DINING TRENDS In 2020, people used to dining out at restaurants, had no choice but to visit fast food drive-throughs or place online orders for curbside pick-up and delivery from their favorite places. And while 2021 has seen people flocking back to inside dining rooms, many customers are still opting to take the food and eat at home, at nearby parks, in their offices or elsewhere. In Leesburg, a resource called “Leesburg Eats,” originally started by the Leesburg Partnership as a service to gather the menus of local restaurants
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and digitally house them in one place to make it easier for business people looking for lunch options and to save their desks from clutter, is still available. According to Leesburg Partnership officials, the website enjoyed an uptick of users during the pandemic that has continued. Those interested in using the service can visit leesburgeats.com. Restaurants interested in having their menus included, should call 352.365.0053 to inquire about joining and what’s involved in doing so.
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