The Significance of Satsang
Akhand Jyoti, Apr. 1942 Satsanga means being in the company of good people, inspiring discourses, and discussions. You should always try to be in the company of such people who protect you from evils and wrongs; who can induce hope even in the moments of despair and offer you encouraging support in adverse circumstances. It is easy to get the sycophants or selfish friends around, who would just be ‘friends’ when they need something from you: they need not be your well-wishers, and might even pull you in the rut of addictions, ego, and avarice; they won’t hesitate in stepping you on your back if it suits their vested interests. You may find it difficult to find wise men who would be your guides; who would be your critiques on your face to correct your flaws and advice you righteously; who would warn you of the dangers or risks well n time. People often prefer the company of the elite; we should know that the best company is that of the enlightened personalities, the elevated souls.