1 minute read
tired of your
relationship with reading glasses?
Meet Raindrop®, a solution you can enjoy full-time.
Presbyopia, or age-related near vision loss, occurs when the eye’s lens loses moisture and flexibility, necessitating an annoying, on-again, off-again routine with reading glasses.

Now there’s Raindrop, a tiny, transparent near vision inlay. Smaller than a drop of water, the FDA-approved Raindrop fits just beneath the eye’s surface, invisibly providing elasticity to the eye to improve near vision, even in low light. Placed by your Lake Eye ophthalmologist in about 10 minutes, Raindrop can restore near vision long-term.
Lake Eye is the only regional provider offering Raindrop, so contact us to find out if you’re a candidate for this quick, safe, in-office procedure. It might be the last time you need to find your “cheaters” to read a menu or make a phone call. Wouldn’t that be refreshing?