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I am privileged and delighted to introduce this year’s edition of the Architecture and Design Yearbook. This is another exceptional year due to the Pandemic and the lockdown which incentivised us to work in new ways and more creatively. We became in a short span of time more tech-dependent, as the digital platform has been the only way to work which is a culture shift for many of us. This year, our extraordinary University has been ranked amongst the top 20 Universities in the UK for producing most CEOs, as reported by the Business Leader News in June 2021.
There is no doubt that the pandemic has brought the world to a halt like nothing else could. This pandemic has forced all of us to break with the past and plan for a new world, where ways of working, studying and living will be completely different.
This year’s book is full of a comprehensive range of very creative and stimulating projects developed by our talented students in partnership with world-class architecture and engineering practices. By closely working with leading practitioners, we strive to offer our students the best experience possible to ensure they are ready for the workplace and capable of providing solutions to complex design challenges. Our highly regarded staff are engaged in high impact applied research areas that shape lives and society.
We are extremely proud to be situated as an anchor institution at the heart of east London and, for the last forty years, have been at the forefront of working in collaboration with broad range of design practices in order to develop a distinctive portfolio of courses in Architecture and Design.
I am thrilled with the quality and standard of this year’s work which presents a comprehensive profile of our students, reflects creative thinking and a holistic approach to design.
My very sincere thanks to my colleagues, practitioners and alumni who continue to work together to make architecture and Design the flagship area that it is!
I take this opportunity to wish all graduates a very successful and bright future. We hope you will remain in touch with us as you forge ahead in your careers, remembering that it all began at the University of East London!
Professor Hassan Abdalla PhD PFHEA FRSA Provost University of East London