6 minute read


Tell Yourself A New Story


Identifying The Lies

All of us have a narrative we tell our self, a running story that defines our own perspective of who we are and how the world sees us. Usually this narrative is filled with lies like…

• I am not good enough.

• I am forgettable.

• I have no value.

• I am bad or unforgiveable.

• I must be perfect.

• I must be a success.

Without A Doubt

Let’s face the truth. We are our own worst critics. And sometimes we become so infatuated with our negative traits that we seldom take time to focus on all the positives. Self-loathing is detrimental to happiness in life. Here are some insults that some of my friends and family members have hurled at themselves. Chances are, you’ve heard people say the same things. I’m going to analyze why they’re wrong. Out of respect, I’m not going to use their last names.


We all have skeletons in our closets and wish we could go back in time and have doovers. Unfortunately, there’s no real-life time machine like in Back to the Future. So you made some mistakes. Big deal. Learn from them so they’re not repeated. And try to dwell on your triumphs in life rather than your mistakes.


So you’re not a runway model. So what? You have raised two well-behaved, intelligent children by yourself and made a profound impact on their lives. You make endless sacrifices so your children can have the best lives possible. In their eyes, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. What more could a loving mother want?


Well, the fact that you’re working and making an honest living means that you are NOT a failure. Look how many able-bodied people out there purposely don’t work and collect money from the government. It’s a great thing that you’re not one of them. And thanks to the popularity of online courses, you can earn a degree with the simple click of a mouse. It’s never too late to go back to college or take other necessary steps to advance your career.


Here’s something your doctor may not tell you: Being normal is unhealthy. Every human is different and unique in his or her own way—and that’s a good thing! If we were all “normal,” we’d live in an uninteresting world. You’re intelligent and educated. You also have a big heart and you’re a very likeable person. Embrace your many positives and come to peace with whatever makes you feel “not normal.”

• I must look or act a certain way.

A first step to changing the story, injecting truth into the narrative is to identify the lies. Rather than running from them by proving them wrong or giving in and believing them, the first step to a healthy mindset is to shed light on false forms of thinking. This is the step of developing awareness.

As you read the above list of lies, what else comes to mind? Write it down.

• How do you mentally respond to failure? This may give insight into your lies.

• As you think about your kids, how do you want them to think of their self differently?

Take Off The Mask

We all have adopted behaviors and ways of living that cover up the lies that we tell our self. These patterns function as a mask that locks others out and keeps us safe from having to address our lies.

Some people wear the mask of trying to fit in. Others adopt a different approach and wear a mask of indifference or rebelliousness. In either case, it is a struggle against the personal story we have come to believe.

• How do you wear your mask?

• What is the spiritual source of the mask you wear?

• How would anyone know if they are encountering the real you?

Become Your True Self

Overcoming the false narrative takes more than just the willpower to stop telling yourself the same old story. There must be a source of truth – that is independent of performance – to put in its place. For some, this is spiritual truth; for others, it may be abandoning family dysfunction. A vacuum in thinking will be filled in the easiest way.

Abandoning falsities and stepping into the true self of who you were created to be can create fear and involve pitfalls. Choosing to live in a new way will feel like first moving into a new house. Nothing feels natural and seems to be out of place. It takes intentional effort to think though our reactions


and new patterns take time to develop. It means learning to celebrate the successes and having self-compassion through the failures.

You should also have a partner. Regardless of whether it is a close friend, mentor, counselor or coach, there should be someone you trust in your corner as you choose to become your true self.

• What is your source of personal truth?

• Who can help you in your effort to tell yourself a new story?




Every thought you have influences your body’s physiology in some way. Even negative emotions affect your mind, because your body’s response causes your pancreas and adrenal glands to secrete hormones.

Like a lightning storm, different areas of your brain surge with electrical current, releasing neurochemicals too numerous to name. Your spleen and thymus gland send a message to your immune system to make a few modifications. Your liver begins processing enzymes not present before.


The problem is the longterm effects of negative thinking can cause your body to move to a state of imbalance, which is where all riddled with automatic programs of behavior that no longer support our ability to evolve. In fact, our reality in any given moment is unset Jello that we control with our observations, perceptions and judgments.

Thoughts can cause a power surge and flux of electricity in millions of brain cells. Because we each diseases begin. We can cause our internal chemistry to be bumped out of normal range so often that the body’s selfregulation system eventually redefines what is normal and this becomes our new state of health.

How do possibilities become actualities in our experience? Neuroscience teaches us that where we put our attention maps the very course of our being. Whatever we think about repeatedly, we become neurologically. It’s called “hard-wiring” in the brain.

The brain is not designed to just stop learning. When we stop upgrading the brain with new information, it becomes have the power to change or influence our thoughts every second of every day, we always have the unique capacity to change the very course of our being.

We’re only able to experience life within the boundaries of what we already know; so, it becomes obvious that if we want to have a broader and richer life, we need to bust a move on ourselves by asking more challenging questions, so we can experience new emotions.

Then, by packing more data into our neural networks, we can empower ourselves with a happier and more peaceful emotional state of mind.

By David Ebner

Chances are that you have heard about stem cells—they have been in the news for years. But did you know that stem cells are being used right now in the United States to treat debili- ceiving life changing stem cell treatments that just a few short years ago had not yet

With further advancements in the study - icillin both come from humble beginnings and accidental discovery, they are both used to treat life threatening conditions and dis-tical uses of their discoveries. - inally discovered in 1928 by the Scottish bi- tential of the medication was not seen until its wide use in WWII. It wasn’t until 1945, 17 years after its discovery, that Sir Fleming medication had saved millions of lives.

Stem cells have also been studied exten- the stem cells found in fetuses. However, the actual stem cells that are now being used to treat diseases in the United States, and the same cells that warranted the 2012 Nobel the stem cells into millions of healthy cells before extracting the stem cells from the - gardless of age or health. cell or a brain cell. At the turn of the 20th century, biologists discovered that some cells that reside in the body have not yet been as- damaged ones found in the lungs. Not only but it also works to restore lung function. - individual’s body is the creation of healthy blood cells that are not infected with the disis using adult stem cells harvested from thetute.com, states that they have treated over successfully treated with stem cells is any indication of the future, then it will undoubtedly be heralded as one of the ground-breaking medical technologies of its time.

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