1 minute read
Coping with post-operative pain
Surgery can be a traumatic experience. For patients undergoing knee, hip and shoulder replacement surgery, enduring post-operative pain is one of the biggest battles they face. A person’s body is already trying to cope with healing and repair after surgery, and severe pain adds even more stress on the body. It is perfectly natural to have concerns—or fears—about pain following a procedure.
Fortunately, Dr. Donald Perry of RadnothyPerry Orthopaedic Center in Tavares is extremely sympathetic to these concerns and fears. He understands that appropriate pain control goes a long way in helping patients achieve full recovery and return to a full and active lifestyle much faster. Five years ago, he developed a pain control protocol using a special regimen of medications that has continued to evolve throughout the years.
His method has proven extremely effective. Dr. Perry has achieved the lowest pain scores at Florida Hospital Waterman based on surveys fi lled out by the hospital’s post-surgical patients.

“Ninety percent of my patients do not ask for additional prescriptions to treat their pain,” he says. “By effectively controlling pain, patients don’t have to go through any unnecessary

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One reason for Dr. Perry’s phenomenal success rate is that he begins treating post-operative pain before the surgery actually begins.
“I realize how important it is to achieve optimal pain control after surgery,” he says. “It helps them be more comfortable, move around easier and recover faster. It can also prevent complications from occurring.”
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RADNOTHY-PERRY ORTHOPAEDIC CENTER 2051 Mayo Drive | Tavares, FL 32778 | 352.343.2171