2 minute read
Jessica works 20 hours a week as a waitress at Ramshackle Café and 70 hours a week at Bountiful Farms. She hasn’t had a day off in seven months.
As of now, Jessica uses one acre of her seven-acre farm to grow organic food.
AGE: 32
Resides in Okahumpka.
DREAMING BIG: When my husband, Gareth, and I were chefs in Palm Beach County, we noticed the texture and quality of the food was grown with love. The restaurant where we worked purchased food from private farms. We thought it would be awesome to grow our own food, so four years ago we bought our own farm in Okahumpka. That same year we also had twins, Dade and Jacey.
TAKING ROOT: It took four years to cultivate the land and build a greenhouse. I also conducted lots of research to be prepared for pests, bugs, and fungus. Plus, I wanted to increase my odds of growing a successful organic garden. RIPE FOR SUCCESS: Locals enjoy coming to our farm and picking vegetables right out of the garden, which offi cially opened in November 2013. I’m happy to make other people happy. I grow everything: four types of squashes, 11 types of zucchini, fi ve types of cucumbers, four types of cantaloupe, fi ve types of watermelon, four types of cowpeas, six types of beans, three types of okra, 10 types of herbs, 15 types of tomatoes, three types of onion, and six types of lettuce. I also grow spinach, bananas, papayas, potatoes, and eggplants.
GUILTY PLEASURE: Going anywhere without my children. We took the kids with us on a weekend getaway to celebrate our 12th anniversary.
LAST BOOK READ: The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening, which was written in 1978. A customer gave me this book.
IN FIVE YEARS: I want to be growing food on all seven acres of our farm. I also want to have an online delivery service and a presence at farmers markets.
FAVORITE FOOD: Homemade pizza with fresh dough, real cheese, and vegetables from my farm.
FAVORITE JUNK FOOD: Cheetos. If they’re in the house I’ll eat the entire bag.
DOGS OR CATS: Cats because they are less maintenance.
SOMETHING NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT YOU: I am very shy. When people come to my farm I am very outgoing. However, if I’m in a crowd of people I don’t know I am not nearly as talkative.
PET PEEVE: Tardiness. Being late irks me to no end.
WORST GRADE IN SCHOOL: I made a D in algebra during my senior year at Leesburg High School. I tried so hard and did all my homework, but algebra just did not click. It’s strange because I took advanced placement classes in subjects like English and science.