5 minute read
Several prominent ancient Greek philosophers believed in the power of fasting for greater physical and mental efficiency. Among them were Hippocrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Fasting means abstaining from food and drink for a short time. Some people participate in fasting for religious and spiritual purposes, while others simply hope to reap physical and mental benefits.
Health Benefits Of Fasting
Get Your Juices Flowing
So, you’ve heard that the only true way to fast is by drinking water. Not so fast, my friend. There are three important reasons why you should consider fasting with juice rather than water.
When you fast with juice, your body doesn’t starve of nutrients.
When you fast with juice, it has an alkalizing effect on your blood. This lessens detoxification symptoms.
When you fast with juice, your metabolism does not slow down as much.
A study in the August 2005 issue of the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine discovered that chronically ill people who fasted on juice for seven days enjoyed improved health.
Source: livestrong.com/article/464264water-fasting-vs-juice-fasting/
Get Juiced About Health
Sometimes, you may feel you cannot eat enough vegetables. After all, who wants to endure the hassle of cooking green beans, carrots, broccoli, spinach, and cucumbers for one meal?
Purchasing a high-quality juicer is a simple solution to this problem.
One glass of raw juice is full of micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Better yet, they go straight into your system without having to be broken down. One gulp and you’ll be feeling a whole lot of awesomeness.
Insoluble fiber, which slows down the absorption of nutrients, is removed during the juicing process. In other words, your body absorbs 100 percent of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals found in vegetables. As a result, your body is nourished and restored at a cellular level.
In addition, juicing allows you to consume the recommended six to eight servings of vegetables per day. Very few people actually get that. Using a variety of vegetables for juicing is also beneficial because each vegetable offers unique health benefits.
Finally, juicing promotes weight loss, boosts the immune system, increases energy, and supports brain health.
Sources: rebootwithjoe.com/juicing-vsblending-facts/ articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/ archive/2014/04/19/juicing-benefits. aspx
*JUICER—you only want to use a masticating juicer.
*Centrifugal juicers oxidize the juice and you lose valuable nutrients.
Publishers Pic
*My favorite is the Angel Juicer. You can also find a quality juicer at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, the Omega 8006 single auger juicer.

*Blending is not juicing. Fiber is healthy for you but the purpose of the juicing is to get nourishment to the cells without waiting on the stomach digestion process.
Immune Boosting Turmeric Tea

1 c. hot water and one green tea bag (let steep for 2-3 minutes)
1 T. coconut oil
1 T. coconut milk (be sure it’s free of additives)
½ tsp. ground turmeric
½ tsp. fresh grated ginger
¼ tsp. cinnamon
Sprinkling of ground clove
1. Stir together coconut oil and turmeric until it creates a paste.
2. Pour hot green tea into a blender; add half of turmeric paste along with cinnamon, fresh ginger, clove, and coconut milk. Blend on high until mixture becomes frothy.
3. Pour in mug, sprinkle more cinnamon// clove//ginger or favorite spices, relax and enjoy.
Tip: Save the other half of your turmeric paste for another morning, and you’re already one step ahead. You can easily make a large batch of the paste as well.
Source: whole30.com
Green Juice
Green juice is a balanced nutrition drink comprised of 50 percent vegetables and 50 percent sprouts

Makes 16 oz.
1 lb. of cucumbers (1 1/2 cucumbers usually)
2 celery stalks
4 oz. pea sprouts (approximately one large handful)
4 oz. sunflower sprouts
Juice and strain if desired to remove foam or larger particles that may fall into container during juicing.
Blending also breaks down the food so quickly and violently you lose some of your nutrients through the process.
Source: hippocratesinst.org
Super Angel Juicer juice organic produce. Since the drink is getting absorbed so quickly, you don’t want the pesticides getting into the
Never add fruit to juices due to the high sugar content. When juiced, there is no digestion needed in the stomach and the cells readily consume the drink. Juicing fruit causes too much sugar to enter the bloodstream.
Only org drink don t want the bloodstream hippoc
Source: hippocratesinst.org
Imagine spending 10 days of a liquid-only diet consisting of a lemonade-like beverage, a saltwater drink, and a herbal laxative tea.
This special diet is known as the Master Cleanse, made popular by Stanley Burrough’s book, “The Master Cleanser.” Celebrities such as Beyonce have tried this diet and claim that it detoxifies their digestive system and increases energy, vitality and happiness.
After 10 days, people can gradually reintroduce food back into their diet, beginning with juice and soup. Anyone who sticks to the plan will eat very little meat and eliminate dairy.
Source: WebMD
Drinking water is important. One of the biggest reasons—and something you likely did not know—is because our bodies deplete 16 ounces of water while we’re sleeping. It’s important to replenish that water.
Many of you prefer drinking sodas or artificial fruit juice because they’re tastier. However, you can “sweeten” the taste of water by adding:
Cucumbers (they have antiinflammatory properties)
Sliced oranges (they contain flavonoids, which help reduce cholesterol levels)
Mint leaves (mint helps the body digest more easily)
Lemon (lemon helps clean out the digestive system)
Why is it important to keep your cells well nourished?
The answer is simple.
During the process of digestion, food is broken down mechanically and chemically. Then, nutrients are transferred to cells via the blood stream, which allows cells to reproduce, repair, grow, and divide, as well as produce energy and heat throughout the body.
In other words, digestion occurs on a cellular level.
When cells are not operating at full function, then it compromises your tissues and organs because they are made of cells. Thus, you will become prone to a decrease in physical functioning and be more susceptible to a variety of health conditions and diseases.
What kind of nutrients should cells receive on a daily basis? For starters, you should take a full spectrum of vitamins—especially B-vitamins, to support your cells’ energy production. Vitamin B6 can be found in tuna, spinach, cabbage, and bell peppers, while vitamin B12 is found in sardines, salmon, tuna, and beef.
Your cells also require a high intake of antioxidants to protect against free radical damage to your DNA. Antioxidants are in the vitamin-E family, vitamin C, and various fruits and vegetables.
In addition, proteins and healthy fats found in omega-3 fatty acids support healthy, protective cell membranes. Healthy sources of protein include fish, organic eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.
Also consider that many enzymes involved in the repair and replication of cells have zinc. Healthy sources of zinc include spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, and beef.
Sources: medicalook.com/human_ anatomy/systems/Digestive_system.html whfoods.com/genpage.php/genpage. php?tname=faq&dbid=19
Health Benefits Of Detoxing
Are you feeling fatigued? Are you experiencing digestive problems? Are you having problems losing weight?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then perhaps it is time to seriously consider a body detox.
During the process of detoxification, people rest, cleanse, and nourish their bodies from the inside out. The primary goal is to rid the body of toxins, which helps you achieve and maintain optimal health.
The are numerous ways to detox your body, but people must remember to first decrease their toxin load by eliminating alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars, and saturated fats.
Here are things you can do to detoxify your body:

• Avoid sugar and lowcalorie sweeteners. You may be surprised how fruits can satisfy your sweet tooth as much as candy and snacks.
• Eliminate processed and prepared foods.
• Exercise and sweat. Sweating is a good way to eliminate toxins from the body.
• Take herbs such as dandelion root, burdock, and milk thistle. Also, drink lots of green teas.
• Drink two quarts of water daily.
• Consume detoxifying foods such as beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, and seaweed.
Source: life.gaiam.com/article/10-waysdetoxify-your-body