1 minute read
To ensure our readers have clarity of content, Healthy Living is updating two statements in the article, “Women & Health.”

The paragraph that begins, “Food impacts…” now reads “Nutrition is vital,” Joanne says. “The condition of the gut (not food) is responsible for nutrient absorption, those vitamins and minerals that keep your body going. We do a stool test to see what you’re not absorbing. Malabsorption can be a big issue.”
The paragraph that begins, “Estrogen is…” Hormones work in the body like a symphony. None are more important than the other. The one hormone that most women are unaware of that they desperately need is Testosterone. This is where the hormone pellet therapy becomes a convenient delivery system to help both men and women achieve optimal Testosterone levels. When hormones are optimized, we are then able to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life of our patients.
To read the corrected article in its entirety, please go to lakehealthyliving.com for the digital edition.

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