01 雙舖
SHARED PROPERITIES some people would split the rent between different owners and create such shared space
02 土地公
GOD OF EARTH there are always this miniature god at the either side of the shop front for good fortune
03 綠窗
GREEN STEEL WINDOWS one of the signature of old hong kong are these green painted metal frames on the facade of a building
04 ćľ é€š
FREE PLANNING old tenement houses consist of an empty free plan, residents design their space base on their needs
05 街巷
DEPLOYING THE STREET street become a place for ever yone to design and act on. you can be a merchant or passerby on the street
06 對稱面
SYMMETRICAL SHOPS shops are often layout in a symmetrical way to enforce the power of the shopfront
07 直牌
VERTICAL SIGNAGES traditional chinese read in vertical m a n n e r, t h e s e o l d s t y l e d s i g n a g e s preser ve the old way of writing
09 街燈
EMBEDDING PUBLICNESS one of the strange phenomenon is that street lamps are incorporated into the housing on the street
10 樓下舖
THE WORK LIVE RELATION interaction between merchant on the ground floor and the residents create a neighborhood
11 䟸幕
OCCUPYING THE VOID small infrastructure from the tenants create their mini balcony for gardening or laundr y
12 麼�
NOODLE BAR SIGNAGES sometimes signages only use a single word to signal pedestrians there is a noodle bar here
13 單行路
ONE WAY STREET one side of the street was always full of private cars or trucks, creating an inbalance of traffic
14 天台
ROOFSCAPE roof of the block is a large slab where residents can create their own space based on their needs
15 信箱
LOBBY AND POSTBOX street level contains small pockets between shops for residents to check their mail and walking up
16 共生
SYMBIOTIC RELATION lobby can be rented out for mini shops, in return the shop cleans for the residents or guard their house
08 牌坊
REACHING THE OPPOSITE signages in the street had an aggression to reach from one side of the street to another
25 自制露台
DIY YOUR HOUSE tenants even created their own balcony through knowledge from making their garden
17 潛建
ALTERING VOID the street is continually altered by the tenants and the shop owner to create more use of it
18 側窗
SIDE WINDOWS there are small windows sunken at a l o w e r p o s i t i o n t o t h e b a l c o n y, also signage that shows ownership
19 空中花園
YOUR OWN GARDEN these illegal framework allow tenants to create their own garden with numerous pots of plants
20 投訴
VOICING OUT at the end phase of the street, yellow banners are raised to show t h e t e n a n t s a n d o w n e r ’s a n g e r
21 燈火
ILLUMINATION SYSTEM shop owners created these illuminating structures for lighting up their shopfront and banners
22 環型
ECLIPSED SHOPFRONT the eclipse shape of the shop extends itself towards the street, to attract and engulf more pedestrian
23 傾斜度
INCLINED BANNER all these shopfront are inclined for facilitating the pedestrians to have an easier read of their names
24 é •äž‹
FREE PLANNING the autonomous design of the urban space lead to some unexpected encountering such as these stalls
26 門口
TAILOR MADE GATE old styled gates are sliding h o r i z o n t a l l y, t h e y h a v e n a m e s o f the shops car ved at the top of it
27 市建局
URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY the authority often pair up with developers to reconstruct places that often looks completely different
28 販賣箱
MERCHANT’S CABINET glass cabinet are used to display goods, these act similar to signages but embodied at the lobby
29 地面
GROUND CONTROL god of earth is being car ved into t h e s h o p ’s w a l l , w h i l e s o m e s h o p s place chairs to occupy the street
30 寄生
PARASITIC SHOPS shops are plugged into the ground floor void of the stairs to create their own shop space
31 �貊
HAWKERS! green paint hawker stalls instantly create places for refreshment or shopping area in the alleyway
32 通道
TUNNEL TO ROOF PLATEAU stair ways are the only way to access to the roof plateau in which it is all designed by the tenants