5 minute read
Restored eyesight & eyelids create a fresh outlook
When Kathy Lee relocated to The Villages, she was suffering from vision problems caused by two different issues: cataracts and sagging eyelids. She consulted with Lake Eye’s Dr. Scott Wehrly, a renowned cataract surgeon and lens implantation specialist. “Kathy was a perfect candidate for LenSx® refractive laser cataract surgery,” says Dr. Wehrly. The LenSx® system utilizes a computer-guided laser to remove cataracts with ultrasound vibrations, so no cutting is needed and patients recover rapidly “Because she also had diminished vision, I implanted multifocal intraocular lenses during the same surgery, greatly improving her vision.”
Kathy then saw Dr. Shelby Terpstra, Board Certified Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, for blepharoplasty to correct her drooping lids. “Kathy’s lids were really impacting her peripheral vision,” says Dr. Terpstra, “so her surgery was covered by her insurance.” Blepharoplasty not only improved Kathy’s vision, but also her appearance. “In the waiting room, I saw a video shot of someone’s eyes and I thought, ‘Oh, that poor lady! She looks so sad and tired,’" says Kathy. "Then I realized it was my before photo! I didn’t even recognize myself, that’s how significant the change was! I honestly can’t believe how much better I see, feel and look now.”
1 year = $1,842
Skip Joe And Muffin
Put wealth on your plate by paying yourself first
Most people do whatever’s necessary to ensure they have enough money to pay their bills — the mortgage, car, utilities, phone, credit card and other payments — each month. But the name on the first check you write each month should be your own. Here’s why. The key to saving in a meaningful way for your future is having a plan. That begins with knowing how much you need to save for retirement, and then paying yourself toward that each month.
If you think you cannot afford to save, consider this idea, called the Latté Factor, offered by best-selling author David Bach. You start paying yourself first by cutting out small expenses. For example, just by packing your own coffee and tasty snack each morning instead of going to the local coffee shop for a latté and a muffin, you can save about $5 a day. Over a week, that’s $35. If you earn a hypothetical annual return of 5 percent, your savings can grow fairly quickly:

15 years = $40,093
30 years = $124,839 30 years = 124,839
2 years = $3,778
5 years = $10,201
40 years = $228,903
By setting up a monthly transfer from your checking account to your retirement account, you can even automate the process.
Remember, it’s not how much money you make that will determine whether you become wealthy or live comfortably in your retirement years; it’s how much you save. By taking a disciplined approach to saving, and paying yourself first, you take the first steps necessary on your journey to financial well-being.
Lose Weight Live Great
A team of health coaches teaches a new approach to well-being. Learn healthy habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Free. Wallace Fitness, 252 N. Donnelly St., Suite B, Mount Dora.
DECEMBER 4,11,18
Group meets Thursdays
5:30–6:30p.m. at Florida Hospital Waterman in Tavares. Information: 352.223.9769
Cancer Support Group
Group meets the first Thursday of each month
1:30–3p.m. at Florida Hospital Waterman in Tavares. Information: 352.253.360
Lake County Toy Run
The Lake County United Motorcyclist Association Inc.’s toy run benefits The Salvation Army and the Lake and Sumter County Foster Parent Association. 9a.m.–3:30 p.m. Wal-mart. 2501 N. Citrus Blvd., Leesburg. $10. Information: 352.396.3593.
Remy Time
Come together for story time geared toward children and families impacted by autism or Asperger’s syndrome.
10:30a.m. East Lake County Library. 31340 County Road 437 Sorrento. Free. Information: 352.383.9980.
Cookbook Café
This fun holiday event allows authors, chefs and nonprofit organizations to exhibit and distribute cookbooks free of charge. Tasting of a recipe from the book is requested from each participant. 9a.m.–1 p.m. W.T. Bland Public Library, 1995 N. Donnelly St., Mount Dora. Information: 352.735.7180.

Look Good Feel Better
Group meets the second Monday of each month
1:30–3:30p.m. at Florida Hospital Waterman in Tavares. Information: 352.252.3605
Nourish Your Bones and Joints
Learn how eating nutrientrich foods and participating in weight-bearing physical activity can keep your bones and joints in tip-top shape.

2–3:30p.m. Tavares Public Library, 314 N. New Hampshire Ave. Information: 352.742.6204.

Mended Hearts Support Group
Mended Hearts offers hope to heart patients, their families and caregivers. Noon–1p.m. Florida Hospital Waterman, 100 Waterman Way, Tavares. Information: 352.253.3399
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group
Share stories and reach out to others who are facing similar challenges with multiple sclerosis, a disease that attacks the central nervous system. 10a.m.–noon. National Training Center, 1935 Don Wickham Drive, Clermont. Free.
Information: 352.242.2350.
Santa’s Twilight 5K

Enjoy a moonlit run/walk at beautiful Lake Louisa State Park. The event includes a costume contest, holiday entertainment and a guest appearance by Santa. 7–9:30 p.m. 7305 U.S. Hwy. 27, Clermont.
Better Breathers
An American Lung Association support group for those who suffer from lung diseases. Participants learn tips and techniques to manage their disease.
1–3 p.m. National Training Center, 1935 Don Wickham Drive, Clermont. Free.
Information: 352.241.7109.
Surviving In Style
Clients of Parady Financial Group joyfully posed as models and strutted their stuff during the company’s Breast Cancer Awareness Benefit Fashion Show. The event, held at Katie Belle’s in The Villages, featured clothing styles by Chico’s and Soma. The fashion show also included an auction, 50/50 drawing and a community spirit challenge. Proceeds benefited All About You Boutique and the Community Medical Care Center’s mammogram voucher program.

1. Vicki and Denese Kruse, Becky Ingberg, Kat Ortiz, Patricia Beck and Laura Gatt

2. Larry Nazzaro and Lauren Folland

3. Colleen Wilcox and Lori Timmreck

4. Cindy Nazzaro

5. Joyce Cash
6. Tiffany Whitley

Battling Breast Cancer

Leesburg Regional Medical Center’s Ladies in Philanthropy (LIPs) held a luncheon to recognize breast cancer awareness month. The event, which took place at Mission Inn Resort and Club, included a meal, door prizes and an appearance from Betsy Applebaum, author of “The Girlfriend’s Guide to Breast Cancer Treatment.” Proceeds benefited the LRMC Mammography Voucher program.

MONDAY: $14.99 Prime Rib Special and then Karaoke at 9pm
TUESDAY: Blackened Rib Eye Steak with music by Kelly Jarrard

WEDESDAY: Wine Down Wednesday—House Wine $4 –Dinner Specials!
THURSDAY: 20 Wings $16...Late Night Country Night with David Letourneau
FRIDAY and SATURDAYS: Dinner, Musicians, Comedy, Drink Specials …..

SUNDAY: closed ….our staff needs a day off :)
“LUNCH PUNCH CLUB” A er 10 lunches, the next one is on us!
HAPPY HOUR: Monday—Friday 4-7 with $2 Bud Light draughts and $3 house wines
Lunch starts at 11a—Dinner at 4p—Late Night Menu at 10p Looking
Thinking Pink
Florida Hospital Waterman’s Pink It Up Celebration kicked off a series of activities raising breast cancer awareness. The event featured health education and resources, tours of the mammography department and a powerful patient testimonial. The hospital also held other events in October, including “Pink it Up Pilates in the Park” and a “Pink it Up Army 5K run/walk.”