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The “fat shaming” that doctors do when patients are in for a visit can be not only mentally harmful but also physically harmful, says a recent report from Science News. The American Psychological Association (APA) says such actions amount to medical discrimination based on a person’s size, and they take a toll on a person’s health and well-being. The APA encouraged medical professionals to be aware of avoiding recommending tests and blood work by thinking the patient’s problem is all fat. One study of autopsies found obese patients were more likely to have undiagnosed medical conditions or they may not have been administered an appropriate dose of a drug needed for better health.

Electronic Health Care

Adventist Health System, which includes Florida Hospital Waterman in Tavares, recently announced receiving “Health Care’s Most Wired Winner 2017.” Results were based on the Health Care’s Most Wired survey, conducted by Hospitals & Health Networks and the American Hospital Association’s Health Forum, according to a press release.

“The commitment our organization has made to leveraging IT solutions and innovation provides us with the technology resources needed to deliver exceptional care and quality to patients as we carry out the mission of extending the healing ministry of Christ in our community,” says Vicky Pyle, information services director for Florida Hospital Waterman.

According to the survey, Most Wired hospitals use smartphones, telehealth, and remote monitoring to help store health information and provide patients greater access to health care services. In addition, care is enhanced with information gained from data and analytics.

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