3 minute read



Since 2006, more than 500 new energy drink products have been introduced worldwide.

Some 31 percent of regular consumers of energy drinks are between the ages of 12 and 17, and though they’re marketed as energy drinks, many of these products don’t provide any real energy. Instead, they provide a stimulant in the form of caffeine, guarana (which enhances the effects of caffeine), taurine (which is not FDA approved), ginseng (also not FDA approved) and gingko.

Energy drinks are cited as the possible cause of thousands of emergency room visits each year, including the documented deaths of 11 young people who drank 5-Hour Energy products.

The caffeine in 5-Hour Energy is nine times as concentrated as the caffeine in coffee.

Over the course of a full day, that amount, and even up to 300 milligrams of caffeine, will be fine for most adults — it’s equal to about three cups of coffee. You get a gradual rise in caffeine and the opportunity to eliminate it. The problem with 5-Hour is you are getting more than two-thirds the daily amount all at once, which can be a jolt to the system. Drink two bottles and you’ve downed 415 milligrams of caffeine.

Because energy drinks are often marketed toward active individuals and young people, the public, in many cases, is not aware of the difference between a Red Bull and a Gatorade. Gatorade is designed to rehydrate. Caffeine, however, can actually cause dehydration, along with increased heart rate and, added to athletic exertion, can cause unnecessary strain on the heart.

Also, because energy drinks are often cold, they can be “slammed” one after the other, resulting in very high doses of caffeine in a short time period. Monster advises to limit consumption to three per day, yet many drinks are sold in four-packs and none of this has been communicated to consumers, retailers or parents.

Spiked with alcohol, energy drinks cause another set of problems. Fatigue is normally one way the body tells someone he’s had enough alcohol. Since energy drinks contain a stimulant, the effects are masked and you may not realize how much alcohol you’ve consumed. Alcohol and caffeine are very dehydrating, which hinders your body’s ability to metabolize the alcohol and gives a person the impression he isn’t as impaired.



Reed Bull

8 80 0 miillliiggrrams in n 8.3 3 ouunnces

T Tab E Energy

9 95 5 millliliggraams i in n 100.5 5 ou o n nces

M Monsteer//Rockstar

160 m millig grams in in1 16 6 oun nc ces

W WireedX505 505 5 m milllliggra r m ms i in n 24 4 o ouunncees

B Buut t laabbeels donn’t alwways teell y yoou u how w m muucch h cafffe f ine is in n a p prroodducctt. Coompaarre e thesse e p prroduuccts to t thhe ca c ffeeine n yoou u w woould noormmally y drrink:

B Brreweed d coffee

2 2000 0 m millig i raamms i in n 12 2 o ouncees s

Energy drinks are cited as the possible cause of thousands of emergency room visits each year, including the documented deaths of 11 young people who drank 5-Hour Energy products.

Canned energy drinks don’t come with health warnings the way alcohol and cigarettes do. Because energy drinks often contain plant and herbal extracts, they can be labeled as dietary supplements rather than food and aren’t regulated by the FDA. And makers of energy drinks don’t have to reveal how much caffeine each drink contains.

Another consideration is the amount of sugar in energy drinks. These products often contain far more sugar than is recommended. Average cans of energy drinks contain between 24 and 29 grams of sugar. According to the American Heart Association, the daily maximum amount of added sugars is 37.5 grams for men and 25 grams for women.

While energy drinks are not very different from carbonated, caffeinated sugary colas that have been around for decades, marketing for energy drinks has created a product built around a premium price. As consumers, it’s important to make informed decisions.

Innstannt t coffee

140 0 m milllliggra r m ms in n 12 2 o ounncees

Brewwed tea

8 80 0 milliiggraams in n 12 2 o ouunncces

M Moounttaain Dew

5 54 4 millliliggraams in n 12 2 ou ounnces

P Peepsi

3 38 8 millligrams in n 12 2 ouuncnces

C Cocca a Cola

3 344.5 5 miilliligrramams in n 12 2 o ounccees s

C Caannned e or r boottled tea

2 20 0 miilligramams s in 12 2 ouncees

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