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Forgiveness frees you

You probably know people who have hurt and betrayed you. Welcome to the club!

Whenever you go through a rough interact with, take a deep breath and questions. What have I done to attract victimizers and abusers into my space? Have I set boundaries as to what I can take or not take?

The answers to these questions could your right to be treated with respect and dignity. You may end up drawing appropriate lines that should not be crossed or being a respectable person you that is not right, the “something” that makes it easy for people to step situation I went through taught me for you to be reconciled?” I responded, easy for me to forgive my partner. What is forgiveness? It is a declaration (by act or conduct) that you are not embarking in other words, it does not mean you

I had a marriage that was, putting so bad it was affecting my health. I had black patches all over my face. I used to twitch whenever I was upset.

Mary Bosiu is a lawyer, motivational speaker, author of three inspirational books, trainer, and life coach. Her passion for wisdom, team building, and more. Visit marybosiu.com for more information.

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