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steps to get your mojo back

Most of you are great starters but not all of us are nishers. If you’ve lost your mojo and want to be a better you, commit to a new beginning right now. Here are eight ways to get your mojo back and

CHANGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT. Change the grey and uninspiring environments in your life. Do some work out of the office, redecorate your home and add more color, and leave your cubicle and go out for lunch. If you are getting tired, move to another room. Add music or white noise to create something soothing. The more innovative you are, the more mojo you have.

STRIVE TO BE YOUR BEST. Always envision your “ideal self,” that part of you encouraging you to move forward. It is holding the guideposts and possibilities for growth, happiness, and expansion. What you think determines outcomes. Strive toward meeting your ideal self at the finish line. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Work backward from the ideal self by setting small, incremental goals for each area of your life to keep your mind positive.

CHANGE YOUR PATTERNS. When you break routines, you essentially create a new life. Habits are easy, but there is no risk in a rut. You cannot grow inside the traps of familiarity and comfort. To get your mojo back, be brave! Take a new class. Change your diet, change your workout, change your wardrobe, buy different makeup, and redefine your personal style. See what happens by simply sitting on the other side of your desk, getting a new perspective by looking at a different wall or window.

SHIFT YOUR PRIORITIES. Your daily schedule is a reflection of your priorities. If you have zero fun, free time, or time for family and friends on your calendar, you are missing the best parts of life. Robots do not have mojo. To reignite your mojo, schedule time for yourself first. On a plane, they always tell you to put on your oxygen mask before helping others. Give yourself time to refuel, and then block times to add joy and vitality to your life.

CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS. You are what you think. You cannot think negatively and have powerful mojo. If you think you are fat, you will feel fat even if you’re not. Thinking negatively accomplishing nothing, it is a lazy. Discipline your mind toward the goals of what you want to look like and be like and make the effort to get there. Soon you will feel fabulous.

INVEST IN PERSONAL GROWTH. The best of the best have the best of the best as mentors, friends, family, and colleagues. Learn as much as you can from successful, happy people who will share their wisdom with you. Keep yourself in a place of personal growth by going to seminars, reading books, or making goals. This makes you interesting to other people.

CHANGE FRIENDS. The people around you heavily influence you. If you’re lacking motivation and feeling down about everything, it might be time to upgrade your circle of influence. Negativity is contagious, as is positivity. Your net worth emotionally is the average of that of your five closest friends. When you hang out with successful, happy, fulfilled people, you elevate your own mojo.

BE AUTHENTIC. There is nothing sexier than being beautiful inside and out. When you are committed to loving and respecting yourself, you exude quiet confidence. Your focus is on being genuine, kind, strong, courageous, intelligent, successful, elegant, steadfast, and fulfilled. You possess enough composure that if you cannot say something kind, you have the wisdom to remain quiet.

True mojo is not a loud energy, rather it is an understated energy. Loud is repulsive ego stuff. Your mojo is the subtle energy your personal essence leaves in the wake of your presence—something to admire because of your authenticity and strong sense of who you are.

Not all changes are easy. They require a deliberate action, which can feel like an insurmountable challenge. Getting your mojo back is critical for your quality of life, so it is cause for radical changes and shattering tired habits. Face it: feeling passionate and motivated every day for your work, family, and self is a victory for yourself and those who depend on you.

ABOUT THE WRITER → Dr. Sherrie Campbell is author of the new book, “Success Equations: A Path to Living an Emotionally Wealthy Life.” She is a veteran psychologist, inspirational speaker, and radio host. For more information, visit sherriecampbellphd.com.

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