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Let’s Work Together to Conserve the Nature09
Let’s Work Together to Conserve the Nature
This is the time when substantial changes are taking place in the subtle realm. The changes occurring in the subtle world appear as divine transformations, while those in the physical world are a mix of construction and destruction. Climate change and the consequent effects on the environment are one among this long series. Scientists are predominantly studying the changes induced by global warming on the coral reefs.
Coral reefs are a natural medium to absorb the carbon content of the environment. They are regarded as the ancient medium to restore the environmental balance. They are the place where life originated for the first time. Today, these structures, where life originated, are struggling for their survival. This highlights the fact that nature is passing through a period of severe transformation. Database reveals that we have already lost many hectares of coral reefs, and if the oceanic temperature further rises even by half a Celsius, we would lose even the remaining reefs soon. According to a research, this century would witness an abnormal increase in temperature, which could be between 1.4 - 5.8 ° C. If this proves correct and rainfall does not increase by ten percent, then the sea level would rise by ninety centimeter. This would have devastating consequences, the chief among them being submergence of coastal areas. Life is not possible on any planet, without atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Biosphere is the zone where these three spheres meet and is the only place where life exists. However, in the present scenario, all the three spheres are getting increasingly polluted and are fighting for their survival. How could life develop and prosper under such circumstances? Our environment is being polluted at such a fast pace that climate change is occurring at an unprecedented rate. The consequence is clearly visible. America, which previously witnessed five to seven cyclones on an average, today faces around thirty. Half the city of New Orleans has been devastated by one such cyclone. Heat waves have taken many lives in France. Abu Dhabi, with hot and dry climate, witnessed massive rainfall. The ice of the snow-covered Greenland has begun melting. These events indicate the exasperation of Mother Nature.
This decade has witnessed an increase of six to eight inches in the sea level. This has posed a threat to the ‘Great Barrier Reef’, the biggest live structure of the world. Kiribati, an island of the Pacific Ocean was submerged about thirteen years back. The Indian island of Lohachara, located in the Sunderban region has ultimately drowned. The Himalayan glaciers,
“God is a mathematician of a very high order and He used advanced mathematics in constructing the universe.” – Nobel Prize winning physicist Paul A. M. Dirac Akhand Jyoti November - December 2014 33
which covered an extensive area of 2077 km 2 , have decreased by about 500 km 2 in the past five decades. The Gomukh glacier has also receded. The sacred Shivalinga of Amarnath shrine is also under threat. Many rivers of our nation have been reduced in flow and width. Ground water is increasingly being contaminated with toxic materials like arsenic, fluoride and heavy metals. All this is a cause of deep concern.
Modern development is based on pleasureseeking mindset. Such a development could only enhance materialism and exploitation and lead to increased levels of carbon emissions and higher temperatures. This would be retaliated by nature in similar proportions, thereby depleting earth of its beauty. Today, we amass various electronic gadgets around us and think that we would be able to bear the extremes of nature. However, in reality, the dependence on such artificial means diminishes our innate immunity. Now our bodies can’t tolerate even small changes in weather. Nor could our hearts tolerate agony. Thus, we depend on various medicines.
The danger present today before the earth and nature poses a threat to the entire human race. It could be averted only if the entire humanity join hands and work with the spirit of ‘Vasudhaiva kutumbakam’. This is the sole remedy to save the earth and life on it. Father of the nation, Gandhi Ji used to say - ‘’There is enough in this world for everyone’s need, but not for anyone’s greed.’’ We should, therefore, work selflessly to attain our common good. The present environmental degradation is a warning to us; if we still do not wake up, then we would have to face the natural disasters again and again. Nature is our mother. A mother gives affection and also shows the correct path to her children. If we, as human beings, do not shoulder our responsibility even now, then nature would be forced to show its fierce form, in which destruction precedes any new construction. This means trouble for all of us. However, if we rectify our mistakes within time, we would be able to give a bright future to the entire human race. The only requirement is that we should return to our historic role of being companions to the nature and putting an end to the selfish efforts leading to its exploitation.
We should try to clean the rivers, rather than changing their course or constructing huge dams on them. Instead of exploiting the water, air and forests, we should try to maintain them in their natural states. We should plant as many trees as possible. We are free to do whatever needs to be done for the sake of our industries, economy, development or lifestyle, but without obstructing or disturbing the natural processes. We may extract from the nature, everything we want, but then, we should return to it in the same proportion. Establishing this partnership with Mother Nature is the sole remedy through which we could save ourselves from the rage of Nature. Nature would protect us only if we take care to conserve it. So, it is essential to act in a concerted way to protect, conserve and preserve our Mother Nature.
“The ultimate reason of things must lie in a necessary substance, in which the differentiation of the changes only exists eminently as in their source; and this is what we call God.” – Gottfried Leibniz, the German mathematician and philosopher 34 Akhand Jyoti November - December 2014