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A little homework help
Story: Carol Tuttle
When it comes to your child’s homework, do you beg, plead, or bribe? Do you threaten consequences? You can make homework easier for both you and your children with some simple tips to honor their natural energy. Every child has a dominant energy type that determines the way they move through life. It affects everything they do: playing, talking, eating, sleeping. And yes, it even shows up in the way they do homework. Ready to take the struggle out of homework? Here are tips for the four types of children:
THE DETERMINED TYPE 2 CHILD – These active children move swiftly and like getting things done. Their natural speed can be a challenge when it comes to detailed tasks that they feel are tedious or pointless.
• Help them see the point of it.
THE FUN-LOVING TYPE 1 CHILD – These bright-minded children think quickly and like to move. Their thought process works like snapshots of ideas, so engaging in a linear experience can be challenging for them.
• Pre-homework playtime. If your child attends a traditional school, they them come up with ideas of what they’ll do—that will give them something to background is actually helpful for them because it allows them to disconnect
• Homework jumping.
THE MORE SERIOUS TYPE 4 CHILD – These focused children are self-motivated. But if they’re not respected for who they are at school, they’ll buck the system. It will look like rebellion, but it’s really just their attempt to stay true to their nature.
• The respectful phrase.
• Ownership of a space. Set aside one consistent place where they can take ownership at the same time every day to do their homework—not
THE SENSITIVE TYPE 3 CHILD – These subtle children work methodically and are great with details. They are naturally quieter, so speaking up about what they might need can be a challenge for them.
• Planned routine (one that they plan).
• Invitation to connect.
Parents, here’s your homework assignment to end the homework struggle for good: Set the intention that you and your child are experiencing ease and enjoyment as you support them in their homework. It’s possible and you can start today.