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JASON FUGATE creative director jason@akersmediagroup.com
VOLKAN ULGEN art director volkan@akersmediagroup.com
JOSH CLARK senior designer josh@akersmediagroup.com
MICHAEL GAULIN production director michael@akersmediagroup.com
FRED LOPEZ chief photographer // fred@akersmediagroup.com
TIM MCRAE / vice president of sales tim@akersmediagroup.com
MIKE STEGALL advertising executive mike@akersmediagroup.com
TINA MORRISON advertising executive tina@akersmediagroup.com
DEB MATLOCK / office manager deb@akersmediagroup.com
AUBREY AKERS / administrative assistant aubrey@akersmediagroup.com
SCOTT HEGG / distribution manager scott.hegg@akersmediagroup.c
One basic fact of modern life is there always will be more to do on any given day than can be accomplished in any 24-hour period. Another basic fact of modern life is most of us won’t stop trying to achieve the unattainable goal of total organization. How can you sift through all the information, designed to make your life more organized, without becoming lost in another timewasting exercise?
While it may seem like busy work at the time, it is helpful to make a list. Itemize your goals and responsibilities for the day, the week, or even longer to help focus on the important details of your life. Prioritize and coordinate activities for the most successful outcome. A good list keeps you on track and also serves as a reminder of what you want to accomplish. Nothing throws off your plans to be organized faster than forgetting an important detail or activity.
Allow more time for every activity than you think it will require. Delays and unforeseen obstacles are a fact of life. If you build them into your schedule ahead of time, you’ll eliminate a lot of the stress of unexpected events that slow your progress.
Reduce or eliminate clutter. This is defined as all the stuff you own, or even the endless list of miscellaneous chores you think are important but, truthfully, just add chaos to your life. Minimalism, in your possessions or in your activities, allows you to focus on what matters.
Establish a clear vision of your goals. Don’t give normal day-to-day chores greater priority than they deserve. Look at the big picture, and let the little stuff fall into place wherever it can. Many things cannot be controlled. Put your energy where it produces the greatest results. Let everything else take a back seat.
Surround yourself with people who are organized and get results. Avoid negative, toxic, or lazy people when you want to be your best self. People’s moods and behaviors can be contagious. Try to catch a good one.
If you appreciate this advice, dive into this month’s issue. You’ll find guidance from professionals across the community— chiropractors, financial advisors, and everything in-between.
Until next month,
Kendra Akers