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Never a dull moment
any people think January is a bit of a downer after all the celebration and fellowship of the holidays. We at Style have to disagree this year. 2018 is going to be a year of change and growth for Lake and Sumter counties. When we began working on this issue, we thought we’d just list a few places, people, and changes in our area. We had no idea it would be a major project for our writers to be certain we got everything that’s happening this year in one magazine. The growth and developments in both counties are occurring on an almost-daily basis. In almost every town, there are signs indicating new businesses, housing developments, restaurants, and sports. Have you tried playing disc golf yet? No clubs, but plenty of hazards. I’ve been in Lake County all my life, and it gives me immense pride to see it becoming a place with such energy and progress. Sumter County is doing the same. When we see our counties working hard to increase businesses and jobs, and to provide a stable place to live and raise a family, we know we’re living in a good place. I also like to see the new year as a clean page where I can write my own story for the next 365 days. I want to set reachable goals with a sense of well-being and great expectation. I want to create my world so that my work and my family are in harmony without one overriding the other.
I’m also thrilled at the thought of what will happen with Lake & Sumter Style in the upcoming months. Our editorial calendar is fi lled with interesting—and entertaining—ideas. Look for an issue offering suggestions for travel from here to any part of our state or another part of the world. Thinking about some renovating or updating your home? Watch for the do-ityourself issue.
Of course, we’ll always have our favorites during the year—Business Women and Men of Style, the Hot Issue, and Extraordinary People.
We’re already at work on these great stories and look forward to sharing with you the people, places, events, and excellent restaurants that make these two Central Florida counties the best places in Florida to live.
To the new year,
Kendra Akers

Kendra Akers
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Lake & Sumter Style. Published monthly by Akers Media, 108 South Fifth Street, Leesburg, FL 34748. All editorial contents copyright 2017 by Akers Media. All rights reserved. Lake & Sumter Style is a registered trademark of Akers Media. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. For back issues or billing information, call 352.787.4112. Return postage must accompany all unsolicited manuscripts and artwork if they are to be returned. Manuscripts are welcomed, but no responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited materials. “Paid Promotional Feature” and “Special Promotional Feature” denotes a paid advertising feature. Publisher is not responsible for claims or contents of advertisements. The ideas and opinions contained in this publication do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of Akers Media. Hot Off The Press! The latest editions of Lake & Sumter Style, Village Style, Healthy Living and Welcome to Lake County.
January 2018 LAKE & SUMTER
From gators to new economic developments, see what’s ahead for Lake & Sumter counties in 2018
BATTLING CANCER | A local woman is armed with a weapon—a positive attitude p.14
Like learning everything about local physicians? This issue is just what the doctor ordered.
JAN '18
100th percentile for Urology physicians nationally healthgrades ® grades
The skinny on negative-calorie foods.
IT’S NO FISH TALE Lake County has the largest bass in the state! RAISING THE BAR The NTC is a gold mine for Olympians! DISC GOLF A new spin on an old sport!
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Prostate Problems?
As men mature, the prostate grows from a walnut-sized gland to sometimes as large as an orange. This growth causes outfl ow problems from the bladder in the passing of urine, resulting in symptoms from a slow stream, getting up at night to urinate, or even worse—the constant urge to urinate, even to the point that urination begins before they reach the bathroom. These inconvenient, and often embarrassing symptoms, can be resolved by proper treatment of the enlarged prostate.
Dr. James Young is a very successful urologist who has been practicing in Lake County since 1982. “The treatment of BPH (an enlarged prostate) has always been my focus, and that is the primary reason I moved to Florida when I fi nished my medical training as Chief Resident of Urology at the University of Arkansas. I looked at Florida as being the largest ‘prostate ranch’ in the United States, so I began my practice from scratch in Eustis in 1982.”
For many decades, the only treatment for BPH was a surgical procedure, the TURP, more commonly referred to by men as a “roto-rooter.” Dr. Young performed more 3,000 of these procedures, however they were very invasive, required anesthesia, hospitalization, and could have serious complications, including massive bleeding and at times, death. Then medications were approved that relieved symptoms but after a period of time, the medications lose their effectiveness or caused side effects, usually sexual in nature. There had to be a better way.
In the late 1990’s a new procedure, transurethral needle ablation of the prostate (TUNA) was approved by the FDA. “I was never a fan of jumping on new technology quickly because, as we know, not everything delivers the results as promised,” says Dr. Young. However, after the procedure was used for fi ve years, Dr. Young began doing TUNAs, later known as Prostiva RF therapy. This procedure was done in the offi ce under local anesthesia with few complications. The procedure worked by inserting wires into the prostate, then low frequency radio waves were transmitted through the wires and heated prostate tissue to 115 degrees Celsius. This heat was transmitted in a conductive manner (radiate from the wires) but the heat dissipated rapidly as it traveled away from the wires. The heat was reduced by the formula of 1/r2 with r being the distance from the wires. Basically, cores of prostate tissue surrounding the wires were destroyed. Dr. Young had tremendous success with Prostiva RF therapy and ultimately did almost 3,000 procedures. His success with Prostiva gave him the distinction of being placed on Castle Connelly’s Top Docs list for fi ve consecutive years.
However, more than fi ve years ago, Dr. Young heard rumors of a new technology that was similar in some ways, but completely different in others. This new therapy was FDA approved in 2015 and was known as Rezum. “Even though I have a reputation for not jumping on new technology, I completely understood the science behind Rezum, so as soon as it was available to me, I switched to this procedure immediately.
The science driving this technology is fascinating. Using low frequency radio waves, water is transformed into steam and then nine seconds of steam is infi ltrated into the prostate tissue, once again in the offi ce under local anesthesia. The major difference is the heat is transferred in a convective, as opposed to conductive manner.
As Einstein said, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed.” So once the steam is infi ltrated into the prostate, and returns to liquid, it releases all the energy that changed the water into steam. This is a tremendous amount of energy and destroys much more prostate tissue than the conductive heat did conveyed by Prostiva. There is much less discomfort with Rezum and when patients leave the offi ce (usually in under 30 minutes), they experience no pain what so ever.
Since June 2016, Dr. Young has performed just under 300 Rezum procedures, almost twice as many as any other urologist in the United States and many, many more than any other urologists in the state of Florida. “The results have been so amazing and the patients have been so happy that Healthgrades.com notifi ed me that based on my recent reviews and clicks on my site, I am now ranked in the top 100th percentile of all urologists in the United States. While I am very proud of that, it is also very humbling. I personally think this is biggest leap forward in the treatment of BPH that I will see in my lifetime.”
Board-certified Urologist Practicing in Lake County since 1982 with extensive experience in evaluation and management of prostate problems.
If you are a fi rst-time patient of Dr. Young, you will receive a detailed examination.
“When I see a new patient I perform physical examinations and properly evaluate the patient’s symptoms, thus diagnosing the underlying problem(s),” Dr. Young said. “Next, I describe to the patient what’s normal and then explain what is abnormal with him. Lastly, I teach him his treatment options. If I’ve done a good job of teaching, he will select the correct option for himself.”
While prescribing medications for enlarged prostate can be done by primary care physicians, only urologists are trained to thoroughly evaluate the bladder and prostate (including ruling out prostate cancer), as well as providing extremely effective minimally invasive, offi ce-based therapies as alternatives to lifelong medical therapy.
With an offi ce staff with nearly as much experience as the doctor (many have worked with Dr. Young for 25 years), you don’t spend a great deal of time waiting to see him. “We pride ourselves in being timely in seeing our patients. We respect our patients’ time as much as we do our own. Patients appreciate this; many of our patients tell me I have the best offi ce staff on the planet. I consider that a huge compliment.”
So if you are waking up at night and have diffi culty falling back asleep because you’re worried what may be wrong, then it is time to check in with Dr. Young and have him examine you.
“Many men accept frequent bladder urges as part of aging. And while it is part of the aging process, it’s not like death and taxes. There is something you can do about it.”

James W. Young III, M.D.
Nationally recognized board-certified urologist
Annually over 50 years of age (At age 40 if family history or African American)
Introducing Rezum Therapy for enlarged prostate. Prostate Evaluation Center

Available for second opinions for BPH and Prostate Cancer

For more informaiton and to see actual patient testimonials, please visit: ProstateEvaluation.com

808 HIGHWAY 466, LADY LAKE, FL 32159 P: 352.751.0040 F: 352.751.2825
Medicare, TRICARE, and most medical insurances accepted. 100thpercentile for Urology physicians nationally healthgrades®grades