Craig Leeas, Darrell Thomas and Tony Wrisht
Emma Parker, Jyden Sonnabend, Jordan Lasnoones, Brendon Elliott, Brian Malone, Ricky Collado, Emil Collado and Bretton Mackiewicz
Chuck Hiott, ErIc English, Rob English and Steve Skaggs Linda Bokland and Robert Bell
Steve Skaggs, Sid Brock, Mike Stegall and Bobby Rowe
Bre Murray, Cathy Hoechst and Rona Rowe
Jay Reid, Luke Covey, Steve and Janice Lotz
SUCCES SFU L GOLF BEN EFIT @ HISTORIC MOUNT DORA GOLF CLUB ≈ PHOTOS: NICOLE HAMEL. The first annual MLK Unity Day Classic Charity Golf Tournament on Jan. 15 at the Historic Mount Dora Golf Club was a success, according to Bobby Rowe, one of the organizers. “It was better than expected,” says Bobby, who was pleased 92 golfers participated in the inaugural fundraiser that will benefit Get Connected, Stay Connected Tutoring and Mentoring, a program geared to help today’s youth become tomorrow’s leaders.
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L A K E A N D S U M T E R S T Y L E .C O M • M A R ' 2 1
See all the photos for this event at lakeandsumterstyle.com/hisociety
Lillie Taylor, Lorraine Bowman and Wendy Simpson