Akhand Jyoti magazine Mar 2020

Page 25

Yug Gita – 23

How can One Attain Ultimate Goal without Doing Prescribed Work?


ogiraj Sri Aurobindo says – ‘There are very few ïlokas in the Gita which are more significant than the seven ïlokas from 20th to 26th of the 3rd chapter.’ He also says that the word ‘lokasangrah’ should not be misinterpreted as social service or social welfare. This is a process of educating the people by an exemplar of devotion. The Gita has been written keeping in mind the highest level of emotions and spiritual experiences, and hence, the meaning of words chosen to describe certain aspects of life is not ordinary. But it should be considered extraordinary. The essence of lokasangrah has been explained very clearly in the following ïloka – Yadyad³carati ïreÌÚhastattadevetaro jana¡ Ð Sa yatpram³ña® kurute lokastadanuvartate H (21/3) Meaning: Whatsoever a great man does, other men also do that; whatever ideal he sets up, the world follows it. Arjuna is in a dilemma – ‘How society is affected by my personal actions?’

He gets the answer from Lord Krishna in ïloka (21/3) that he comes in the category of distinguished persons, and his conduct may become the cause of rise or fall of society. None of his actions is personal; instead, all his actions are for educating the people. Most people look at others for deciding their lifestyles, and hence, a prominent person should behave with caution. It is easy to become a hero or icon, but when some ugly aspects of life are exposed, then the entire society, which used respect him earnestly, starts reproaching him. The severe crisis of the present era is the shortage of saintly/ prudent persons who can serve as lighthouses of ethicalmoral conduct. There are plenty of leaders, but creative people are rare. The widespread moral decline that is seen today is the result of this crisis. The public is unable to see any guiding system. The entire process of Yug Nirman Mission and the whole endeavor of the Gayatri Pariwar is meant for awakening the same guiding souls, which used to serve as Purohits, lead the society and educate people by their conduct. It can be easily understood in today’s circumstances. With the aim that the human race should not get destroyed due to its moral decline, the Gita has been advising from the time immemorial that the process of production of great men must not stop. The method of organization of the nation should be based on an ethical basis, and the virtues of discipline, excellent moral character, and lifestyle befitting a Brahman should be visible in the leaders. Then only the revolution can happen. The virtues seen in the upper cadre of leadership will automatically descend to lower-level leaders

The Bhagavad-Gita has a profound influence on the spirit of mankind by its devotion to God which is manifested by actions. - Albert Schweizer AKHAND JYOTI



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