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A gift from Women for Hospice is benefiting Lake County hospice patients and their families with special services. For the third consecutive year, the volunteer organization presented a $100,000 check to Cornerstone Hospice during the organization’s annual Christmas luncheon in early December.
The all-volunteer group has donated over $2 million to Cornerstone Hospice since forming more than 20 years ago. The membership, comprised of approximately 250 local residents, collected more than half of the money at The Hope Chest, an upscale resale shop located in downtown Mount Dora. Other fundraisers, including monthly luncheons, provided monies for the remainder of the annual gift.
Nurse back to health
In December, South Lake Hospital held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new skilled nursing unit.
The new 28,000-square-foot facility is a partnership between South Lake Hospital and Southern Growth Partners. The 30-bed unit will provide inpatient rehabilitation for patients who have undergone orthopedic procedures. Typical stays will be 30 days or less.
The hospital is recognized for its high performance in orthopedics and has seen the demand for related services grow in the community. The new facility, which is scheduled to open in the summer of 2014, will add approximately 45 to 50 jobs in the area.
Source: mycynergyhealth.com/healthful-foods/healthy-tailgating-snacks/
“With its seemingly endless generosity, Women for Hospice helps underwrite programs that allow us to provide care for patients who may not have the funds or insurance to pay. It even helps care for patients’ pets when they are unable to do so,” said Nick Buchholz, executive director of the Cornerstone Hospice Foundation.
The Sunrise Rotary Club of Leesburg will hold its 26th annual bloodscreening event Feb. 22 at the Leesburg Community Building. The cost of the basic blood screening test is $40. For an additional $25, men can also have a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Blood screening helps identify problems such as anemia, diabetes, liver disease, vascular disease, kidney disease, and other health problems. The tests being offered include cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, potassium, and others. Funds generated are used for numerous community projects.
For more information, please visit leesburgsunriserotary.org .
Q: What causes Spider Veins?

A: Spider veins (also called telangiectasias) are small superficial blood vessels in the skin. They get their name because their appearance is similar to that of a spider web and are often warning signs of venous disease.

Many factors including heredity, hormones, pregnancy, weight gain, and prolonged standing or sitting contribute to the development and reoccurrence of leg spider veins, which most commonly appear on the inner and outer thighs, calves, back of the knees and the ankle area.

The Vascular Vein Centers’ unique injection sclerotherapy can potentially eliminate the appearance of spider veins by closing down the surface spider veins and the underlying feeder veins