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APR-MAY 2017 Volume 05 Issue 03
Reiming In Toronto Housing Market Will Need Delicate Pas de Trois
Canada's Two Largest Real Estate Markets Head In Opposite Directions In First Quarter Of 2017
Royal LePage By The Numbers 2017 Infograph
Ontario to Start Collecting Citizenship Data on Real Estate Buyers
An Evening With Johnnie Walker - Event Picture Montage
11-12 13
Ontario's Rent and Housing Reform: 16 Big Changes Explained In Charts What You Should Know About Real Estate That You Don't - Upcoming TanTeam Seminar
2017 Spring - April~May TanTeam Listings
New Featured Listing - 3351 Cawthra Rd - Applewood Mississauga @ Applewood Terrace
March 2017 GTA REALTORS® Release Monthly Resale Housing Figure
April 2017 GTA REALTORS® Release Mid-Month Resale Housing Figures
Designer: Kai Min • Cover: Spring Garden • Source: Google Images • Advertising: Kai Min | support@tanteam.com
Royal LePage Meadowtowne Realty™ is a licensed franchise to Royal LePage and is Independently Owned and Operated. Whilst every care has been taken in preparing this magazine, Tan•gazine and all vendors, corporations, business’ and affilliates give no warranty for the information contained herein. Potential purchasers shall satisfy themselves as to all matters and seek independent advice, if necessary. The views expressed in the article(s) throughout Tan•gazine are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of The TAN Team and its affiliates. The information contained herein does not form any part of any contract, offer or representation. Additionally, this magazine is not intended to solicit properties currently contracted and/or already listed for sale.
Reining In Toronto Housing Market
-Will N
Economist Derek Holt has a word of
The warning, issued in advance of
options being tossed around, perhaps a
advice for the three levels of government
Tuesday’s meeting in Toronto involving
cocktail of cures – has the potential of
that are looking for policy solutions
federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau, his
being worse than the disease.
to cool Toronto’s overheated housing
Ontario counterpart, Charles Sousa, and
market: Be careful what you wish for.
Toronto Mayor John Tory, is an important
Let’s remember that while the current
one. Despite the push on all levels to
housing-market extremes are a Toronto-
“Rich housing valuations already permeate
address the housing frenzy gripping
and-area phenomenon, they colour an
much of the economy and behaviour, and
pretty much everything within commuting
economy and a financial system that
taking steps against it at such elevated
distance of the Greater Toronto Area, this
belong to the whole country. The region
levels [in the housing market] risks
has become a very delicate task – to let
accounts for roughly one-fifth of Canada’s
seriously damaging the economy,” Mr.
sufficient air out of an increasingly taut
entire economy and the housing market
Holt, head of capital-markets economics
balloon without accidentally popping the
has been a key component of the region’s
at Bank of Nova Scotia, said in a note to
whole thing in a loud, reverberating bang.
– and the country’s – economic growth.
clients on Tuesday morning.
A heavy-handed cure – or, given the many
On the other hand, it has also been the
Need Delicate Pas de Trois primary driver of the country’s record
household consumption, while the rest of
“Today’s environment of heavily indebted
levels of household debt, relative to
the economy struggled through a difficult
households … cannot afford anything
disposable incomes.
postfinancial-crisis recovery. The result
more than a soft landing in home prices,”
is the household sector, and especially
they said.
Some experts argue our governments are
the housing market, have assumed an
arriving at this party a couple of years too
oversized role in keeping the economy
They suggested any moves should
late. The runaway-train phase of Toronto’s
be “countercyclical” – in other words,
housing market has only been here for a
put in place during times of economic
year or so, but this market was booming
And as much as the Bank of Canada has
strength, so they don’t risk triggering or
long before it tipped over the edge. At this
become increasingly concerned about
exacerbating an economic downturn.
stage, policy makers look as if they’re
the economic risks posed by the Toronto
Policy makers would then risk imposing
cops arriving at an out-of-control frat-
housing market, it also recognizes the
a substantial drag on household demand
house party at 2 a.m.; herding the drunken
economy’s recovery is still heavily reliant
only once other segments of the economy
revellers out the door could prove awfully
on strong residential activity. The housing
were capable of picking up the slack.
sector was almost entirely responsible for the central bank’s substantial upgrade
On Tuesday, the officials from the three
Mr. Holt argues a housing market that is
of its economic-growth forecast in last
levels of government talked about greater
stretched to its extremes – of debt loads,
week’s quarterly Monetary Policy Report.
sharing of information and, essentially, an
of ownership levels, of affordability – is
“You risk removing the one pillar of
agreement to avoid taking any dramatic
particularly sensitive to any change in
the economy [housing and household
measures that could exacerbate the
conditions that could undermine demand
consumption] that has been responsible
problem. In terms of managing the
and the response can be dramatic. No one
for 80 per cent of growth since 2010,
economic impact, that sort of slow and
needs reminding about what happened
absent any traction in other areas of the
incremental approach may be the best
when fragile housing markets in the
economy,” Mr. Holt said.
option. But in the meantime, every day
United States collapsed under their own
the Toronto housing market gets more
weight in 2008; it didn’t take long for the
In a recent report, Toronto-Dominion
bubbly, the potential ramifications of a
entire global economy to pay the price.
Bank’s economics team argued any
policy misstep grow. They have entered a
government policy moves to rein in the
delicate dance, indeed.
Adding to the problem is that to no small
Toronto market will need to be much
degree, those extremes were by design.
more limited than rate hikes – and
Canada has pursued years of ultralow-
not just because of the very broad
interest-rate policies expressly to buoy
nationwide ramifications of raising rates.
David Parkinson - The Globe & Mail Tuesday, April 18th, 2017
Canada’s Two Largest Royal LePage Canada April 18, 2017 According to the Royal LePage House
to $681,728, and the price of a bungalow
continued Soper. “For weeks now, we
Price Survey released today, Canada’s
increased 10.9 per cent to $490,018.
have witnessed a steady fall in real estate
During the same period, the price of a
values in the Lower Mainland, with sales
substantial price growth in the first
condominium increased 8.9 per cent to
activity down some 40 per cent compared
quarter of 2017. While the majority
to recent norms.”
modest gains, price appreciation across
“For the first time in several years, real
“There is now reason to believe that the
much of Ontario significantly outpaced
estate markets in Vancouver and Toronto
market correction underway in Vancouver
the rest of the country, with similar
are headed in opposite directions,” said
may be short-lived,” said Soper. “The
market dynamics to those that have
Phil Soper, President and CEO, Royal
principal victims of the B.C. government’s
driven housing activity in the Greater
LePage. “The Vancouver market stalled,
foreign buyer tax were Canadians who
Toronto Area (GTA) beginning to impact
as confused consumers took to the
had planned to sell or buy a home and
the entire “Golden Horseshoe” region of
sidelines after a series of uncoordinated
were frightened away by unsubstantiated
south-central Ontario, and as far away
moves by all three levels of government.
rhetoric in which the Chinese were
as Windsor and London in southwestern
With the housing shortage becoming
entirely to blame for Vancouver’s housing
Ontario. Meanwhile, the pace of year-
more acute, Toronto easily stepped
shortage. The reality is that as much
over-year home price appreciation in
forward to assume the title of Canada’s
as 90 per cent of the housing activity
Greater Vancouver was noticeably lower
most overheated real estate market.”
that disappeared overnight in the Lower
of Canadian housing markets posted
than the historic highs witnessed in 2016,
Mainland after the tax was introduced
and for the first time since 2013, home
A price reset is underway in British
was from Canadian residents, not foreign
values for the region as a whole declined
investors. Homebuyers are waking up to
on a quarterly basis.
eroding affordability coupled with recent
this reality and may be ready to rush back
public policy intervention abruptly slowed
into the market.”
The Royal LePage National House Price
activity. The number of homes trading
Composite, compiled from proprietary
hands has fallen steeply, and home
Soper explained, “An unfortunate side
property data in 53 of the nation’s largest
values have begun to adjust downward as
real estate markets, showed that the price
demand falls.
intervention is that we risk market
of a home in Canada increased 12.6 per
whiplash. In the coming weeks, it is
cent year-over-year to $574,575 in the
possible that six months of pent-up
first quarter. The price of a two-storey
compared to the first quarter of 2016,
demand will be unleashed on the market,
home rose 13.9 per cent year-over-year
yet this doesn’t tell the complete story,”
sending prices sharply upward again; this
Real Estate Markets Head in Opposite Directions in the First Quarter of 2017 when the pre-intervention 2016 trend was
of Canada appreciating by a healthy, but
analysis to support these policy moves,
a natural market slowdown based on
much lower, 6.4 per cent year-over-year
could lead to a sharp price correction,
eroding affordability.”
when excluding all regions within Ontario.
impacting not only household wealth,
Meanwhile, price appreciation in the
For this reason, dialogue concerning the
economy as well,” said Soper. “We
but damaging the broader Canadian new
health of the GTA housing market has
heights in the first quarter, rising by an
moved to the forefront of real estate
federal budget commitment to partner
unprecedented 20 per cent year-over-
commentary in recent weeks, amid
with the provinces and municipalities to
year across all housing types studied.
growing apprehension over the region’s
create a coordinated national housing
As Toronto home prices continued to
steep price gains and declining housing
significantly rise over the past year, so too
affordability – prompting some analysts
did values in suburban regions outside
of the city’s core, as more and more
adjustments, while others call for public
markets are in balance. Fairly priced
homebuyers looked farther afield for
policy responses.
homes are selling within a reasonable
affordable housing. Elsewhere in Ontario,
amount of time. Bidding wars are rare
expanding economies and improving
“Canada is now the fastest growing
and buyers have an opportunity to make
employment have lifted what were listless
advanced economy in the world, and most
conditional offers.
housing markets into the strong growth
new Canadians are building their new
category, particularly those within a two-
lives in Ontario,” Phil Soper said. “With
Soper stated, “The mood in Alberta is
hour drive radius of the province’s capital.
high household formation levels driven
brightening, as the region adjusts to a
by expanding employment opportunities,
world of $50 a barrel oil. Signs of renewed
optimism can be seen all around the
has also extended much further into
supply of housing. In a low interest rate
province, from a spate of recent deals and
environment, many of these people will
pipeline approvals in the oil patch to major
like London and Windsor, due to strong
want to purchase a home, which is going
business investments such as a recently
demand, supportive economic factors
to put further upward pressure on home
announced five-storey, 95,000 square
and the quest for affordability. In fact, the
foot Simons’ retail department store in
torrid pace of home price appreciation in
Calgary’s historic Lancaster building.
much of Ontario contributed almost half
“The hasty introduction of new real
This sense of stability is reflected in our
of the national aggregate home price
estate-related regulations or taxes in
House Price Composite which is showing
increase in the first quarter, with the rest
Ontario, in the absence of data and
slight year-over-year upticks in prices in
-continued from page 07 the province’s largest cities, where
market is seeing strong house price
“The overall Canadian market is
home values remained unexpectedly
vitality that is likely to grow over the
healthier in 2017 than it has been
resilient throughout the oil price
coming year. The region is now one
in years, yet the downside risks are
collapse driven downturn.”
of the healthiest real estate markets
greater too,” concluded Soper. “Our
in the country, currently sitting at mid-
On the other side of the country,
single-digit appreciation – which is
nicely from the 2014 oil crisis, is
well within the historical range that
sadly dependent on moves by an
improvement is also underway in
we would hope to see in the GTA and
unpredictable U.S. federal government
Quebec, against the backdrop of a
Lower Mainland of British Columbia,”
and can be swayed by unforeseen
provincial government surplus and a
concluded Soper.
global events, such as fallout from
refreshed focus on attracting business
Europe’s restructuring. Still, housing
investment in the region.
The Canadian economy was boosted
activity is strong and prices are rising
by strong export performance to an
at a healthy mid-single-digit rate across
“Quebec has emerged as an economic
the land. The trend in Alberta, Quebec
shining star in Canada, showcasing
infrastructure spending at home, and
and Atlantic Canada is particularly
the lowest unemployment rates in
stabilizing global commodity prices.
encouraging. Our concerns with the
over 40 years and a promising year
The country’s unemployment rate
state of Canadian real estate begin
ahead for GDP growth. As a result,
dropped to 6.7 per cent in March,
and end with Toronto and Vancouver.”
close to its lowest level in two years.
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*Based on agent count. †Based on market share and/or agent count. ‡Phil Soper, Royal LePage President & CEO, named Most Influential Canadian in 2015 & 2016 Swanepoel Power 200. ** 2015. ¶ Based on Google Analytics (March 1, 2016 - February 28, 2017). Information valid as of March 2017.
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* Phil Soper President & CEO of Royal LePage named most influential leader in Canadian Real Estate.
$ 40B
in transactional dollar volume.**
Ontario To Start Collecting Citizenship Data On Real Estate Buyers Home buyers in Ontario will have to start
to reveal whether they or their family
Columbia government last year. Many
providing details about their citizenship
members intend to live in a home as
provincial officials and private-sector
and residency when they complete land
their principal residence, and whether the
economists have said there is no data
registration documents, according to new
property will be leased out in whole or in
on the proportion of properties being
Ontario government regulations aimed
purchased by foreign buyers in the
at gathering data on foreign buyers and speculators in the real estate sector.
Toronto region, making it difficult to The
assess the potential impact of a new tax.
through the online Teranet system, which
Toronto Mayor John Tory has also said
The new reporting requirements will take
is used to submit land title documents
the city is assessing a tax on vacant
effect Monday, and will apply to anyone
for registration. The province said it will
properties, which Vancouver is currently
who buys land that contains up to six
allow a transition period of two weeks
implementing, but first want to collect
single-family residences, or when they
from April 24 to May 5 where it will not
data on how many homes are being
purchase agricultural land, according to
assess penalties for any “deficiencies� in
purchased and then left vacant in the city
new Ontario Finance Ministry guidelines.
providing the new information.
by speculators.
about their residency, citizenship and
The new data is intended to provide the
permanent residency status. If property
province with more information on trends
purchase property for a mutual fund trust,
is bought by a corporation, it will have
in the housing market as it ponders
real estate investment trust or specified
to provide information about who owns
potential reforms to cool rapid price
investment flow-through trust will not
or controls the corporation. The rules
growth in the Greater Toronto Area.
have to complete the form.
Buyers will have to provide information province
also require people acting as trustees or nominees for other buyers to disclose
information about the beneficial owners.
a foreign buyer’s tax, similar to the
The province will also require buyers
15-per-cent tax introduced by the British
Janet McFarland - The Globe & Mail April 19, 2017
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An Evening With
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Ontario’s Rent and Housing Reform: 16 Big Changes, Explained In Charts On Thursday, Ontario announced it would widen rent-control rules and take pages from B.C.’s playbook to bring skyrocketing housing prices down. Here’s what you need to know Rental Housing What Ontario is doing: • Expanding rent control to all private rental units • Introduce legislation to standardize language in rental leases and make other changes to the Residential Tenancies Act
Tom Cardoso and Evan Annett - The Globe & Maile Friday, April 21, 2017
backstory: To crack down on real-estate speculation, Ontario is taking a page from British Columbia’s playbook. Last August, B.C. introduced a 15-per-cent tax on residential properties bought by
• Making sure multiresidential apartment buildings are charged
owners who aren’t Canadian citizens or permanent residents,
property taxes at similar rates to other residential properties
which sent property sales plunging almost immediately. But
• A $125-million program over five years “to further encourage the construction of new rental apartment buildings”
another side effect has been a dip in property transfer tax revenue, one of the province’s key sources of income.
The backstory: Ontario’s current two-tiered system for rent control is a loophole left over from the Mike Harris era. In the 1990s, the Progressive Conservative government removed rent control on new rental properties but left them intact for properties built before 1991. The result has been a development boom for condos, which are exempt from rent control, and whose residents can see rent hikes of 30 per cent or more.
‘Property scalpers’ beware What Ontario is doing: • Working to understand and tackle real-estate practices that allow “paper flipping” and other speculation • Reviewing rules for real-estate agents to “ensure that consumers are fairly represented” The backstory: Mr. Sousa has spent the past few weeks promising a crackdown on “property scalping” in Ontario, which he described as “those who go into new developments, buy up a slew of properties, and then flip them, while avoiding paying their fair share of taxes.” That phrase didn’t make it into Thursday’s Foreign buyers and speculation
announcement, which instead referred to “paper flipping.”
What Ontario is doing:
Ontario’s crackdown is focused on people who buy pre-
• Introducing a 15-per-cent “Non-Resident Speculation Tax” in the
construction homes and sell the contracts on assignment before
Greater Golden Horseshoe region
they’re built. This differs somewhat from what came to be known
• Partnering with the Canada Revenue Agency to strengthen reporting requirements and make sure taxes are paid on realestate purchases and sales
in B.C. as “shadow flipping,” which involved purchase contracts being used for real-estate speculation existing homes. A a Globe investigation of the practice in B.C. led to legislative changes cracking down on it. Here’s how that practice worked in B.C.
-continued from page 11 • Educating consumers on their rights in real-estate transactions • Giving municipalities “flexibility” to use property taxes to fuel development • Overhauling standards for elevator repair • An updated Growth Plan with municipalities to address density and “an appropriate range of unit sizes”
Vacancy Tax What Ontario is doing: • Introducing legislation to let Toronto “and potentially other municipalities” introduce vacancy taxes The backstory: Last year, Vancouver – where 6.5 per cent of the housing stock is vacant, according to a recent study, the city’s highest proportion in 35 years – became Canada’s first city to impose a vacant housing tax. (The city is still implementing the 1-per-cent tax, with the first payments due in 2018.) Toronto Mayor John Tory has actively sought to follow Vancouver’s lead.
Other Changes What Ontario is doing: • Create new market housing and affordable-housing units with surplus provincial land • Creating a “Housing Supply Team” to identify obstacles to housing developments and work with developers and municipalities to address them • Establishing a group to advise the government on the housing market and the effects of the newly announced changes
THAT YOU DON'T... INTERACTIVE INFORMATION SESSION Thursday, April 27th, 2017 Free Seminar By The TanTeam At Royal LePage Meadowtowne Realty 6948 Financial Dr, Mississauga ON L5N 8J4 Let's Talk About The Recent Changes In Federal Housing Rules & How It Effects You w w w. Ta n T e a m . c o m / w h a t y o u s h o u l d k n o w 2 0 1 7 For Registration More Information
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CONVENIENT LIVING IN HEART OF DOWNTOWN BRAMPTON NEXT TO ROSE THEATRE & GO STATION Downtown Brampton 1 Belvedere Court :Conveniently Located In The Centre Of Downtown Brampton A Well-Maintained Up Scale Building, Luxurious Living In Prestigious Belvedere, 9 Feet Ceilings, Walking Distance To Rose Theatre Shopping, Restaurants, Transit Terminal, Gage Park, Etc. Great Neighbours, Backsplash And Led Counter Lighting In Kitchen. Contact The TanTeam for more information! support(at)tanteam.com A P P R OX 1 1 0 0 s f | 2 B D R M | 2 BAT H | WA L K TO DT B R A M P TO N G O S TAT I O N
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Asking Price $450,000 MLS W3700945
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Asking Price $1,249,813
AT A G L A N C E • • • • • • • •
Easy Access To Schools and Public Transit Easy Access To HWY 403 Strategically Near Square One Shopping Centre Finished Basement 5 Bedrooms Each With Access To Bathrooms High Demand East Credit Area Near Shopping, Retail & Amenities Stone throw away from Down Town Streetsville
NEWLY RENOVATED UPDATED DETACH 2 STOREY Brampton - Central Park 25 Holmcrest Crt Strategically located near the bustling intersection of Dixie Rd and Queen St, nestled in quiet and mature neighbourhood. This property is freshly renovated, featuring a revised main ďŹ&#x201A;oor concept, new laminate ďŹ&#x201A;oor throughout property, newly tiled kitchen, tiled kitchen backsplash, newly painted walls throughout, renovated upper level bathroom, new renovated stairway (upper and lower), upgraded electrical throughout, large Master bedroom (combined 2 of 4 rooms).
A P P ROX 1 4 9 9 S Q F T | 4 B D R M | 1 . 5 BAT H | L a r ge B a c k y a rd
Asking Price $539,935 E XC L U S I V E L I ST I N G
FAMILY FRIENDLY, WELL MAINTAINED DETACH Brampton - North West Sandalwood Pkwy Family oriented 3bdrm detach in quiet and mature neighbourhood. Move-in ready, fairly open floor plan. Property features 2 door garage, vanilla full unfinished basement. Call The TanTeam for more information! FSBO LISTING A P P ROX 2 4 0 0 S Q F T | 3 B D R M | 2 . 5 BAT H | O P E N CO N C E PT
Asking Price $799,997
March 2017 GTA REALTORS® Release Monthly Resale Housing Figures Toronto Real Estate Board President
both in the media and among
Larry Cerqua announced that Greater
government policymakers, about the
Toronto Area REALTORS® reported 8,014
amount of foreign buying activity in the
“The listing supply crunch we are
residential sales through TREB’s MLS®
GTA. A recent Ipsos survey of the TREB
experiencing in the GTA has undoubtedly
System in February 2017. Despite the
membership on foreign buying activity
led to the double-digit home price
fact that February 2016 had one more
suggests that the impact of foreign
increases we are now experiencing on
day due to the leap year day, this result
buyers in the GTA marketplace has
a sustained basis, both in the low-rise
was up on a year-over-year basis by
been somewhat overblown. GTA-wide,
and high-rise market segments. Until we
5.7 per cent compared to 7,583 sales
the number of transactions accounted
see a marked increase in the number
reported last year.
for by foreign buyers was less than
of homes available for sale, expect very
five per cent. Furthermore, the great
strong annual rates of price growth to
“The February statistics tell me that
majority – 80 per cent, to be exact – of
continue,” said Jason Mercer, TREB’s
many Greater Toronto Area households
foreign buyers were purchasing a home
Director of Market Analysis.
continue to view home ownership as a
as a primary residence, a home for
great long-term investment. The high
another family member to live in, or as
The MLS® HPI Composite Benchmark
demand for ownership housing we’re
an investment to rent out to a tenant,
Price was up by 23.8 per cent compared
seeing is broad-based, with strong sales
which is helpful in a tight rental market,”
to February 2016. Similarly, the average
growth for most low-rise home types and
continued Cerqua.
selling price was up by 27.7 per cent
condominium apartments. This makes
rather than months.
year-over-year to $875,983. Annual rates
sense given the results of a recent
“To date, the provincial government and
of price growth continued to be strongest
consumer survey undertaken for TREB by
municipal governments have resisted the
for low-rise home types, particularly
Ipsos, which found an even split between
implementation of a foreign buyer tax in
detached houses. Growth rates for
intending first-time buyers and existing
the absence of empirical evidence. The
condominium apartment prices were
homeowners who indicated that they
Ipsos survey of TREB Members should
also in the double digits, likely a result of
were planning on purchasing a home in
further solidify the argument that the
strong demand from first-time buyers.
2017,” said Cerqua.
solution to strong rates of price growth and related affordability concerns lies
“Over the past year, we have reached a
According to the recent Ipsos survey of
not with taxing foreign buyers more,
point where government policies that
intending GTA home buyers, first-time
but rather with addressing the supply of
target only the demand side of the
buyers will continue to account for much
homes available for sale, or lack thereof,”
market, whether we’re talking about
of the demand for ownership housing
added Cerqua.
foreign buyers or further changes to
in Toronto and the surrounding regions.
mortgage lending guidelines, will not be
For the GTA as a whole, 53 per cent of
While the demand for ownership
enough to balance market conditions
likely buyers indicated that they would
housing grew over the past year, new
and moderate the pace of price growth,”
be first-timers – up from 49 per cent a
listings entered into TREB’s MLS®
continued Mercer.
year earlier. First-time buying intentions
System in February were down on a
were highest in the City of Toronto, where
year-over-year basis by 12.5 per cent
“In 2017, policymakers at all three levels
64 per cent of likely home purchasers
to 9,834. This continues a pattern we
of government must turn their attention
indicated they would be first-timers –
saw throughout much of 2016, with
to the supply of homes available for sale.
up from 56 per cent a year earlier. The
the sales trend pointing up while the
They should consider revisiting land-use
higher percentage of first-time buyers in
listings trend has been down, which has
designations in built-up areas to allow
the City of Toronto likely relates to the
resulted in a contraction of the inventory
for a greater diversity of home types,
prevalence of condominium apartments,
of homes available for sale. TREB’s
streamlining development approvals
which are a popular entry point into
average months of inventory trend for
and permitting processes, and looking
home ownership.
February was at one month, while in
at ways to incentivize landowners to
many neighbourhoods across the GTA,
develop their land,” suggested Cerqua.
“There has also been much speculation,
inventory can now be measured in weeks
Toronto Real Estate Board April 05, 2017
April 2017 GTA REALTORS® Release Mid-Month Resale Housing Figures Greater Toronto Area REALTORS® reported 6,098 transactions through TREB’s MLS® System during the first 14 days of April 2017. This result was up by 10.8 per cent in comparison to the same time period in March 2016. Sales were up for all major home types on a year-over-year basis – both in the City of Toronto and surrounding regions making up the TREB market area. The number of new listings was also up annually, at 8,978 compared to 7,696 – an increase of 16.7 per cent. It is interesting to note that the annual rate of increase for new listings outstripped the annual rate of increase for sales. This means that market conditions were less tight compared to last year, with sales accounting for a
Looking forward, growth in new listings will have to outstrip growth
smaller share relative to new listings.
in sales for a sustained period of time in order for more balanced market conditions and, by extension, a more moderate pace of
The overall average selling price for transactions reported during
home price growth to emerge.
the first two weeks of April was up by 29.8 per cent compared to the first two weeks of April 2016. Looking at the TREB market area as a whole, the strongest annual average rate of price growth was experienced in the condominium apartment market segment. Toronto Real Estate Board April 19, 2017
THe Backpage TanTeam Client Notice Section Thursday, April 27th, 2017 Between 6:30PM - 7:30PM
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