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1/6 7:30 p.m. Jeff Whitfi eld Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/7 7:30 p.m. Tyler Haney 1884 Restaurant and Bar, Eustis 1/8 8 p.m. Blue Stone Circle Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/8 9 p.m. Power Play Shamrock Lounge & Package, Leesburg 1/9 6:30 p.m. Annie and The Orphans Buffalo Nickel Ranch Show Barn, Leesburg 1/9 7 p.m. Sally Anderson Tribute to Dolly Parton Mount Dora Community Building, Mount Dora 1/9 8 p.m. Da Boys Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/9 9 p.m. Power Play Shamrock Lounge & Package, Leesburg 1/10 7:30 p.m. Defenders of Daisies Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/12 7:30 p.m. Kelly Jarrard 1884 Restaurant and Bar, Eustis 1/13 7:30 p.m. Jeff Whitfi eld Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/13 7p.m. Englebert Humperdinck The Sharon, The Villages 1/14 7:30 p.m. Tyler Haney 1884 Restaurant and Bar, Eustis 1/14 7 p.m. Florida Lakes Symphony St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Mount Dora 1/14 7 p.m. Johnny Mathis 60th Anniversary Tour The Sharon, The Villages 1/15 7p.m. Andre-Philippe Gagnon The Sharon, The Villages 1/15 7 p.m. Florida Lakes Symphony Family Christian Center, Clermont 1/15 8 p.m. Tony Paul Neal 1884 Restaurant and Bar, Eustis 1/16 9 p.m. Confl ict of Interest Shamrock Lounge & Package, Leesburg 1/17 7:30 p.m. Defenders of Daisies Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/19 7:30 p.m. Kelly Jarrard 1884 Restaurant and Bar, Eustis 1/19 7 p.m. America The Sharon, The Villages 1/20 7:30 p.m. Jeff Whitfi eld Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/21 7:30 p.m. Tyler Haney 1884 Restaurant and Bar, Eustis 1/21 7 p.m. Polish Baltic Philharmonic Orchestra The Sharon, The Villages 1/22 7p.m. Jerry Lewis The Sharon, The Villages 1/22 9 p.m. Tommy and The Guns Shamrock Lounge & Package, Leesburg 1/23 9 p.m. Tommy and The Guns Shamrock Lounge & Package, Leesburg 1/23 8 p.m. Da Boys Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/24 5 and 8 p.m. Next Generation Leahy The Sharon, The Villages 1/26 7p.m. Johnny Rivers The Sharon, The Villages 1/26 7:30 p.m. Kelly Jarrard 1884 Restaurant and Bar, Eustis 1/23 4 p.m. Doo Wop Sock Hop Clermont Community Center, Clermont 1/24 7:30 p.m. Defenders of Daisies Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/27 7:30 p.m. Jeff Whitfi eld Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/28 7:30 p.m. Tyler Haney 1884 Restaurant and Bar, Eustis 1/29 9 p.m. Boggy Creek Shamrock Lounge & Package, Leesburg 1/29 8 p.m. Blue Stone Circle Ruby Street Grille, Tavares 1/30 8 p.m. Mark Z 1884 Restaurant and Bar, Eustis 1/30 9 p.m. Boggy Creek Shamrock Lounge & Package, Leesburg

Bands subject to change. Email inconcert@ akersmediagroup.com to submit an event for In Concert. Submissions must be received by the ninth of the month prior to month of the event (example: January 9 for February issue).
Johnny Rivers Johnny Mathis