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October COVID Update

States of Emergency

The Japanese government has lifted the State of Emergency across all prefectures. This is the first time since April that all emergency measures have been lifted.

Local authorities may still impose restrictions, especially on dining and entertainment establishments. Please check with your local authority regarding specific restrictions in your region.

*All information is accurate as of September 30th. For an up-to-date list of all prefectures under States of Emergency, please refer to the Cabinet Secretariat Office’s Website

The following recommendations remain in effect

• Please avoid the “3 C’s” (closed places, crowded places, and close-contact settings).

• Wear a mask in public places.

• Keep social gatherings small and short.

• Exercise proper social distancing.

• Clean and disinfect common facilities, thoroughly wash hands, and disinfect with alcohol.


The Japanese government recommends that all people over the age of 12 get vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccinations are available to everyone, including foreign residents, free of charge. After a second dose, vaccines provide significant protection against contracting COVID-19 and greatly reduce the risk of developing severe symptoms in those who do contract the virus. Getting fully vaccinated remains the best protection against severe illness, hospitalization, and death.

For information regarding how to get vaccinated or how to receive your vaccination certificate for overseas travel, please visit the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare’s website.

PCR Testing

PCR tests are covered by medical insurance (as of March 6, 2021). If you believe you may have contracted the COVID-19 virus, please contact your prefecture’s COVID call center to find the testing facility nearest you. Do not go to the hospital.

For information on your prefecture’s call center and other COVID resources, please visit the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare’s website.


Japan Visitor Hotline: 050-3816-2787

The Japan Visitor Hotline, operated by the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), is available 24 hours a day to answer COVID-related questions or direct you to appropriate mental health resources in English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.


• For medically accurate, up-to-date information check: World Health Organization (bit.ly/3tLBCFT)

• For medical resources in your community check the JNTO Medical Institution Guide (https://www.jnto.go.jp/emergency/eng/mi_guide.html)

• For up-to-date news about COVID in Japan check: NHK WORLD (bit.ly/3zeSWnL)

• For information regarding international travel check: Immigration Services of Japan (bit.ly/3tOh2ov)

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