Rejuvenate Your Body with Massage Therapy n ancient Ayurveda scripture has sung the paeans of praise for a massage therapy as follows –
V³tavy³dhi harati kurute sarva g³treÌu puÌÚhi® Ð D•ïti mand³mºpa vit³nutevaivateyoy³® ca H Nidr³® saukhya® janapati jara® hanti ïakti vidhatai Ð Dhattek³nti kanaka sad•ïº® nityamabhyang yog³t H
not reach the heart in sufficient quantity. Consequently, the veins remain under-active. But, massage produces heat in these veins, and blood begins to circulate rapidly. The heart rate also increases in the same proportion, and pure blood begins to flow in the entire body. The purpose of massage is to help the nerves in the process of bloodpurification.
Meaning- ‘Regular oil massage cures arthritis, nurtures limbs, improves vision, gives rise to sound sleep and happiness, keeps infirmity at bay, generates energy and gives a golden radiance to the body.’
Massage is an art that helps in augmenting the blood supply to all the organs of the body. The heat generated by massage can melt the blood clots and also remove small knots which have been formed in the veins (varicose veins), especially in the lower extremities of the body. The blood becomes less viscous, and hence the lungs can easily remove contamination from it. During the massage, the body is also exercised lightly, so it feels lighter and more active. This process helps in removing the ailments and disorders of the lungs, liver, spleen, small and large intestines, thyroid gland, and the spinal cord.
Thus massage is an extremely beneficial therapy in rejuvenating the body. The primary function of massage is to speed up blood circulation. The heart performs this task. It makes pure (oxygenated) blood flow through the arteries to all parts of the body, while the impure blood is carried back through the veins to the heart for purification. The process of cleaning becomes slow if the blood from the veins does
Massage is the best way to stimulate the activity of various organs, digestive power, production of digestive juices, absorption of the digested food in the body, and the cleansing activities. There are about three hundred and forty-seven muscles in the human body, out of which forty- four are present near the outer surface. While other exercises can induce movement in these external muscles, a deep massage is required to provide healing and change in the internal ones. This ushers activity in the inactive organs, and these muscles begin to grow. The ones which have become fat or clumsy soon acquire their actual shape. Massage has a significant effect on the nervous system of
Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. – Hippocrates Akhand Jyoti
JULY-AUG. 2020