1 minute read
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s are quickly approaching. Without question, planning for meals and parties, shopping in crowded stores and decorating our homes leave us feeling grumpy and tired.
‘Tis the season to stop complaining and be thankful for everything we have. The eye-opening statistics on this page may very well help you appreciate those delicious meals, festive decorations and thoughtful gifts.
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Source: homeworship101.com/ wp_be_thankful.htm
In this world, someone dies from starvation every 3.6 seconds.
Source: UNICEF
There are 1 billion children across the world who live in poverty.
Source: statisticbrain.com/world-poverty-statistics/
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This year, 1.4 million children will die due to lack of access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation.
“You bought me a book for Christmas!? I’m not going to read it. You know I wanted a new bicycle.”
1 billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their name.
Source: statisticbrain.com/world-poverty-statistics
Source: statisticbrain.com/world-poverty-statistics/