1 minute read
1202 Aveni
Contact: Sabrina Ciceri (352) 267-3871
Power of Live Food to Transform Disease and Conquer Aging
In this lecture, Brian Clement will address the half century of work on disease and longevity conducted at the renowned Hippocrates Institute. Cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, MS, ALS, Parkinsons, fibromyalgia and more can be altered, prevented, and at times conquered with phyto-chemicals, antioxidants and other nutrients consumed on a diet of organic vegan living food.
Clement will explain the basic science and extraordinary mechanisms that bring about a heightened and balanced immunity. Hundreds of thousands worldwide share enthusiasm in their greatly improved health by utilizing unprocessed green foods. One of the exceptional benefits acquired from this powerful cuisine is longevity.
Get all your health questions answered regarding diabetes, heart disease, auto immune disorders, and Learn natural ways to turn back the hands of time. Book signing will follow lecture.