Which is Better Private Jet OR Business Class ? While considering about traveling in business class and in a private jets, you may prefer business class because of the superior services and less price than private charter. However, it does not provide as superior services as private jets charter from Icarus Jet. When time and convenience is concerned, flying by jet charter is much more recommended. Let us suppose you have booked a luxury business-class ticket to Verbier in Switzerland. You are probably planning to fly from London Heathrow to Geneva. You would have to prepare a couple of hours before your flight, go through the usual check-in process and wait patiently to get on the plane.
As you have luxury ticket, you get the priority to board the plane otherwise airline delays might just be in the boarding, but still you have to sit on the plane unless all passengers have arrived. It is not going to take off any sooner just because you stepped in first. The flight takes an hour and forty minutes to reach Geneva. So now, you are in Geneva and waiting for your luggage and it is a two-hour drive to reach Verbier. So round-trip travel time you could easily say seven to eight hours.
Whether in business class or economy class, you cannot avoid people on the plane or at the airport. It takes generosity of spirit to overlook the shortcomings of other passengers and their shouting children. The person in the front seat wanting to recline its seat is never concerned if you are still eating or drinking. The kid in the back seat loves to kick your seat incessantly. Unexpected delays regardless of whichever class you are in. Moreover, there is always a risk of missing a flight and luggage.
While private jet charter on the other side is believed that only enormously wealthy and privileged people can afford. This is a misconception; individual contribution on a six-sitter jet charter from Icarus Jet can cost you cheaper. You can simply turn up fifteen-twenty minutes before, and in case if you are running late, the jet will wait for you. Go through casual security check, board the plane and you are ready to go. You can land closer to your destination and the unloading of luggage takes considerably less time. Considering everything, a private jet is a time saver, less trouble and an affordable luxury.