Akhand Jyoti_Feb-1944

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The Only Source of Inner Joy

Akhand Jyoti, Oct 1942 God has set a marvelous interdependence within and between the conscious and the inanimate components of Nature in order to maintain the eternal beauty and harmonious functioning of His grand creation. The uncountable numbers of stars and planets revolving in the limitless Universe are mutually connected by natural forces of attraction. Any break in this connectivity would disturb the maintained equilibrium and stability and result in gigantic collision and devastation of the universal system. The same is true of the mutual affinity of living beings. Just imagine! If a mother does not have a feeling of love or affection for her child, or there is no binding of love between husband and wife, brother and brother, and other family members, then what will be the state of the family institution? Lack of the feelings of affectionate caring, amity, cooperation, etc would ruin the entire social system as the letter is founded on these sentiments and consequent unity of its members. Dry-hearts and cruelty would destroy the sense of beauty from Nature…

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