April 2019
Throughout the whole month Permanent Bonsais Exhibition
The Olivan artist Antonio Pellicer Llorca’s work consists of 15 bonsai and 5 mame trees, some of which are between 50 and 80 years old. There is also a small collection of Suiseki on display, Japanese art that includes the contemplation of stones that themselves have a natural expression. Location: Tourist Info Oliva
From 9th February to 22nd June
Between Regions tourist routes
Between regions, between cultures, between histories, between traditions, between inland and the coast... The programme of guided tours around the regions of Vall d’Albaida, Ribera Alta, Ribera Baja and La Safor begins, through which the great variety of the participating municipalities’ tourist resources will be made known. More info: Tel: +34 962965003
Thuesday 2th
“La Forza del Destino” live from the Royal Opera House
Experience the masterpieces, on the big screen and in HD. Tickets on sale before showing or when the cinema is open. Venue: Olímpia Theatre C/ Major, 18 Poster info: Facebook: Cine Olímpia + info: 962855528
April 2019
Thuesday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th Game of Raspall
‘Raspall’ is a sport that used to be played in the streets of many towns. In Oliva, this sport is still played and has an ever-increasing following. Every Tuesday approach the ratchet and enjoy both amateur and professional games. Location: Nou Trinquet d’Oliva (Pg. Francisco Brines, s/n) Organised by: Club Pilota d’Oliva Facebook: Club Pilota Oliva
Cinema in Olimpia Theatre Spectator’s Day
Enjoy the best cinema and latest releases with new digital cinema, surround sound and 2k digital picture, the latest projection technology. Location: Olimpia Theatre C/ Major, 18 Poster info: Facebook: Cine Olímpia
Thursday 4th
The Why of Words with Mercè Sampietro and Eduard Iniesta
The great actress Mercè Sampietro and musician Eduard Iniesta host an electric poetry trip that you cannot miss: a trip back through the best verses of Francisco Brines, Joan Vinyoli, Maria-Mercè Marçal, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Marta Pessarrodona or Vicent Andrés Estellés. Venue: Auditorio del Conservatorio de Música de Oliva
From 5th to 7th
IV Edition OLIVARTE International Fair Attend the exhibition that takes place every year in Oliva. During the opening a performance created by the artist Alejandro Londoño and starred by Colombian actress Luciana Arroyave will be showed . Furthermore this year, Miguel Vicents Riera, will be the guest of honor. Venue: Multipurpose center Organised by: OLIVARTE + info: 962855528
April 2019
Friday 5th, 12th, 26th and Thursday 18th Market Day
Every Friday of the year Oliva market, one of the best-known in the province of Valencia, offers a huge variety of produce (in-season fruit and veg), clothes, footwear and various accessories. We also recommend a visit to the Municipal Market, open every morning from Monday to Saturday. Let the building’s quirkiness and the quality of the products on offer seduce you! Location: Pg. de Lluís Vives
Friday 5th
15th Oliva Poetry Festival - POEFESTA
We will be accompanied by Manuel Rivas (A Coruña, 1957), Gerard Quintana (Girona, 1964), Berta Piñán (Cañu, Astúries, 1963), Enric Sòria (Oliva, 1958), Claudio Pozzani (Gènova, 1961) and Maria Sevilla (Badalona, 1990). We will also be joined by the actor Héctor Alterlo, as well as José Luis Merlín, the artist Pep Bou and Àlex Pallí’s set design. With juggling, music and a lot of poetry, they have prepared a film edition for us. See the full programme at:
Flamenkiko nights
Every first Friday of the month get ready to enjoy the best Mediterranean flavour by tasting a delicious dinner and dancing the best rumbas. Location: Kiko Port Restaurant More info:
Until the 7th
23rd Meeting of Painters
One year on, “L’associació Pinzellades” has organised a meeting of brush artists, who will come together in Oliva to put the most beautiful corners of the city onto canvas. From the 1st to the 7th of April you can view the works on display in the Casa de la Cultura. Venue: Casa de la cultura More info.: + info: 962855528
April 2019
Sunday 7th, 14th, 21th and 28th Flamenco show
A fantastic flamenco show for you to immerse yourself in an Andalusian atmosphere, with food and flamenco dance. Information and bookings: Restaurante Viva España Tel: +34 96 285 19 31
9th to 21th
Sping MET IV
Competitions at the Oliva Nova Equestrian Centre 09/04– 14/04 CSI YH* -CSI1* -CSI2* 16/04– 21/04 CSI YH* -CSI1* -CSI3* More info: Tel: +34 96 296 39 09
Wednesday 10th and 24th Guided tour through Oliva’s Count’s quarter
An exciting walk, perfect for all the family, through the streets of the old walled city of Oliva and of its Raval district. We will also visit the stately buildings occupied by the Archaeological and Ethnological Museums and Casa de Mayans. Don’t miss it! Prior booking compulsory For information on the language of the visits, please go to: Tourist Info Oliva Pg. de Lluís Vives s/n. (next to the Municpal Market) Tel: +34 96 285 55 28. Email:
Thursday 11th
“Cinderella” Ballet from New Adventures
Experience the masterpieces, on the big screen and in HD. Tickets on sale before showing or when the cinema is open. Venue: Olímpia Theatre C/ Major, 18 Poster info: Facebook: Cine Olímpia + info: 962855528
April 2019
Friday 12th
Musical “A million dreams”
The second work performed by the school and with a different style, a family story that aims to teach us that we are all equal, regardless of physical appearance. It has not yet been performed on any other stage, and will involve more than 60 participants, more than 9 departments of the institute, and will have 7 songs. The adaptation was written by the director and will be performed by several students of I.E.S Gabriel Ciscar. Organised by: I.E.S Gabriel Ciscar Venue: Teatro Olimpia
Sunday 14th
3rd sailing regatta from the 2019 league This Sunday, come on down to the marina to see a fabulous sailing regatta from this year’s league. Sailboats will be deployed all across the beaches of Pau Pi, Aigua Blanca and Rabdells. Quite the nautical show! More info.: Oliva Nautical Club
Saturday 27th
Street theatre: Show from la embajada del azúcar (the sugar embassy)
Now that the architectural and social recovery of the enginy is imminent from the Filà Pirates, and as part of Olivan civil society, they want to do their bit to make this goal a reality. Language: Valencian Venue: Plaza la basa, we will then move to the town hall car park. Organised by: Filà Pirates d’Oliva
Thuesday 30th “Fausto” from London’s Royal Opera House
Experience the masterpieces, on the big screen and in HD. Tickets on sale before showing or when the cinema is open. Venue: Olímpia Theatre C/ Major, 18 Poster info: Facebook: Cine Olímpia + info: 962855528
April 2019
TOURIST EVENTS IN HOLY WEEK If you have not yet experienced Holy Week in Oliva, you now have the chance to relive it here with the seal of the oldest traditions. Throughout the whole week the various brotherhoods will march through the most emblematic parts of the historic centre. Relive the moment of the Passion of Christ, contemplate the beautiful images around you and enjoy the music of bugles and drums.
Sunday 14th
Palm Sunday
Known as Palm Sunday, which commemorates the Messianic entry of Jesus from Nazareth into Jerusalem to begin his Passion and death on the cross. This Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. Venue: Paseo Juan Carlos I, handing out and blessing of Palms
Friday 19th
Via Crucis. Ascent to Calvary
Friday morning invites us to follow the path of Calvary towards the mountain of Santa Ana. It is well worth the effort. Since time immemorial, thousands of people have gathered to attend the Stations of the Cross, or Via Crucis. The beauty of the dawn, the magnificent landscape, the images, the 8 brotherhoods parading along the winding road, the songs and prayers…all create an intensely emotional experience.
El Desclavament
And after a short break, we come together to celebrate one of the most eagerly awaited parts of Holy Week in Oliva. Since the 15th century , this sacramental car commemorates Jesus Christ’s descent from the Cross and the Holy Burial. During the act, you will be able to listen to a symphonic poem with text by Salvador Soler and music by Olivan composer Josep Climent. Venue: Church of Santa María.
Holy Burial General Procession
And Friday’s final event, the Holy Burial. The highpoint of the celebrations where the most beautiful images come out in procession. The beauty of the images is surprising, as well as the way they stage the final moments of the Passion and Death of Jesus. Departure from the Church of Santa María.
Easter Sunday Easter Sunday
On Sunday morning we attend the Holy Encounter of Jesus with Mary. Thousands of sweets are thrown into the air and the doves announce the Resurrection of Jesus and the beginning of Easter. Venue: Paseo Juan Carlos I. + info: 962855528
April 2019
SANT VICENT FESTIVAL Saturday 27th 31th “Sant Vicent Festival” Race
This famous race is held in honour of Saint Vincent and organised by the town’s festival associations and sports clubs. It’s a completely urban 8km stretch that starts and ends in Calle Sant Vicent. Suitable for people of all ages.
13th Meeting of the Cornet and Drum Bands of Oliva
Parade, starting at Paseo Jaime I opposite the town market, through Calle Alcalde Francisco Llorca, Calle ArquebisbeReig and Calle San Vicent. Exhibition of the Oliva’s Holy Week bands; each one will perform two compositions. The event will be rounded off with an impressive drum performance by all the musicians. Venue: Calle Sant Vicent
Sunday 28th
Walk of Sant Vicent
A walk through the streets of Oliva with the image of Saint Vincent, accompanied by local festival organisers and the devout followers of the Saint. Offering given to the Las Clarisas Convent and residents at the local shelter The Saint will arrive at the main gain at 3pm, accompanied by a sea of bells and fireworks.
Monday 29th
Sant Vicent Ferrer Festivities
Solemn mass by the image of the Saint. This will be rounded off with a small firework display and celebratory wine for festival organisers and collaborators.
Wednesday 1th May
Theater performance of a “Miracle of San Vicente”
17:00h The altar of Carmen de València will represent a miracle of Father Vicent on Sant Vicent street.
Wednesday 1th and Thursday 2th May May crossings exhibition You can see them on Sant Vicent street.
Wednesday 8th May Traca finalización de la Novena
20:00h To finish the Novena there will be a fireworks in San Vicent street. + info: 962855528
April 2019
Saturday 6th
Opening festivities and Blessing of the municipality
Opening festivities through the city’s streets will announce the start of the Celebrations in honour of the Holy Christ of Sant Roc. Starting point: Plaza San Roque
Sunday 21st
Blessing of the municipality
The Blessing of the municipality in the four squares formed by calle Serrans, calle Sant Antoni, calle Crist and calle Collado. The route will pass through plaza de Sant Roc and calle Sant Antoni before reaching the four squares. After the blessing the route will continue through calle del Crist, calle Santa Anna, calle de Les Torres, calle de Sant Jordi and Plaça de Sant Roc.
From 24th April to 2nd May
Rocket launching during Novenaria week
13:00h and 21:30h
Rockets will be launched everyday in the plaza San Roque
Saturday 27th
Children’s Fair
There will be activities for children as well as a bouncy castle.
Wednesday 1st May
May Crosses Festival
The ceremony will start with everyone gathering in the plaza de San Roque accompanied by the judges who will assess the different May crosses positioned in various places around the city and Oliva beach. Starting point: Plaza San Roque
Thursday 2nd May
Closing ceremony
The closing ceremony will be held in plaza San Roc in which the final prize-giving will take place.
Friday 3rd May
Procession and firework display
The band will start playing the music for the passacaglia at the City Hall to gather the municipal authorities together. At 20:00 the procession in honour of the Holy Christ of San Roc will start, starting from the same square.
April 2019
Discover Oliva’s surroundings
Our city’s surroundings have a lot to offer. We’ll suggest some different options so that you can discover them a bit more. The journey’s getting started. Are you coming?
Routes through Oliva
There are 6 routes which will allow you to enjoy Oliva’s nature and landscapes. Two have footpaths, another two are also suitable for bikes and two are semi-urban. Walk among aromatic plants, unique trees such as kermes oaks and walnut trees, orange fields and the Marjal Pego-Oliva Natural Park.
“Puig del Frare” and “Font Maria Rosa” trail The Font de Maria Rosa trail is one of the most unique within the municipality of Oliva, and it also passes through the municipalities of Villalonga and La Font d’en Carròs. The route begins in the Panorama II residential area and rises to the top of Puig del Frare, one of the highest points in Oliva where you’ll be able to contemplate magnificent views of the coasts of surrounding regions La Safor and La Marina. Starting point: Panorama II residential area Distance: 2.5 km Duration: 1 hour Difficulty: Medium
Puig Covatelles trail
This interesting route begins in the Panorama II residential area and leads to the top of Puig de Covatelles. Throughout the course of the trail, you’ll be able to see typically Mediterranean forests, as well as some rural constructions of interest. Starting point: Panorama II residential area Distance: 2.4 km Duration: 1 hour Difficulty: Medium
Climb to the Castillo de Santa Anna
You can start this route at Calle del Niño. After 50 metres, we’ll branch off into Calle de la Subida del Calvario and immediately start the climb along the footpath which leads to the Castillo de Santa Anna [St. Anna’s Castle]. Once we’ve reached the top of the mountain, you’ll be able to make out some magnificent panoramic views of the historic centre, beaches and the Marjal Pego-Oliva Natural Park. Starting point: Calle Calvario Distance: 1 km Duration: 20 minutes Difficulty: Low
April 2019
Cycling routes
La Safor nature trail – From Oliva to Gandia This trail runs through the old route of the Carcaixent-Dénia railway line, considered to be Spain’s oldest narrow-gauge railway (1864) which was constructed for the orange and silk trade. You can start the trail in Oliva at the end of Paseo de Joan Fuster, following the cycle path towards the municipality of Piles. It’s a straight and comfortable route, during which you’ll be able to see irrigation systems in the plots of land reserved for orange trees. The route continues to the town of Gandia. Once you’re there, you’ll be able to go on to the Parque de la Estación, where you can find an old locomotive, restored and exhibited as a sculpture. Starting point: Oliva-Gandia cycle path Distance: 6.5 km Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes Difficulty: Low
Bike ride through Xiricull This trail begins at the crossroads between Paseo de Ladrillares and Camí de la Carrasca. It’s a slightly sloping route along the Les Mines area and starts to climb once you reach Pujalet, until you arrive at La Font del Xiricull. You can return to Oliva by taking the Santa Fe route, passing through the Cavall Bernat mountain. Starting point: Paseo Ladrillares Distance: 5 km Duration: 2 hours Difficulty: Medium
Bike ride to the Font Salada and Marjal Pego-Oliva Natural Park This route starts at the Gabriel Cicar college. It runs along a flat path among orange trees through Camí Vell de Pego. By turning off onto L’Aigüera de Sant Josep, you’ll reach the Font Salada thermal water spring. This is an excellent place to take a bath and relax in its renowned medicinal waters. From Font Salada, we’ll also be able to enter the Marjal Pego-Oliva Natural Park and even reach Calapatar by following the course of the river Bullent. This is a perfect habitat for such unique endemisms as the Valencia toothcarp and other species which live in the park. Starting point: Colegio Alfadalí Distance: 6.8 km Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes Difficulty: Low + info: 962855528