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Water System
Bachelor Thesis
Regional Study, Urban Study, Pilot Projects for Sustainable Development
Graduation Project- Double Joint Research-Studio Epoka University (Albania) & Katholic Uni. Leuven (Belgium)
Tutors: Valbona Koci, Ilir Nase 2013, Albania
A strategic study on urban scale for the broader area of Tirana, the coastal Durres and Kruje. The existence of a large number of artificial lakes, remnants of a communist-time project, is taken as a trigger to set up a study of the area as a whole. The study is aiming at scenarios for the future development of the area on different levels, with an underlying aim of a long-term vision.
Infrastructure Driven Urbanization Overlap of systems
Water-Systems Zoom in
Kashar Area mapping urbanization, Kashar Area urbanization and hydrology overlap urbanization on port & capital city
Proposal of a Local Scenario
How to develop a scenario that is able to re- use an existing capital of infrastructure integrated with the land capacity, adapted to today’s land-use conditions?
Among the land capacity of the area, vineyards reposes a majority among other natural assets, through the hills and Mediterranean climate. Winemaking tradition can set a distinctiveness which makes it possible to pursue, through architecture.
Wine like a local !
The scenario of the vineyards, winery, and winehouse copes respectively with the three land-use conditions of the context, using the land-cover capacities, as well as the remnant infrastructure encompassing in cross-section through: cultivation, production, selling.