Final gsm

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Graphic Standard Manual By Arifachry Akbar

Table Of Content


- about kota tua - logo - final logo - safe area - minimum size - color variations - logo features - sub logo - application

About Kota Tua

Briefly the description about kota tua Jakarta

Kota Tua Kota Tua, Jakarta is an area of Dutch colonization inheritance which was well-known as Batavia in the 17th century. At Kota Tua area you can see old buildings with architecture style influenced by the Dutch or European architecture style, Chinese and even some of them with combination of Dutch and Chinese architecture. Some of the old buildings at Kota Tua area occupied as museums by the governor of DKI Jakarta. Interesting places or tourism objects at Kota Tua, Jakarta are including Jakarta History Museum (which is also called as Fatahillah Museum), Wayang Museum, Fine Art and Ceramic Museum, Bank Mandiri Museum, Bank Indonesia Museum, Jakarta Kota Station (is also called Beos), Maritime Museum (Museum Bahari), Sunda Kelapa Harbor, Kota Intan Bridge, Syahbandar Tower, Batavia CafĂŠ, Batavia Hotel and other old buildings.

Logo Understanding of concept, proportions and features.


Logo It has concept of simplicity and clarity, mixed with vintage colors to represent the terms of old town Jakarta. The Jakarta History Museum as a main logo followed by buildings around old town Jakarta on the background tells people who see it instantly know and recognize about the Kota Tua itself. People aware that Jakarta History Museum or Museum Fatahillah as the main icon of old town Jakarta. Yellow-goldish color comes from the idea of old and obsolete building around the old town Jakarta area. To make people think the beauty and history of Jakarta is fascinating, not only the idea of old, fragile builidings on the side of the road. The simple and friendly illustration try to tell people that old town Jakarta is a catchy place to visit.

Final Logo



Safe area & Minimum size







x 2.61 cm

2 cm


Color Variations



C: M: Y: K:

0% 14% 48% 0%


C: M: Y: K: #F09F1F

3% 42% 100% 0%

C: M: Y: K:

16% 56% 100% 2%


Color Scheme The color scheme of this logo is yellow-gold with a darker yellow or orange. The brighter color makes the highlight of the logo which is Jakarta History Museum. The typeface is using darker color to give strong look on the logo. Combination of colors are trying to give the old-luxury style that comes from kota tua characteristic.

Logo Features


Typeface The typography chosen for this logo is Atlantic Cruise. The uniqueness of this typeface matches Kota Tua logo characteristic. Light and gives the old-look makes it fits on all of the kota tua logo.

Do’s and Don’ts

KOTA TUA Do not squeeze and condence

KOTA TUA Do not change the color

KOTA TUA Do not change the typeface

Do not remove any elements

UA KOTA T Do not rotate

Sub Logos

Subsidiary Brands Ten subsidiary brands are made to support the main logo. Every logo is made from the places around Kota Tua. It is made based on the characteristic of the exterior and interior of each building. The colors are also picked from the tone of each building and the story behind every place. The ten sub logos are consists of Kantor pos Jakarta, Museum Fatahillah, Museum Wayang, Cafe batavia, Stasiun Jakarta Kota, Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, Gereja Sion, Museum Seni Rupa & keramik, Bank Indonesia, and Museum Bahari & Menara Syahbandar.











C : 3% M : 8% Y : 19% K : 0%


C : 5% E55B25 M : 79% Y : 100% K : 0% C : 19% D0BCA0 M : 23% Y : 37% K : 0%

KANTOR POS JAKARTA Kantor Pos Jakarta This buiding was designed by Ir. R. Baumgartner in 1928 as Post Office services in the City and West Jakarta. Two-story building, once used by the Department of Traffic and Highways. The building dominated the holes offset vertical windows “horizontal� wide. The uniqueness and the originality of the building keeps the post office has symbolic characteristic in the top of the building, which chosen to be the post office logo.The off-white color comes from the white building this place has, and the orange comes from the color of Indonesia Post Company.

C : 84% M : 61% Y : 66% K : 71%


C : 79% 1C2E2A M : 58% Y : 67% K : 65% C : 22% B04325 M : 85% Y : 100% K : 13%

MUSEUM FATAHILLAH Museum Fatahillah Originally called the Stadhuis, this building was the administrative headquarters of the Dutch East India Company, and later of the Dutch Government. Built in 1710 by Governor General van Riebeeck, this solid building hides below it notorious dungeons and filthy water prisons. Top of the building’s tower chosen to be the logo and presenting the museum fatahillah. The dark color also represent the dark age this building had become in the colonial era.

C : 2% M : 12% Y : 52% K : 0%


C : 18% D3AD65 M : 30% Y : 70% K : 0% C : 32% A47D43 M : 47% Y : 83% K : 10%

MUSEUM WAYANG Museum Wayang The building, built by VOC in 1640, used to be an old church called De Oude Hollandsche Kerk. In 1733. Inside the museum is the colletion of wayang kulit or leather puppets, followed by puppets from different countries like Puncy and Judy from England, Wayang Pooo The Hie from Cina, and oter puppets from other countries. The logo made from top-face of the museum building, really Indonesian and unique. The yellowish colors for the logo comes from the color of the Indonesian Wayang. Tip of wayang is putted on top of the building with darker color from the building.

C : 30% 863A1C M : 82% Y : 100% K : 32% C : 90% 0D4A4B M : 52% Y : 60% K : 40% C : 90% 073738 M : 57% Y : 63% K : 55%

CAFE BATAVIA Cafe Batavia This building was built in 1837 or 7 years after the construction of Batavia City Hall. This cafe occupies a colonial-style building that has been aged 200 years. It is the second oldest building after the Jakarta History Museum. The unique old Batavia building is not as unique as it inside. Thus the logo shaped like its building and the brown color comes from the color of wood just like cafe batavia interior, and green is from the canopy outside with its logo on it.

C : 3% M : 8% Y : 19% K : 0%


C : 12% D87264 M : 66% Y : 58% K : 1% C : 27% 993831 M : 87% Y : 83% K : 22%

STASIUN JAKARTA KOTA Stasuin Jakarta Kota Jakarta Kota Station (BEOS) was constructed around 1870, and the building was then closed and renovated in 1926 and became a building like what it looks now. It was a magnum work of Ghijsels that was expressed as Het Indische Bouwen, which means combination of modern west technique and structure with the local traditional characteristic. The iconic main gate at this building is eye catching and remembered by people. The simplification of the main gate becomes the logo. Offwhite color and slight of red fits the building and the logo.

C : 57% M : 1% Y : 37% K : 0%


C : 79% 358471 M : 29% Y : 61% K : 9% C : 18% BD2527 M : 99% Y : 99% K : 8%


Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Sunda Kelapa, better known as Pasar Ikan (meaning fish market) is located at the mouth of the Ciliwung River. The fish catch of the day was auctioned in the early morning at the old fish market. The street leading to it was lined with shops selling all sorts of shells, dehydrated turtles, lobsters and mostly everything the seafarer might need. The front side of ship is just matched with all the sub-logo. Aquatic turqois represent the color of the sea and the red color picked from the most of big ship in the port.

C : 30% 863A1C M : 82% Y : 100% K : 32% C : 12% D87264 M : 66% Y : 58% K : 1% C : 27% 993831 M : 87% Y : 83% K : 22%

GEREJA SION Gereja Sion The oldest church established in Batavia is Oude Koepelkerk in 1626, which is specifically intended for the Dutch trading company workers who live around the city walls. It simple rectangle shape building has iconic church gate and still with dutch colonial heritage created this logo. Brown wooden colors try to tell people that inside the building full of wooden chairs and other ornaments. And the iconic church red carpet.

C : 3% M : 8% Y : 19% K : 0%


C : 83% 2A6B35 M : 34% Y : 100% K : 25% C : 90% 073738 M : 57% Y : 63% K : 55%


Museum Seni Rupa & Keramik Building of Fine Arts and Ceramics Museum was built in 1870. As the highest Dutch Judiciary (Raad van Justitie), then during the Japanese occupation and the struggle for Indonesian independence the building was used as a military barracks. Subsequently in 1967 was used as Jakarta Mayor Office. Because of it heritage, I chose the front of the building become the Museum Seni Rupa & Keramik logo. The off-white color is simply to make this logo vintage with touch of green from it windows from the building

C : 12% D87264 M : 66% Y : 58% K : 1% C : 3% M : 8% Y : 19% K : 0%


C : 17% D6B177 M : 29% Y : 60% K : 0%

BANK INDONESIA Bank Indonesia Inspired by the genuine wish to provide the knowledge to the public about the Central Bank’s role in the national history, as well as to objectively inform of the background and impacts of the Central Bank’s policies made from time to time, the Board of Governors of the Indonesian Central Bank has decided to set up the Indonesian Central Bank Museum by utilizing and preserving the former Central Bank building in the downtown area.

C : 3% M : 8% Y : 19% K : 0%


C : 45% 86CFD0 M : 0% Y : 20% K : 0% C : 0% M : 51% Y : 59% K : 0%



Museum Bahari & Menara Syahbandar Maritime Museum exhibits displayed inside the old Dutch East India Company warehouses. In small scale models and pictures, the museum attempts to give the visitor an idea of Indonesia’s seafaring tradition and the importance of the sea to the economy of present-day Indonesia. Jakarta Syahbandar tower is an old tower legacy of Dutch colonial built in 1839 occupies the former Bastion (stronghold) Culemborg. Bastion was made ​​of rock in 1645, the fortifications, part of the wall around the city of Batavia to care for the mouth Ciliwung, Warehouse pepper, and Shipyard.

Application Examples of the logo when applied into various objects

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