 January at 20:05

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Tina Ottman very funny. 666 degrees of separation. The Hell Club! 21 January at 20:48 Delete Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon Recuerdos de Japón

Sayounara, Jordi 4 new photos 21 January at 17:39

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Arturo and Luis Del Valle are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on Frank Christiny's photo.

Arturo Escandon is glued to the telly watching the inauguration of Barack Obama 20 January at 23:57

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Arturo commented on John Müller's note Aznar en el discurso de Obama. Arturo wrote on John Müller's Wall. Arturo wrote on Frank Christiny's Wall.

Arturo Escandon

Sayounara, Jordi

Dudas intrascendentes No se que opinan, pero podemos cambiar el nombre al Grupo: (1) Sayounara, Jordi (se deja tal cual) (2) Jordi-san, Sayounara (en japones macarronico) (3) Merry Christmas Mr. Juste (con la voz aspera como lija de Beat Takeshi) (4) Au revoir, les enfants (o como los equip... See More Applications

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18 January at 23:20 Participate

Arturo Escandon Sayounara, Jordi Organisations - Community Organisations Comite Organizador de la despedida de Jordi

18 January at 19:15 Comment Like Share RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Aurelio Asiain are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Keith Adams are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Milton Leonardo Aguilar Galleguillos are now friends. Comment Like

Arturo Escandon is analysing classroom interaction and watching the news on Gaza, looks like the war will be over soon 17 January at 19:22

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Tina Ottman about the second part, hope so... but the issues that evoked all this madness will remain... 17 January at 20:07 Delete Write a comment...

Ignacio Aristimuño In this photo: Arturo Escandon Album (2007) La bienvenida a Kyoto y reunión con amigos de la Confederación Académica Nippona, Española, Latinoamericana (CANELA)

17 January at 11:50 View album RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Tina Ottman are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Ignacio Aristimuño are now friends. Comment Like Arturo commented on John Müller's link. Arturo joined the group Yo quiero volar con 'Sully' Sullenberger. Comment Like Arturo joined the margen del yodo blog network Comment Like Join Blog Network Arturo joined the Japan in some pictures blog network Comment Like Join Blog Network Arturo commented on Vanessa Glade's photo.

Arturo Escandon

Nowhere's Landscape 4 new photos 17 January at 01:03

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Cristina Parra Jerez, Revolucionar-te Red Psicoanalítica, Antigone Sarakinioti and 2 others like this. Write a comment...

Arturo Escandon

Best days 4 new photos 17 January at 00:52

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Arturo Escandon Having a glass of wine after an aimless week. Esperando a Godot. 17 January at 00:26 Applications

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2009/12/28 22:32

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Arturo joined the group People I miss (gente que extraño). Comment Like Arturo commented on Vanessa Glade's photo. Arturo commented on Vanessa Glade's photo. Arturo commented on Vanessa Glade's photo. Arturo became a fan of Lev Vygotsky. Comment Like Arturo and Antigone Sarakinioti are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Jordi Juste are now friends. Comment Like


Arturo and Vanessa Glade are now friends. Comment Like Arturo joined the group The Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. Comment Like Arturo commented on John Müller's note La Noche de Paz de 1978. Arturo and Elina Lampert-Shepel are now friends. Comment Like Arturo accepted a "Feliz Navidad" from Monica Herrera using Mi Regalo de Fin de Año. Comment Like Arturo is now reading The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays... by M.M. Bakhtin in LivingSocial: Books. Comment Like Add to collection Arturo wrote on Shirley's Concert's Wall. Arturo and Andrés J. Muñoz Correa are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Ma. Teresa Muñoz Correa are now friends. Comment Like 5 more similar stories Arturo accepted a "That Guy" from Cristina Parra Jerez using Shite Gifts for Academics. Comment Like

Claudio Andrés Escandón Hola Hermano, Bienvenido a Facebook, jajaja.... Espero que esten todos bien por Japon. Aqui en Chile mi casa parece hospital todos con faringitis aguditis jajaja..todos en cama.. 27 November 2008 at 04:51 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Nicole Bucher are now friends. Comment Like Arturo updated his professional profile Comment Like Arturo accepted a Another Freakin' Powerpoint from Roberto Castillo Sandoval using Shite Gifts for Academics. Comment Like Arturo's professional network has grown. Comment Like Arturo and Lois Holzman are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Leopoldo Lavin Mujica are now friends. Comment Like 4 more similar stories Arturo commented on Monica Herrera's link. Arturo changed his Religious Views. Comment Like Arturo and Claudio Andrés Escandón are now friends. Comment Like

Mark De Boer Hello! I'm living in Japan now, up in Iwate. I teach at a few universities and own my own private language school. I'm currently doing my MA dissertation on Vygotsky and TEFL. How about you? What are you doing in Kyoto? 17 November 2008 at 22:02 Comment Like

John Müller Me alegro de encontrarte por aquí... hay un montón de veteranos de la Red. 16 November 2008 at 20:22 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Frank Christiny Esto no es mas que una lista electronica pero con fotos y videos, o sea con fuegos artificailes pues amigo. Bienvenido! 16 November 2008 at 14:32 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Roberto Castillo Sandoval Hola Arturo! Cierto que hay demasiado botón y mucha pantalla, etc. Pero es un mundo bien interesante, con muchas dimensiones. Un abrazo para ti tb. R. 16 November 2008 at 11:52 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Shaheeda Jaffer are now friends. Comment Like Arturo wrote on John Müller's Wall. Arturo wrote on Roberto Castillo Sandoval's Wall. Arturo wrote on Rodrigo Pinto's Wall. Arturo and Frank Christiny are now friends. Comment Like Applications

Arturo and John Müller are now friends. Comment Like

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Monica Herrera Te sugiero que en tus datos o informaciones,pongas "estudios" y actual trabajo...así más amigos o ex-acompañeros te ubicarán...Es interesante observar cuanto nos cuesta adaptarnos a lo nuevo,en esto de aprender un nuevo sistema tecnológico... 16 November 2008 at 05:17 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall

Rodrigo Pinto Estimadísimo, qué gusto saber de ti, otra vez, en otros pagos virtuales. 16 November 2008 at 03:31 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Rodrigo Pinto are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Roberto Castillo Sandoval are now friends. Comment Like Arturo wrote on Monica Herrera's Wall. Arturo wrote on Patricia Soto Arranz's Wall.

Monica Herrera Hola Arturo,bienvenido a Facebook...tambén está Cristina Parra... 15 November 2008 at 22:25 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Monica Herrera are now friends. Comment Like Arturo and Patricia Soto Arranz are now friends. Comment Like Arturo edited his Looking For and Religious Views. Comment Like Arturo is in a relationship. Comment Like

Arturo Escandon Trying to learn a bit of Facebook 15 November 2008 at 18:39

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Juanki Gumucio Castellón Un placer ser tu amigo también aqui en Facebook, bienvenido Arturin! 15 November 2008 at 17:36 Comment Like See Wall-to-Wall RECENT ACTIVITY

Arturo and Yordanka Valkanova are now friends. Comment Like Arturo joined the group Mind Culture Activity. Comment Like Arturo and Juanki Gumucio Castellón are now friends. Comment Like

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