Akhand Jyoti_Mar-1942

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Thirst for What?

Akhand Jyoti, Mar. 1942 Instead of giving content, the worldly desires – even if fulfilled, always lead to newer ones with greater thirst. It is said that human life is just a sojourn in the endless journey of the individual self in its quest for completeness. However, if a human being gets rid of all cravings then he can attain absolute evolution in this life itself. Trisna (thirst for the fulfillment of desires, ambitions) is the root cause of all thralldoms, which entraps the individual self in the cycle of life and death. How a person enslaved by cravings would ever be liberated? Salvation means freedom from all worldly desires and expectations. Those having a quest for realization of absolute knowledge, truth should best begin with a vigilant watch on their own aspirations and control them prudently. It is said that inner content is the biggest fulfillment. No amount of wealth could match it. One may be free and independent in worldly terms, but in reality, he, like most of us is the slave of his mind. The one whose mind is captured by trisna cannot be free for any moment. Even the most affluent man of the world is like a beggar because of his trisna: because he would always expect something from the world in terms of greater success, wealthier resources, and whatnot.

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Akhand Jyoti_Mar-1942 by Akhand Jyoti Swadhyay - Issuu