1 minute read
Creating a mindfulness practice in 5 Steps
Being mindful means being intentional in your thinking.
Story: Kristy S. Rodriguez
Life is stressful. With never-ending to-do lists, we feel overwhelmed easily. You find yourself feeling tense, stressed, anxious, or depressed. How do you relieve some of this tension in simple ways without adding one more thing to your to-do lists? Physically, mentally, and emotionally relieve stress by bringing more mindfulness to your day with these five simple ways:
BE MINDFUL AT THE TABLE. It’s easy to say “be mindful,” but it’s a lot harder to actually do it, especially when it comes to eating. When you eat, focus on your food instead of television or your phone. Chew your food thoroughly and taste it. Notice the smell, colors, and texture of the food. A bonus is lighting a candle at the table while you’re eating.
SLOW DOWN. There is benefit from a slower pace in life. Find a few simple ways to slow down every day. Try disconnecting. Turn off email and place your phone on airplane mode, even if for only five minutes a day. Practice eating, walking, and driving slower and get out in nature.
ONE THING AT A TIME. Multitasking is a myth. Focus on one thing at a time. Concentrate on whatever you’re doing at the moment and nothing else.
BREATHE DEEPLY. Notice your breathing. By focusing on your breath you are practicing mindfulness, calming your nervous system and relieving stress. Do this often throughout the day.
SCHEDULE TIME FOR YOURSELF. Now, bring it all together. Once you’ve freed up some time and have a plan for what to do with it, protect that time and space. Schedule blocks of time in your calendar for self-care—to meditate, work out, or nap. Aim to make some time, every day, just for activities that are good for your well-being. Make a date with yourself, and if you write it down, you are more likely to keep it.
ABOUT THE WRITER → Kristy S. Rodriguez, pre- and postnatal wellness expert and advocate, is the owner and founder of Pure Nurture, a business devoted to educating and inspiring women to nurture and nourish themselves through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum life. As a holistic health coach and registered yoga teacher specializing in pre- and postnatal wellness, Kristy works with individual clients as well as teaching classes and workshops, both in person and online. Connect with her at purenurture.com or instagram.com/purenurture.

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