Celebrate Local Folklore!
Our Investigations
Milwaukee’s history is surprising and
Milwaukee Ghosts’ mission is to
compelling. Unfortunately, the “just the
document hauntings in the Milwaukee
facts” approach too often strips it of its
Metro area. As Milwaukee’s paranormal
clearinghouse, we’re here to serve our
local flavor.
community through data distribution and
Viewing history
collaboration. We strive to be the first on
through the lens of
the scene to collect reports from both
local folklore can
business and residential sources. We
change the way you
compile those reports and maintain the
look at Milwaukee,
most comprehensive Milwaukee
evoking a fuller
hauntings database, from which we
appreciation of a truly intriguing past and
supply data to paranormal investigators
the colorful characters who inhabited it.
to aid in their research.
Milwaukee Ghosts celebrates local
Milwaukee Ghosts shares information
folklore. Our research sources include
about public hauntings in articles, local
public records, archival newspaper
presentations, and our interactive
reports, and firsthand accounts. We have
website map. We provide assistance to
collected so many stories, we can’t include
business and residential sources
them all on every tour. We rotate tales
researching property history and honor
and frequently update our stories with
all requests for anonymity. When
new information from ongoing
clients require a scientific investigation or
investigations. As a result, our tours are
a clearing of their property, we help them
different every time.
find the best organization to meet their needs.
Third Ward Haunted History Tours Milwaukee’s first ghost tour!
(414) 807-7862
Milwaukee’s First Ghost Tour!
If you're captivated by local folklore, into legend tripping, a student of Milwaukee history, or just interested in
There's more to Milwaukee than brats
Reservations Required
sparking your imagination with strange
and beer. On our walking tours we tell
Tours are limited to small groups to
tales about Milwaukee, this tour is for
the forgotten tales of the people and
provide patrons with the best possible
experience. Please call
events that built this beautiful city. We honor the struggle of all those that came before us by ensuring that their stories live on.
Explore the “Bloody 3”! Our one mile, one-and-a half hour haunted history of Milwaukee's Third Ward. You'll hear ghost stories, tales of true crime, and surprising Fortean
nostalgic stroll through this charming
folklore. A rest stop opportunity (for
arts district once known as the "Bloody
drinks, snacks, and bathroom breaks) is
Third," Milwaukee’s roughest ghetto.
provided midway on the tour.
A Unique Experience
Tours run most Fridays & Saturdays
Halloween haunted houses. No rent-aghouls have been hired to jump out and startle you. Instead you’ll be walking in the footsteps of the most interesting characters from our past.
reservation to ensure your spot on a tour.
walking tour introduces you to the
Join us for a
Haunted history tours are unlike
(414) 807-7862 and make a
at 7 p.m. (or by special appointment) May through November. The cost is
Become a Part of It! We love to post photos or videos taken during our tours on our website, so don’t forget your camera. Who knows, you may even capture spectral evidence! We are also interested in your stories about unusual local events. Please contact us if you have a story to share.
$10 per person (cash only). Tour content is suitable for children, but please mention their ages when making your reservation. Tours depart from the corner of Water St. and St. Paul Ave. in front of the Milwaukee Public Market. (414) 807-7862 http://www.milwaukeeghosts.com info@milwaukeeghosts.com