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Dynamism of mind
A human mind is identified by its dynamism. It uses the wings of imagination to cross the boundaries of time and space. The thoughts arising from different aspects of life give air to its activity and fuel its dynamism. Usually, thoughts are originated within our psyche. However, they can also enter our minds from outside, depending on our nature/interests. The external source may be called the biosphere or the noosphere. The level of noosphere at which the mind establishes contact influences the thought process and a person starts behaving accordingly. Considering the domination of thoughts over the mind, the Vedic scientists and seers/sages of yore proposed that the purification of psyche and refinement of human consciousness is the only way for the upliftment. Therefore, a person aspiring for spiritual growth should purify his mind and augment positivity in his biosphere. When the mind establishes contact with a higher level of the biosphere, then the high-level thoughts would automatically start coming to it. Maharshi Aurobindo called it ‘Supramental mind.’ Pujya Gurudev expressed it as ‘Rise of divinity in man and descent of heaven on earth.’ The aim of ‘Thought Revolution’ is this transformation of mind in which there is a continuous flow of noble thoughts.