3 minute read
Create your own personal heaven on earth
Tune out the world and make peace in your own place.
Story: Ilona Selke
Does reading the news bog you down? Does it feel like you’re not even a cog in the wheel of life? With looming threats from wars to terrorism, natural disasters to poverty, who can keep a positive attitude?
Let’s be honest: Does it really matter if we know what the rest of the world is doing or not doing? Why bog ourselves down with negative news? Such news does not do much more than stall our creative mind, and as scientific research has shown, it even can cause depression. Instead, become an agent of change and create a contagious happiness in and around you.
Our attitude creates a tangible energy field around us. We know that from personal experience. Meeting that grumpy sales clerk or a waitress that has an extra smile can make a difference in how we feel. How can we create that happy bubble around us? It is easier than you think with a few simple steps.
Start Your Day With Gratitude
Before you open your eyes, think of 10 things for which you’re grateful. Research has shown that the very first thoughts we have upon awakening determine the energy we feel the rest of the day. Include gratitude for a higher force if you wish. Research also shows that trust in a higher force adds the extra fuel needed to help us create a better world.
Take 15 Minutes To Be Quiet
Instead of grabbing your phone first thing in the morning to read bad news or get your brain involved in the chatty world of social media, get a cup of tea, sit down, and be quiet for 15 minutes. Indulge in the luxury of silence. Set a timer for 15 minutes so you can completely let go of how much time you have and train your mind to deeply enjoy these moments of quiet “you time.”
Envision Your Day In Advance
Think of one or more things you want to achieve today. Think of one thing that would touch your soul. Finally, think of one thing you can do today that is a gesture of luxury, something you can do for yourself. This might be a hot bath, a nature walk, a cup of tea, reading a book, or anything that gives you the feeling of extra time.
End Your Day On A Good Note
Reflect on what worked for you and feel good about yourself. We rarely take notice of the good things in life. It is one of the most overlooked resources to strengthen self-esteem.
Just notice what is not working. No need to judge it or get upset. By looking at what isn’t working, get ideas about what to do next.
Envision What You Really Want
Rather than getting upset about what didn’t work, ask yourself what you would like to experience instead, then visualize it. Allow a moment of seeing or feeling how it would be if the situation were exactly the way you want it.
Do This For A Week
Instead of working harder, you’ll find you’re working smarter because you are working from the inside out. As you practice pre-creating your reality, your moods improve daily.
Expand Your Practice
After one week of following these steps, start expanding your ability to work from the inside out. When you encounter problems, try this easy technique: STOP –LOOK – CHOOSE.
STOP. If you find yourself in the middle of a situation you don’t like or feel a negative feeling rising, simply STOP doing what you are doing and take an inner step backward.
LOOK. As you mentally step out of the situation, you gain your own inner ground. Just notice what is going on. This moment of stopping and stepping out of the situation puts you back in the driver’s seat.
CHOOSE. Imagine for a moment what you really want from this situation. Regardless of whether what you want is practical or not, give yourself the luxury of closing your eyes and entering an imaginary, positive outcome of your choice.
You might notice things in your life start improving because you pre-envisioned your fulfillment in advance. You may even notice clouds will part for you when needed. An inner peace will fill you and soon you will see this inner peace manifest outwardly around you, too.
Living in our own heaven on Earth is an ability all of us have. It is a magical journey of discovery that shows us the universe is listening.
The Writer
→ Ilona Selke is an international bestselling author, seminar leader, lecturer, musician, and CEO/cofounder of Living from Vision. Ilona has inspired thousands of people worldwide to discover the power of their consciousness and create a successful life for more than 30 years. Her new book, “Dream Big: The Universe Is Listening,” offers real-life stories of transformation as well as practical tips anyone can use to shapeshift their lives from the inside out. For more information, visit ilonaselke.com and livingfromvision.com.